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采用模糊数学综合评判方法,综合评价了2003年国家饲草高粱杂交种区域试验材料。结果表明,6个饲草高粱杂交种中,其中晋草1号、健宝两个品种以每公顷产量、丰产素质为主,包括抗病性、抗倒性、株高在内的综合性状明显优于对照皖草2号,达到优良的评价标准,其综合指标值分别比对照增加17.51%和15.95%。辽草1号、苏波丹综合性状比对照稍有减产,但减产幅度不大;综合评价为较好或一般,润宝1号、润宝2号比对照减产幅度很大,综合评价为较差。模糊数学评判方法,客观的反映了品种的综合特性,克服了仅用产量指标评价品种优劣的不足,对新品种的审定、推广都具有积极重要的意义。  相似文献   

本文用模糊数学综合评判方法综合评价了1991~1992年武汉市长豇豆新品种比较试验材料。结果表明,9个参试品种中之豇14和高产四号的早期产量、总产量、总产值以及丰产素质、早熟性、嫩荚品质、抗根腐病、抗疫病等综合性状明显优于对照之豇28—2,达到优良的评价标准,其综合指标值分别比对照增加19.44%和12.04%,且适应能力强,综合性状稳定性好。之豇19、杜豇和33—47三个品种的综合性状稍劣于对照。综合指标值减少率在10%范围内。其余品种综合性状劣于对照很多。因此之豇14和高产四号可在武汉地区推广种植。  相似文献   

克杂13号高粱杂交种是黑龙江省农科院小麦研究所以克18A×克恢42号杂交育成。1985年黑龙江省品种审定委员会审定。该杂交种幼苗耐低温,生长势强。株高210—220厘米,抗黑穗病,耐蚜虫。中紧  相似文献   

为了满足新疆伊犁地区酿酒企业对优质酿酒专用糯高粱品种的需求,筛选了 4 个试种表现较好的糯高粱品种,在伊犁河谷 2 个不同生态区进行适应性比较试验。试验表明:4 个糯高粱品种在 2 个区域种植均可正常成熟,且所有品种在积温偏低的河谷东部片区种植生育期均比河谷中心片区长 4~5d ;在产量方面,综合 2 个不同地区各糯高粱的产量表现,产量均比对照晋杂 22 高,排名由高到低分别为齐杂 106、辽粘 3 号、齐糯 115、辽糯 10 号、晋杂 22;在酿酒品质方面,4 个参试糯高粱品种的粗淀粉含量介于 73.72%~76.60%,支链淀粉含量介于 95.88%~98.80%,粗蛋白含量介于 8.54%~10.40%,粗脂肪含量介于3.06%~3.91%,单宁含量介于 0.77~1.15%,均符合本地伊力特酒厂对高粱原料的品质需求。综合品种产量及品质特性,推荐齐杂 106、辽粘 3 号在伊犁河谷地区种植。  相似文献   

适宜机械化种植的高粱品种晋杂39号的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晋杂39号是山西省农业科学院高粱研究所利用自选不育系SX605A为母本、自选恢复系SX1932为父本杂交选育而成的高粱杂交种。2013-2014年参加山西省高粱中晚熟机械化组区域试验,每667m~2平均产585.9kg,比对照晋杂22号增产6.7%,2年8个试验点6个点增产。其中2013年每667m~2平均产566.7kg,比对照晋杂22号增产7.8%;2014年平均产605.1kg,比对照晋杂22号增产5.8%。2015年通过山西省品种审定委员会的审定(审定编号:晋审杂(认)2015005)。晋杂39号抗旱、抗倒性好,高抗丝黑穗病,抗逆性强,适应性强,植株较低,适宜机械化栽培种植。  相似文献   

牛皓 《中国种业》2017,(5):63-64
晋杂39号是山西省农业科学院高粱研究所利用自选不育系SX605A为母本、自选恢复系SX1932为父本杂交选育而成的高粱杂交种.2013-2014年参加山西省高粱中晚熟机械化组区域试验,每667m2平均产585.9kg,比对照晋杂22号增产6.7%,2年8个试验点6个点增产.其中2013年每667m2平均产566.7kg,比对照晋杂22号增产7.8%;2014年平均产605.1kg,比对照晋杂22号增产5.8%.2015年通过山西省品种审定委员会的审定(审定编号:晋审杂(认)2015005).晋杂39号抗旱、抗倒性好,高抗丝黑穗病,抗逆性强,适应性强,植株较低,适宜机械化栽培种植.  相似文献   

晋杂18号(组培1号)是山西省农科院高粱所首次在国内利用克隆育种技术育成的高产、优质、多抗高粱杂交种.母本为引进美国不育系,父本为本所利用克隆变异技术选育的优良恢复系.1999年通过山西省品种审定.2001-2003年参加全国高粱品种区试,在华北、西北名列第一,超过全国高粱区试标准,今年即可通过国家审定.在制种中,由于父本偏晚,母本对环境条件敏感,杂交制种技术复杂,使得花期相遇不好,影响制种产量和质量.根据该品种的生长发育特性,并通过多年的杂交制种实践,我们摸索出了一套晋杂18号高粱杂交制种栽培技术.  相似文献   

早熟高粱晋杂15特性及高产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晋杂 1 5(原名 94-1 )是山西省农业科学院高粱研究所利用外引不育系黑龙 1 1A为母本 ,本所自选抗旱坚秆恢复系七抗七为父本 ,于1 992年育成的早熟、酿酒、高产、多抗高粱杂交种。适宜于我国山西、黑龙江、内蒙古、吉林、河北、辽宁、宁夏、甘肃、新疆等无霜期 1 3 0d左右的地区种植 ,1 998年通过山西省农作物品种审定委员会审定 ,定名为晋杂 1 5。1 产量表现1 994~ 1 995年在寿阳县东部高寒区宗艾镇宗艾村示范区进行的品种 (系 )比较试验 ,两年平均产量为 582 6kg/hm2 ,比对照品种赤育 8号增产 3 3 .7% ,1 996~ 1 997年直接参加山…  相似文献   

利用从美国引进的高粱3197A原原种组配了晋杂一号(原)、晋杂四号(原)和晋杂五号(原)3个杂交种.并用这些原种与我国目前生产上使用的3197A、晋杂一号、晋杂四号、晋杂五号在人工接种条件下做了对丝黑穗病敏感性的比较试验.结果表明,3197A自身对丝黑穗病的敏感性和这一特性的遗传能力没有发生显著变化,其抗病性丧失是由于我国丝黑穗病菌生理小种变化所致.  相似文献   

高粱龙杂1号高产栽培技术王黎明(黑龙江省农业科学院作物育种研究所哈尔滨市150086)张育松(哈尔滨市动力区农林局)龙杂1号高粱杂交种是黑龙江省农科院作物育种研究所以不育系l1A为母本,恢复系158为父本杂交而成。该品种综合性状优于同杂2号,具有产量……  相似文献   

G. H. Kroon 《Euphytica》1994,76(1-2):125-125
Summary K x vadensis is a hybrid of K. blossfeldiana and K. marmorata obtained after doubling the number of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata, is one of the important pests of postrainy season sorghums. Of the 90 sorghum genotypes evaluated for resistance to this pest, RHRB 12, ICSV 713, 25026, 93046 and 25027, IS 33844‐5, Giddi Maldandi and RVRT 3 exhibited resistance in postrainy season, while ICSB 463, Phule Anuradha, RHRB 19, Parbhani Moti, ICSV 705, PS 35805, IS 5480, 5622, 17726, 18368 and 34722, RVRT 1, ICSR 93031 and Dagidi Solapur showed resistance in rainy season, suggesting season‐specific expression of resistance to A. soccata. ICSB 461, ICSB 463, Phule Yasodha, M 35‐1, ICSV 700, 711, 25010, 25019 and 93089, IS 18662, Phule Vasudha, IS 18551 and 33844‐5 and Barsizoot had fewer deadhearts than plants with eggs across seasons, suggesting antibiosis as one of the resistance mechanism. Five genotypes exhibited resistance with high grain yield across seasons. Correlation, path and stepwise regression analyses indicated that leaf glossiness, seedling vigour, trichome density, oviposition and leaf sheath pigmentation were associated with the expression of resistance/susceptibility to shoot fly, and these can be used as marker traits to select and develop shoot fly‐resistant sorghums.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum chilense is a wild barley extensively used in wide crosses in the Triticeae. It could be a valuable source of resistance to Fusarium culmorum and Septoria nodorum. Some H. chilense x Triticum spp. amphiploids, named tritordeums, were more resistant than the parental wheat line to these diseases, others were not. Average contents of ergosterol and deoxynivalenol (DON) suggested that resistance to colonization by Fusarium was the highest for Hordeum chilense, followed by tritordeum and wheat in decreasing order. In particular, the H. chilense genotypes H7 and H17 enhanced the wheat resistance to F. culmorum in its tritordeum offsprings. Resistance to S. nodorum in tritordeum was not associated with tall plant height. There is sufficient genetic variation for resistance to F. culmorum and S. nodorum among tritordeum to allow the breeding of lines combining short straw and resistance to both diseases.  相似文献   

J. T. Fletcher 《Euphytica》1992,63(1-2):33-49
Summary Cultivars of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and peppers have been bred for resistance to one or more pathogens. Some tomato and cucumber cultivars have resistance to a wide range of diseases. Resistance has been transient in many cases and a succession of cultivars with new genes or new combinations of resistance genes has been necessary to maintain control. There has been a number of notable exceptions and these have included durable resistance to such pathogens asFulvia fulva and tomato mosaic virus. With lettuce the resistance situation is complicated by the occurrence of fungicide resistant pathotypes. There are no strains ofAgaricus bisporus purposely bred for disease resistance.In protected flower crops only resistance to Fusarium wilt in carnations has been purposely bred but differences in disease resistance are apparent in cultivars of many ornamental crops. This is particularly so in chrysanthemums where there are cultivars with resistance to many of the major pathogens. Similar situations occur with other flower crops and pot plants. Cultivars of some species have not been systematically investigated for resistance.The need for genetic resistance will increase with the further reduction, in the limits on pesticide use and an increasing public awareness and importance of pesticide pollution.ADAS is an executive agency of the Ministry of Agiculture, Fisheries and Food and the Welsh Office.  相似文献   

The genetic constitution and diversity of four relictual redwoods are discussed in this review. These include monotypic genera of the family Cupressaceae: coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), giant sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum), dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides), and alerce (Fitzroya cupressoides). All four species are narrow endemics, share a number of common phenotypic traits, including red wood, and are threatened species. Fossil history suggests that the ancestors of redwoods probably originated during the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods and flourished thereafter for millions of years. Towards the end of the Tertiary period began their decline and struggle for existence that continued during the subsequent geologic upheavals and climate changes, until the survival of the present-day redwoods in the current restricted locations in the world (USA, China, and South America). Although two species, Sequoiadendron and Metasequoia, are diploids (2n = 22), and the other two are polyploids: Fitzroya a tetraploid (2n = 4x = 44), and Sequoia a hexaploid (2n = 6x = 66); they all share the same basic chromosome number x = 11. The genome size in the hexaploid Sequoia is one of the largest (31,500 MB) in the conifers, while the genome sizes of diploid Metasequoia and Sequoiadendron are about one-third (~10,000 MB) of Sequoia. Genetic diversity in the redwoods is lower than most other gymnosperms, except in Sequoia, which seems to rank near the upper quarter of the coniferous forest trees. Genomic research is sparse in the redwoods, and should be pursued for a better understanding of their genome structure, function, and adaptive genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The induction in vitro of adventitious shoots in Rosa   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Adventitious shoots were formed on excised leaves, roots and callus of Rosa persica x xanthina and on excised leaves of R. laevigata and R. wichuraiana on culture media that included BAP and NAA as growth regulators. Shoots formed freely on freshly cultured callus of R. persica x xanthina but their production declined in successive cultures and ceased after twelve weeks. Transplantation to soil was improved by rooting plantlets in cellulose plugs in vitro and transferring plantlets to soil while still in the plugs.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, several expeditions were made to northern Chile to collect populations of wild tomatoes (Solanum chilense, S. peruvianum) and allied nightshades (S. lycopersicoides, S. sitiens), and obtain information about their geographic distribution, ecology and reproductive biology. Restricted mainly to drainages of the Andean and the coastal cordillera, populations are geographically fragmented. The two nightshade species are rare and threatened by human activities. Adaptation to extreme aridity and soil salinity are evident in S. chilense and S. sitiens (the latter exhibits several xerophytic traits not seen in the tomatoes) and to low temperatures in S. lycopersicoides and S. chilense. All tested accessions are self-incompatible, with the exception of one S. peruvianum population collected at the southern limit of its distribution. Several distinguishing reproductive traits—anther color, attachment, and dehiscence, pollen size, and flower scent—suggest S. sitiens and S. lycopersicoides attract different pollinators than S. chilense and S. peruvianum. The four Solanum spp. native or endemic to Chile provide a variety of novel traits which, through hybridization and introgression with cultivated tomato, could facilitate development of improved varieties, as well as research on a variety of basic topics, including plant-pollinator interactions, abiotic stress responses, and evolution of reproductive barriers.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty three accessions of nine Portuguese cabbage and kale land races from different geographic origins were tested at the seedling stage for resistance to several important brassica diseases. Resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica), expressed as necrosis of the cotyledon mesophyll, was found in all the accessions. Type A resistance to cabbage yellows (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans race 1) was present in most of the landraces. Resistance to clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae race 6) was found in one accession of the Portuguese tree kale. High resistance to blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) and white rust (Albuco candida) was not detected, although several accessions showed 20 to 30% of plants with intermediate expression of resistance. All Portuguese cole accessions were susceptible to blackrot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris).  相似文献   

Plants were regenerated from intergeneric somatic hybridization between embryogenic protoplasts of Microcitrus papuana Swingle and leaf-derived protoplasts of sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) via electrofusion. The regenerated plants were morphologically similar to the leaf parent in growth vigor, leaf and branch structure. FCM analysis showed that they were diploids. Simple-sequence-repeat (SSR) and cleaved-amplified-polymorphic-sequence(CAPS) were employed for hybridity characterization. SSR banding patterns of the regenerated plants were identical to the leaf parent, sour orange, indicating that they possessed nuclear component derived from sour orange. DNA amplification with chloroplast and mitochondrial universal primers, followed by restriction endonuclease digestion, revealed polymorphism between the fusion parents. Therefore, this method was used to determine the cytoplasmic compositions of the regenerated plants. Banding patterns for all the polymorphic primer/enzyme combinations of the regenerated plants were similar to those of the embryogenic parent, M. papuana, suggesting that only the cytoplasmic components derived from the embryogenic parent were present in the regenerated plants. FCM, SSR and CAPS demonstrated that intergeneric diploid cybrids have been successfully obtained by symmetric fusion. Related results concerning nuclear and cytoplasmic composition of previous diploid somatic hybrids and potential mechanism for regeneration of such kind of plants are discussed herein. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Five-hundred interspecific and intergeneric crosses were performed among accessions of the wild strawberries Fragaria vesca(2x), Duchesnea indica (8x), Potentilla tucumanensis (2x) and 9 genotypes of the cultivated strawberry, Fragaria×ananassa (8x), following an incomplete diallele mating design. Crosses between D. indica and F.×ananassa produced many putative hybrids when D. indica was used as female but a few achenes and plants when used as male; therefore, pollen-pistil compatibility relations were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy in this direction of the cross. Of the genotypic combinations, 78.6% were incompatible at the stigma level and 17.2% at the first third of the style. Only 3.6% were pollen-pistil compatible and produced fruits with achenes (seven did not germinate or originated short-lived plants and nine produced normal plants). F.vesca×F.×ananassa crosses produced 35 hybrid achenes but only 14% germinated, yielding short-lived plants; histological analyses revealed that inviable seeds had less developed (or collapsed) endosperms and smaller embryos than control plump F. vesca seeds. P.tucumanensis was only used as male, with negative results. These species and genera are partially isolated by a complex system of pre- and post-zygotic barriers. Knowledge of their nature would allow the breeder to devise strategies to put the genetic variability available in the group into a useful form. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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