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滴灌施肥对大棚西瓜生长、产量及品质的影响   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:17  
该文从优质高产、高效和节水节肥的三重目标出发,通过大田试验,研究在西北旱区对大棚膜下滴灌施肥条件下不同生育时期水肥组合对西瓜生长、产量、灌溉水分利用效率和果实品质的影响,从而确定西瓜适宜滴灌施肥的水肥用量。试验设置3个灌溉量水平:450 m3/hm2(W1)、900 m3/hm2(W2)、1350 m3/hm2(W3),3个施肥水平:N 81.53 kg/hm2+P2O5 33.43 kg/hm2+K2O 101.09 kg/hm2(F1),N 163.05 kg/hm2+P2O5 66.85 kg/hm2+K2O202.18 kg/hm2(F2),N 244.58 kg/hm2+P2O5 100.28 kg/hm2+K2O 303.27 kg/hm2(F3),共9个处理。结果表明:在相同肥料处理条件下,提高灌水量有利于西瓜株高生长,但茎粗减小,发生徒长。F2W2处理能使西瓜叶片叶绿素含量在各个生育期保持较高水平。在西瓜苗期,增加水肥用量的F3W3处理提高了西瓜叶片净光合速率和蒸腾速率,但与F2W2处理差异不显著。坐果期后,F2W2处理的西瓜光合能力较强,获得了较高的产量和水分利用效率,较提高灌水量和施肥量的F3W3处理增产3.6%,灌溉水分利用效率(irrigation water use efficency,iWUE)提高35.73%。在果实品质方面,F2W2处理的西瓜中、边可溶性固形物、可溶性蛋白质和番茄红素等质量分数表现最好,F2W1处理的西瓜可溶性总糖质量分数最高,F3W2处理的西瓜总维生素C质量分数最高,但与F2W2处理差异不显著,且F2W2处理西瓜产生最佳的糖酸比,口感极佳。综合分析表明,F2W2处理的西瓜生长健壮,光合作用强,优质高产,且水分利用效率较高,是利于西北旱作膜下滴灌条件下西瓜生产中适宜的水肥组合。  相似文献   

为探究适于晋西黄土区果农间作系统滴灌水肥一体化管理制度,以典型的苹果-大豆间作系统为研究对象,设置灌水和施肥两因素,分析不同水肥调控措施对土壤含水量分布、苹果和大豆光合生理特征、大豆生长和产量以及间作系统水分利用等指标的影响。试验在大豆4个关键需水期进行灌水,肥料随灌溉水施入,每次设置不同灌水上限和施肥水平,4个灌水量上限水平分别为:田间持水量(Fc)的60%(W1),70%(W2),80%(W3)和90%(W4),3个施氮水平:纯N 59.40 kg/hm^2(F1),92.00 kg/hm^2(F2),124.32 kg/hm^2(F3),对照处理(CK)整个生育期不灌水不施肥,仅在播种前施入基肥。结果表明:各水肥处理土壤含水量在水平和垂直方向上具有显著差异,灌水量对土壤含水量的影响程度高于施肥量和水肥交互作用。苹果和大豆的净光合速率(Pn)和蒸腾速率(Tr)的日变化特征相似,均为单峰型曲线,最大值均为W3F2处理。各处理大豆株高、茎粗和叶面积指数(LAI)分别较对照组提高了1.3%~32.3%,2.8%~33.9%和3.4%~125.9%,其中最大值均出现在W3F2处理,该处理大豆产量和间作系统水分利用效率(WUE)也最优,较其他处理分别提高了10.9%~99.3%和8.0%~70.0%。在播种至出苗期、幼苗期至分枝期、开花结荚期和鼓粒期可以设置80%Fc的灌水上限,同时在大豆幼苗期至分枝期、结荚期和鼓粒期分别施加92.00 kg/hm^2的氮肥,该水肥管理方式使苹果—大豆间作系统获得较高的作物产量及水分利用效率,可为该地区间作系统滴灌水肥一体化管理提供参考。  相似文献   

水肥耦合对温室盆栽黄瓜产量与水分利用效率的影响   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
采用一种负水头供水控水盆栽装置进行水分精确控制,通过设定装置的不同供水吸力控制不同的土壤含水量,研究不同水肥供应对温室黄瓜生长发育的影响及水肥间的耦合效应。试验分别设3种供水吸力:3 kPa(W1)、5kPa(W2)和7 kPa(W3);3种施肥水平:N 600、P 300、K 300 kg/hm2(F1),N 900、P 450、K 450 kg/hm2(F2)和N 1200、P600、K 600 kg/hm2(F3)。试验结果表明,W1、W2、W3处理控制的土壤含水量分别为26.25%、20.81%、15.35%。在F1、F2和F3的处理下,黄瓜的生长速率和产量随着土壤水分的增加而增加,表现为W1W2W3;在W1与W2处理下,施肥水平越高,黄瓜生长速率、叶片光合速率、干物质积累量以及产量与水分利用效率越高,表现为F3F2F1;且增加施肥对提高水分利用效率并不以增加植株耗水量为代价。而在W3处理下,植株干物质积累量、叶片光合速率和产量的高低顺序为F2F1F3,F3过高的施肥量抑制了植株的生长。试验结果还表明,水肥互作效应对黄瓜产量与水分利用效率有显著的影响。  相似文献   

交替灌溉施肥对夏玉米土壤氨挥发的影响   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
为了解交替灌溉施肥条件下土壤氮素平衡过程,提高氮肥利用率,采用密闭法研究了夏玉米农田土壤氨挥发速率和挥发量。结果表明:夏玉米拔节期追肥灌水后,不同处理的氨挥发速率峰值(1.68~3.97 kg/hm2×d)出现在第2天,而后迅速下降并进入低挥发阶段;抽雄期追肥灌水后,水肥异区交替灌溉施肥处理的氨挥发速率呈现上下波动变化;玉米拔节期追肥灌水的氨挥发量和损失率远远小于抽雄期。在灌水量350 m3/hm2、施肥量256.08 kg/hm2时的氨挥发量最低。与常规灌水施肥处理相比,水肥异区交替灌溉施肥处理可明显减少氨挥发损失。  相似文献   

本文通过大田试验,研究了水肥一体化和覆盖地布等对木薯生长和土壤养分的影响,试验设置地膜/地布,4个施肥量,3种灌溉量等13个处理。结果表明,水肥一体化能显著提高木薯产量(40.18%~51.85%),最高为处理12 (地膜+减量施肥2+滴灌2)和处理13 (地布+减量施肥2+滴灌2)。在无滴灌条件下,覆盖地布或者地膜也能显著提高木薯产量,但水肥一体化各处理间增产不明显;处理3 (减量施肥1)和处理5 (地布+减量施肥1)的氮肥、钾肥利用率比处理2 (常规施肥)提高了4.18%~10.32%和12.65%~22.66%,而处理11 (减量施肥2+滴灌2)和处理13则比处理2提高了23.32%~36.58%和37.48%~45.72%;处理8~13比处理2的速效磷增加了11.67 mg/kg~33.79 mg/kg,速效钾含量增加了24.9 mg/kg~70.2 mg/kg。在覆盖地布/地膜条件下,减量施肥+滴灌能明显提高氮、磷、钾肥料利用率;整体上滴灌处理的土壤速效磷和土壤速效钾含量有明显增加;综合考虑产量、节水、减肥和环保因素,处理13 (地布+N 75 kg/hm2、P2O537.5 kg/hm2、K2O 75 kg/hm2+333.3 m3/hm2)为本研究最佳处理。  相似文献   

小麦与玉米间作是西北干旱灌区常见的高产栽培模式,为了给小麦/玉米带田高效施肥提供科学依据,通过在干旱灌区进行的小麦/玉米带田田间试验,研究了不同施肥模式对小麦/玉米带田产量、养分吸收及土壤硝态氮累积的影响。结果表明,以有机肥与化肥配施、养分均衡供给与合理运筹为核心的优化施肥模式(施有机肥22.5 t/hm2、N 300 kg/hm2、P2O5 120 kg/hm2、K2O 120 kg/hm2,有机肥、全部磷钾肥及20%的氮肥做底肥,80%的氮肥在小麦三叶期追施10%、小麦挑旗期追施20%、玉米喇叭口期追施30%、玉米灌浆中期追施20%)促进了间作体系作物植株对氮、磷、钾等养分的吸收,相对于增量施肥模式,优化施肥模式的氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率分别提高了38.8%和36.9%,氮肥利用效率增加了14百分点,0~120 cm土层土壤硝态氮累积量减少43.9%~58.0%,小麦产量达5 358 kg/hm2,玉米产量达12 453 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

  【目的】  沟垄集雨种植是西北旱作农田广泛运用的高效节水栽培模式。研究不同施肥处理对旱作沟垄集雨种植农田土壤水分及玉米产量的影响,为优化施肥配置,进一步提升其增产效能提供科学依据。  【方法】  以玉米为供试作物,在宁夏回族自治区固原市进行了连续5年的田间定位施肥试验。试验玉米栽培采用集雨沟垄栽培技术,设置4个施肥水平处理:无肥对照 (CK),低肥 (N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 75 kg/hm2),中肥 (N 300 kg/hm2、P2O5 150 kg/hm2),高肥 (N 450 kg/hm2,P2O5 225 kg/hm2)。在玉米生长关键期,取0—200 cm深土壤不同层次的土壤样品,测定了土壤含水量、农田耗水量、水分利用效率,调查了玉米产量。  【结果】  无论缺水年、平水年还是丰水年,随施肥量的增加,农田耗水量、玉米干物质累积量均呈提高趋势,高、中、低水平施肥处理的农田耗水量较CK分别平均提高了8.8%、7.7%和5.3%,玉米干物质累积量分别显著 (P < 0.05) 提高了38.3%、35.8%和31.2%。在各年份,各处理土壤含水量从四叶期到抽雄吐丝期均随施肥量的增加呈降低的趋势,而在收获期,各施肥处理土壤含水量均显著 (P < 0.05) 低于CK,高、中、低水平施肥处理分别平均降低24.7%、24.2%和17.7%。综合来看,中肥处理5年平均籽粒产量最高 (11.4 t/hm2),产量变异系数最小 (12.9%)。在丰水年,低肥处理玉米产量及籽粒水分利用效率均高于高肥和中肥处理,而在平水年和干旱年,中肥处理可获得较高的籽粒产量和水分利用效率。  【结论】  在半干旱地区,施肥量对沟垄集雨种植模式春玉米产量及水分利用效率的影响受制于降雨量。在丰水年,较低的施肥量 (N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 75 kg/hm2) 即可获得理想产量和水分利用效率,而在平水年和干旱年,中量施肥水平 (N 300 kg/hm2、P2O5 150 kg/hm2) 获得的产量和水分利用效率最高。高施肥量 (N 450 kg/hm2、P2O5 225 kg/hm2) 会造成土壤水分的大量消耗。  相似文献   

通过在南安市丘陵旱地三种不同类型土壤上布置"3417"设计的平衡施肥田间肥料试验,验证NPK肥的施用效果,建立甘薯产量和施肥利润与N、P、K施用量的数学模型,得出在该条件下的甘薯适宜施肥量和比例。结果表明,甘薯施用NPK肥料均获得一定幅度的增产增值效果。获得最高产量的施肥量为154 3~173 6kg/hm2N,44 4~75 3kg/hm2P2O5,193 1~245 3kg/hm2K2O,N P2O5 K2O=1 0 26~0 43 1 24~1 41;最佳经济施肥量为140 0~162 0kg/hm2N,40 8~67 0kg/hm2P2O5,199 8~227 3kg/hm2K2O,N P2O5 K2O=1 0 25~0 41 1 23~1 64。低产田土壤适当增施N肥,P、K比例可以低些,中高产田土壤P、K比例要高些。  相似文献   

缺水和缺肥影响着半干旱地区春玉米的发展,为了探讨不同种植和施肥方式下春玉米土壤水分的动态变化和利用效率,采用田间定位试验,设全膜双垄沟播(F)、半膜平作(H)和裸地平作(O)3种种植方式,配套优化施肥(OPT)、农民习惯施肥(FP)和不施肥(CK)3种施肥水平,测定了春玉米各生育时期的土壤含水量、产量和产量构成因子,分析了不同处理的土壤耗水量、贮水量、含水量垂直变化以及水分利用效率。结果表明:以F种植方式和OPT施肥耦合效应最优,产量、水分利用效率和耗水量均以F-OPT处理最高,分别为12 900kg/hm2,27.9kg/(hm2·mm)和246.2mm,与O-CK相比,产量和水分利用效率分别提高168.7%和106.2%;H和O种植方式下OPT施肥水分利用效率和产量并未提高(与FP相比);春玉米在灌浆期间耗水量最大,收获后F-OPT土壤水分相比播前出现亏缺,其他处理均得到补偿,其中FOPT在收获后140cm土层附近土壤含水量小于10%。因此,半干旱地区全膜双垄沟播下优化施肥可显著提高春玉米产量和水分利用效率,但长期种植不利于春玉米可持续生产。  相似文献   

利用自流式农田地下淋溶收集装置,研究设施蔬菜有机种植中有机肥与水的不同管理模式下氮素淋洗的变化特征,并对土壤-作物体系的氮素表观平衡进行评估。结果表明,有机肥施肥量对淋洗液中NO3--N浓度有明显影响,并在施肥后60 d左右出现峰值,种植期间的淋溶液中NO3--N的平均浓度最高达到61.57 mg/L。施肥量明显影响氮素累积淋洗量,常规水肥管理(施有机肥N量718.2 kg/hm2,灌溉量1 200 mm)下氮素淋失量最大,为17.32 kg/hm2;而水肥减量管理(施有机肥N量359.1 kg/hm2,灌溉量700 mm)下,氮素淋失量明显降低,为10.78 kg/hm2。在0~90 cm的作物-土壤体系中,常规施肥管理下的氮素平衡值超过300 kg/hm2,而减半量施肥的平衡值在15.0 kg/hm2以下,有效地维持了系统氮素平衡。  相似文献   

采集草海流域周边成熟期整株农作物及土壤样品,分析测试其中DDTs和HCHs的含量,对比研究了土壤和作物中DDTs和HCHs污染水平及其在作物中富集能力。结果表明:研究区域土壤中HCHs和DDTs残留检出率均为100%,残留范围分别为0.06~16.66μg·kg^-1和0.08-39.77μg·kg^-1,土壤中HCHs和DDTs的残留量均小于国家土壤环境质量一级标准;三种农作物中DDTs、HCHs及∑(DDTs,HCHs)残留量差异显著,HCHs含量最高的是玉米,DDTs和(DDTs,HCHs)最高的是马铃薯;三种农作物中HCHs和DDTs残留的风险系数均为1.1,属于低度风险,农作物中DDTs、HCHs及∑(DDTs,HCHs)的安全指数IFSc均小于1,DDTs和HCHs残留量对三种农作物安全影响的风险是可以接受的。  相似文献   

我国亚热带山地丘陵区特征及开发中的有关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国亚热带山地丘陵区,山多地少、人口众多、经济基础薄弱,生态环境严重恶化,障碍着区内经济的发展,区内开发应按照以下几个方面搞好:1、协调山-林-地-人的关系;2.调整粮食-林牧-融渔关系;3.改善生产-生活-生态环境。4.提高生态-经济-社会效益。  相似文献   

为了解土壤在Pb、Cd单一以及复合污染条件下红薯对Pb、Cd的吸收和积累规律,通过盆栽试验对红薯地上部和地下部的生物量和重金属含量进行测定,分析了单一及复合污染土壤中重金属Pb、Cd形态分布特点。结果表明,相对于对照,较低浓度的Pb、Cd能显著促进红薯的生长(P〈0.05),Pb超过50mg.kg-1、Cd超过3mg.kg-1时,红薯生长受到显著抑制(P〈0.05),Cd是影响红薯生长的主要因素;随着试验处理浓度的升高,红薯体内重金属含量也随之升高,二者之间存在极显著的相关性(P〈0.01),Pb、Cd共存对红薯吸收累积Pb、Cd具有明显的交互作用,Pb促进Cd向地上部转移,Cd促进Pb在地下部积累。根际土壤中Pb、Cd以可交换态与碳酸盐结合态为主,二者均占总量的55以上,在复合污染条件下,Pb浓度为50mg.kg-1时其活性系数显著高于其他Pb处理(P〈0.05),并在很大程度上促进有效态Cd含量的增加。  相似文献   

大棚和露地环境下,分别对番茄植株一次性喷洒推荐剂量的百菌清(CHT)和毒死蜱(CHP),研究喷药后两周内农药在番茄根、茎、叶和果实中分布的持久性及其动态降解规律。实验结果表明,百菌清在大棚番茄中的残留浓度分布呈现为叶片垌果实〉茎〉根;毒死蜱呈现为叶片〉果实垌茎〉根。大棚番茄各部位的最高残留浓度出现时间滞后于喷药时间8~60h;空间浓度分布上表现为大棚中间区域浓度高于两侧,这与棚内的空气对流有关。大棚番茄果实中百菌清和毒死蜱的残留半衰期分别为5.8d和7.2d,明显高于文献报道。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the extent of peatland degradation and development in Peninsular Malaysia and in the islands of Sumatra and Borneo, in the western part of insular Southeast Asia, since 1990. Furthermore, carbon emissions caused by these land cover changes were estimated in order to evaluate their contribution to global climate change. High resolution Landsat (30 m spatial resolution) and Satellite Pour l'Observation de la Terre (SPOT; 10–20 m) satellite images were used to derive information on land cover in 1990 and 2008. Analysis of land cover changes since 1990 revealed remarkable reduction and degradation of peatswamp forest ecosystems. In less than 20 years, 5·1 Mha of the total 15·5 Mha of peatland had been deforested (11·6 Mha → 6·5 Mha; 75 per cent → 42 per cent) and the great majority of the remaining forests had been selectively logged. Simultaneously, area covered by unmanaged secondary growth ecosystems had doubled to nearly a quarter of all peatlands and industrial plantations had expanded dramatically (0·3 Mha → 2·3 Mha; 2 per cent → 15 per cent). It was conservatively estimated that these changes have caused minimum of 1·5 Gt carbon emissions into the atmosphere since 1990. Currently, peatlands of the study area emit at least 81 Mt of carbon (equivalent to 300 Mt of carbon dioxide) on annual basis due to mere peat decomposition. Thereby, it was concluded that peatland degradation and development in insular Southeast Asia during the past two decades have not only put the existence of Southeast Asian peatswamp forest ecosystems in danger but it has also caused globally significant carbon emissions and created a constant source of carbon dioxide. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The effect of bacterial inoculation of Rhizobium fredii HN01 on the immobilization and speciation of Cu, Zn, and Cd was studied in Red and Cinnamon soil which are typical Chinese soils. The soil was mixed with bacterial suspension for one week followed by an immobilization of each heavy metal for another week. The total binding and fractionation of heavy metals in soils were analyzed. As compared with the control, the retention of total Cu, Zn, and Cd in Red soil increased by 28, 16, and 28%, respectively, in the presence of rhizobia. The amount of exchangeable, NH4OAc-extractable, Mn oxides-bound and organic matter-bound Cu increased by 23–123%. There were significant decrease of exchangeable Cu and marked increases of NH4OAc-extractable and Mn oxide-bound Cu in Cinnamon soil with the presence of rhizobial cells, although no changes for the total retention of Cu were observed. The amount of exchangeable Zn in Red soil-rhizobia composite was 20% greater than that of the no-rhizobia soil. Addition of rhizobia also increased exchangeable Cd and specifically-adsorbed Cd by 25 and 93%, respectively, in Red soil. No considerable differences were found for the total immobilization of Zn and Cd as well as their distribution in various solid fractions of Cinnamon soil in the absence and presence of rhizobial cells. In terms of soil components, it is assumed that bacterial biomass had a relatively less impact on the species of heavy metals bound with Fe oxides. Results suggested that the retention and speciation of heavy metals in soil are governed largely by the interactions of bacteria with various inorganic and organic soil constituents. The data are useful in understanding the impact of microorganisms on the behavior, mobility and transformation of heavy metals in soil environments.  相似文献   

采用现场采样及室内测试方法,分析了福建茶园土壤中六六六(HCHs)和滴滴涕(DDTs)类有机氯农药(OCPs)的分布、组成和来源。结果表明,∑HCHs和∑DDTs浓度分别为0.251-1.120 ng.g^-1和0.210-2.406 ng.g^-1,属于清洁背景范围;漳浦、福鼎和福州茶园土壤∑OCPs浓度显著高于其他样点。除福州外,其他样点HCH同系物中γ-HCH相对含量最高,占HCHs总量的26.3%-76.3%。DDTs中以o,p′-DDT相对含量最高,为34.7%-60.8%。0-15 cm土壤HCHs和DDTs浓度(分别为0.593 ng.g^-1和1.340 ng.g^-1)均高于15-30 cm(0.451 ng.g^-1和0.862 ng.g^-1)。除福州β-(/α+γ)-HCH和α-/γ-HCH值较高外,其他样点均较低,表明福州HCHs为历史污染,其他样点均存在HCHs新输入,并可能存在林丹的使用或输入;除福鼎p,p′-DDE/p,p′-DDT值较高外,其他样点均较低,表明除福鼎外其他样点均有DDTs的新输入;o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT值均较高,表明可能有大量三氯杀螨醇的使用或输入。  相似文献   


Gene expression was analysed by means of isozyme electrophoresis for three diploid species Brassica rapa (genome AA), B. nigra (BB), and B. oleracea/ B. oleracea var. alboglabra (CC), three amphidiploids B. juncea (AABB), B. napus (AACC) and B. carinata (BBCC), and in 15 interspecific hybrids from crosses within and between the diploids and the amphidiploids. Five enzyme systems were assessed: glucosephosphate isomerase, leucine aminopeptidase, phosphoglucomutase, 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase. Alleles descending from the diploid species were found both in natural and artificially produced amphidiploids. No effect of reciprocal crosses was observed. i.e., the Brassica isozymes were under nuclear gene control. Mendelian segregation in the F2 generation from crossing two resynthesized B. napus was observed for the loci glucosephosphate isomerase-2 and phosphoglucomutase-3. Genome-specific alleles were identified for several loci. No alteration in the allelic expression of isozymes was found when assembling all three Brassica genomes in the trigenomic interspecific hybrids. Moreover, trigenomic hybrids were capable of disclosing a silent allele of leucine aminopeptidase from B. carinata, and thus in this study the capability of isozyme analysis for detecting hidden variation was demonstrated.  相似文献   

除草剂莠去津和灭草松单用和混用在土壤中的降解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The application of a mixture of bentazone (3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one-2,2-dioxide) and atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) is a practical approach to enhance the herbicidal effect. Laboratory incubation experiments were performed to study the degradation of bentazone and atrazine applied in combination and individually in maize rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soils. After a lag phase, the degradation of each individual herbicide in the non-autoclaved soil could be adequately described using a first-order kinetic equation. During a 30-d incubation, in the autoclaved rhizosphere soil, bentazone and atrazine did not noticeably degrade, but in the non-autoclaved soil, they rapidly degraded in both non-rhizosphere and rhizosphere soils with half-lives of 19.9 and 20.2 d for bentazone and 29.1 and 25.7 d for atrazine, respectively. The rhizosphere effect significantly enhanced the degradation of atrazine, but had no significant effect on bentazone. These results indicated that biological degradation accounted for the degradation of both herbicides in the soil. When compared with the degradation of the herbicide applied alone, the degradation rates of the herbicides applied in combination in the soils were lower and the lag phase increased. With the addition of a surfactant, Tween-20, a reduced lag phase of degradation was observed for both herbicides applied in combination. The degradation rate of bentazone accelerated, whereas that of atrazine remained nearly unchanged. Thus, when these two herbicides were used simultaneously, their persistence in the soil was generally prolonged, and the environmental contamination potential increased.  相似文献   

Summary Use of the N2-fixing grey alder, Alnus incana (L.) Moench, as a short-rotation crop for energy production is currently being explored. To evaluate the need for inoculation of alders, the distribution of infective propagules of Frankia in the soil at potential sites for alder plantations was examined. Uninoculated grey alder seedlings were grown in three types of soil. Frequent nodulation was found in a meadow soil which had been free from actinorhizal plants for nearly 60 years, but the alder seedlings failed to nodulate in peat soil from two different bog sites. One of these bogs had been exploited for peat and the surface layer of the peat had been removed, so that the soil samples were taken from deep layers of the peat. At the other site, an area of cultivated peat, there were no infective propagules of Frankia in plots without alders; the infective Frankia was present in plots only where it had been introduced by inoculated alders. There was no detectable air-borne dispersal of Frankia. Instead, water movement might account for the dispersal of Frankia in peat. Although the apparent absence of Frankia in these peat soils necessitates inoculation of alder seedlings before planting out, this makes it possible to introduce and maintain Frankia strains with selected beneficial characteristics, since there is no competition from an indigenous Frankia flora.  相似文献   

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