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地下沼气池池壁土压力取值方法及池盖受力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为保证地下沼气池结构的安全性,采用Rankine土压力理论比较了3种常见土质的静止、主动和被动土压力,并确定了地下钢筋混凝土圆形沼气池池壁土压力取值方法;根据线弹性有限元分析方法,研究了平板、球壳和圆锥台3种不同形状的沼气池池盖受力性能。结果表明:地下沼气池池壁土压力宜取其静止土压力计算;环梁的设置可以使中部开圆形洞口的圆锥台形池盖的最大应力减小约40%,宜为其设置环梁。  相似文献   

采煤沉陷对土壤侵蚀与土地利用的影响预测   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:15  
中国新建和将建的煤矿区主要集中分布在生态脆弱的晋、陕、蒙区,生态环境压力大。正确预测采煤沉陷引发的人为加速土壤侵蚀与土地利用变化,可为生态脆弱煤矿区的生态恢复和重建提供依据。该文采用RS、GIS为手段进行信息提取和图形叠加,结合类比法和专家咨询法等,研究了山西大同塔山矿采煤沉陷引发的土壤侵蚀和土地利用的变化。结果表明:1)采煤后88.80%土地发生不同程度的沉陷。2)沉陷后土地年土壤侵蚀总量增加42.32~79.05万t,单位面积年侵蚀量增加了246.01~464.56 t/km2,侵蚀模数为2321.78~4335.64 t/(km2·a),部分地块沉陷后土壤侵蚀强度上升了一个等级。3)地表移动变形产生的裂缝、陷坑、塌方或小滑坡等,使农用地被分割而破碎、地块变小,其中,沉陷后旱地最小斑块面积为7.72 m2,有林地最小斑块面积为72.95 m2,灌木林地最小斑块面积为6.71 m2,疏林地最小斑块面积为75.79 m2,中覆盖度草地最小斑块面积为14.81 m2,低覆盖度草地最小斑块面积为9.44 m2。局部裂缝密集带,可造成土地毁坏。4)除工交用地和居民点用地外,原地貌沉陷后土地利用率,较原地貌降低10%的比例为14.05%,降低10%~20%(含10%)的比例为85.18%,降低20%(含20%)以上的比例为0.77%。  相似文献   

高岩  党晓宏  汪季  高琴  翟波  刘博 《水土保持通报》2022,42(1):34-41,48
[目的]探究矿区采煤沉陷对小叶杨(Populus simonii)根系的损伤程度,为后期小叶杨人工林治理恢复提供理论依据。[方法]观测记录李家塔采煤沉陷区不同坡位处不同裂缝间小叶杨根系的损伤状况,运用数理统计软件分析根系损伤率、损伤类型与坡位、裂缝类型、错位差、裂缝宽和根距裂缝水平距离间的关系等反映小叶杨根系损伤特性。[结果](1)小叶杨水平根主要分布在0—60 cm土层内,0—10 cm土层内根数最多,占40.1%~43.2%,50—60 cm内根数最少,占0.63%~3.71%。根系数量随土层深度增加而逐渐减少。(2)塌陷型和滑动型裂缝处伤根类型有扯断、扭曲、皮裂和拉出,其数量表现为:扯断>皮裂>扭曲>拉出,而拉伸型裂缝处无拉出损伤根系,表现为:皮裂>扭曲>扯断,塌陷型裂缝处根系损伤最严重。(3)根系损伤数量随着根系径级增粗呈现逐渐递减的趋势。根径<2 mm近乎全部扯断,<5 mm损伤以扯断为主,>5 mm以皮裂为主,扯断次之。根越粗扯断越少,皮裂越多。当根径>11 mm时皮裂根数急促地增多。(4)根据相关性由大到小,造成根系损...  相似文献   

烤田作用的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程云生  赵国骅 《土壤学报》1963,11(3):275-285
我国农民长期以来刘水稻的灌概技术十分重视。烤田就是农民群众争取水稻高产的一项重要措施,并积累了极其丰富的实际经验。“沈氏农书”中对烤田已有很多记载[1],如“立秋边,或落干,或耘干,必要田干裂缝方好”,以说明烤田的时期;古人云:“六月不干田,无米莫怨天”,说明烤田的重要意义;“惟此一千,则根脉深远,苗干苍老,结莠成实”,说明烤田的作用;“千在立秋前,便多干几日不妨;干在立秋后,才裂桂便要束水”,说明烤田的程度。  相似文献   

海藻发酵沼气发电与风电互补电站的研究与建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究是在海岛渔村,建200m3沼气池,采用当地海藻资源,发酵制取沼气发电,发电机组8kw,它与风力发电机组5kw联合构成互补电站模式。该地区每年九月至翌年三月为盛风期,可采用风力发电,四月至八月为微生物生长旺盛期、海藻发酵产沼气量大、发电量足,弥补了此间弱风期风力发电之不足,从而实现多能互补,为沿海无电地区解决供电提供了一条合理有效途径。  相似文献   

固化土结构沼气池是在传统以砖砌体沼气池和混凝土现浇沼气池建造基础上,利用土壤固化技术建造的一种新型户用水压式沼气池。将固化土作为池底结构材料和池壁材料,在冲积土、紫色土、黏土等3种土壤条件下建造了不同组合模式的固化土结构沼气池。经破坏性极限压力试验表明,所建沼气池均符合国家《户用沼气池质量检验验收规范GB/T4751-2002》标准。对固化土结构沼气池与传统沼气池建造成本进行详细分析,结果表明,由于部分建池材料实现就地取材,商品建材的使用量和运输量减少,建池成本降低,具有显著的经济效益和广阔的推广前景。  相似文献   

采用2水平灌水量(4541.0和2270.6 m3/hm2)×3水平氮肥追施量(747.4、373.9 kg/hm2和0),以番茄品种Skala为试材,研究了不同水、氮供应水平对日光温室越冬栽培番茄土壤中脲酶、蔗糖酶、磷酸酶等活性及细菌、放线菌、真菌等微生物数量的影响。结果表明:高灌水(4541.0 m3/hm2)或高施氮量(747.4 kg/hm2)可显著降低土壤脲酶和磷酸酶活性;水、氮协调供应有利于土壤蔗糖酶活性和土壤微生物数量的提高;通过多目标评价,在该试验条件下,当灌水量4541.0 m3/hm2、氮肥追施量373.9 kg/hm2可获得最优的土壤生物环境。  相似文献   

农村户用沼气池是国家战略性惠农措施,中国政府为促进农村沼气工程建设投入了大量财力物力。近年来,因劳动力转移、农业产业结构调整等多种原因造成大量沼气池闲置弃用,极大地浪费了国家和人民的财产。如何提高农村户用沼气池利用率,改善农村生产生活环境是当前乡村振兴面临的一大难题。该研究从"沼改厕"的现实背景、发展现状和技术模式入手,通过"推广模式、推广方法、效益分析和管护机制"四个层面对四川省"沼改厕"典型地区进行案例分析,并深入讨论了"沼改厕"模式的推广应注意的问题,为农村"厕所革命"提供互补的改厕方式,也为"沼改厕"推广模式提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

唐山市沙流河镇水资源供需平衡优化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用系统论和线性目标规划法,结合唐山市沙流河镇实证研究,构建小城镇水资源供需平衡优化数学模型,剖析该镇水资源供需矛盾,提出水资源供需平衡优化方案。结果显示,沙流河镇水资源补给总量为1490.55万m3·a-1,若对水资源利用量不加约束,2001、2005和2010年沙流河镇用水总量分别达到2352.73万m3、2429.73万m3和2491.72万m3;水资源超采量分别达到862.18万m3、939.18万m3和1001.17万m3;其中农业用水量最大,占90%以上。鉴于农业用水比重大、利用效率低,提出沙流河镇实施、推广节水灌溉技术和积极退耕还林等节水措施。经过逐年逼近平衡的办法,到2010年沙流河镇水资源量可以节余63.32万m3,基本实现全镇水资源供需平衡。  相似文献   

通过水培试验探讨了NO-3胁迫下K+、Ca2+对黄瓜幼苗膜质过氧化及活性氧清除酶系统的影响。结果表明,在相同NO-3浓度胁迫7d后, Ca2+浓度越大,膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量越高,而K+浓度越大,电解质相对渗透率越高,由此说明K+、Ca2+对细胞膜造成伤害的机理不同。黄瓜幼苗活性氧清除酶系统对K+、Ca2+的响应亦不同,在一定程度上,K+和Ca2+ 可提高SOD、POD和CAT活性,保护植物免受自由基伤害,继而可增强植物对逆境的适应能力。  相似文献   

Biogas residues contain microbial biomass, which contributes to the formation of soil organic matter. Whether the potential of biogas residues to increase soil organic matter can be enhanced by co‐application with compost, biochar or manure is unknown, however. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effects of co‐amendment on the mineralization of biogas residues, carbon dioxide emissions and the carbon flow within the microbial food web. We determined the fate of 13C‐labelled microbial biomass present in biogas residues applied together with compost, biochar and manure to soil, by analysing CO2 and biomarker phospholipid fatty acids. Although the rate of mineralization constant of the slowly degrading carbon pool was not affected by co‐amendments, co‐amendment with manure resulted in a larger rate of mineralization constant of the readily degrading carbon pool of biogas residues. The incorporation of carbon was mainly to Gram‐negative biomass and was the smallest with manure co‐amendment, which indicated differences in bioavailability of the carbon source.  相似文献   

The major aim of this study was to evaluate how the pool size of slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N can be derived from more easily accessible soil and site information via pedotransfer functions (PTF). Besides modeling, this pool size might be of great importance for the identification of soils with high mineralization potential in drinking‐water catchments. From long‐term laboratory incubations (ca. 200 days) at 35 °C, the pool sizes of easily mineralizable organic N (Nfast), mainly in fresh residues, and slowly mineralizable, ‘old’ soil organic N (Nslow) as well as their first‐order rate coefficients were obtained. 90 sandy arable soils from NW Germany served to derive PTFs for Nslow that were evaluated using another 20 soils from the same region. Information on former land‐use and soil type was obtained from topographical, historical, and soil maps (partly from 1780). Pool size Nslow very strongly depends on soil type and former land‐use. Mean pool sizes of Nslow were much lower in old arable lowland (105 mg N kg–1) than upland soils (175 mg N kg–1) possibly due to lower clay contents. Within lowlands, mean pool sizes in former grassland soils (245 mg N kg–1) were 2 to 3 times larger than in old arable soils due to accumulation of mineralizable N. In contrast, mean pool sizes of Nslow were lowest in recently cleared, former heath‐ and woodland (31 mg N kg–1) as a result of the input of hardly decomposable organic matter. Neither N nor C in the light fraction (density < 1.8 g cm–3) was adequate to derive pool size Nslow in the studied soils (r2 < 0.03). Instead, Nslow can be accurately (r2 = 0.55 – 0.83) derived from one or two basic soil characteristics (e.g. organic C, total N, C : N, mineral fraction < 20 μm), provided that sites were grouped by former land‐use. Field mineralization from Nslow during winter (independent data set) can be predicted as well on the basis of Nslow‐values calculated from PTFs that were derived after grouping the soils by former land‐use (r2 = 0.51***). In contrast, using the PTF without soil grouping strongly reduced the reliability (r2 = 0.16).  相似文献   

The knowledge about the relevance of physical and chemical fractionation methods to soil organic carbon (SOC) stabilization mechanisms is fragmentary but needed to manage the SOC pool. Therefore, our objective was to compare the C contents of the particle size fractions coarse and fine sand, silt, and clay of the two uppermost horizons of a soil under three different management systems (meadow; no-till corn, NT; no-till corn with manure, NTm). The mineral composition was dominated by silt (48–60%). However, coarse sand and clay showed the highest enrichment of C compared to the bulk soil. In spite of an enrichment factor below 1, the high proportion of silt made this fraction the main C store. In the upper 30 cm, this fraction amounted to 27.1 Mg C ha−1 in NTm and progressively less in NT (15.5 Mg C ha−1), and meadow (14.9 Mg C ha−1), representing 44%, 39%, and 39% of the total SOC pool, respectively. The C in the isolated particle size fractions was further investigated by an oxidizing treatment with Na2S2O8 and a treatment with HF to solubilize the mineral phases. The pools of oxidizable C were comparable among particle size fractions and pedons, as indicated by Na2S2O8 treatment. The pools of C preferentially associated with soil minerals were also comparable among pedons, as indicated by HF treatment. However, NTm stored the largest pool (12.6 Mg ha−1) of mineral-associated C in 0–30 cm depth. The silt-associated and mineral-bound SOC pool in NTm was greater compared to NT due to increased organic matter (OM) input. Thus, the silt particle size fraction at the North Appalachian Experimental Watershed (NAEW) has the potential for SOC sequestration by stabilizing OM inputs. Mineralogical and molecular level analyses on a larger set of fractions obtained from entire rooted soil profiles are required, however, to compare the SOC sequestration capacity of the land uses.  相似文献   

Fundamental knowledge about the complex processes during the decomposition, mineralization and transfer of residue organic matter in soils is essential to assess risks of changes in agricultural practices. In a double tracer (13C, 15N) experiment the effect of maize straw on the mineralization dynamics and on the distribution of maize-derived organic matter within particle size fractions was investigated. Maize straw (a C4 plant) labelled with 15N was added to soils (13.2 g dry matter kg–1 soil) which previously had grown only C3 plants, establishing two treatments: (i) soil mixed with maize straw (mixed), and (ii) soil with maize straw applied on the surface (surface). Samples were incubated in the laboratory at 14°C for 365 days. The size fractions (> 200 μm, 200–63 μm, 63–2 μm, 2–0.1 μm and < 0.1 μm), obtained after low-energy sonication (0.2 kJ g–1), were separated by a combination of wet-sieving and centrifuging. The mineralization of maize C was similar in the two treatments after one year. However, decomposition of maize particulate organic matter (predominantly in the fraction > 200 μm) was significantly greater in the mixed treatment, and more C derived from the maize was associated with silt- and clay-sized particles. A two-component model fitted to the data yielded a rapidly mineralizable C pool (about 20% of total C) and a slowly mineralizable pool (about 80%). Generally, the size of the rapidly mineralizable C pool was rather small because inorganic N was rapidly immobilized after the addition of maize. However, the different mean half-lives of the C pools (rapidly decomposable mixed 0.035 years, and surface-applied 0.085 years; slowly decomposable mixed 0.96 years, and surface-applied 1.7 years) showed that mineralization was delayed when the straw was left on the surface. This seems to be because there is little contact between the soil microflora and plant residues. Evidently, the organic matter is more decomposed and protected within soil inorganic compounds when mixed into the soil than when applied on the soil surface, despite similar rates of mineralization.  相似文献   

为探讨在成都平原地区冲积性水稻土上施用沼液后土壤氮磷钾元素含量的变化及养分平衡的状况,实现沼液资源化利用的绿色发展。采用田间试验,设置10个沼液施用量梯度,并以清水与常规化肥为对照。研究施用不同量沼液对土壤氮、磷、钾等养分含量的影响,并对田间各养分平衡状况进行综合分析。结果表明:当沼液施用量在108.0~126.0 t/hm~2时土壤全氮、碱解氮、全钾及速效钾含量较高,为1.35~1.42 g/kg、63.31~65.34 mg/kg、12.90~13.26 g/kg、45.45~59.25 mg/kg。随着沼液施用量的增加,土壤全磷含量(0.92~1.10 g/kg)变化不明显,而速效磷含量(8.49~18.85 mg/kg)较清水对照相比降低11.0%~59.9%。沼液处理组土壤氮、磷、钾元素的平衡范围为-25.61~66.68,-7.99~-15.34,-81.33~-145.82 kg/hm~2。当沼液施用量大于108.0 t/hm~2时,氮素能基本维持平衡。随沼液施用量增加,磷素亏损得到缓解,而钾素亏损加剧。施用适量沼液能提高土壤氮钾元素含量,但单施沼液难以满足土壤磷钾元素的平衡。因此,在实际生产过程中沼液施用量应控制在108.0~144.0 t/hm~2,并与10~15 kg/hm~2磷肥、115~120 kg/hm~2钾肥配合施用才能达到理想的效果。  相似文献   

It is well known that the addition of easily available substrates to soils can affect microbial activity and thus the mineralization of soil organic carbon (SOC). Up to now, little is known about the processes leading to these priming effects and which fractions of organic matter (OM) are affected. The objectives of this study were to determine if SOC associated with isolated soil size fractions showed different susceptibility to priming effects, whether these pools are easily depleted, or whether the amount of substrate addition affects the extent of priming effects. In an incubation experiment, the effect of the uniformly 14C‐labeled substrates fructose and alanine on the mineralization of the SOC of a Bs horizon of a Haplic Podzol was investigated. The soil sample was fractionated into the three soil size fractions sand, silt, and clay by a mild sonication followed by sieving and sedimentation. Additionally, nonfractionated soil of the horizon was included in the experiment. Every soil sample received four substrate additions repeated at weekly intervals with 3.325 μg substrate‐C (mg SOC)–1 and a final addition of 13.3 μg substrate‐C (mg SOC)–1 after 4 weeks. The respiration was determined hourly and 14CO2 was analyzed every 2, 4, and 7 d after the respective substrate addition. After 56 d, between 42% and 58% of the added substrates had been mineralized. Both substrates strongly increased the mineralization of the OM in all fractions (positive priming effects). The priming effects were always higher after the addition of the high substrate dose than during the first 4 weeks when four small doses were added. In general, the priming effects increased with decreasing particle size. Alanine generally caused higher priming effects than fructose in the soil size fractions (up to 280% vs. 231%, respectively). This indicates that alanine serves not only as an energy substrate but also as a N source and, thus, also promotes microbial growth. The strong priming effects in the silt and clay fraction (133% and 125% with fructose, 172% and 168% with alanine) showed, that not only the labile pool of OM is affected, but also a more stable pool characterized by higher 14C ages. We assume that the stability of the OM in these fractions is not only due to recalcitrance or to interactions with the minerals, but that it may also be caused by a substrate limitation of the degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   

连续施用沼液对土壤性质的影响及重金属污染风险评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为实现沼液资源化利用,采用3年田间定位试验研究施用猪粪沼液对土壤理化性质的影响,并评估其对土壤潜在的重金属污染风险。田间试验种植方式为水稻—油菜轮作,施肥方式分别以清水和常规化肥为对照,另设10个猪粪沼液施用量梯度。通过单因子污染、内梅罗综合污染和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数法,评价连续施用猪粪沼液对土壤潜在的重金属污染风险。结果表明:当3年沼液施用总量为(546.25~626.00)×103 kg/hm2时,能显著提高土壤肥力,改善土壤结构,防止土壤生态功能遭破坏,保障农业安全生产,但需合理配施氮肥,防止土壤养分失衡;单因子污染指数显示土壤重金属Cd、As、Cr、Hg为轻度污染,Pb较安全;内梅罗综合污染指数显示Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Hg总体为轻度污染;Hakanson潜在生态风险指数显示Pb、Cd、Cr、As存在轻微潜在生态污染风险,Hg存在中等潜在生态污染风险,综合潜在生态污染风险程度属轻度;沼液还田引起土壤环境重金属污染的风险较小,需合理管控Hg和As可能引起的土壤环境污染问题。  相似文献   

沼气工程全混式厌氧发酵池加温负荷计算准确性关系到整个系统设计合理性、运行稳定性和系统经济性,明确加温负荷模型并了解主要因素对其影响特性非常重要。针对上海实际沼气工程全混式厌氧发酵池热过程,建立加温负荷物理和数学模型,为分析加温负荷各组成部分的大小、对全年加热量的影响,提出月平均负荷百分比、月围护结构散热率、月平均池容日负荷、全年池容总加温负荷以及设计池容加温负荷5个指标。考察不同发酵温度和顶膜保温层厚度等主要因素对加温负荷的影响得出:上海地区发酵温度为(30±1)、(35±1)℃的加温负荷约是发酵温度为(25±1)℃的1.54和1.94倍;发酵温度35℃相对于发酵温度30℃,总加温负荷增加约40%,同时热量获得的难度加大,源侧进水温度相同时热泵机组制热能效比(coefficient of performance,COP)下降约0.6;确定经济发酵温度为30℃;通过对比顶膜采用橡塑保温层厚度分别为0、25、50和75 mm对加温负荷的影响,得出每增加25 mm橡塑保温层后围护结构散热负荷减少率为67.99%、16.49%和7.28%,总加温负荷减少率为48.02%、7.17%和2.85%,确定上海地区顶膜经济保温层厚度为50 mm。根据模型计算加温负荷结果与实际工程试验计算结果相比,相对误差在0.6%~7.8%之间,结果可以为沼气工程加温负荷计算和保温层厚度提供参考。  相似文献   

The carbon chemistry of 10 profiles of peat soil has been described in detail using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The changes with depth in the allocation of signal to different carbon functional groups were consistent with an increase in the extent of decomposition (EOD) of the organic material with depth. This increase in EOD with depth is typical of peat soils. Incubation experiments were carried out on peats spanning the range of EODs encountered, to investigate the effect upon mineralization of substrate quality (as defined by 13C NMR spectroscopy), water content and particle size. The confounding factors of depth, water content, bulk density, aeration and carbon content were eliminated by incubating ground peat material in a sand matrix. The size of the mineralizable carbon pool and the rate of carbon mineralization were both significantly affected by substrate quality, water content and particle size. Substrate quality had the greatest effect upon the size of the mineralizable carbon pool: as substrate quality decreased, so too did the size of the mineralizable carbon pool. Water content had the greatest effect upon the rate of carbon mineralization, which increased and then decreased as water content increased, with a maximum rate constant at a volumetric water content of 0.37 cm3 cm?3.  相似文献   

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