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煮制红小豆的抗氧化特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红小豆汤是中国一种传统饮食。通过对红小豆煮制时间、pH值、料液比的分析,研究了红小豆汤的抗氧化能力和煮制工艺。结果表明,红小豆汤的抗氧化物质主要来自于红小豆皮。在煮制红小豆时,时间应该控制在20 ̄30min,pH值在8.0左右,料液比为1∶30 ̄1∶40。红小豆汤的抗氧化能力在一定时间里(24h)比较稳定。  相似文献   

天津红小豆是天津市著名的农业产品。近30年来研究、教学和推广部门的科技人员,为了提高天津红小豆的产量和品质进行了大量的研究工作,选育出的新品种和研究的高产栽培技术,使天津红小豆产量和品质均得到提高。使用提纯复壮的天津红小豆与引进品种进行比较,产量和品质有一定的优势。  相似文献   

玉米/红小豆间作模式中红小豆种植适宜密度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨玉米/红小豆间作模式中的红小豆适宜种植密度,对不同种植密度红小豆的产量及其构成因素进行了研究。结果表明,红小豆株高、主茎分枝、主茎节数、荚长、荚粒数以及百粒重变化均不大,而单株荚数和产量随着种植密度增加呈抛物线变化;各处理间玉米产量变化不大;红小豆种植密度在8.07万株/hm2时产量最高,达到2668.76kg/hm2。说明在仁寿县或者相似生态区,红小豆种植的密度为8.07万株/hm2。  相似文献   

红小豆又名赤豆、红饭豆、赤小豆,系豆科菜豆属作物。红小豆适应性强,生育期较短,可以清种,也适应与高秆作物间作套种,利用田埂地边,斜坡隙地种植,具有改良土壤,培肥地力的积极作用。 1986年开始,我所承担了省科委下达的豆类研究课题,对大豆、绿豆、红小豆开展新品种选育及栽培技术方面的研究。经过几年的生产调查与试验研究,总结分析了当前红小豆低产的主要原因,初步摸索出红小豆高产栽培的几项措施,供生产上参考应用。  相似文献   

对红小豆饮料的生产工艺过程中处理温度、时间、均质程度、其他添加物等主要因素对红小豆饮料的品质的影响进行了研究,并对其口味的调配做了定型定量研究与分析。  相似文献   

红小豆在河北省已有2 000多年的种植历史,是该省传统的出口名贵杂豆。通过对当前河北省红小豆产业的发展现状进行研究,分析产业发展的不足,并对河北省未来红小豆产业的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

黑龙江省红小豆生产现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从红小豆种植面积、单产水平、目前发展存在问题几个方面对黑龙江省红小豆生产现状进行了分析,并对红小豆未来发展前景进行了评价。认为随着国内红小豆需求的稳定增长和国家对小宗作物产业发展越来越重视,红小豆在黑龙江省生产前景广阔。  相似文献   

红小豆根系水浸提液对4种受体作物的化感作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为选择适合红小豆的接茬作物,采用室内培养皿生物测定方法,对不同浓度的红小豆根系水提液下红小豆、萝卜、白菜、小麦的化感效应进行了研究。结果表明:红小豆水提液对自身种子发芽率、发芽指数具有极强的化感抑制作用;随着红小豆根系水提液浓度的增大,3 种受体作物的种子发芽率和发芽指数均呈现降低趋势;从幼苗的根长、幼叶长、侧根数、株高及鲜质量等形态指标上来看,只有小麦随着红小豆根系水提液浓度的增大呈现出促进作用,其余2 种受体作物均呈现出抑制作用,但这种抑制作用在低浓度下差异不显著;萝卜、小麦的SOD、POD活性随着红小豆根系水提液浓度的增大而增强,但白菜的2 种酶活性呈现出下降趋势;小麦、萝卜幼苗的MDA含量表现出降低,白菜MDA含量却显著增加。说明受体作物小麦可作为红小豆的轮作作物、萝卜在与红小豆轮作方面也有着很大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

井陉县地处晋冀交界处,属太行山丘陵干旱、半干旱地区,生产的红小豆是正宗的"天津红"品种,也是河北省外贸出口的名牌.为了有效地提高出口创汇型红小豆的产量和品质,调整种植结构,井陉县农业局技术站开展了夏玉米间作红小豆的开发应用研究,在试验、示范、推广过程中,总结出了适合山区夏玉米间作红小豆的高产栽培技术,现介绍如下:  相似文献   

红小豆高产栽培技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天津红小豆品种素以皮薄、粒匀、沙性大、食味好著称,并为重要的出口产品之一。根据我们的调查与研究总结其高产栽培技术有以下几点: 轮作方式红小豆忌重茬和迎茬。天津、河北、山东一带可采取夏粮(小麦、大麦)—红小豆隔年种植方式,或麦—红小豆—春玉米(高粱、谷子)二年三作制。  相似文献   

菜豆分子育种及功能基因组学分析需要高效稳定的再生体系和遗传转化体系。归纳了近年来国内外菜豆再生体系及遗传转化体系的研究进展。首先阐述了菜豆再生方法及研究现状,其中包括基于器官发生和体细胞胚发生不同途径菜豆再生体系的建立和相关的影响因素。其次概括了农杆菌介导法在菜豆遗传转化方面的研究进展,并分析了影响农杆菌介导遗传转化效率的主要因素,包括受体外植体类型和外植体损伤、农杆菌菌株及菌液浓度、共培养条件(时间、温度、光照时间)、乙酰丁香醇浓度等。然后叙述了有关基因枪介导菜豆遗传转化的研究进展。最后对目前菜豆再生体系和遗传转化体系存在的难题进行了总结,以期为建立菜豆的高效离体再生体系和遗传转化体系提供重要参考。  相似文献   

绿豆的品质特性及综合利用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
绿豆是中国主要的食用豆类作物之一,其营养品质及加工品质直接影响着绿豆加工产业的发展。为了推动绿豆加工产业的发展,笔者结合国内外文献,归纳了绿豆品质特性的研究进展,包括物理品质、营养品质、药用价值及加工品质,总结了绿豆淀粉、蛋白质、膳食纤维、抗性淀粉、黄酮类化合物及超氧化物歧化酶的加工利用现状。认为应该加强绿豆品质特性、功能成分研究,注重保健产品的开发,加强加工工艺和技术的研究,培育一批市场竞争力强的绿豆加工龙头企业,促进绿豆加工业的发展。  相似文献   

Six populations of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) were developed through various selection schemes to examine the influence of selection In improving tolerance to Orobanche crenata (Forsk.) in local faba bean stocks. All populations trace their origin to 209 farmers’ seed lots that were collected from Egypt. The entries of each population were grown during the 1982/1983 season in the Orobanche nursery located at Giza in Egypt. Comparison among means of the selected, populations showed that more progress in improving Orobanche tolerance could be achieved from combined selection between and within lots. Between-lots selection was less efficient than single-plant selection. Results, of this study show that considerable progress could be achieved from selection for Orobanche tolerance in local faba bean germplasm. There was sufficient residual genetic variation in the selected populations to expect substantial progress from further selection for most tolerance traits.  相似文献   

菜豆组织培养及遗传转化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
笔者概述了近年来国内外菜豆组织培养及菜豆遗传转化研究进展。重点阐述了菜豆组织培养过程中外植体选择、分生组织培养、愈伤组织的诱导、不定芽的诱导、生根培养及移栽等方面的研究成果。同时总结了农杆菌介导法和基因枪法2种遗传转化方法在菜豆转基因方面的应用情况。指出了基因型的差异是菜豆组织培养及遗传转化的主要限制因素,因此如何建立一套不存在基因型差异的菜豆再生体系,是今后菜豆组织培养和遗传转化的研究重点。  相似文献   

Faba bean represents a crucial source of protein for food, especially for Mediterranean countries, and local demand for faba bean grains is increasing. The crop is also gaining increased attention as an elite candidate for conservation agriculture. However, the complexity of the faba genome has made progress in breeding programs and molecular studies relatively slow compared with other legume crops. Recent advances in plant genomics have made it feasible to understand complex genomes such as faba bean. With the increase of faba bean consumption in the Middle East region, there is an urgent need to develop elite faba genotypes suitable for arid and semi arid environments, with high yield potential and acceptable nutritional quality. This article highlights the recent advances in legume and faba genomics and its potential to contribute to the above mentioned goal. Emphasis is given on prospects on faba improvements strategies from the Middle East point of view.  相似文献   

绿豆的品质特性及加工利用研究概况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
绿豆是我国优势杂粮作物,绿豆的营养与加工品质是决定其食用价值的重要因素。回顾了近年来国内外对绿豆的物理、化学与营养品质以及加工品质的研究,并对国内绿豆的加工利用及研究开发现状进行了梳理,由此提出了对绿豆产业发展的建议。  相似文献   

The final field trials to evaluate elite lines developed by the Embrapa national common bean breeding program generated a phenotypic database composed by agronomic traits of 84 elite lines and nine cultivars over a 16-year period (1993–2008) and 450 environments in all Brazilian growing areas. The main goal of this study was to use this database as a model to compare the consistency of the results obtained from indirect methods for genetic progress estimation for grain yield in common bean breeding, using the direct method as a reference. Three indirect methods for genetic progress estimation were evaluated: (1) linear regression with unadjusted averages, (2) linear regression with averages adjusted by the mixed models, and (3) linear regression with averages adjusted by a fixed effects model with the error exception. The genetic progress estimated by the direct method was 31.3 kg ha?1 per year (1.34%**). This value was considered as the reference estimate, since it was calculated using the grain yield data from final field trials with all common bean lines evaluated under the same environmental conditions. The estimate obtained using the regression with unadjusted averages of the three best lines by cycle was 25.66 kg ha?1 per year (1.26%*), similar to the result obtained by the direct method. Considering both methods using fixed and mixed models, the genetic gain estimates were statistically null (0.42% and 0.45%, respectively). Therefore, the regression method with unadjusted means was more informative than the other indirect methods.  相似文献   

Tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius A. Gray) is a relatively higher drought-tolerant crop than common bean (P. vulgaris), serving as genetic resource for food and genetic enhancement of related legumes. Tepary bean production is hampered by cultivation of low yielding and abiotic stress-susceptible cultivars. Targeted selection of agronomic, physiological and biochemical traits that maximizes yield gains using Phaseolus gene pool is useful to develop stress-tolerant and high-performing genotypes. The objective of this review is to provide breeding progress made regarding tepary bean improvement for drought adaptation. Agronomic, physiological and biochemical traits utilized for selection of drought-tolerant genotypes are highlighted. Genetic and genomic resources developed for tepary bean or closely related species such as common bean useful for genetic analysis and breeding are discussed. Opportunities and challenges to facilitate breeding of tepary bean genotypes with improved abiotic stress adaptation are highlighted. This will enable development of drought-tolerant tepary bean genotypes targeting selection of agronomic, physiological and biochemical traits. Use of genetically related and complementary Phaseolus species and marker-assisted selection method is key to developing drought-tolerant genotypes.  相似文献   

Bean fly (Ophiomyia spp.) is a key pest of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) throughout eastern and southern Africa. It is known to cause total crop loss especially under drought stress and low soil fertility. This review underscores the importance of bean fly to bean production. It discusses the research achievements on genetic improvement of common bean for resistance against bean fly attack and highlights further opportunities available for rapid advance. The paper dwells on conventional breeding approaches and possibilities for utilization of marker-assisted selection. Mechanisms of common bean resistance to bean fly have been considered with a view to understand the genetic control. To maximize the effectiveness of host-plant resistance against bean fly, multiple insect resistances should be incorporated into a single bean genotype in order to ensure stability. However, this should be within the background of integrated pest management strategy.  相似文献   

Summary The intereropping of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) is a common practice in the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. In this experiment, 25 populations of bush bean were evaluated for nutritional and culinary traits of dry seed and immature pod in sole crop and in intercrop in two years and in two locations, in order to determine whether selection of bush bean in sole crop can result in genetic progress for intercrop.There were no differences in the population means between cropping systems. Significant differences were detected among populations for all traits tudied except starch content, crude ash, water absorption and coat proportion. Population x environment interaction was significant for pod thickness. Bean populations did not interact with cropping systems for any trait, although there were differences between cropping systems for crude protein. These results suggest that a sole crop system provides sufficient information to select bean populations efficiently for the bush bean-maize intercropping system, although the advanced generations of the breeding program should be tested for quantitative traits such as protein content in the appropriate cropping system (intercropping) to know the competitive ability with the associated species. This would permit to choose bush bean populations which complement more efficiently and would be less competitive with the maize population.  相似文献   

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