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石麦26是2018年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定的小麦新品种,为了加快石麦26的推广应用速度,实现新品种的应用价值,以2014年、2015年国家黄淮北片区域试验和2016年国家冬小麦黄淮北片水地生产试验结果为依据,对石麦26的丰产性进行分析,结果表明:石麦26具有良好的丰产性,是适合黄淮北片冬麦区大面积生产的小麦新品种。  相似文献   

为选育适于江苏淮北地区种植的高产稳产小麦新品种,江苏徐淮地区淮阴农业科学研究所2001年以‘烟农19’和‘郑州991’进行杂交,用系谱法选育出小麦新品种‘淮麦33’,2013年通过江苏省审定(苏审麦201305),2014年通过国家审定(国审麦2014001)。参加江苏省区域试验结果:2010—2012年江苏省淮北区域试验,平均产量7977.90 kg/hm2,较对照‘淮麦20’增产6.28%;2012—2013年江苏省生产试验,平均产量7948.95 kg/hm2,比对照‘淮麦20’增产5.96%,居参试品种第1位。参加国家区域试验结果:2011—2013年国家区域试验,平均产量7563.30 kg/hm2,比对照‘周麦18’增产6.83%,增产差异极显著,增产点率94.10%,均值变异系数10.11%,适应度82.34%。2013—2014年国家生产试验,平均产量8934.00 kg/hm2,比对照增产6.13%,居该组试验品种第1位,增产点率100%。通过多年多点区域试验表明:‘淮麦33’株型理想、产量潜力高,对黄淮麦区小麦主要病害、逆害具有良好的抗(耐)性,尤其是2010年、2012年赤霉病大发生、2013年倒春寒严重发生的情况下,稳产性突出。  相似文献   

国审小麦新品种豫农035选育报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
豫农35是河南农业大学选育而成的小麦新品种。在2004-2006年度国家小麦区域试验中平均产量7827.15kg/hm2,比对照品种豫麦49增产4.05%,达显著水平,2006-2007年度国家生产试验中比对照新麦18增产4.4%。2007年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号为2007006号,该品种适宜在黄淮南片麦区推广种植。  相似文献   

为了全面了解小麦新品种太412的生产与育种价值,根据2015—2016年度山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地组区域试验和2016—2017年山西省中部晚熟冬麦区水地组生产试验的资料,通过方差分析对小麦新品种太412的产量、品质及抗性特征进行分析。结果表明,太412在2015—2016年度山西省区域试验中比对照中麦175增产10.08%,在2016—2017年度生产试验中比中麦175增产7.74%,说明太412是适应范围较广的品种,具有良好的丰产性、稳产性,是适合山西省中部晚熟冬麦区大面积推广种植的水地小麦新品种。  相似文献   

中麦6032是由中国农业科学院作物科学研究所选育的高产广适小麦新品种。该品种半冬性中熟,幼苗半匍匐、叶色深绿、分蘖力强,成穗率高;株高约80 cm,株型松紧适中,茎秆粗壮、抗倒性强。产量三要素适中,亩穗数47.2万穗,穗粒数32.6粒,千粒重46.8g。该品种适应性广,2021年通过黄淮北片和安徽省审定,完成黄淮南片生产试验,进入冀中北水地组生产试验。黄淮北片两年区域试验平均每667m2产量586.8kg,比对照济麦22增产6.28%;生产试验平均每667m2产量587.4kg,比对照济麦22增产3.95%。黄淮北片区试两年抗病性鉴定,中感纹枯病,中感条锈病、叶锈病,高感赤霉病、白粉病。节水指数1.198/1.094,节水性较强。品质检测达到国家中强筋小麦品种标准。  相似文献   

连续9年通过对普通小麦基因型石4185(T.aestivum)与硬粒小麦基因型4184(T.durum)种间杂交后代回交、顶交及辐射处理,选育出节水、高产小麦新种质衡562。近红外技术测定,抗旱指数为1.2。2008~2009年河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所作水、旱处理,水地产量442.39 kg/667 m2,比对照石4185(400.26 kg/667 m2)增产10.53%;旱地产量366.39kg/667 m2,比对照石4185(334.53 kg/667 m2)增产9.52%。2009~2010年在河北省区域试验节水组预备试验中,平均产量394.97 kg/667 m2,比对照增产9.06%,名列24个参试品种第1名。衡562的育成,为小麦节水、抗旱育种提供了具有应用价值的新种质资源。  相似文献   

采用复合杂交方式,育成适宜黄淮北片麦区气候特点和小麦生产需要的新品种郯麦98。其主要特点是综合农艺性状优良,丰产性好,增产潜力大,综合抗病性强,品质优良。2009年通过山东省农作物品种审定委员会审定(鲁农审字2009057),并进入2009~2010年国家黄淮北片小麦生产试验。本文根据郯麦98的生长发育特点,对高产栽培技术提出一定要求。  相似文献   

豫农416是河南农业大学选育而成的小麦新品种。在2006-2007、2007-2008年度河南省小麦区域试验中平均产量为7846.5kg/hm2和7987.5 kg/hm2,分别较对照豫麦49和周麦18增产5.96%和3.19%;在2008-2009年度河南省生产试验中比对照周麦18增产7.4%。2009年通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定,审定编号为2009001。该品种适宜河南及相临省份相近小麦生态区推广种植。  相似文献   

为了使新审定的高产稳产强筋小麦品种‘山农116’尽快大面积应用于生产,从其杂交亲本遗传背景和在国家、山东省区域试验中高产稳产性表现,多年份品质测试结果的强筋稳定性表现等方面进行了深入分析。结果表明,‘山农116’国家区域试验和山东省区域试验均比对照增产达极显著水平,国家试验比高产对照品种‘周麦18’增产4.0%,山东省试验比对照‘济南17’增产3.8%;2018—2021连续4年在全国小麦质量鉴评中,‘山农116’的品质测试指标均达GB/T17892标准强筋或中强筋小麦。‘山农116’株高76.9 cm,株型紧凑,穗层整齐,熟相好,聚合了母本的强筋、抗病、早熟和父本的高产、节水、抗倒伏等优异特点,适宜黄淮麦区大面积推广和市场订单种植利用。  相似文献   

李顺成 《中国种业》2020,(10):51-53
为了解周麦36号的生产特性,利用2016-2017年度国家黄淮南片小麦区试的试验结果,运用LSD法、高稳系数、GGE模型分析等对周麦36号的丰产性、稳产性及适应性进行分析。结果表明,周麦36号平均产量为8844 kg/ hm2,比周麦18(CK)增产5.73%,位列第3位,高温系数(HSC)为12.8%,小于对照;变异系数(CV)值较小、HSC值较小,说明周麦36号有较好的稳产性和适应性;通过GGE双标图可以看出周麦36号很好的丰产性,稳定性也特别的号。周麦36号在黄淮南片22个试点中表现较好的丰产性、稳定性及适应性,适合在黄淮南片推广应用。  相似文献   

Summary Avoidance of rust fungi that was based on poor appressorium induction was previously found in Hordeum chilense. In the present study 95 accessions of Triticeae were screened for avoidance of Puccinia hordei. The percentage of appressorium formation per germinated spore ranged from 6 to 90%. On none of the 41 accessions of Aegilops, Agropyron, Elymus, Secale, Thinopyrum or Triticum studied was the rate of appressorium formation lower than 25%. Lower rates of appressorium formation were, however, found on accessions of wild barley species Hordeum brachyantherum, H. marinum, H. parodii and H. secalinum. Its implications in cereal breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivars of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) of high wheat-rye (Secale cereale L.) crossability set more seed with pollen of other related species than did wheats of low wheat-rye crossability. This was found to be true for pollen parents from the genera Triticum, Aegilops, Secale, Agropyron and Elymus.  相似文献   

The development of a turf‐type bahiagrass could have a remarkable impact on the billion‐dollar turf industry in the south‐eastern United States. The goals of this study were to (i) select bahiagrass genotypes with improved turf attributes and (ii) determine the reproductive mode and seed fertility of selected genotypes. The population included mutants, wild types, hybrids and standard cultivars evaluated at two locations for two years. Morphological variation was observed and clonal repeatability (H2) ranged from 0.27 to 0.90. Flowering was extremely reduced in some mutants, which also exhibited dark green colour, finer texture and reduced canopy height. Cytoembryological observations revealed that diploids reproduced sexually and tetraploids by obligate or facultative apomixis. Genotypes with superior seed fertility were identified, while others were comparable to the standard cultivars. While mutant plants exhibited great morphological variation, the random mutations did not affect their reproductive mode, validating the use of mutagenesis in apomictic species. The high H2 indicated that selection for improved turf attributes could be successfully performed with the advantage of clonal seed propagation.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Keep 《Euphytica》1984,33(2):507-515
Summary A new gene, i, from a self-incompatible wild Russian Rubus idaeus seedling is described. The gene i interacts with the fruit colour gene T, Tii plants having apricot instead of red fruits, and spines, leaves and stems pigmented to varying degrees. A deficit of apricot-fruited seedlings in progenies segregating for i could be explained by linkage between i and the self-incompatibility S locus with a crossover value of approximately 26.7%.Segregations for spine colour in crosses and backcrosses of the Russian seedling with two green-spined (ttII) raspberries selected for their yellow fruit colour, showed that both the latter carried the spine colour intensifier gene P. This suggests that earlier authors were incorrect in attributing the apricot fruit colour developed by some tt plants to a pleiotropic effect of P.  相似文献   

Senescence was evaluated at different stages of the grain‐filling period in eight durum wheat varieties using numerical image analysis (NIA). The varieties were grown under early, severe drought conditions on the high plains of Sétif in Algeria. After flowering, three different irrigation treatments were applied. Treatment effect was small, while a genotypic effect was noted for most of the senescence parameters. Senescence correlated to biomass, while the maximal rate of senescence, Vsmax, correlated to thousand‐kernel weight. The potential of the method of numerical image analysis for monitoring flag leaf senescence, detecting genotypic variability and selecting genotypes with delayed senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.), is an important grain legume grown in the tropics where it constitutes a valuable source of protein in the diets of millions of people. Some abiotic and biotic stresses adversely affect its productivity. A review of the genetics, genomics and breeding of cowpea is presented in this article. Cowpea breeding programmes have studied intensively qualitative and quantitative genetics of the crop to better enhance its improvement. A number of initiatives including Tropical Legumes projects have contributed to the development of cowpea genomic resources. Recent progress in the development of consensus genetic map containing 37,372 SNPs mapped to 3,280 bins will strengthen cowpea trait discovery pipeline. Several informative markers associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to desirable attributes of cowpea were generated. Cowpea genetic improvement activities aim at the development of drought tolerant, phosphorus use efficient, bacterial blight and virus resistant lines through exploiting available genetic resources as well as deployment of modern breeding tools that will enhance genetic gain when grown by sub‐Saharan Africa farmers.  相似文献   

Hugh Wallwork 《Euphytica》1989,40(1-2):103-109
Summary Fifteen triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines were evaluated for resistance to the take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and compared with five wheat and two rye lines in inoculated field and pot trials. The triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines varied in rye chromosome number and degree of resistance expressed. One line, Venus with seven pairs of rye chromosomes consistently showed levels of resistance intermediate between wheat and rye. A trend was observed where increasing rye chromosome content led to greater resistance but exceptions showed that variation within triticales could not be ascribed to rye chromosome content alone.  相似文献   

Summary The past 25 years, 1686 potato accessions, representing 100 species in the genus Solanum L., subgenus Potatoe, section Petota, were evaluated for field resistance to one or more of the following insect pests: green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer); potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas); Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say); potato flea beetle, Epitrix cucumeris (Harris); and potato leafhopper, Empoasca fabae (Harris). Accessions highly resistant to green peach aphid were identified within 36 species, to potato aphid within 24 species, to Colorado potato beetle within 10 species, to potato flea beetle within 25 species, and to potato leafhopper within 39 species. Resistance levels were characteristic within Solanum species. Insect resistance appears to be a primitive trait in wild potatoes. Susceptibility was most common in the primitive and cultivated Tuberosa. Insect resistance was also characteristic of the most advanced species. The glycoalkaloid tomatine was associated with field resistance to Colorado potato beetle and potato leafhopper. Other glycoalkaloids were not associated with field resistance at the species level. Dense hairs were associated with resistance to green peach aphid, potato flea beetle, and potato leafhopper. Glandular trichomes were associated with field resistance to Colorado potato beetle, potato flea beetle, and potato leafhopper. Significant correlations between insect score and altitude of original collection were observed in six of thirteen species. Species from hot and arid areas were associated with resistance to Colorado potato beetle, potato flea beetle, and potato leafhopper. Species from cool or moist areas tended to be resistant to potato aphid.Abbreviations EBN Endosperm Balance Number  相似文献   

Summary A self-fertile trigeneric hybrid in the Triticeae involving species from the Hordeum, Triticum and Secale genera has been produced. The trigeneric hybrid was obtained by crossing octoploid triticale (x Triticosecale Wittmack) with octoploid tritordeum (H. chilense × T. aestivum amphiploid). The trigeneric hybrid presented a genome constitution AABBDDRHch and 2n=8X=56 chromosomes. The cytogenetical analyses showed no chromosome instability nor homeologous pairing between Hordeum and Secale chromosomes. In the F2 generation the chromosome number ranged from 42 to 52. Within this range, the plants with smaller numbers of chromosomes were more frequent. A preferential transmission of rye chromosomes could be inferred.  相似文献   

J. Smartt 《Euphytica》1981,30(2):415-418
Summary The three gene pool system can be applied usefully to the whole range of crop plants. The primary gene pool (GP1) show varying degrees of fragmentation. No morphological discontinuity is apparent between wild and cultivated Lathyrus sativus but clear discontinuities have developed between conspecific wild and cultivated Phaseolus and Vigna species. Further discontinuities can develop in cultigens where disruptive selection has been practiced, as in Beta vulgaris, Linum usitatissimum and Brassica oleracea where more than one distinct crop has evolved within a single biological species. Each such crop has developed its own distinctive gene pool.  相似文献   

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