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氧化亚氮(N2O)是重要的温室气体之一,还会破坏大气臭氧层,影响全球气候变化。农田土壤是N2O最主要的排放源,由微生物主导的硝化和反硝化作用是其最主要的排放途径,因此,土壤的硝化和反硝化作用备受关注。在综合国内外相关研究的基础上,就区分硝化和反硝化作用对N2O排放贡献的研究方法、土壤N2O产生途径及其影响因素以及施用生物炭对N2O排放的影响机理进行归纳总结。结果表明:硝化和反硝化作用对生物炭的响应不同,在N2O减排效应上也存在很大的不确定性,其内在机理尚不明确。在此基础上,提出区分硝化和反硝化作用对N2O排放贡献的最佳研究方法,并就农田土壤硝化反硝化作用的影响因素以及对生物炭的响应机制进行研究展望。  相似文献   

气候变化是当今全球面临的重大挑战, 人类社会生产生活引起的温室气体排放是全球气候变暖的主要原因。大气中CO2、CH4 和N2O 是最重要的温室气体, 对温室效应的贡献率占了近80%。据估计, 大气中每年有5%~20%的CO2、15%~30%的CH4、80%~90%的N2O 来源于土壤, 而农田土壤是温室气体的重要排放源。本文重点阐述了农田土壤温室气体产生、排放或吸收机理及其影响因素, 指出土地利用方式和农业生产力水平等人为控制因素通过影响土壤和作物生长条件来影响农田土壤温室气体产生与排放或吸收。所以, 我们可以从人类活动对农田生态系统的影响着手, 通过改善农业生产方式和作物生长条件来探索温室气体减排措施, 达到固碳/氮增汇的目的。对国内外关于农田温室气体排放的源/汇强度及其综合温室效应评估的最新研究进展进行了综述, 指出正确估算与评价农田土壤温室气体的源/汇强度及其对大气中主要温室气体浓度变化的贡献, 有助于为温室气体减排以及减少气候变化预测的不确定性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

气态亚硝酸(HONO)是大气中氢氧自由基(OH·)的重要来源,直接影响到大气氧化能力和空气质量。通过比较外场测定和模型计算的HONO浓度,发现白天时存在未知的大气HONO来源。研究表明,土壤可以向大气中排放HONO。其机理可能是土壤亚硝态氮和氢离子的化学平衡作用;或土壤夜间吸附和白天解吸附的动态物理化学过程;或氨氧化细菌等微生物的直接排放;也可能是硝化过程中产生的羟胺,在土壤颗粒物等表面的化学反应。因此,土壤HONO排放通量与土壤亚硝态氮浓度、pH、氨氧化细菌丰度、土壤矿物、土壤湿度及C/N值等相关。目前对于土壤HONO排放的研究尚在起步阶段,国内亦少见相关成果报道。本文综述了土壤HONO排放的研究背景、探讨了土壤HONO排放的机理及影响因素,以期为减少氮素损失、提高氮肥利用率、评估氮肥的环境效应及城市空气质量等提供理论依据和科学指导。  相似文献   

反刍动物甲烷排放预测模型研究现状   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为大气中一种重要的温室气体,甲烷产生的温室效应已日益引起人们的关注,而反刍动物是甲烷最大的人为排放源之一。该文就国内外对反刍动物甲烷排放预测模型的有关研究进行了分析和综述,主要对反刍动物甲烷排放预测的经验模型和机理模型进行了分析比较。最后,结合中国国内当前关于甲烷排放研究的实际情况,对中国反刍动物甲烷排放需进一步研究的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

土壤是温室气体(如CO2、CH4和N2O)产生的重要源,土壤温室气体主要来自于微生物呼吸,植物根呼吸和土壤动物呼吸。土壤温室气体排放机制及其影响因素是研究全球碳氮循环的重要组成部分。研究表明,影响土壤呼吸的因素很多,土壤理化性质如温度、含水量、有机质含量、pH值、氧化还原电位(Eh)、土壤质地等因素都可以直接影响土壤微生物量及其生理生化过程,从而影响温室气体排放。其中,土壤温度,湿度、有机质含量是关键性因素。此外,地域气候、土地利用以及土地覆盖变化也可以通过改变土壤理化性质及呼吸底物来影响温室气体排放。文章重点论述了土壤温室气体排放机制,排放影响因素以及排放的日变化和季节变化规律。认为今后的研究方向应该是土壤微环境碳氮循环机制,土壤呼吸模型在尺度上的推延,以及注重中国陆地与近海生态系统碳固定及减少碳排放的对策和应用技术研究,特别在人工林碳固定及农业固碳减排方面加大研究力度等。  相似文献   

针对北方旱地农田N2O的产生机理、排放规律及影响因素进行综述,指出影响旱地土壤N2O排放的主要因素是施肥、灌水和农田耕作等人为因素,合理施氮和增加土壤碳贮存是缓解温室气体排放的重要途径,并提出今后应进一步加强不同立地条件下的长期高频农田生态系统N2O排放观测、N2O产生的关键微生物过程与机理与相关观测及通量相结合和农田温室气体排放模型的应用等方面的研究。  相似文献   

水分管理影响稻田氧化亚氮排放研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
李香兰  徐华  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2009,41(1):1-7
稻田作为大气中N2O的重要来源而倍受关注.硝化反硝化是土壤中N2O生成的两个主要的微生物过程,水分管理是影响稻田土壤N2O产生排放的重要因素之一.本文综述了水稻生长期和非水稻生长期水分管理对N2O排放的季节变化、N2O产生和排放途径、N2O-N排放系数以及与N2O产生排放过程相关的土壤N素形态、浓度和土壤酶活性的影响,并提出了有待研究的问题.  相似文献   

蚯蚓对土壤温室气体排放的影响及机制研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
卢明珠  武海涛  吕宪国  管强 《土壤学报》2015,52(6):1209-1225
土壤是温室气体的重要源和汇。蚯蚓是土壤物质循环的重要参与者,能够直接或间接影响土壤CO2、N2O和CH4等温室气体的产生和释放。蚯蚓呼吸产生的CO2,是土壤呼吸的重要组成部分;蚯蚓自身肠道、分泌液、消化物和排泄物等微环境促进反硝化过程释放N2O。蚯蚓还通过取食、掘穴、排泄等活动,改变土壤理化性质、微生物组成和活性及其他土壤动物的组成,影响地上植物生长,调节土壤分解、矿化、硝化、反硝化和甲烷生成及氧化等生态过程,间接影响土壤温室气体的排放。蚯蚓对土壤温室气体排放的影响逐渐受到重视,但目前研究仍以室内培养和单因子环境条件的模拟为主,缺少野外原位实验和多环境因子的交互实验研究。长期监测和同位素示踪技术,是深入探讨蚯蚓影响温室气体排放机制的重要手段。温室气体类型上,CO2和N2O是研究热点,CH4研究比较罕见。未来研究,应重视不同生态类群蚯蚓与土壤理化特征、微生物组成、其他类群土壤动物和地上植物间的交互作用,加强机制研究,并关注土壤污染环境下蚯蚓功能性状的变化;综合评价蚯蚓对土壤温室气体排放和土壤碳氮固定的影响,科学评估蚯蚓活动对土壤碳氮释放的促进或减缓作用。  相似文献   

氧化亚氮(N_2O)是主要的温室气体之一,对大气环境质量与全球气候变化具有重要的影响。N_2O排放不仅增加温室效应,同时也会导致陆地生态系统氮损失与平流层臭氧消耗。长期以来土壤被认为是陆地生态系统N_2O的主要排放源,但近年来越来越多的证据表明,植物可能是陆地生态系统N_2O排放的另一重要来源。近年来有关植物排放N_2O的报道逐年增多,但对植物排放N_2O的途径及其调控机制方面还缺乏文献综述。本文首先在总结长期以来人们普遍认为的N_2O源与汇的基础上,提出陆地植物可能是另一个尚未被广泛认可的重要的N_2O的排放源。植物排放N_2O可能有两种潜在途径:1)植物作为土壤中通过微生物产生的N_2O的运输通道,2)植物通过自身代谢或内生菌的作用产生N_2O并排放到大气中。然后分析了关键因素(养分、光照、温度和植物器官及生长阶段)对植物排放N_2O的影响机制。最后指出未来需进一步探明植物体内产生N_2O的具体途径及其对全球N_2O排放的贡献,重点是探明植物自身的生理生化过程以及与其伴生、共生的微生物在N_2O产生中的作用。  相似文献   

N2O是一种重要的温室效应气体,不仅具有很强的温室效应,而且参与大气对流层和平流层的许多光化学反应,因而在全球变化的研究中受到广泛关注。综述了作物生长对土壤N2O排放影响的研究状况,为认识植物生长与土壤N2O排放的关系,调控和减缓土壤N2O排放提供依据。作物生长下的土壤N2O排放受植物类型、生长阶段、生长状况和人为管理等方面影响,植物通过引入光合产物到土壤,吸收利用土壤养分和水分改变土壤环境而影响土壤N2O排放,适当的人为管理措施可以调控和减轻土壤N2O排放。  相似文献   

王曦  遆超普  罗永霞  孙晓丽 《土壤学报》2016,53(6):1552-1562
氮氧化物(NO_x=NO+NO_2)因其对环境和人类健康的威胁,成为大气中需要严格控制的一种痕量组分。首次运用化学转化法,通过将主要人为排放源废气中的氮氧化物(NO_x)转化为氧化亚氮(N_2O),测定气体中NO_x的15N自然丰度,即氮稳定同位素比值(δ15N-NO_x)。利用酸性氧化剂将NO_x氧化为硝酸(NO_3~-),并通过三氯化钒(VCl_3)和叠氮钠(NaN_3)的共同作用将其转化为N_2O,利用带有自动预浓缩装置的稳定同位素比值质谱计(PT-IRMS)测定δ15N-NO_x。该方法的测量精度可达0.09‰,所需样品量仅为7μg(以氮计),对火力发电站、机动交通工具等人为排放源均适用,测量精度和准确度可满足NOx相关研究的需求。  相似文献   

为了降低柴油机的排放,氢作为柴油机燃料的研究正在引起研究者的关注。该文进行了在2004 Mack MD11柴油机中添加不同比例氢气(最高氢气比例达7%)与柴油形成混合燃料的NOx、微粒(PM,particulate matter)排放特性研究。研究表明:负荷工况不同,添加氢气对NOx排放特性的影响不同;随着添加氢的增加,有NO转化为NO2现象;NOx排放很大程度还与发动机可变截面涡轮增压系统(VGT,variable-geometry gas turbine)和废气再循环系统(EGR,exhaust gas recirculation)工作状况有关;添加氢气后即使在大、全负荷下,NOx排放量也没有明显增加。这主要归因于2004 Mack MD11采取了EGR,并且随着负荷增加,EGR率也在增加。在各种负荷工况下,添加氢气对降低PM排放量的作用明显,PM排放量减小率一般达50%以上,最高达75%。  相似文献   

A quantitative study of the amount of air transported between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere is important for understanding air quality and upper tropospheric ozone, which is a greenhouse gas. Frontal systems are known to be an effective mechanism for the vertical transport of pollutants. Numerical experiments have been performed with a simple two-dimensional front model to simulate vertical transport of trace gases within developing cold fronts. Three different trace gases experiments have been done numerically according to the different initial fields of trace gases such as aerosol, ozone and H2O2. Trace gas field tilts to the east while the front tilts to the west. Aerosol simulation shows that pollutants can be transported out of the boundary to altitudes of about 10 km. The stratospheric ozone is brought downwards in a tropopause fold behind of the frontal surface. The meridional gradient in trace gas (H2O2) can cause a complicate structure in the trace field by the meridional advection.  相似文献   

以不同比例的天然气和二氧化碳气体混合物来模拟不同气源的生物质气并在一台改装后的Ri-cardoE6四冲程单缸点燃式发动机试验机上进行试验。文中给出了燃烧这些燃料时发动机的动力性、经济性以及CO、THC、NOx等排放数据。试验结果表明,生物质气中的二氧化碳能改善NOx排放指标,但降低了功率和热效率。提高压缩比能有效的改善动力性和经济性,但同时也增加了NOx和THC的排放量。采用稀燃技术可望兼顾二者的要求。  相似文献   

以不同比例的天然气和二氧化碳气体混合物来模拟不同气源的生物质气并在一台改装后的Ri-cardo E 6四冲程单缸点燃式发动机试验机上进行试验。文中给出了燃烧这些燃料时发动机的动力性、经济性以及CO、THC、NOx等排放数据。试验结果表明,生物质气中的二氧化碳能改善NOx排放指标,但降低了功率和热效率。提高压缩比能有效的改善动力性和经济性,但同时也增加了NOx和THC的排放量。采用稀燃技术可望兼顾二者的要求。  相似文献   

秸秆类生物质具有碱金属及灰分含量高的特性,燃烧时灰分容易团聚结块而影响燃烧室内的配风及燃料的燃烧。本文设计了一种具有多层二次风配风的生物质燃烧试验装置,以玉米秸秆颗粒为燃料,研究了不同一二次风分级配比、多层二次风配比对烟气中CO、NOx等污染物浓度、燃烧效率及灰分结渣率的影响规律。结果表明:当采用一二次风分级配风时,能够显著降低烟气中NOx的浓度,烟气中CO和NOx的浓度变化趋势相反,呈现一种竞争关系。二次风位置较高或下层二次风量的减少,都易导致玉米秸秆颗粒燃烧不完全,CO浓度显著提升。与对照组相比,二次风多层配风下,燃烧室内各测点的温度和烟气中NOx浓度均有所降低,最低NOx浓度排放放生在W1工况(空气系数为1.2,一、二次风配比为60%:40%时,下、中、上二次风按(1/2,0,1/2)),约150 mg/m3。当采用二次风多层配风时,结渣率大幅度下降,最低为4.5%。W1工况的NOx浓度和结渣率均较低,综合评价为最优工况。常用的硅比指数G、碱酸比、Na含量指数、碱性指数Alc等4种结渣指数,均不能正确预测因燃料燃烧区温度T1变化而造成的结渣倾向变化,为此在硅比指数G中引入燃料燃烧区温度T1作为变量,修正后的硅比指数Gt可以很好地对玉米秸秆颗粒因燃料燃烧区温度T1引起的结渣倾向变化进行预测。  相似文献   

Abstract. A number of changes in agricultural land-management show some potential as carbon mitigation options. However, research has focused on CO2-carbon mitigation and has largely ignored potential effects of land management change on trace gas fluxes. In this paper, we attempt for the first time, to assess the impact of these changes on fluxes of the important agricultural greenhouse gases, methane and nitrous oxide, in the UK.
The estimates presented here are based on limited evidence and have a great (unquantifiable) uncertainty associated with them, but they show that the relative importance of trace gas fluxes varies enormously among the scenarlos. In some, such as the application of sewage sludge, woodland regeneration and bioenergy production scenarios, the inclusion of estimates for trace gas fluxes makes only a small (<10%) difference to the CO2-C mitigation potential. In the animal manure and agricultural extensification scenarios, including estimates of trace gas fluxes has a large impact, increasing the CO2-C mitigation potential by up to 50%. In the no-till scenario, the carbon mitigation potential decreases significantly due to a sharp increase in N2O emissions under no-till.
When these land-management options are combined for the whole agricultural land area of the UK, including trace gases has an impact on estimated mitigation potentials, and depending upon assumptions for the animal manure scenario, the total mitigation potential either decreases by about 10% or increases by about 30%, potentially shifting the mitigation potential of the scenario closer to the EU's 8% Kyoto target for reduction of CO2-carbon emissions (12.52 Tg C yr−1 for the UK).  相似文献   

Open-path gas analyzers are popular in eddy covariance flux measurements of trace gasses (i.e. CO2). The quality of the data, however, may be influenced by several factors. Exposure in an outdoor environment invariably causes the instrument to become colder or warmer than the air temperature. Instruments with internal temperature regulation and/or from heat generated by active electrical components can also influence the sensor temperature. In addition, sensors can have condensation problems on their optical windows thus affecting the quality of the measurement. Unreasonable measurements have been widely discussed, especially in moist, high-latitude regions. As this is a very important research problem facing flux studies, we examined how wetness (dew and raindrops) on the surface of the focus lens of the popular LI-COR LI-7500 infrared gas analyzer may affect flux measurements from the open-path eddy-covariance system. Field experiments showed that additional sensor heating may inhibit dew formation yet greatly improve the quality of flux measurements. A detailed energy balance approach was used to model the gas analyzer window temperature under environmental conditions and dew effect through a pair of LI-COR LI-7500, with and without heat treatment, in a grassland ecosystem in the Netherlands. With the proposed model, existing datasets can be filtered for dew events. Data from three different flux measurement sites were then used to assess the magnitude of dew effects on longer time-scales; 2 years from the Netherlands and 3 weeks of data from an arid coastal desert. About 30% of the measurements were affected by dew in the grassland area versus 4% in the arid region during the dry season. Sensor heating suppresses dew formation but might lead to errors in trace gas fluxes evaluated over long periods, thus we analyzed how sensor heating or cooling affects trace gas flux measurements. Additions to a recent (2006) correction and application to a horizontally and vertically oriented LI-COR LI-7500 are presented as they deal with sensor heating problems in eddy-covariance systems. The sensor energy balance model, together with the proposed modified sensor heating corrections, were used to estimate sensor temperature effects on long-term scale CO2 flux measurements and showed that additional heating does affect the turbulent trace gas CO2 fluxes but is very minor, especially for a horizontally mounted LI-COR LI-7500 gas analyzer. Further efforts are urgently needed to improve the data quality and quality of flux measurements.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the variations of trace gas behaviour and climate during the Holocene (approximately the last 10,000 years), with reference to the last four ice age cycles. The industrial era, commonly regarded as commencing during the 18th century, is one noted when atmospheric greenhouse gas increases due to burning of fossil fuels and land use changes have been attributed to increases in global average near-surface temperatures, particularly in the latter part of the 20th century. However, analysis by Ruddiman has noted that in the Holocene during the period of civil society, the changes in atmospheric greenhouse gases have been anomalous compared with the geological record of the last 400,000 years. During this period, both carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) increased, probably as a result of the introduction of agrarian agriculture and land clearing in Eurasia. These, and other land use changes because of agrarian rural activities, may have caused a subtle forcing of climate, preventing climate cooling which might have been expected because of natural forcing. If future evidence supports the Ruddiman hypothesis, then agricultural and forestry activities during the period of civil society may have been exerting an influence on climate for, at least, the last 8000 years.  相似文献   

Surface measurements of Aitken nuclei have been made at a few representative environments in India. The periods of measurements have ranged from a few days to a few years depending upon the place of measurement. Aircraft measurements of Aitken nuclei were made at one of the locations during three successive monsoon periods. During part of the time simultaneous measurements were made of the trace gases SO2, NH3, NO2, and O3. The study presents the seasonal and diurnal variation of Aitken nuclei in the different environments and their association with the trace gas concentrations.  相似文献   

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