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为探索新疆绿洲农田生态条件下大豆超高产(≥5 625 kg hm-2)栽培的产量形成机理,在2006和2007年超高产栽培试验中测定了中黄35的群体生理指标和生态参数,分析了品种群体结构。结果表明,中黄35和新大豆1号(对照)的最大叶面积指数(LAImax)分别为4.31和3.64,LAI>3的天数分别持续50 d和36 d;全生育期的总光合势(LAD)分别为2 766 375 m2 d和2 385 645 m2 d;中黄35生育前期(出苗后第16~58天群体的光合生产率为3.3~5.2 g m-2 d-1,而后期(出苗后第72~114天)则为2.52~5.0 g m-2 d-1,对照分别为3.8~6.0和0.6~3.5 g m-2 d-1;中黄35的生物产量、籽粒产量和经济系数为13 943.2 kg hm-2、5 521.5 kg hm-2和39.6%,对照则为13 108.1 kg hm-2、4 666.5 kg hm-2和35.63%。和对照相比,中黄35最大叶面积指数持续时间长,全生育期的总光合势高,后期群体的光合生产率大,经济系数高是达到超高产目标的基础。中黄35在新疆绿洲农田栽培,具有良好的适应性。  相似文献   

双季杂交晚粳稻超高产形成特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究旨在明确传统双季晚籼稻地区双季杂交晚粳稻超高产产量构成及其群体特征,阐明双季杂交晚粳稻超高产形成规律。以江西省上高县6.77 hm2连片双季杂交晚粳稻高产攻关示范方为依托,选用杂交粳稻甬优8号为材料,对中产(8.25~9.75 t hm-2)、高产(9.75~10.50 t hm-2)和超高产(>10.50 t hm-2) 3个产量水平群体的产量构成及群体特征进行系统比较研究。结果表明,与中产、高产水平群体相比,超高产水平群体表现穗数足、穗型大、群体颖花量多(50 000×104 hm−2以上)的显著特点,但结实率和千粒重略低,差异不显著;群体茎蘖动态上,群体起点较高,可及时够苗;够苗后增长平缓,高峰苗数量较少、下降平缓,成穗率高(78.0%左右)。群体叶面积指数前期增长较缓,最大值出现在孕穗期,为8.0左右,此后下降缓慢,成熟期仍保持3.5以上;群体光合势生育前期较小,中、后期较大,抽穗至成熟期光合势为300×104 m2 d hm−2以上,总光合势为560×104 m2 d hm−2以上。拔节前干物质量积累速度较慢,拔节后积累速度较快,至抽穗期群体生物量为10.5 t hm−2左右,抽穗后积累量亦高,成熟期干物重达19.0 t hm−2左右,后期茎鞘物质转运率大于14.0%。超高产群体根量多、活力较强;植株吸氮能力强、成熟期氮素累积量高,氮素利用率40%以上。根据双季杂交晚粳稻超高产形成特征,我们探讨了培育双季晚粳稻超高产群体的关键栽培技术。  相似文献   

稻茬小麦公顷产量9000 kg群体钾素积累、分配与利用特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在稻麦两熟制条件下,以扬麦20为材料,通过基本苗和氮肥施用量、施用时期及比例的调控,建立不同产量水平群体,研究籽粒产量9000 kg hm-2群体钾素积累、分配与利用特性。结果表明,籽粒产量≥9000 kg hm-2 (超高产)群体钾素吸收高峰期出现在拔节至开花期,吸收的钾素占一生吸收钾素的52%~68%;开花期和成熟期钾素积累量均极显著高于<9000 kg hm-2 (高产)群体。成熟期叶片、茎鞘、颖壳+穗轴和籽粒钾素积累量与籽粒产量均呈极显著线性正相关;花后茎鞘钾素转运量与产量呈极显著线性正相关,颖壳+穗轴钾素转运量与产量呈极显著线性负相关。超高产群体开花期和成熟期钾素积累量分别为430~450 kg hm-2和366~408 kg hm-2;成熟期钾素积累量,茎鞘中最高,为244~269 kg hm-2,其次是叶片和颖壳+穗轴,分别为46~49 kg hm-2和40~46 kg hm-2,籽粒中仅为35~46 kg hm-2;花后茎鞘钾素转出量为46~52 kg hm-2,颖壳+穗轴钾素积累量为9~17 kg hm-2。超高产群体每100 kg籽粒的吸钾量需达4.57~4.87 kg,此时的钾素利用效率为20.56~22.02 kg kg-1,钾收获指数为0.095~0.112。  相似文献   

超级稻甬优12不同产量水平群体的钾素营养特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2013-2014年,以超级稻甬优12不同产量群体为研究对象,系统比较研究甬优12高产(10.5~12.0 t hm-2)、更高产(12.0~13.5 t hm-2)、超高产(>13.5 t hm-2)3个产量群体的钾素吸收与积累特征差异。结果表明:(1)甬优12超高产、更高产和高产群体的两年平均产量分别为13.9、12.6和10.8 t hm-2。(2)拔节期植株含钾量呈高产群体>更高产群体>超高产群体;抽穗期和成熟期植株含钾量呈超高产群体>更高产群体>高产群体;拔节期3个产量群体间钾素吸收量差异不显著,超高产群体抽穗期和成熟期钾素吸收量分别为364.1 kg hm-2和374.6 kg hm-2,显著高于更高产(326.7 kg hm-2、331.1 kg hm-2)和高产群体(282.8 kg hm-2、284.1 kg hm-2)。(3)随产量上升,植株钾素积累量播种至拔节期随之下降,而拔节至抽穗期随之增加。播种至拔节期钾素积累量与产量呈极显著线性负相关,拔节至抽穗期钾素积累量与产量呈极显著线性正相关。(4)与对照相比,甬优12超高产群体抽穗期和成熟期茎鞘、叶片和穗部钾素吸收量较高且与产量呈显著或极显著线性正相关。(5)与对照相比,尽管甬优12超高产群体钾素吸收总量较高,但其籽粒生产率和钾素偏生产力较低,表明甬优12超高产群体钾素利用率较低,在今后甬优12超高产栽培管理中应重视钾肥的高效利用。最后就提高甬优12超高产群体钾素吸收利用的措施进行了探讨。  相似文献   

种植密度和行距配置对超高产夏玉米群体光合特性的影响   总被引:70,自引:1,他引:69  
在67 500株 hm-2、90 000株hm-2和112 500株hm-2等3个种植密度条件下,研究了密度和行距配置对超高产夏玉米品种登海701产量和群体光合特性的影响。结果表明,随密度增加,籽粒产量、叶面积指数(LAI)、光合有效辐射(PAR)上层截获率、群体光合(CAP)和群体呼吸(CR)、干物质积累量均提高;而叶绿素含量、穗位叶层和下层PAR截获率则降低。在67 500株 hm-2下,宽窄行与等行距处理相比无显著优势。但在90 000株 hm-2和112 500株 hm-2密度下,80 cm+40 cm行距处理的产量、叶面积指数(LAI)、叶绿素含量、穗位叶层的PAR截获率、花后群体光合速率(CAP)平均值均显著高于其他行距处理(等行距、70 cm+50 cm和90 cm+30 cm);而群体呼吸速率与光合速率的比值(CR/TCAP)则显著低于其他行距处理。说明在较高密度条件下,80 cm+40 cm的宽窄行配置有助于扩大光合面积、增加穗位叶层的光合有效辐射、提高群体光合速率、减少群体呼吸消耗,从而提高籽粒产量。  相似文献   

不同施氮水平对超高产夏玉米氮磷钾积累与分配的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
为探明不同施氮水平下玉米超高产(≥13 500 kg hm-2)群体氮磷钾积累及分配规律,通过苏玉20、浚单20两品种3年不同氮肥运筹方案的试验,实现了籽粒最高产量14 753 kg hm-2的目标。结果表明:(1)随着生育进程,两品种氮磷钾在植株、籽粒中积累逐渐增大,在叶片、茎秆、叶鞘中呈先单峰变化趋势,叶片氮钾峰值在大口期,磷峰值在开花期。增大灌浆期植株氮积累量及叶片氮转移率,促使成熟期籽粒氮磷较大积累量,利于超高产玉米群体的形成。(2)籽粒产量、1 kg氮生产籽粒量、氮肥的农学效率、氮素利用率、植株(及叶片、茎秆、叶鞘、籽粒等器官)氮磷钾含量在450 kg hm-2施氮水平时达到最大值,其值(苏玉20)分别为14753 kg hm-2、44.0 kg、19.24%、38.63%、335.4 kg hm-2、178.2 kg hm-2、230.7 kg hm-2,过高过低施氮均使氮磷钾积累量及产量下降。(3)由两品种产量与施氮水平的回归方程,确定了超高产时的最佳施氮量、超高产施氮水平和最佳施氮范围,苏玉20分别为457.0 kg hm-2、418.3~495.7 kg hm-2、418.5~495.4 kg hm-2;浚单20分别为452.7 kg hm-2(最佳施氮量)、410.8~494.6 kg hm-2 (最佳施氮范围)。  相似文献   

超高产常规粳稻宁粳1号和宁粳3号群体特征及对氮的响应   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
2007-2008年对宁粳1号和宁粳3号的丰产示范方进行调查,2008年以宁粳3号为材料进行氮肥用量和前后比例试验,研究常规粳型超级稻超高产群体特征及对氮的响应。结果表明,常规粳型超级稻宁粳1号和宁粳3号抽穗后干物质积累占籽粒产量的70%~80%,茎叶等营养器官的表观转运率少,易高产稳产。足够的颖花量是高产稳产的保证,要达到11.0 t hm-2以上的产量,颖花数要 ≥ 42 000 m-2;要达到11.7 t hm-2以上的产量,颖花数要 ≥ 45 000 m-2,同时结实率 ≥ 90%,粒重 ≥ 26 mg。超高产群体抽穗期适宜叶面积指数(LAI)为7.0~7.5,叶色呈“黑黄”节奏变化,后期生长速率(CGR)高,收获指数(HI)≥ 0.5。氮肥的适量施用和适当后移,不仅可以保证宁粳1号和宁粳3号生育期“黑黄”节奏变化,建立抽穗期适宜LAI的群体,还可以保持超高产株型特征,提高抽穗后LAI、叶面积维持期、CGR和HI,最终实现超高产量。  相似文献   

水稻甬优12超高产群体分蘖特性及其与群体生产力的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
以籼粳交超级稻甬优12为试材,四叶一心期带蘖小苗移栽,通过栽培措施的调控,形成超高产( >13.0 t hm-2)和高产( >12.0 t hm-2)群体,以高产群体作为对照,对分蘖挂牌追踪,比较研究超高产群体分蘖发生成穗特点。结果表明,超高产群体分蘖产量及对总产量的贡献率分别为11.53 t hm-2和87.77%,高产群体分别为10.59 t hm-2和87.40%。超高产和高产群体的分蘖利用都以一次和二次分蘖为主,一次和二次分蘖的产量均以超高产高于高产群体,超高产群体一次分蘖产量的贡献率略低于高产群体,二次分蘖产量的贡献率高于高产群体。超高产群体一次分蘖发生在第1至第9叶位,第4至第7叶位是分蘖发生与成穗的优势叶位,二次分蘖以1/3、2/3、3/3、2/4、1/5蘖位优势较强。对于高产群体而言,一次分蘖以第4至第7叶位分蘖优势较强,二次分蘖以1/3、2/3、3/3优势较强,三次分蘖发生叶位数明显高于超高产群体,但成穗率较低。超高产群体成穗分蘖的穗长、单穗重、总粒数、着[1]粒密度的平均值高于高产群体,结实率却略低于高产群体。  相似文献   

钾肥用量对甬优籼粳杂交稻物质积累及其产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探究甬优籼粳杂交稻的适宜钾肥用量及其对产量的影响,以籼粳杂交稻甬优12和甬优538为试材,设不同钾肥用量(0、75、150、225、300 kg hm-2)的大田试验。结果表明: (1)与对照(0 kg hm-2)相比,两年中施钾处理使甬优12增产9.2%~14.0%,甬优538产增产9.8%~15.0%,以钾肥用量225 kg hm-2处理的产量最高。施钾处理显著增加了群体有效穗数和每穗粒数。(2)随钾肥用量的增加,拔节、抽穗和成熟期的植株干物重和叶面积指数均增加,拔节至抽穗期阶段的干物质积累量和光合势、抽穗至成熟期阶段光合势亦递增;抽穗至成熟期干物重呈先增后降趋势,以钾肥用量225 kg hm-2处理最高。(3)与对照(0 kg hm-2)相比,施钾处理显著增加了花后各时期的剑叶叶绿素含量、光合速率以及根系伤流强度。(4)与对照(0 kg hm-2)相比,施钾处理显著增加了拔节、抽穗和成熟期氮素和钾素吸收量。随钾肥用量增加,植株抽穗至成熟期的氮素和钾素积累量呈先增后降趋势,以钾肥用量225 kg hm-2处理下最高。施钾处理下,钾素偏生产力、钾素籽粒生产率和钾素农艺效率均随钾素用量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

北疆麦田非传统套种新玉9号高产群体结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了套种新玉9号密度效应。结果表明:(1)经济产量一密度方程呈抛物线型,经济系数一密度方程呈指数下降型。(2)密度为8.25×10~4株/hm~2的群体经济产量最高为8745.41kg/hm~2,干物质积累总量为15782.25kg/hm~2。平均干物质生产率为125.87kg/hm~2·d,收获穗数8.25×10~4稳/hm~2,穗粒数392粒,千粒重267.68g,经济系数0.466 3。吐丝期叶面积系数最大值为3.97,成熟时1.01,群体叶面积发展动态为前慢,中快,后衰缓。全生育期总光合势(LAD)224.04m~2·d/hm~2,平均净同化率为5.76g/m~2·d为最佳产量群体结构。  相似文献   

密植对不同玉米品种产量性能的影响及其耐密性分析   总被引:48,自引:2,他引:46  
陈传永  侯玉虹  孙锐  朱平  董志强  赵明 《作物学报》2010,36(7):1153-1160
提高种植密度是玉米高产的重要措施之一,并且群体密度对冠层光合特性与产量有重要影响,为阐明不同基因型玉米品种的耐密性,本研究以先玉335、郑单958、吉单209为供试品种,设置60 000株 hm-2、75 000株 hm-2、90 000株 hm-2、105 000株 hm-2 4种密度处理,测定并计算6个生育期的叶面积指数(LAI)、光合势(LAD)、净同化率(NAR)以及产量性能参数平均叶面积指数(MLAI)、平均净同化率(MNAR)、收获指数(HI)、单位面积穗数(EN)、单穗粒数(GN)、千粒重(GW),并结合产量性能参数的变化对各品种进行耐密性分析。结果表明,不同品种产量性能参数对密度胁迫的反应相同,MLAI、EN与密度呈显著正相关,MNAR、HI、GN、GW与密度呈显著负相关;各品种产量对密度的响应呈一元二次方程关系,并具有良好的相关性;在试验密度范围内,品种耐密性表现以先玉335最好、郑单958次之,吉单209较差,其中,先玉335的适宜密度范围为90 000~105 000株 hm-2,郑单958与吉单209的适宜密度范围为75 000~90 000株 hm-2。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD, i.e. LAI integrated over cumulated degree days) have a marked effect on crop productivity. Three case experiments were conducted at Suitia (60°11′N) and Viikki (60°13′N) Experimental Farms, University of Helsinki, Finland, to evaluate the possibilities of accelerating pre-an thesis expansion of leaf area and modifying pre- and post-anthesis LAD in spring cereals through crop management. Effects of time of incorporation of a green manure crop residue into the soil [conventional tillage (autumn ploughing and seed bed preparation in the spring), conservation tillage (sole spring tillage) with and without a green manure crop, common vetch (Vicia saliva I.)]and N fertilizer rate (0, 50, 100kg N ha?1) on LAI and pre- and post-anthesis LAD in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were studied in exp I; green manuring (common vetch) and N fertilizer rate (0,40, 70,110,150kg N ha?1) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), and wheat in exp II; and foliar application of chlormequat chloride (CCC) and ethephon in oat lines (dwarf, naked, modern, landrace) differing in canopy structure in exp III. Time of incorporation of the green manure crop residues into the soil (exp I), green manuring (exp II), N fertilizer rate (exps I and II), and selection for crop growth type (exp III), but not CCC and ethephon, modified LAI and LAD in spring cereals by affecting the rate of pre-anthesis expansion and post-anthesis reduction in leaf area rather than by markedly prolonging the growth period. High rates of N fertilizer accelerated expansion of leaf area, especially prior to stem elongation, and resulted in high pre-anthesis LAD due to enhanced tiller growth (exps I and II) and more tillers per main shoot (exp I). Green manuring increased leaf expansion from the tillering stage most when combined with high N rate, and especially in barley (exp II), but no such effects were found in exp I. Use of a high N fertilizer rate (exps I and II) and green manuring (exp II) also resulted in high post-anthesis LAD. Such modifications enabled higher rates of grain- and head-filling, and in exp I contributed to increased head weight and grain yield. Selection for inherent differences in growth type provided an additional possibility for manipulation of canopy structure and yield formation.  相似文献   

为了进一步明确黄淮平原冬小麦晚播、夏玉米晚收的“双晚”增产及资源高效的效应,选用2个中熟冬小麦品种和2个中晚熟夏玉米品种,于2006—2008年先后在河南温县和焦作进行大田试验,研究作物群体物质生产、产量形成参数定量指标及光温资源的分配利用。结果表明,冬小麦晚播产量降低不明显,夏玉米晚收产量显著提高747~2 700 kg hm-2,“双晚”周年产量21 891~22 507 kg hm-2,比对照提高442~2 575 kg hm-2。冬小麦晚播平均叶面积指数、每平方米穗数和穗粒数降低,但平均净同化率、收获指数和粒重提高达5%显著水平;夏玉米晚收平均叶面积指数、收获指数、生育期天数和粒重均显著提高。“双晚”栽培优化了周年资源分配,提高生育期与光、温资源变化的吻合度,其生产效率分别提高2.22%~10.86%和0.47%~11.56%。小麦和玉米品种的遗传类型是影响“双晚”栽培技术的关键。因此,选用小麦晚播早熟高产和玉米长生育期晚熟品种,通过有效调节资源配置,将小麦冗余的光温资源分配给C4高光效作物玉米,是提高周年高产高效的重要途径。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to investigate the influence of variable rates of application of N and P fertilizers in splits at various times on the growth and the seed and oil yields of canola (Brassica napus L.) during 1995–97. Rates of fertilizer application were 0 and 0 (F0), 60 and 0 (F1), 0 and 30 (F2), 60 and 30 (F3), 90 and 60 (F4) and 120 and 90 (F5) kg N ha?1 and kg P2O5 ha?1. All the P was applied at sowing while N was applied in splits, i.e. all at sowing, half at sowing and half with first irrigation, or half at sowing and half at flowering. The responses of growth, seed yield and components of yield were consistent in both years. Increasing the rate of fertilizer application from F4 (90/60 kg N/P2O5 ha?1) to F5 (120/90 kg N/P2O5 ha?1) increased the leaf area index (LAI) relative to the control and to lower rates of fertilizer application. For both crops, application of 90/60 kg N/P2O5 ha?1 significantly enhanced total dry matter (TDM) and seed yield. Seed yield increased mainly due to a greater number of pods per plant and seeds per seed‐pod. The time of fertilizer application did not significantly affect seed yield or components of yield in either season. Oil yield generally followed seed yield, increasing with increasing rate of fertilizer application up to 90/60 kg N/P2O5 ha?1. The maximum oil contents were obtained from the control. The results show that seed and oil yields of canola were maximized at the F4 (90/60 kg N/P2O5 ha?1) rate of application under the agro‐ecological conditions of Faisalabad, Pakistan.  相似文献   

超高产栽培杂交中籼稻的生长发育特性   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
以5个杂交中籼稻品种(含品系)扬两优6号、P88S/747、珞优8号、珞优234和天两优2号为材料,研究大田条件下超高产水平(产量≥12.0 t hm-2)的物质生产、产量构成及养分吸收特性。试验结果表明,与高产水稻(产量≥9.0 t hm-2)相比,超高产水稻具有以下特征,幼穗分化期、齐穗期和灌浆结实期(齐穗后10 d) LAI大,分别为6.5~7.2、8.5~8.9和6.5~7.0;齐穗期的高效叶面积比率高,为60.0%~66.5%;齐穗期、灌浆期和成熟期积累较多的干物质,分别为13.5~15.0、15.0~16.0和25.0~28.0 t hm-2;分蘖盛期对氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)吸收利用优势不明显,而幼穗分化期、齐穗期和成熟期对N、P、K 吸收利用高而且积累速度快。此外,具有穗数多(有效穗数介于250×104 ~290×104 穗 hm-2)、结实率高(88.2%~92.3%)、千粒重大(29.0~31.0 g)的特点。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted on sandy loam acidic soil to study the effect of nutrient managements on light interception, photosynthesis, growth, biomass production and yield of Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss.]. Plant height, number of branches per plant, number of siliqua per plant, number of seeds per siliquae, 1000‐seed weight, seed and oil yield of Indian mustard improved at 100 % recommended rates of NPK (N‐P‐K at 80‐17.2‐33.2 kg ha?1) + 10 t ha?1 farmyard manure (FYM) (T3) compared with 100 % NPK rate (T2). It was also at par with 100 % NPK + 10 kg ha?1 borax + 20 kg ha?1 ZnSO4 (T6) and 50 % NPK + 10 t ha?1 FYM +10 kg ha?1 borax + 20 kg ha?1 ZnSO4 (T10). The rate of photosynthesis increased due to appropriate nutrient management treatments (T3, T6 or T10) with concomitant increase in photosynthetically active radiation, internal CO2 concentration and rate of transpiration and decrease in stomatal resistance. Consequent upon the higher rate of photosynthesis, dry‐matter accumulation increased. The crop receiving nutrient treatment T3 or T6 maintained higher light interception ratio (LIR), leaf area index (LAI), biomass production, crop growth rate (CGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) that resulted in greater rate of photosynthesis, harvest index and seed yield. Similarly, T10 was equally efficient in registering greater LIR, LAI, CGR, NAR and seed yield of mustard. The average seed yields were 1692, 1683 and 1668 kg ha?1 in T3, T6 and T10, respectively, and these three treatments were significantly superior to T2 (1332 kg ha?1), control (723 kg ha?1) and other treatments. Significantly greater seed oil contents of 41.30, 40.60 and 41.07 % were recorded in T3, T6 and T10, respectively. Thus, significant improvement due to appropriate combination of NPK, FYM, borax and ZnSO4 was observed for uptake of nutrients.  相似文献   

Contribution of leaf area duration (LAD) to grain yield during the short growing season characteristic of northern latitudes may differ from the marked impact it has at lower latitudes. Three experiments (exps) were carried out at Viikki Experimental Farm, University of Helsinki, Finland (60° 13′N) to compare associations between main shoot and tiller LAD with grain yield, yield components and morpho-physiological traits characterizing plant stand structure. This was done using correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) for data from trials conducted during 1993–1995. Exp I included three N fertilizer rates (80, 120, 160 kg N ha?1), three seeding rates (250, 500, and 750 seeds m?2), and tall, moderate, semi-dwarf, and dwarf oat lines. Exp II incorporated two N fertilizer rates (80 and 120 kg ha?1), three seeding rates (400, 600, and 800 seeds m?2), and naked and hulled oat lines, and exp III, foliar applications of plant growth regulators [control, chlormequat chloride (CCC), and ethephon], and dwarf, naked, and conventional oat lines. LAD for main shoots and tillers [calculated as ∫ LAI d T, where T is cumulated degree days from seedling emergence to yellow ripening (dd °C)] and 12 morpho-physiological traits were measured. Oat was not able to benefit from high main shoot LAD if drought occurred at grain-fill, but in the absence of severe drought or if it occurred at pre-anthesis, high LAD favoured yield formation. Tiller LAD had a negative impact, if any, on grain yield in cases of an inverse relationship between tiller LAD and yield components on main shoots was recorded. Use of low seeding rates resulted in improved ability of total LAD to contribute to dry-matter production, but was not associated with grain yield. Low seeding rates enhanced formation of high tiller LAD, which was not able to compensate for grain yield reduction caused by fewer main shoots. Foliar application of CCC and ethephon tended to increase the proportion of LAD production by tillers at the expense of grain yield, which can be attributed to lower post-anthesis precipitation. Oat types differed in main shoot and tiller LAD. Disadvantageous characteristics of naked oat, such as low single groat weight, were not associated with insufficient main shoot LAD. High tiller LAD in naked lines and the Minnesota-adapted dwarf line that was not associated with high tiller grain yield in naked lines, in particular, indicates that tiller growth was enhanced at the expense of grain yield production. Application of N fertilizer at various rates did not have any effect on LAD.  相似文献   

A Reid experiment was conducted to study the effect of soil moisture on growth of two mustard cultivars using classical and functional techniques of growth analysis. Two soil moisture levels were irrigated at 10-day intervals and a rainfed control was included. Total dry matter (TDM), leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD) were significantly increased by irrigation at most of stages of growth. Starting from a lower value, LAI and LAD reached a peak and then gradually declined. Among the growth attributes, crop growth rate (CGR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and leaf weight ratio (LWR) increased significantly under irrigation. Net assimilation rate (NAR) decreased more in the irrigated plants than the rainfed plants at the later stages of growth. LAR and LWR declined throughout with increasing time and plant weight. Seed yield of the irrigated plants was positively correlated with the pre-flowering LAI and the post-flowering CGR and NAR. In the rainfed plants, seed yield was positively correlated with LAI and CGR at the post-flowering stage and negatively with the post-flowering NAR and pre-flowering LAR.  相似文献   

春玉米叶面积系数动态特征的密度效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙锐  朱平  王志敏  丛艳霞  勾玲  方立锋 《作物学报》1963,35(6):1097-1105
为进一步明确春玉米不同密度群体叶面积系数(LAI)特征参数的密度效应,以吉单209和郑单958为材料,于2005年和2006年在东北春玉米区(吉林)分别设置4.5~10.5万株 hm-2 5个密度和3.0~12.0万株 hm-2 7个密度处理试验,应用作物高产群体相对LAI动态普适模型方程y= (a+bx)/(1+cx+dx2)模拟分析不同密度对LAI动态特征参数的影响。结果表明,春玉米群体最大LAI在3.0~12.0万株hm-2范围内随密度增加呈近似直线增大趋势,而最大LAI出现的时间随密度增加而提早;将LAI数据相对化处理后,不同密度群体的LAI差异在最大LAI之后较之前表现明显,高密度群体较低密群体LAI衰减迅速。全生育期平均LAI随密度增加呈显著线性增大趋势,而平均LAI与最大LAI的比率则随密度增加呈显著线性减小趋势。密度对模拟方程各参数均有不同程度的影响,相邻密度差异不明显,间隔3.0万株 hm-2的差异显著;不同参数变化趋势不同,其中参数a接近“0”,受密度影响不大;b、c均随密度的增加而减小,d随密度的增加而增大。全生育期群体LAI变化速率呈“N”形变化趋势,且与群体LAI变化及生育期对应,高密度群体LAI增加及衰减的速率均大于低密度群体,拔节期和大喇叭口期为密度响应敏感期。由此可见,密度对春玉米全生育群体LAI动态具有调节作用,尤其群体LAI变化速率、最大LAI及其到达的时间、平均LAI及其与最大LAI的比率等重要特征参数对密度响应较为敏感,可作为对春玉米群体密度调控的参考指标。  相似文献   

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