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为研究短小芽孢杆菌BX-4在作物根际的定殖及防病效果,通过浓度梯度法用氨苄青霉素对其进行了抗性标记,并通过番茄盆栽试验研究了其在根际土壤中的定殖规律。结果表明,筛选出的突变体菌株BX-4'能够耐受浓度为200 μg·mL^-1的氨苄青霉素,并且具有耐药和遗传双重稳定性;应用试验显示该突变体菌株能成功在番茄根际定殖,接种20 d后根际土壤中存活数量达到最高值1.34×10^8 cfu·g^-1干土,以后逐渐下降,到50 d时趋于稳定;筛选的突变体菌株对番茄青枯病具有明显的防治效果,防效达37.9%-50.9%。短小芽孢杆菌BX-4在作物根部的定殖规律为揭示其生防机理及应用该菌提供了科学根据。  相似文献   

钩状木霉 ACCC31649的GFP标记及其对辣椒定殖和促生作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】旨在建立农杆菌介导的绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP) 基因转化钩状木霉 (Trichoderma hamatum) ACCC31649的技术方法,筛选遗传稳定的GFP标记转化子,并研究该菌株在辣椒植株中定殖和对辣椒的促生作用,为进一步阐明木霉在辣椒根际定殖及其与辣椒病原菌在辣椒根际和植株中的定殖、互作和生防作用奠定基础。【方法】通过根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法筛选遗传稳定的GFP标记转化子,通过灌根接种方法和组织切片的水玻片荧光观察研究了钩状木霉在辣椒植株中定殖过程和对辣椒的促生作用。【结果】获得了遗传稳定GFP标记的钩状木霉转化子。荧光显微观察表明,辣椒根、茎、叶组织中都检测到GFP标记菌株的定殖。标记菌株首先在根部定殖,然后通过根部维管束逐步定殖到茎和叶片组织中。野生型菌株和GFP标记菌株灌根接种4叶期辣椒幼苗,30天后,GFP标记菌株与水处理对照相比,辣椒的株高增长13.5%,根长增长16.2%,鲜重和干重分别增加了43.8%和45.3%,而且野生型菌株与GFP标记菌株对辣椒的促生作用没有显著差异。【结论】钩状木霉能够在辣椒植株根、茎和叶组织中定殖,并且对辣椒具有显著的促生作用。同时,GFP标记的钩状木霉将在进一步阐明该菌株在辣椒根际定殖及其对病原菌拮抗和互作研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验的方法 ,研究了辅以拮抗菌的有机肥对辣椒疫病生防效果的作用 ,并研究了有机肥施用对拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖以及根际微生物区系的影响 ,结果表明 :施用有机肥 ,与对照相比 ,可降低发病率 35 % ,辅以拮抗微生物的有机肥与直接使用拮抗菌相比 ,前期效果不如后者 ,但后期发病率明显降低 ,同时使拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖数量提高了 14 3倍  相似文献   

辅以拮抗菌的有机肥对辣椒疫病生防效果的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用盆栽试验的方法,研究了辅以拮抗菌的有机肥对辣椒疫病生防效果的作用,并研究了有机肥施用对拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖以及根际微生物区系的影响,结果表明:施用有机肥,与对照相比,可降低发病率35%,辅以拮抗微生物的有机肥与直接使用拮抗菌相比,前期效果不如后者,但后期发病率明显降低,同时使拮抗微生物在辣椒根际定殖数量提高了14.3倍。  相似文献   

解磷菌(phosphate solubilizing bacteria,PSB)可以通过提高土壤有效磷含量而增加作物产量,目前已有许多解磷菌被分离并应用于农业生产中,但关于解磷菌在植物根际中的定殖情况仍缺乏系统性的研究.WY4为本实验室前期从小白菜(Brassica chinensis)根际分离得到的一株高效解磷菌,本研究利用绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,GFP)标记技术研究了WY4在小白菜根际及土壤中的定殖规律.与原菌株相比,GFP标记对菌株WY4-GFP生长及解磷活性具有较小影响,同时在促进小白菜生长上WY4-GFP与WY4无显著性差异;WY4-GFP具有持久的定殖能力(接种21d的自然土及30 d的小白菜根际土中,WY4-GFP的定殖数量分别为105和104 CFU/g左右),同时随时间的增加WY4-GFP在土壤中定殖数量逐渐减少;WY4-GFP在小白菜根冠及分生区大量定殖,在伸长区及侧根根毛处数量较少,同时表皮细胞间隙上也有较多的标记菌株.研究结果表明,WY4-GFP在小白菜根际及土壤中具有良好的定殖能力,这为后期深入研究解磷菌与植物间的关系提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

选取8个常见小麦品种,通过室内限菌试验筛选出对于田菁茎瘤固氮根瘤菌Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 (A.caulinodans) 侵染响应敏感的品种,研究了浸种侵染、菌液浓度和添加葡萄糖对接菌小麦幼苗生长的影响,并结合荧光显微镜检测绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)标记A.caulinodans在小麦幼苗根系内的分布与定殖规律。结果表明:小偃22为响应敏感品种;在室内限菌条件下,浸种侵染小偃22幼苗平均根长和平均株高分别较对照增加了17.04%和8.37%;最适菌液浓度为1.0108个/mL;在菌液中添加1g/L葡萄糖有助于A.caulinodans浸种侵染和定殖。荧光显微镜检测结果显示,GFP标记A.caulinodans从小麦幼苗根毛和侧根裂隙处进入,定殖于根维管组织等部位。田间试验结果进一步表明A.caulinodans浸种侵染对不同小麦品种均具较明显的促生作用。  相似文献   

根际促生菌防控土传病害的机理与应用进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
根际促生菌作为一类活跃于植物根际的有益微生物,对抑制土传病害的发生,改善和维护土壤生态质量具有重要作用以及广阔的发展前景。本文综述了根际促生菌直接或间接的土传病害防控机理,包括产抗生素、产水解酶、释放挥发性气体、诱导抗性、分泌铁载体、分泌激素和固氮解磷等;亦从信号识别与迁移、定殖规律以及定殖的微生物群落影响等方面对根际促生菌的定殖防病机理予以了总结;此外,笔者还就根际促生菌的应用现状进行了概述。  相似文献   

硒处理对薄壳山核桃幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究硒对薄壳山核桃幼苗生长的影响,利用不同浓度亚硒酸钠[0(CK)、0.5、5、10、20、40、80 μmol·L-1]对薄壳山核桃幼苗进行处理,并测定相关生理指标。结果表明,低浓度硒对薄壳山核桃幼苗生长发育、生物量积累、酶活性均有促进作用,而高浓度硒抑制了幼苗生长、干物质的积累、酶活性、光合速率,且硒浓度越高,抑制作用越明显。80 μmol·L-1 硒浓度处理后的根长较CK显著降低了55.36%(P<0.05),其他形态指标均无显著差异。硒处理显著提高了幼苗体内的硒含量,且根系>叶片。随着硒浓度的增加,叶、根内的硒含量呈先升高后降低的趋势,硒浓度≥0.5 μmol·L-1时,其他处理均与CK存在显著差异。40 μmol·L-1硒浓度处理下叶中的硒含量较CK显著增加了1 682倍,根中的硒含量提高了482倍。低硒浓度(≤10 μmol·L-1)处理可以促进根中Mn2+、Mg2+含量和叶中的Zn2+含量的积累。当硒浓度≥5 μmol·L-1时,会促进根中Zn2+含量的积累,硒浓度≥10 μmol·L-1,促进茎中Mn2+含量的积累,其中在80 μmol·L-1硒浓度处理下茎中Mn2+含量为CK的9.29倍。过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性随着硒浓度增加均呈先增后减的趋势,且在0.5 μmol·L-1硒浓度处理下达到最高,明显高于CK,分别为1 698.63、1 912.28 U·mg prot-1。综上,低浓度硒处理和施硒时间长短对幼苗光合作用影响不大,而高浓度硒处理会抑制光合作用。本研究结果为进一步揭示硒富集机理和硒的科学使用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤pH值与镉含量对水稻产量和不同器官镉累积的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明水稻产量与镉积累分配对土壤pH值和镉含量的响应,以3个籽粒Cd含量差异明显的晚稻品种(天优华占,TY;星2号,X2;湘晚籼13号,XW)为试验材料,分别于不同pH值稻田研究土壤镉(Cd)含量对水稻产量和不同器官Cd累积的影响,并比较了品种间差异。结果表明,水稻产量因土壤pH值下降而下降,且品种间降幅差异明显,以X2最大(21.72%33.81%),XW最小(3.05%17.71%);添加0.5 mg·kg-1Cd时水稻减产不显著,但添加1.0 mg·kg-1Cd时各品种均显著减产,且其降幅与品种和土壤pH值有关,X2和XW在酸化条件下降幅较大,而TY在正常pH条件下降幅较大。植株(整株)Cd含量存在品种间差异,各品种植株Cd含量均随着土壤Cd浓度的提高与土壤pH值的下降而显著提高,且植株Cd含量峰值因土壤酸化而提前。水稻器官间Cd含量依次表现根>茎>穗>叶,各器官Cd含量均随着土壤Cd浓度提高而显著增大,但增大倍数存在器官间差异;品种间器官Cd含量差异明显,营养器官表现为X2>TY>XW,而稻穗表现为TY>X2>XW。水稻各器官及全株Cd累积量均随着土壤Cd浓度提高和土壤pH值降低而显著增大,成熟期累积量表现为茎>穗>根>叶;品种间Cd累积量差异明显,营养器官和整株Cd累积量表现为X2>XW>TY,而穗Cd累积量表现为TY>X2>XW。Cd分配比例一般以茎为最高,叶最低,土壤酸化使茎、叶所占比例增大,根、穗所占比例降低;品种间Cd分配比例存在一定差异,穗Cd所占比例表现为TY>X2>XW。可见,水稻产量与器官间Cd累积分配规律受到土壤Cd含量和pH值的影响显著,同时也具有明显的品种间差异。本研究为不同水稻品种在不同pH值与Cd含量稻田上的应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为探究蔗糖浸种缓解玉米幼苗铜胁迫的能力,采用浸种法研究了342.3 mg·L-1蔗糖浸种处理对0、100、200、400 mg·L-1硫酸铜处理玉米幼苗生理生化指标的影响,并进行生理生化指标与玉米铜胁迫恢复指数的灰色关联分析。结果表明,蔗糖浸种可显著提高一定程度铜胁迫下玉米幼苗的株高、根长、相对根长、相对株高、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性。生理生化指标与蔗糖处理对铜胁迫恢复指数的灰色关联度排序为:相对根长(0.799)>相对株高(0.775)>根长(0.767)>脯氨酸含量(0.749)>POD活性(0.740)>可溶性蛋白含量(0.699)>可溶性糖含量(0.673)>CAT活性(0.664)>叶绿素含量(0.647)>SOD活性(0.601)>株高(0.579)。综上可知,蔗糖浸种在一定程度上能有效缓解玉米幼苗的铜胁迫,抗性鉴定时选择相对根长、相对株高、根长、脯氨酸含量、POD活性、可溶性蛋白含量、可溶性糖含量、CAT活性等强关联指标可以提高选择效率,这为玉米抗性育种提供了参考。  相似文献   

Paenibacillus polymyxa P2b-2R is a bacterium that originated from internal lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia (Dougl.) Engelm.) seedling stem tissue and fixes nitrogen (N) in association with pine and western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn.). To evaluate endophytic colonization by this microorganism, we generated P. polymyxa P2b-2Rgfp, a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled derivative of P2b-2R, and grew pine seedlings that were inoculated with the marked strain in a N-limited soil. Tissue disintegration during sample preparation precluded examination of needles for the GFP-labeled endophyte but GFP was detected on roots and in stems of 2- to 14-week-old pine seedlings using confocal laser scanning microscopy. Due to excessive autofluorescence of seedling tissues, labeled bacteria were clearly discernible only in stem tissues of 4- and 6-week-old seedlings. P2b-2Rgfp colonized the root surface extensively and was detected inside the stem cortex, primarily intracellularly. Some labeled bacteria appeared to contain endospores and none were detected in vascular tissues. We conclude that P. polymyxa P2b-2R is capable of endophytic colonization of pine seedlings with specific colonization sites that include the stem cortex but that GFP labeling is of limited value for localization of endophytic bacteria in pine seedling tissues.  相似文献   

地下部分隔对间作小麦养分吸收和白粉病发生的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
通过根系分隔的盆栽试验,探讨了地下部分隔对小麦//蚕豆间作系统中小麦的养分吸收和白粉病发生的影响。结果表明:根系不分隔小麦的生物量和N、P、K吸收量均大于尼龙网分隔处理和根系完全分隔处理。根系分隔方式还影响了小麦白粉病的发生,小麦白粉病的发病率和发病指数均表现为根系不分隔(I)尼龙网分隔(M)完全分隔(P)。表明地下部的相互作用改善了小麦的生长,提高了小麦抗白粉病的能力。  相似文献   

In both managed and natural ecosystems, beneficial plant-associated bacteria play a key role in supporting and/or increasing plant health and growth. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) can be applied in agricultural production or for the phytoremediation of pollutants. However, because of their capacity to confer plant beneficial effects, efficient colonization of the plant environment is of utmost importance. The majority of plant-associated bacteria derives from the soil environment. They may migrate to the rhizosphere and subsequently the rhizoplane of their hosts before they are able to show beneficial effects. Some rhizoplane colonizing bacteria can also penetrate plant roots, and some strains may move to aerial plant parts, with a decreasing bacterial density in comparison to rhizosphere or root colonizing populations. A better understanding on colonization processes has been obtained mostly by microscopic visualisation as well as by analysing the characteristics of mutants carrying disfunctional genes potentially involved in colonization. In this review we describe the individual steps of plant colonization and survey the known mechanisms responsible for rhizosphere and endophytic competence. The understanding of colonization processes is important to better predict how bacteria interact with plants and whether they are likely to establish themselves in the plant environment after field application as biofertilisers or biocontrol agents.  相似文献   

我国小麦农家品种和近缘种对白粉病的苗期抗性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由布氏白粉菌小麦专化型引起的白粉病是最重要的小麦叶部病害之一。抗性资源和抗性基因的发掘对控制该病害起了重要作用。小种专化抗性基因的抗性水平较高, 成为当前小麦生产上使用最为广泛的白粉病抗性基因。然而,这类抗性基因的广泛使用会导致菌系结构的改变, 并产生新的毒性小种。因此, 从大量小麦种质资源中鉴定新的、有效的白粉病抗性基因是一个长期的目标。为鉴定有效的白粉病抗源, 通过苗期接种国内流行白粉菌生理小种E09, 来评价258 份国内小麦农家品种和42 份小麦近缘种的抗性。结果表明, 有5份农家品种和20 份小麦近缘种对E09 表现免疫、近免疫或高抗。这25 份抗源被用来进一步接种另外5 个不同的国内生理小种E03、E05、E18、E20 和E23, 以推知它们所携带的未知抗性基因。通过与28 个已知白粉病抗性基因的抗谱进行比较发现, 这25 份小麦种质的抗性基因不同于Pm1a、Pm2、Pm3a、Pm3b、Pm3c、Pm3d、Pm3e、Pm3f、Pm4a、Pm4b、Pm4c、Pm5a、Pm6、Pm7、Pm8、Pm9、Pm17、Pm19、Pm24、Pm28Pm33等21 个已知抗性基因, 但与Pm1c、Pm1e、Pm12、Pm13、Pm16、Pm20Pm21 等7 个已知抗性基因仍需要进一步的区分。鉴于这25 份抗源与上述7 个已知抗性基因载体的来源不尽相同, 因此, 这些抗源很可能携带有未知的抗白粉病新基因, 但还需用更多的白粉菌生理小种来鉴定。本研究旨在从小麦农家品种及其近缘种中发掘新的有效抗源, 从而为抗白粉病新基因的发掘和有效利用奠定基础。  相似文献   

  【目的】  磷极易被土壤吸附和固定,导致土壤中磷有效性较低。研究接种丛枝菌根真菌 (arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, AMF) 和低磷处理两者交互对紫花苜蓿生长和磷吸收的影响,为提高碱性土壤中磷肥利用率提供理论依据。  【方法】  以黄绵土和紫花苜蓿 (Medicago sativa) 为试验材料进行盆栽试验。在施磷0、5、20 mg/kg (P0、P5、P20) 3个水平下,分别设接种和不接种丛枝菌根 Glomus mosseae BGC YN02 (+AMF、–AMF) 处理。植物生长120天后测定植株生物量、磷吸收量、AMF侵染率以及根际和非根际土壤的pH、土壤碱性磷酸酶活性、土壤有效磷含量、土壤微生物生物量磷,分析根际有机酸的组成与含量。  【结果】  +AMF处理中植物根系被AMF侵染,且施磷水平对侵染率没有显著影响;施磷和+AMF处理显著提高了植株地上部、地下部生物量以及磷含量,其中P20+AMF处理生物量和磷含量最高;根际有机酸总量随施磷水平上升而显著降低,但+AMF处理有机酸总量高于–AMF处理,其中柠檬酸和乙酸含量的变化较为明显;施磷和+AMF显著降低土壤碱性磷酸酶活性,增加土壤有效磷含量和微生物生物量磷,且低磷环境 (P0、P5) 下根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性和微生物生物量磷均显著高于非根际土;P20处理显著降低磷利用效率和磷肥利用率,+AMF处理显著提高磷肥利用率。  【结论】  碱性土壤 (黄绵土) 中,AMF和紫花苜蓿根系能建立较好的共生关系,低施磷水平 (施磷量 ≤ 20 mg/kg) 对AMF侵染率没有显著影响。施磷和接种AMF均可以显著促进紫花苜蓿生长和磷吸收。低磷环境下,接种AMF可以扩大植物根系吸收范围,同时增强根际土壤碱性磷酸酶活性,促进根系分泌有机酸,特别是乙酸和柠檬酸,从而提高磷肥利用率。  相似文献   

Recent attention has been drawn to plant-growth-promoting bacteria which colonize not only the rhizosphere and the surface of roots but also the interior of roots and shoots of higher plants. The bacteria are found in the apoplast i.e. intercellular spaces and xylem vessels. These so-called endophytic bacteria are considered to be more effective in providing the host plant with nitrogen than associative rhizosphere bacteria on the root surface and appear to play an important role in biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in nonleguminous plants. This is discussed in detail. Bacteria which have been found in the apoplast of nonleguminous plants include Azospirillum spp., Pantoea agglomerans, Acetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum spp., Azoarcus spp. and Rhizobium spp. The significance of the apoplastic colonization of these bacteria for the nitrogen nutrition of tropical non-legumes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A lysimetric experiment was performed in a greenhouse to evalute root deposition and net release of soluble organic compounds after 1 and 2 years from pine and beech seedlings inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus (Laccaria laccata) and/or rhizobacteria (Agrobacterium radiobacter for beech and Agrobacterium sp. for pine). Total C compounds released in the rhizosphere of both plants increased after inoculation with the bacteria or ectomycorrhizal fungus. The rhizobacteria increased root and plant growth and rhizodeposition, but the mycorrhizal fungi appeared to increase only root deposition. Soluble C compounds, collected after 2 years, represented only 0.1–0.3% of the total C compounds released into the rhizosphere, and were modified by inoculation with the microorganisms. After inoculation with the bacteria, levels of sugars and amino acids decreased in pine and beech rhizospheres, whereas organic acids increased, especially in the pine rhizosphere. In the rhizosphere of mycorrhizal beeches, sugar and amino acids increased, and organic acids differed from those released from non-mycorrhizal beeches. In the mycorrhizal pine rhizosphere, however, all compounds decreased. Following dual inoculations, mycorrhizal colonization increased, no effect on plant growth was observed, and virtually no organic acids were detected.  相似文献   

梨树内生细菌LP-5的鉴定及其促生作用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从梨树木质部分离到1株具有强烈抑菌活性的内生细菌LP-5,通过形态观察、生理生化测定、16SrDNA序列分析及特异基因片段扩增,将其鉴定为解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)。盆栽试验结果表明,该菌株可明显促进黄瓜幼苗的生长,其20倍稀释发酵液处理黄瓜种子,可使其胚根长度增长36.32%。用同稀释倍数的发酵液处理黄瓜幼苗,可使幼苗株高、茎粗、干重分别提高9.06%、14.67%和24.14%。高效液相色谱分析表明:该菌株具有促生作用可能是因为产生植物激素IAA。  相似文献   


A number of clusters of resting spores of an endophyte were found to have colonized the nodal root axes and first order lateral roots of sorghum at the heading stage. The clusters with a diameter ranging 15 to 20 μm consisted of a number of spores with a diameter in the range of 2 to 5 μm. Based on the morphological characteristics, the endophyte was tentatively assigned to Polymyxa sp. The clusters were distributed in the epidermis and the hypodermis, but mostly in the latter. The clusters were absent in the tissues internal to the hypodermis. The number of cells colonized by the clusters in the hypodermis, the hypodermal cell lignification identified by the phloroglucinol-HCl test, and the cortical sclerenchyma development were examined acropetally in three nodal roots which emerged from the third node. The colonized cells accounted for less than about 10% of the total number of the hypodermal cells in the first 8 cm portion, but beyond this part, their number increased and they accounted for 10 to 35%. Hypodermal cell lignification and cortical sclerenchyma development were clearly recognized approximately in the first 9 and 6 cm portion, respectively, but they were not observed beyond this part. Even in this portion, however, no endophyte colonization was observed in any tissues internal to the hypodermis. These findings suggest that in sorghum the hypodermis itself, regardless of cell lignification, may function as a barrier to protect the inner tissues from further colonization by the spore clusters of Polymyxa sp.  相似文献   

Roots of endophyte‐infected (E+) tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) exude more phenolic‐like reductants than roots of endophyte‐free (E‐) plants when mineral stressed. Phenolic compounds are efficient chelators of aluminum (Al) and may influence Al tolerance in many plant species. The objective of our study was to determine if enhanced release of phenolic compounds by roots of E+ plants contributes to Al tolerance in tall fescue. Two cloned genotypes (DN2 and DN11) of tall fescue infected with their naturally occurring fungal endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan‐Jones and Gams) Glenn, Bacon and Hanlin and their noninfected isolines were grown in nutrient solutions at 0 μM Al (Al‐) and at 640 μM Al (Al+) under controlled environment conditions. Root and shoot dry matter (DM) of endophyte‐infected tall fescue was greater in E+ than E‐ plants by 57% and 40%, respectively, when plants were grown without Al. Endophyte infection did not affect root and shoot DM of tall fescue grown with Al but relative (to Al‐treatment) reduction in root and shoot DM was greater in E+ than E‐ plants. In response to Al stress, more Al (47%) and P (49%) could be desorbed from root surfaces of E+ than E‐ plants. Aluminum concentrations in roots of E+ plants were 35% greater and P concentrations were 10% less than those determined in roots of E‐plants. No differences in mineral concentrations were observed in shoots, regardless of endophyte status, or Al level in nutrient solution. Roots of E+ plants increased pH of both Al‐ and Al+ nutrient solutions to a greater extent than roots of E‐ plants in a 48 h interval. Our results show that more Al can be sequestered on root surfaces and in root tissues of endophyte‐infected tall fescue than in plants devoid of endophyte. Aluminum sequestration was greater on root surfaces and in root tissues of E+ than E‐ plants of a given tall fescue genotype. Our results suggest that increased exudation of phenolic‐like compounds from roots of endophyte‐infected tall fescue may be directly involved in Al tolerance and serves as a mechanism for widespread adaptability and success of endophyte‐tall fescue associations.  相似文献   

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