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The complex physiology of ‘Hass’ avocado renders its postharvest ripening heterogeneous and unpredictable. Several approaches have previously been undertaken to broaden our understanding of the causes of this postharvest ripening heterogeneity but without much success. In this study, a fruit biopsy methodology was undertaken to sample mesocarp tissue from a series of individual avocado fruit while following individual fruit postharvest ripening characteristics without significantly disturbing their metabolism. Using both targeted and untargeted metabolomics approaches, we analyzed the metabolite profiles of the biopsies in order to get more insight into the biochemical mechanisms underlying ‘Hass’ avocado ripening heterogeneity. While C7 sugars (mannoheptulose and perseitol), dry matter and total Ca2+ were not correlated with time to reach edible ripeness, untargeted metabolomics profiling of polar and semi-polar compounds (based on GC–MS and LC–MS platforms), revealed several metabolites, mainly amino acids, that were related to ripening heterogeneity. In addition, analysis of fatty acids revealed linoleic acid to be differentially accumulating. In general, slowest ripening avocados had lower amounts of precursors of metabolites involved in key metabolic pathways. Our study indicates that comprehensive metabolomics may provide new markers for avocado ripening stage at harvest, and may give more insight into the complex ripening physiology of this fruit.  相似文献   

Fruit maturity stage at harvest influences the response to postharvest storage conditions and bioactive compounds content. In this work fruit from two purple eggplant cultivars (Monarca and Perla Negra) were harvested at 12, 15, 18, 20 and 23 d after fruit set (designated as stages I through V) and changes in size, dry weight, calyx area, cell wall material (AIR, alcohol insoluble residue), firmness, respiration, and antioxidants (peel anthocyanins and pulp carotenoids, ascorbic acid, phenolics and chlorogenic acid) were determined. In a second set of experiments the postharvest performance of fruit harvested at stages I (“baby” eggplants), III and IV (traditional harvest stages) during storage at 0 or 10 °C was assessed. Fruit growth continued until late ripening in contrast to calyx expansion and peel anthocyanin accumulation, which were relatively earlier events. Fruit dry weight decreased between stages I and III, remaining constant afterwards. “Baby” eggplants had higher antioxidant capacity, chlorogenic acid (ChA), carotenoids and ascorbic acid contents than late-harvested fruit. ChA predominated in pulp placental tissues at stage I, spreading throughout the fruit core at as ripening progressed. No marked differences in dry mass, antioxidant capacity or responses to postharvest storage regimes were found between fruit harvested at stages III and IV. Late pickings increased yields and led to less dense fruit, which had lower respiration rates. Within this harvest window, storage at 10 °C maximized quality maintenance. In contrast “baby” eggplants stored better at 0 °C. Understanding the developmental changes in bioactive compounds and postharvest performance may help in the maximization of fruit antioxidant properties as well as in the selection of the optimal handling conditions for each ontogenic stage.  相似文献   

Capsicum (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Aries) is a non-climacteric bell-pepper fruit, exhibiting limited ethylene and respiration levels during ripening. In contrast to climacteric fruit, such as tomato which is largely dependent upon ethylene to ripen, the regulation of non-climacteric ripening is still inadequately understood. A metabolomics approach was used to identify differentially abundant compounds between ripening stages with the aim of elucidating metabolic pathways involved in the regulation of non-climacteric ripening. Metabolite profiling using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) was initially employed to screen potential metabolite differences among three ripening stages (Green, Breaker Red 1 and Light Red). Targeted analyses using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) or enzymatic assays were subsequently employed to characterise selected metabolites in more ripening stages. Starch, sugars and their derivatives were significantly modified during ripening which may affect the abundance of some glycolysis intermediates and consequently other metabolic pathways involving amino acids, colour and pungency precursors, and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. Furthermore, metabolites closely related to ethylene production such as cysteine and methionine gradually increased between the ripening stages, whereas putrescine significantly decreased during ripening, suggesting that some parts of the ethylene pathway may still be functional in this non-climacteric fruit. Thus, this study which utilised both profiling and targeted metabolomics, has identified a wide range of metabolites which are involved in various biochemical pathways and highlights the overall metabolic shifts during non-climacteric capsicum ripening.  相似文献   

Tomato fruit were stored in cold rooms at 8 °C containing an adsorbent–catalyst device including activated carbon–1% Pd either alone or with a heater (175 °C) programmed to heat at 3 h pulse intervals. Cold rooms without the adsorbent–catalyst system were used as controls. The use of the device led to very low concentrations of both ethylene and CO2 inside the cold rooms when compared with activated carbon–1% Pd alone or control rooms. In addition, the parameters related to ripening such as respiration rate, ethylene production, 1-aminocylcopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC, free and conjugated), colour changes, softening, decrease in total acidity (mainly citric and ascorbic acids) and lycopene were significantly higher in stored tomato fruit in control rooms than in those stored in cold rooms with both adsorbent–catalyst systems. The magnitude of the delay in these parameters was always significantly greater with the use of the device with respect to activated carbon–1% Pd alone. Thus, this device could be considered as a new tool to eliminate the ethylene surrounding fruit and vegetables in storage areas, avoiding the detrimental effects of ethylene action and leading to maintenance of their postharvest quality. Other additional advantages are the auto-regeneration process, when heat pulses were applied to the adsorbent–catalyst system, and the fact that it is an environmentally friendly technology.  相似文献   

Blueberries are ‘soft fruit’, a name which underlies the impact that fruit texture plays in their marketability. Worldwide blueberry production has been increasing in the last years, and they are now the second most economically important soft fruit after strawberry. During pre- and postharvest ripening, fruit softening represents the most dramatic change, leading to important losses in quality during storage. To support the FEM breeding program toward the creation of new blueberry accessions with superior texture, we used a novel texture analyzer TAXTplus to improve the phenotyping resolution, a fundamental step for a more reliable and precise selection of the most suitable ideotypes. In this work change in the mechanical profile of the blueberry cultivar ‘Brigitta Blue’ was initially assessed during berry development, maturation and postharvest ripening, revealing important textural variations. In addition, this novel equipment was exploited to compare the fruit texture behavior at two specific stages, maturity and after postharvest cold storage, on a set of 49 different blueberry and hybrids cultivars and selections. A multivariate statistical approach, including principal component analysis, was employed to analyze the dataset related to the textural parameters, according to their performance. Finally a storage index, originally defined for apple fruit texture, was adopted to depict the different storage potential of a set of blueberry cultivars.  相似文献   

为弄清香蕉果实可溶性淀粉合成酶基因(MaSSIII-1)的分子特征及时空表达模式,以‘巴西蕉’果肉为试材,采用PCR法进行MaSSIII-1基因克隆,通过Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR)和Western blot技术对MaSSIII-1基因及其蛋白表达模式进行分析。结果显示:MaSSIII-1基因cDNA全长为2397 bp,编码798 个氨基酸,包括4 个典型的结构域,GenBank 登录号为KU757067。MaSSIII-1 基因在香蕉根、球茎、花和苞片中表达量较低,在叶、果皮和果肉中表达量较高;随着香蕉果实发育,MaSSIII-1 基因表达量逐渐上升,在抽蕾后50~60 天达到最大;随着果实采后成熟,MaSSIII-1 表达量在采后5 天达到最大,随后逐渐下降。在香蕉果实不同发育及采后成熟阶段,MaSSIII-1 蛋白呈现出与mRNA水平相一致的表达趋势。证明MaSSIII-1 基因的表达不仅涉及到香蕉果实支链淀粉合成代谢,可能还涉及采后早期果实成熟或者支链淀粉降解。  相似文献   

成熟和衰老是果实生长发育中的重要过程,直接影响果实贮藏性能及采后品质。植物在生长发育过程中,会经常受到各种生物胁迫和非生物胁迫,严重影响作物产量和采后贮藏品质。NAC是植物特有的重要转录因子家族之一,在植物生长发育和胁迫应答等过程中发挥着重要的调节功能。本文综述植物NAC转录因子的结构特点、表达调控及其在生长发育和胁迫应答中的研究现状,展望NAC转录因子的应用前景及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

综述了近年来有关番木瓜采后生理生化、病理生理及果实品质控制和保鲜技术方面进行的研究;重点介绍了采后果实软化过程的生理生化变化、冷害生理、热害生理及番木瓜采后品质控制的新技术。  相似文献   

为探究红枣枣果在成熟过程中相关品质及抗氧化活性的变化规律,以不同成熟度(未成熟青白果、四成熟微红果、八成熟半红果和成熟全红果)的狗头枣枣果为研究材料,探究其不同成熟阶段酚类物质、有机酸、三萜酸、VC含量及抗氧化活性(DPPH自由基清除能力,总还原力)的差异性。结果表明:4个不同成熟度红枣共检测出8种酚类物质、4种有机酸、3种三萜酸,其中儿茶素、阿魏酸、绿原酸为主要的酚类物质,柠檬酸和苹果酸为主要的有机酸,白桦脂酸和熊果酸为主要的三萜酸。4个成熟度红枣总酚含量为556.7~963.7 mg/100 g,总黄酮含量为412.7~866.7 mg/100 g,VC含量为335.5~665.5 mg/100 g,这3种物质含量皆在青白果时期最高,且随着成熟度的提高呈下降趋势;枣果的抗氧化能力由高到低为未成熟青白果>四成熟微红果>八成熟半红果>成熟全红果。枣果在未成熟青白果时的VC、总酚、总黄酮含量最高,抗氧化活性最强,可作为获取天然抗氧化活性物质的原材料。  相似文献   

番木瓜采后生理及品质控制研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
综述了近年来有关番木瓜采后生理生化、病理生理及果实品质控制和保鲜技术方面进行的研究;重点介绍了采后果实软化过程的生理生化变化、冷害生理、热害生理及番木瓜采后品质控制的新技术。  相似文献   

敖雁  杨淼焱  张驰  吴启 《保鲜与加工》2021,21(12):118-125
番茄是研究果实成熟的重要模式作物,细胞壁结构和成分的改变是造成果实成熟变软的重要因素,综述了果实成熟过程中细胞壁各种相关基因、酶和转录因子的功能和研究进展,旨在构建番茄果实成熟软化中的细胞壁作用机制相关调控网络,为增强果实耐贮性方面的相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

库尔勒香梨采后特征品质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
摘要:库尔勒香梨贮藏在0℃、5℃、10℃、15℃、20℃,相对湿度:90~95%的环境中,测定香梨在贮藏过程中果实硬度、可溶性固形物含量及果皮色泽的变化,采用数值的极差及变异系数,研究采后库尔勒香梨的特征品质。结果表明:香梨采后贮藏于不同温度下,其硬度随着果实的成熟均呈现下降趋势,低温贮藏对硬度的下降有明显的抑制作用;可溶性固形物在不同贮藏温度下降不明显,特别是低温贮藏;果品色泽在各贮藏温度下,随着贮藏时间的延长,成熟度增加,有显著的变化。比较香梨果实硬度、可溶性固形物、色差的在整个贮藏期间的变化差异,色差的数值变化最为明显,对香梨采后品质及衰老具有明显的指示作用,可作为评价香梨果实采后品质变化的特征指标及采后衰老的重要指标。  相似文献   

Climacteric fruit show an autocatalytic burst in ethylene production during ripening and are therefore able to ripen detached from the plant. This detached ripening of climacteric fruit is a unique feature that is widely exploited by the postharvest industry. Non-climacteric strawberry on the other hand, ripens without the autocatalytic ethylene response. Surprisingly, we found that strawberry was capable of ripening after detachment at the green stage. This apparent ripening process was studied by comparing ethylene production and multiple fruit quality traits between strawberries that ripened on the vine versus detached. Our findings show that ethylene production is hardly influenced by the dissimilar ripening conditions, yet fruit quality is heavily affected. Importantly, detached strawberries did not reach the same fruit mass, lowering the market value of the detached ripened fruit. Furthermore, sugar and acid analysis showed that detached strawberries have a low malic acid, glucose, fructose and sucrose content compared to fruit ripened on the vine, indicating that a continuous supply of photosynthesis assimilates, water and nutrients by the plant is essential for normal fruit ripening. The unique aroma of strawberries was also heavily altered in detached ripened fruit. Detached strawberries had a lower abundance of most volatile compounds, except for alcohols, resulting in less intense aroma and unwanted off-flavors. It can be concluded that detached ripened strawberries are of inferior quality compared to normal vine-ripened strawberries and are unsuitable for marketing.  相似文献   

During fruit ripening a loss of firmness occurs, which is a key factor limiting postharvest life. In apricot, Prunus armeniaca L., a wide range of fruit firmness at commercial maturity has been observed in different cultivars. Endopolygalacturonase (endoPG) activity has been reported to be associated with differences in firmness in many fruit species, but never in apricot. In this paper, we reported the identification of an apricot cDNA (PaPG) coding for an endoPG-like protein with 393 amino acids. Protein sequence comparison with known polygalacturonases (PGs) revealed that multiple features as conserved domains and functional residues and a predicted signal peptide were present in PaPG. Moreover, a phylogenetic analysis of this and other plant PGs placed PaPG into a clade containing endoPGs expressed in fruit, abscission and dehiscence zones without a propeptide sequence, very close to PRF5 from peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch). PaPG gene expression increased during postharvest storage of the fruit, correlating with fruit softening and ethylene release, and it responded to exogenous ethylene treatments. We localized the PaPG gene in apricot linkage group 4 after genetic mapping based on SNP analysis, in a position apparently syntenic to the PRF5 locus from peach. Results obtained offer genetic evidence supporting the hypothesis that PaPG and PRF5 are orthologous genes, and consequently position PaPG as a gene of interest for studies on fruit softening in apricot, and contribute to the development of molecular tools for breeding apricots with longer shelf life.  相似文献   

Flavor is one of the most important attributes of fresh fruit for the consumer, and is affected by several factors, including genotype, maturity stage, and environmental conditions. Flavor-related metabolites were characterized in two important cherimoya varieties, cv. Concha Lisa and cv. Bronceada, during fruit ripening. The most important sugars present were glucose, fructose and sucrose, and only fructose and glucose increased during ripening. The most important acids were tartaric, malic and citric acids, and all increased as ripening progressed. Overall aroma profile was mainly determined by esters and terpenes in both varieties. Ester compounds such as ethyl hexanoate, butyl butyrate and hexyl propanoate increased during ripening. The activity of alcohol acyl transferase also increased during fruit ripening concomitant with ester accumulation. Terpenes, such as α and β-pinene, showed a reduction during ripening, whereas others, such as myrcene and limonene, increased.  相似文献   

From harvest to consumption, tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit are exposed to several exogenous factors that enhance product deterioration. Phospholipase D is a key enzyme involved in membrane deterioration that occurs during fruit ripening and senescence. Hexanal, an inhibitor of phospholipase D has been successfully used for pre- and postharvest treatment of fruit, vegetables and flowers. In this study, effectiveness of pre- and postharvest application of an aqueous hexanal formulation and an enhanced freshness formulation (EFF) containing hexanal and other ingredients were evaluated by monitoring changes in quality parameters during postharvest storage of greenhouse tomatoes. Tomatoes subjected to preharvest spray with EFF containing 1 mM hexanal twice a week had better colour, and firmness than untreated fruit and hexanal formulation treated fruit. EFF treated tomatoes also showed low hue angle values indicative of enhanced red colour. Preharvest spray with 1 mM hexanal twice a week resulted in higher levels of ascorbic acid and soluble solids in fruit than those subjected to EFF treatment, and the control. Postharvest dip application of harvested tomatoes in 2 mM hexanal as EFF resulted in enhanced brightness and hue angle values, reduced red colour, increased fruit firmness and ascorbic acid content after 21 days of storage, indicative of better quality. The results suggest that hexanal has the potential to enhance shelf-life and quality of greenhouse tomatoes.  相似文献   

Degreening with ethylene is a common postharvest practice in citrus fruit. In this work we have examined the effect of ethylene treatment on carotenoid content and composition, and on the expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in the flavedo of Navelate orange (Citrus sinensis L.) harvested at two ripening stages. The ethylene-induced fruit coloration and carotenoid content in the flavedo increased with the ripening stage of the fruit. Analysis of the changes in individual carotenoids revealed that ethylene stimulated an increase in phytoene, phytofluene, (9Z)-violaxanthin which is the main carotenoid in fully ripened orange peel, and the apocarotenoid β-citraurin, and decreased the concentration of chloroplastic carotenoids. These changes are consistent with the effect of ethylene on the expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes, since it up-regulated the expression of phytoene synthase, ζ-carotene desaturase and β-carotene hydroxylase genes, sustained or transiently increased accumulation of phytoene desaturase, plastid terminal oxidase, β-lycopene cyclase and zeaxanthin epoxidase mRNAs, and decreased the expression of the ɛ-lycopene cyclase gene. These data indicate that exogenous ethylene reproduces and accelerates the physiological and molecular changes in the carotenoid biosynthesis naturally occurring during maturation of citrus fruit. On the other hand, gibberellic acid, which delays fruit degreening, reduced the ethylene-induced expression of early carotenoid biosynthetic genes and the accumulation of phytoene, phytofluene and β-citraurin.  相似文献   

Physicochemical changes during postharvest ripening of cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill. ‘Madeira’), were investigated to follow the principal modifications occurring during this process and to determine nutritional value. Fruit harvested at the mature green stage were analyzed during ripening using standard methods. Significant (P < 0.05) changes in chlorophyll, starch, titratable acidity, total free sugars and uronic acids were obtained, but no significant changes were found in ash, protein, lignin and lipid contents during ripening. The most obvious changes were chlorophyll degradation, an accentuated decrease of starch and an increase in total free sugars, with glucose the predominant sugar in the mesocarp, as revealed by GC analyses. Firmness loss was mainly attributed to depolymerization of pectin and lipid deterioration rather than hemicellulose degradation. Results also showed that the cherimoya variety evaluated in this study is a good source of minerals (mainly potassium), palmitic acid, linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid and sitosterol.  相似文献   

Chemical composition (titratable acidity, moisture content, crude fibre, colour, pH, soluble solids, sugars, organic acids) and flavour changes during ripening of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus L.) cultivar J3 were evaluated. Significant (p < 0.05) changes in titratable acidity and colour was obtained, but no significant changes were found in moisture and crude fiber contents during ripening. Total soluble solids and total sugars increased significantly (p < 0.05) throughout the ripening process. Total soluble solids at the top portion of the fruit were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than middle and bottom portions of the same fruit. A high content of malic acid was found in unripe fruit (day 1). In contrast, ripened fruit (days 5 and 6) contained a high amount of citric acid. Overall, the total amount of organic acids was found to decrease from the early to later stage of ripening. A total of 23 volatile compounds were tentatively identified by GC and GC–MS. The number of peaks was observed to increase throughout the ripening process. In this study, data obtained suggest that the ripening process of jackfruit was at its optimum at day 5 after harvest.  相似文献   

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