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Soil pore size distribution(SPSD) is one of the most important soil physical properties. This research investigated the relationships of location and shape parameters of the SPSD curves with plant-available water(PAW) and least limiting water range(LLWR) of the light-textured soils at the Torogh Agricultural Research Station in north-eastern Iran. Soil moisture release curve(SMRC), PAW and LLWR in matric heads of 100 and 330 h Pa for the field capacity and location and shape parameters of the SPSD curves of 30 soils with different texture and organic carbon contents were determined, and the variable relationships were statistically analyzed. The results showed that the median equivalent pore diameter(de), mean de, standard deviation(SD*), and skewness of the SPSD curves were significantly correlated with PAW(PAW330) and LLWR(LLWR330) measured in a matric head of 330 h Pa. Decrease in deand increase in the diversity of soil pore size(SD*) increased PAW330 and LLWR330. The SD* values of all the soil samples were lower than the optimal ranges suggested in literature. Neither PAW nor LLWR values were significantly different in the soils with the optimal modal deand those with non-optimal modal de. Optimal values of median and mean equivalent pore diameters and kurtosis of SPSD curves led to a significant improvement of PAW330 and LLWR330 as soil physical quality indicators. It was recommended to revise the optimal ranges for SD* and modal defor future studies.  相似文献   

As one of the most important and essential macronutrients next to nitrogen,phosphorus(P)is important for plant development,but it is the least mobile nutrient element in plant and soil.Globally,P is mined from geological sediments and added to agricultural soils so as to meet the critical requirements of crop plants for agronomic productivity.Phosphorus exists in soil in both organic and inorganic forms.The various inorganic forms of the element in soil are salts with calcium,iron,and aluminum,whereas the organic forms come from decaying vegetation and microbial residue.There is a huge diversity of plant microbiomes(epiphytic,endophytic,and rhizospheric)and soil microbiomes that have the capability to solubilize the insoluble P and make it available to plant.The main mechanism for the solubilization of inorganic P is by the production of organic acids,which lowers soil pH,or by the production of acid and alkaline phosphatases,which causes the mineralization of organic P.The P-solubilizing and-mobilizing microorganisms belong to all three domains,comprising archaea,bacteria,and eukarya.The strains belonging to the genera Arthrobacter,Bacillus,Burkholderia,Natrinema,Pseudomonas,Rhizobium,and Serratia have been reported as efficient and potential P solubilizers.The use of P solubilizers,alone or in combination with other plant growth-promoting microbes as an eco-friendly microbial consortium,could increase the P uptake of crops,increasing their yields for agricultural and environmental sustainability.  相似文献   

In trace metal (TM)-contaminated agricultural soils,management of TM availability is important for safe crop production.In addition,maintenance or improvement of soil quality is vital for sustainable crop cultivation.Decreased TM phytoavailability and increased soil quality can be achieved by the application of various immobilizing agents to soil,which can supply both macronutrients and organic matter.This study investigated the long-term influences of four common immobilizing agents on soil biogeochemical properties and the phytoavailability of TMs in mixed metal-contaminated soil from a cultivated upland near an abandoned mining site.Lime (L),gypsum (G),fly ash (F),and animal manure-based compost (C) were applied to pots containing contaminated soil,either individually or in combination.After incubation for three years under sequential cultivation of two crops and fallow,soil biogeochemical properties were determined,and Brassica rapa plant bioassay was performed.The phytoavailability of all TMs (both cationic metals and anionic metalloids) remained significantly lower in soils treated with immobilizing agents even after three years,when compared with the no-agent control (CK) soil.In addition,the soil quality was significantly improved by treatment with immobilizing agents.For instance,the C and L+C treatments were the most effective in improving soil physical (bulk density,porosity,and water-resistant aggregate stability),chemical (pH,organic matter,total nitrogen,cation exchange capacity,and plant-available phosphorus,magnesium,and potassium),and biological (microbial biomass carbon and dehydrogenase activity) properties.The improvement of soil properties and lowering of TM bioavailability were also consistent with the most significant increase in B.rapa biomass production observed in the C treatment,followed by the L+C,G+F,L,G,F,and L+G treatments,as compared with that in CK.These results indicate that the function of the TM-immobilizing agent as a soil quality conditioner,in addition to its TM immobilizing effect,should be considered when selecting such agents for agricultural or ecological applications.  相似文献   

吉林省春旱风险评估及区划   总被引:15,自引:7,他引:8  
利用吉林省各站1951-2005年实测气象资料,通过计算变异系数、正态分布风险概率、风险指数对吉林省春旱的风险性进行了讨论和评估。结果表明,吉林省中西部大部分地区遭受春旱的风险性较大,出现偏旱的概率一般在60%以上,发生重旱的概率在20%-60%;综合风险区划结果显示西部白城市大部为春旱高风险区,西部松原市和中部大部为春旱较高风险区,因此,在农业生产中,中西部地区应充分考虑春旱风险,以减轻损失。  相似文献   

可持续发展是实现人与自然和谐相处,推动社会经济发展的正确途径.水利作为国民经济的基础产业,也不例外,必须走可持续发展之路.只有确保水资源和水利工程的可持续利用,才能保障国民经济的可持续发展.搞好水土保持,是保护、改良和合理利用水土资源,维护和提高土地生产力,改善水环境提高其蓄存能力,充分发挥水土资源的生态经济效益,建立良好生态环境的重要措施.  相似文献   

Hedley labile phosphorus(P)pools in soil tend to be several times larger than annual forest requirements,even in highly weathered soils characterized by P limitation.The discrepancy between plant and soil P status could be partly attributable to the frequently adopted air-drying pretreatment that tends to increase soil P solubility.In this study,the effects of air-drying on the distribution of Hedley P fractions were examined using soils collected under 4 forest types at Gongga Mountain,southwestern China.The results showed that the microbial biomass P(Pmic)in the organic horizon decreased markedly after air-drying.The concentrations of Hedley labile P in the air-dried samples were 31%–73%more than those in the field-moist samples.Consequently,the air-drying-induced increments of Hedley labile P pools in the surface soil horizons were 0.8–3.8 times the annual plant P requirements.The organic horizon was more susceptible to the air-drying-induced increases in Hedley labile P than the mineral horizon,probably because of the stronger release of Pmicand disruption of soil organic matter.The quality of P,indexed by the ratio of Hedley labile P to slowly cycling P,shifted in favor of the Hedley labile fractions after air-drying,further revealing that air-drying changed the distribution of Hedley P pools in forest soils.These indicated that the effects of air-drying could not be ignored when interpreting the discrepancy between the P status of plants and the Hedley labile P pools in forest soils.To more efficiently evaluate the P status in forest soils via the Hedley fractionation procedure,the use of field-moist soils is recommended.  相似文献   

In agricultural systems, it is vital to use limited yet optimal phosphorus(P) resources, because excessive P fertilizer application leads to the accumulation of P in soil, increasing the risk of environmental pollution and causing the waste and exhaustion of P resources. In a rice-wheat rotation system, omitting P fertilizer application in the rice-growing season is a good alternative;however, how this P fertilization reduction influences changes in P in the soil-root-aboveground system is unclear. In this study, after a seven-year rice-wheat rotation at the Yixing(YX) and Changshu(CS) sampling sites, China, compared with P fertilization in rice-and wheat-growing seasons(PR+W), reduced P fertilization(no P fertilizer application in either season, P0;P fertilization only in wheat-growing seasons, PW;and P fertilization only in rice-growing seasons, PR) did not result in substantial variation in crop biomass. The PW treatment did not reduce crop total P, root iron(Fe)-plaque P, and soil Olsen-P at three stages of rice growth(seedling, booting, and harvesting stages) at the YX and CS sites. In contrast, concentrations of soil Olsen-P, aboveground crop total P, and root Fe-plaque P decreased in the P0 treatment by 45.8%–81.0%,24.6%–30.9%, and 45.6%–73.4%, respectively. In addition, a significant negative correlation was observed between the root Fe-plaque P and crop biomass at the two sites. Significant positive correlations were also observed between root Fe-plaque P and root total P, crop total P, and soil Olsen-P. In addition, the results of a redundancy analysis revealed that soil alkaline phosphatase(ALP) played a major role in the supply of P in soil, and was closely associated with root Fe-plaque P. The results of this study will enhance the understanding of the changes in P in the soil-root-aboveground system, particularly under P fertilizer reduction regimes.  相似文献   

威廉斯的土壤統一形成學說是馬克思列寧主義哲学關於自然和社會發展過程的基本原理(前進的運動,上升的運動,由舊質態進到新質態,由簡單到複雜,由低級到高級)在土壤学中的创造性的應用。米丘林生物学關於有機體發展与環境統一的基本規律,是這個學說的基礎。威廉斯根據植物營養元素的生物循環過程是在物質的地質大循環過程軌  相似文献   

2007年7月四川省泸县发生了特大洪涝灾害,嘉明和福集两镇洪水淹没面积多达8000hm^2,淹没时间长达60~92h,造成淹没区农作物的毁灭性损失,其中以水稻受灾最为严重。本文通过对灾区蓄留洪水再生稻的野外追踪调查和示范区比较试验,初步认为蓄留洪水再生稻是行之有效的抗灾、减灾措施。提出:早割低留桩、迟割高留桩、早割多施肥、迟割少施肥、保持浅水层和防治病虫害是蓄留洪水再生稻的关键技术.  相似文献   

Cadmium(Cd)is a toxic heavy metal occurring in the environment naturally and is also generated through various anthropogenic sources and acts as a pollutant.Human health is affected by Cd pollution in farmland soils because food is the main source of Cd intake in the non-smoking population.For crops,Cd toxicity may result from a disturbance in uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients and disturbance in plant metabolism,inhibiting plant growth and development.However,plants have Cd tolerance mechanisms,including restricted Cd uptake,decreased Cd root-to-shoot translocation,enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities,and increased production of phytochelatins.Furthermore,optimal supply of mineral nutrients is one of the strategies to alleviate the damaging effects of Cd on plants and to avoid its entry into the food chain.The emerging molecular knowledge contributes to understanding Cd uptake,translocation,and remobilization in plants.In this review,Cd toxicity and tolerance mechanisms,agricultural practices to minimize Cd accumulation,Cd competition with essential elements(calcium,copper,iron,zinc,and manganese),and genes associated with Cd uptake are discussed in detail,especially regarding how these mineral nutrients and genes play a role in decreasing Cd uptake and accumulation in crop plants.  相似文献   

我国南方崩岗形成机理的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
张淑光  蔡庆  邓岚 《水土保持通报》1993,13(2):43-46,49

姬松茸多糖提取工艺的优化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对姬松茸子实体多糖提取的工艺条件中的多糖提取温度、提取时间、浸提液pH值3因子的最优化组合问题进行了定量研究,建立了具有良好预测性能的姬松茸多糖提取条件的模型,并利用回归模型对工艺条件的最优化组合,对各单因子要素的多糖得率及其交互作用进行了探讨。试验表明,当浸提温度为100℃、浸提时间为3h、浸提液pH值为6.3时多糖得率处于较高水平  相似文献   

分析论述了青海省耕地资源开发利用的现状、特点和问题。在此基础上,提出了对青海省耕地资源进行研究的框架体系和思路,同时基于GIS/RS技术设计了相关的技术路线。最后依据所做设计对青海省耕地资源开发利用做了初步分析,并进行了相关的对策研究分析。  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - Layers were step-by-step removed from macroaggregates (2–1 mm in diameter) of Protocalcic Chernozems via successive abrasion in a revolving rotator during 5, 10, 15,...  相似文献   

塑料大棚内种植的食用仙人掌在土壤墒情较好时也有萎蔫现象发生,通过试验观测和对仙人掌生理习性的分析,发现阴雨过后天气突然放晴温度急剧上升易使仙人掌发生萎蔫现象,并提出了田间管理的应对措施。  相似文献   

济南山丘区土壤侵蚀潜在危险度景观格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤侵蚀潜在危险度景观格局的形成及其变化是自然的和人为的多种因素相互作用的结果 ,运用景观生态学原理 ,通过分析景观斑块的类型、数量、面积大小和空间组合状况 ,揭示出济南市山丘区的土壤侵蚀潜在危险度分布特征及空间变异规律  相似文献   

淤地坝坝体体积的计算   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对于已确定的淤地坝坝址,坝体的纵断面(即沟道横断面)是一定的。根据实测的沟造横断面,以沟底最低点为坐标原点,沟道一侧的岸壁曲线可用幂函数形式表示之。利用这种幂函数关系,对于坝坡均一的坝体.在设定坝顶宽、坝高和上下游边坡之后,作者推导出沟道一侧坝体体积的计算公式;沟道两侧的坝体体积即为坝体总体积。对于非均一坝坡、设有马道的坝和坝体加高的体积,可将坝体横断面分割为由几个均一坝坡组成的坝体断面,分别计算其体积。这种计算方法的精度,取决于坝址横断面岸壁曲线回归方程与实际岸壁的符合程度。  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - The results of the study of the properties of urban soils of the city of Sibay located in the mining region of the Republic of Bashkortostan are presented. A specific...  相似文献   

植物恢复措施对鸡西矿区废弃地土壤养分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黑龙江省鸡西市矿区废弃地为研究区,对不同矿区废弃地的土壤养分元素进行含量分析。结果表明:应用植物恢复措施后的基质土壤各养分指标绝大多数要大大高于原废弃地土壤和经过自然恢复的土壤,说明该措施对石墨尾矿、矸石发电厂粉煤灰废弃地和平排矸石山土壤养分改善效果明显;其中石墨尾矿除全磷外,各种养分指标与林地土壤差距较大,而旱柳对石墨尾矿土壤的改善效果最好,其有机质含量为37.28g/kg,是残渣的2.6倍;种植大果沙棘对粉煤灰废弃地土壤养分的积累效果明显,有机质含量为48.25g/kg,是残渣的1.5倍;植物恢复措施使平排矸石山的土壤养分积累速度加快,已接近林地,混交种植兴安落叶松和家榆总体恢复效果最好,有机质含量分别为193.42和151.46g/kg,是自然恢复条件下的8.9和7倍。建议引入优势种群(如松科等)以加快演替速度,使矿区废弃地更快地恢复到原始状态。  相似文献   

物联网是一个集信息通信、数据交换、传感器技术与软件工程于一体的综合性产业,探讨和分析了物联网的结构体系与发展中遇到的安全问题。  相似文献   

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