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甜研303是中国农科院甜菜所于1983年用甜425四倍体与甜202二倍体按3:1比例杂交配制组合,生产上利用其杂种一代,1991年经黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会命名为推广良种。1987年参加省区试,产糖量比对照增产23.2%,含糖率提高0.65度。生产试验亩根产量平均  相似文献   

西北地区甜菜品系遗传多样性的SRAP分析   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为给甜菜杂交育种的亲本选择、分子标记辅助选择育种、种质资源引进等提供理论依据,采用SRAP分子标记方法对西北地区的81份甜菜材料和9份外国品种进行遗传多样性分析。利用33对有效引物组合共得到592条扩增带,其中多态性条带有324条,平均多态性条带的比率为54.7%,平均遗传距离为0.3723,平均遗传相似系数为0.6891。遗传相似系数平均值大小为单胚品系0.8364>国外品种 0.7528>多胚四倍体品系0.7059>多胚二倍体品系0.6970。利用MEGA3.1软件,在遗传距离0.20处,可将供试材料分为三大类群。结果显示,西北产区甜菜供试材料遗传多样性较丰富。利用POPGEN32软件分析遗传多样性各项参数,表明供试的西北品系与外国品种的遗传基础有明显差异。田间生物学性状调查结果表明,西北产区供试材料主要特性为根产量高,抗丛根病性中等。  相似文献   

利用SRAP与SSR标记分析不同类型甜菜的遗传多样性   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
为选育优质甜菜新品种, 指导种质资源引进和利用, 为进行分子标记辅助选择育种提供科学依据, 采用SRAP和SSR两种分子标记方法相结合, 对甜菜单胚雄性不育系及保持系等49份材料进行遗传多样性分析。利用4个表型差异显著的甜菜品系对SRAP的64对引物组合及SSR的11对引物组合进行扩增, 分别筛选出有效引物组合11对和9对。SRAP的11对引物组合共产生199条扩增带, 其中有86条多态性带, 多态性带的比率平均为43.7%。SSR的9对引物共产生35条扩增带, 多态性比率为100%。全部材料的平均遗传距离为0.3860, 平均遗传相似系数为0.6795, 大约30%的材料遗传距离或遗传相似系数具显著或极显著差异。遗传相似系数平均值比较, 多胚四倍体品系0.7264>单胚杂交组合0.7243>国外品种0.7060>多胚二倍体品系0.6908>单胚品系0.6837。在遗传距离0.20处, 将49个甜菜材料划分为A、B、C、D 4个类群, D类群又分为4个亚类, 较好地显示了甜菜材料丰富的遗传多样性。表明不同甜菜品种具有相当高的异质性, 国外与国内材料的遗传基础存在一定差异, 但生产应用的甜菜品种间存在亲缘关系较近、遗传基础较窄的倾向。  相似文献   

梁英华 《中国种业》2013,(Z1):85-87
近年来,北大荒垦丰种业股份有限公司从荷兰引进数十个甜菜品种,在我国各地甜菜种植区域进行布点试验,通过试验选择出了一批产量和含糖量高、抗逆性强、各种经济性状优良,适宜我国不同甜菜种植区域推广种植的品种。1最新品种H003从荷兰安地公司引进的二倍体甜菜单粒标准型品种,2013年1月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定并命名推广。品种特性H003属二倍体遗传单粒标准型品种,块根产量高,含糖突出,抗立枯病,耐根腐病、丛根病,  相似文献   

冉毅东  戴朝曦 《作物学报》1996,22(6):745-749
利用能产生2n配子的二倍体杂种与四倍体普通栽培种(S.tuberosum L.)和四倍体新型栽培种(Neo—tuberosum)进行了2x-2x,4x-2x和2x-4x间的杂交,获得了18个杂交组合的4x杂种家系,将这些家系与其10个4x亲本品种(品系)及对照品种在同一地点进行了连续两年的比较试验。结果表明:4x杂种家系单株平均块茎产量比亲本两年分别高16%和19%;其中最好的6个杂种家系比较好的4个品种(品系)分别高20%和43%;杂种产量的优势主要表现在单株块茎数目的显著增多,但在块茎商品率方面则与4x亲本差异不显著,而且杂种块茎的表现还不如4x亲本及对照品种,这是由于具2n配子特性的2x亲本这些性状较差所致。试验结果还表明杂种的遗传背景愈复杂其杂种优势也愈强,进一步说明马铃薯的产量与遗传异质性(多样性)的强弱可能有明显关系,利用2n配子特性可获得较高的遗传异质性。  相似文献   

利用SRAP标记分析我国甜菜三大产区骨干材料的遗传多样性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用SRAP分子标记, 选用甜菜中SRAP的88对引物组合分别对4个经济性状差异较大的代表性品系(高产型、高产低糖抗丛根病型、标准型、中产高糖抗褐斑病型)进行扩增,筛选出有效引物组合33对。采用筛选的33对引物检测全国三大产区的241份甜菜材料及9份外国材料,扩增到719条带,其中多态性条带459条,多态性条带的比率平均为63.8%。利用MEGA3.1软件中的Compute over-all mean计算,组内品种间平均遗传距离为0.4165,平均遗传相似系数为0.6593。遗传相似系数平均值为外国品种(0.7528)>单胚品系(0.6945)>多胚四倍体品系(0.6816)>多胚二倍体品系(0.6612)。利用MEGA3.1软件,在遗传距离0.20处,将供试材料分为4大类群。结果表明,我国三大产区供试材料遗传多样性丰富,其中东北产区优于华北与西北产区。利用POPGEN32软件将供试材料与外国品种分为两类,表明我国材料与外国品种的遗传基础存在较大差异。  相似文献   

本试验为了获得对甜菜经济性状进行有效选择的依据,对26个甜菜品种(系)地上部性状进行了调查,测定了遗传变异系数、遗传力,遗传与表型相关等。进而对这些性状与主要经济性状(产糖量、含糖率、块根产量)的相关性进行了研究,通过分析,提出相关信息,从而为甜菜的经济性状选择,培育高产、高糖新品种提供依据。  相似文献   

冉毅东  戴朝曦 《作物学报》1996,22(6):745-749
利用能产生2n配子的二倍体杂种与四倍体普通栽培种和四倍体新型栽培种进行了2x-2x,4x-2x和2x-4x间的杂交,获得了18个杂交组合的4x杂种家系,将这些家系与其10个4x亲本品种(品系)及对照品种在同一地点进行了连续两年的比较试验。结果表明:4x杂种家系单株平均块茎产量比亲本两年分别高16%和19%;其中最好的6个杂种家系比较好的4个品种(品系)分别高20%和43%;杂种产量的优势主要表现在  相似文献   

大花香石竹多倍体育种研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对102个大花香石竹品种的染色体倍性进行鉴定,二倍体、三倍体和四倍体品种分别占77%、6%和17%,当前生产上的主栽品种马斯特、达拉斯和卡曼(具有大花苞性状)都是二倍体品种,71%的四倍体品种为花边复色类型。初步认为部分香石竹四倍体栽培品种是远缘杂交的后代。通过用秋水仙碱处理香石竹品种马斯特的试管苗,获得两株四倍体植株,其花蕾直径增大,而节间变短。  相似文献   

为选择抗褐斑病性高、含糖率高的优良甜菜品种用于生产,提高经济效益。2015—2016 年,采用田间试验自然发病鉴定方法,15 个品种为处理,随机区组排列,4 次重复,对商用甜菜品种的褐斑病病情指数、含糖率进行调查测定。统计分析结果表明:不同甜菜品种间抗褐斑病性差异极显著,甜菜品种的抗褐斑病性不稳定,不同年份间差异较大。品种间含糖率差异极显著。同一品种不同年份含糖率存在差异,抗褐斑病性高并相对稳定、含糖率高的甜菜品种为‘KWS1197’,2 年的平均病情指数为18.34,平均含糖率为14.01%。  相似文献   

W. Lange  Th. S. M.  de Bock 《Plant Breeding》1989,103(3):196-206
Accessions of Beta macrocarpa Guss., collected on the Canary Islands, were tetraploid (2n = 36). Three of these accessions were studied in detail. The plants were rather uniform in their morphological appearance, both within and between accessions, and were annual and fully self-compatible. Meiosis was completely diploidised, suggesting an alloploid nature of the tetraploid species. Crosses with diploid B. vulgaris yielded triploid hybrids which were sterile or nearly so; a few descendants of such hybrids were highly aneuploid. Crosses between tetraploid B. macrocarpa and autotetraploid cytotypes of B. vulgaris showed variable results, only part of these crosses yielded tetraploid hybrids. The tetraploid hybrids exhibited somewhat higher fertility than the triploids. An F2 generation showed partial hybrid dwarfness, partial fertility and segregation for carliness and coloration of the hypocotyl. All hybrids had multivalents at meiosis (averages: 2.5—5.4 multivalents per pollen mother cell), indicating suppression of the diploidised meiosis. The possibilities of application of the diploidised meiosis in breeding sugar beet are discussed.  相似文献   

同源四倍体高粱不育系和保持系的生物学及生理特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以二倍体高粱不育系及其保持系和由它们诱变成的同源四倍体选系为材料, 研究 了同源四倍体不育系和保持系的生物学特征及生理特性, 结果发现, 四倍体的株高一般为 二倍体的80.6%~90.1%, 单株总叶片数减少1~2片; 保持系加倍后, 顶部三叶面 积增 加4.6%~9.4%; 不育系的花药由二倍体时的白色变为四倍体的淡黄色,  相似文献   

German chamomile is an important medical plant with a long history of usage and a wide range of medical applications. Wild forms are diploid, whereas cultivated ones are diploid and tetraploid. Ploidy level variation within 15 origins (varieties, accessions, populations) of chamomile was investigated. Both naturally occurring triploids and those induced through directed crosses between diploid and tetraploid parents were identified and analysed, and these data could facilitate the exploitation of triploidy in chamomile as in other crop plants (fruit and ornamental plants).  相似文献   

A survey of I. spicata introductions showed the majority to be tetraploid perennials and similar to each other with red stems, strongly stoloniferous habit, and poor seeding ability. The rest were green stemmed annuals or biennials which were either diploid or tetraploid and which were free seeding and almost non-stoloniferous.Crosses were attempted using several green stemmed introductions as the female parents with a representative red stemmed one as the male. The ploidy of a diploid parent was raised with colchicine treatment before crossing. F1 seed was obtained in all crosses except in that involving the induced tetraploid. The F1 generations were sterile except for one cross from which a small quantity of F2 seed was obtained. A high degree of sterility was maintained in the F2 and F3 generations but fertile F3 selections produced mostly fertile progeny. The sterility could be followed by the percentage stained pollen and appeared to be controlled by genetic factors.Normal types of distribution of the phenotypic classes for yield and stoloniferous development were obtained for the F3 population which contained 26.3 per cent perennial plants. Two F3 lines were obtained which combined the desirable characters of the two parents.The effect of temperature and photoperiod on all introductions used as parents and the two promising lines was investigated in a phytotron. All types flowered at both the 8 hour and 16 hour photoperiods and temperatures 27°/22°C and 30°/25°C favoured flowering. The better flowering of the green stemmed parent had apparently been transferred to the selected F3 lines. The highest plant dry weights occurred at 30°/25°C and the effect of photoperiod on yield was reversed as the temperature increased.  相似文献   

Summary In recent years trial fields were laid out with tetraploid families of the sugar beet varieties SX and SY, the fodder sugar beet varieties VA and VB and the fodder beet varieties VC (high content) and VD (low content).It appeared that the tetraploid beets are morphologically distinct from the diploid commercial varieties in leaf form, leaf development, form of the beet, tendency to bolt, size of the clusters and the number of seedlings per cluster.The beets of all the plots are washed, weighed and measured for dry matter, sugar and crude protein content and seed for stecklings is sown on a separate trial field.From the results it appears that there is a variation in the above-mentioned contents so that it seems possible to improve the material by selection. This also holds for the dry matter production which agrees with that of diploid commercial varieties.The investigations are being continued.  相似文献   

东北旋耕制度下垄作与平作甜菜产质量差异   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究东北旋耕制度条件下甜菜平作和垄作对于甜菜产量和质量的影响,2017年以‘H004’为试验材料,采用分区设计的实验方法,在哈尔滨呼兰区多年旋耕地测定了在平作和垄作栽培条件下甜菜的块根产量、绿茎叶产量、含糖率、甜菜地下和地上部位的干物质量比例以及不同耕作条件下不同土层的土壤含水量和容重。研究发现转旋耕条件下平作和垄作甜菜含糖量没有显著差异,但是垄作甜菜块根产量要明显优于平作甜菜,垄作甜菜块根单产达到87.8 t/hm2,而平作甜菜块根单产仅为72.9 t/hm2。此外研究发现平作甜菜地上部分干物质积累较多,如平作甜菜根/地上部干物质比值要显著低于垄作甜菜。同时发现垄作栽培土壤含水量及土壤疏松程度均优于平作,如在20-26 cm土层中垄作土壤的容重和含水量分别为1.38 g/cm3和21.96%,而在20~26 cm平作土壤的容重和含水量仅为1.56 g/cm3和19.35%。本研究表明在东北旋耕制度条件下,垄作栽培更适于甜菜生产,也为下一步研发东北高产高糖甜菜栽培模式鉴定重要基础。  相似文献   

L. Marchais  S. Tostain 《Euphytica》1997,93(1):97-105
Crosses between pearl millet lines and Pennisetum ramosum, P. schweinfurthii, P. squamulatum or Cenchrus ciliaris were observed for the frequency and development of zygotes, the possibility of embryo rescue, and the fertility of F1 hybrids obtained. Eight per cent of the ovules from diploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed small embryos which could not be rescued. However, 59% of the ovules from tetraploid millet × P. ramosum crosses showed well-developed embryos that were easy to rescue 14 days after pollination. F1 hybrids were male sterile but female fertile when pollinated by diploid millet. Both diploid and tetraploid millet ovules showed the presence of hybrid zygotes after pollination with P. schweinfurthii at rates ranging from 25% to 45%. The diploid millet× P. schweinfurthii hybrid zygotes often developed almost normal seeds giving, without embryo rescue, totally sterile plants. The tetraploid millet × P. schweinfurthii hybrid embryos were normal but the endosperm was severely defective. A hybrid obtained by embryo rescue was totally sterile. A diploid millet-P. schweinfurthii amphidiploid was obtained by somatic embryogenesis associated with colchicine treatment during callogenesis. This amphiploid plant was male sterile, but gave many seeds when pollinated by a tetraploid millet and few seeds when pollinated by a diploid millet. P. squamulatum pollinating diploid millets produced proembryos with large undifferentiated endosperms in 73% of the ovules. A normal seed set was observed on tetraploid millets pollinated by P. squamulatum and the resulting F1 hybrids were partially male and female fertile. Backcrosses of these hybrids were much more fertile when pollination was from a tetraploid millet rather than from a diploid millet. C. ciliaris pollinating a diploid millet showed, in 60% of the ovules, proembryos and endosperms similar to those observed with P. squamulatum and no hybrid could be rescued. Crosses with a tetraploid millet could not be attempted due to the pistil-pollen incompatibility of tetraploid millets available with C. ciliaris. Ploidy levels of mating partners do not seem to influence pistil-pollen compatibility, but play a major role in post-zygotic abortion. With adequate ploidy levels of parents, and embryo rescue, it seems that the pearl millet gene pool can be considerably enlarged by germplasm from many other species.  相似文献   

甜菜蔗糖代谢两种相关酶的活性变化及其相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究不同类型甜菜品种蔗糖代谢能力存在明显差异的生理机制,以糖用甜菜(高糖)和饲用甜菜(丰产)为试验对象,测定了不同生育阶段叶片、叶柄和块根中的蔗糖合成酶(SS)和蔗糖磷酸合成酶(SPS)活性。结果表明:叶片、叶柄和块根中存在蔗糖合成与降解过程,不同类型甜菜在生长期蔗糖合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性存在差别,同一品种不同部位,块根中蔗糖的代谢强度高于叶片和叶柄,糖用甜菜两种酶活性高于饲用甜菜,蔗糖代谢相关酶活性差异是品种特性,可用于甜菜的选种实践。  相似文献   

Seven tetraploid watermelon lines developed by colchicine treatments were compared with their diploid counterpart for plant, flower, fruit, seed and qualitative characteristics. Tetraploid genotypes attained statistically higher vine thickness (8.04 mm), leaf area (298.9 cm2) and chlorophyll content (55.6) while internode length and chlorophyll fluorescence was similar to their corresponding diploid. Both pistillate and staminate flower organs (pedicel, anther, ovary, stigma, petals) were larger in tetraploid plants; however, the percent increase in flower components varied across the tetraploid lines. Fruit weight and total sugar content (Brix) in both ploidy fruits was similar. Rind thickness in fruits varied significantly and averaged 12.7 and 17.2 mm in diploid and tetraploid fruits, respectively. Tetraploid genotypes showed sterility, yielded lower number of seed per fruit (37.9), and tetraploid seed was larger and thicker than diploid seed. Overall β-carotene (0.89), lycopene (1.16), fructose (5.43%) and glucose (2.38%) contents were higher in tetraploid than diploid fruits.  相似文献   

Summary Three sugarbeet breeding lines partially resistant to the root-rotting fungus, Rhizoctonia solani, were converted to the tetraploid condition without selection. These three diploid and tetraploid lines were crossed with three diploid male-sterile lines to produce equivalent diploid and triploid hybrids. The triploid hybrids were significantly more resistant to Rhizoctonia than were the diploid hybrids. However, the tetraploid resistant limes were no different than their diploid equivalent lines. Reciprocal crosses provided no evidence of maternal effect on resistance. Cytoplasm that included the male-sterility factor had no influence on resistance. Triploid hybrids, where the resistant parent is tetraploid, should be advantageous in the breeding of rhizoctonia-resistant hybrid varieties.Joint contribution of the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Colorado State University Experiment Station, and the Beet Sugar Development Foundation. Published with the approval of the Director of the Colorado State University Experiment Station as Scientific Paper Series No. 2072.  相似文献   

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