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研究蚯蚓活动对免耕条件下农田土壤含水量、土壤团聚体、土壤容重的影响,揭示蚯蚓种群数量对土壤水分特征和土壤物理性质的影响机制。在免耕条件下,以接种蚯蚓数量为试验变量,设置NT0(对照,0条/m2)、NT20(2条/m2)、NT50(5条/m2)和NT100(11条/m2)4个接种水平。结果表明:(1)蚯蚓活动提高了0~100 cm土壤深度土壤含水量(0.32%~20.06%),且土壤含水量受接种蚯蚓数量的影响。(2)蚯蚓活动增加了土壤大团聚体数量和稳定性,增加了土壤0.25~0.5、2~5、>5 mm粒级团聚体百分占比。(3)接种足够数量的蚯蚓会减小表层(0~10 cm)的土壤容重,接种蚯蚓会使犁底层(10~20 cm)的土壤容重增加。(4)土壤含水量与2~5 mm粒级团聚体呈显著负相关(P<0.01),与土壤容重(10~20 cm)呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。研究结果可为关中塿土区寻找适宜的耕...  相似文献   

供水与地膜覆盖对干旱灌区玉米产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
于爱忠  柴强 《作物学报》2015,41(5):778-786
研究限量供水与地膜覆盖对玉米产量的耦合效应,对于充实干旱内陆灌区水资源高效利用理论具有重要意义。在甘肃河西石羊河流域通过田间试验研究了不同覆膜方式(全膜覆盖、半膜覆盖和未覆膜)和不同灌水水平(7200、6450和5700 m3 hm–2)对玉米产量的影响。结果表明,地膜覆盖方式与灌水量对玉米籽粒产量、收获指数、双穗率、穗粒数、粒重及水分利用效率有显著影响,且二者互作效应显著。全膜覆盖高、中灌水量条件下,玉米籽粒产量分别达到13 275.5 kg hm–2和12 880.5 kg hm–2,显著高于同等灌水量的半膜覆盖和未覆膜处理,增幅达7.0%~31.0%。全膜覆盖条件下,玉米水分利用效率达到16.9 kg mm–1 hm–2,较半膜覆盖和未覆膜处理分别高12.7%和6.3%,差异显著。全膜覆盖结合高灌水量玉米的双穗率、穗粒数和粒重在各处理中均表现最高,分别达到23.9%、658.6粒穗–1和36.4 g 100粒–1。全膜和半膜覆盖条件下,高灌水量处理玉米全生育期平均叶面积指数(LAI)分别达到2.8和2.7,显著高于对应低灌水处理,中等灌水量处理与低灌水量处理的平均LAI差异不显著;全膜高灌水处理0~30 cm土壤含水量和0~25 cm土层0℃积温分别达到23.9%和3717.9℃,显著高于其他各处理。通径分析结果进一步说明,地膜覆盖主要是通过提高双穗率、增加叶面积指数提高了玉米粒重和穗粒数,从而提高玉米籽粒产量,进而双穗率、平均叶面积指数的提高均可归因于耕层土壤水热状况的改善。  相似文献   

Irrigation frequency is one of the most important factors in drip irrigation scheduling that affects the soil water regime, the water and fertilization use efficiency and the crop yield, although the same quantity of water is applied. Therefore, field experiments were conducted for 2 years in the summer season of 2005 and 2006 on sandy soils to investigate the effects of irrigation frequency and their interaction with nitrogen fertilization on water distribution, grain yield, yield components and water use efficiency (WUE) of two white grain maize hybrids (Zea mays L.). The experiment was conducted by using a randomized complete block split‐split plot design, with four irrigation frequencies (once every 2, 3, 4 and 5 days), two nitrogen levels (190 and 380 kg N ha?1), and two maize hybrids (three‐way cross 310 and single cross 10) as the main‐plot, split‐plot, and split‐split plot treatments respectively. The results indicate that drip irrigation frequency did affect soil water content and retained soil water, depending on soil depth. Grain yield with the application of 190 kg N ha?1 was not statistically different from that at 380 kg N ha?1 at the irrigation frequency once every 5 days. However, the application of 190 kg N ha?1 resulted in a significant yield reduction of 25 %, 18 % and 9 % in 2005 and 20 %, 13 % and 6 % in 2006 compared with 380 kg N ha?1 at the irrigation frequencies once every 2, 3 and 4 days respectively. The response function between yield components and irrigation frequency treatments was quadratic in both growing seasons except for 100‐grain weight, where the function was linear. WUE increased with increasing irrigation frequency and nitrogen levels, and reached the maximum values at once every 2 and 3 days and at 380 kg N ha?1. In order to improve the WUE and grain yield for drip‐irrigated maize in sandy soils, it is recommended that irrigation frequency should be once every 2 or 3 days at the investigated nitrogen levels of 380 kg N ha?1 regardless of maize varieties. However, further optimization with a reduced nitrogen application rate should be aimed at and will have to be investigated.  相似文献   

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