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为探讨双季稻地区还田秸秆的腐解进程,用尼龙网袋法研究了不同类型水稻秸秆不同埋深(0、10 cm)对还田秸秆的腐解和氮碳释放的影响。结果表明,经过早稻90 d、晚稻120 d的腐解,早稻和晚稻的平均腐解率分别为64%和72%。秸秆在还田的前15 d腐解速度较快,在秸秆还田后的30~90(120)d秸秆腐解速度放缓。秸秆腐解率晚稻季高于早稻季,常规籼稻高于杂交籼稻,杂交籼稻高于杂交粳稻,表层秸秆腐解速率略快于下层秸秆。在当季水稻生育期结束时,还田秸秆的氮释放率为60%~70%,秸秆碳释放率达70%~80%,不同埋深对秸秆碳氮释放率影响不显著,表层碳释放略快。  相似文献   

不同作物秸秆在旱地和水田中的腐解特性及养分释放规律   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
以水稻、小麦、玉米秸秆和油菜、蚕豆青秆为研究对象,采用尼龙网袋法,研究了不同秸秆翻埋入旱地和水田后的腐解特性及养分释放规律,以期为紫色丘陵区农业秸秆循环利用和秸秆还田技术提供理论依据。结果表明:秸秆翻埋还田后,5种供试秸秆腐解速率均表现为前期(0~60 d)快、后期(60~360 d)慢。经过360 d的腐解,旱地秸秆累积腐解率为52.88%~75.80%,表现为油菜水稻玉米小麦蚕豆趋势,且蚕豆青秆累积腐解率显著低于其余秸秆;水田中秸秆累积腐解率为45.01%~62.12%,表现为水稻玉米小麦油菜蚕豆趋势。5种秸秆在旱地和水田中养分释放率均表现为钾磷氮碳,在试验终点,旱地中秸秆碳、氮、磷和钾释放率分别为65.50%~87.37%、54.64%~69.72%、89.65%~98.96%和79.92%~96.63%,且油菜秸秆养分释放率高于其他4种秸秆;水田中秸秆碳、氮、磷、钾释放率变幅分别为49.95%~69.57%、32.89%~77.11%、90.70%~96.80%、77.45%~90.47%。总体表现为秸秆在旱地土壤中的累积腐解率和养分释放率均大于水田,旱地油菜和水稻秸秆较易腐解,水田水稻和玉米秸秆较易腐解释;秸秆中钾素释放速率较高。  相似文献   

颗粒有机质是土壤活性有机质的重要组成部分,是评估土壤有机质变化的敏感指标。东北地区气候寒冷,稻田土壤淹水期短,非淹水期长且多处于冻结状态,水稻秸秆碳氮在黑土不同种稻年限土壤颗粒有机质中的分配如何尚不清楚。通过室内培养试验,将1%双标记(13C/15N)水稻秸秆添加到不同种稻年限(0、12、35、62和85 a)土壤,淹水培养150 d(培养温度20℃,淹水层1 cm),去除淹水层后冻结培养150 d(培养温度–15℃,饱和水分状态),研究水稻秸秆碳(氮)在不同种稻年限土壤颗粒有机碳(Particulate organic carbon,POC)和颗粒有机氮(Particulate organic nitrogen,PON)中的分配特征。结果表明,在培养过程中,未添加和添加水稻秸秆处理,各年限稻田土壤POC和PON含量均低于对照土壤(0 a),添加秸秆处理的各年限土壤POC和PON含量在淹水培养5 d时明显增加,但其后并未表现出一致的增加趋势。秸秆碳(氮)对各年限土壤POC(PON)的相对贡献率为0.2%~13.9%(0.4%~3.8%),分配...  相似文献   

秸秆还田和休耕对赣东北稻田土壤养分的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庞成庆  秦江涛  李辉信  刘金花 《土壤》2013,45(4):604-609
通过田间试验研究了水稻秸秆还田和休耕对稻田土壤肥力的影响.结果表明,添加秸秆的处理S1R0和S1R1土壤有机碳含量分别有高于不添加秸秆的处理S0R0和S0R1的趋势,并在2011年早稻收获时达到显著水平.添加秸秆对全量养分的影响并不显著,但显著增加了土壤碱解氮和速效钾含量.2011年早稻收获时休耕处理土壤全氮和全磷含量显著高于连续种植水稻的处理.与2009年早稻收获时相比,201 1年早稻收获时S0R0和S1R0处理土壤速效磷含量分别提高了55.5%和29.3%,说明休耕显著提高了土壤速效磷含量.休耕处理土壤中速效钾含量一直维持在较高水平,而连续种植水稻的处理速效钾含量则逐年下降.  相似文献   

不同还田方式对玉米秸秆腐解及土壤养分含量的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
通过土壤耕作和秸秆还田试验,以玉米秸秆为研究对象,探讨东北棕壤土区适宜的秸秆还田方式,为秸秆资源的高效利用提供理论依据。在辽宁沈阳设置连续两年(2014-2015年)的田间定位试验,采用尼龙网袋法研究免耕覆盖(NTS)、旋耕还田(RTS)和翻耕还田(PTS)3种秸秆还田方式下秸秆腐解率和碳氮磷钾养分释放率,分析秸秆还田方式对耕层土壤养分含量的影响。结果表明,RTS和PTS秸秆腐解速率均表现为前期快、后期慢,秸秆养分释放率均表现为钾 > 磷 > 碳 > 氮。NTS、RTS和PTS处理秸秆两年平均腐解率分别为38.8%、78.0%、65.9%,两年平均碳释放率分别为56.5%、78.8%、69.4%,氮释放率为16.7%、53.5%、38.8%,磷释放率为81.3%、92.5%、89.8%,钾释放率为92.0%、99.4%、98.9%。NTS处理秸秆腐解率及碳氮释放率与还田时间符合逻辑斯蒂曲线方程,RTS和PTS处理秸秆腐解率、碳氮释放率及3种还田方式秸秆磷钾释放率随还田时间变化符合米氏方程。秸秆还田有助于提高耕层土壤有机碳和全氮含量,RTS处理土壤全磷含量显著高于PTS处理(P<0.05),与NTS处理全磷含量差异不显著,3种还田方式土壤全钾含量差异不显著。综合分析秸秆腐解和耕层土壤培肥效果,东北棕壤土区建议玉米秸秆还田方式为旋耕秸秆还田。  相似文献   

为探究不同秸秆还田方法对稻田碳氮固持及土壤理化性质的影响,分析堆沤还田、粉碎还田、直接还田三种秸秆还田方法对稻田秸秆的腐解率和氮、磷钾、养分的释放特征。结果表明,经过3个月的腐解处理后,三组秸秆还田方式中,粉碎还田的腐解率最高为75.63%,而堆沤还田为71.28%,直接还田为64.55%,存在显著性差异(P0.05);堆沤还田的氮、磷、钾释放率分别为52.8%、90.1%、57.3%,粉碎还田为58.6%、95.2%、52.7%,直接还田为48.6%、87.1%、53.0%,存在显著性差异(P0.05)。不同的秸秆还田的方法均会提高稻田碳氮固持,改善土壤理化性质。其中粉碎秸秆还田可以提高腐解率,保证了氮、磷、钾以及微量元素的释放量。  相似文献   

  【目的】  秸秆腐解与元素转化涉及复杂的生物化学过程,提高土壤氮素水平是加速秸秆腐解和养分释放的关键措施。研究不同施氮水平下潮土中小麦秸秆腐解特性、养分释放特征及其结构组分变化规律,深入了解秸秆腐解过程与机制,为完善作物秸秆还田技术、实现秸秆资源的高效利用及农田可持续发展提供科学依据和技术支撑。  【方法】  本试验点位于河南省原阳县,土壤类型为潮土,种植制度为小麦–玉米轮作,以小麦秸秆为研究对象,设置0 (SN0)、180 (SN1) 和240 (SN2) kg/hm2 3个氮肥用量,进行187天的秸秆包填埋试验,利用超高分辨场发射扫描电镜 (SEM)、固态核磁共振 (13C-NMR) 等方法研究小麦秸秆腐解过程中的养分释放和结构组分动态变化规律。  【结果】  1) 小麦秸秆腐解呈现前期快后期慢的特征,前两周为快速腐解期,该阶段秸秆平均腐解率为46%,整个玉米季 (100天) 秸秆平均腐解率为71%;高氮营养环境对前两周的秸秆腐解率无显著影响;从第二周开始,施用氮肥处理加速了秸秆腐解,SN1和SN2处理秸秆腐解率平均高于SN0处理6个百分点,但SN1和SN2处理间无显著差异;秸秆碳释放率与秸秆腐解率变化趋势基本一致。2) 腐解187天后,秸秆氮磷钾养分最终释放率大小顺序为钾 (96%~97%) > 氮 (52%~86%) > 磷 (29%~45%),其中钾在前两周基本完全释放,而氮、磷释放率在后期有负增长现象。3) 纤维素、半纤维素腐解率与秸秆腐解规律基本一致,均表现出前期快后期慢的特点,而木质素则在中后期腐解较快;纤维素、半纤维素和木质素最终腐解率分别为78%~87%、86%~91%和66%~73%(187天后)。4) 扫描电镜结果显示,小麦秸秆结构逐渐遭到破坏,表面变得粗糙,断层增多,空洞增大,纤维束变得松散,形成近似网状结构;高氮处理下小麦秸秆表观结构受破坏程度大于不施氮处理。5) 核磁共振结果显示,不同有机碳官能团信号强度分布表现为:烷氧碳 (47.02%~60.13%) > 烷基碳 (11.41%~17.38%) > 双烷氧碳 (10.79%~13.31%) > 甲氧基碳/烷氮碳 (7.53%~12.02%) > 芳基碳 (2.70%~7.18%) > 羧基碳 (1.07%~2.60%) > 酚基碳 (0.75%~2.02%);腐解过程中烷基碳、甲氧基碳/烷氮碳、酚基碳和羧基碳相对含量显著增加,而烷氧碳相对含量显著降低。6) 相关分析表明,秸秆残余物所有有机碳官能团均与腐解率、碳释放率有显著或极显著相关性;有机碳官能团中只有烷氧碳、甲氧基碳/烷氮碳与氮释放率有显著相关性;烷氧碳、双烷氧碳与纤维素、半纤维素和木质素腐解率均呈极显著负相关,羧基碳和甲氧基碳/烷氮碳均与木质素腐解率呈现极高的正相关性。  【结论】  施用氮肥能够促进小麦秸秆腐解和碳释放,其效果在秸秆还田两周后才能显现出来;在腐解过程中,秸秆残余物中代表易分解碳水化合物的烷氧碳相对含量随腐解时间延长而不断降低,且占比均高于其它碳官能团,对指示秸秆腐解进程具有重要意义;固态核磁共振技术更有利于监测秸秆腐解过程中不同有机碳官能团结构变化,从而更深刻地认识秸秆腐解机制。  相似文献   

由于农户施肥量差异较大,导致产生的秸秆养分含量尤其是秸秆碳氮比(C/N)不同,可能影响秸秆还田腐解。为探究不同C/N油菜秸秆腐解动态及养分释放特征,开展室内培养试验。试验选取C/N 92、C/N 116和C/N 136的油菜秸秆作为3个处理,采用尼龙网袋法淹水培养120 d。结果表明:不同C/N秸秆均表现为前期(0~10 d)迅速腐解(累积腐解率30.73%~33.59%)、中期(11~30 d)缓速腐解(累积腐解率5.10%~6.42%)、后期(31~120 d)慢速腐解(累积腐解率仅占总腐解率的4.50%)。不同C/N秸秆碳、氮、磷平均释放率分别为28.32%、46.28%、73.05%,元素释放率表现为磷>氮>碳。不同C/N秸秆养分释放差异表现在快速腐解期,其中C/N 92秸秆的氮素累积释放率相较于C/N 116和C/N 136分别高7.27%和15.16%,磷素释放率则表现为C/N 136秸秆较C/N 116和C/N 92分别高1.91%和13.53%,而不同C/N秸秆碳素在整个腐解期均无显著差异。综上所述,低C/N的油菜秸秆氮素具有更高的释放率,而高C/N秸秆磷素的释放率则高于低C/N的秸秆。  相似文献   

张斯梅  段增强  顾克军  张传辉  许博 《土壤》2023,55(4):749-755
为了探讨不同水稻灌溉模式和氮肥减量对还田小麦秸秆腐解特性及土壤养分的影响,通过田间试验,设置了水稻灌溉模式(常规灌溉,W1;干湿交替灌溉,W2)和施氮水平(不施氮,N0;常量施氮,N1;减量20%施氮,N2)处理,采用尼龙网袋法研究了不同处理下小麦秸秆腐解动态、养分释放规律及土壤养分含量。结果表明,干湿交替灌溉和氮肥施用均可促进还田小麦秸秆的腐解,减量20%施氮处理小麦秸秆累积腐解率低于常量施氮处理。相同施氮水平下,干湿交替灌溉模式小麦秸秆碳与氮磷钾累积释放率高于常规灌溉模式;与常量施氮相比,减量20%施氮处理小麦秸秆碳与氮磷钾累积释放率降低。干湿交替灌溉和施氮使土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮和有效磷含量提高,而减量20%施氮对土壤养分含量的影响较小。综上可见,干湿交替灌溉和氮肥施用促进了还田小麦秸秆腐解和养分释放,有利于土壤养分提升;而减量20%施氮对小麦秸秆腐解与养分释放以及土壤养分无明显影响。  相似文献   

  【目的】  田间环境的复杂性影响促腐菌种的实际促腐效果。研究3个经鉴定的促腐菌种在田间条件下提高秸秆腐解相关酶活性的效果,并比较其和商品菌剂的效果,为秸秆促腐菌剂研发及秸秆高效还田提供科学依据。  【方法】  田间试验采用秸秆包网袋填埋法,在江西省上高县双季稻种植区晚稻季节进行,设置水稻秸秆接种假单胞菌、芽孢杆菌、青霉、商品菌剂以及不施菌剂 (对照) 5个处理,分别于秸秆包填埋于土壤后第7、14、28、56、84天取秸秆样品,测定秸秆剩余量、养分含量及胞外酶活性,并计算秸秆腐解率。  【结果】  1) 不论是否添加促腐菌剂,秸秆的腐解均呈现出先快后慢的趋势。添加假单胞菌处理秸秆腐解率以及C、N、P释放率在0~84天始终显著高于对照,最终分别提高5.6%、9.09%、11.66%和7.87%;添加青霉处理秸秆腐解率 (第14天除外) 和氮释放率在0~84天也显著高于对照,最终分别提高5.2%和7.46%;添加商品菌剂处理秸秆腐解率仅在第14天显著高于对照;而添加芽孢杆菌处理秸秆腐解率始终与对照无显著差异。2) 腐解时间是影响胞外酶活性的最重要因素,添加菌剂也能不同程度地提高秸秆腐解胞外酶活性。胞外酶中,乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性是影响秸秆腐解和养分释放的重要变量,其次是β-纤维二糖苷酶和磷酸酶。添加假单胞菌处理乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶 (第14天除外) 以及磷酸酶的酶活性在0~84天内显著高于对照,添加青霉、芽孢杆菌以及商品菌剂处理相关胞外酶活性表现并不稳定,添加青霉处理乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性仅在0~14天显著高于对照。3) 添加菌剂处理水稻产量较对照提高1.87%~9.92%,施假单胞菌处理增产最为显著。  【结论】  胞外酶中乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶活性与秸秆腐解和养分释放关系最为密切。青霉仅在秸秆腐解的前14天显著提高乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶活性,芽孢杆菌剂对胞外酶活性的提升效果不稳定,因此,其在田间条件下促进秸秆腐解、养分释放的效果也不稳定,最终没有增产效果。假单胞菌剂可在0~84天腐解周期内显著提高乙酰氨基葡萄糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶 (第14天除外) 活性,因而在田间条件下,假单胞菌剂可以有效促进秸秆腐解和养分释放,提高晚稻产量。  相似文献   

稻秸还田提高我国南方典型稻田冬绿肥产量和养分积累   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  【目的】  提高冬绿肥的产量和养分积累量有利于轮作系统中主作物的高产稳产和光、温、养分资源的高效循环利用。研究稻秸还田对冬季豆科绿肥生长和养分积累及土壤性状的影响,为稻田豆科绿肥的高产栽培及稻秸资源化利用提供指导。  【方法】  在广西、四川和安徽,分别以盐渍水稻土、紫色土和黄棕壤为供试土壤,进行相同处理的豆科绿肥盆栽试验,供试品种均为当地主栽品种。稻秸添加量设 3个水平:0、3000、6000 kg/hm2 (S0、S1、S2),每个稻秸添加水平下设两个施氮水平:0和45 kg/hm2 (N0、N45),共包括6个处理。于豆科绿肥盛花期采集植株和土壤样品,测定鲜草产量和土壤理化性状。  【结果】  与稻秸不还田且不施氮肥处理(RS0N0)相比,盐渍水稻土、紫色土和黄棕壤上稻秸还田与氮肥配施处理的绿肥鲜草产量分别提高了63.0%~66.0%、35.2%~53.8%和103.6%~117.1%,植株氮累积量分别提高了19.1%~41.5%、43.7%~67.2%和65.1%~70.5%,磷累积量分别提高了12.1%~68.9%、31.4%~57.3%和37.9%~45.3%,钾累积量分别提高了22.0%~58.7%、30.7%~35.0%和89.2%~102.9%。在盐渍水稻土、紫色土,稻秸还田(S1、S2)均可提高绿肥鲜草产量和氮磷钾养分积累量,配合施氮没有进一步提高鲜草产量和氮磷钾养分积累量;而在黄棕壤与秸秆半量还田相比,稻秸全量还田降低了绿肥产量,但在一定程度上增加了绿肥地上部养分积累量,稻秸还田配合施用氮肥则显著增加了绿肥的产量和地上部养分积累量。盐渍水稻土稻秸还田与氮肥配施处理(RS1N45和RS2N45)提高了土壤有效磷含量;黄棕壤土壤有效磷含量、土壤速效钾含量随稻秸添加量增加先下降后上升,与不施肥对照相比,3种土壤上稻秸与氮肥配施处理均显著提高了土壤无机氮含量。偏最小二乘法路径模型分析表明,稻秸还田及土壤类型对豆科绿肥鲜草产量和地上部氮、磷、钾的累积量均有极显著正影响(P < 0.01),氮肥处理仅对豆科绿肥鲜草产量有极显著正影响(P < 0.01)。  【结论】  稻秸还田不同程度地促进了豆科绿肥对土壤速效养分的吸收,提高了豆科绿肥鲜草产量和地上部氮磷钾累积量。在肥力较高的盐渍水稻土和紫色土上,稻秸全量还田可显著增加豆科绿肥的鲜草产量,维持土壤有效养分,无需配合施用氮肥。在肥力较低的黄棕壤上,全量还田(6000 kg/hm2)需配施氮肥才可充分发挥稻秸还田的增产效果,缓解土壤中有效养分含量的下降。  相似文献   

Submerged rice paddies are a major source of methane (CH4) which is the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide (CO2). Accelerating rice straw decomposition during the off-rice season could help to reduce CH4 emission from rice paddies during the single rice-growth season in cold temperate regions. For understanding how both temperature and moisture can affect the rate of rice straw decomposition during the off-rice season in the cold temperate region of Tohoku district, Japan, a modeling incubation experiment was carried out in the laboratory. Bulk soil and soil mixed with 2% of δ13C-labeled rice straw with a full factorial combination of four temperature levels (?5 to 5, 5, 15, 25°C) and two moisture levels (60% and 100% WFPS) were incubated for 24 weeks. The daily change from ?5 to 5°C was used to model the freezing–thawing cycles occurring during the winter season. The rates of rice straw decomposition were calculated by (i) CO2 production; (ii) change in the soil organic carbon (SOC) content; and (iii) change in the δ13C value of SOC. The results indicated that both temperature and moisture affected the rate of rice straw decomposition during the 24-week aerobic incubation period. Rates of rice straw decomposition increased not only with high temperature, but also with high moisture conditions. The rates of rice straw decomposition were more accurately calculated by CO2 production compared to those calculated by the change in the SOC content, or in its δ13C value. Under high moisture at 100% WFPS condition, the rates of rice straw decomposition were 14.0, 22.2, 33.5 and 46.2% at ?5 to 5, 5, 15 and 25°C temperature treatments, respectively. While under low moisture at 60% WFPS condition, these rates were 12.7, 18.3, 31.2 and 38.4%, respectively. The Q10 of rice straw decomposition was higher between ?5 to 5 and 5°C than that between 5 and 15°C and that between 15 and 25°C. Daily freezing–thawing cycles (from ?5 to 5°C) did not stimulate rice straw decomposition compared with low temperature at 5°C. This study implies that to reduce CH4 emission from rice paddies during the single rice-growth season in the cold temperate regions, enhancing rice straw decomposition during the high temperature period is very important.  相似文献   

The influence of exogenous organic inputs on soil microbial biomass dynamics and crop root biomass was studied through two annual cycles in rice-barley rotation in a tropical dryland agroecosystem. The treatments involved addition of equivalent amount of N (80 kg N ha−1) through chemical fertilizer and three organic inputs at the beginning of each annual cycle: Sesbania shoot (high-quality resource, C:N 16, lignin:N 3.2, polyphenol+lignin:N 4.2), wheat straw (low-quality resource, C:N 82, lignin:N 34.8, polyphenol+lignin:N 36.8) and Sesbania+wheat straw (high-and low-quality resources combined), besides control. The decomposition rates of various inputs and crop roots were determined in field conditions by mass loss method. Sesbania (decay constant, k=0.028) decomposed much faster than wheat straw (k=0.0025); decomposition rate of Sesbania+wheat straw was twice as fast compared to wheat straw. On average, soil microbial biomass levels were: rice period, Sesbania?Sesbania+wheat straw>wheat straw?fertilizer; barley period, Sesbania+wheat straw>Sesbania?wheat straw?fertilizer; summer fallow, Sesbania+wheat straw>Sesbania>wheat straw?fertilizer. Soil microbial biomass increased through rice and barley crop periods to summer fallow; however, in Sesbania shoot application a strong peak was obtained during rice crop period. In both crops soil microbial biomass C and N decreased distinctly from seedling to grain-forming stages, and then increased to the maximum at crop maturity. Crop roots, however, showed reverse trend through the cropping period, suggesting strong competition between microbial biomass and crop roots for available nutrients. It is concluded that both resource quality and crop roots had distinct effect on soil microbial biomass and combined application of Sesbania shoot and wheat straw was most effective in sustained build up of microbial biomass through the annual cycle.  相似文献   

An incubation experiment was carried out with maize (Zea mays L.) leaf straw to analyze the effects of mixing the residues with soil and N amendment on the decomposition process. In order to distinguish between soil effects and nitrogen effects for both the phyllospheric microorganisms already present on the surface of maize straw and soil microorganisms the N amendment was applied in two different placements: directly to the straw or to the soil. The experiment was performed in dynamic, automated microcosms for 22 days at 15 °C with 7 treatments: (1) untreated soil, (2) non-amended maize leaf straw without soil, (3) N amended maize leaf straw without soil, (4) soil mixed with maize leaf straw, (5) N amended soil, (6) N amended soil mixed with maize leaf straw, and (7) soil mixed with N amended maize leaf straw. 15NH415NO3 (5 at%) was added. Gas emissions (CO2, 13CO2 and N2O) were continuously recorded throughout the experiment. Microbial biomass C, biomass N, ergosterol, δ13C of soil organic C and of microbial biomass C as well as 15N in soil total N, mineral N and microbial biomass N were determined in soil samples at the end of the incubation. The CO2 evolution rate showed a lag-phase of two days in the non-amended maize leaf straw treatment without soil, which was completely eliminated when mineral N was added. The addition of N generally increased the CO2 evolution rate during the initial stages of maize leaf straw decomposition, but not the cumulative CO2 production. The presence of soil caused roughly a 50% increase in cumulative CO2 production within 22 days in the maize straw treatments due to a slower decrease of CO2 evolution after the initial activity peak. Since there are no limitations of water or N, we suggest that soil provides a microbial community ensuring an effective succession of straw decomposing microorganisms. In the treatments where maize and soil was mixed, 75% of microbial biomass C was derived from maize. We concluded that this high contribution of maize using microbiota indicates a strong influence of organisms of phyllospheric origin to the microbial community in the soil after plant residues enter the soil.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and carbon dynamics in paddy and upland soils for rice cultivation and in upland soil for corn cultivation was investigated by using 13C and 15N dual-labeled cattle manure compost (CMC). In a soil with low fertility, paddy and upland rice took up carbon and nitrogen from the CMC at rates ranging from 0.685 to 1.051% of C and 17.6–34.6% of N applied. The 13C concentration was much higher in the roots than in the plant top, whereas the 15N concentration differed slightly between them, indicating that organic carbon taken up preferentially accumulated in roots. The 13C recovery in the plant top tended to be higher in upland soil than in paddy soil, whereas 15N applied was recovered at the same level in both paddy and upland soils. In the experiment with organic farming soil, paddy rice took up C and N from the CMC along with plant growth and the final recovery rates of 13C and 15N were 2.16 and 17.2% of C and N applied. In the corn experiment, a very large amount of carbon from the CMC was absorbed, accounting for at least 7 times value for rice. The final uptake rates of 13C and 15N reached about 13 and 10% of C and N applied, respectively. Carbon emission from the CMC sharply increased by 2 weeks after transplanting and the nitrogen emission was very low. It is concluded that rice and corn can take up an appreciable level of carbon and nitrogen from the CMC through roots.  相似文献   

秸秆配施氮肥还田对水稻土酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验研究秸秆还田时间及配施氮肥比例对水稻土酶活性的影响,以期为培育水稻土肥力和稳定稻田生态系统功能提供理论依据。试验设置2个秸秆还田时间(WS,冬季还田;SS,春季还田)和4个氮肥配施量(N0,秸秆还田,试验期内全程不添加矿质氮;NB,常规施肥,还田时不添加矿质氮;N30B,秸秆还田时添加早稻基肥用量的30%矿质氮;N60B,秸秆还田时添加早稻基肥用量的60%矿质氮)。研究结果表明:1冬季秸秆翻耕还田能增加冬闲期6种与土壤碳周转相关酶(β-葡萄糖苷酶、β-纤维二糖苷酶、β-木糖苷酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶和蔗糖酶)的活性,冬闲期冬季秸秆还田条件下土壤酶活性均高于春季还田,生育期内冬季秸秆翻耕还田措施对土壤β-葡糖苷酶和过氧化物酶有增加作用;2秸秆还田并配施氮肥措施显著地增加冬闲期和生育期β-纤维二糖苷酶的活性,但配施氮肥的3个比例间土壤酶活性并无显著差异;3除多酚氧化酶外,其他5种酶均与其有机碳投入量呈显著正相关。因此,冬季秸秆还田及配施氮肥能在一定程度上调控与碳周转相关的土壤酶活性,对推广冬闲期秸秆翻耕还田及保障作物的产量具有重要的生态学意义。  相似文献   

Rice straw including leaf sheaths and blades put in nylon mesh bags was placed in the plow layer of a Japanese paddy field after harvest under upland conditions and after transplanting of rice seedlings under flooded conditions. In addition, rice straw that was decomposed under the upland conditions during the off-crop season in winter was placed again in soil at the time of transplanting. The materials were collected periodically to analyze the community structure of the bacteria and fungi responsible for rice straw decomposition by PCR-RFLP analysis. The PCR products with 27f and 1492r primers designed for bacterial 16S rDNA and with EF3 and EF4 primers designed for fungal 18S rDNA were digested with four restriction endonucleases (Hinf I, Sau3A I, Hae III, EeoR I). Bacterial communities in the decomposing rice straw were different from each other between upland and flooded conditions, between leaf sheaths and blades, and between straw samples with and without decomposition under upland conditions during the off-crop season. Fungal communities in the decomposing rice straw were also different between the leaf sheaths and blades under upland soil conditions. Score plots of bacterial and fungal communities in the principal component analysis were separated from the plot of the straw materials along with the duration of the placement, indicating the succession of bacterial and fungal communities in decomposing rice straw with time.  相似文献   

15N标记羊粪和稻草还田氮素的转化和效应的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本工作通过田间微区试验,研究了^15N标记羊粪和稻草单独施用或分别与尿素配合施用作为水稻基肥时,肥料氮的命运及共对水稻产量的影响。  相似文献   

配施不同腐秆剂对还稻田麦秸腐解和水稻产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
为阐明沿淮地区秸秆还田配施不同腐秆剂在秸秆腐解和水稻产量方面的差异,遴选出适合该区域使用的腐秆剂.本研究通过安徽省霍邱县的麦秆促腐还田定位试验,深入分析了秸秆还田和氮磷钾优化平衡施肥后不施腐秆剂(SF)、施腐秆剂1号(SFD1)、施腐秆剂2号(SFD2)和施腐秆剂3号(SFD3)等处理连续两年在秸秆腐解和水稻产量等方面...  相似文献   

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