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用人工模拟降雨研究保护性耕作下的地表径流与水分入渗   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
采用人工模拟降雨试验研究了保护性耕作控制农田地表径流的效果,重点探讨了表土耕作、秸秆覆盖及土壤压实3种因素对地表径流和水分入渗的影响。试验表明,保护性耕作具有明显的处缓径流,增加水分入渗的效果。在土壤干燥,模拟降雨强度为72mm/h的条件下,传统翻耕比保护性耕作早12-16min产生径流,入渗率降低60.9%,总径流量高11倍。3种试验因素中,秸秆覆盖对径流和入渗的影响最大,压实次之。在本试验中,  相似文献   

2009年7月在陇中黄土高原半干旱区坡度为6°~7°之间的坡耕地上,采用人工模拟降雨的方法研究了连续实施了3a的道地药材保护性耕作对水土流失的影响。试验设传统耕作下甘草与板蓝根间作(TIL)、甘草与春小麦间作(TWL)、免耕不覆盖下甘草与板蓝根间作(NTIL)、甘草与春小麦间作(NTWL)、免耕秸秆覆盖下甘草与板蓝根间作(NTSIL)、甘草与春小麦间作(NTSWL)6个处理。结果表明:(1)保护性耕作具有良好的防止土壤侵蚀效应,6个处理保持水土效应来看,从优至劣顺序为:NTSWLNTSILNTWLNTILTWLTIL。(2)免耕、免耕秸秆覆盖与传统耕作的产流时间、径流量、产沙量均有显著差异。(3)甘草与春小麦间作模式的产流量、产沙量比甘草与板蓝根间作模式小,其中NTSWL保持水土效果最佳。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对农田土壤风蚀影响的试验研究   总被引:41,自引:10,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
在河北省北部的丰宁县坝上地区建立农田土壤风蚀试验区,采用美国BSNE采样器观测不同耕作处理条件下的农田风蚀土壤损失情况。试验结果表明:在风蚀过程中,土壤颗粒主要集中在近地表层运动,悬浮在空气中的土壤颗粒随着高度的增加逐渐减少,且与高度之间符合幂函数关系;风蚀土壤颗粒粒度组成随高度增加,砂粒级颗粒含量减少,而粉砂及粘土含量增加;免耕覆盖(NTC)、免耕覆盖+耙(NTCH)和免耕无覆盖(NTN)三种处理分别比传统翻耕减少风蚀量73.75%、75.31%和14.17%,由秸秆覆盖和少免耕相结合的保护性耕作可明显地减少农田土壤损失;在覆盖和耕作两因素中,覆盖对减小风蚀的作用最大,地表耕作的作用次之;另外,保护性耕作地能够减少农田土壤养分损失。  相似文献   

玉米-小麦一年两熟保护性耕作体系试验研究   总被引:46,自引:18,他引:46  
采用将夏玉米、冬小麦两季作物作为整体来研究适合华北一年两熟地区保护性耕作技术体系,确定了耕作和覆盖两个因素,包括免耕、深松、耙地、翻耕4种耕作方法,以及100%秸秆覆盖,50%秸秆覆盖和0覆盖3种秸秆覆盖水平。筛选设计了8种保护性耕作和2种传统翻耕共10种体系的试验方案。试验中测定了土壤含水量、容重、地温等参数和根系、产量等作物指标。试验结果表明,我国华北地区实施保护性耕作有利于节约用水,提高水分利用效率,增加作物产量。试验得出最适合的两种保护性耕作体系是:玉米-小麦全程免耕100%秸秆覆盖体系、玉米深松100%秸秆覆盖+小麦免耕100%秸秆覆盖体系。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对土壤物理特性及玉米产量的影响   总被引:38,自引:13,他引:25       下载免费PDF全文
保护性耕作措施是干旱区农田提高作物产量的新型耕作技术。为了探讨其区域适应性,在2004~2007年期间,以毛乌素沙地南缘的靖边县北部风沙区农田为研究对象,选用了免耕、秸秆覆盖、覆膜和传统翻耕(CK)4种措施,采用完全随机试验设计进行了田间定位试验研究。结果表明,秸秆覆盖和免耕地的地温在春播初期略比传统翻耕低0.1℃,但随后迅速回升,覆膜在玉米生长期都高于其他措施。耕作措施对播种前土壤容重没有显著影响,而对收获后土壤容重影响显著,与传统翻耕相比,免耕降低了表层土壤容重1.65%,但次层20~40 cm容重增加了1.8%。3种保护性耕作措施均增加了土壤含水量,顺序依次为秸秆覆盖>覆膜>免耕>翻耕,且在作物需水关键期免耕和秸秆覆盖下的土壤含水量相对稳定,保证作物需水,提高水分利用率,分别为8%、22.0%和13.3%。使作物分别增产4.44%、13.14%和19.26%。因此,保护性耕作在风沙区有利于改善农田土壤物理条件,提高作物产量,适于在风沙区推广。  相似文献   

通过在陇中黄土高原半干旱区的坡耕地上建立天然降雨径流小区,于2007年对粮草豆隔带种植保护性耕作防治水土流失效应进行定位研究.试验设传统耕作下春小麦与苜蓿间作(TWL)、马铃薯与苜蓿间作(TPL)、鹰嘴豆与苜蓿间作(TCL)和免耕秸秆覆盖下春小麦与苜蓿间作(NTSWL)、马铃薯与苜蓿间作(NTSPL)、鹰嘴豆与苜蓿间作(NTSCL)6个处理.结果表明:(1)免耕秸秆覆盖可显著减少径流量和侵蚀量,6个处理的水土流失量为TWL>NTSWL>TCL>NTSCL>TPL>NTSPL.(2)流失泥沙的养分含量中有机质、速效N、速效P、速效K的流失总量最大,全N和全P的流失总量最小.免耕秸秆覆盖对减少速效N、速效K和全P的流失具有明显的作用.(3)径流量、泥沙量与降雨量的回归关系均十分显著.保护性耕作是控制水土流失的有效措施.  相似文献   

保护性耕作对坡耕地土壤水分特性和水土流失的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
在黄土高原西部丘陵沟壑区水土流失严重的坡耕地进行了2 a的定位试验,研究了不同耕作方式对坡耕地土壤水分特性和水土流失的影响.研究结果表明:(1)免耕+覆盖的保护性耕作方式保水效果明显,全年平均土壤含水量比传统耕作高出1%以上,单纯的免耕与传统耕作没有显著差异.(2)免耕可使耕作层土壤水分保持相对稳定,初春播种后土壤较长时间保持较高含水量有利于作物出苗;雨后免耕处理耕作层具有更强保水能力,从而使土壤水分保持相对稳定则有利于作物生长.(3)不同耕作方式对坡耕地土壤水分特性的影响与其对士壤结构的影响有关,免耕虽然增加了耕作层土壤容重,但也增加了团聚体的稳定性,降低了团聚体破坏率,增强了土壤抗蚀力,覆盖能降低免耕地表层土壤容重,增强其持水与保墒能力.(4)免耕措施未必能减少坡地径流量,但可显著降低土壤侵蚀量,免耕辅以秸杆覆盖的保护性耕作可有效防止水土流失,径流量和产沙量较传统耕作处理分别减少了8.35%和88.11%.  相似文献   

南方稻田保护性耕作的研究进展与研究对策   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
就保护性耕作的由来和内涵、国内外发展现状作一综述,在指出我国稻田传统耕作方式存在的主要问题后,着重介绍了南方稻田保护性耕作的主要技术模式:即以免(少)耕、秸秆还田为主的保护性耕作技术和休闲期保护性耕作技术。稻田免(少)耕保护性耕作技术主要包括水稻免耕直播、免耕抛秧、免耕套播和免耕小苗移栽技术;秸秆还田为主的保护性耕作技术主要包括秸秆覆盖免耕栽培水稻和秸秆覆盖免耕旱作技术;休闲期保护性耕作技术主要包括冬春休闲和休闲期绿色覆盖技术。指出这些保护性耕作技术不仅具有传统栽培同样或更高的产量潜力,而且省工、节本、能减少水土流失,保持和改善地力,经济、生态效益显著。分析稻田保护性耕作存在的不足之处,提出发展对策。  相似文献   

为有效防治三峡库区坡耕地氮磷流失,在三峡库区长坪小流域连续进行两年野外径流小区监测试验。在自然降雨条件下进行免耕秸秆覆盖(SM)和对照(CK)两个处理的田间试验,研究了免耕秸秆覆盖措施对地表径流和氮磷养分流失的影响。结果表明:(1)降雨量与径流量极显著正相关,径流主要由几次暴雨事件造成,需要重点防范玉米季暴雨造成的水土流失。免耕秸秆覆盖能减少地表产流产沙,相比对照处理,免耕秸秆覆盖减少19.1%的径流流失,减少63.6%的泥沙流失。(2)免耕秸秆覆盖分别降低了21.3%,25.8%的总氮和总磷流失量,径流量和氮磷流失量呈极显著正相关,免耕秸秆覆盖主要通过减少径流量来减少氮磷流失。(3)坡耕地油菜—玉米种植制的氮磷流失风险期为6—7月初,该时期CK处理41.3%的径流量贡献了81.4%,52.1%的总氮和总磷流失,SM处理38.4%的径流量贡献了75.2%,48.2%的总氮和总磷流失,在该时期通过免耕秸秆覆盖可分别减少17.5%,31.7%的总氮和总磷流失。研究表明,免耕秸秆覆盖是控制三峡库区坡耕地氮磷养分流失的良好水土保持措施。  相似文献   

典型黑土侵蚀区不同耕作措施的水土保持功效研究   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:12  
通过田间定位实验,测定了免耕、少耕、传统耕作和横坡垄作4种措施的地表径流量、侵蚀量、土壤储水量,同步测定了降雨量、降雨强度等指标,综合的评价了4种耕作措施的保水、保土功效.研究结果表明,免耕和横坡垄作年径流量分别比传统耕作少97.7%和96.8%,侵蚀模数分别比传统耕作少98.9%和99.2%,而少耕未降低土壤侵蚀.免耕秸秆覆盖和横坡垄作能够有效地控制土壤侵蚀和地表径流的发生,为作物生长提供更多的土壤有效水分.相关分析表明,4种耕作措施的径流量都与I30和I60达极显著水平;4种耕作措施地表径流主要发生在6-8月份,土壤侵蚀主要发生在6-7月份.  相似文献   

Soil and water conservation practices are used widely to prevent soil erosion and protect soil and water resources, which is significant for ecological restoration and food security. However, rill evolution processes, erosion and deposition characteristics and critical hydrodynamic parameters need more research. In order to investigate the effect of soil and water conservation practices on soil erosion dynamics, simulated rainfall experiments were undertaken in a laboratory on 15° loess slopes with engineering measures (fish-scale pits, FSPs), tillage measures (artificial digging, AD; contour ploughing, CP) and bare slope (CK). The results showed that: (1) during rill erosion, hillslopes with FSPs, CP and AD were more likely to develop wide and shallow rills, while a bare slope (CK) was more likely to develop narrow and deep rills. At the end of the experiment (cumulative rainfall was about 150 mm), headward retreat erosion dominated the AD slope (maximum rill length: 3.27 m), side-wall expansion erosion dominated the CP slope (maximum rill width: 0.522 m) and bed incision erosion dominated the CK (maximum rill depth: 0.09 m); (2) soil and water conservation practices reduced surface erosion and sediment transport and runoff velocity. However, the positive effects disappeared when rainfall amounts exceeded 82.5, 105 and 127.5 mm for FSPs, CP and AD, respectively; (3) for runoff kinetic energy and runoff shear strength of 3 J and 1.5 N/m2, respectively, soil and water conservation measures had greater anti-erosion abilities than CK; (4) as rainfall duration increased, surface roughness, runoff rate and sediment concentration increased on the CK and FSP treatments, but decreased on the CP and AD treatments. This study has important implications for managing different soil and water conservation measures based on rainfall conditions and offers a deeper understanding of soil erosion processes.  相似文献   

坡地开垦的径流泥沙响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Land use and land cover change is a key driver of environmental change. To investigate the runoff and erosion responses to frequent land use change on the steep lands in the Three Gorges area, China, a rainfall simulation experiment was conducted in plots randomly selected at a Sloping Land Conversion Program site with three soil surface conditions: existing vegetation cover, vegetation removal, and freshly hoed. Simulated rainfall was applied at intensities of 60 (low), 90 (medium), and 120 mm h 1 (high) in each plot. The results indicated that vegetation removal and hoeing significantly changed runoff generation. The proportion of subsurface runoff in the total runoff decreased from 30.3% to 6.2% after vegetation removal. In the hoed plots, the subsurface runoff comprised 29.1% of the total runoff under low-intensity rainfall simulation and the proportion rapidly decreased with increasing rainfall intensity. Vegetation removal and tillage also significantly increased soil erosion. The average soil erosion rates from the vegetation removal and hoed plots were 3.0 and 10.2 times larger than that in the existing vegetation cover plots, respectively. These identified that both the runoff generation mechanism and soil erosion changed as a consequence of altering land use on steep lands. Thus, conservation practices with maximum vegetation cover and minimum tillage should be used to reduce surface runoff and soil erosion on steep lands.  相似文献   

玉米秸秆覆盖对坡面产流产沙过程的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
通过室内土槽模拟试验,研究不同降雨条件下玉米秸秆覆盖对沙坡地产流时间和产流产沙过程的影响。处理分为8种降雨强度和5个水平的秸秆覆盖度:0、15%、30%、60%和90%。40组模拟降雨结果表明:华北保护性耕作研究区域沙壤土条件下的产流时间与降雨强度符合幂函数关系;秸秆覆盖能延缓地表径流的产生,自然降雨(雨强10~80 mm/h)过程中,15%、30%、60%和90%秸秆覆盖较无覆盖分别推迟产流时间1.0~15.4、2.1~22.1、3.4~48.2和5.9~73.6 min;秸秆覆盖对地表径流和产沙影响显著,降雨历时1 h,30%秸秆覆盖减少径流总量17.9~/o~38.7%,减少产沙总量34.1%~48.0%0 30%秸秆覆盖水土保持效果显著,考虑到过多的秸秆覆盖(80%)会造成播种机堵塞,所以在保护性耕作研究实践中,建议保持30%~60%(1 400~3 100 kg/hm~2)的玉米秸秆覆盖,以达到较好的水土保持效果和播种质量,该研究可为保护性耕作研究区域适宜的玉米秸秆覆盖量提供依据。  相似文献   

黑土区坡耕地横坡垄作措施防治土壤侵蚀的土槽试验   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
为了研究黑土区坡耕地横坡垄作防治坡面土壤侵蚀的效应,该文利用8 m×1.5 m的试验土槽,设计3个降雨强度(50、75和100 mm/h)、1个典型坡度(5°)以及横坡垄作和无垄作(平坡裸地对照试验)的试验处理进行模拟降雨试验,研究东北黑土区横坡垄作坡面在不同降雨强度下的防治坡面侵蚀效应。结果表明:横坡垄作在50 mm/h降雨强度下坡面基本不发生土壤侵蚀,但在75和100 mm/h降雨强度下会发生断垄,造成防蚀效应急剧降低。横坡垄作坡面的径流和侵蚀过程均明显存在以断垄时间为界的突变,在3个降雨强度下,横坡垄作断垄前可使坡面径流量和侵蚀量分别减少97.7%和99.1%以上,坡面蓄渗率达到97.2%以上;而断垄后坡面径流量和侵蚀量分别增加23.3~25.9倍和136.8~171.5倍,蓄渗率下降至50%以下。试验研究表明横坡垄作在≤50 mm/h的降雨强度下具有很好的坡面防治侵蚀效应,但当遇到强降雨时易发生断垄,防蚀效应急剧降低。  相似文献   

保护性耕作对地表径流及土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用人工模拟降雨方法对陇中黄土高原连续实施5a的4种耕作措施:传统耕作(T),传统耕作结合秸秆还田(TS),免耕(NT),免耕加秸秆覆盖(NTS)下豌豆地收获后的径流起始时间、径流量、土壤侵蚀量进行了研究。结果表明,在降雨强度为85mm/h的条件下,NTS可以延缓径流,减小径流强度。与NT,TS,T这3种处理比较,NTS的径流量分别降低了2.4%,12.1%,34.7%。入渗量分别增加了2.7%,13.6%,38.6%。径流出现时间分别延迟1.17,0.83,3.83min。土壤侵蚀量减少了0.3%,17.7%,62.4%。可见,免耕秸秆覆盖的水土保持效应最为明显,传统耕作的方式极易发生土壤侵蚀。  相似文献   

Soil tillage may increase vulnerability to water erosion, whereas no tillage and other conservation cultivation techniques are viewed as strategies to control soil erosion. The objective of this research was to quantify runoff and soil losses by water erosion under different soil tillage systems at the Santa Catarina Highlands, southern Brazil. A field study was carried out using a rotating-boom rainfall simulator with 64 mm h−1 rainfall intensity on a Typic Hapludox, between April 2003 and May 2004. Five rainfall tests were applied along successive cropstages. Surface cover was none (fallow) or soybean (Glycine max, L.). Five treatments were investigated, replicated twice. These treatments were conventional tillage on bare soil (BS) as a control treatment and the following treatments under soybean: conventional tillage (CT), no tillage over burnt crop residues on never before cultivated land (NT-B), no tillage over desiccated crop residues, also on never before cultivated land (NT-D) and traditional no tillage over desiccated crop residues on a soil tilled 4 years before this experiment (NT-PT). Water losses by surface runoff seemed to be more influenced by vegetative crop stadium than by tillage system and consequently a wide range of variation in surface runoff was found, following successive cropstages. The most efficient tillage system in reducing surface runoff and soil losses was no tillage, particularly the NT-PT treatment. Sediment losses were more influenced by tillage system than water losses. In the NT-B, NT-D and NT-PT treatments the rate of sediment losses along the crop vegetative cycle showed a tendency to increase from the first to the second cropstages and later to decrease from the third cropstage onwards. In the conventionally tilled treatment (CT) soil losses were greater than in any of the no tillage treatments (NT-D, NT-B and NT-PT) during the initial growth periods, but at the end of the vegetative period differences in sediment rates between tilled and non-tilled treatments tended to be smaller. In the BS control treatment, soil losses progressively increased following the vegetative growth season of soybean.  相似文献   

黑土区坡耕地不同秸秆还田方式的水土保持效果分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为了揭示黑土区坡耕地不同秸秆还田方式的水土保持效果,基于野外原位坡耕地人工模拟降雨试验,以传统顺坡垄作处理为对照,分析50,100 mm/h降雨强度下3种具有代表性的秸秆还田方式(秸秆深还、秸秆碎混和免耕+残茬覆盖)对坡耕地产流产沙过程、径流量、侵蚀量及其减流减沙效益的影响。结果表明:(1)不同秸秆还田方式的产流率皆随降雨量的增加而增大,产流率和产沙率大小均表现为顺坡垄作 > 秸秆深还 > 秸秆碎混 > 免耕+残茬覆盖。(2)与顺坡垄作相比,50,100 mm/h降雨强度下,秸秆还田处理分别延缓产流时间14.0,4.8 min,产流时间的滞后可以体现秸秆还田措施的水土保持效果。(3)秸秆深还、秸秆碎混、免耕+残茬覆盖处理的平均减流效益分别为36.8%,53.9%,65.8%,平均减沙效益分别为84.9%,90.3%,96.8%。可见,免耕+残茬覆盖方式的水土保持效果最好,其次为秸秆碎混和秸秆深还。  相似文献   

Soil erosion from agricultural lands is a serious problem on the Chinese Loess Plateau. In total, 28 field rainfall simulations were carried on loamy soils under different management practices, namely conventional tillage (CT), no till with mulch (NTM), reduced tillage (RT), subsoiling with mulch (SSM), subsoiling without mulch (SS), and two crops per year (TC), to investigate (i) the effects of different soil management practices on runoff sediment and (ii) the temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration under different initial soil moisture conditions (i.e. initially dry soil surface, and wet surface) and rainfall intensity (85 and 170 mm h− 1) in the Chinese Loess Plateau. NTM was the best alternative in terms of soil erosion control. SSM reduced soil loss by more than 85% in 2002 compared to CT, and its effects on runoff reduction became more pronounced after 4 years consecutive implementation. SS also reduced considerably the runoff and soil loss, but not as pronounced as SSM. TC resulted in a significant runoff reduction (more than 92%) compared to CT in the initial ‘dry’ soil, but this effect was strongly reduced in the initial ‘wet’ soil. Temporal change of runoff discharge rate and sediment concentration showed a large variation between the different treatments. In conclusion, NTM is the most favorable tillage practices in terms of soil and water conservation in the Chinese Loess Plateau. SSM can be regarded as a promising measure to improve soil and water conservation considering its beneficial effect on winter wheat yield.  相似文献   

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