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李茹 《中国农学通报》2005,21(10):235-235
通过对凤翔县开展测土配方施肥工作调查,总结提出要搞好测土配方施肥技术推广,必须要实现技术的物化,测土是基础,配方是技术的核心,配肥站是“孵化器”,配方肥是技术的载体,示范基地是技术宣传示范的主阵地。以凤翔县的典型事例,阐述了加强土肥化验室、配肥站、示范基地“三大建设”,以及创新技术推广机制,对开展测土配方施肥技术推广的重要性和必要性。  相似文献   

通过对河南省冬小麦生产、土壤分布特征与农田主要限制因素以及测土配方施肥研究成果的总结与分析,将河南省冬小麦施肥划分为豫北高产、豫东及豫北沿黄中高产、豫中南中高产、豫西南中低产、沿淮低产、岗岭雨养旱作6大麦区.根据各区土壤磷钾养分丰缺指标与冬小麦产量水平,推荐施肥量与施肥方式.同时,针对土壤酸化明确肥料品种的安全选择.  相似文献   

现代农业与可持续发展的生态农业   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
丁文喜  李敏 《中国农学通报》2010,26(15):328-331
现代农业的发展并不仅仅是追求经济效益,还要建设良好的生态系统,实现人与自然的和谐发展。我国正面临来自人口、资源、生态环境的恶化等多重挑战,必须按照科学发展观的思想,坚持走可持续发展道路;必须正确处理经济与人口、资源、环境的关系,达到经济、社会和生态的协调发展。因此,吸收借鉴国外生态农业发展的经验,根据新农村建设可持续发展的要求,形成适合我国国情的现代生态农业运行模式显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

测土配方施肥是当前兵团农业生产中普遍推广的先进的施肥技术。该技术是一项复杂的系统工程,包括5个核心环节,11项重点内容,配方设计是测土配方施肥工作的中心环节,其技术核心是确定合  相似文献   

为进一步掌握扬州种田大户的施肥情况及存在问题,推动配方肥合理施用,在全市范围内开展种田大户粮食作物施肥情况调查。结果显示:目前,全市共种田大户约4440户,主要以稻麦种植为主,平均产量分别为9579 kg/ hm2、6034 kg/ hm2,且基肥主要以15-15-15通用复合肥为主,稻麦基肥用量平均为365 kg/ hm2、610 kg/ hm2。肥料销售以赊销、现金为主,其中送货服务是主要营销方式。在实际农业生产中,种田大户急需科学施肥技术,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

测土配方施肥是一项长期性的工作,也是一项技术性很强的工作。在实际工作中,一些细节问题容易被忽视,直接影响到测土配方施肥的质量,在此提醒广大土肥工作者注意。  相似文献   

李良存 《种子科技》2023,(14):4-6+11
为了比较庐江县水稻生产中实施测土配方施肥的效果,2022年在庐江县汤池镇2个村开展了肥效研究。设置长期不施肥、常规施肥、测土配方施肥3个处理,对生育进程、产量相关经济性状进行分析。结果表明,在凤凰村、双墩村2个试验点,水稻测土配方施肥后的产量均较其他2个处理更高,整体表现为水稻植株分蘖能力强、生育期长、成熟时间较晚、产量结构协调、产量水平高。水稻测土配方施肥是水稻增产的一条有效路径,可以在汤池镇及类似区域的水稻生产中推广。  相似文献   

安徽省县域测土配方施肥决策系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着农业部测土配方施肥项目的开展,安徽省各项目县通过采样化验、布置试验等,获得了大量数据.为了满足项目县充分利用这些数据指导当地农业生产的要求,研究开发了针对县域的测土配方施肥决策系统.该系统以Microsoft.NET Framework为平台进行开发,主要包括两个功能模块:一部分为主界面模块,通过向导式操作,最终生成配方施肥建议卡;另一部分为管理界面模块,可以对土壤养分测试值、有效养分校正系数、肥料利用率等有关数据和参数进行调整.系统采用向导式操作,简单易懂,便于操作,易于推广.  相似文献   

陈晓 《种子科技》2016,(5):31-32
根据江西省农科院测土配方施肥要求,在湖口县进行了双季稻田间试验,试验结果供参考。  相似文献   

以科学发展观为指导,按照现代高效农业发展要求,树立"增产施肥、经济施肥、环保施肥"理念,以绿色生态为向导,配方施肥是提升农民科学施肥水平、解决农业面源污染问题的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

红豆杉属植物含有的紫杉醇因具有抗癌特性逐渐成为各国研究的热点。由于植物体内紫杉醇含量很低,而市场对紫杉醇需求不断增大,供需矛盾尤为突出。本研究的目的是试图搞清植物体各部分紫杉醇的空间分布,旨在为合理开发红豆杉植物资源提供科学依据。本研究采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC),对同一株成熟的南方红豆杉不同时期的叶、皮、枝及背光处树叶中紫杉醇含量进行测定。结果表明,随着植物生长的时间变化,树皮中紫杉醇含量(11mg.kg-1-17mg.kg-1)逐渐增高且最多,枝叶中紫杉醇含量(枝13mg.kg-1-18mg.kg-1,叶4mg.kg-1-14mg.kg-1)在下降,但新生的枝叶(枝18 mg.kg-1,叶14 mg.kg-1)却比新皮中(11 mg.kg-1)紫杉醇含量高;同时光照强的叶中紫杉醇含量(26 mg.kg-1)比背光处叶含量(2 mg.kg-1)明显高。对于产业化提取红豆杉中紫杉醇,笔者建议可以利用可再生、生物量大的新生枝叶取代树皮获得更多的紫杉醇产品。  相似文献   

不同激素处理对南方红豆杉扦插苗的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以清水处理为对照,使用不同激素(ABT 1号生根粉、NAA、IBA)处理南方红豆杉插穗,从而研究不同激素处理对南方红豆杉扦插苗生根率、生物量及紫杉醇含量的影响。结果表明:ABT处理下,南方红豆杉扦插苗的生根率、生根数、新生枝叶数以及紫杉醇的含量均为最高。因此,用ABT处理南方红豆杉插穗优于其他激素处理。  相似文献   

烤烟早熟品种PVH19引种试验初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究巴西引进烤烟早熟品种PVH19在云南烟区的品种表现,在云南省16个地点对该品种进行引种试验,各试验点均采取随机区组排列,3次重复。综合引种试验结果,烤烟品种PVH19株式塔型,打顶株高103.5cm,有效叶数20.6片,叶形长椭圆形,茎叶角度中等,主脉中等偏粗,田间整齐度高,成熟性好,田间长势较强;平均大田生育期111.9d,比对照K326短11d;经济性状与对照K326相近;中抗黒胫病和赤星病,抗TMV,烤后原烟颜色桔黄,光泽度适中偏强,油分中等,叶片结构疏松,叶片厚度适中偏薄,外观质量较好,内在化学成分协调。结果表明:烤烟品种PVH19早熟、适应性广、综合抗性好、优质、适产  相似文献   

The variation of the thermal expansion coefficient of the graphite crystal is derived. According to the theory of temperature with the thermodynamic and statistical physical, the free energy of the graphite crystals is given with the De-Bye Model, and relationship between the thermal expansion coefficient of the graphite crystal and the temperature range is probed. The results are showed: the thermal expansion coefficient is equal to zero if T =0 K or T is on the verge of the 15 K or 42 K; negative if the temperature is in the range of 15 to 42 K; constant if the temperature is higher. The theoretical calculations accord with the experimental results. From this, In the layered crystals the reason that there is the negative expansion is that the statistical weight of the transverse acoustic vibration for the atoms in the plane layer is very large. In some temperature ranges, the variation of distance between atoms in the direction perpendicular to the plane layer with the temperature resulted in by the transverse acoustic vibration reverses with that in the plane layer. Then the film effect is resulted in.  相似文献   

This paper makes a comparison of high strength concrete prepared with Metakoalin and that prepared with silica fume in terms of their workability, compressive strength , shrinkage and resistance to sulphate attack. The research results indicate that high strength concrete prepared with Metakoalin is better than that prepared with silica fume in terms of workability. When the water to binder ratio is high, concrete prepared with Metakoalin has a greater compressive strength than that prepared with silica fume. In contrast, when the ratio is low, it is the concrete prepared with silica fuma has a higher strenth. Concrete prepared with Metakoalin has a smaller auto -shrinkage and dry-shrinkage than that prepared with silica fume. And concrete prepared with Metakoalin will be just as good as concrete prepared with silica fume in terms of resistance to sulphate attack. It is indicated by the research that Metakoalin has same high activity as silica fume in the preparation of high strength concrete.  相似文献   

Breeding for resistance to rhizomania in sugar beet: A review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Currently rhizomania is the most important disease in sugar beet worldwide, and attack can lead to serious yield losses. The disease is caused by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) that is transmitted by the soil-borne fungus Polymyxa betae. Breeding sugar beet cultivars with resistance to rhizomania is regarded as the most appropriate way to enable continued production of this crop in BNYVV-infested fields and also to slow the spread of the disease. Breeding for resistance started with selection by scoring disease symptoms in field experiments. The development of non-destructive greenhouse tests, with determination of the virus concentration in rootlets using ELISA, has greatly improved the efficiency of selection. In this paper the impact of scientific research on the progress in breeding cultivars with resistance to rhizomania is reviewed. This includes the distribution, composition, and pathogenicity of the virus, the sources of resistance to virus and vector, the genetics of virus resistance, progress with breeding methods, and the use of molecular markers and pathogen-derived resistance. The yields and quality characteristics of recently introduced resistant cultivars now equal those of the commercial susceptible cultivars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The mathematic model on natural convection is proposed in a two-dimensional enclosure cavity with an isothermal heat sink at one vertical wall and five discrete protruded sources. Numerical study is performed to analyze the natural convection in the enclosure with a variety of aspect ratio, the range of which is from 3.0 to 12.22, Ra H is 10 7 and Pr is 30.The computed results show that the total heat transfer effect under the situation with discrete protruded heat sources is prior to that with flat wall heated. Moreover, when the aspect ratio is comparatively large, there is several secondary flow in the enclosure, which enhance the convective heat transfer. On the contrary, when the aspect ratio is small, the secondary flow weakened or disappeared, and the total convective heat transfer drop. Finally, the convective heat transfer criteria in the enclosure is obtained.  相似文献   

好运8号是广西农科院园艺研究所为适应南方湿热地区厚皮甜瓜栽培对品种的要求,利用逆环境定向选育,以自交系HN14-d作母本,TY8-a作父本杂交配制成的一代杂种。果实椭圆形,皮色橙黄有绿色斑块,网纹中等,一般单瓜重2.0kg,果肉橙红偏黄,皮肉厚约3.5cm,质地脆嫩蜜甜,有淡香,口感佳,中心可溶性固形物含量15~16%,全生育期春茬110d左右,秋茬90d左右,果实发育期45d左右,商品性好,一般产量36t/hm2,植株长势较强,易座果,较耐白粉病、霜霉病,抗蔓枯病能力中等,适于南方地区保护地种植。2007年3月通过广西农作物品种审定委员会审定  相似文献   

The mountain hazards like snow avalanches, landslides, rock falls, debris flows and so on all have strong power of destruction which seriously threaten human’s lives and belongings. Therefore, it is necessary to study more the development of these disasters in order to prevent them. Setting up obstacles is the primary measure to control the movement and deposition process of mountain hazards. For the study of the influence of this measure on the development of disasters, the numerical simulation calculation aiming at the flow and deposition process of the granulars flowing past different built obstacles was made by the theory of SH granular flow and the method of finite volume discretization based on Roe's Scheme. Futhermore, the influence of different settings of obstacles on the granular flow is discussed. The numerical results show that the settings of obstacles have a great effect on the process of granular flow. That is, the effective precaution against the disasters is no other than setting up the obstacles correctly. As the numerical simulation calculation can optimize the setting of obstacle, it provides a reasonable and economic reference scheme of disaster prevention and planning of mountain area.  相似文献   

安徽农村土地流转状况及探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来,随着中国农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移的推进,被誉为“第三次土地革命”的土地使用权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大,形式多种多样,这是对家庭承包责任制的有益补充和完善,也是中国农业迈向现代化的必由之路。不同的地区有不同的土地流转方式,各地正积极探索土地使用的有效形式,加速土地流转。加入WTO以后,伴随对世贸组织承诺的逐步兑现,中国农业必然要面临由封闭保护转向与他国农业自由竞争的局面。在安徽省出现的土地流转问题对于面临一系列矛盾的农业正是一种积极的探索。通过安徽省调查资料结合全国其他主要土地改革区域的经验及问题利用有关理论观点分析了农村土地流转出现的新情况,对土地流转中出现的问题提出了自己的看法和建议。  相似文献   

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