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本研究应用金针菇(Flammulina filiformis)的两个菌株,黄色金针菇Y1701和白色金针菇W3082为作图亲本,采用分子标记以构建高密度的金针菇分子遗传连锁图谱。通过F1代产生的71个单孢为遗传连锁图谱作图群体,应用SRAP、ISSR和TRAP标记引物,利用PCR对得到的作图群体进行多态性分析,构建了一张拥有11个连锁群以及125个标记位点,总长度860.3 cM的遗传连锁图谱。连锁群平均长度为78.21 cM,最长的连锁群为132.9 c M,最短的连锁群为16.3 c M。多态性标记间最大遗传距离为38.4 cM,最小距离为0.5 cM,连锁图中出现了6个大于20 cM的间隙,标记密度6.88 cM,是迄今以来金针菇遗传连锁图谱相关研究中密度最高的。本研究所获得的高密度遗传连锁图谱有助于金针菇QTL定位,分子辅助育种和基因定位的研究。  相似文献   

为进一步饱和大豆公共图谱SSR标记,以大豆育成品种冀豆12×地方品种ZDD03651组合的211个F6株系为作图群体,以Kosambi作图函数构建SSR标记遗传连锁图谱。结果表明,栽培大豆冀豆12与大豆地方品种ZDD03651间SSR标记多态率为44.6%,遗传图谱包含21个连锁群,117个SSR标记,遗传距离总长度1 501 cM,标记间平均距离15.6 cM,其中包含8个偏分离标记。与公共遗传图谱相比,位点间排列顺序、遗传距离和偏分离位点比例基本相同。将SSR新标记Barcsoyssr41181、Barcsoyssr41201、Barcsoyssr41235和Barcsoyssr51266整合到C1连锁群上,填补了国际大豆公共遗传图谱中C1连锁群94.62~120.12 cM之间的SSR标记空白区段。  相似文献   

利用陆地棉推广品种中棉所36和海1配制杂交组合,并用中棉所36为轮回亲本构建回交群体(BC1F1,BC2F1和BC1S1).用亲本和F1对新开发的2102对SSR引物进行多态性筛选,共筛选到317对含有海1显性带的引物,占筛选引物总数的15.08%;最终对其中的275对引物进行了BC1F1群体扩增,获得306个SSR标记差异位点.连锁分析表明(LOD=6.5),有254个标记位点连锁,分布在42个连锁群中,覆盖2252.36 cM,约占棉花基因组的50.05%;平均每个连锁群有6.08个标记,覆盖53.63 cM;标记间平均间距为8.87 cM.利用BC1F1、BC2F1和BC1S1三个不同世代分离群体产量性状数据,共定位16个产量性状QTL,解释表型变异5.77%/~19.86%.其中,衣分6个,铃重6个,籽指4个.有9个增效基因来自陆地棉亲本中棉所36,7个增效基因来自海岛棉亲本海1,说明了表型性状较差的品种同样可能含有可用于性状改良的增效基因.控制衣分的3个QTL可在不同的世代稳定检测到,效应稳定,增效基因均来自高值亲本陆地棉,为进一步分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础.  相似文献   

基于EST-SSR的木薯分子标记遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
此实验以木薯推广品种‘KU50’为母本,‘SC124’为父本通过杂交得到包含240个单株的F1分离群体,利用300对EST-SSR引物,20对SSR和20对SRAP引物组合对亲本和部分群体株系进行多态性分子标记筛选,共获得具有多态性的引物110对。在此基础上,利用这110对多态性引物对该F1群体进行分子标记的多态性分析,共获得269个多态性标记。利用JoinMap 3.0软件对这269个多态性标记进行分组和遗传图谱构建,最后获得了一张包含140个标记的木薯分子遗传连锁图谱,其中EST-SSR标记111个,SSR标记22个,SRAP标记7个;共21个连锁群,其中连锁群1和3(LG1、LG3)上的标记位点最多(15个),LG21标记位点最少(2个)。此遗传连锁图谱的总长度为1314.775 cM,单个连锁群最长为132.904 cM(LG3),最短为0.431 cM(LG19),标记间平均长度9.391 cM。  相似文献   

烟草PVY抗性的遗传分析与分子标记筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以抗马铃薯Y病毒(简称PVY)的烟草品种RY5,感病品种Coker176为亲本,构建F1、正反交F2和正反交BC1群体,苗期摩擦接种PVY的抗性遗传分析结果表明,接种后第21d群体PVY抗性数据符合孟德尔单基因隐性质量性状的遗传模型。接种后第28d群体PVY抗性数据偏离孟德尔单基因隐性质量性状的遗传模型。提取F2代群体中抗病和感病单株DNA,从多条RAPD引物和一对SCAR引物中,筛选出两个紧密连锁的分子标记。RAPD标记O12V3695与RY5的抗病基因对应的显性等位基因位点(Va)间的遗传距离为2.10cM,而SCAR标记与Va间的遗传距离为2.52cM,这两个分子标记可用于抗PVY抗性育种。  相似文献   

利用感蚜高粱品种千三与抗蚜品种河农16杂交获得的100个F2单株作为图谱构建群体,以AFLP标记构建高粱连锁图谱。通过对192对AFLP引物组合进行筛选,共得到75对多态性引物,利用筛选出的75对引物进行选择性扩增,得到了154个AFLP多态性位点。经Map maker/EXP 3.0软件处理,构建了包含12个连锁群,93个遗传标记的连锁图谱,该图谱覆盖686 cM,平均图距为7.38 cM。  相似文献   

摘要:本研究利用中棉所36和海1配制杂交组合,并用中棉所36为轮回亲本构建回交群体(BC1F1, BC2F1和 BC1S1)。用亲本和F1对新开发的2102对SSR引物进行多态性筛选,共筛选到317对含有海1显性带的引物,占筛选引物总数的15.08%;最终对其中的275对引物进行了BC1F1群体扩增,获得306个SSR标记差异位点。连锁分析表明(LOD=6.5),有254个标记位点连锁,分布在42个连锁群中,覆盖2252.36cM,约占棉花基因组的50.05%;平均每个连锁群有6.08个标记,覆盖53.63 cM;标记间平均间距为8.87cM。利用BC1F1、BC2F1和BC1S1三个不同世代分离群体产量性状数据,共定位16个产量性状QTL,解释表型变异5.77%~19.86%。其中,衣分6个,铃重6个,籽指4个。有9个增效基因来自陆地棉亲本中棉所36,7个增效基因来自海岛棉亲本海1,说明了表型性状较差的品种同样可能含有可用于性状改良的增效基因。控制衣分的3个QTL可在不同的世代稳定检测到,效应稳定,增效基因均来自高值亲本陆地棉,为进一步分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

研究目的在于为以后控制重要农艺性状的QTL定位、梨分子标记辅助育种及品种改良提供基础理论。利用‘新世纪梨’ב崇化大梨’杂交得到的210株F1代实生苗为作图群体,对分离群体进行了ISSR、SRAP、SSR标记的多态性检测,共得到154条多态性条带,其中偏离孟德尔遗传比例的含21.4%(P〈0.01)。应用JoinMap 4.0软件对154个多态性条带进行遗传连锁分析,构建了一张包括9个SSR标记,79个SRAP标记,8个ISSR标记,合计96个标记分属于14个连锁群的遗传图谱,图谱总长度为1530cM,平均图距为16.1 cM,最大的连锁群含有64个标记,最小遗传距离小于0.1cM。  相似文献   

短季棉早熟性的分子标记及QTL定位   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16  
以两个陆地棉品种中棉所36×TM-1的207个F2单株为作图群体,筛选出73个多态性引物,25个SSR标记、35个RAPD标记和13个SRAP标记,构建了第一张以研究短季棉为主的包含43个标记,标记间的最小遗传距离为11.8 cM,最大遗传距离为48.9 cM,总长1174.0 cM的遗传连锁图谱,覆盖棉花基因组总长度的23.48%。检测到与短季棉早熟性状相关的12个QTLs,其中有8个QTLs呈簇分布在LG1连锁群上,找到对表型变异的贡献率在30%以上与全生育期、霜前花率和开花期有关的QTL各1个。  相似文献   

本研究利用中棉所36和海1配制杂交组合,并用中棉所36为轮回亲本构建高代回交群体。利用3223对SSR引物筛选亲本和F1,筛选到294对含有海1显性带的引物,占筛选引物总数的9.12%。最终对其中的267对引物进行了群体扩增,获得277个SSR标记差异位点。其中,217个标记位点连锁,构建44个连锁群,平均每个连锁群包含4.93个标记位点。图谱覆盖1908.67cM,占棉花基因组的42.89%,平均每个连锁群覆盖43.38cM,标记间平均相距8.80cM。利用陆海杂种BC1F1、BC2F1和BC1S1的表型数据,通过复合区间作图,共检测到9个QTL,解释表型变异6.90%-19.17%。其中3个增效基因来自海岛棉亲本海1,6个增效基因来自陆地棉亲本中棉所36。此外,控制衣分的2个QTL在3个世代都能够检测到,分别解释6.90%和19.17%的表型变异,效应稳定,为进一步分子标记辅助选择奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Linkage maps of perennial ryegrass were constructed from F2 and BC1‐type populations using, predominantly, restriction fragment length polymorphism data based on heterologous probes used in mapping other grass species. The maps identified seven linkage groups, which covered a total of 515 cM (F2) and 565 cM (BC1). They were aligned using 38 loci identified in both populations (common loci) and a possible marker order for all mapped loci in either population was identified in an integrated map. The estimated recombination frequencies and map distances between adjacent common loci were compared between the two data sets and regions of heterogeneity identified. Overall, the common markers identified a map distance of 446 cM in the F2 population and 327 cM in the BC1 population, reflecting a higher recombination frequency in the former, although the difference was not evenly spread over the seven linkage groups.  相似文献   

A cassava F1 population raised from the cross SC6 × Mianbao was used to construct a genetic linkage map. The map incorporated 200 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphism, sequence-related amplified polymorphism, simple sequence repeat (SSR), and expressed sequence tag (EST)–SSR markers which fit a 1:1 segregation ratio. It comprised 20 linkage groups (LGs) and spanned a genetic distance of 1645.1 cM with an average marker interval of 8.2 cM. Fifty-seven repeatedly detected QTLs (rd-QTLs) for three phenotypic traits (fresh root yield, root dry matter content, and root starch content) were identified in the F1 population in four trials of year 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2008 by inclusive composite interval mapping. Among the 57 rd-QTLs, 25 rd-QTLs were linked to SSR/EST–SSR markers, which will help to facilitate marker-assisted selective breeding in cassava, and 15 marker intervals on ten LGs showed pleiotropic effects.  相似文献   

A few linkage maps of tea have been constructed using pseudo-testcross theory based on dominant marker systems. However, dominant markers are not suitable as landmark markers across a wide range of materials. Therefore, we developed co-dominant SSR markers from genomic DNA and ESTs and constructed a reference map using these co-dominant markers as landmarks. A population of 54 F1 clones derived from reciprocal crosses between ‘Sayamakaori’ and ‘Kana-Ck17’ was used for the linkage analysis. Maps of both parents were constructed from the F1 population that was taken for BC1 population. The order of most of the dominant markers in the parental maps was consistent. We constructed a core map by merging the linkage data for markers that detected polymorphisms in both parents. The core map contains 15 linkage groups, which corresponds to the basic chromosome number of tea. The total length of the core map is 1218 cM. Here, we present the reference map as a central core map sandwiched between the parental maps for each linkage group; the combined maps contain 441 SSRs, 7 CAPS, 2 STS and 674 RAPDs. This newly constructed linkage map can be used as a basic reference linkage map of tea.  相似文献   

Using the advanced backcross quantitative trait loci (AB‐QTL) strategy, we successfully transferred and mapped valuable allelic variants from the high β‐glucan (BG) accession IAH611 (PI 502955), into the genome of cultivar ‘Iltis’. By backcrossing one BC1F1 plant to ‘Iltis’, we developed two BC2F2‐6 populations A and B, comprising 98 and 72 F2‐individuals, respectively. Genotyping of BC2F2 individuals with predominantly AFLP markers resulted in 12 linkage groups with a map size of 455.4 cM for Population A and 11 linkage groups with a map size of 313.5 cM for Population B. Both populations were grown at three sites in Germany over a three‐year period. Individuals were then phenotyped for 13 traits including grain yield (YD) and β‐glucan content (BG). QTL analysis via stepwise regression detected a total of 33 QTLs, most of which were clustered in three linkage groups. Two dense linkage groups A1 and B13 were found to be putatively homologous to groups KO_6 and KO_11 of the ‘Kanota’/‘Ogle’ map, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The first genetic linkage map of Japanese bunching onion (Allium fistulosum) based primarily on AFLP markers was constructed using reciprocally backcrossed progenies. They were 120 plants each of (P1)BC1 and (P2)BC1 populations derived from a cross between single plants of two inbred lines: D1s-15s-22 (P1) and J1s-14s-20 (P2). Based on the (P2)BC1 population, a linkage map of P1 was constructed. It comprises 164 markers – 149 amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), 2 cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPSs), and 12 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) from Japanese bunching onion, and 1 SSR from bulb onion (A. cepa) – on 15 linkage groups covering 947 centiMorgans (cM). The linkage map of P2 was constructed with the (P1)BC1 population and composed of 120 loci – 105 AFLPs, 1 CAPS, and 13 SSRs developed from Japanese bunching onion and 1 SSR from bulb onion – on 14 linkage groups covering 775 cM. Both maps were not saturated but were considered to cover the majority of the genome. Nine linkage groups in P2 map were connected with their counterparts in P1 map using co-dominant anchor markers, 13 SSRs and 1 CAPS.  相似文献   

To develop a high density linkage map in faba bean, a total of 1,363 FBES (Faba bean expressed sequence tag [EST]-derived simple sequence repeat [SSR]) markers were designed based on 5,090 non-redundant ESTs developed in this study. A total of 109 plants of a ‘Nubaria 2’ × ‘Misr 3’ F2 mapping population were used for map construction. Because the parents were not pure homozygous lines, the 109 F2 plants were divided into three subpopulations according to the original F1 plants. Linkage groups (LGs) generated in each subpopulation were integrated by commonly mapped markers. The integrated ‘Nubaria 2’ × ‘Misr 3’ map consisted of six LGs, representing a total length of 684.7 cM, with 552 loci. Of the mapped loci, 47% were generated from multi-loci diagnostic (MLD) markers. Alignment of homologous sequence pairs along each linkage group revealed obvious syntenic relationships between LGs in faba bean and the genomes of two model legumes, Lotus japonicus and Medicago truncatula. In a polymorphic analysis with ten Egyptian faba bean varieties, 78.9% (384/487) of the FBES markers showed polymorphisms. Along with the EST-SSR markers, the dense map developed in this study is expected to accelerate marker assisted breeding in faba bean.  相似文献   

全基因组导入系是遗传和育种研究的重要材料。导入系经受体亲本和供体亲本间连续杂交、回交构建而成, BC1F1群体大小是获得理想导入系群体的关键参数。然而, 各物种所需要的最小群体尚不清楚, 并且难以通过试验确定。本研究通过编写程序, 模拟减数分裂时的重组过程研究适宜的群体大小, 并通过数学运算和试验验证程序的可靠性。结果表明, 编程模拟与数学计算和试验结果一致。BC1F1群体大小与连锁群数目、连锁群长度和基因密度之间均为正相关。当模拟连锁群从5个增加到40个时, 群体大小需要由6.06增加到9.49; 当模拟连锁群长度从80 cM增加到200 cM时, 需要的群体大小从7.14增加到8.64; 当模拟基因密度从每基因20 cM缩小到每基因5 cM时, 群体大小从7.65增加到8.22。为测试该程序的应用范围, 对水稻、小麦、玉米、大豆等主要作物进行了BC1F1群体大小模拟,在保证95%的概率覆盖全基因组条件下, 水稻需要的群体最少, 为12个个体, 小麦和大豆均需13个个体, 玉米需要的个体数最多, 为14~15个。  相似文献   

S. Murakami    K. Matsui    T. Komatsuda  Y. Furuta 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(2):133-136
The Rfm1 gene restores the fertility of the msm1 and msm2 male‐sterile cytoplasms in barley. Rfm1 is located on the short arm of chromosome 6H. To develop molecular markers tightly linked to Rfm1 for use in sophisticated marker‐assisted selection and map‐based cloning, an amplified fragment‐length polymorphism (AFLP) marker system with isogenic lines and a segregating BC1F1 population was used. Nine hundred primer combinations were screened and a linkage map was constructed around the Rfm1 locus by using 25 recombinant plants selected from 214 BC1F1 plants. Three AFLP markers were identified, e34m2, e46m19 and e48m17, linked to the locus. The most closely linked markers were e34m2, at 1.0 cM distally and e46m19, at 1.1 cM proximally. The two AFLP markers were converted to dominant STS markers. These markers should accelerate programmes for breeding restorer lines and will be useful for map‐based cloning.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out with the objective to validate the molecular markers, which have been previously reported to be linked to fertility restorer (Rf) gene(s) for WA-CMS lines of rice. Two mapping populations involving fertility restorer lines for WA-cytoplasm, viz., (i) an F2 population derived from the cross IR58025A/KMR3R consisting of 347 plants and (ii) a BC1F1 population derived from the cross IR62829A/IR10198R//IR62829A consisting of 130 plants were analyzed. Nine SSR and three CAPS markers reported to be linked to Rf genes along with two previously unreported SSR markers were analyzed in the mapping populations. In both the populations studied, the trait of fertility restoration was observed to be under digenic control. Eight SSR markers (RM6100, RM228, RM171, RM216, RM474, RM311, MRG4456 and pRf1&2) showed polymorphism between the parents of the F2 population, while the SSR markers RM6100 and RM474 showed polymorphism between the parents of both the F2 and BC1F1 populations. Only one CAPS marker, RG146FL/RL was polymorphic between the parents of the BC1F1 population. RM6100 was observed to be closely segregating with fertility restoration in both the mapping populations and was located at a distance of ~1.2 cM. The largest phenotypic variation was accounted for the region located between RM311 and RM6100. Using the marker-trait segregation data derived from analysis of both the mapping populations, a local linkage map of the genomic region around Rf-4, a major fertility restoration locus on Chromosome 10 was constructed, and RM6100 was observed to be very close to the gene at a distance of 1.2 cM. The accuracy of the marker RM6100 in predicting fertility restoration was validated in 21 restorers and 18 maintainers. RM6100 amplified the Rf-4 linked allele in a majority of the restorers with a selection accuracy of 94.87%. Through the present study, we have established the usefulness of the marker RM6100 in marker-assisted selection for fertility restoration in segregating populations and identification of restorers while screening rice germplasm for their fertility restoration ability.  相似文献   

Low-temperature soluble carbohydrate accumulations are commonly associated with anthocyanin coloration, attenuated growth, and cold adaptation of cool-season grasses. A total of 647 AFLP markers were tested for associations with anthocyanin coloration, tiller formation, leaf formation, cumulative leaf length, percent soluble carbohydrate, and dry matter regrowth among replicated clones of an admixed Leymus wildrye breeding population evaluated in low-temperature growth chambers. The admixed breeding population was derived from a heterogeneous population of L. cinereus × L. triticoides F1 hybrids, with two additional generations of open pollination. Two AFLP linkage maps, constructed from two full-sib mapping populations derived from the same F1 hybrid population, were integrated to produce a framework consensus map used to examine the distribution of marker-trait associations in the admixed F1OP2 population. Thirty-seven linkage blocks, spanning 258 cM (13.6%) of the 1895 cM consensus map, contained 119 (50%) of the 237 markers showing at least one possible trait association (P < 0.05). Moreover, 28 (68%) of the 41 most significant marker-trait associations (P < 0.005) were located in 15 QTL linkage blocks spanning 112.9 cM (6%) of the linkage map. The coincidence of these 28 significant marker-trait associations, and many less significant associations, in 15 relatively small linkage blocks (0.6 cM to 21.3 cM) provides evidence of admixture linkage disequilibrium QTLs (ALD QTLs) in this heterogeneous breeding population. At least four of the remaining 13 putative marker-trait associations (P < 0.005) were located in genetic map regions lacking other informative markers. The complexity of marker-trait associations results from heterogeneity within and substantial divergence among the parental accessions.  相似文献   

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