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孙育新 《中国农学通报》2016,32(26):181-187
为深刻认识“一带一路”战略下中俄农产品贸易潜力,探究制约中俄农产品贸易增长的主要因素,基于2001—2013年UN Comtrade相关数据,对中俄农产品贸易的相似性、互补性和增长潜力进行实证分析。研究发现,市场需求引致效应是中俄农产品贸易增长的首要因素;出口结构效应制约了中国对俄农产品贸易增长,出口竞争力效应阻碍了俄罗斯对中农产品贸易增长。为此,中国可通过加强对俄信息交流、培育规模化农业经营主体等手段调整中国农产品供给结构,同时,中国应建立价格预警机制和预防机制以应对俄罗斯农产品供给价格和质量变动。  相似文献   

中国与东盟各国具有生态多样、特色农业等共同特性,为农业新品种培育和种业发展合作提供了良好的自然条件,双边、多边农业种业合作前景广阔。有关专家认为,近年来,中国农业科技投入不断增加,农业种业发展推动了农业快速发展,为进一步加强中国与东盟各国在农业种业方面的合作,应该加大政策扶持力度,鼓励更多农业企业“走出去”。  相似文献   

为深刻认识"一带一路"战略下中俄农产品贸易潜力,探究制约中俄农产品贸易增长的主要因素,基于2001—2013年UN Comtrade相关数据,对中俄农产品贸易的相似性、互补性和增长潜力进行实证分析。研究发现,市场需求引致效应是中俄农产品贸易增长的首要因素;出口结构效应制约了中国对俄农产品贸易增长,出口竞争力效应阻碍了俄罗斯对中农产品贸易增长。为此,中国可通过加强对俄信息交流、培育规模化农业经营主体等手段调整中国农产品供给结构,同时,中国应建立价格预警机制和预防机制以应对俄罗斯农产品供给价格和质量变动。  相似文献   

糯玉米起源于中国。20世纪以来,中国在糯玉米育种及产业上发展很快,优势显著,目前已成为全球第一大鲜食玉米生产国和消费国。从种质资源丰富及特色明显、育种实力增强及审定品种数目增多、种植面积逐年攀升、自主创新能力增强并引领产业发展等4个方面详细论述了中国糯玉米的产业优势。从“一带一路”沿线国家农业经济发展现状、未来需求等方面分析了中国糯玉米产业在“一带一路”发展中的机遇,为我国糯玉米育种及产业发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

<正>中粮成功破题俄罗斯小麦进口日前,由中粮集团进口的500吨俄罗斯春小麦,经过2700千米长途跋涉,顺利抵达内蒙古自治区满洲里口岸。这是继中俄两国签署《俄罗斯小麦输华植物检疫要求议定书》后首批以市场化方式进口、经陆路口岸运抵中国的俄罗斯小麦,是中俄两国在农产品领域深化经贸合作的最新成果,并将对国际市场小麦贸易格局带来深  相似文献   

沿着古代丝绸之路,中国的茶饮习俗传播至哈萨克斯坦。中国的茶叶和茶饮习俗与哈萨克斯坦本土、本民族的生产生活方式的相互融合之中诞生了富有哈萨克斯坦特色的茶饮习俗。近现代以来,沙俄入侵深刻地改变了哈萨克斯坦茶饮的习俗,在古代哈萨克斯坦茶饮习俗之中吸收了俄罗斯的传统。独立以来,哈萨克斯坦高度重视本国茶饮产业的发展,引进了世界先进茶饮制作工艺和品牌,丰富了哈萨克斯坦茶饮市场。一带一路倡议为中哈两国茶饮市场的合作注入了新动力,是有利于复兴古代丝绸之路茶叶贸易和茶饮习俗的伟大壮举。  相似文献   

随着人们对健康食品的需求增加,全国鲜食玉米消费市场不断壮大。广西与东南亚各国接壤,有较多的经济贸易联系,在“一带一路”发展中有较多的机遇。广西在鲜食玉米育种及产业上发展很快,优势显著,从种质资源丰富及特色明显、自主创新能力提升、育种实力增强及审定品种数量增多、种植面积逐年攀升、产业发展的优势、产业链初具规模和示范效应等5个方面详细论述了广西鲜食玉米的产业优势。从“一带一路”沿线国家农业发展角度、经济发展角度、推广阻力的角度分析了广西鲜食玉米产业在“一带一路”发展中的机遇,为广西鲜食玉米育种及产业发展提供支撑。  相似文献   

为了提升印度尼西亚国家玉米产业发展水平,服务国家“一带一路”、“科技服务外交”等国家战略,执行国家科技部对发展中国家科技援助项目,山东省农业科学院玉米研究所开展了印尼本土化玉米育种、新品种与新技术集成和玉米产业科技园区建设等项目内容。利用黄淮海优异种质与印尼富含热带资源种质组配了育种基础材料,育成的10份玉米优异杂交组合正在参加印尼国家玉米品种审定试验;实现了山东省第一次境外农业技术培训班和玉米现场观摩活动,高产栽培技术集成创造了印尼雨季玉米13.70 t/hm2的高产纪录;建成的50 hm2中国-印尼玉米产业科技园区,正在为印尼玉米产业的快速发展发挥重要作用。通过科企合作模式,发挥国内农业企业优势,将中国的玉米新品种、新技术引进到印度尼西亚,将会加速印尼玉米产业发展水平,为国家科技外交和“一带一路”战略服务。  相似文献   

<正>4月24日,中国农业农村部部长韩长赋在京分别会见了来访的哥斯达黎加农牧业部部长阿尔瓦拉多和阿根廷农业产业国务秘书埃切韦雷,就深化中哥、中阿农业合作交换意见。在与埃切韦雷会谈时,韩长赋表示,中国农业农村部高度重视中阿农业合作,积极落实两国领导人会晤共识,务实推动阿根廷豆粕输华、两国农业科研机构开展柑橘黄龙病防治联合研究、在阿建设渔业  相似文献   

<正>在没有去俄罗斯之前,我总是以为咱们中国人才是最为喝茶的,到了俄罗斯后才知道,现代俄罗斯人喝茶并不逊色于我们中国人。据我了解,俄罗斯人的喝茶历史并不长,但他们重视喝茶,并形成了具有俄罗斯特色的茶文化,同时也是俄罗斯人在社交礼仪中不可缺少的重要内容。1茶叶曾经是奢侈饮品随着中俄两国友好往来的增多,赴俄罗斯旅游经商者也每年增加。笔者多次去俄罗斯旅游探亲,对俄罗斯的饮食习惯和喝茶习俗有了一点肤浅的了  相似文献   

In coping with increasing energy consumption and the consequential environmental pollution, green development is becoming an important part of social development. Since the inauguration of China’s Silk Road Economic Belt Initiative (BRI), economic cooperation between China and other countries along BRI has seen much growth. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the levels of green total factor productivity (GTFP) of the countries in the Silk Roads Economic Belt (B&R) and examine how these levels vary spatially and evolve temporally. In this paper, a panel regression analysis with DEA windows is used to study the spatiotemporal trends of the levels of GTFP. The results are: (1) The B&R countries have seen an increase in their overall levels of GTFP over time; (2) There are regional differences in the levels of GTFP, with higher efficiency in Western Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, and lower efficiency in Southeast and Central Asia; (3) The analysis of GTFP for countries in these regions shows that the efficiencies of most countries have been improving, with that of only a few countries have been decreasing; (4) By using regression analysis, we find that variables such as import, export, industrial structure, and urban affect the B&R countries with growing GTFP.  相似文献   

中国是小麦的净进口国,对国际市场的依赖性高,研究中国小麦进口的来源结构以及影响因素,对中国粮食安全问题至关重要。在1992—2017年小麦贸易的形势分析基础之上,利用引力模型对小麦的进口贸易的影响因素进行研究。结果表明:自2013年以来,中国小麦贸易量处于平稳状态,逐步形成了以澳大利亚为主,美国加拿大和哈萨克斯坦为辅的进口格局;中国小麦进口结构趋于优化,与哈萨克斯坦、以色列等一带一路沿线国家的小麦贸易增速较快;地理距离、是否沿海、是否加入APEC、出口国当年GDP和上年粮食产量对中国小麦进口有显著影响。最后,还提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

With the implementation of the ‘Go Global’ strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese enterprises have gradually grown into the main force of outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) around the world. Overseas and domestic Chinese voluntary associations (CVAs) have actively promoted inward foreign direct investment in China, while their role in helping Chinese enterprises invest abroad has not been fully revealed. To address this lacuna, we explore the role of CVAs in the foreign direct investment of Chinese enterprises in Southeast Asia and the heterogeneity of their roles based on different types of associations. Our main argument is that CVAs play an intermediary role in shaping Chinese OFDI by facilitating bilateral information exchange and resource matching to enable enterprises' global–local interactions. This research contributes to verifying the impact of CVAs on Chinese enterprises' OFDI and providing implications for both host countries to attract investment and multinational enterprises from China and other developing countries to achieve internationalisation.  相似文献   

农业是大部分非洲国家的支柱产业,也是中非经贸合作的优先领域。山东省与非洲农业合作开发亟待研究和探索。鼓励山东农业走出去,加大与非洲农业资源开发合作,农业实用技术交流和转让是山东与非洲农业合作的有效途径,山东农产品加工等优势传统产业加快向非洲转移。  相似文献   

非洲“棉花四国”棉业发展分析与开发合作建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弄清非洲“棉花四国”生产、贸易发展情况和中国与其合作的成效,可为中国相关机构和企业推进合作提供参考。笔者依据联合国粮食及农业组织数据库查询的非洲“棉花四国”棉花生产和贸易数据,分析了上述四国1961―2017年的57年间,尤其是2011年以来的棉花生产动态和贸易形势。自与中国在棉花领域开展合作以来,非洲“棉花四国”通过国内政策支持和中国的援助,实现了棉花总产、收获面积的大幅增加,持续提升了“四国”在非洲植棉中的比重;近年出口到中国的棉花呈减少趋势;马里和布基纳法索的已梳棉出口从无到有,增长迅猛。反映出在“四国”植棉发展政策和中国合作援助的共同推动下,其国内棉花生产积极性提振,产能得到快速提升,且棉花加工业初步发展。在上述分析基础上,结合四国棉业政策,提出在这些国家进行棉业开发的相关建议。  相似文献   

The article seeks to understand the different types and sources of politicisation as well as the consequences for Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure projects. It is argued that while the personalised insulated type of foreign policymaking is conducive to intra-system politicisation, the institutionalised responsive type is associated with extra-system politicisation. While the former type is contingent on political turnovers and brings about abrupt shocks, the latter oftentimes generates societal pushback from socio-economic groups. The article focuses on two flagship Belt and Road Initiative infrastructure projects in Malaysia and Indonesia. Based on fieldwork interviews and process tracing, the article finds that the East Coast Rail Link project in Malaysia has suffered from high risk of political interruption owing to Malaysia's personalised insulated type of foreign policymaking, whereas the Jakarta–Bandung High Speed Rail project in Indonesia has encountered sustained obstacles from Indonesian society and brought about substantial delays under Indonesia's institutionalised responsive type.  相似文献   

Existing studies on the global expansion of banks have been mostly based on the experience of the banks from more developed economies, while little is known about the geographies of internationalization of banks from less developed countries. The expansion of Chinese banks, with state-owned commercial banks in the lead, has been accelerating since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was proposed in 2013. This study contributes to existing research by providing new evidence and explanations based on the case of expansion of Chinese banks along the BRI routes. Chinese banks started to expand from Hong Kong and Macao, then expanded to Southeast Asia and the Arabian Peninsula, and finally reached Central Asia and other regions. The branches of Chinese banks are mainly clustered in Southeast Asian countries rather than other regions. Similar to their Western counterparts, Chinese bank branches are inclined to agglomerate in international or regional financial hubs. The regression analysis shows that two factors are crucial in explaining the spatial distribution of Chinese banks along the routes of the BRI. First, Chinese banks are likely to follow their customers, namely, state-owned firms from the non-financial sectors making direct investments in overseas regions. Second, Chinese banks are more inclined to open branches in countries that have good geopolitical relations with China reflecting the challenging international environment for Chinese banks to seek global expansion.  相似文献   

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