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山区高油玉米高产优质栽培模式研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探索在黔西北山区种植高油玉米高产优质的栽培模式,促进山区种植业结构调整,采用多元二次正交回归旋转组合设计,研究了高油玉米产量、产油量与四个主要栽培因子——种植密度及N、P、K肥施用量之间的关系,建立了数学模型,解析了各因素对产量、产油量的效应,通过计算机模拟寻优,筛选出了黔西北山区高油玉米高产优质的农艺综合方案:密度62463~63710株/ hm2;N肥(纯N)321.79~359.04kg/hm2;P肥(P2O5)319.94~345.32 kg/hm2;K肥(K2O)293.64~333.30 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

2004—2005年在长沙(28°13′N)采用低肥(N 135kg/hm2、P 29.7kg/hm2、K 112.1kg/hm2)、中肥(N 180kg/hm2、P 39.6kg/hm2、K 149.4kg/hm2)、高肥(N 225kg/hm2、P 49.5kg/hm2、K 186.8kg/hm2)3种施肥水平,对超级杂交稻两优293和准两优527的产量及生长生理特性进行了比较研究。结果表明:在试验范围内不同施肥量处理间超级稻产量及有效穗、每穗粒数、结实率等产量构成差异不显著,2年平均产量以中肥处理最高,其中准两优527为9.03t/hm2,两优293为7.28t/hm2;不同年际间超级稻产量及有效穗、每穗粒数、结实率等产量构成差异显著;超级杂交稻准两优527和两优293的适宜氮肥用量为150~180kg/hm2。与准两优527比较,两优293茎秆粗壮,根系发达、根系活力强、分蘖力强、但分蘖成穗率不高,而准两优527前中期生长平稳,分蘖成穗率高,抽穗后光合产物积累多和运转率高,有利于高产形成,但不抗倒伏,生产上应适量减少氮肥施用量。  相似文献   

高海拔地区玉米种植密度研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
此试验在特定高海拔地区宽窄行栽培模式下,通过选用一个中杆中熟种(元玉3号)和一个高杆中晚熟种(正红311),设计了5.25、6、6.75、7.5、8.25万株/hm2 5个种植密度,研究了不同种植密度对玉米植株农艺性状(茎粗、株高、穗位高、折倒伏率等)和产量构成因素(穗数、穗粒数、千粒重)的影响。结果表明:株高、穗位高、穗高系数、折倒伏率随密度的增加呈增加趋势;而茎粗、穗粒数和千粒重随密度的增加呈下降趋势;有效穗数和产量随密度的增加呈先增后减的抛物线变化趋势。在此试验条件下及其类似生态区,元玉3号种植密度为7.19万株/hm2时,产量可达最高期望值12430.9 kg/hm2;正红311种植密度为6.84万株/hm2时,产量可达最高期望值12773.39 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

大豆超高产及品质改良理论与实践研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
概述了大豆超高产及品质改良的理论和实践的研究进展,以及一些大豆超高产实例。美国利用半矮杆品种、窄行密植技术,创造高产达5610kg/hm2。日本奥白目品种单产达5280kg/hm2,中国“新大豆1号”创造了单产5956.2kg/hm2的全国大豆产量最高纪录。“辽21051”,单产为4908kg/hm2。豫豆25号产量高达4759.5kg/hm2,“诱处4号”,得到4878kg/hm2的产量。“MN413”产量平均4726.2kg/hm2。近年来,中国已育成了一批高蛋白(超过45%)、高油(超过22%)及专用的优质大豆品种。高蛋白质大豆豫豆24号蛋白质含量45.68%,平均可达4267.5kg/hm2,高油大豆垦农18脂肪含量23.98%,平均可达4200kg/hm2,简述了大豆“垄三”、“小双密”、“大垄密”和大豆行间覆膜等先进的高产栽培管理技术,并对大豆高产栽培模式和理论的研究动态及进展作一综述。  相似文献   

试验以早籼稻塑盘育秧抛栽密度、施N量、N素花粒肥比重等3个栽培因子优化设计的15种处理水平组合方案的实施,建立了15种产量差异显著的20套田间小区群体。通过对各小区群体的产量及与产量显著相关的29个群、个体性状(发育指标)统计分析研究,证明了早籼稻盘育抛栽高产群体的发育类型具有多样性,建立了试验因子与产量和29个群、个体性状间的回归模型;模拟出3个产量水平段(<7500、7500~9000 和>9000kg/hm2)的群、个体性状发育指标值和两种产量水平(7500~9000 和>9000kg/hm2)的栽培因子适宜取值范围;初步提出了早籼稻盘育抛栽高产群体发育指标及其建立与调控技术方案。  相似文献   

不同栽培密度对晋亚10号胡麻产量及农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过晋亚10号胡麻品种不同密度水旱条件下的栽培试验,结果表明,胡麻基础群体对产量的贡献高于分茎,在晋西北生产水平下旱地播种量37.5~52.5 kg/hm2,出苗率70%左右,水地播种量45~60 kg/hm2,出苗率保持80%~85%是保证晋亚10号胡麻获得高产的理想群体.  相似文献   

为了探讨三角形强化栽培在生长发育及产量形成等方面的特点,找出最具增产潜力的栽培方式和技术,为其今后在水稻生产应用中提供实践依据。试验以‘D优527’为材料,研究了在不同施氮水平和密度下,水稻三角形强化栽培与正方形强化栽培、抛秧栽培、常规栽培水稻群体和个体关系、群体库源建成特征、水稻后期衰老及产量形成等方面的差异。结果显示:(1)三角形强化栽培和抛秧栽培在个体产量性状有所下降的情况下,依靠群体有效穗的提高达到高产目的,但适宜密度的三角形强化栽培显然要优于抛秧栽培;而正方形强化栽培则以强化个体生长发育为目标,在个体产量性状得到大幅提高的基础上,群体足够就能达到很好的增产效果,但增产效果不如三角形强化栽培。(2)适宜密度的三角形强化栽培、正方形强化栽培在生育后期能保持较高的LAI,抽穗期能积累更多的干物质,且其茎鞘物质向穗部的输出量、输出率及转换率均显著高于抛秧栽培和常规栽培,具有更高的产量潜力。(3)高肥处理(纯氮225 kg/hm2)比中肥处理(纯氮150 kg/hm2)产量增加6.36%,表明适当提高施氮水平,更有利于提高强化栽培产量。  相似文献   

春玉米优化栽培措施对群体光合性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侯旭光  冯勇 《华北农学报》1999,14(4):92-102
以内单4 号春玉米为试验材料,采用五因素二次通用旋转组合设计(1/2) 实施方案,通过建立群体光合性能指标模型,系统地研究了主要栽培因素对生理指标的影响。结果表明,最大叶面积系数(LAI) 和总光合势(LAD) 与产量的关系呈单峰曲线变化,当最大LAI< 5-8 或总LAD<362-7 万m2·d/hm2 时,产量呈上升趋势,对产量影响较大的是灌浆期的LAI或散粉~灌浆期的LAD,保持散粉期后具有较大的光合面积和持续时间是提高产量的保证。在当地生产条件下,内单4 号单产11 250 kg/hm2 的优化栽培措施为:密度6-885 ~7-065 万株/hm2 ,种肥N30 kg/hm2 ,种肥P2O5 96-75 ~108-15 kg/hm2 ,种肥K2 O66-75 ~74-4 kg/hm2 ,拔节肥N131-85 ~145-65 kg/hm2 ,穗肥N102-0 ~117-3 kg/hm2 ;群体光合性能指标参数为:最大LAI为4-83 ~4-94 ,总LAD为320-4 ~329-7 万m2·d/hm2 ,平均净同化率(NAR) 为6-77 ~6-79 g/m2·d ,其中散粉~灌浆期LAD为79-8 ~82-35 万m2·d/hm2 。  相似文献   

商麦156是商丘市农科所2015选育出的小麦新品种,为了探究商麦156的适宜种植模式,本试验以当地传统等行距种植为对照,研究宽窄行种植及播量对小麦生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,随播量增加,植株株高、冠层20cm处PAR值增加,单株次生根、单株分蘖数、植株干重及冠层底部PAR值降低,播量越大,小麦亩穗数越多,穗粒数、千粒重越少,高播量(195kg/hm2)、中播量(150kg/hm2)处理下小麦产量差异不显著,但均显著高于低播量(120kg/hm2)处理;播量相同(150kg/hm2)的条件下,宽窄行处理能降低植株株高,增加植株单株次生根数、分蘖数、干重及冠层底部PAR比重,协调亩穗数、穗粒数、千粒重,增加小麦产量。总之,商麦156适宜在宽窄行条件下种植,适宜播种量为150kg/hm2-195kg/hm2。  相似文献   

云南省罗平县是油菜生产大县,常年种植面积保持在 5.53 万 hm2 以上。近年来,大量外省杂交品种进入罗平市场,为鉴定这些品种的丰产性、抗病抗逆性和品质,选择 49 份市场主推品种,采用大区设计开展品种综合筛选试验,从中筛选出高产优质双低品种,以巩固罗平优质油菜生产大县地位。结果表明,明堂油 985 和中油 811 芥酸、硫苷含量低于 1% 和 27μmoL/g,油酸、含油量分别高于 66% 和 44%,产量高于 3570kg/hm2 ,抗倒伏,菌核病病株率低,品质好,油酸和含油量高,可加大力度推广。德油杂 12 产量最高,芥酸含量低,含油量一般,但硫苷含量高(54.3μmoL/g);川油 45 产量居第 2 位,芥酸含量低,硫苷含量较低(34.49μmoL/g),含油量一般(38.74%);大地 199 产量为 3327.01kg/hm2,芥酸、硫苷含量分别低于 1% 和 30μmoL/g,油酸、含油量高,分别为 69.33% 和 46.56%,可推广。  相似文献   

Summary Avoidance of rust fungi that was based on poor appressorium induction was previously found in Hordeum chilense. In the present study 95 accessions of Triticeae were screened for avoidance of Puccinia hordei. The percentage of appressorium formation per germinated spore ranged from 6 to 90%. On none of the 41 accessions of Aegilops, Agropyron, Elymus, Secale, Thinopyrum or Triticum studied was the rate of appressorium formation lower than 25%. Lower rates of appressorium formation were, however, found on accessions of wild barley species Hordeum brachyantherum, H. marinum, H. parodii and H. secalinum. Its implications in cereal breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

G. H. Kroon 《Euphytica》1994,76(1-2):125-125
Summary K x vadensis is a hybrid of K. blossfeldiana and K. marmorata obtained after doubling the number of chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Cultivars of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em. Thell.) of high wheat-rye (Secale cereale L.) crossability set more seed with pollen of other related species than did wheats of low wheat-rye crossability. This was found to be true for pollen parents from the genera Triticum, Aegilops, Secale, Agropyron and Elymus.  相似文献   

The development of a turf‐type bahiagrass could have a remarkable impact on the billion‐dollar turf industry in the south‐eastern United States. The goals of this study were to (i) select bahiagrass genotypes with improved turf attributes and (ii) determine the reproductive mode and seed fertility of selected genotypes. The population included mutants, wild types, hybrids and standard cultivars evaluated at two locations for two years. Morphological variation was observed and clonal repeatability (H2) ranged from 0.27 to 0.90. Flowering was extremely reduced in some mutants, which also exhibited dark green colour, finer texture and reduced canopy height. Cytoembryological observations revealed that diploids reproduced sexually and tetraploids by obligate or facultative apomixis. Genotypes with superior seed fertility were identified, while others were comparable to the standard cultivars. While mutant plants exhibited great morphological variation, the random mutations did not affect their reproductive mode, validating the use of mutagenesis in apomictic species. The high H2 indicated that selection for improved turf attributes could be successfully performed with the advantage of clonal seed propagation.  相似文献   

Elizabeth Keep 《Euphytica》1984,33(2):507-515
Summary A new gene, i, from a self-incompatible wild Russian Rubus idaeus seedling is described. The gene i interacts with the fruit colour gene T, Tii plants having apricot instead of red fruits, and spines, leaves and stems pigmented to varying degrees. A deficit of apricot-fruited seedlings in progenies segregating for i could be explained by linkage between i and the self-incompatibility S locus with a crossover value of approximately 26.7%.Segregations for spine colour in crosses and backcrosses of the Russian seedling with two green-spined (ttII) raspberries selected for their yellow fruit colour, showed that both the latter carried the spine colour intensifier gene P. This suggests that earlier authors were incorrect in attributing the apricot fruit colour developed by some tt plants to a pleiotropic effect of P.  相似文献   

Senescence was evaluated at different stages of the grain‐filling period in eight durum wheat varieties using numerical image analysis (NIA). The varieties were grown under early, severe drought conditions on the high plains of Sétif in Algeria. After flowering, three different irrigation treatments were applied. Treatment effect was small, while a genotypic effect was noted for most of the senescence parameters. Senescence correlated to biomass, while the maximal rate of senescence, Vsmax, correlated to thousand‐kernel weight. The potential of the method of numerical image analysis for monitoring flag leaf senescence, detecting genotypic variability and selecting genotypes with delayed senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

Sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata, is one of the important pests of postrainy season sorghums. Of the 90 sorghum genotypes evaluated for resistance to this pest, RHRB 12, ICSV 713, 25026, 93046 and 25027, IS 33844‐5, Giddi Maldandi and RVRT 3 exhibited resistance in postrainy season, while ICSB 463, Phule Anuradha, RHRB 19, Parbhani Moti, ICSV 705, PS 35805, IS 5480, 5622, 17726, 18368 and 34722, RVRT 1, ICSR 93031 and Dagidi Solapur showed resistance in rainy season, suggesting season‐specific expression of resistance to A. soccata. ICSB 461, ICSB 463, Phule Yasodha, M 35‐1, ICSV 700, 711, 25010, 25019 and 93089, IS 18662, Phule Vasudha, IS 18551 and 33844‐5 and Barsizoot had fewer deadhearts than plants with eggs across seasons, suggesting antibiosis as one of the resistance mechanism. Five genotypes exhibited resistance with high grain yield across seasons. Correlation, path and stepwise regression analyses indicated that leaf glossiness, seedling vigour, trichome density, oviposition and leaf sheath pigmentation were associated with the expression of resistance/susceptibility to shoot fly, and these can be used as marker traits to select and develop shoot fly‐resistant sorghums.  相似文献   

Cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.), is an important grain legume grown in the tropics where it constitutes a valuable source of protein in the diets of millions of people. Some abiotic and biotic stresses adversely affect its productivity. A review of the genetics, genomics and breeding of cowpea is presented in this article. Cowpea breeding programmes have studied intensively qualitative and quantitative genetics of the crop to better enhance its improvement. A number of initiatives including Tropical Legumes projects have contributed to the development of cowpea genomic resources. Recent progress in the development of consensus genetic map containing 37,372 SNPs mapped to 3,280 bins will strengthen cowpea trait discovery pipeline. Several informative markers associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) related to desirable attributes of cowpea were generated. Cowpea genetic improvement activities aim at the development of drought tolerant, phosphorus use efficient, bacterial blight and virus resistant lines through exploiting available genetic resources as well as deployment of modern breeding tools that will enhance genetic gain when grown by sub‐Saharan Africa farmers.  相似文献   

Hugh Wallwork 《Euphytica》1989,40(1-2):103-109
Summary Fifteen triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines were evaluated for resistance to the take-all fungus Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici and compared with five wheat and two rye lines in inoculated field and pot trials. The triticale and wheat-triticale hybrid lines varied in rye chromosome number and degree of resistance expressed. One line, Venus with seven pairs of rye chromosomes consistently showed levels of resistance intermediate between wheat and rye. A trend was observed where increasing rye chromosome content led to greater resistance but exceptions showed that variation within triticales could not be ascribed to rye chromosome content alone.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum chilense is a wild barley extensively used in wide crosses in the Triticeae. It could be a valuable source of resistance to Fusarium culmorum and Septoria nodorum. Some H. chilense x Triticum spp. amphiploids, named tritordeums, were more resistant than the parental wheat line to these diseases, others were not. Average contents of ergosterol and deoxynivalenol (DON) suggested that resistance to colonization by Fusarium was the highest for Hordeum chilense, followed by tritordeum and wheat in decreasing order. In particular, the H. chilense genotypes H7 and H17 enhanced the wheat resistance to F. culmorum in its tritordeum offsprings. Resistance to S. nodorum in tritordeum was not associated with tall plant height. There is sufficient genetic variation for resistance to F. culmorum and S. nodorum among tritordeum to allow the breeding of lines combining short straw and resistance to both diseases.  相似文献   

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