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本文研究了甘肃东部(亦称陇东)黄土塬区黑垆土的发育演化模式及成土速率与成土作用强度的时空变异规律。提出黑垆土叠加剖面的形成依次经历了古土壤发育、新冰期黄土粉尘堆积覆盖、人类耕作堆肥熟化三个阶段。埋藏古土壤普遍形成于距今7500-3500年高温期的温湿草原环境中,南部粘化黑垆土带还存在距今约13800-7500年的古土壤发育阶段,但此时的成土速率比中全新世小。同一阶段的成土速率和成土作用的强度南部比北部大。在新冰期(距今约3000-2500年)中黄土粉尘的加速堆积,是古土壤层被掩埋以及形成覆盖层的直接原因。具有普遍性的人为耕作熟化是在全新世黄土覆盖层上进行的,黑垆土剖面中不可能普遍存在古耕层。  相似文献   

青藏高原东北部边缘区栗钙土的历史演变   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
本文根据土壤14C、孢粉和物理化学分析资料,探讨了青藏高原东北部边缘区栗钙土的成土环境和历史演变过程及其主要理化性质。(1)晚更新世晚期栗钙土已有发育,集中形成于全新世中期和晚期。(2)成土期草本孢粉占90%左右,仅有少量木本花粉出现。(3)栗钙土的剖面结构由现代土壤和不同时代的古土壤构成。(4)土壤矿物风化弱,腐殖质化程度低。  相似文献   

黑垆土的形成环境   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
季耿善 《土壤学报》1992,29(2):113-125
根据成土年龄、土壤中植物孢粉鉴定、腐殖质组成、碳酸钙含量、粘土矿物类型、土壤微形态,土壤剖面形态和其它特征,分析了黑垆土的形成环境。研究表明,黑垆土是一种古土壤,它的许多特征是古生物气候条件的产物。  相似文献   

苏南昆山地区全新世土壤与环境   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
河湖相沉积物上发育的昆山大市镇土壤位于太湖地区 ,形成于 1万年以前。根据土壤特性 ,沉积—成土作用阶段 ,放射性碳年龄以及孢粉和微形态分析 ,该土壤可划分为四个层段。土壤层段特性的变化反映出这里全新世自然环境的变迁和人为活动在土壤中留下的不可磨灭影响 ,尤为强调的是这里水稻栽培有着悠久的历史  相似文献   

对黄土高原 3个土壤剖面Rb和Sr分布规律的研究表明 ,全新世不同阶段的黄土和土壤中Rb和Sr分布存在明显的差异 ,Rb/Sr比值的变化反映了成土环境和成土作用强度的变化。全新世早期 ,气候比较温和干燥 ,风尘堆积速率降低 ,土壤发育表现为边沉积边成土 ;全新世中期 ,气候温暖湿润 ,沙尘暴很少发生 ,风尘堆积速率极低 ,生物风化成土作用达到最强 ,以至于在黄土高原面发育黑垆土 ,在关中盆地形成褐土。到了 3 10 0多年前 ,气候恶化变干 ,风尘堆积速率加快 ,土壤严重退化。从区域上看 ,冬季风对黄土高原南部的环境效应比夏季风对北部的环境效应要强 ;黄土高原南部季风场强的变化较北部大。  相似文献   

探究现代气候环境下古沉积地层上土壤发生学特征,对丰富古土壤学理论具有重要意义。以成都"褐色黏土"发育的土壤为研究对象,采集土壤样本,测定其粒度组成、磁化率、常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素等理化性质,探讨了晚更新世土壤理化性质特征及其与环境变化的关系。结果表明:表层土壤的粒度组成、粒径分布特征与其下伏母质一致,现代气候环境下成土作用对颗粒改造不明显,不同土壤剖面间粒度特征存在的差异是母质沉积时期环境差异决定的;成都"褐色黏土"磁化率较低,而其上发育的土壤磁化率相对较高,表明现代成土环境对磁化率有增大作用;元素地球化学特征表明成都"褐色黏土"具有较强的风化强度,表生环境对母质CIA值及稀土元素分馏特征影响不明显,但硅铝铁率和微量元素Sr、Ba对现代环境具有较强的响应。  相似文献   

王鑫 《土壤通报》2005,36(4):632-634
陇东黑垆土存在“古耕层”的问题,曾经有过多次的争论,本文以大量的事实为根据,阐明了垆土层之上的覆盖层并非是人为的简单堆积,而是长期以来全新世至现代的沉积物。为进一步研究黑垆土类提供了充分的依据。  相似文献   

青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层微形态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Leica-DMRX偏光显微镜对喇家遗址剖面不同土壤发生层的薄片进行了观察和影像定量分析,旨在阐明青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层和现代耕作土壤层的发育过程和微形态特征。齐家文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah2/Ap4)的微形态特征主要表现为粗颗粒,呈现圆状-次圆状,C/F15μm值呈现低值,排列显示弱定向,常见亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土,大量的针状方解石微晶分布在孔隙边沿,孔隙度较高,主要是以圆形孔洞、囊孔占优势,孔隙壁光滑。辛店文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3)与Ah2/Ap4层的主要微形态特征相似,只是C/F15μm值呈现相对高值,亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土比例减少。相比于古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3,Ah2/Ap4),现代耕作土壤层(Ap1)主要表现为粗颗粒,呈现次棱角状-次圆状,含有大量浓聚物状残积黏土和极少量亚胶膜状淀积黏土,含有大量的针状方解石微晶,孔隙度较低,且C/F15μm值趋于升高。古耕作土壤层Ah2/Ap4和Ah1/Ap3皆为黑垆土,它们分别是在全新世中期大暖期的环境背景之下,齐家文化时期和辛店文化时期人类简单耕作和古生物气候条件下的产物。Ap1层为淡灰钙土,它是距今约1 500年以来人类施加土粪、农业耕作和沙尘暴堆积的综合产物,其特征主要受到人类活动强度和方式的控制。  相似文献   

青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层微形态研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用Leica-DMRX偏光显微镜对喇家遗址剖面不同土壤发生层的薄片进行了观察和影像定量分析,旨在阐明青海民和官亭盆地喇家遗址古耕作土壤层和现代耕作土壤层的发育过程和微形态特征。齐家文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah2/Ap4)的微形态特征主要表现为粗颗粒呈现圆状-次圆状,C/F15μm值呈现低值,排列显示弱定向,常见亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土,大量的针状方解石微晶分布在孔隙边沿,孔隙度较高,主要是以圆形孔洞、囊孔占优势,孔隙壁光滑。辛店文化时期古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3)与Ah2/Ap4层的主要微形态特征相似,只是C/F15μm值呈现相对高值,亚胶膜状和团聚状淀积黏土比例减少。相比于古耕作土壤层(Ah1/Ap3,Ah2/Ap4),现代耕作土壤层(Ap1)主要表现为粗颗粒呈现次棱角状-次圆状,含有大量浓聚物状残积黏土和极少量亚胶膜状淀积黏土,含有大量的针状方解石微晶,孔隙度较低,且C/F15μm值趋于升高。古耕作土壤层 Ah2/Ap4和 Ah1/Ap3皆为黑垆土,它们分别是在全新世中期大暖期的环境背景之下,齐家文化时期和辛店文化时期人类简单耕作和古生物气候条件下的产物。Ap1层为淡灰钙土,它是距今约1 500年以来人类施加土粪、农业耕作和沙尘暴堆积的综合产物,其特征主要受到人类活动强度和方式的控制。  相似文献   

淮河上游全新世黄土-古土壤序列元素地球化学特性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在野外考察研究的基础上,对河南禹州全新世风成黄土-古土壤剖面系统采样,利用X-荧光光谱仪测定了常量元素和微量元素的含量及其变化,并与磁化率曲线、粒度变化曲线对比分析发现:常量元素氧化物比值钾钠比、残积系数和以Rb为代表的微量元素含量等随剖面层次呈规律性变化,即在古土壤层(S0)中含量最高,表土层(MS)中次之,在黄土层(L1、Lt、L0)中最低。硅铝率和Sr的含量表现出相反的变化规律。表明在全新世古土壤层和表土层形成时期,气候温暖湿润,成壤作用和次生粘化作用较强;在黄土堆积时期,气候比较干旱,沙尘暴频繁,成壤作用微弱。这些化学参数与磁化率曲线可以进行对比,表明成土过程中元素的迁移变化受全新世以来气候变化和成壤环境变化的控制。与黄土高原腹地的洛川剖面相比,淮河上游禹州剖面中绝大多数常量元素的含量较高,而绝大多数微量元素的含量偏低,磁化率也显著偏低,绝对值差别很大,粒度组成当中细沙成分含量很高,这说明淮河上游黄土物质来源与黄土高原地区明显不同。联系全新世时期黄河频繁泛滥、改道、沉积与黄淮平原盛行东北风形成流沙地的事实,认为淮河上游的黄土是黄河泛滥沉积物质经过风沙活动改造,由东北风力系统搬运而来的近源粉尘堆积,再经过就地风化或者成土改造而形成。  相似文献   

The soil evolution in the depression of Lake Nero was driven by climate changes in the Holocene and by the history of the relief’s development in this region. In the Alleröd period, dark-colored soils were formed; in the Late Dryas period, they were cryoturbated and covered by colluvial deposits from the adjacent slopes. These specific paleosols are found on relatively high ancient surfaces. In the Early and Middle Holocene (10000–3700 BP), dark-colored horizons of soils with high stability of the organic matter were formed. The properties of humus in these soils are close to the properties of humus in forest-steppe soils. In the past 3500–3700 years, under conditions of some cooling and humidization of the climate with the development of taiga pedogenesis, these soils have evolved into soddy-podzolic soils. Their dark-colored horizons have degraded, though their lower parts are partly preserved in many places as the second humus horizons, the most distinctive feature of the soil polygenesis in the studied region. The soils of the low terrace (100–103 m a.s.l.) are younger than the soils of the higher and more ancient surfaces. Their evolution followed the same stages, though the Alleröd paleosols have not been found on this surface. In the coastal zone, at the heights below 97 m a.s.l., the soil formation began later, about 7000 years ago. Afterwards, the soils of this surface were subjected to the influence of fluctuations in the lake’s level. During the regression phase (7000–3500 BP), which corresponded to the dark-colored pedogenesis, these soils and the habitation deposits of the Bronze Age were formed on the dried bottom of the lake below its modern lake level of 93.2 m a.s.l. In the Late Holocene, these soils in the coastal zone were subjected to waterlogging rather than to podzolization due to the rise in the lake’s level; they have evolved into the soddy gley soils.  相似文献   

Pedogenetic soil horizons are one of the fundamental building blocks of modern soil classification; however, in soils of urban areas which are often strongly disturbed by human activities, horizons are difficult to distinguish but substitutive morphological layers may be identified. To identify the characteristic soil layers in an urban environment, 224 soil layers of 36 in-situ pedons were examined and described in urban and suburban Nanjing, and 27 variables were extracted for multivariate analysis. Three groups and six subdivisions were identified by TwoStep cluster analysis combined with hierarchical cluster analysis based on factor scores. Soil forming factors and soil forming processes could be interpreted from the principal component analysis (PCA) of variables, cluster analysis of soil layers, and discriminant analysis of soil layer groups and their subdivisions. Parent materials, moisture regimes, organic matter accumulation, and especially nutrient accumulation were the main causes of characteristic soil layer formations. The numerical approaches used in this study were useful tools for characteristic soil layer identification of urban soils.  相似文献   

A plowed soddy-calcareous soil with relict features developed from Permian clayey calcareous soil was described for the first time in the area of soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils of mixed forests in the middle and lower riches of the Vyatka River. This soil was thoroughly examined by physical, chemical, biochemical, radioisotope, and physicochemical methods. A second humus horizon enriched in calcium humates was described in this soil. Its age was determined at about 7200 yrs. This horizon attests to the presence of in situ postcarbonate pedorelicts in the soil cover of the eastern Russian Plain. The studied soil was formed during the Atlantic optimum of the Holocene under conditions more favorable to humus-accumulative processes as compared with those during the subsequent period. The soil evolution in the second part of the Holocene was characterized by the partial preservation of the previously formed features with the development of eluviation features under colder and wetter climatic conditions. This intrazonal soil is genetically close to gray forest and soddy-podzolic soils with residual second humus horizons that are widespread on the Vyatka-Kama interfluve. The evolution of the latter soils in the second part of the Holocene has been driven by eluviation processes that gradually eliminate the features of the second humus horizon from the soil profiles.  相似文献   

水耕人为土磁性矿物的生成转化机制研究回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着环境问题的日益突出,人为活动对土壤的影响越来越深刻,需加强对"人为作用"的研究以便解释现代土壤磁性的过程和变化。水耕人为土在发育过程中人为作用的方式多种多样,明确其磁性矿物的生成和转化机制及其影响因素有利于理解人为活动对现代土壤磁性的作用。但目前水耕人为土磁学研究还比较零散,缺乏系统性,已有研究结果有待深入梳理。本文对已有的相关研究报道,包括水耕人为土磁性参数的演变特征、磁性矿物的生成转化机制以及对成土因素的响应等进行综合评述。最后,对当前研究的不足和存在问题进行总结,并对研究方向进行了展望,以期有助于环境磁学的发展。  相似文献   

我国土壤放射性碳年龄   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
刘良梧  茅昂江 《土壤学报》2001,38(4):506-513
我国地域辽阔 ,土壤类型众多。土壤中不仅含有有机质和腐殖质 ,而且许多土壤中还含有丰富的钙质结核、分散碳酸盐以及贝壳、珊瑚等可供放射性碳断代的良好对象。土壤有机和无机1 4 C年龄研究表明 ,我国大多数土壤是全新世时期的产物。其中又以全新世中期和晚期的土壤占绝对优势。人为土纲中的土壤年龄与六千余年来我国悠久的农业耕种历史密切相关。相比之下 ,只有少数土壤形成于晚更新世晚期。而另一些土壤有数个形成、发育阶段 ,它们的年龄自然亦就跨越不同的地质时期 ,具有多元化的特点。  相似文献   

The loess region of northwestern China is located in the middle reaches of the Huanghe River and is mostly composed of the loess plateau. The region has a loess cover largely ranging in thickness from 30 to 80 m. Main broad groups of soils formed in loess are the heilu soils, huangmian soils, lou soils, sierozem, castanozem, and drab soils. Distribution of the soils tends to parallel that of climate but is also affected by topography and past farming practices. All soils are calcareous to the surface, a reflection of the semiarid and arid climates. Calcic horizons are well expressed in sierozems, evident in castanozems and drab soils and not clearly defined in heilu soils. Average thickness of the surface, humus layer ranges from 30 cm in sierozems to 100 cm in heilu soils. The lou soils are distinctive in having one humus layer at the surface due to additions of earthy manure during long periods of cultivation plus a deeper humus layer from the original drab soil profile. Clay distribution curves show a distinct maximum in drab soil profiles and slight or no maxima in the others.Water is limiting for plant growth over most of the region, although drought hazards become progressively greater from southeast to northwest. In the middle of the region and for some distance to the northwest, cultivation must include fallowing during summers or for entire years to store water for crops. Further to the northwest, layers of sand about 10 cm thick are spread over fields to increase infiltration and reduce moisture losses. In the extreme northwestern part, crops are not grown and the soils are in meadow for grazing livestock.Amounts of nutrient elements in the soils have a rather wide range. Nitrogen is deficient generally and must be added for successful production. Biological fixation of the element by legumes is the most effective method of adding the element. Total phosphorus is not low but available forms are; phosphorus fertilization increases crop yields. Potassium supplies are currently adequate in the soils. Amounts of zinc, manganese, boron, copper and molybdenum in available forms seem to be low in many soils but their applications are limited.  相似文献   

Specific features of soil formation in the taiga zone of Western Siberia are considered. The polygenetic nature of podzolic and gley-podzolic soils in the middle taiga zone, soddy-podzolic and soddy gley soils in the southern taiga zone, and meadow soils in the subtaiga zone is related to the pre-Holocene transformation of the lithogenic matrix upon activation of denudation and accumulation processes and the complicated Holocene evolution of these soils. A soil profile can be subdivided into separate layers according to the geomorphic features of the cryogenesis, the indices of interruption of soil formation, and the differences in the composition of the organic matter in the relict and modern humus horizons.  相似文献   

A macro- and micromorphologic study was done on the soils from a stepped sequence of seven dated fluvial terraces in the lower Segre river valley (Lleida, northeast Spain) under a present-day semiarid Mediterranean climate. The soils have evolved from the Holocene through the early Pleistocene, providing an excellent morphostratigraphic framework for evaluating time-dependent factors influencing soil formation in a dry and calcareous environment. Throughout the chronosequence, some properties are regularly age-related specially carbonatation in subsurface horizons. The carbonates occur mainly as micrite, and although microsparite and sparite also appear in the oldest soils, they are replaced by fine-grained calcite by dissolution–reprecipitation processes (micritization process), which is active at present. Some pedological paleofeatures as the presence of sparite and recarbonated argillans in oldest terrace can be interpreted as the reflex of climatic changes during the Quaternary. In spite of this climate variability, the soils display progressive and systematic patterns of carbonate accumulation: on the lowest terraces, the soils do not yet have secondary carbonates but in the beginning Late Pleistocene calcic horizons, with carbonate pendents, are developed; these pendents increase its thickness with age although pendent growth rates decreases from Late Pleistocene to Middle Pleistocene. In the middle of the Late Pleistocene, calcic horizons evolved to petrocalcic horizons, which increase its thickness in the Middle and specially in Early Pleistocene. The presence of calcic and petrocalcic horizons is the primary basis for soil classification. This criterion is applicable not only to the soils of the lower Segre river basin, but also to many soils throughout the semiarid Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

河南省典型土系的特定土层特征与分类研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鞠兵  吴克宁  李玲  陈杰 《土壤学报》2016,53(1):48-57
根据土壤发生学理论,在土壤景观相似的土壤中(如相同母质、相似气候、相同地形以及相似的植物类型和动物活动),土壤的属性具有相似性;然而由于地理环境中复杂的成土因素的影响,土壤绝无完全相同的土壤个体。在划分土壤地理发生分类基层单元土种和系统分类基层单元土系时,特定土层被用于反映土体构型差异。但特定土层类型多样,目前尚处于模糊状态,随着土系划分研究的深入,有必要对其进行分门别类与归纳整理。本文以河南省典型土系为例,梳理和总结了土系划分时涉及的主要特定土层,从特定土层形成根源上将其分为现代成土环境下土壤发生过程形成的、地质成因或地质时期土壤环境下发育形成的和人类活动产生的三个类型,并提出了基于土系概念的特定土层分类与检索体系,旨在使特定土层的概念更为系统、全面、开放,以便于使用。  相似文献   

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