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凌莉芳  李莲芳  杨文君  吴思明  徐婷婷 《种子》2018,(3):122-125,126
为了解柚木种子的播种品质(千粒重和生活力)、吸水率和发芽率,采用单因素和复因子完全随机设计实验对其混合与不同家系种子进行以上指标测定。结果,柚木种子千粒重为584.7~919.7g,当年种子四唑测定生活力20.10%~53.38%,种仁和整粒种子的平均吸水率为25.2%~34.8%和81.2%~95.2%。不同家系柚木种子千粒重呈现极显著的差异(p<0.01),其平均发芽率为0.0%~30.2%;随浸种温度升高,种子及种仁吸水率随之增高,但其生活力却显著下降。  相似文献   

为筛选出鄂东大别山区油茶优良种质资源,对位于鄂东大别山区黄冈市红安县、麻城市、蕲春县的28株油茶实生单株进行调查,测定分析不同单株的冠幅产量、单果重、果纵径、果横径、果形指数、鲜出籽率、干出籽率、种仁含油率以及脂肪酸成分等性状指标,选取冠幅产量、单果重、干出籽率、种仁含油率、油酸、亚油酸等12个主要经济性状指标进行模糊综合评价。结合油茶品种选育技术的相关标准筛选出HQ-3、MF-46和QY-105 3个油茶实生单株,其平均隶属度分别为0.82693、0.80718和0.80524,高于其他单株。通过模糊综合评价筛选出的3个油茶优良单株4年平均冠幅产量、鲜出籽率、种仁含油率、油酸、亚油酸含量等指标均达到国家标准《油茶优良品种选育技术》的要求,宜作为优良单株开发利用。  相似文献   

麻疯树种子含油率与种子大小、粒重的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
麻疯树是一种理想的进行生物燃油生产的木本油料树种.麻疯树油脂主要储存在种子中,种子油量大小由种子粒重和含油率构成.因此,提高麻疯树种子粒重和含油率可增加麻疯树种子产油量.研究表明,麻疯树种子粒重、含油率存在显著的表型差异,改良空间较大.相关性分析显示,麻疯树种子大小(长、宽、高)与单粒种子重表现出较高相关性(相关系数r=0.69,0.54,0.69),单粒种子重和种子含油率表现出弱的负相关性(r=-0.07),而种仁宽、高与种子含油率表现出一定正相关(r=0.47,0.54),同时种仁宽、高与种子宽、高呈显著正相关.因此,在一定程度上可通过提高种子宽、高来提高种子的单粒重和含油率,从而提高种子的产油量.  相似文献   

为研究甘蓝型优质杂交油菜在高密度下品质性状与单株产量、群体产量间的关系,以600个甘蓝型杂交油菜组合进行田间试验、考种和品质分析及相关分析。结果表明:甘蓝型优质杂交油菜含油率平均为49.86%,变幅为41.30%~55.14%,群体产量平均为1 182.78kg/hm2,单株产量平均为4.31g,群体产量、单株产量变异系数大,易受坏境栽培因素影响,含油率等变异系数较小,遗传力较高,不易受坏境条件的影响,适合早代选择;单株产量或群体产量与蛋白质、亚油酸、亚麻酸呈极显著正相关,与含油率、油酸、芥酸呈极显著负相关,与硫甙、棕榈酸及硬脂酸未达到显著水平,与不饱和脂肪酸呈极显著负相关,与脂蛋总量、不饱和脂肪酸指数、饱和脂肪酸相关不显著,但与二十碳稀酸、芥酸链脂肪酸的相关性两者存在一定的差异;利用相关性分析可知,随着单株产量及群体产量的提高,首先有利于提高种子的蛋白质与亚麻酸,其次是提高亚油酸、降低芥酸,产量增加虽然对含油率、油酸有一定的负效应,但选育高产、高油、优质油菜新品种仍然是可以实现的。  相似文献   

文冠果在农十师的引种及推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)为无患子科文冠果属落叶灌木或小乔木,又称文官果、文光果、木瓜、崖木瓜等,为我国珍贵油料树种。文冠果种子含油率30%~36%,种仁含油率55%~66%,含蛋白质  相似文献   

以不同年份采收的麻疯树种子为试验材料,研究采后1个月、1年、2年、3年、4年、5年和8年种子的种子百粒重、种仁百粒重、出仁率、种子含水率、种仁含水率、酸值、种仁含油率、主要脂肪酸比例和萌发率变化共11个指标,多元线性回归分析显示,贮藏时间只与萌发率和种仁含水率呈负相关,与油脂酸值呈正相关,贮藏1年后萌发率下降到32%.种仁含油率和出仁率是影响总体出油量的关键因子,它们与贮藏时间未见相关性,但是前者与种仁重量正相关,后者与种子含水率负相关.酸值的增加并未影响除萌发率以外的包括含油率和主要脂肪酸比例等指标.所以,用于扩繁再生的种子最好贮藏1年以内,控制低湿度;作为原料油再加工的种子至少可贮藏5年,可尽量干燥.  相似文献   

以安徽黄山、江苏新沂、贵州贵阳、河南商城等不同产地的乌桕种子为材料,分别测定其含水量、千粒重、种子形态的差异,并采用核磁共振法与索氏提取法测定各产地种子的含油率。结果表明,4个产地的种子长度均值为5.84mm,宽度均值为5.97mm,厚度均值为4.65mm;从形态上看,新沂种子长宽厚均达较大,而贵阳种子最小。4个产地乌桕种子的千粒重均值为94.81g,达极显著水平。采用核磁共振法测定的种子含油率结果整体高于索氏提取法,平均差异为3.19%。用2种方法测定各产地种子的含油率分别为:黄山种子27.09%、25.03%;新沂为28.61%、25.17%;贵阳种子为24.97%、23.68%;商城种子为30.62%、24.67%。  相似文献   

淄蓖麻8号蓖麻是淄博市农业科学研究院育成的高产大穗型杂交种,2007年通过伊犁自治州农作物品种审定委员会审定,区域试验平均产量5 081kg/hm2,生产试验平均产量4 974kg/hm2,单株生产潜力1 000g以上,百粒重36g左右,出仁率75.81%,种籽含油率51.06%,种仁含油率67.35%.较耐盐碱.  相似文献   

高油蓖麻新品种淄蓖麻2号   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
山东省淄博市农业科学研究所于1998年用中晚熟蓖麻雌性系做母本与蒴果无刺型蓖麻自交系组配育成的杂交一代,它具高产、稳产、优质、抗病、穗大、生长势强、适应性广等特点,适宜全国推广。2000年4月通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定。特征特性 生育期118天。茎秆绿色。株高220cm。分枝6~8个,单株成穗8~10个。果穗宝塔型。穗长55~60cm,大的达80cm。蒴果有刺,较稀疏。种子椭圆型,有棕褐色花纹。百粒重37g。出仁率79%,种籽含油率51.41%,种仁含油率65.08%,为山东省高油品种。根系发达,生长势强。株型松散,对光照较敏感。适宜稀植,过密可造…  相似文献   

以大叶南洋杉种子为材料,SPF级ICR种小白鼠为受体,对大叶南洋杉种子的可食性及营养成分进行了研究,结果表明:大叶南洋杉种仁没有毒性,食用安全;大叶南洋杉种仁的营养成分以淀粉为主,其含量占干物质的59.3%;其次是蛋白质含量,占干物质的2.96%,脂肪和总糖的含量低,各占干物质的2.9%;大叶南洋杉种仁中含有人体必需的多种氨基酸,但含量均较低,每100 g种仁中氨基酸总量才2.24 g;大叶南洋杉种仁中富含有益矿物元素,含量表现为钾>镁>钙>铁>锌>锰>铜,属于高钙镁、富含锌铁等元素的健康食品,具有开发前景.  相似文献   

高油玉米需磷特性及磷素对籽粒营养品质的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
在高产条件下探讨了高油玉米的需磷特性,结果表明,单株磷吸收量1.427g,每公顷需纯磷85.65kg,其中开花前吸收量约占总吸收量的47%,花后吸收量占53%,灌浆期为吸收高峰;形成100kg籽粒需磷0.74kg,显著高于普通玉米。植株磷总吸收量与籽粒含油率、蛋白质含量、油分产量和蛋白质产量均呈正相关。盆栽试验表明,施磷能促进高  相似文献   

Summary Interactions of seven bio-morphological characteristics of sunflower (head diameter, number of flowers per head, number of seeds per head, 1,000-seed weight, volume weight, kernel content in seed, oil content) and their correlations with seed yield per plant were examined. The path-coefficient analysis provided information about direct and indirect effects of the examined characteristics on seed yield per plant. The correlation coefficients were positive and highly significant. The highest direct positive effect on seed yield per plant was exhibited by the weight of 1,000 seeds. Head diameter, volume weight and kernel content had a direct negative effect on seed yield per plant.  相似文献   

The response of oil content to phenotypic selection was studied in a population of lemongrass raised from seeds of a clonally propagated variety SD-68. During November-December 1982, 400 plants were evaluated for oil content. Five per cent of the evaluated plants were selected for high and low oil content and were separately intermated in isolated polycross (PC) blocks in November 1983-February 1984. The populations derived from high and low oil PC blocks were evaluated, along with the unselected parental population and OD-19, a variety used as a local check, in a randomized complete block design, during October 1984, January and May 1985 for leaf yield, oil content and citral content in oil. The high oil PC population had a significantly higher oil content than the unselected parental population and the local check OD-19, during all the three seasons. The low oil PC population had a significantly lower oil content than the unselected parental population in January and May 1985. Over seasons, the high oil PC population had 0.15 per cent higher oil content than the unselected parent population. Realized heritabilities for high and low oil content were 0.52 and 0.50, respectively. No significant differences were observed between the different populations for leaf yield in all the three seasons and for citral content in October 1984. In January and May 1985, the differences in citral content were not related to the differences in oil content.  相似文献   

分析杭白芍结实性状及其籽油品质,为芍药籽油专用品种培育及籽油开发利用提供理论参考。对杭白芍的结实性状相关性和籽油理化性质进行测试和分析,结果表明:(1)单心皮种子数和心皮长均与单株产量呈极显著正相关,蓇葖果数与单株产量呈显著正相关,分株数与单株产量呈显著负相关;主成分分析表明,前4个主成分累计贡献率达88.8768%。(2)籽油测试结果表明,种子含油率21.31%,油酸40.56%,亚油酸29.16%,亚麻酸22.11%,籽油不饱和脂肪酸91.83%,维生素E含量79.64 mg/100 g。因此,在选育高产品系时要重点关注单心皮种子数、心皮长和蓇葖果数等性状指标。杭白芍籽油具有较高的食用价值,可以作为一种新型的油料作物,具备深入研究推广的价值。  相似文献   

Effect of sowing dates (temperature regimes) on growth, yield oil content and quality in sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. ) was studied. Plants of early sowings which had received low temperature during 0–45 days of growth grew very poorly in height. Plant height significantly correlated with temperature at all the three growth stages. Plants sown in March produced highest yield and January sown plants recorded lowest yield. Protein content of seeds decreased where as the oil content increased with delay in sowing dates. Oil content in the seeds collected from different sowing dates showed significant differences. However, oil content was not significantly correlated with temperatures at any growth stages. Incorporation of 14C-acetate into lipids of developing seeds was increased as the sowing was delayed. Early sown plants had higher percentage of oleic acid and late sown plants had higher percentage of linoleic acid. Effect sowing dates on oil content and oil quality were discussed on the basis of temperature variation during different growth stages.  相似文献   

One of the new directions in cotton breeding is to develop varieties with high oil content. In this study, we analyzed the relationships between the oil content of cottonseed kernels and other selected major economic traits of cotton. We used the DPS V3.01 data processing system to calculate linear correlation coefficients using experimental data for cottonseed oil content and other agronomic characteristics obtained from 108 cotton lines. There were no significant correlations between oil content and lint yield, boll numbers per plant, boll weight, and lint percentage. There were significant positive correlations between oil content and fiber uniformity, and oil content and elongation. The positive correlation between oil content and the fiber upper half mean length was not statistically significant. There were no significant correlations between oil content and fiber strength or fiber fineness. Oil content was weakly negatively correlated with Fusarium wilt resistance, but showed no correlation with Verticillium wilt resistance. The results of this study indicated that improvement of the oil content of cottonseed kernels will not affect lint production, and only weakly affect disease resistance. The results further indicated that such improvement may improve the fiber quality to some extent. Cottonseed kernel protein content and oil content were significantly negatively correlated. The findings indicated that it will be feasible to produce new varieties with high oil contents combined with good disease resistance, high lint yield, and better fiber quality. However, it will be very difficult to breed new varieties with both high oil and high protein content.  相似文献   

With the purpose of enhancing oil production, the present work was carried out to elucidate relationships between photosynthesis of leaves, siliques and seeds yield and seeds oil accumulation of oilseed rape. Field trials, in which two repeated experiments was carried out during 2012–2014 growth season, a rape hybrids the “Qin You No.7” (Brassica napus L.) variety was taken into account. The results showed that, on rape plant the photosynthetic capacity and chlorophyll a, b, carotenoid contents of leaf were significantly higher than that of silique shell. Oil content of 94.7% was achieved in young seeds (sampled at 25th day after flowering ending stage of the tested rape plant) versus to mature seeds, saturated fatty acids percent was higher whereas oleic acid percent was lower of oil extracted from young seeds. During flowering period of the rape plants tested, area and dry weight of leaves attained maximum, treatments of removing leaves induced reduction in seeds number per silique, siliques number, seeds yield per plant and seeds oil content, these indexes were respectively decreased by 73.6%, 43.4%, 83.4% and 10.5% in maximum, and seeds oil composition was not significantly influenced; during seeds growing period of the tested plants, surface area and dry weight of siliques attained maximum, under shading siliques treatment, the 1000-seed weight, seeds yield per plant and seeds oil content were respectively reduced by 57.5%, 61.4% and 44.7% in maximum, and seeds oil oleic acid (C18:1) and linolenic acid (C18:3) percent was decreased, linolic acid (C18:2) and erucidic acid (C22:1) percent was increased. So for oilseed rape plant during flowering period, surface area and photosynthesis of leaves dramatically influenced siliques number, seeds number and seeds yield; while in seeds growth period, surface area and photosynthesis of siliques greatly influenced 1000-seed yield, seeds yield, seeds oil content and oil composition; oil accumulation in rape seeds initiated early since seeds commencing growth, seed mature degree influenced oil composition of seeds.  相似文献   

双油8号是河南省农业科学院经济作物研究所采用复合杂交选育的甘蓝型优质油菜新品种,2007年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定。在河南省油菜区域试验中平均产量2541.0 kg/hm2,比对照豫油2号增产20.67%。在河南省油菜生产试验中双油8号平均产量2704.8 kg/hm2,比对照杂交种豫油2号增产7.06%。双油8号种子芥酸含量0.05%,商品籽硫甙含量20.96μmol/g饼,达到国家双低油菜标准,含油量46.35%,属高含油量品种。适期播种、培育壮苗、合理密植、及时进行肥水管理和病虫草害防治等技术,是双油8号夺取高产的关键栽培措施。双油8号具有高含油量、品质优良、抗病、抗倒伏、丰产性突出、稳产性好、适应性广等优点,是一个极具推广应用前景的优良品种。  相似文献   

H. Baydar    R. Marquard  I. Turgut 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(5):462-464
The aims of this study were estimation of the variability of seed yield, oil content, oleic acid and linoleic acid content in single plant progenies and lines derived from Turkish sesame populations, and the improvement of different type lines with regard to high seed yield, high oil content and specific fatty acid composition. Different types of lines were developed—i.e. lines which yielded over 1000 kg seeds/ha from the yield type progenies and lines which yielded over 63% of oil content from oil type progenies—but it was not possible to improve lines where fatty acid composition differed dramatically from that of oleic and linoleic type progenies.  相似文献   

为了明确中国棉花主栽品种营养品质及播种品质的状况,揭示中国当前的棉花育种现状,为合理利用棉副产品及棉花特定目标育种提供参考。对当前中国三大主产棉区的142份棉花主栽品种棉子的营养品质性状(蛋白质、油分含量)、播种品质性状(发芽率)及3个物理性状(子指、仁指和仁子比)进行检测分析。结果表明:当前主栽棉花品种的营养品质非常接近,油分含量集中于27.1%~33.0%,棉子的蛋白质含量集中区域为41.0%~45.0%,高油和高蛋白含量的棉花品种较少;蛋白质和油分总量变异较小,且两者呈高度负相关关系。棉种播种质量的4个必检项水分、净度、发芽率及纯度的平均值分别9.6%、100.0%、87.8%和97.1%,在连续3年的监督抽查中水分和净度的合格率均为100%,不合格项主要出现在纯度及发芽率上。研究结果较真实地反映了棉籽营养品质性状与播种品质的现状,适时开展棉花多目标育种十分必要,但对油分与蛋白质含量进行同步改良的难度较大。  相似文献   

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