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Mediterranean cropping systems in rainfed conditions are generally based on rotations with a very high frequency of winter wheat and, therefore, they are at risk of declining trends for yield and soil health in the long-term. In order to quantify this risk, a long-term experiment was set-up in 1971 in central Italy, which is still running at present (2016). This experiment is based on 13 rotations, i.e. three continuous winter wheat systems with different N fertilization rates (W150, W200 and W250), five maize/winter wheat rotations with increasing wheat frequency (maize preceded by 1–5 years of wheat: i.e., WM, 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM) and five two-year rotations of winter wheat with either pea (WP), faba bean (WFB), grain sorghum (WGS), sugar beet (WSB) or sunflower (WSU). All these rotations are managed either with the removal of crop residues after harvest (REM), or with their burial into the soil at ploughing (BUR). For each rotation, all phases are simultaneously grown in each year, according to a split-plot design (with REM and BUR randomised to main plots), with three replicates in complete blocks and plots of 24.5 m2 each. The following data are considered: (1) total and marketable biomass yields from 1983 to 2012; (2) content of Organic carbon (OC) and total nitrogen (N) in soil, as determined in 2014. Considering the 30-year period, BUR resulted in an average positive effect on yield (+3.7%), increased OC (+13.8%) and total N content (+9.4%) in soil, while the C/N ratio was not significantly affected. Wheat in two-year rotations showed a significantly higher (+19.4%) average yield level than in continuous cropping or in 2WM, 3WM, 4WM and 5WM, mainly due to a drop in yield occurring in the first (−13%) and second (−19%) year of recropping. Increasing N fertilisation level from 150 to 250 kg N ha−1 with continuous cropping resulted in an increase (+3.7%) in long-term average yield and in a decrease in yield stability. All rotations heavily based on wheat (continuous cropping and 5WM) produced the highest amount of buried biomass (>175 t ha−1 in 30 years), with the highest increase in soil OC content (>16 t ha−1). All the other rotations produced a lower amount of residues and were less efficient in terms of carbon sequestration in soil, apart from WFB, which gave a high increase in soil organic carbon content (+18.9 t ha−1 in 30 years), in spite of a low amount of buried residues (158 t ha−1).  相似文献   

In the context of deteriorating soil health, stagnation of yield in rice-wheat cropping system (RWCS) across Indo- Gangetic plains (IGP) and environmental pollution, a long term field experiment was conducted during 2009–2016 taking four crop scenarios with conservation agriculture (CA), crop intensification and diversified cropping as intervening technology aiming to evaluate the sustainability of the systems. Scenario 1 (S1) represented conventional farmers’ practice of growing rice and wheat with summer fallow. In scenario 2 (S2) and scenario 3 (S3), legume crop was taken along with rice and wheat with partial CA and full CA, respectively. Conventional RWCS was replaced with rice-potato + maize- cowpea cropping system with partial CA in scenario 4 (S4). The S3 scenario registered highest total organic carbon (TOC) stock of 47.71 Mg C ha−1 and resulted in significant increase of 14.57% over S1 (Farmer’s practice) in 0–30 cm soil depth after 7 years of field trial. The S4 scenario having intensified cropping systems recorded lowest TOC of 39.33 Mg C ha−1 and resulted in significant depletion of 17.56% in C stock with respect to S3 in 0–30 cm soil depth. The TOC enrichment was higher in S2, S3 and S4 scenario in the surface soil (0–10 cm) compared to S1. At lower depth (20–30 cm), the TOC enrichment was significantly higher in S2 (12.82 Mg C ha−1) and S3 (13.10 Mg C ha−1 soil) over S1 scenario. The S2 and S3 scenario recorded highest increased allocation of TOC (3.55 and 6.13 Mg C ha−1) to passive pool over S1. The S2 (15.72 t ha−1), S3 (16.08 t ha−1) and S4 (16.39 t ha−1) scenarios recorded significantly higher system rice equivalent yield over S1 (10.30 t ha−1). Among the scenarios, S3 scenario had greater amount of total soil organic carbon, passive pool of carbon and higher system rice equivalent yield, thus, is considered the best cropping management practice to maintain soil health and food security in the middle IGP.  相似文献   

In a long-term series of on-farm tillage trials (10 loessial sites in southern and eastern Germany; annual mouldboard ploughing 0.25–0.3 m deep, mulching with a rigid-tine cultivator 0.1–0.15 m deep, direct drilling with no tillage except seedbed preparation for sugar beet solely) sugar beet yield was significantly decreased by direct drilling compared to ploughing. This study was conducted to (i) show that the lower plant density caused by mulching and direct drilling contributes to yield decrease but explains effects just partially, and (ii) determine the relation between soil structural properties and sugar beet yield. In 2003–2005 plant density experiments (53,000, 65,000 and 82,000 plants ha?1) were introduced to tillage plots on five selected environments. Yield and soil structural properties of four layers representing 0–0.43 m soil depth were determined.White sugar yield (WSY) significantly declined with direct drilling compared to ploughing treatment, whereas mulching treatment diminished WSY less pronounced. Moreover, decreasing plant density significantly lowered WSY. No interactions between tillage and plant density occurred, revealing that both factors additively affected WSY.Decreasing tillage depth increased penetration resistance (PR) and dry bulk density (DBD), and diminished air filled pore volume (AFPV) in the topsoil down to 0.27 m depth. Several soil structural parameters were closely correlated with each other as well as WSY. Variation of single parameters explained up to 60% of WSY variance attributed to tillage. Combining DBD from 0.03 to 0.07 m depth, average PR from 0.03 to 0.27 m and AFPV from 0.03 to 0.18 m soil depth explained 77% of the tillage effect. Nevertheless, multi-collinearity of soil physical parameters allowed no clear conclusions on the cause-and-effect mechanisms.Conclusively, lowered plant density and soil structure degradation due to reduced tillage may independently decrease sugar beet yield. When grown on loessial soils this crop requires mechanical loosening down to 0.15–0.20 m depth to produce high yields.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) availability related to fertilizer type, catch crop management, and rotation composition on cereal yield and grain N were investigated in four organic and one conventional cropping systems in Denmark using the FASSET model. The four-year rotation studied was: spring barley–(faba bean or grass-clover)–potato–winter wheat. Experiments were done at three locations representative of the different soil types and climatic conditions in Denmark. The three organic systems that included faba bean as the N fixing crop comprised a system with manure (stored pig slurry) and undersowing catch crops (OF + C + M), a system with manure but without undersowing catch crops (OF ? C + M), and a system without manure and with catch crops (OF + C ? M). A grass-clover green manure was used as N fixing crop in the other organic system with catch crops (OG + C + M). Cuttings of grass-clover were removed from the plots and an equivalent amount of total-N in pig slurry was applied to the cropping system. The conventional rotation included mineral fertilizer and catch crops (CF + C + F), although only non-legume catch crops were used. Measurements of cereal dry matter (DM) at harvest and of grain N contents were done in all plots. On average the FASSET model was able to predict the yield and grain N of cereals with a reasonable accuracy for the range of cropping systems and soil types studied, having a particularly good performance on winter wheat. Cereal yields were better on the more loamy soil. DM yield and grain N content were mainly influenced by the type and amount of fertilizer-N at all three locations. Although a catch crop benefit in terms of yield and grain N was observed in most of the cases, a limited N availability affected the cereal production in the four organic systems. Scenario analyses conducted with the FASSET model indicated the possibility of increasing N fertilization without significantly affecting N leaching if there is an adequate catch crop management. This would also improve yields of cereal production of organic farming in Denmark.  相似文献   

The management of straw residue can be a concern in non-inversion tillage systems where straw tends to be incorporated at shallow depths or left on the soil surface. This can lead to poor crop establishment because straw residue can impede or hinder crop emergence and growth. Small container-based experiments were undertaken using varying amounts of wheat straw residue either incorporated or placed on the soil surface. The effects on days to seedling emergence, percentage emergence, seedling dry-weight and soil temperature using sugar beet and oilseed rape were investigated because these crops often follow wheat in a cropping sequence.The position of the straw residue was found to be the primary factor in reducing crop emergence and growth. Increasing the amount of straw residue (from 3.3 t ha?1 to 6.7 t ha?1) did not show any consistent trends in reducing crop emergence or growth. However, in some instances, results indicated that an interaction between the position and the amount of straw residue occurred particularly when the straw and seed was placed on the soil surface. Straw placed on the soil surface significantly reduced mean day-time soil temperature by approximately 2.5 °C compared to no residue. When the seed and straw was placed on the soil surface a lack of seed-to-soil contact caused a reduction in emergence by approximately 30% because of the restriction in available moisture that limited the ability for seed imbibition. This trend was reversed when the seed was placed in the soil, but with straw residue still on the soil surface, because the surface straw was likely to reduce moisture evaporation and improved seed-to-soil contact that led to rapid emergence. In general, when straw was mixed in or placed on the soil surface along with the seed, sugar beet and oilseed rape emergence and early growth biomass was significantly restricted by approximately 50% compared to no residue.The consequences of placing seed with or near to straw residue have been shown to cause a restriction in crop establishment. In both oilseed rape and sugar beet, this could lead to a reduction in final crop densities, poor, uneven growth and potentially lower yields that could lower financial margins. Therefore, if farmers are planning to use non-inversion tillage methods for crop establishment, the management and removal of straw residue from near or above the seed is considered important for successful crop establishment.  相似文献   

The agricultural sector is highly affected by climate change and it is a source of greenhouse gases. Therefore it is in charge to reduce emissions. For a development of reduction strategies, origins of emissions have to be known. On the example of sugar beet, this study identifies the main sources and gives an overview of the variety of production systems. With data from farm surveys, calculations of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in sugar beet cultivation in Germany are presented. Emissions due to the production and use of fertilizers and pesticides, emissions due to tillage as well as field emissions were taken into account. All emissions related to the growing of catch crops during fall before the cultivation of sugar beet were also included. The emissions are related to the yield to express intensity.The median of total GHG emissions of sugar beet cultivation in Germany for the years 2010–2012 amounted to 2626 equivalents of CO2 (CO2eq) kg ha−1 year−1 when applying mineral plus organic fertilizer and to 1782 kg ha−1 when only organic fertilizer was applied. The CO2eq emissions resulting from N fertilization exclusively were 2.5 times higher than those caused by diesel and further production factors. The absence of emissions for the production of organic fertilizers led to 12% less total CO2eq emissions compared to the use of mineral fertilizer only. But by applying organic fertilizer only, there were more emissions via the use of diesel due to larger volumes transported (126 l diesel ha−1 vs. 116 l ha−1 by applying mineral fertilizer exclusively).As there exists no official agreement about calculating CO2eq emissions in crop production yet, the authors conclude that there is still need for further research and development with the aim to improve crop cultivation and crop rotations concerning GHG emissions and the therewith related intensity.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (N) supply through animal and green manures on grain yield of winter wheat and winter rye was investigated from 1997 to 2004 in an organic farming crop rotation experiment in Denmark on three different soil types varying from coarse sand to sandy loam. Two experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: (1) catch crop (with and without), and (2) manure (with and without). The four-course crop rotation was spring barley undersown with grass/clover – grass/clover – winter wheat or wheat rye – pulse crop. All cuttings of the grass–clover were left on the soil as mulch. Animal manure was applied as slurry to the cereal crops in the rotation in rates corresponding to 40% of the N demand of the cereal crops.Application of 50 kg NH4–N ha?1 in manure increased average wheat grain yield by 0.4–0.9 Mg DM ha?1, whereas the use of catch crops did not significantly affect yield. The use of catch crops interacts with other management factors, including row spacing and weed control, and this may have contributed to the negligible effects of catch crops. There was considerable variation in the amount of N (100–600 kg N ha?1 year?1) accumulated in the mulched grass–clover cuttings prior to ploughing and sowing of the winter wheat. This was reflected in grain yield and grain N uptake. Manure application to the cereals in the rotation reduced N accumulation in grass–clover at two of the locations, and this was estimated to have reduced grain yields by 0.1–0.2 Mg DM ha?1 depending on site. Model estimations showed that the average yield reduction from weeds varied from 0.1 to 0.2 Mg DM ha?1. The weed infestation was larger in the manure treatments, and this was estimated to have reduced the yield benefit of manure application by up to 0.1 Mg DM ha?1. Adjusting for these model-estimated side-effects resulted in wheat grain yields gains from manure application of 0.7–1.1 Mg DM ha?1.The apparent recovery efficiency of N in grains (N use efficiency, NUE) from NH4–N in applied manure varied from 23% to 44%. The NUE in the winter cereals of N accumulated in grass–clover cuttings varied from 14% to 39% with the lowest value on the coarse sandy soil, most likely due to high rates of N leaching at this location. Both NUE and grain yield benefit in the winter cereals declined with increasing amounts of N accumulated in the grass–clover cuttings. The model-estimated benefit of increasing N input in grass–clover from 100 to 500 kg N ha?1 varied from 0.8 to 2.0 Mg DM ha?1 between locations. This is a considerably smaller yield increase than obtained for manure application, and it suggests that the productivity in this system may be improved by removing the cuttings and applying the material to the cereals in the rotation, possibly after digestion in a biogas reactor.Cereal grain protein content was increased more by the N in the grass–clover than from manure application, probably due to different timing of N availability. Green-manure crops or manures with a relatively wide C:N ratio may therefore be critical for ensuring sufficiently high protein contents in high yielding winter wheat for bread making.  相似文献   

Three-year field trials were set up on eutric brown soil in northwestern Croatia (Zagreb) with the objective to determine the effect of plant density and nitrogen rates on the formation and size of leaf area of seed sugar beet, and on the yield and seed quality in seed production without transplanting. Investigations should also reveal how much the yield and quality of sugar beet seed depend on the leaf area index (LAI). Four plant densities of seed sugar beet were investigated after crop wintering (40 000, 80 000, 120 000, and 160 000 plants/ha) as well as three nitrogen rates (60, 120, and 180 kg/ha) applied in two identical topdressings: at the beginning of the spring growing period and immediately before shooting of inflorescence stalks. Leaf area formation was strongly influenced by weather conditions. An increase of plant density from 40 000 to 160 000 plants/ha led to a decrease of leaf area per plant. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing caused an increase of leaf area, depending on the precipitation and soil fertility. Maximum LAI, achieved in the flowering stage, grew almost linearly with increasing plant density (LAI: 1.77–4.85 m2/m2), but was statistically significant only up to 120 000 plants/ha. Raised nitrogen rates in topdressing led to a significant increase of the LAI in the stage of inflorescence stalk shooting, though not in full flowering. On the basis of this research, seed yield and germination of seed sugar beet could not be predicted regarding LAI in the flowering stage.  相似文献   

Excessive application of N fertilizer in pursuit of higher yields is common due to poor soil fertility and low crop productivity. However, this practice causes serious soil depletion and N loss in the traditional wheat cropping system in the Loess Plateau of China. Growing summer legumes as the green manure (GM) crop is a viable solution because of its unique ability to fix atmospheric N2. Actually, little is known about the contribution of GM N to grain and N utilization in the subsequent crop. Therefore, we conducted a four-year field experiment with four winter wheat-based rotations (summer fallow-wheat, Huai bean–wheat, soybean–wheat, and mung bean–wheat) and four nitrogen fertilizer rates applied to wheat (0, 108, 135, and 162 kg N/ha) to investigate the fate of GM nitrogen via decomposition, utilization by wheat, and contribution to grain production and nitrogen economy through GM legumes. Here we showed that GM legumes accumulated 53–76 kg N/ha per year. After decomposing for approximately one year, more than 32 kg N/ha was released from GM legumes. The amount of nitrogen released via GM decomposition that was subsequently utilized by wheat was 7–27 kg N/ha. Incorporation of GM legumes effectively replaced 13–48% (average 31%) of the applied mineral nitrogen fertilizer. Additionally, the GM approach during the fallow period reduced the risk of nitrate-N leaching to depths of 0–100 cm and 100–200 cm by 4.8 and 19.6 kg N/ha, respectively. The soil nitrogen pool was effectively improved by incorporation of GM legumes at the times of wheat sowing. Cultivation of leguminous GM during summer is a better option than bare fallow to maintain the soil nitrogen pool, and decrease the rates required for N fertilization not only in the Loess Plateau of China but also in other similar dryland regions worldwide.  相似文献   

A regional analysis of the effects of soil and climate factors on wheat yield was performed in the Argentine Pampas in order to obtain models suitable for yield estimation and regional grain production prediction. Soil data from soil surveys and climate data from meteorological records were employed. Grain production information from statistics at county level was integrated at a geomorphological level. The Pampas was divided into 10 geographical units and data from 10 growing season were used (1995–2004). Surface regression and artificial neural networks (ANN) methodologies were tested for analyzing the data. Wheat yield was correlated to soil available water holding capacity (SAWHC) in the upper 100 cm of the profiles (r2 = 0.39) and soil organic carbon (SOC) content (r2 = 0.26). The climate factor with stronger effect on yield was the rainfall/crop potential evapotranspiration ratio (R/CPET) during the fallow and vegetative crop growing cycle periods summed (r2 = 0.31). The phototermal quotient (PQ) during the pre-anthesis period had also a significant effect on yield (r2 = 0.05). A surface regression response model was developed that account for 64% of spatial and interannual yield variance, but this model could not perform a better yield prediction than the blind guess technique. An ANN was fitted to the data that accounted for 76% of yield variability. Comparing predicted versus observed yield a lower RMSE (P = 0.05) was obtained using the ANN than using the regression or the blind guess methods. Regional production estimations performed by the ANN showed a good agreement with observed data with a RMSE equivalent to 7% of the whole surveyed area production. As variables used for the ANN development may be available around 40–60 days before wheat harvest, the methodology may be used for wheat production forecasting in the Pampas.  相似文献   

Different preceding crops interact with almost all husbandry and have a major effect on crop yields. In order to quantify the yield response of winter wheat, a field trial with different preceding crop combinations (oilseed rape (OSR)–OSR–OSR–wheat–wheat–wheat), two sowing dates (mid/end of September, mid/end of October) and 16 mineral nitrogen (N) treatments (80–320 kg N ha−1) during 1993/1994–1998/1999, was carried out at Hohenschulen Experimental Station near Kiel in NW Germany. Single plant biomass, tiller numbers m−2, biomass m−2, grain yield and yield components at harvest were investigated. During the growing season, the incidence of root rot (Gaeumannomyces graminis) was observed. Additionally, a bioassay with Lemna minor was used to identify the presence of allelochemicals in the soil after different preceding crops.Averaged over all years and all other treatments, wheat following OSR achieved nearly 9.5 t ha−1, whereas the second wheat crop following wheat yielded about 0.9 t ha−1 and the third wheat crop following 2 years of wheat about 1.9 t ha−1 less compared with wheat after OSR. A delay of the sowing date only marginally decreased grain yield by 0.2 t ha−1. Nitrogen fertilization increased grain yield after all preceding crop combinations, but at different levels. Wheat grown after OSR reached its maximum yield of 9.7 t ha−1 with 210 kg N ha−1. The third wheat crop required a N amount of 270 kg N ha−1 to achieve its yield maximum of 8.0 t ha−1.Yield losses were mainly caused by a lower ear density and a reduced thousand grain weight. About 4 weeks after plant establishment, single wheat plants following OSR accumulated more biomass compared to plants grown after wheat. Plants from the third wheat crop were smallest. This range of the preceding crop combinations was similar at all sampling dates throughout the growing season.Root rot occurred only at a low level and was excluded to cause the yield losses. The Lemna bioassay suggested the presence of allelochemicals, which might have been one reason for the poor single plant development in autumn.An increased N fertilization compensated for the lower number of ears m−2 and partly reduced the yield losses due to the unfavorable preceding crop combination. However, it was not possible to completely compensate for the detrimental influences of an unfavorable preceding crop on the grain yield of the subsequent wheat crop.  相似文献   

Data from a field experiment (1995–2000) conducted on a fertile sandy loess in the Hercynian dry region of central Germany were used to determine the energy efficiency of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) as affected by previous crop and nitrogen (N) fertilization. Depending on the previous crop, winter oilseed rate was cultivated in two different crop rotations: (1) winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)–winter oilseed rape–winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and (2) pea (Pisum sativum L.)–winter oilseed rape–winter wheat. Fertilizer was applied to winter oilseed rape as either calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) or cattle manure slurry. The N rates applied to winter oilseed rape corresponded to 0, 80, 160 and 240 kg N ha−1 a−1.Results revealed that different N management strategies influenced the energy balance of winter oilseed rape. Averaged across years, the input of energy to winter oilseed rape was highly variable ranging from 7.42 to 16.1 GJ ha−1. Lowest energy input occurred when unfertilized winter oilseed rape followed winter barley, while the highest value was obtained when winter oilseed rape received 240 kg N ha−1 organic fertilization and followed winter barley. The lowest energy output (174 GJ ha−1), energy from seed and straw of winter oilseed rape, was observed when winter oilseed rape receiving 80 kg N ha−1 as organic fertilizer followed winter barley. The energy output increased to 262 GJ ha−1 for winter oilseed rape receiving 240 kg N ha−1 as mineral fertilizer followed pea. The energy efficiency was determined using the parameters energy gain (net energy output), energy intensity (energy input per unit grain equivalent GE; term GE is used to express the contribution that crops make to the nutrition of monogastric beings), and output/input ratio. The most favourable N rate for maximizing energy gain (250 GJ ha−1) was 240 kg N ha−1, while that needed for minimum energy intensity (91.3 MJ GE−1) was 80 kg N ha−1 and for maximum output/input ratio (29.8) was 0 kg N ha−1.  相似文献   

Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris cv. Patriot) plants were grown on field plots and in open-top chambers (OTCs) in two successive years. In the OTC treatments, plants were exposed to charcoal filtered air, unfiltered air or unfiltered air enriched with additional ozone (O3). Ozone exposure continued for almost 5 months and the 8-h average concentration was raised from 34 to 39 nL L−1 in the ambient air chambers to 62 nL L−1 in the ozone enriched chambers. In both years, the AOT40 exposure index in the ozone enriched chambers exceeded 30 μL L−1 h during the 5-month exposure period compared to 6.5 and 2.9 μL L−1 h in ambient air in 2003 and 2004, respectively. Visible symptoms in the form of small white necrotic flecks appeared in both seasons in the ozone enriched chambers. When the data for both years were analysed statistically, a significant reduction of root yield of 6% and a slight reduction of sugar content were detected. These changes resulted in an overall reduced sugar yield ha−1 of about 9%. Although the sensitivity of sugar beet to ozone is highly variety-dependent, in general this biennial crop appears less sensitive than annual crops such as wheat and potato. Ozone has limited effects on quality parameters in sugar beet, although an increase in α-amino-N content was observed, in agreement with the increased nitrogen content resulting from ozone exposure of wheat and potato.Enclosure within the OTCs increased aboveground biomass but decreased root yield (fresh biomass) and sugar content. These effects were most likely caused by a reduction of radiation by the chamber walls and annulus. The increased temperature in the chambers reduced yield quality by increasing mineral content.  相似文献   

Winter beet roots and shoots might be a favorable substrate for biogas production in Central Europe. However, detailed information about the attainable yield of this crop is lacking. Thus, the impact of plant density, genotype and environmental conditions on total dry matter yield of winter beet crops that bolt after winter was investigated. A significant increase of the dry matter yield (esp. shoot) was expected by harvesting the 1st shoot after flowering in June followed by a final harvest of the whole plant in July. In 2009/10, 2010/11 and 2011/12, three series of field trials with (i) 3 target plant densities (148, 246, 370 thousand plants ha−1) and (ii) 3 different sugar beet genotypes were conducted at Göttingen (Lower Saxony, GER) and Kiel (Schleswig-Holstein, GER); (iii), additional field trials with 5 different sugar beet genotypes cultivated at 2 target plant densities (148, 246 thousand plants ha−1) were conducted in 2011/12, to investigate the relation between maximum taproot diameter and the shoot and taproot yield of bolting winter beet. The total dry matter yield considerably varied between 4 and 23 t ha−1. It was predominantly affected by the environment and to a substantially lower extent by plant density. Increasing plant densities increased the total dry matter yield, resulting in a significantly higher total dry matter yield at plant densities ≥300,000 plants ha−1 compared with lower plant densities. Genotypic differences in total dry matter yield were negligibly small. Pruning in June substantially increased the total dry matter yield in July by ca. 8 t ha−1 only in one out of three environments.Final yield in June (without pruning) and July (pruning in June) was positively related with cumulated temperature and global radiation, but also with taproot dry matter yield before winter. The taproot, shoot (1st, 2nd) and total plant yield were positively correlated with maximum taproot diameter.In conclusion, high dry matter yields close to yields of established energy crops grown over winter were obtained with winter beet roots and shoots only under very favorable conditions (climate, single plant size). High yields can be achieved after good pre-winter development. However, for sufficient frost tolerance the taproot size of plants must be rather small. Hence, the cultivation of bolting winter beet under Central European climate conditions has to face a severe conflict of goals concerning winter survival and yield formation.  相似文献   

The major objective for clover in a winter wheat/white clover intercropping system is to supply nitrogen (N) for the wheat. A field experiment was repeated in 2 years on a loamy sand in Denmark to investigate the possibilities for increasing N supply to the winter wheat by cutting and mulching the clover between the wheat rows. The clover was cut with a weed brusher on three different dates in each year.Intercropped wheat with unbrushed clover had a lower grain yield than wheat as a sole crop. Brushing increased wheat N uptake and wheat grain yields. Intercropping with two or three brushing dates gave higher wheat yields than wheat as the sole crop. The largest increases in grain N uptake, 21–25 kg N ha−1, were obtained for the brushings around wheat flag leaf emergence. The highest yield increases with a single brushing, 0.98–1.11 Mg DM ha−1, were obtained when brushing was performed during the stem elongation phase. The largest grain yields for treatments with two brushings were obtained with a first brushing at start of stem elongation and a second around flag leaf emergence. The first brushing probably provided N to increase the wheat leaf area index and thus the light interception, while the second brushing provided N to sustain the leaf area during grain filling and reduced clover biomass and therefore competition for water. Intercropping wheat and clover increased grain N concentrations by 0.11–0.39%-point compared with wheat as a sole crop. Intercropping may thus offer possibilities for improving the bread-making quality of organically grown wheat.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) deficiency and weed infestation are main factors limiting yield and yield stability in organic wheat. Organic fertilizers may be used to improve crop performance but off-farm input costs tend to limit profitability. Instead, forage legumes may be inserted into the crop rotation to improve the N balance and to control weed infestation. In opposition to simultaneous cropping, relay intercropping of legumes in organic winter wheat limits resource competition for the legume cover crop, without decreasing the performance of the associated wheat.The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of spring organic fertilization on the performance of intercropped legumes and wheat, and on services provided by the legume cover.Two species of forage legumes (Trifolium pratense L. and Trifolium repens L.) were undersown in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Lona) in five organic fields during two consecutive crop seasons. Organic fertilizer was composed of feather meal and applied on wheat at legume sowing. The cover crop was maintained after the wheat harvest and destroyed just before sowing maize.Spring organic nitrogen fertilization increased wheat biomass (+35%), nitrogen (+49%), grain yield (+40%) and protein content (+7%) whatever the intercropping treatment. At wheat harvest, red clover biomass was significantly higher than white clover one (1.4 vs. 0.7 t ha−1). Nitrogen fertilization decreased forage legume above-ground biomass at wheat harvest, at approximately 0.5 t ha−1 whatever the specie. No significant difference in forage legume biomass production was observed at cover killing. Nitrogen accumulation in legume above-ground tissues was significantly higher for white clover than for red clover. Both red and white clover species significantly decreased weed infestation at this date. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased weed biomass whatever the intercropping treatment and decreased nitrogen accumulation in both clover species (−12%).We demonstrated that nitrogen fertilization increased yield of wheat intercropped with forage legume while the performance of legumes was decreased. Legume growth was modified by spring fertilization whatever the species.  相似文献   

The fate of 15NH4-N labelled cattle slurry applied before sowing in September of a winter wheat crop was studied on a loamy sand soil. The aim was to quantify immobilization of slurry NH4-N into microbial biomass, the speed at which nitrate derived from the slurry NH4-N was transported down the soil profile, and the utilization of slurry NH4-N by the winter wheat crop. Cattle slurry was applied at a rate corresponding to 75 kg NH4-N ha−1 , with very little loss by volatilization (<4%) due to rapid incorporation by ploughing. The slurry amendment resulted in a doubling of soil surface CO2 flux, an index of microbial activity, over non-amended soil within the first c. 2 weeks, but ceased again after c. 4 weeks, due to depletion of the easily degradable substances, e.g. volatile fatty acids, in the slurry. Nitrification of the applied NH4-N was fast and complete by 3 weeks from application, and at this time, the maximum immobilization of slurry NH4-N into the microbial biomass (23% of applied 15NH4-N) was also observed, although no significant increase in total microbial biomass was observed. Rapid turnover of the microbial biomass quickly diluted the assimilated 15N, with only 6% of applied 15NH4-N remaining in the microbial biomass by next spring. Downwards transport of nitrate was rapid in spite of lower than normal precipitation, and slurry-derived 15NO3-N appeared in ceramic suction cups installed at 60 cm depth already 2 months after slurry application. Due to the unusually low winter precipitation in the experimental year, wheat yields were high, and the recovery of N in above-ground plant biomass derived from slurry NH4-N at harvest reached 32%. An additional 45% of the applied slurry NH4-N could be found in the soil to a depth of 100 cm (mostly in organic form in the plough layer), indicating that 23% had been lost by leaching or in gaseous form. It was concluded that although significant immobilization of slurry NH4-N did occur, this was not sufficient to prevent leaching of slurry-derived N over the winter and that the relatively high recovery of slurry-derived N in the wheat crop was due partly to lower than normal winter percolation and partly to a relatively high rooting depth on this particular site.  相似文献   

Soil management systems may negatively affect the quality of the soil. Policymakers and farmers need scientific information to make appropriate land management decisions. Conventional (CT) and zero tillage (ZT) are two common soil management systems. Comparative field studies under controlled conditions are required to determine the impact of these systems on soil quality and yields. The research presented studied plant and soil physical and chemical characteristics as affected by different agricultural management practices, i.e. ZT and CT, cropped with continuous wheat or maize in monoculture (M) or in a yearly rotation (R) of these two crops, either with residue retention (+r) or without residues retention (?r), in an experimental field in the Transvolcanic Belt of Mexico after 14 years. The dominant factors defining soil quality were organic C, total N, moisture, aggregate stability, mechanical resistance, pH and EC. The principal component combining the variables organic C, total N, aggregate stability and moisture content showed the highest correlations with final yield (R = 0.85 for wheat and 0.87 for maize).After 14 years of continuous practice, ZTM + r and ZTR + r had the best soil quality and produced the highest wheat and maize yields of average 2001–2004 (6683 and 7672 kg ha?1 and 5085 and 5667 kg ha?1, respectively). Removing the residues, i.e. treatments ZTM ? r with maize (average 2001–2004: 1388 kg ha?1) and ZTR ? r and CTR ? r with wheat (average 2001–2004: 3949 and 5121 kg ha?1), gave the lowest yields and less favourable soil physical and chemical characteristics compared to the other practices. It was found that zero tillage with residue retention is a feasible management technology for farmers producing maize and wheat in the agro-ecological zone studied, resulting in a better soil quality and higher yields than with the conventional farmer practice (maize monoculture, conventional tillage and residue removal).  相似文献   

In agricultural soils, the formation of soil organic matter largely depends on the carbon (C) input by crop residues and rhizodeposition, which is thus of decisive importance for the management and prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in cropland and grassland. However, there is a remarkable lack of reliable, crop-specific C input data. We used a plant C allocation approach to estimate the C input of major crops and grassland into agricultural soils of Bavaria in southeast Germany. Historic and recent plant C allocation coefficients were estimated and C inputs were calculated for a 60-year period (1951–2010) using long-term agricultural statistics. The spatial distribution of C inputs within Bavaria was derived from county-specific statistical data. The results revealed increases of the C input by 107–139% for cereals, 173–188% for root, forage and leguminous crops and 34% for grassland in the last 60 years. This increase was related to linear yield increases until 1995 despite significant changes of plant C allocation. However, from 1995 onwards, crop yields and related C inputs stagnated, which allowed a robust estimation of recent crop-specific C input values. A total C input of 3.8–6.7 t ha−1 yr−1 was estimated for cereals, 5.2–6.3 t ha−1 yr−1 for root, forage and leguminous crops and 2.4 t ha−1 yr−1 for grassland. These amounts were partly higher compared to estimations in the literature. A generally high spatial variability of C inputs was detected within Bavaria with differences of up to 40% between adjacent counties. The results of this study could be used to optimize the C input of crop rotations and thus promote the formation of soil organic matter and C sequestration in agricultural soils on the basis of a soil carbon model. Moreover, recent estimations of C inputs could be used to model the future development of agricultural SOC stocks. A further stagnation of crop yields and the related C input under an ongoing temperature increase bears the risk of a future decrease of SOC stocks in cropland soils of Bavaria.  相似文献   

Integrated crop–livestock systems can help achieve greater environmental quality from disparate crop and livestock systems by recycling nutrients and taking advantage of synergies between systems. We investigated crop and animal production responses in integrated crop–livestock systems with two types of winter cover cropping (legume-derived N and inorganic fertilizer N), two types of tillage [conventional disk (CT) and no tillage (NT)], and whether cover crops were grazed by cow/calf pairs or not. The 13-ha field study was a modification of a previous factorial experiment with four replications on Ultisols in Georgia, USA. Recurring summer drought severely limited corn and soybean production during all three years. Type of cover crop had little influence and grazing of cover crops had minor influence on crop production characteristics. Cattle gain from grazing of winter cover crops added a stable component to production. No-tillage management had large positive effects on corn grain (95 vs. 252 g m−2 under CT and NT, respectively) and stover (305 vs. 385 g m−2) production, as well as on soybean grain (147 vs. 219 g m−2) and stover (253 vs. 375 g m−2) production, but little overall effect on winter wheat grain (292 g m−2) and stover (401 g m−2) production. Our results suggest that robust, diversified crop–livestock systems can be developed for impoverished soils of the southeastern USA, especially when managed under no tillage to control environmental quality and improve resistance of crops to drought.  相似文献   

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