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Hydrolysis of organic phosphorus(P) by soil phosphatases is an important process of P cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, significantly affected by nitrogen(N) and/or P fertilization. However, how soil acid phosphatase(ACP) and alkaline phosphatase(ALP) activities respond to N and/or P fertilization and how these responses vary with climatic regions, ecosystem types, and fertilization management remain unclear. This knowledge gap hinders our ability to assess P cycling and availability from a glo...  相似文献   

  目的  明确施肥对黄壤稻田和旱地磷酸酶活性的影响及其主要影响因子。  方法  依托进行了22年的黄壤长期定位试验,研究长期施用化肥和有机肥对稻田和旱地土壤养分及酸性、中性和碱性磷酸酶活性的影响。  结果  长期不同施肥处理显著改变了稻田和旱地土壤养分含量,且土壤pH、有机质和有效磷含量变化因稻田、旱地不同所受影响差异较大。稻田和旱地土壤酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性和中性磷酸酶(NEP)活性均高于碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性。与不施肥处理相比,稻田上除个别处理外,施用化肥对磷酸酶活性无显著影响,施用有机肥处理NEP活性显著提高,增幅达15.8% ~ 27.1%;旱地上,长期施用氮肥的处理(NK、NP、NPK)ACP活性显著提高了14.2% ~ 29.0%,ALP活性显著降低了20.1% ~ 50.7%,施用有机肥处理ACP和ALP活性分别提高了11.7% ~ 17.7%和9.4% ~ 56.9%,NEP活性降低了10.5% ~ 32.3%。与平衡施肥处理相比,稻田上缺素施肥对磷酸酶活性影响不显著,施用有机肥处理ACP、NEP、ALP活性分别提高了9.1% ~ 18.5%、6.9% ~ 17.3% 和8.3% ~ 15.0%;旱地上, NK处理ACP和NEP分别显著提高了12.9%和12.9%,PK处理则分别显著降低了16.7%和18.9%,施用有机肥处理NEP活性降低了5.9% ~ 28.9%,ALP活性显著提高了50.1% ~ 115.3%。相关分析表明,NEP活性与各土壤养分含量显著相关,但在稻田和旱地上相关性相反;ALP活性在旱地和稻田上与有机质和微生物量磷均呈显著正相关。通径分析表明,除旱地上ALP活性受pH直接影响作用较大外,其他磷酸酶活性受土壤磷素的直接影响作用均较大。  结论  黄壤稻田和旱地土壤磷酸酶活性与土壤磷素有效性密切相关,稻田上施用有机肥是提高土壤磷酸酶活性的有效途径,旱地上长期施用化学氮肥尤其是氮钾处理可提高ACP活性,增加土壤磷素供应,施用有机肥可通过提高土壤pH增加ALP活性。  相似文献   

把铜锈环棱螺(Bellamya aeruginosa)暴露于不同浓度的有毒微囊藻藻液中(对照组:只投喂四尾栅藻(Scenedes musquadricanda);混合藻组:50%四尾栅藻+50%铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aerugirtosa);蓝藻组:只投喂铜绿微囊藻),用酶联免疫检测法(Enzyme—linked immuno sorbentassay,ELISA)检测藻液和肝组织中藻毒素浓度,藻液中包括藻相和水相的总微囊藻毒素(MC)浓度分别为:对照组0ug·L^-1;混合藻组(14.47±1.22)ug·L^-1;蓝藻组(29.47±2.43)ug·L^-1。螺在两种不同毒素浓度藻液中暴露15d后再移人四尾栅藻藻液中降解15d。结果表明,暴露期间,混合藻组、蓝藻组螺肝组织中MC含量均为先增加后减少,再增加,且同期混合藻组MC含量都明显高于蓝藻组;作为机体代谢生物标志物的酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性随MC浓度及其暴露时间发生相应变化;作为解毒生物标志物的谷胱甘肽硫转移酶(GST)活性在混合藻组先被诱导后被抑制,在蓝藻组初期变化不明显后表现为诱导。在15d降解过程中,混合藻组和蓝藻组MC含量均持续下降;机体生物标志物ACP、AIJP和GST活性表现为不同程度的降低。本试验结果为ACP、ALP和GST活性作为MC胁迫的生物标志物提供了一些依据。  相似文献   

土壤水解酶活性测定方法的研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
土壤水解酶直接参与有机物质的矿质化过程,对维持生态系统碳和养分的循环过程起重要作用。但不同研究者和实验室测定过程的差异,常给土壤酶测定方法的选定带来困难。针对这一问题,本文围绕土壤酶活性测定过程中样本贮存方式、酶底物选择以及培养条件等,对近二十多年来的研究成果进行了评述。土壤酶来源广泛,存在形式复杂,直接提取土壤酶还有很大的难度。目前土壤酶活性的测定主要是通过一定量底物在酶催化反应过程中的生成物或剩余物量来实现。基于对硝基酚衍生物为底物的分光比色法,因其成本低廉而被广泛使用。针对国际上未能建立统一的测定方法而导致研究数据之间难以进行比较的现状,作者认为现阶段土壤水解酶测定过程中应注意以下几点:1)尽量采用新鲜土样或短时间低温冷藏的土样;2)酶底物种类的选择应与国际接轨,采用饱和底物浓度使其反应速度接近最大值;3)缓冲液的pH值可与土壤pH值相近;4)4 h内培养的土壤酶,可忽略微生物抑制剂的使用。建议我国在近期内:1)应丰富土壤水解酶种类的研究;2)注重灵敏度高、需样量小以及培养时间短的荧光分析技术的应用;3)在强化典型土壤酶动力学特征研究基础上,尽快规范土壤酶活性的测定方法。  相似文献   

以天津市东丽区和西青区2个养殖池塘为对象,采用室内试验方法,研究了底泥中各有机磷组分与上覆水中可溶性磷(DRP)含量、底泥磷酸酶活性与有机磷各组分及上覆水中可溶性磷之间的关系,并采取不同处理对底泥酸性磷酸酶(ACP)和碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性进行调控。结果表明,底泥中活性有机磷(LOP)、中等活性有机磷(MLOP)、中稳性有机磷(MROP)与上覆水中DRP之间呈显著正相关。底泥中ALP与MLOP、MROP之间相关显著,并对其直接影响较大;ACP与MLOP之间相关显著,对其产生的直接影响也很大。A、B两池塘底泥中ALP与上覆水中DRP随时间变化规律基本一致,二者之间呈显著正相关。在养殖水体中加入酶抑制剂和沸石能抑制ALP和ACP活性,并以酶抑制剂加沸石的处理效果最好。  相似文献   

松嫩盐碱草地主要植物群落土壤酶活性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对松嫩盐碱草地不同植物群落土壤酶活性及其与土壤养分的关系进行了研究,结果表明,不同植物群落土壤酶活性变化趋势不同,过氧化氢酶在碱蓬群落中具最大活性.多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶活性在碱斑裸地、碱蓬群落、碱蓬-虎尾草群落中活性较高,蛋白酶、转化酶及碱性磷酸酶活性在羊草-寸草苔群落及双子叶杂草群落中的活性较高;多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶、蛋白酶、转化酶及碱性磷酸酶活性间有显著的相关关系;多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶、蛋白酶、转化酶、碱性磷酸酶和土壤全氮、碱解氮、有机质、速效磷间有显著相关关系.  相似文献   

Potential enzyme activities in soil and water samples are measured by addition of an excess amount of suitable substrate and subsequent determination of product release. If the approach is reversed and an excess of enzyme is added, substrate availability becomes rate-limiting and the maximum release of product indicates the availability of a given substrate in a sample. This approach has been used in a range of studies using phosphatase enzyme additions to soil, manure and sediment extracts, soil suspensions, and lake and sea water (n = 41). Significantly fewer studies have used enzymes from the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles (n = 14). In this review, the methodological aspects of enzyme additions are discussed using examples from studies in which enzymes from the phosphorus cycle were used. A meta-analysis performed for various soil extracts and water samples revealed that the majority of studies (75th percentile) indicate availability of organic phosphorus to enzymatic hydrolysis of up to 60%, with crude phytase preparations showing the lowest substrate specificity and greatest release of phosphorus. Compared to addition of enzymes from the phosphorus cycle, lower substrate degradation was generally achieved by addition of enzymes from the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles to soil suspensions and soil organic matter extracts. Enzyme additions can be a valuable tool in process research, provided all the necessary controls are included and assay conditions optimized to ensure that the reaction reaches completion. Recommendations for the development of a standard protocol are made.  相似文献   

碳酸钙和根际作用对酸性红壤解磷微生物丰度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑曼曼  王超  沈仁芳 《土壤》2020,52(4):704-709
选用玉米品种郑单958为试验材料,设置不添加碳酸钙(CK)、每千克土添加0.3g碳酸钙(Ca-0.3)和0.5g碳酸钙(Ca-0.5)3个碳酸钙处理,以相应处理未种植物土壤为非根际对照土壤,研究了碳酸钙和根际作用对酸性红壤磷酸酶活性及解磷微生物相关功能基因phoC和phoD丰度的影响。结果表明:碳酸钙添加能有效改善玉米生长,促进地上部氮、磷、钾和钙的吸收。土壤酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性显著高于碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性,表明酸性土壤中ACP在矿化有机磷方面占主导地位。根际土壤ACP、ALP活性和phoD基因拷贝数均显著高于非根际,而仅Ca-0.5处理ALP活性和phoD基因拷贝数显著高于CK,说明根际效应强于碳酸钙处理。phoC基因拷贝数与土壤铵态氮、硝态氮含量存在显著相关性,ALP活性和phoD基因拷贝数与土壤pH及铵态氮、硝态氮、有效磷、交换性钙含量均存在显著相关性。可见,碳酸钙和根际作用均影响酸性土壤解磷微生物功能和丰度,但根际效应更加明显,这些作用与土壤理化因子的改变密切相关。  相似文献   

Chitinase and N-acetylglucosaminidase activities in forest soils were examined by a highly sensitive method using 4-methylumbelliferyl (4MU) derivatives of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine oligomers as substrates. The method involves the fluorometric estimation of the 4-MU released through the activity of the soil enzymes when a soil sample and the substrate are incubated in a buffer. The activities of both enzymes decreased markedly with depth in the 4 forest soil profiles studied (i.e. Andosol, Podzol, 2 Cambisols). The activities of these soil enzymes were highly correlated with the carbon and nitrogen content of the soils.  相似文献   

盐碱地土壤酶活性研究进展和展望   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
盐碱地是农业生产重要的后备土地资源,同时土壤盐渍化是灌溉农业生产过程中首要考虑的问题之一。近年来,越来越多的研究开始关注盐碱地改良利用过程中包括土壤生物学性质在内的土壤整体环境质量的改善。其中,土壤酶是土壤生物活动的产物,其活性水平是土壤环境质量的良好生物学指标,可以用来评价土壤退化程度及管理措施的效果和可持续性。本文总结说明了盐渍化土壤酶活性状况及盐碱胁迫机理,并对盐碱地改良利用过程中土壤酶活性的研究现状进行了综述。最后从存在问题和关注热点出发,提出了下一步的研究重点。  相似文献   

Enzymes are known to be sensitive indicators of soil quality. Nevertheless, the natural variability of their activities needs to be considered for a relevant interpretation of activity levels, especially in contaminated soils. We first monitored the variability of enzymatic activities (acid and alkaline phosphatases, β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, urease and dehydrogenase) in two agricultural sites in north-western France during a seasonal April–October cycle. For both sites, two types of long-term different agricultural managements, grassland and intensive cropping were considered. Our results revealed great variability of enzymatic activities in space and over time, yet more pronounced for grassland than for cropped soils. Then, we assessed the impact of copper on enzymes activity on Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs) filled with undisturbed soil, and incubated for 70 days in open-field conditions. Copper was added at two concentration levels corresponding to a regulated annual agronomic input (2 mg kg−1) or to a high soil contamination (200 mg kg−1). In comparison to effects of natural spatiotemporal variability of soil conditions, copper addition did not show significant impacts on enzymatic activities. Finally, our results confirmed that for assessing effective impacts of contaminants in soils under real field conditions, natural spatiotemporal soil variability must be considered.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effects of slope aspect and position on microbial biomass C (MBC) and some hydrolytic enzyme activities involved in soil N, P, and S cycles in a rangeland ecosystem of west central Iran. Soil samples were collected from three slope positions (summit, backslope, and footslope) of contiguous north- and south-facing slopes. Results indicated higher silt and clay content, soil organic C (SOC), total N (TN), and C/N ratio on the north-facing slope. Furthermore, MBC, alkaline phosphomonoesterase (ALP), acid phosphomonoesterase (ACP), arylsulfatase (ARS), urease (URS), L-asparaginase (LAS), and L-glutaminase (LGL) activities were greater by 46.1, 65.9, 58.6, 59.6, 52.6, 62.8, and 65.7%, respectively, on the north-facing slope compared to the south-facing one. Higher ratios of enzyme activities to MBC were observed on the north-facing slope. In contrast, per cent of inorganic N and microbial quotient were greater on the south-facing slope. The activity of ALP, ACP, ARS along with SOC, TN, and MBC values decreased from summit to footslope. Overall, our findings indicate that north-facing slope and summit position support greater microbial biomass and hydrolytic diversity.  相似文献   


We studied the effects of the application of organic matter (OM) and chemical fertilizer (CF) on soil alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and ALP-harboring bacterial communities in the rhizosphere and bulk soil in an experimental lettuce field in Hokkaido, Japan. The ALP activity was higher in soils with OM than in soils with CF, and activity was higher in the rhizosphere for OM than in the bulk soil. Biomass P and available P in the soil were positively related to the ALP activity of the soil. As a result, the P concentration of lettuce was higher in OM soil than in CF soil. We analyzed the ALP-harboring bacterial communities using polymerase chain reaction based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) on the ALP genes. Numerous ALP genes were detected in the DGGE profile, regardless of sampling time, fertilizer treatment or sampled soil area, which indicated a large diversity in ALP-harboring bacteria in the soil. Several ALP gene fragments were closely related to the ALP genes of Mesorhizobium loti and Pseudomonas fluorescens. The community structures of the ALP-harboring bacteria were assessed using principal component analysis of the DGGE profiles. Fertilizer treatment and sampled soil area significantly affected the community structures of ALP-harboring bacteria. As the DGGE bands contributing to the principal component were different from sampling time, it is suggested that the major bacteria harboring the ALP gene shifted. Furthermore, there was, in part, a significant correlation between ALP activity and the community structure of the ALP-harboring bacteria. These results raise the possibility that different ALP-harboring bacteria release different amounts and/or activity of ALP, and that the structure of ALP-harboring bacterial communities may play a major role in determining overall soil ALP activity.  相似文献   

龚松贵  王兴祥  张桃林  梁圆 《土壤》2009,41(6):968-973
以甘油磷酸钠为底物,通过添加适量无机磷减少土壤吸附作用对磷酸单酯酶活性测定的影响,探讨红壤磷酸单酯酶活性测定方法的改进.在4个红壤样品的测试结果中,与Rogers法相比,RSD从≤10.2%降为≤3.2%;省去了HCl浸提步骤:耗时从19 h左右变为2 h左右.与对硝基苯磷酸盐法相比,底物更具代表性:所测磷酸单酯酶活性为P4.4~6.8 μmol/(g土·h),比对硝基苯磷酸盐法的测定值P 0.8~2.2 μmol/(g土·h)更大,更灵敏.  相似文献   

Microbial digestive enzymes in soil and litter have been studied for over a half century, yet the understanding of microbial enzymes as drivers of ecosystem processes remains hindered by methodological differences among researchers and laboratories. Modern techniques enable the comparison of enzyme activities from different sites and experiments, but most researchers do not optimize enzyme assay methods for their study sites, and thus may not properly assay potential enzyme activity. In this review, we characterize important procedural details of enzyme assays, and define the steps necessary to properly assay potential enzyme activities in environmental samples. We make the following recommendations to investigators measuring soil enzyme activities: 1) run enzyme assays at the environmental pH and temperature; 2) run proper standards, and if using fluorescent substrates with NaOH addition, use a standard time of 1 min between the addition of NaOH and reading in a fluorometer; 3) run enzyme assays under saturating substrate concentrations to ensure Vmax is being measured; 4) confirm that product is produced linearly over the duration of the assay; 5) examine whether mixing during the reaction is necessary to properly measure enzyme activity; 6) find the balance between dilution of soil homogenate and assay variation; and 7) ensure that enzyme activity values are properly calculated. These steps should help develop a unified understanding of enzyme activities in ecosystem ecology.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of tillage and residue management on activities of phosphatases (acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, and inorganic pyrophosphatase) and arylsulfatase. The land treatments included three tillage systems (no-till, chisel plow, and moldboard plow) in combination with corn residue placements in four replications. The activities of these enzymes in no-till/double mulch were significantly greater than those in the other treatments studied, including no-till/bare, no-till/normal, chisel/normal, chisel/mulch, moldboard/normal, and moldboard/mulch. The effect of mulching on activities of phosphatases was not as significant as on activities of arylsulfatase. The lowest enzyme activities were found in soil samples form no-till/bare and moldboard/normal treatments, with the exception of inorganic pyrophosphatase, which showed the lowest activity in no-till/bare only. Among the same residue placements, no-till and chisel plow showed comparable arylsulfatase activity, whereas the use of moldboard plow resulted in much lower arylsulfatase activity. The activities of phosphatases and arylsulfatase were significantly correlated with organic C in the 40 soil samples studies, with r values ranging from 0.71*** to 0.92***. The activities of alkaline phosphatase, phosphodiesterase, and arylsulfatase were significantly correlated with soil pH, with r values of 0.85***, 0.78***, and 0.77***, respectively, in the 28 surface soil samples studied, but acid phosphatase and inorganic pyrophosphatase activities were not significantly correlated with soil pH. The activities of phosphatases and arylsulfatase decreased markedly with increasing soil depth and this decrease was associated with a decrease in organic C content. The activities of these enzymes were also significantly intercorrelated, with r values ranging from 0.50*** to 0.92***. Received: 4 October 1995  相似文献   

基于不同方法测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤酸性磷酸酶与有机磷的矿化及植物的磷素营养关系最为密切。目前国内学者在测定酸性磷酸酶活性时主要参照关松荫《土壤酶及其研究法》中以磷酸苯二钠为基质的测定方法,而国外学者主要参照Dick《Methods of Soil Enzymology》中以对硝基苯磷酸二钠为基质的测定方法(PNPP)。但是,在以磷酸苯二钠为基质测定生成物的过程中,常出现显色程度不明显的问题;另外,采用不同基质测定酸性磷酸酶活性也造成了测定方法选择的困难。为合理选择土壤酸性磷酸酶活性的测定方法,本研究选用酸性、中性和碱性土壤各10个土样,分别采用以磷酸苯二钠为基质,且在显色阶段分别加入pH5.0醋酸盐缓冲液(DPP 1)和pH9.4硼酸盐缓冲液(DPP 2)的方法,以及PNPP方法测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性。同时也研究了不同pH缓冲液和苯酚浓度对生成物显色反应的影响。结果表明:以磷酸苯二钠为基质、在显色反应阶段加入pH≤6的缓冲液时,苯酚和2,6-二溴苯醌氯亚胺不显色;当加入pH≥8的缓冲液时,两者之间显色且苯酚浓度和吸光值的Pearson相关系数极显著。这说明pH低是导致高苯酚浓度和2,6-二溴苯醌氯亚胺显色效果差的一个主要原因。此外,采用PNPP方法测定时,在酸性、中性和碱性土壤中,10个样本酸性磷酸酶活性的变异系数分别较DPP 2增加了70.04%、42.44%和21.17%;极差分别是DPP 2的27.18倍、26.85倍和39.43倍。总之,如果选用磷酸苯二钠为基质测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,应在显色阶段加入碱性硼酸盐缓冲液;选用对硝基苯磷酸二钠为基质,是更为简单和灵敏的方法。  相似文献   


Background, Aims and Scope  

Functional characterization of soil microbial communities by the use of BIOLOG GN microtiter plates was compared with an optimized assay of measuring the enzymatic activity of bacterial associated enzymes. Since the first use of BIOLOG GN microtiter plates for characterization of environmental microorganisms, this Community Level Physiological Profile (CLPP) has been widely used and is today routinely used in soil monitoring programmes in e.g. the Netherlands (Nielsen and Winding 2002). The CLPP method is based upon the metabolic capabilities of bacteria during growth in the wells of the microtiter plates at nutrient rich conditions compared to the conditions in soil. Inoculum preparation, incubation conditions, reading intervals and data treatment have all been the subject of many investigations. In spite of the various criticisms, the method remains to be widely used, to a large extent due to the ease and speed of performance. The Enzymatic Activity Assay (EAA) is based on enzymatic cleavage of model fluorogenic enzyme substrates (4-methylumbelliferyl, MUF), that upon cleavage forms a fluorescent product. The assay is independent of bacterial growth and can be used directly on bacteria extracted from soil, yielding a functional characterization of the bacterial communities based on the enzymatic activities. The substrates chosen here represent 14 different enzymes related to the degradation of different carbohydrates, including starch, chitin and cellulose.  相似文献   

Pre-plant fumigation of agricultural soils with a combination of methyl bromide (MeBr) and chloropicrin (CP) to control nematodes, soil-borne pathogens and weeds has been a common practice in strawberry (Fragaria X ananassa Duchesne) production since the 1960s. MeBr will be phased out by 2005, but little is known about the impacts of alternative fumigants on soil microbial processes. We investigated the response of microbial biomass and enzyme activities in soils fumigated over two years with MeBr+CP and the alternatives propargyl bromide (PrBr), InLine, Midas and CP. Results were compared to control soils, which were not fumigated for the last 4-5 years for Watsonville and Oxnard, respectively, but had a 10 year history of MeBr+CP fumigation (history soils). Soil samples (0-15 cm) were taken from two sites in the coastal areas of California, USA, in Watsonville and Oxnard, at peak strawberry production after two years of repeated application. In addition to the soil enzymes, the activities of purified reference enzymes of β-glucosidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulfatase were assayed before and after fumigation with MeBr+CP and alternative biocides. At the Oxnard site, microbial respiration significantly decreased in soils fumigated with MeBr+CP (P=0.036), while microbial biomass C and N showed no response to fumigation at both sites. These results may indicate that fumigation promotes the growth of resistant species or that soil microorganisms had recovered at the time of sampling. Repeated soil fumigation with MeBr+CP significantly decreased the activities of β-glucosidase and acid phosphatase at the Watsonville site, and dehydrogenase activity at the Oxnard site. Although, enzyme activities in soils fumigated with PrBr, InLine, Midas and CP were lower compared to the control soil, effects were, in general, not significant. Fumigation with MeBr+CP and alternatives reduced the activities of purified reference enzymes by 13, 76 and 28% for acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase and arylsulfatase, respectively. Mean enzyme protein concentrations in fumigated agricultural soils were 2.93, 0.105, and 2.95 mg protein kg−1 soil for acid phosphatase, β-glucosidase and arylsulfatase, respectively, all lower than in control soils. Organic matter turnover and nutrient cycling, and thus, the long-term productivity of agricultural soils seem unaffected in soils repeatedly fumigated with PrBr, InLine, Midas and CP.  相似文献   

通过现场采样及室内分析方法,研究了Cd、Pb严重污染的土壤中蛋白酶、酸性磷酸酶和脱氢酶活性的变化及其与土壤Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn含量和土壤基本性质之间的关系。通径分析表明,影响蛋白酶活性主要直接因素为土壤有效Cd、土壤有效Zn、砂粒和黏粒,其中土壤有效Zn刺激了酶活性而土壤有效Cd抑制了酶活性;影响酸性磷酸酶活性主要直接因素为碱解氮、速效磷、pH值,土壤有效Cu、土壤有效Cd、土壤有效Pb、土壤有效Zn对酸性磷酸酶的直接影响较小;影响脱氢酶活性主要直接因素为土壤有效Cd、土壤有效Zn、土壤速效钾,其中土壤有效Cd抑制了酶活性而土壤有效Zn刺激了酶活性。总体而言,4种重金属有效态对酶活性毒性大小依次为:Cd〉Cu〉Pb〉Zn。综合简单相关分析结果可知,总体上Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn复合污染刺激了蛋白酶活性,抑制了脱氢酶活性,对酸性磷酸酶活性影响不大,脱氢酶可作为上述土壤重金属复合污染的指标。3种土壤酶活性变化是重金属与土壤理化性质综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

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