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玉米育种技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段生产形势下,亟需突破传统玉米育种方法,选育出满足多种需求的育种材料。就玉米单倍体育种、远缘杂交育种、分子标记辅助育种、分子模块设计育种和基因工程育种等新技术进行了介绍,并对未来玉米育种工作中可能存在的问题提出了展望,以期为育种工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

转基因技术是指借助DNA重组技术,通过克隆将优良的基因导入玉米植株中。借助转基因技术,能够弥补传统玉米杂交过程中存在的弊端,提高玉米产量和品质。文章以转基因技术为研究对象,分析其在我国玉米遗传育种中的应用,总结了实际运用中的限制因素,结合我国实际,提出了几点转基因技术的应用展望,以期为相关单位和人员提供参考。  相似文献   

育种工作者都希望培育出性状优良的品种,从20世纪80年代开始,科学家试图利用基因工程技术,将外源或经体外修饰后的内源基因导入植物,改良植物的性状,并获得成功。近年来,由于生物工程技术的兴起和发展,特别是基因工程技术在改良作物抗性中的广泛应用,为培育抗性品种提供了新的手段,从而开辟了玉米抗性育种的新时代。转基因技术将玉米基因库中不具有的抗性基因导入玉米,实现了传统育种方法无法实现的基因重组,大大提高了育种水平。  相似文献   

分子标记辅助选择在玉米育种中的应用进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分子标记辅助选择给玉米育种提供了新的途径,促进了玉米育种的发展。对玉米分子标记辅助选择育种的研究进展、影响因素等方面进行了总结。  相似文献   

美国内布拉斯加州的一批食用大豆被紧急隔离,原因是这批大豆中混入了含有药用蛋白的转基因玉米。目前美国政府正在展开调查,并可能追究肇事者的民事责任甚至刑事责任。  相似文献   

杨松楠 《种子世界》2010,(10):38-39
用单倍体育种方法获取转基因玉米纯合自交系,减少花粉在环境中释放量,避免基因漂移影响生态环境,绝大部分过程不受区域限制,不受限制区域无花粉散失。  相似文献   

花粉管通道法是上世纪70年代提出并用于改造植物材料的基因转化方法,目前在很多农作物上有所应用。本文对该法在玉米自交系改良上的研究内容、成果进行综述,并对其今后在玉米品种改良方面的进一步应用做了展望。  相似文献   

转基因作物育种中的遗传问题和缺陷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

贾晓军  贺兰 《种子科技》2009,27(8):20-23
玉米转基因育种是通过基因转移的方法创造玉米新种质或新品种.将转基因技术与玉米常规育种技术相结合,能尽快地培育出符合育种目标的新品种,带来育种水平的提高、创新和突破,加快玉米育种进程.本文论述了转基因技术在玉米育种中的研究进展、主要应用方法、应用现状及现存问题和应对策略.随着转基因技术的飞速发展及其研究的日趋成熟,转基因技术在拓宽玉米种质资源,提高杂交种的抗逆性、抗病虫性、提高产量和品质等方面将发挥更大的作用,应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

转基因玉米育种的研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
宗燕 《中国种业》2010,(2):15-17
<正>转基因玉米的研究从20世纪80年代中期开始到现在的短短十几年时间得到了迅速的发展,整个里程大致分为3个阶段:1988年以前是转化方法的探索阶段;1989-1994年是直接遗产转化方法的研究与发展  相似文献   

转基因技术在玉米种质改良中的应用   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
简述了玉米转基因工程中遗传转化的受体系统、目的基因和转基因技术的研究进展.分析了转基因技术在改良玉米品质、抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂、耐盐、抗旱、抗寒性、雄性不育、抗真菌和抗病毒病基因等方面取得的成效.  相似文献   

催芽早播技术是延安市农业科技人员创造的一项以抗旱夺全苗,实现科学用水、经济用水的旱作农业节水增效耕作技术.在当地生产中大面积推广普及,增产增收效果十分显著.近年来,在玉米制种中试验示范和推广运用,收到了很好的效果,推广前景十分广阔.  相似文献   

先玉335是铁岭先锋种子公司在中国土地上培育的玉米品种,于2004年通过国家审定,2009年的种植面积迅猛增加到133万hm2.杜邦先锋在中国的研发是自主进行的,铁岭先锋种子公司的两家合资公司只是在生产和商业销售上合作,不涉及育种研发和技术转让[1].  相似文献   

Participatory maize breeding for low nitrogen tolerance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The local maize variety Sol da Manhã has a broad genetic background. It was identified in 1985 in a participatory evaluation trial as being suitable for cultivation under low soil fertility conditions in Sol da Manhã, situated in Seropédica, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The variety was then improved for 6 selection cycles by the formal breeding sector at the experimental station of Embrapa Agrobiologia. There were three cycles of mass selection, one selection cycle between and within half-sib families, one selection cycle within full-sib families, and one selection cycle between and within S1 families. Thereafter, the variety was improved in collaboration with the informal sector, viz. a group of farmers of the agricultural community of Sol da Manhã for 6 cycles of mass selection. The variety was evaluated in 1994 in field trials for grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency. Sol da Manhã can be characterised as efficient in nitrogen use, under both favourable and unfavourable growing conditions.  相似文献   

适于全程机械化生产的玉米新品种选育探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王元东 《中国种业》2014,(11):23-24
通过分析国外玉米品种的主要特征特性,提出了我国适于全程机械化生产的育种目标;分析了我国原有种质和引进的国外新种质在适应全程机械化生产的玉米新品种育种潜力,提出了相应的利用策略。  相似文献   

Deploying maize varieties with fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda [J.E. Smith]; FAW) resistance, desirable product profiles (PPs) and climate resilience is fundamental for food and economic security in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This study reviewed and identified challenges and opportunities for effective and accelerated breeding of demand-led maize hybrids with FAW resistance and adaptation to the diverse agro-ecologies of SSA. Lessons were drawn on improving breeding efficiency through adequate genetic variation delivered via prebreeding programmes, speed breeding and a reduced breeding stage plan. Appropriate PPs aligned with demand-led breeding approaches were highlighted as foundations for variety design and commercialization. Challenges to accelerated FAW resistance breeding in maize included inadequate funds and modern tools; poor adaptation of some exotic donor parental lines; lack of information on FAW resistance among local varieties; lack of integration of molecular markers associated with FAW resistance and agronomic traits into selection plans; and limited infrastructure for FAW rearing and germplasm screening. Integration of modern breeding tools and scientific innovations were recommended for accelerated development and release of FAW resistant and market-preferred maize varieties.  相似文献   

目前生产上大面积种植的转Bt基因抗虫棉有着明显不同于常规棉的特征特性,如棉种发芽出苗顶土能力、苗期长势较弱、现蕾速度和蕾铃转化快、对钾肥和生长调节剂较敏感、后期易早衰等,因此转Bt基因抗虫棉有着不同于常规棉的配套栽培技术。  相似文献   

Summary A 7-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that have not had selection for yield improvement and a 10-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that either resulted from recurrent selection for yield improvement or from the introgression of exotic germ plasm into adapted varieties were evaluated in six environments for yield and five other agronomic traits. The specific objective was to determine the relative potential of the synthetic varieties as germ plasm sources for breeding programs.Recurrent selection improved population yield in BSSS CO, BSK CO, and Alph CO in the varieties and also in crosses with other varieties. BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 11.4% and 16.1% more than BSSS CO, and the variety crosses of BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 21.6% and 22.0% more than the variety crosses of BSSS CO. Recurrent selection also improved stalk-lodging resistance for BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7, but root lodging for BSSS(HT)C7 was significantly higher. BS15 had 61.0% higher yields than Alph CO, with 9.3% less stalk lodging. Average heterosis of the 10-variety diallel was 1120 kg/ha (19.6%) and ranged from 800 kg/ha (13.7%) for BSK(S)C5 to 1770 kg/ha (39.4%) for BS12(HI)C5. The heterosis expressed among individual variety crosses ranged from 4.3% for BSK(S)C5 x BSTE(FR)C1 to 37.6% for BSSS(R)C6 x BS12(HI)C5, which approached the yield of the two highest yielding single-cross checks.In the 7-variety diallel of unselected varieties, BSTE CO and Late Rootworm Synthetic were superior as varieties and in crosses for yield and stalk quality. Average heterosis for the 7-variety diallel was 950 kg/ha (18.5%). Stalk lodging was important in the performance of varieties with poor stalk quality.Although recurrent selection improved yield, development of superior breeding populations also will require selection for general agronomic performance. The performance of BS16 and the yields of BSTL and Teozea and their crosses suggest that exotic germ plasm should receive greater attention.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-8096 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50010. Project No. 1897.  相似文献   

我国玉米地方种质资源在育种中的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近20年来,我国生产上大面积应用的玉米杂交种的亲本自交系,主要集中在唐四平头、旅大红骨、lan-caster和ReidYellowDent等四大种质类群上,玉米育种的种质基础狭窄和遗传脆弱性已成为人们十分担心的问题,为了开发新的种质资源,扩大玉米遗传育种的种质基础,自20世纪80年代以来,我国育种家对热带、亚热带及美国等外来种质产生了浓厚兴趣,通过引进、改良驯化和导入利用等大量研究,取得了一定成效。然而我国十分丰富的地方种质资源,其优良种质虽然在玉米育种史上发挥过重要作用,但目前利用较少。充分开发地方种质资源、进行种质扩增和杂交种选…  相似文献   

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