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相对SPAD值用于不同品种夏玉米氮肥管理的研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
采用田间试验研究了不同氮肥处理、不同玉米品种及关键生育期间的SPAD值差异和基于相对SPAD阈值的氮肥管理对氮肥用量、子粒产量、氮肥利用率和土壤氮素变化的影响。结果表明,两品种玉米各关键生育期的SPAD值开始随施氮量的增加而显著增加,施氮量超过N 210 kg /hm2后不再显著增加;郑单958和冀农一号大喇叭口期的相对SPAD值与产量的关系符合线性加平台模型,其平台相对SPAD值分别为0.976和0.981;两玉米品种和不同生育期间的绝对SPAD值差异显著,利用相对SPAD值可消除品种和生育期间的SPAD值差异。玉米关键生育期追肥量和总施氮量均随预设相对SPAD阈值的增加而增加,基于相对SPAD阈值的氮肥管理能在保持高产的同时较农民习惯施肥显著降低氮肥用量、田间氮素表观损失和收获后土壤无机氮残留、提高氮肥利用率;本试验条件下,保持玉米高产高效的适宜相对SPAD阈值为0.95~0.98,此阈值管理下,郑单958和冀农一号的产量较农民习惯施肥没有降低,而氮肥用量降低了42%,氮肥回收利用率和农学效率分别增加了18.6、20.0个百分点和6.0、6.5 kg/kg。  相似文献   

[目的]研究寒地稻田不同水肥管理模式下的土壤供氮特征,为筛选环境友好型寒地稻作灌溉施肥模式提供支撑。[方法]在大田试验条件下,设置间歇灌溉、淹灌2种水分管理模式及4个供氮水平(0,75,105,135kg/hm~2),以龙庆稻2号为材料,研究水肥互作模式对水稻产量、土壤供氮特征及氮素利用率的影响。[结果]灌溉模式和供氮水平对水稻产量、地上部氮素积累量、水稻氮素利用率均有显著(p0.05)或极显著影响(p0.01)。间歇灌溉模式下,增加氮肥施用量有利于提高单位面积水稻有效穗数、籽粒产量、生物产量、籽粒氮素累积量,均以施氮105kg/hm~2处理最高;水肥互作对氮素利用率影响明显,水稻的氮肥利用率在21.4%~59.1%;氮肥生理利用率、氮肥农学效率及氮肥偏生产力均随着施氮量的提高而降低,施氮量75kg/hm~2处理的氮素吸收利用各项指标均高于其他处理。相关分析表明,水肥因素是影响氮素积累及氮素吸收利用效率的重要因子。[结论]综合考虑水稻产量及氮素利用率的矛盾,间歇灌溉配合适宜减氮模式应予以高度重视。  相似文献   

以水稻品种两优培九为材料,研究了大田条件不同灌溉模式下氮肥水平对水稻氮素利用效率及稻米产量和品质的影响。结果表明,干湿交替灌溉(W2)和厢沟灌溉(W3)条件下水稻氮素积累总量、氮素吸收利用率分别比常规灌溉(W1)增加了18.5%、94.6%和22.1%、62.4%;产量分别增加了2.5%和9.1%。中等氮肥(N 180 kg/hm2, F2)处理的水稻氮素农学利用率和吸收利用率分别比低肥(N 90 kg/hm2, F1)处理增加了73.9%和36.2%;产量比不施肥处理(F0)增加了48.9%。水氮互作效应对稻米垩白粒率和蛋白质含量产生显著影响。  相似文献   

氮素调控对寒地玉米氮素吸收与叶片SPAD值影响的初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于氮肥分配比例和施用时期不当,以及没有确定氮肥追肥时期的量化指标等原因,造成了氮肥利用率较低。试验通过对玉米进行氮素(追肥时期、追肥量)的优化,研究不同叶龄期玉米叶片叶绿素(SPAD值)及氮素积累动态的变化规律,确定玉米追肥时期的叶绿素阈值,对玉米进行调控和优化定量施肥。结果表明,玉米最佳追氮时期为十叶期,在此时期,玉米穗位叶SPAD值虽然逐渐降低,但上位叶在抽雄期达到最大,然后下降。玉米全株氮素积累逐渐增加。在十叶期追氮,高氮处理(150 kg/hm2)玉米的产量最高。  相似文献   

生物炭对宁夏引黄灌区水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
【目的】氮是作物生长发育所需的主要营养元素,随着宁夏引黄灌区农业生产集约化程度不断提高,氮肥投入亦不断增加,由此导致的土壤板结及氮素利用率低等问题日益突显。鉴于生物炭在改良土壤及提高氮肥利用方面的潜在可行性,本文通过大田试验研究添加不同用量生物炭对水稻产量和氮素利用率的影响,为生物炭在该地区的应用提供参考和依据。【方法】以宁夏灌区具有代表性的集约化水稻田为研究对象,以宁粳43号水稻为试验材料,采用裂区试验设计,施氮量设常规施氮量(N 300,N 300 kg/hm2)和不施氮(N0)2个水平;生物炭设高量炭(C3,9000 kg/hm2)、中量炭(C2,6750 kg/hm2)、低量炭(C1,4500 kg/hm2)和不施炭(C0)4个水平。旨在明确添加生物炭对灌淤土基本理化性质、水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响。【结果】1)添加生物炭种植一季水稻后对灌淤土土壤含水量没有明显影响,土壤p H值亦没有发生明显变化。2)施加氮肥情况下,C3处理较C0处理可显著提高灌淤土全氮、全磷和速效钾含量,但对速效磷含量没有影响,C2和C3处理下土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷和速效钾都没有明显差异,但二者全氮和速效钾含量要显著高于C1处理;不施肥情况下,除C3和C2处理显著增加土壤速效钾含量外,其余处理对土壤养分含量没有影响。3)生物炭和氮肥配施可以显著增加水稻籽粒产量,并随生物炭用量(4500 9000 kg/hm2)增加而增高,增产率在15.26%44.89%之间,水稻籽粒产量与生物炭用量呈显著正相关关系(r=0.962),水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,同时,水稻地上部总吸氮量随生物炭用量增加而增加,C3处理较C0处理提高66.27 kg/hm2,各处理之间差异显著;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭(4500 9000kg/hm2)对水稻籽粒产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显,C1和C2处理可以显著提高水稻地上部总吸氮量,但C3处理对总吸氮量影响不明显,同时各施炭处理之间无显著差异。4)生物炭和氮肥配施时,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率均表现为随生物炭用量增加而增加,C3较C0处理氮肥农学效率提高10.87 kg/kg,氮肥利用率提高22.09个百分点。【结论】生物炭和氮肥配施可以提高宁夏引黄灌区水稻产量,本试验以施用9000kg/hm2(C3)的生物炭产量最高(增产率达44.89%),同时水稻株高和穗粒数也随生物炭用量增多而增加,生物炭和氮肥配施,氮肥农学效率和氮肥利用率随生物炭用量增加而增加;不施氮肥情况下,添加生物炭对水稻产量没有显著影响,对水稻产量构成因素的影响亦不明显。。  相似文献   

探究氮肥运筹管理对湖北中低产田水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响,为中低产田水稻生产提供合理的施肥技术措施。本研究在秸秆还田和总氮(180 kg/hm2)控制的条件下,以水稻两优培九为材料,研究不同基、蘖、穗氮肥配比对中低产田水稻产量及其构成因子、不同时期叶片SPAD值、氮含量、地上部氮素累积量及其氮利用效率的影响。结果表明,在2011年和2012年两年大田试验的4个基、蘖、穗氮肥配比处理中,各试验点水稻产量均以40-30-30的处理最高,其中在田块A与田块C中比80-0-20处理增产15.9%和8.6%,在田块B与田块D中比60-20-20处理增产6.7%和5.5%。同时40-30-30处理的氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)也最高,优化基、蘖、穗肥比可以提高氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)。综上研究结果,各中低产田中不同基、蘖、穗氮肥配比处理的水稻产量依次为40-30-3050-20-3060-20-2080-0-20,结合产量构成因子、SPAD值、氮肥利用率等因素综合考虑,40-30-30是湖北中低产水稻田氮肥配比的合理运筹模式。  相似文献   

不同土壤水势与氮素营养对杂交水稻生理特性和产量的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以超级杂交水稻“两优培九”为试验材料,研究了不同土壤水势和氮素营养对其生理特性和产量及氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明, 1)同一土壤水势下,植株地上部分干重与总干重随氮肥水平的提高而提高,而根冠比则降低。2)在同一氮肥水平下,叶片净光合速率、叶绿素a和叶绿素b及其总含量、SPAD值及叶片水势随着土壤水势的降低而降低,而叶绿素a/b、丙二醛的含量和过氧化物酶的活性随之而增加;同一土壤水势下,叶绿素a和叶绿素b及其总含量、SPAD值均随氮肥水平的提高而提高,而叶片水势、叶绿素a/b和丙二醛的含量随之降低。3)在同一氮肥水平下,水稻产量随土壤水势的降低而降低;土壤轻度干旱时,水稻产量高低顺序为高氮中氮低氮;而当土壤水分充足或土壤重度干旱时,则表现为中氮高氮低氮。随着土壤水势的降低,中、高氮处理的氮肥农学利用率降低。试验结果还表明,225 kg/hm2施氮水平在0 kPa土壤水势下有明显的增产效果,过度增施氮肥并不利于水稻增产与氮肥利用率的提高。  相似文献   

探究氮肥运筹管理对湖北中低产田水稻产量及氮素利用率的影响,为中低产田水稻生产提供合理的施肥技术措施。本研究在秸秆还田和总氮(180 kg/hm2)控制的条件下,以水稻两优培九为材料,研究不同基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比对中低产田水稻产量及其构成因子、不同时期叶片SPAD值、 氮含量、 地上部氮素累积量及其氮利用效率的影响。结果表明, 在2011年和2012年两年大田试验的4个基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比处理中,各试验点水稻产量均以40-30-30的处理最高, 其中在田块A与田块C中比80-0-20处理增产15.9%和8.6%,在田块B与田块D中比60-20-20处理增产6.7%和5.5%。同时40-30-30处理的氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)也最高,优化基、 蘖、 穗肥比可以提高氮素收获指数(NHI)和氮肥偏生产力(PFPN)。综上研究结果,各中低产田中不同基、 蘖、 穗氮肥配比处理的水稻产量依次为40-30-3050-20-3060-20-2080-0-20,结合产量构成因子、SPAD值、氮肥利用率等因素综合考虑,40-30-30是湖北中低产水稻田氮肥配比的合理运筹模式。  相似文献   

尿素与复合氮肥增效剂配施对水稻氮素利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用^15N-尿素进行盆栽和田间试验,研究了复合氮肥增效剂用量、尿素与复合氮肥增效剂配施对水稻生长、籽粒产量和氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,适宜用量(施氮量的20%)的复合氮肥增效剂能显著促进水稻幼苗生长发育;尿素全量配施复合氮肥增效剂不影响水稻生长,能显著提高水稻植株Ndff%、氮吸收总量,氮素利用率和^15N的吸收量,尿素减量5%~15%(即减少施氮7.8~23.7kg/hm^2)配施复合氮肥增效剂基本上不影响水稻生长、籽粒产量和吸氮总量,能显著提高氮素的农学效率、生理效率和氮素利用率;植株吸氮总量、净吸收氮量和^15N总吸收量与不施增效剂的处理相当或有所提高。尿素减量达30%以上配施复合氮肥增效剂,对水稻植株生长和氮素吸收利用产生明显不利影响。尿素与施氮量20%的复合氮肥增效剂配施,不影响大田水稻植株生长和单季产量,能提高氮素利用率,节省氮肥投入达15%。  相似文献   

不同双氰胺用量对稻田土壤氮素淋失的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过水稻土柱模拟渗滤试验研究了不同双氰胺用量处理(双氰胺用量为施入尿素总量的1%,2%,3%,4%,5%)对水稻产量、氮肥利用率及稻田氮素淋失的影响。结果表明:与农民常规施肥(FP)处理相比,增施双氰胺各处理产量增加幅度为2.48%~39.11%,氮肥利用率提高幅度为1.26%~10.22%,其中,DCD3、DCD4处理的产量、氮肥利用率显著高于其他处理,产量分别达到9 520.79,9 066.06kg/hm2,氮肥利用率分别达到38.50%,36.42%。整个水稻生育期全氮淋失量降低了23.68%~37.94%,铵态氮淋失量降低了30.94%~46.69%,硝态氮淋失量降低了25.46%~39.77%,其中,DCD4处理氮素淋失降低幅度最大。硝态氮是氮素淋失的主要形态,各处理的硝态氮淋失量分别占全氮淋失量的68.46%~74.48%。综合考虑,DCD4用量硝化抑制效果最佳,使得氮肥在生育关键期充分发挥作用,在保证水稻产量的同时降低了氮素淋失,提高了氮肥利用率。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) application plays an important role in rice production. Limited attention has already been paid to optimizing N fertilizer management strategy for higher grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of rice with crop residue incorporation. Field experiments were conducted with the objective to determine the response of several N application methods to rice production and to evaluate their NUE. Three N fertilizer application methods, i.e., local farmers' N fertilizer practice (FNP), modified farmers' N fertilizer practice (MNP), and increased the amount of N fertilizer practice (INP), were adopted with zero N application as control (CK). The results showed that, compared with that under FNP, grain yield was significantly higher under MFP, owing to signficantly enhanced total spikelets as a result of more panicles per unit area. Relative to FNP, MNP markedly increased nitrogen agronomic efficiency (AEN), nitrogen recovery efficiency (REN), nitrogen physiological efficiency (PEN) and nitrogen partial factor productivity (PFPN), but AEN, PEN and PFPN of INP were significantly lower. Further analysis showed that the number of tiller, leaf area index, aboveground biomass, SPAD value, plant N content and N uptake at the early vegetative stage were improved significantly under MNP compared to those under FNP, contributing to higher total aboveground biomass and total N uptake.  相似文献   

测苗定氮综合氮素管理提高直播稻产量和肥料利用效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】直播水稻生长期和养分吸收均不同于传统插秧稻。本研究比较了直播稻不同品种对苗期定氮综合氮素管理措施的响应,以期为直播稻的最佳氮肥管理提供理论依据。【方法】于2016-2017年在成都平原,以超级杂交稻、普通杂交稻、普通常规稻为材料进行了田间试验。设置两种氮肥调控处理:"一基多追"(即基肥、苗肥、分蘖肥、穗肥,N1)和"无基多追"(即氮肥不基施,中后期采用测苗定氮综合氮肥管理技术,N2),以不施氮为对照(N0)。于分蘖中期、幼穗分化期、齐穗期,采用叶绿素仪(SPAD-502)测定叶片SPAD值。于收获期,取样测定氮磷钾含量,调查产量及产量构成。【结果】与N1处理相比,N2处理施氮量减少了33.3%~40.0%,直播稻产量并未出现显著下降;氮肥农学利用率、氮肥偏生产力、氮肥吸收利用率平均分别提高了48.9%、56.7%、11.9%;N2处理直播稻氮、钾吸收量平均分别降低了10.8%、5.8%;生产1000kg稻谷氮、钾需求量平均分别降低了9.4%、4.0%,磷吸收量和生产1000 kg稻谷磷需求量与N1处理相当。与普通杂交稻和普通常规稻相比,相同氮素管理措施下,超级杂交稻产量平均增加了11.7%,氮、磷、钾吸收量平均分别增加了21.5%、37.7%、17.5%,每生产1000 kg稻谷氮、磷、钾需求量平均分别增加了8.9%、24.3%、6.5%。超级杂交稻较高的氮、磷、钾养分吸收量和较低的氮、磷、钾收获指数是其生产单位稻谷氮、磷、钾需求量增加的主要原因。【结论】直播稻基肥不施氮,中后期采用测苗定氮综合氮肥管理技术,不仅可以减少1/3的氮肥投入量,还可维持直播稻较高的产量,减少生产1000 kg稻谷的需氮量和需钾量,提高氮肥效率。超级杂交稻比普通杂交稻和常规稻更适合采用测苗定氮综合管理技术。  相似文献   

Straw incorporation is a useful management practice in sustainable agricultural systems to improve soil fertility and to reduce air pollution from straw burning. A three-year field experiment was conducted under two rice straw managements and four nitrogen (N) application rates in Rugao, China during 2010–2013, to examine whether straw management practices integrated with fertilizer N applications affect crop yield, N balance and N use efficiency in the wheat season of rice-wheat cropping systems. The results showed that straw incorporation had positive effects on plant N uptake and grain yield. This may be attributed to the greater soil water content and lower amount of seasonal rainfall. However, straw incorporation resulted in lower soil inorganic N and more N surplus at the early growth stage. Grain yield had a significant relation with wheat N uptake from sowing to jointing and from jointing to anthesis with straw incorporation. Therefore, our results suggest that in adjusting the ratio of basal and topdressing N fertilizer, it is important for the supply of optimum N to the crop and to maintain grain production with straw incorporation.  相似文献   

不同的水稻品种产量及生理氮素利用效率的差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Efficient use of N in agricultural practice can increase yield, decrease production costs and reduce the risk of environmental pollution. Effects of N fertilizer application rates on grain yield and physiological N use efficiency (PE) in relation to the accumulation and redistribution of biomass and N in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars were studied at two experimental farms of Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China in 2004. Three high N use efficiency (NUE) rice cultivars (Wuyunjing 7, Nanguang and 4007) and one low NUE rice cultivar (Elio) with similar growth patterns were studied under seven N rates (0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 and 360 kg ha-1). Grain yield increased with the N application rate and attained plateau at 180 kg N ha-1 for rice cultivars at each site. Increasing N rate decreased PE for biomass and grain yield. Grain yield and PE of Elio were about 20% and 18% lower than those of high NUE cultivars. Differences in biomass, N accumulation and N redistribution were observed at the post-heading stage among rice cultivars with differing NUEs. The less reproductive tillers of Elio resulted in less demand for C and N during grain filling, thus leading to lower PE of Elio compared with the high NUE rice cultivars.  相似文献   

氮肥运筹模式对双季稻北缘水稻氮素吸收利用及产量的影响   总被引:35,自引:7,他引:35  
在双季稻北缘地区,以常规品种早籼65和杂交组合香两优68为试验材料,在施氮量150.kg/hm2的条件下,研究了不同氮肥运筹模式对早稻产量及氮素吸收利用特性的影响。结果表明:减少基、蘖肥,提高穗肥比例可增加抽穗成熟期的叶片含氮量,使SPAD值维持较高水平,提高齐穗后的绿叶面积和有效叶面积率,提高群体光合势,有利于促进干物质积累而提高产量和氮素吸收,常规稻和杂交稻均以基∶蘖∶穗=50∶25∶25运筹模式产量最高;前氮后移增施穗肥因能为水稻整个生育期提供比较平衡的氮素供应,可促进氮素的吸收;氮肥当季利用效率随穗肥比例提高而增加,但氮肥的农学利用率与产量有更好的对应关系。基∶蘖∶穗=50∶25∶25的运筹模式是双季稻北缘地区早稻合理的施肥技术。  相似文献   

有机水稻品种产量、品质和氮素吸收利用的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Due to the relatively late start of organic rice (Oryza sativa L.) research in China, there is a still lack of systematic research on rice varieties, organic fertilizer management practices, and especially the mechanisms of nitrogen (N) uptake and utilization. Three rice varieties, Nanjing 5055, Nanjing 9108, and Nanjing 46, were grown at organic farming (OF) with three organic fertilizer levels (103.2, 160.8, and 218.4 kg N ha-1) and conventional farming (CF) with regular chemical fertilizers. Rice grain yields, yield components, and quality, dry matter accumulation, and plant N were measured at different growth stages during the 2012 and 2013 growing seasons. Compared with CF, OF had a significantly reduced yield. Nanjing 9108 showed significant reductions in number of panicles per unit area and the percentage of filled grains, and had the lowest yield. The effects of fertilizer type and application rate on dry matter accumulation during the main growth periods were significant for all varieties. The N content and uptake of organically grown rice were lower compared with that of rice under CF. The N recovery efficiency and N agronomic efficiency were significantly lower, whereas N physiological efficiency and N partial factor productivity were greater under OF than under CF. Under OF, the processing quality showed a slight but insignificant decline, protein content and gel consistency increased, and amylose content decreased compared with those under CF. Correlation analysis showed that under OF, grain yield was significantly correlated with N uptake. The medium organic fertilizer level (160.8 kg N ha-1) was found to be the optimum fertilizer treatment, and Nanjing 46 appeared to be the best variety for organic rice cultivation. To increase rice grain yields and reduce the potential risk of non-point source pollution in organic agriculture, further research is needed to improve the N use efficiency in organic rice cultivation.  相似文献   

生态集约化养分管理对春玉米产量和氮素利用率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过两年田间试验,研究了吉林玉米带不同氮素管理措施对春玉米产量、氮素吸收、氮素平衡状况以及经济效益的影响。两年的结果表明:与农民习惯施肥(FP)相比,生态集约化养分管理措施(EI)在减少氮肥用量28%的情况下,并未影响作物的产量和氮素吸收,而其氮素回收率,农学效率,偏生产力和经济效益却分别提高了48.1%、56.9%、43.8%和11.0%; 第一年不施氮肥第二年补施氮肥不会影响第二年春玉米产量和氮肥利用率。在氮素输出项中,EI处理两季作物氮素总表观损失仅为97 kg/hm2,而FP处理高达226 kg/hm2。因此,在考虑高产的基础上兼顾保护环境的要求,基于氮肥农学效率、作物目标产量和作物施肥反应的生态集约化养分管理措施是一种较为理想的氮素管理措施。  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) is an important food crop in the Guinea savannas of Nigeria. Despite its high production potential, drought, Striga hermonthica parasitsim, and poor soil fertility particularly nitrogen deficiency limit maize production in the savannas. Breeders at IITA have developed drought- and Striga-tolerant cultivars for testing, dissemination, and deployment in the region. Information on the response of these cultivars to N fertilization is, however, not available. This study evaluated grain yield, total N uptake (TNU), N uptake (NUPE), N utilization (NUTE), and N use efficiency (NUE) of selected maize cultivars along with a widely grown improved maize cultivar at two locations in the Guinea savannas of northern Nigeria. Maize grain yield increased with N application. The average grain yield of the maize cultivars was 76% higher at 30, 156% higher at 60, and 203% higher at 120 kg N ha?1 than at 0 kg N ha?1. This suggests that N is a limiting nutrient in the Nigerian savannas. Five drought-tolerant cultivars produced consistently higher yields when N was added at all levels. These cultivars had either high NUPE or NUTE confirming earlier reports that high N uptake or NUTE improves maize grain yield. The study also confirms earlier reports that maize cultivars that are selected for tolerance to drought are also efficient in uptake and use of N fertilizer. This means that these cultivars can be grown with application of less N fertilizer thereby reducing investment on fertilizers and reduction in environmental pollution.  相似文献   

Nitrogen efficiency is a complex trait. Identification of secondary plant traits correlating with N efficiency would facilitate the breeding for N‐efficient cultivars. Sixteen tropical maize cultivars differing in grain yield at low N supply (N efficiency) under field conditions in Zimbabwe exhibited a significant negative correlation between N efficiency and leaf senescence during grain filling. The same cultivars were studied for leaf senescence under N deficiency in a short‐term nutrient‐solution experiment. Leaf chlorophyll contents as estimated by SPAD values and photosynthesis rates were used as measures for leaf senescence. Cultivars differed both in SPAD values and photosynthesis rates of the older leaves during N deprivation. Significant negative correlations were found between SPAD values, photosynthesis rates in the nutrient‐solution experiment, and leaf‐senescence scores in the field experiments, and positive correlations were found between photosynthesis rates and grain yield under low‐N conditions in the field. Relationships between physiological root parameters, which were also investigated in the nutrient‐solution experiment, and N uptake or grain yield of the cultivars in the field could not be established. It is concluded, that the assessment of the capacity of a genotype to maintain a higher photosynthetic capacity of older leaves during N deficiency–induced senescence at the seedling stage is a suitable selection parameter for the N efficiency of tropical maize cultivars.  相似文献   

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