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Field experiments over a 3 y period were conducted in a winter wheat‐maize double‐cropping system at the Dongbeiwang Experimental Station, Beijing, China. Three different treatments of irrigation (sprinkler “suboptimal” and “optimized”; conventional flood irrigation) and N fertilization (none, according to Nmin soil tests, conventional) were studied with respect to effects on soil water balance, nitrate leaching, and grain yield. Under sprinkler irrigation, evaporation losses were higher due to a more frequent water application. On the other hand, in this treatment nitrate leaching was smaller as compared to flood irrigation, where abundant seepage fluxes >10 mm d–1 along preferential flow paths occurred. For quantifying nitrate leaching, passive samplers filled with ion‐exchange resins appeared to be better suited than a method which combined measurements of suction‐cup concentrations with model‐based soil water fluxes. As a result of the more balanced percolation regime (compared to that under conventional flood irrigation), there was a tendency of higher salt load of the soil solution in the rooting zone. Given a seepage rate of 50 mm, a winter wheat grain production of 5–6 t ha–1 required a total water addition of about 430 mm. Fertilizer treatments >100 kg N ha–1 did not result in any additional yield increase. An even balance between withdrawing and recharge of groundwater cannot be achieved with “optimized” irrigation, but with a reduction of evapotranspiration losses, adapted cropping systems, and/or by tapping water resources from reservoirs in more distant areas with surpluses.  相似文献   

华北平原高产粮区不同水氮管理下农田氮素的淋失特征   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为了降低集约化种植制度下华北平原农田硝酸盐的淋失,该研究选择华北平原高产粮区,开展了为期2 a (2006-2008年)的田间试验,试验设计了2个灌溉处理(常规灌溉处理和基于土壤水分实时监控的优化灌溉处理)和2个施氮处理(传统施氮处理和优化施氮处理),利用张力计结合土壤溶液提取器对土体2 m处的水分和硝酸盐通量进行了监测和计算。研究结果显示,在相同施氮条件下,优化灌溉能够有效降低农田水分的渗漏量,渗漏量仅为传统灌溉渗漏量的50%左右。优化施氮能够有效降低2.1 m土体硝态氮含量,在相同灌溉条件下2.1 m土体硝态氮的残留量都在传统施氮的60%以下,而灌溉方式对硝态氮累积的影响不大。优化水氮管理相比传统水氮管理氮素的淋失量下降了60%,淋失率也下降了50%左右,粮食产量略有提高。  相似文献   

Nitrate leaching, overall N balance, and organic‐C build‐up in a semi‐arid agro‐ecosystem in NW India was estimated from the results of a long‐term manurial trial with farmyard manure (FYM) and mineral‐N fertilizer in operation since 1967 at the Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India. The model LEACHN was calibrated for the wheat‐growing period November 2000 to April 2001 and the leaching of nitrate during this period was predicted to 48 kg N ha–1 without mineral‐N fertilization and 59 kg N ha–1 with addition of 120 kg mineral‐N fertilizer, both with the addition of 15 t ha–1 FYM. The N balance for the simulation period showed that the 120 kg N ha–1–mineral N fertilization compared to zero mineral N, both plus FYM, resulted in only slightly higher crop uptake, leaching losses, and NH3 volatilization, and a negligible increase of N in organic matter. The largest amount remains as an additional build‐up of mineral N in the profile (84.3 kg N ha–1) which is prone to losses as ammonia or nitrate. The model was used to simulate organic‐C build‐up with FYM and a decrease of organic C without FYM for a period of 33 y (1967–2000). The simulated C build‐up to about 0.1 g kg–1 agreed very well with the measured values and showed that additional mineral‐N fertilization will not have any significant effect on organic‐C content. Simulations with the assumption of no FYM application showed a gradual decrease of organic C from its starting value of 0.046 g kg–1 in 1967 down to almost half of this. This agreed well with the observed organic‐C values of 0.028 g kg–1 as measured for unmanured plots.  相似文献   

华北平原水浇玉米-小麦轮作农田硝态氮的淋失   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
Soil water deep drainage and nitrate (NO3^-) leaching losses below the root zone were investigated in a 1 ha wheatmaize rotation field under traditional agricultural management that local farmers generally follow in the North China Plain, using the soil water balance method and NO3-N concentration in suction samples. Water drainage, and NO3-N distribution and leaching losses exhibited pronounced spatial and temporal variability. Soil water deep drainage and NO3- N leaching loss mostly occurred during the summer maize growing season (rainy season), which coincided with irrigations and significant rainfall. On average, soil water deep drainage was 39 and 90 mm in the 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 cropping years, correspondingly, accounting for 10% and 19% of the total irrigation plus rainfall, respectively. The NO3-N leaching loss from soil and fertilizer N below the root zone ranged from 6 to 17 (averaging 12) and 30 to 84 (averaging 61) kg N ha^-1 in 1998/1999 and 1999/2000, correspondingly, equivalent to 1.4%-4.1% and 7.3%-20.3% of N fertilizer applied,respectively. The results indicated that water and fertilizer inputs could be greatly reduced, thus improving water and nutrient use efficiency in this region.  相似文献   

土壤干缩开裂是常见的自然现象。目前关于土壤干缩开裂的研究主要集中于裂缝的最终形态特征,并且以室内试验为主。本研究通过室外大田试验,结合动态计算机图像分析及水氮运移模拟软件WHCNS,研究土壤干缩开裂的动力学过程、特征及其对农田水氮运移的影响。利用原位熔化石蜡浇筑得到了裂缝三维结构形态,借助三维激光扫描仪量化裂缝的几何特征,发现每平米裂缝平均长度为4.58m,裂缝上表面平均宽度为5.72 mm,平均深度为9.06 cm。基于三维扫描仪提取得到的裂缝几何参数,通过WHCNS仿真模拟,发现相较于无裂隙情况,裂隙的存在分别增加了传统施肥和优化施肥情况下97.40%和256.43%的硝态氮淋失量;与优化施肥模式相比,传统施肥模式更容易造成硝态氮的淋失风险。在模拟灌溉模式对硝态氮淋洗情况的影响时,其差异不明显;强降雨的设置同样增加了硝态氮的淋失风险,导致硝态氮的年均淋洗量增加83.61%。裂缝的存在严重影响农田作物对肥料的吸收和利用,通过优化施肥量、更改灌溉模式以及避免强降雨前施肥都可以减少肥料的损失。  相似文献   

华北山前平原农田土壤硝态氮淋失与调控研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6  
本文依托中国科学院栾城农业生态系统试验站小麦-玉米一年两熟长期定位试验, 应用土钻取土和土壤溶液取样器取水的方法, 研究了不同农田管理措施下土壤硝态氮的累积变化, 计算了不同氮肥处理通过根系吸收层的硝态氮淋失通量。结果表明, 小麦-玉米生长季土壤硝态氮累积量和淋失量随着施氮量的增加显著增加, 相同氮肥水平下增施磷、钾肥增加了作物的收获氮量, 施磷肥增加的作物收获氮量最高可达123kg·hm-2·a-1, 施钾肥增加的作物收获氮量最高为31 kg·hm-2·a-1。不同灌溉水平下0~400 cm 土体累积硝态氮随着灌溉量的增加而降低, 控制灌溉(小麦季不灌水, 玉米季灌溉1 水)、非充分灌溉(小麦季灌溉2~3 水, 玉米季按需灌溉)、充分灌溉(小麦季灌溉4~5 水, 玉米季按需灌溉)各处理剖面累积硝态氮量分别为1 698 kg·hm-2、1148 kg·hm-2 和961 kg·hm-2。与非充分灌溉和充分灌溉处理相比, 控制灌溉在100~200 cm 土层硝态氮累积量显著高于其他层次, 2003~2005 年间控制灌溉剖面增加的硝态氮量占施肥总量的23%; 非充分灌溉处理剖面增加的硝态氮量占施肥总量的22%; 充分灌溉处理剖面增加的硝态氮量占施肥总量的47%。免耕措施降低了作物产量, 影响土壤水的运移, 增加了硝态氮的淋失风险。根据作物所需降低氮素投入(N 200 kg·hm-2·a-1), 增施磷、钾肥, 控制灌溉量是减少华北山前平原地区硝态氮淋失, 保护地下水的有效措施。  相似文献   

以武汉市及其周边区域的典型露天菜地为研究对象,对菜地土壤、土壤溶液及菜地附近井水中硝态氮(NO3--N)含量进行了周年监测分析。结果表明:菜地土壤100 cm内各土层NO3--N平均含量为11.2 mg/kg,其中0~20 cm土壤剖面NO3--N含量为21.1 mg/kg;60 cm深度处土壤溶液中NO3--N含量为27.5 mg/L;井水中NO3--N含量为19.6~39.8 mg/L,其含量达到了饮用水安全标准的2~4倍。由此说明:武汉城郊菜地土壤NO3--N淋失量较大,已造成地下水NO3--N污染;且硝酸盐淋失量随着氮肥施用量和水分输入量的增加而增大,同时与种植蔬菜的种类有一定相关关系;由于土壤理化性质不同,土壤硝酸盐含量在正常范围内并且尚能够安全种植作物时,地下水可能已受到严重的污染,这种情况在砂性土壤中表现更为明显。本文的研究为科学评价露天菜地土壤和地下水NO3--N污染提供了科学理论依据。  相似文献   

有机肥及DMPP对蔬菜生产及硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究在等氮条件下有机无机肥配施及添加硝化抑制剂DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡唑磷酸盐)对蔬菜产量、品质及土壤硝态氮淋失的影响,旨在为蔬菜安全生产和地下水环境质量保护提供理论依据。采用大型原状土柱系统,连续种植3季蔬菜(蕹菜、苋菜和萝卜),以施有机肥的氮素量占总氮施用量的质量分数为依据,设置8个施肥处理:不施肥(CK)、纯化肥(CF)、30%有机肥+70%无机肥(30%OM)、50%有机肥+50%无机肥(50%OM)、70%有机肥+30%无机肥(70%OM)、纯化肥+DMPP(CF+DMPP)、30%有机肥+70%无机肥+DMPP(30%OM+DMPP)和50%有机肥+50%无机肥+DMPP(50%OM+DMPP)。结果表明:1)随有机肥施用比例增大,蔬菜产量呈下降趋势,但施用比例不高于50%时产量下降不显著;随有机肥施用比例增大土壤硝态氮淋失量及蔬菜硝酸盐均降低,50%OM处理土壤淋失液硝态氮平均浓度及淋失量较CF处理显著降低了29.29%和25.39%,氮肥表观利用率及表观淋失率分别为22.60%和8.82%。2)硝化抑制剂DMPP对蔬菜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响与蔬菜种类和种植季候密切相关,降低土壤硝态氮淋失的效果为CF+DMPP30%OM+DMPP50%OM+DMPP,但DMPP的抑制效果会随有机肥的比例增加而降低。50%OM+DMPP处理氮肥表观淋失率和表观利用率分别为4.70%和26.26%。3)试验期间,3季蔬菜水分输入(降雨和灌溉)分别为总水分输入量的49.82%(蕹菜季)、23.03%(苋菜季)和27.15%(萝卜季);水分淋失量为总淋失量的46.75%(蕹菜季)、19.66%(苋菜季)和33.59%(萝卜季);硝态氮淋失量为总淋失量的73.77%(蕹菜季)、2.31%(苋菜季)和23.92%(萝卜季)。研究表明,50%OM+DMPP处理,是保证蔬菜产量品质,同时有效降低土壤硝态氮淋失量的最优处理;降雨和施肥措施是影响土壤硝态氮淋失的重要因素,合理配施有机肥及添加DMPP并根据蔬菜生长需肥特性进行施肥能有效应对连续降雨造成的硝态氮大量淋失。  相似文献   

根系密集层以下土壤剖面硝态氮累积导致的土壤氮淋溶是活性氮损失的主要途径,然而不同养分管理措施对菜田土壤硝酸盐累积和淋溶的系统性影响尚不清楚。该研究通过搜集整理2000-2021年间发表的国内外相关文献数据,分别以农民传统施肥(TF)、单施化肥(CF)和不添加抑制剂(WI)为对照组,应用Meta分析方法整合分析了减量施氮(RF)、有机无机配施(OF)和抑制剂调控(IF)三种主要优化养分管理措施对菜田土壤硝酸盐累积淋溶的影响。结果表明,与各自的对照相比,三种养分管理措施均可以有效降低0~100 cm土壤剖面的硝酸盐累积量及淋溶量。RF、OF和IF分别显著降低0~100、60~80和0~80 cm土层硝酸盐累积量;RF的氮淋溶阻控效应值为-4.301,硝酸盐淋溶量下降43.19%;OF的氮淋溶阻控效应值为-4.279,淋溶量下降36.79%,但有机氮肥替代率大于60%时阻控效应反而下降;对于IF来说,单施脲酶抑制剂或硝化抑制剂,以及二者同时配施对硝酸盐淋溶均具有显著的阻控效应,但以二者同时配施最好,效应值为-4.373,淋溶量下降37.12%。施氮量和水分投入量是影响菜田硝酸盐累积淋溶的两个主要因素,二者总的贡献度达43.2%~47.3%。综合分析表明:对于减氮施肥措施而言,水分、纯氮投入量分别为430.74 mm和646.53 kg/hm2左右时,减氮比例以30%~50%为宜;对于有机无机配施措施而言,在土壤有机质含量较高的土壤上,水分、纯氮投入量分别为360.28 mm和432.18 kg/hm2左右时,有机肥替代化肥比例以30%~60%为宜;抑制剂调控氮素转化则以脲酶/硝化抑制剂配合施用效果最佳。该研究可为蔬菜生产中制定适宜的养分管理策略提供依据。  相似文献   

Abstract. Pig slurry was applied by open-slot injection to experimental plots on a sandy loam site at ADAS Gleadthorpe, Nottinghamshire. Volume and distribution of over-winter drainage were adjusted through the use of rainfall exclusion covers or irrigation. The resultant slurry N leaching over the range of drainage values tested (up to 300 mm) could be satisfactorily described by curve-fitting, using a quadratic or exponential function. Initial simulations of slurry N leaching using the manure nitrogen decision support system manner (v. 3.0) compared poorly with the experimental data, predicting both earlier and greater amounts of nitrate leaching. However, the lack of fit could be explained by consideration of the likely ammonia emissions following slurry injection, the actual volumetric soil moisture capacity at the experimental site and the likely time delay for the nitrification of slurry N following application. Good agreement between modelled and observed data was achieved when these factors were taken into account. The manner model was used to simulate nitrate leaching beyond the range of drainage treatments tested in the experiments and the anticipated sigmoidal relationship between nitrate leaching and drainage was observed. The model was then used to study the effects of manure application timing and the likely impact on nitrate leaching, across the range of rainfall conditions found in Great Britain. Simulations for a range of manure types were undertaken, with manures applied at rates up to the limit of permitted N loading on freely draining sandy loams. Rainfall inputs for these simulations were based on long-term average climatic data. Results are presented for two contrasting manure types, cattle slurry and poultry manure, both of which are subject to controls in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) in Great Britain.  相似文献   

长期施肥条件下华北平原农田硝态氮淋失风险的研究   总被引:41,自引:9,他引:41  
利用河北辛集潮土(21年)和北京昌平褐潮土(9年)两个长期定位施肥试验研究了华北平原冬小麦夏玉米轮作体系下农田氮素平衡和硝态氮淋失风险。结果表明,单施氮肥的增产效果有限,昌平试验点甚至出现减产现象;而适量有机肥与氮磷或氮磷钾配施可显著提高作物产量,降低氮素盈余。单施氮肥时,辛集和昌平土壤硝态氮峰值分别达20.7和30.0.mg/kg,出现在160200.cm和90120.cm土层;硝态氮累积量高且大部分集中在根区外土壤,硝态氮淋失风险大。氮磷或氮磷钾肥配施时,硝态氮峰值出现深度上移3040cm,根区和根区外土壤硝态氮累积量均大幅降低,淋失风险明显减弱;在氮磷或氮磷钾肥基础上适量施用有机肥时,硝态氮峰值出现深度进一步上移至根区土壤,深层土壤硝态氮累积量显著下降,淋失风险低。过量施用有机肥或过量施用氮肥时,深层土壤硝态氮累积量大幅增加,甚至超过单施氮肥处理,淋失风险大大增强。研究结果表明,氮磷钾肥与有机肥配合施用是提高作物产量、控制农田硝态氮淋失的重要途径。  相似文献   

通过3年田间定位试验利用氮素平衡方程模拟了传统水氮管理和优化水氮管理下连作蔬菜地土壤无机态氮含量的变化,分析了两种水氮管理对土壤氮素损失量及氮素利用效率的影响。结果表明:优化水氮管理下花椰菜、苋菜和菠菜生长期内土壤平均(2年或3年)氮素损失量(氨挥发、反硝化和硝态氮淋洗的总和)只有传统水氮管理下花椰菜、苋菜和菠菜生长期内土壤平均氮素损失量的9%、8%和18%;氮素利用效率是传统水氮管理下各蔬菜氮素利用效率的2.3倍、3.2倍、1.7倍,而两处理间蔬菜平均产量并无显著差异。  相似文献   

不同水肥措施下华北露地菜地氮淋溶特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
华北地区典型一年两季露地蔬菜种植系统,蔬菜生长季水热同季、种植管理中水氮供应充足且往往过量,造成大量氮素淋溶到深层土壤,不仅造成水肥资源利用率低,对地下水质也造成威胁。本文以华北潮褐土黄瓜-白菜一年两季典型露地蔬菜为研究对象,利用田间试验研究不同氮肥用量及优化措施(包括抑制剂、生物炭、秸秆还田)以及控制灌溉量对蔬菜产量、土壤氮淋溶及氮平衡的影响。研究结果表明:1)华北典型露地菜地氮肥主要损失去向为深层土壤中积累及氮淋溶。2)农民常规施肥处理[黄瓜季和白菜季各施550 kg(N)·hm~(-2)]淋洗出80cm土壤剖面的总氮占当季氮肥施用量的10.0%,减氮20%和50%分别使总氮淋溶量降低23.8%和45.6%;减氮20%对蔬菜产量没有显著影响,减氮50%对水肥需求量较高的黄瓜产量有显著影响(减产19.6%)。3)减氮20%配合脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂、施用生物炭和添加秸秆还田分别使全年总氮淋溶量比常规水肥处理降低40.7%、43.0%和34.3%,而对蔬菜产量没有显著影响。4)减少灌溉量15%和30%分别使总氮淋溶比常规水肥处理降低43.1%和50.5%,水氮协同调控对降低氮淋溶效果显著;对需水量较高的黄瓜季,灌溉量降低30%黄瓜产量显著降低13.9%。5)高量水肥投入条件下连续种植蔬菜3年6季后,0~80cm土壤剖面硝态氮积累量占0~200 cm土壤剖面积累量的38.2%~50.7%,土壤剖面积累了大量硝态氮而且向深层土壤中移动。因此,合理控制水肥管理,特别是减氮结合脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂配合水分管理,是经济可行的有效阻控土壤氮淋溶的措施。  相似文献   

本试验以日光温室秋冬茬番茄-冬春茬黄瓜轮作体系为研究对象,采用田间小区试验,研究了5季节水控肥(冬春茬黄瓜和秋冬茬番茄季N-P2O5-K2O总投入量分别为600-300-525 kg/hm2和450-225-600 kg/hm2)有机无机肥配施对 040 cm(根区)土壤硝态氮供应、 40100 cm(根区以外)硝态氮残留和 0100 cm土体不同形态氮素淋失的影响,探索了设施蔬菜生产中节水节肥潜力,为构建设施蔬菜合理水肥管理下土壤肥力培育和土壤质量提升模式提供技术支持。试验结果表明, 1)农民习惯水肥管理节水节肥潜力较大; 节水控肥后0100 cm土体硝态氮积累量、 矿质氮和有机氮渗漏量均明显下降,种植蔬菜经济效益显著增加。2)商品有机肥猪粪与化肥在土壤无机氮供应方面的效果接近; 节水控肥1/41/2 猪粪氮替代1/41/2 化肥氮后,040 cm土体硝态氮供应和40100 cm土体硝态氮残留均无显著变化,但是随着猪粪氮配施比例的增加,土壤溶液渗漏量及养分淋失量呈增加趋势。3)施用秸秆促进了土壤无机氮固持,降低根区土壤硝态氮供应水平,提高土壤养分保蓄能力; 节水控肥1/2秸秆氮替代1/2化肥氮后,040 cm土壤硝态氮供应量平均下降34.3%~56.2%,40100 cm土体硝态氮残留量下降42.5%~87.8%, 0100 cm土体土壤溶液渗漏量下降65.0%,硝态氮淋失量下降 82.0%,而产量和经济收入无显著差异。根据本试验结果,对于新建温室可采用单施化肥、 化肥与猪粪配施方案,能在短时间内提高土壤无机氮供应强度,满足蔬菜氮素需求; 对于种植了一段时间的温室,可采用冬春茬黄瓜季化肥配施猪粪秋冬茬番茄季化肥配施秸秆方案,能固定积累于土壤中的无机氮,提高土壤养分容量,保证根层土壤氮素的稳定供应,降低环境风险,维护设施农业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Resource use efficiency requires a correct appreciation of the nitrogen (N) fertilizer replacement value (NFRV, percentage of total N applied) of manures. We assessed the NFRVs of the liquid fraction originating from separated pig slurry (MC), untreated pig slurry (PS), untreated cattle slurry (CS), the solid fraction from separated pig slurry (SF) and solid farmyard manure from cattle (FYM) in two consecutive years in silage maize grown on a sandy soil. Maize yields responded positively to each of these N sources applied at rates up to 150 kg of mineral fertilizer equivalents per ha per year (i.e. NFRV × total N rate). The observed NFRVs, relative to calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer, amounted to 78% for MC, 82% for PS, 79% for CS, 56% for SF and 34% for FYM when averaged over both years. NFRVs were positively related to the ammonium‐N share in the total N content. Rye cover crop establishment after the harvest of maize reduced nitrate concentrations of the upper groundwater by, on average, 7.5 mg nitrate‐N/L in the first year and 10.9 mg/L in the second year, relative to a bare soil. Regardless of the presence of a cover crop, nitrate concentrations responded positively to the applied rate of effective N (total N × NFRV) but less to postharvest residual soil mineral N.  相似文献   

华北平原农田水、氮优化管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
以华北平原为研究区域,根据第二次全国土壤普查资料,应用地理信息系统的方法 (ARC/INFO),得出了以72个典型土壤剖面为代表的华北平原土壤类型分布的概化图。在区域农田土壤水、氮素行为的模拟计算的基础上,以水、氮补充量为决策变量,以作物产量、1 m土体氮素淋洗量、水分利用效率和氮素利用效率为目标,建立多目标混合最优化模型,采用线性加选择法优选水氮处理。通过模型计算,获得了研究区域内六类主要质地、不同降雨年型、冬小麦-夏玉米轮作条件的较优水氮处理。  相似文献   

A key point in designing grass‐arable rotations is to find the right balance between the number of cultivations and the length of the grass phase. In a field experiment, we investigated the effect of cropping history (grazed unfertilized grass–clover and fertilized [300 kg N per hectare] ryegrass, proportion of grassland and previous fertilizer use) on crop growth and nitrate leaching for 2 years following grassland cultivation. In the final year, the effect of perennial ryegrass as a catch crop was investigated. The nitrogen fertilizer replacement value (NFRV) of grassland cultivation was higher at 132 kg N per hectare in the rotation with 75% grassland compared with on average 111 kg N per hectare in rotations with 25 and 38% grassland and the NFRV of ryegrass in the rotation was higher than that of grass–clover. Nitrate leaching following cultivation was not affected by the proportion of grassland in the crop rotation or sward type. However, there was a considerable effect of having a ryegrass catch crop following the final barley crop as nitrate leaching was reduced from 60 to 9 kg N per hectare. When summarizing results from the crop rotations over a longer period (1997–2005), management strategy adopted in both the grassland and arable phases appeared to be the primary instrument in avoiding nutrient losses from mixed crop rotations, irrespective of grass proportion. In the arable phase, the huge potential of catch crops has been demonstrated, but it is also important to realize that all parts of the grass‐arable crop rotations must be considered potentially leaky.  相似文献   

控释复合肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验,研究了控释复合肥、常规施肥、市售草坪专用肥对冷季型草坪氨挥发和硝态氮淋洗的影响。氨挥发采用通气密闭法收集测定,硝态氮利用土壤溶液提取器收集淋洗液然后进行测定。结果表明,常规施肥处理的氨挥发量为47.7 kg/hm2(占年施氮量的18.3%),显著高于控释复合肥处理(氨挥发损失为2.9 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.1%)和市售草坪专用肥处理(氨挥发损失为4.1 kg/hm2,占年施氮量的1.6%)。施氮不同程度增加了淋洗液中硝态氮的浓度,3种氮肥的硝态氮淋洗程度不同。0—50 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.16~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.21~0.1 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.51~6.7 mg/L;0—100 cm土层,淋洗液的硝态氮浓度范围分别是:控释复合肥处理1.15~.7 mg/L,常规施肥处理1.11~2.5 mg/L,市售草坪专用肥处理1.16~.2 mg/L。综上所述,控释复合肥降低了冷季型草坪氨挥发损失和硝态氮的淋洗,表现出明显的环境效益,是一种有应用前景的新型肥料。  相似文献   

不同水氮用量对日光温室黄瓜季硝态氮淋失的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
于2010年3~7月,在河北省辛集市马庄农场研究了不同水氮用量对黄瓜季硝态氮淋失的影响,结果表明,通过调节不同生育阶段灌水量使黄瓜全生育期土壤含水量保持在18.7%~22.1%,不仅可以满足黄瓜生长发育对土壤水分的要求,而且可以减少用水量30%。不同处理中以节水灌溉、习惯施氮处理(W2N1)土壤硝态氮含量最高,习惯灌水、减量施氮处理(W1N2)最低。全生育期内,土体95cm深度硝态氮淋失量与土壤含水量、土壤硝态氮含量均呈正相关,其中以初瓜期和盛瓜期相关性系数最高。与农民习惯水氮处理(W1N1)相比,节水减氮处理(W2N2)在节水30%减施氮25%的情况下,可以显著降低黄瓜季土壤硝态氮淋失量,整个生育期降低淋失量35.0%。3年连续试验结果表明,节水减氮处理(W2N2)与习惯水氮处理(W1N1)间黄瓜产量结果差异不显著,说明河北省温室大棚蔬菜生产,目前农民习惯施氮和灌水量有很大的节水节肥空间,根据蔬菜不同生育期需肥量和土壤含水量来合理分配水、氮可取得明显的节水节氮效果。  相似文献   

在封丘农田生态系统国家试验站, 通过多组水肥组合试验, 研究了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作下, 水、肥对作物产量、硝态氮在土壤剖面中的分布特征及其淋失风险的影响。结果表明, 适宜灌溉情况下, 氮磷配施是提高作物产量的关键, 氮钾配施与磷钾配施增产效果不明显。统计结果表明, 各因素对小麦产量影响次序依次为氮肥≥磷肥>灌溉>钾肥, 对玉米产量的影响次序为氮肥>磷肥>钾肥>灌溉, 只有氮磷对作物产量的影响达到统计学上的显著性差异。随着施氮量和灌溉量的增加, 硝态氮累积峰峰值增加, 峰厚度加厚, 出现位置加深, 且根区外硝态氮含量亦显著增加, 极大地提高了硝态氮的淋失风险。适宜氮肥用量与适宜灌溉是减轻硝态氮淋失风险的关键, 氮磷配施可有效降低深层土壤硝态氮累积。研究区域适宜氮肥用量为每年400 kg(N)·hm-2,适宜磷肥用量为每年225 kg( P2O5)·hm-2, 一般降雨年型全年灌溉量以280 mm 左右为宜。  相似文献   

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