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以省内主要栽培粳稻品种(品系)为研究对象,用“活体菌株”接种法进行水稻品种稻瘟病抗性鉴定,人为控制田间小气候,建立一套发病系数高、方法简便实用、病圃容量大、鉴定结果可靠性强等综合措施。 在连续几年的抗性鉴定中,鉴定筛选出一批利用价值较高的种质资源和抗性较好的系统材料,本研究室选育出抗病品种3个,省良种化工程中标品系3个及省内抗病品种(品系)23个,以备做抗性资源加以利用或在生产上推广应用。  相似文献   

国外水稻种质资源在广西的评价与应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
水稻种质资源是育种的物质基础.水稻育种要在米质、产量、抗性上有新的突破,除了有新的育种技术外.还要有丰富的遗传资源.广西水稻育种在20世纪90年代前居国内先进水平.就是利用了一些国内外育种中间材料:而90年代以后育成的水稻品种(杂交稻组合)在产量、米质、抗性上有一定的提高,但突破不大,主要原因是育种者手中缺乏国内外新的育种材料.国际水稻研究所等育成的水稻种质.亲源广泛,遗传基础丰富.蕴藏着丰富的抗性与特殊性基因源.是水稻新品种选育的遗传基础.  相似文献   

分子标记在稻种资源中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向彦  贺浩华  傅军如  徐亮 《种子》2003,(6):60-64
对近二十年来发展起来的多种分子标记技术作了简要的介绍。简要地综述了分子标记技术在稻种资源方面的有关应用,主要内容有:(1)栽培稻的起源与进化;(2)水稻遗传多样性研究;(3)有利基因的定位与应用;(4)遗传图谱构建。  相似文献   

吕彬 《作物杂志》1994,10(5):36
国外稻种资源在黑龙江的利用吕彬(黑龙江省农科院水稻研究所,佳木斯市,154014)黑龙江省近代稻作始于本世纪初。当时的主栽品种除农家品种外,主要为日本、原苏联和朝鲜的品种,如京租、北海、龟之尾、改良北海道、坊主、津轻早生等。由于这些品种相对优越于老品……  相似文献   

沙伟超 《种子科技》2023,(19):39-41
水稻是最重要的粮食作物之一,水稻育种技术因生物技术的运用而得到了极大改良。文章主要围绕生物技术在水稻育种中的应用途径展开论述,以此保证水稻育种的效果。  相似文献   

在全面系统查询广西25年来水稻育种成就的基础上,分析论述了广西杂交水稻育种发展的现状和取得的成绩,提出了存在的问题及发生的原因,探讨今后发展的对策。  相似文献   

我国西葫芦资源和育种研究概况及发展趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西葫芦(CucurbitapepoL.)别名美洲南瓜,原产北美洲,19世纪传入我国。受生态条件选择和人类长期驯化,西葫芦在我国已形成了较多的类型和品种。自20世纪50年代以来,我国西葫芦育种主要经历了地方品种的挖掘、常规品种的引进选育、利用杂种优势进行早熟优质丰产品种选育3个阶段,取得了长足的发展,获得了一些重要的科研成果,对提高我国西葫芦科学研究水平和生产发展起到积极的推动作用。我们要在常规的有性杂交选育技术基础上,注重西葫芦品种的内在品质、多抗性、专用性,加强生物技术的应用,为优异种质资源的研究和创新开辟有效的途径,使我国西…  相似文献   

分子标记及其在云南稻种核心种质中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文总结了分子生物学发展的各类分子标记及其在核心种质中的应用。  相似文献   

常规育种、花培育种、杂种优势利用、转基因育种及分子育种,是当前水稻育种的主要手段,那么未来几年、十几年的水稻育种将朝哪个方向发展呢?2005年在上海召开的水稻优异资源现场展示会暨水稻分子育种学术讨论会上产生了一些新的理念或构想:  相似文献   

广西野生稻种质资源档案建设技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了建立技术档案的重要意义.报道了广西野生稻种质资源档案建设现状,提出了健全野生稻资源档案的构想。  相似文献   

旨在明确来自亚洲、欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲共441份水稻种质的恢保关系和强恢种质分布地区,为高效选育恢复系、保持系提供优异亲本。用野败型细胞质雄性不育系‘明218A’为母本与外引种质测交配制441份测验种。以自然结实率为指标,鉴别恢保类型。鉴定出恢复型种质53份,保持型种质43份,半恢半保型种质333份。分析53份恢复种质的分布地区,结果表明来源于亚洲国家(地区)种质最多,达到了33份,占恢复种质的比例为62.3%;筛选出美国强恢种质6份,占来源美国种质31.6%;来源于欧洲种质仅2份,占来源于欧洲种质的比例为5%,欧洲恢复种质相对较少。对53份强恢种质测交F1与测交父本7个重要性状均值进行相关分析,其中株高(r=0.97**)、千粒重(r=0.934**)和穗长(r=0.747**)3个性状达极显著相关,而其余的4个性状的相关不显著。相关程度的大小顺序为:株高>千粒重>穗长>有效穗>穗总粒数>穗实粒数>自然结实率。野败型不育系强恢的种质5大洲都有分布,主要集中在亚洲的东亚、南亚、东南亚地区以及美国。恢复系的株高、千粒重以及穗长对杂交种F1的影响较大。  相似文献   

摘要: 本文对国内外水稻耐寒育种的进展进行了回顾,同时探讨了水稻耐寒育种的研究方法、策略和目前存在的问题,最后提出了今后在耐寒育种领域的发展趋势  相似文献   

Summary A crop's ability to productively exploit its environment depends on many adaptive features which are controlled by multiple genes, interacting among themselves and with the environment in complex ways.To promote widespread adoption, breeders frequently seek to develop broad adaptation in their varieties, often through the use of genes having a large effect on a single adaptive feature. Such genes may occur within the crop, its wild relatives, or unrelated taxa. Genes for many adaptive features (e.g. temperature tolerance) may be found in extreme environments. Others (e.g. photoperiod insensitivity) may have evolved away from primary centres of origin.Well characterized and documented ex situ germplasm collections aim to serve plant breeders' need for genes. Molecular marker and geographic information system (GIS) techniques are proving useful for locating and characterizing genetic diversity. New techniques (e.g. core collections and electronic information systems) are adding to the value of collections. Ex situ and in situ conservation of wild crop relatives are receiving increased attention. With all organisms becoming a potential source of genes for breeding, in situ ecosystem conservation is assuming added significance.Farmers, particularly in diverse, marginal environments in developing countries, continue to breed landraces adapted to their specific circumstances. In areas of high ecological diversity, a multitude of adaptive gene complexes have been selected within small geographic areas. Conventional breeding frequently neglects such farmers, and participatory methods based on locally adapted diversity, coupled with appropriate technical and policy support, may prove more effective in meeting their needs. Such dynamic, on-farm conservation and management systems would also enable genetic diversity to continue to evolve as a resource for conventional breeding.For genetic resources to remain a foundation for future sustainable agricultural development, complementary conservation and breeding strategies are needed.  相似文献   

以尼日利亚当地主栽水稻品种为对照,对从中国引进的8个高产、优质、高抗杂交水稻新组合进行试验筛选。结果表明:中国杂交水稻表现为穗大、粒多,株高适中,品质优,产量高,全部供试组合产量均比对照增产达极显著水平。根据优中选优的原则,筛选5个高产、优质、高抗病及综合性状好的组合建议尼日利亚农业部进一步引进、示范并推广。  相似文献   

J. Q. Yan    Q. Z. Xue  Y. X. Wang 《Plant Breeding》1996,115(5):301-304
Significant differences of callus induction, green plant regeneration and culture efficiency were observed among restorer lines and their hybrids in rice. Average callus induction percentage of F1, hybrids was about twice that of their parents. Twenty doubled haploid (DH) lines that showed normal fertility with both indica and japonica CMS lines, were selected as widely compatible restorers (WCRs). TG8 derived from CPSLO17/Minghui 63 not only showed normal fertility to both indica and japonica test varieties and CMS lines, but also exhibited superior agronomic traits, in particular short plant, desired plant type, high tillerability, large panicles, good grain quality and resistance to rice blast disease. Strong heterosis for yield was observed in crosses between indica or japonica CMS lines and TG8. TG8 possessed a dominant, widely compatible gene (WCG) that was inherited from the variety CPSLO17. Results confirmed that the anther culture technique is a quick and effective way of developing widely compatible restorers in rice and that it is applicable to the direct use of intersubspecific heterosis with the three-line method.  相似文献   

Genetic resources and breeding of Capsicum spp.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Five species of Capsicum have been domesticated in the American tropics, but breeding programs have concentrated on the non-pungent cultivars of C. annuum. Studies of the consequences of human selection during and after domestication support theoretical calculations that there will be significant amounts of genetic diversity within as well as between species. Breeders have only recently begun to exploit this diversity. Multiple resistances are available to several pests and diseases, but have to be transferred from one agronomic or market type of pepper to another. Problems in selecting simultaneously for multigenic resistances and polygenic quality characters may be eased by the development of molecular markers and a molecular linkage map for Capsicum. Ploidy changes (both tetraploidy and haploidy) are relatively easy to induce in Capsicum species. Doubled haploids have proved particularly valuable in the analysis of the genetically complex basis of some resistances to pests and diseases. Barriers to interspecific gene transfer are similar to those found in other genera of Solanaceae: unilateral incompatibility, post-fertilisation abortion, and nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions leading to male sterility or other abnormalities. Information on the occurrence and effects of these barriers should be available if or when breeders need to turn to interspecific hybridisation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

回顾了国内外早期关于水稻雄性不育性研究的关键突破,简要概述了水稻雄性不育性的遗传机理和分类,统计了近50年来我国育成审定的各类不育系及对应的杂交种数量,认为水稻亚种内品种间杂种优势利用遭遇"天花板"效应,指出亚种间杂种优势利用即籼粳交杂交种是杂交水稻育种的新赛道。籼粳交杂交种基于母本的不同有"粳母籼父"和"籼母粳父"两种模式,"三系法"BT型"粳母籼父"模式已由宁波市农业科学院率先突破,"籼母粳父"模式及其他"粳母籼父"模式基本上属于空白,是杂交水稻育种的新赛道。  相似文献   

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