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矮败小麦连锁特性的遗传转移   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
刘秉华  贾继曾 《作物学报》1995,21(6):702-706
以中国春小麦和中国春phlb突变体为轮回父本,分别与我国特有遗传种质矮败小麦杂交并连续回交5次,实现了矮败小麦连锁特性向中国春小麦和中国春phlb突变体的遗传转移;育成了同时含有Kr、Ms2、Rht10基因的矮败中国春小麦和将基因Ms2、Rht10、kr、phlb集合于一体的矮败中国春phlb突变体。组合矮败/CS^4//黑麦、矮败/phlb^4//黑麦的杂交结实率分别为64.1%和67.8%。经  相似文献   

为筛选出适应性广、抗逆性强、品质优、产量高的杂交水稻新组合,以促进杂交水稻的发展,特进行本试验。1 材料与方法1.1 供试品种(1)汕优多系1号(作对照)  (2)K优4号(3)菲优多第1号(4)特优59(5)K优5号(6)金优46以上6个品种均由遵义市种子公司提供1.2 试验方法1.2.1 试验设计采用随机区组排列,3次重复,小区面积10m2,每个小区栽8行(4个宽窄行),退穴栽30穴,重复间间隔33cm,四周保护行与小区间距离为33cm,栽插方式为宽窄行,宽行33cm,窄行16.7cm,株距…  相似文献   

长江流域早籼新品种丰产稳产性和适应性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据1998年南方稻区长江流域早籼品种区域试验的资料,运用AMMI模型分析了新育成的早籼新品种的丰产性,稳产性及其适应性。结果表明,早中熟组有6个品种产量超过了对照浙852,增产幅度达1.8% ̄17.2%;中迟熟组品种产量均低于对照威优402,但有5个品种产量超过对照浙733,增产幅度达2.1% ̄9.7%,品种F131S/R402和CK1浙852的稳定性相对较好。中组1号,K优404,嘉早935和  相似文献   

不同年代棉花品种产量构成、纤维品质及其系谱分析   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
对50年来我国自育的有代表性的棉花品种20份进行了比较研究,结果表明,棉花单产呈递增趋势,90年代棉花品种比50年代品种皮棉增产17.73%,平均每年增产皮棉3.384kg·hm-2,产量增加主要是衣分和单株结铃数增加所致,衣分呈递增趋势,年均递增0.1002个百分点;单株结铃数增加1.6个。新品种的子指变小,衣指变大;棉花衣分与皮棉产量呈显著正相关(r=0.7003**),衣分对棉花产量贡献最大( P3y=0.5810),单株铃数次之(P1y=0.2858),铃重最低(P2y=0.1326)。棉花纤维品质逐步得到改良,绒长变长,纤维强度变大;棉花遗传基础狭窄。  相似文献   

胡建平  阳凌 《种子》1999,(2):71-72
配制杂交水稻Ⅱ优多系1号,母本花期应用硼砂,“花信灵”单施或混合施用,分别能提早母花时40分钟、90分钟、120分钟;提高颖花开颖率0.97%、6.09%、6.16%;提高午前花频率27.39%、29.69%、32.46%;提高柱头外露率5.50%、9.82%、10.66%;提高结实率4.37%、7.99%、10.91%;增产6.90%、15.30%、17.32%。尤以“花信灵”单用或与硼砂混合施  相似文献   

对瑟伯氏棉和武安中棉的利用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1979~1995年期间,用瑟伯氏棉(G.thurberiTod).武安中棉(G.arboreumL)与陆地棉栽培种进行种间杂文和复文,从其后代材料中,选育出6个丰产、优质、抗病新品系和5类36份具有不同优良特性的新种质材料。(1)在分(44.0%~47.2%)种质。(2)纤维(33.80~40.10mm)种质。(3)纤维(强力4.50~7.46g,细度6010~7780m·g ̄(-1))种质。(4)纤维(主体长度29.66~40.10mm,红度5820~6290m·g ̄(-1),强力4.00~5.31m·g ̄(-1))种质,(5)枯萎病指0.21%~9.89%,黄萎病指9.80%~19.83%种质。这些新品系及新种质丰富了棉花种质资源的遗传基础,是培育高产优质多抗棉花新品种的宝贵材料。  相似文献   

江苏淮北地区自50年代初先后从30多个国家引进1500多个小麦品种。除少数几个直接利用外,间接利用有显著成效的计10多个。共育成含早洋麦、早熟1号、欧柔、阿夫、S.t.2764/525、叶考拉、U.P.301、山前麦、高加索、牛朱特等血统的品种35个,占同期育成推广品种的95%以上。对丰富育种遗传基础、促进良种更新换代和大幅度提高小麦产量起了重要作用。  相似文献   

贵农系列小麦新品种的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
80年代后期,我们先后育成了贵农10号,贵农11号(原名贵丰一号),贵农12号等三个小麦新品种。三个品种中均有综抗矮2号,绵阳11号,苏麦3号,A552,Maris TemPlar等亲本血缘。贵农系列小麦品种均属弱冬性,多穗型品种,每公顷有效穗可达1.5 ̄1.7万穗,穗粒数40 ̄50料,千粒重40 ̄45g,公顷产达6300 ̄7650kg,株高80 ̄90cm中早熟,穗长方型、长芒、红粒。抗旱,抗寒性强;高抗白粉病、条地为霉病。杆锈病均免疫,籽粒粗蛋白质含量15.6% ̄17.9%,赖氨酸含量0.40% ̄0.44%;湿面筋含量26.5% ̄29.3%;适宜贵州高寒山区及周边省市高寒山区种植推广。自1987 ̄1999年,在个品种在省内外累计示范推广面积达106.67万公顷。属贵州省两次大的小麦更新品种。累计增产小麦达37  相似文献   

用7个水稻品系分别与籼、粳测验品种测交,配组合60个。结果表明:“11509”与籼型测验品种的杂种F_1结实率均值为77.0%,与粳型测验品种的杂种F_1结实率均值为74.6%,其结实率不受品种的影响,具有广谱广亲和性。  相似文献   

培养基成分对红树莓不定芽分化会产生直接影响。试验结果表明:BA与IBA配合使用诱导不定芽分化的效果优于KT与IBA的配合使用和BA与IAA和NAA的配合使用。在1/2MS大量元素+BA1.5mg/L+IBA0.1mg/L分化培养基中,不定芽分化率大于80%;当BA增加到2.0mg/L时,不定芽的分化率最高(95.6%);30-50g/L的蔗糖以及NH4NO3与KNO3的适当比例有助于红树莓不定芽的  相似文献   

Summary The recessive of crossability allele kr1 was transferred from the spring wheat variety Chinese Spring (CS) into the winter wheat variety Martonvásári 9 (Mv9) by backcrossing the Mv9 × CS hybrids with Mv9. The Mv9 variety possesses dominant Kr1 alleles and is heterogeneous at the kr2 locus, so that some individual plants carry recessive kr2 alleles. The selection of plants possessing the recessive kr alleles from the (Mv9 × CS)Mv9 BC1 generation was carried out according to the seed set achieved when pollinated with rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Mercator). The partial dominance of the Kr alleles made it possible to differentiate between plants heterozygous at the Kr1 locus and Kr1Kr1 homozygous dominant plants. Two selfed consecutive progenies were tested by pollination with rye to select the homozygous recessive kr1kr1kr2kr2 plants and to check the result of the selection after each backcross.As a result of three backcrosses with Mv9 and two selfings after each backcross the selected progenies had 61.6% seed set with rye tested on sixty individual plants. These data confirm that after the third backcross the selected Mv9 kr1 line carries necessive crossability alleles Kr1 and Kr2, but the genotype is 93.75% Mv9.  相似文献   

Summary Crossability of 62 bread wheat accessions (14 landraces from Himachal Pradesh and 48 others) was examined with rye. The 3 rye cultivars did not differ in their relative crossability with 4 of the wheat accessions studied. On the other hand, the wheat cultivars differed greatly among themselves in their crossability with rye. Most of the wheat cultivars showed poor (<10%) crossability. Two of the 14 landraces from Himachal Pradesh were found to be free from the crossability inhibitors as they showed very high (>50%) crossability, whereas none of the other 48 cultivars studied was so.  相似文献   

M. C. Luo  C. Yen  J. L. Yang 《Euphytica》1993,70(1-2):127-129
Summary The crossability percentages of 282 accessions of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) collected in Tibet, China with rye (Secale cereale L.) have been tested. Five collections have a similar to and 277 accessions have a lower crossability percentage than Chinese Spring or are non-crossable with rye. The accessions with high crossability percentage occur along the highway near Lhasa. No landraces with higher crossability than Chinese Spring and rare landraces with similar crossability to Chinese Spring indicated that the landraces in Tibet region are different from those in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Henan provinces in the distribution frequency of high crossability, and there is no distribution of recessive kr4 alleles.  相似文献   

Ma Rui  D. S. Zheng  L. Fan 《Euphytica》1995,92(3):301-306
Summary Crossability of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Japan with rye (Secale cereale L.) was investigated by controlled pollination. No normal seeds were produced, but numbers of shrivelled and small seeds with embryos were used to estimate crossability amongst the 96 accessions, viz: 0–10% (29), 10–30% (23), 30–50% (11), 50–90% (33). The investigation for the pedigrees of varieties with more than 50% crossability percentages showed that the kr alleles of some accessions derived from common ancestors.  相似文献   

M. C. Luo  C. Yen  J. L. Yang 《Euphytica》1993,67(1-2):1-8
Summary The crossability percentages of 118 landraces of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Shaanxi and Henan provinces, China with rye (Secale cereale L.) have been tested. 14 landraces possess a higher crossability percentage than Chinese Spring, 30 landraces have a similar to and 74 landraces have a lower crossability percentage than Chinese Spring or are non-crossable with rye. Most landraces with high crossability percentage occur in south part of Shaanxi, and the west and southwest of Henan, their geographical distribution in these regions fits up with that in the Sichuan province.  相似文献   

B. S. Jalani  J. P. Moss 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):105-112
Summary Different wheat genotypes (T. aestivum) were crossed with rye to ascertain the site or sites of manifestation of the crossability genes, Kr 1 and Kr 2. By using fluorescence microscopy, it was found that the order of increasing proportion of wheat micropyles containing pollen tubes is strongly correlated with the levels of crossability with rye. High crossable genotypes have more micropyles containing pollen tubes than those of the low crossable ones. Most of the inhibition or retardation of pollen tubes occurred between the style base and top of the embryo sac, expecially with the low crossable genotypes where both Kr-genes are present. The results also indicate that Kr 1 is a greater inhibitor than Kr 2. Seed set is also highly correlated with the number or proportion of micropyles having pollen tubes. Alternate pollinations seem to support the view that rye pollen tubes do not reach the micropyles of the low crossable genotypes, and hence when repollinated with wheat selfed seeds are produced.  相似文献   

B. S. Jalani  J. P. Moss 《Euphytica》1980,29(3):571-579
Summary Seven genotypes of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were crossed with rye (Secale cereale L.) in order to find the site or sites of action of the crossability genes, Kr 1 and Kr 2, of wheat. The data obtained, by fluorescence microscopy, were compared to the controls (wheat x wheat). The results indicate that the crossability genes have little effect on pollen germination and on the time taken for the pollen tubes to reach the microphyle, irrespective of their crossabilities with rye. The number of pollen tubes reaching the microphyle is, however, affected by the Kr-genes, as high crossable genotypes have more pollen tubes than the low crossable ones. There was a high correlation between the mean number of pollen tubes at the micropyle with seed set, which also reflects the crossability. The Kr-genes seem to manifest themselves in the retardation and inhibition of pollen tube growth between the style base and the top of the embryo sac, where the effect is most distinct in the low crossable genotypes.  相似文献   

Limited genetic knowledge is available regarding crossability between hexaploid triticale (2n= 6x= 42, 21″, AABBRR, amphiploid Triticum turgidum L.‐Secale cereale L.) and rye (2n= 14, 7″, RR). Our objectives were to determine (1) the crossability between triticales and rye and (2) the inheritance of crossability between F2 progeny from intertriticale crosses and rye. First, ‘8F/Corgo’, a hexaploid triticale, was crossed as a female with two landrace ryes, ‘Gimonde’ and, ‘Vila Pouca’ and two derived north European cultivars, ‘Pluto’ and ‘Breno’. These crosses produced 21.7, 20.9, 5.9, and 5.6%, seed‐set or crossability, respectively, showing that the landrace ryes produced higher seed‐set than the cultivars. Second, ‘Gimonde’ rye was crossed as a male with four triticales for 3 years. The control cross, ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat × rye, produced 80‐90% seed‐set. Of the four triticales, ‘Beagle’ produced 35.7‐56.8% seed‐set. The other three triticales produced less than 20% seed‐set, showing that the triticales differ in crossability with ‘Gimonde’ rye. Third, six FiS from intertriticale crosses (‘8F/Corgo’בBeagle’, ‘Beagle’בCachirulo’, ‘Lasko’בBeagle’, ‘8F/Corgo’בCachirulo’, ‘Lasko’בCachirulo’, ‘Lasko’ב8F/Corgo’) were crossed to ‘Gimonde’ rye. Results indicated that lower crossability trait was partially dominant in the two F1S from crosses involving ‘Beagle’(high crossability) with‘8F/Corgo’ and ‘Cachirulo’(low crossability) and completely dominant in the ‘Beagle’בLasko’ cross, as it happens in wheat. Fourth, segregants in four F2 populations (‘Lasko’בBeagle’, ‘8F/Corgo’בBeagle’, ‘Lasko’ב8F/Corgo’, and‘8F/Corgo’בCachirulo’) were crossed with rye. Segregation for crossability was observed, although distinct segregation classes were blurred by environmental and perhaps other factors, such as self‐incompatibility alleles in rye. Segregation patterns showed that ‘Beagle’, with high crossability to rye, carries either Kr1 or Kr2. The three triticales with low crossability with rye were most likely homozygous for Kr1 and Kr2. Therefore, it is likely that the Kr loci from A and B genomes acting in wheat also play a role in triticale × rye crosses.  相似文献   

Summary Crossability of wheat and rye was investigated during thirteen crop cycles in two contrasting locations to 1) evaluate tetraploid and hexaploid wheat parents in crosses with rye, 2) identify genotypes with high crossability and 3) assess the impact of environment on seed development. The majority of the tetraploid wheats crossed with rye had seed set around 20%, but very low embryo viability. Several wheat genotypes with seed set above 50% were identified. The hexaploid wheats crossed with rye showed poor seed set, but plant recovery was relatively high. The majority of the hexaploid wheats with highest seed set (20–30%) were from China. The results suggest differences in crossability between the rye populations, and wheat species by rye interactions. The crossability of the tetraploid and hexaploid wheats was affected by climate in the two locations.  相似文献   

Summary The crossabilities of 177 landraces of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Sichuan Basin and its adjacent mountain ranges with rye (Secale cereale L.) have been tested. 16 landraces possess a higher crossability than Chinese Spring, 34 landraces have a similar and 127 landraces have a lower crossability than Chinese Spring or are non-crossable with rye. Most landraces with high crossability occur in Qinling Mountain and Dabashan Mountain Ranges in north of Sichuan and the valleys of Minjiang River, Fujiang River and Jialinjiang River in Sichuan Basin.  相似文献   

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