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黄土丘陵区侵蚀环境不同坡面及坡位土壤理化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域阴阳坡面及不同坡位土壤水分、物理和养分特征,结果表明,与坡顶距离越远,表层土壤含水量由小变大。阴坡蒸发量小,土壤含水量较大。容重阴坡〈阳坡,距坡顶越远,土壤容重、非活性孔度越小,孔隙比、活性孔度越大,同一坡向阳坡随土层加深土壤容重增大,阴坡表层土壤容重增加幅度较下层小,容重在剖面趋于均化。阴坡对土壤的改善优于阳坡,有利于植被生长。表层土壤全氮含量阴坡〉阳坡,且随土层加深而减少。全氮和有机质在坡中下部累积。全磷在不同坡向和坡位变化不明显。速效钾在各坡位变化幅度较小且阴坡〉阳坡。阴阳坡土壤各养分有向表层富集的趋势。坡面土壤容重与土壤孔隙比、活性孔度、毛管含水量和有机质呈极显著负相关,与土壤非活性孔度和表层土壤含水量呈显著正相关,土壤有机质和土壤全氮、速效钾呈极显著正相关。在对坡面进行植被恢复时,需结合坡面土壤变化规律,因地制宜,合理利用和开发土地资源,促进植被恢复演替。  相似文献   

神木水蚀风蚀交错带退耕坡地土壤水分空间变异性研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
运用统计学方法,对黄土高原神木水蚀风蚀交错带退耕坡地土壤水分空间变异性及其影响因子进行研究. 结果表明(1)土壤水分含量在垂直剖面方向表现出随深度增加,土壤水分含量呈增加趋势,在100 cm土层内变异最大,在100 cm以下其变化的梯度基本趋于稳定;(2)土壤水分含量沿坡长方向(即坡顶到坡下)呈波浪状递增趋势,且在各坡位变异程度不一,呈现出变异程度为坡上>坡中>坡下的趋势;(3)土壤水分含量沿垂直于坡长方向表现为阴坡>山脊>阳坡的明显趋势,其变异程度表现为阳坡>阴坡的趋势.本文对神木水蚀风蚀交错带退耕坡地土壤水分的研究有助于了解退耕地土壤水分的变异特征,为区域环境治理和植被建设提供科学依据.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区侵蚀环境不同坡面及坡位土壤理化特征研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域阴阳坡面及不同坡位土壤水分、物理和养分特征,结果表明,与坡顶距离越远,表层土壤含水量由小变大。阴坡蒸发量小,土壤含水量较大。容重阴坡<阳坡,距坡顶越远,土壤容重、非活性孔度越小,孔隙比、活性孔度越大,同一坡向阳坡随土层加深土壤容重增大,阴坡表层土壤容重增加幅度较下层小,容重在剖面趋于均化。阴坡对土壤的改善优于阳坡,有利于植被生长。表层土壤全氮含量阴坡>阳坡,且随土层加深而减少。全氮和有机质在坡中下部累积。全磷在不同坡向和坡位变化不明显。速效钾在各坡位变化幅度较小且阴坡>阳坡。阴阳坡土壤各养分有向表层富集的趋势。坡面土壤容重与土壤孔隙比、活性孔度、毛管含水量和有机质呈极显著负相关,与土壤非活性孔度和表层土壤含水量呈显著正相关,土壤有机质和土壤全氮、速效钾呈极显著正相关。在对坡面进行植被恢复时,需结合坡面土壤变化规律,因地制宜,合理利用和开发土地资源,促进植被恢复演替。  相似文献   

水分是制约黄土高原地区生态环境恢复和经济发展的主要限制因子.研究黄土高原土壤水分变化规律,有着极其重要的科学和实际意义.本研究以杏树为调查对象,通过测定不同坡向林地土壤水分,分析了土壤水分的时空动态变化规律,并根据生态位适宜度理论分析土壤水分满足杏树生长的程度.研究表明:(1)土壤含水量年内变化为不对称双峰曲线,且第二高峰峰值明显高于第一高峰峰值,阳坡与阴坡土壤水分动态有着显著的差异,阴坡土壤水分高于阳坡,阴坡蒸发量较小,降雨可以补给更深层的土壤水;(2)一年当中,土壤水分垂直分布可分为4个阶段,分别代表降雨补给土壤水、浅层土壤水入渗和再分布、浅层土壤失墒及深层土壤水上升阶段,阴坡降雨补给土壤水开始的早,阳坡土壤严重失墒开始的早.总体说来,阴坡的水生态位适宜度要好于阳坡,但不论阳坡还是阴坡,水生态位的适宜度均较低.  相似文献   

土壤水分变化受地形地貌、土壤质地、土地利用方式等多种因素的影响.为了分析东北典型黑土区土壤水分变化规律,以该区农业小流域为研究对象,采用野外实验的方法,从坡向和坡位出发,系统分析土壤水分在不同坡向和坡位的变化特征.结果表明:1)半阴坡平均土壤含水量低于阳坡和半阳坡;各坡向土壤水分剖面变化趋势不同,坡向仅对0 ~ 35 cm深度范围内土壤含水量变化有显著影响.2)3坡向(阳坡、半阳坡和半阴坡)土壤含水量均为下坡位>上坡位>中坡位,各坡向不同坡位土壤含水量剖面变化呈现不同趋势,坡位对测量范围内的阳坡和半阴坡,以及25 ~ 100 cm范围内的半阳坡土壤水分变化有显著影响,但对半阳坡0~ 25 cm土壤水分影响不显著.研究结果可对该地区小流域农作物合理配置及农田土壤水分管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵沟壑区坡向对产流产沙影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坡向是坡面产流产沙的重要影响因素。以黄土高原岔巴沟流域新庄径流试验场阴坡和阳坡2个径流小区为研究对象,根据发生在阳坡农地和阴坡荒坡地上的11场降雨事件,对阳坡和阴坡上的产流产沙状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:2个径流小区的产流产沙差异显著。阳坡农地由于太阳辐射量和温度高于阴坡,土壤含水量较低,同时表层土壤扰动较阴坡荒坡地大,土壤孔隙度高,使其产流能力小于阴坡;阳坡土质疏松,沙量来源充沛,径流含沙量和侵蚀模数大于阴坡的概率分别在88%和85%以上。降雨强度对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响显著,阴坡和阳坡的产流产沙均在0.05的概率水平上受平均降雨强度的显著影响,表现出平均降雨强度越大阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异越明显的特征,而降雨量对阴坡、阳坡产流产沙差异的影响并不明显,这是黄土高原超渗产流的特征之一。  相似文献   

衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地土壤水分变化动态研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
2007年对衡阳盆地紫色土丘陵坡地0-50 cm土壤进行研究.结果表明:(1)在同一水平空间位置上,土壤平均含水量总的变化趋势是阴坡>阳坡.而土壤水分变异系数则呈现出相反的变化规律;(2)在同一垂直空间位置上,阴坡与阳坡不同坡位的土壤含水量的变化规律均为:下坡>中坡>上坡.阳坡的土壤水分变异系数的大小顺序是:阳坡上坡>阳坡中坡>阳坡下坡;而阴坡则呈现出相反的变化趋势;(3)土壤含水量的消长与同期的降雨量有关,1-6月为雨季水分补偿期,7-12月属于旱季水分亏缺期;(4)在同一水平空间,不同坡向土壤含水量剖面变化明显.随着土层深度的增加,土壤含水量增加.从土壤水分的变异系数来看,阳坡土壤水分的变异系数随土壤的加深而变大,阴坡土壤水分的变异系数随土壤深度的加深而变小,土壤水分的最稳定层均出现在10-30 cm处.  相似文献   

岷江上游杂谷脑河流域林树下线土壤持水性及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在岷江上游杂谷脑河流域特殊的地理环境背景下,土壤水分成了限制林树下线树木生长和分布的关键因子,采用野外定位试验与室内试验相结合的方法,对岷江上游杂谷脑河流域具有代表性的林树下线土壤持水性及物理性质进行了研究,利用Gardner经验方程拟合出其土壤水分特征曲线,研究林树下线土壤持水性及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)典型土壤拟合参数a值大部分在20以上,同一种林地类型,土壤持水能力表现为阴坡阳坡;同一坡向土壤持水能力为天然林阴坡人工林;不同土层深度土壤持水能力为表层下层(人工林阳坡除外)。(2)天然林和人工林的比水容重均表现为:阳坡阴坡;阴坡和阳坡的比水容重在土层剖面上无明显规律。这说明土壤的供水能力受坡向影响大,植被类型、土层深度影响小。(3)岷江上游山区林地土壤以粉粒最多,黏粒最少,砂粒居中,且阳坡林地砂粒含量低于阴坡,粉粒和黏粒含量高于阴坡;阴坡林地土壤容重随海拔的升高而递增,阳坡林地土壤容重随海拔的升高而呈先增后减的规律,阴坡的土壤容重明显低于阳坡;林地土壤孔隙度结构总体阴坡优于阳坡。(4)林地土壤持水性与黏粒、非毛管孔隙度呈极显著正相关,与容重和毛管孔隙度呈显著正相关,退耕还林工程中,大量种植的经果林和生态林能有效改善土壤的质地。因此,在当地进行植被恢复过程中,首先要考虑的就是土壤水分问题,应当从高海拔交错带逐步向下进行,最终达到岷江上游干旱河谷困难地段的植被恢复可以顺利进行的目的。  相似文献   

不同地形部位土壤水分的年变化分析   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 通过测定飞马河流域阴坡、阳坡、半阴半阳坡、川地不同部位0-180cm土壤的储水量,分析土壤水分空间、时间变异性,以及不同植被在不同部位土壤水分亏缺程度。结果表明:梯田宽度不同,土壤水分分布不同,在0-180cm土层,窄式梯田水分分布较均匀,宽式梯田土壤水分由内侧向外侧递减;坡向、坡位不同,土壤水分变异很大,阴坡土壤年平均储水量远比阳坡高111.9mm;在坡地上修建水平阶后,沿坡长土壤水分趋于均匀。土壤水分年变化总体看来,可分3个阶段:11月初至翌年6月底,土壤水分变化很缓慢;7月初至8月底,急剧变化;9-10月缓慢变化,阴坡土壤水分变化比阳坡缓慢。在不同立地条件上生长的作物,水分满足程度差异很大,阴坡生长的次生林,坡中部和坡下部水分基本不亏缺,坡上部水分亏缺较严重,玉米地和果园,自5月开始水分出现亏缺,玉米地4-10月平均水分满足程度为74.4%,果园4-10月平均水分满足程度为83%。  相似文献   

针对区域流域尺度上土壤水分在地形、植被等要素协同作用下的空间异质性规律以及响应机制研究较少,以青海大通典型人工林小流域为研究对象,自坡脚向上延3个坡向(阴坡、半阴坡、阳坡)呈放射状选取3条样线带布设样点,采用统计学分析、主成分分析和冗余分析等方法研究生长季初末时期0—20,20—40,40—60,60—80,80—100 cm各层土壤水分空间变异特征,以及各环境因子(海拔、植被高度、植被冠幅、地上生物量、草本丰富度、草本盖度、枯落物干重)对其影响规律。结果表明:生长季末水分均值、最值均大于生长季初,各坡向体积含水率最值、均值均表现为阴坡>半阴坡>阳坡,各土层呈中等变异(10%阳坡>阴坡,在末期表现为阳坡>半阴坡>阴坡;水分采样点间隔在初期应在36.50~448.90 m,末期应在18.30~552.40 m;冗余分析结果显示,海拔是影响青海高寒区土壤水分异质性的主控因素,解释率为35.3%(p<0.01),草本丰富度次之,解释率为26.1%(p<0.01),植被高度与植被冠幅也有显著影响。研究结果可为青海黄土高寒区退耕还林小流域生态水文过程研究以及后续植被恢复提供数据与理论参考。  相似文献   

An experimental microcosm has been designed for simulating and studying impacts of a wastewater treatment plant (WTP) discharge on a freshwater/sediment ecosystem. The study was focused on the changes in biodiversity of benthic populations, especially bacteria and oligochaetes. Effluents were discharged in the Saône river, near Lyon (France) from a small treatment plant which treated domestic raw water by an activated sludge process. Freshwater and sediments were sampled in the Saône river upstream of the discharge point and placed in microcosms. Following the WTP discharge, physicochemical parameters of the overlying water column and sediments exhibited only a slight change, as compared to a reference. Characterization of the sediment bacterial populations was conducted with the Biolog and API systems. Strain identification and interpretation of data was difficult using thesetwo systems. Bacterial taxa in the sediments increased slightly below the WTP discharge. Gram negative strains dominated in the effluents, but G+ and G- bacteria were balanced in the sediments. Pseudomonas sp. and Bacillus sp., were the dominant strains. Invertebrate populations indicated an effect of the WTP discharge, with increasing of pollution resistant strains (Tubificidae) and disappearance of pollution intolerant strains such as Limnodrilus udekemianus and Quistadrilus multicoetosus. Taken as a whole, biological parameters indicated an environmental changes despite only slight changes in the physicochemistry of water. This experimental microcosm has proven to be a useful tool for studying impact of wastewater discharge on benthic populations.  相似文献   

Determination of ochratoxin a with a DNA aptamer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This work describes the identification of an aptamer that binds with high affinity and specificity to ochratoxin A (OTA), a mycotoxin that occurs in wheat and other foodstuffs, and a quantitative detection method for OTA based on the use of this aptamer. Aptamers are single-stranded oligonucleotides selected in vitro to bind to molecular targets. The aptamer selected in this work exhibited a dissociation constant in the nanomolar range and did not bind compounds with structures similar to OTA such as N-acetylphenylalanine or warfarin. The aptamer bound with a 100-fold less affinity to ochratoxin B. The selected aptamers could be used for the determination of ppb quantities of OTA in naturally contaminated wheat samples. Further work is ongoing to broaden the application demonstrated here with the development of sensors, affinity columns, and other analytical systems for field and laboratory determination of this toxin in food and agricultural products.  相似文献   

Although the shrink‐swell phenomenon of clays has been thoroughly studied, the in situ relation of the shrinkage curve to the structure profile is rarely presented from the shrinkage limit to the liquid limit. We studied the consolidated structure of clay‐dominated (<2 μm) soils formed on ‘pseudo‐liquid’ marsh sediments in the ‘Marais de l’Ouest’ (France). The profiles were studied in a grassland field and in a sunflower field from unsaturated surface soils down to deeper, saturated, levels characterized by a very large water content (100% by weight). The consolidation states were quantified recording cone resistance (Qd) profiles using a dynamic penetrometer in successive seasons. These Qd profiles were compared with the associated wet density and gravimetric water‐content profiles. Two consolidation depths were evident, the surface soil and a 130‐cm deep palaeosol. The seasonal Qd profiles demonstrate the partial irreversibility of the consolidation peaks associated with the surface soil and with the palaeosol. The shrinkage properties were established through drying curves of undisturbed test samples. In the void ratio (e)water content (W) and water content (W)saturation index (Sr) diagrams, the profiles as a whole exhibit only one clay soil behaviour from their pseudo‐liquid to plastic to solid states. Each Qd profile is represented by a hyperbolic curve in the e/Qd diagram. Represented in a (e – W – Qd —Sr) crossed diagram, the vertical evolution of the successive profiles shows the soil structure behaviour from the initial pseudo‐liquid sediment to the consolidated soil. A simple cone resistance recording associated with gravimetric water‐content profiles, characterizes the evolution of structural layers of soils for the seasonal drying‐wetting cycles, for the over‐consolidation associated with the palaeosol, and also for the effect of ploughing.  相似文献   

For the quantification of surface-bound phosphomonoesterase activity (SBPA) of fungi, roots, or mycorrhiza, a colorimetric method based on p-nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) is widely used. Unfortunately, this method does not reveal information about the localization of the surface-bound phosphomonoesterase (SBP). We introduce a method that localizes and quantifies SBPA in living hyphae of ectomycorrhizal fungi using confocal laser scanning microscopy of the hydrophilic substrate enzyme-labelled fluorescence (ELF-97) and compare it to the pNPP assay. ELF-97 turns into a strongly fluorescent precipitate upon activation by SBPA and forms bright fluorescent centres on the outer cell wall of the hyphae. Our data show that the enzymatic reaction is not substrate-limited during an incubation period of 15 min in fungal hyphae of Pisolithus tinctorius, Cenococcum geophilum, and Paxillus involutus. Image-processing routines determined the total intensity and the average number of the fluorescent ELF-97 centres per micrometre fungal hyphae of C. geophilum and Paxillus involutus. ELF-97 and pNPP detected similar variations of the SBPA at different pH values (3–7) during the measurement and different phosphorus (P) concentrations during the growth period of the fungi. The ELF-97 method revealed that C. geophilum and Paxillus involutus adapt in different ways to the variation of the P concentrations during the growth period by varying the number, the activity, or both properties of the SBP centres. The phosphatases show peak activities at different pH values, so the response of the fungal mycelium to varying P concentrations in soils is pH selective. In conclusion, ELF-97 is a promising substrate to reveal SBPA and adaptation strategies on a structural–physiological level.  相似文献   

脆弱刚毛藻对水体中三种苯系物的去除效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用L934正交设计法,研究了脆弱刚毛藻[Cladophora fracta (Dillw.) Kuetz.]对水体中3种苯系物苯、甲苯和二甲苯的去除作用.结果表明,脆弱刚毛藻对苯、甲苯和二甲苯的去除率分别为46.6写,13.6%和7.4 Yo.分析不同处理条件对脆弱刚毛藻对苯去除率的影响,各因素极差值大小依次为:温度>处理时间>藻体重量,温度是影响去除笨效果的主要因素.在刚毛藻去除甲苯的实验中,各因素R值大小依次为处理时间>藻体重量>温度,主要影响因素是处理时间.而对于二甲苯,藻体重量则是最主要的因素.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated whether a polyacrylate polymer could be used to remediate a soil which had been contaminated with copper for many years. Perennial ryegrass was grown in a loamy sand containing 230 mg ammonium-acetate-EDTA extractable Cu kg−1 and amended with 0, 0.1 and 0.2% of polymer. Growth of perennial ryegrass was stimulated in the polymer-amended soil, especially in the soil with 0.1% of polymer. After plant growth for 177 days, the amount of water extractable copper present in the unamended soil was 17 times that of the original soil. In the soil amended with 0.1% of polymer the level of copper after plant growth was only 0.11 times the amount present in the unamended soil. When the soil was incubated with polymer in the absence of plants, the level of water extractable copper was not reduced. The polymer seems to compete with plants for copper, and to prevent the increase of copper in soil solution brought about by root exudates.  相似文献   

Understanding metapopulation dynamics in large carnivores with naturally fragmented populations is difficult because of the large temporal and spatial context of such dynamics. We coupled a long-term database of visitor sighting records with an intensive 3-year telemetry study to describe population dynamics of recolonization by black bears (Ursus americanus) of Big Bend National Park in Texas during 1988-2002. This population, which occurs within a metapopulation in western Texas and northern Mexico, increased from a single pair of known breeding-age animals in 1988 to 29 bears (including 6 females of breeding age) in March 2000 (λ = 1.25/year). A migration and dispersal event in August-December 2000 reduced the population to 2 adult females and as few as 5-7 individuals. One-way movement distances from the study area during this event averaged 76 km for females (n = 7) and 92 km for males (n = 4), and 3 animals conducted migrations of at least 154, 178, and 214 km, respectively. Our observations exemplify the importance of stochastic events on demographics of small populations and highlight the potential scale of bear movement among montane islands of southwestern North America. They also provide insight into the use of dispersal data in parameterizing metapopulation models for large carnivores.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have been devoted to the physical-chemical weathering processes leading to the creation of unique soil formations having their own history that induce soil-biotic diversity. However, the extent to which unique geomorphic formations influence soil biotic seasonal variation is not clear. Our aim was to define seasonal variations of soil biota in soils of different-aged terraces of the Makhtesh Ramon anticline erosional cirque in southern Israel. The strong effect of Makhtesh Ramon (Ramon Crater) erosional fluvial terrace age initiated by climatic changes during the Late Pleistocene–Early Holocene period on seasonal variations in both soil properties and the abundance and composition of soil biota were demonstrated. However, age dependence was not constant and values for observed soil properties and microbial activity were negligible between younger and older terraces for certain seasons, while free-living nematodes along with bacteria-feeding group were strongly dependent on the geomorphic features of the ages throughout the study period.  相似文献   

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