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为查明"三北"防护林建设前后农耕地和退耕地土壤保持效益变化,利用137Cs和210Pbex双核素示踪技术,选择了防护林建设较为成功的张家口坝上地区(风力侵蚀区)作为典型区,研究了农耕地以及退耕地土壤137Cs和210Pbex的剖面变化规律及其示踪的土壤侵蚀变化。结果表明:1)由于耕作的混匀作用,农耕地土壤剖面中137Cs和210Pbex均呈均匀态分布;退耕地土壤剖面中137Cs和210Pbex则表现为表层(0~5cm)浓度最高、下层(5~25cm)浓度均相对较低且分布相对均匀的形态,这表明退耕后坡地土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面形态均会发生一定变化,退耕驱动土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面变化导致运用土壤核素估算侵蚀模型在该区域难以适用;2)基于土壤137Cs和210Pbex剖面变化规律,利用210Pbex质量平衡方程,提出了退耕地土壤210Pbex土壤侵蚀估算模型;3)利用137Cs比例模型估算退耕地土壤侵蚀速率为27.94±11.92 (t/hm2·a),农耕地侵蚀速率为29.11±14.42 (t/hm2·a),而利用修正后的210Pbex转换模型估算得到"三北"防护林区退耕地造林前平均侵蚀速率为82.16±14.36 (t/hm2·a),造林后平均侵蚀速率为-41.28±33.91 (t/hm2·a);农耕地造林前平均侵蚀速率为68.55±22.11 (t/hm2·a),造林后平均侵蚀速率-8.52±47.32 (t/hm2·a)。这表明137Cs示踪技术主要表征了1963年以来该区坡地土壤侵蚀和沉积的平均结果,而210Pbex示踪技术则可以较好地示踪防护林建成前后的土壤侵蚀变化。此外,研究结果也表明,相比于"三北"防护林建成之前,建成之后该区农耕地和退耕地的土壤侵蚀速率均呈显著下降趋势,且均由前期的风沙侵蚀转变成了风沙沉积。  相似文献   

210Pb由于在环境中特殊的分配关系及其在土壤中迁移性小、极易被土壤细颗粒吸附等特性而被视为良好的示踪剂,210Pb的沉降具有连续性和相对稳定性,可示踪百年尺度的平均土壤侵蚀速率。具有初始分布及其在未扰动土壤剖面中均呈现出土表含量最高,随深度增加含量减少的分布特征。在耕作土壤中由于耕作混合作用210Pbex呈均匀分布。评述了目前用到的210Pbex侵蚀模型重量逼近模型和质量平衡模型,210Pbex与其它核素(137Cs、7Be)复合示踪研究土壤侵蚀和泥沙来源是核素示踪的一大亮点。提出了210Pbex示踪土壤的优点和应用210Pbex示踪应注意的问题。  相似文献   

原位现场γ谱仪具有快速准确监测土壤中环境放射性核素137Cs和210Pbex的潜力,可以解决传统环境放射性核素示踪土壤侵蚀在选择参考点和测定时间过长问题。本研究应用现场γ谱仪(ISOCS,In-situObject Counting System),对内蒙古锡林浩特草原土壤中137Cs和210Pbex的含量进行了田间原位(不采样)测定,并与室内γ谱仪测定结果进行了比对。结果显示:现场γ谱仪的探头离地面1m,采用90度准直器,测量时间保证3600s以上时,测定的土壤中137Cs面积浓度与室内测定结果一致,二者的平均偏差为8%,表明现场γ谱仪测定具有较高精度,是快速评价土壤侵蚀速率的有效技术;210Pbex的原位测定结果显著高于室内测定结果,可能由于测定时间较短所致。初步研究结果表明:原位测定具有时间短、精度高的优点,可以克服传统采样造成的空间变异误差。  相似文献   

~(137)Cs技术研究岩溶高原湿地小流域土壤侵蚀特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用137Cs技术研究了威宁草海沙河小流域不同土地利用方式和地貌部位的土壤侵蚀特征。结果表明:研究区137Cs的背景值为879Bq·m2;农耕地土壤剖面中137Cs中呈均匀分布,非农耕地土壤剖面中呈指数递减分布;不同土地利用方式下,137Cs的面积活度值从大到小为灌丛地人工草地农耕地,土壤侵蚀模数值为农耕地草地灌丛地;不同地貌部位土壤中,137Cs面积活度值从大到小为下坡中坡上坡,侵蚀模数值变化为上坡中坡下坡。小流域年均侵蚀模数为:1254.9t·(km2·a)-1,灌丛地侵蚀模数为462.6t·(km2·a)-1,人工草地为630.4t·(km2·a)-1,农耕地为3311.8t·(km2·a)-1。因此,在小流域水土流失综合治理过程中,农耕地是治理的重点。  相似文献   

探讨了^137Cs与^210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。基于^137Cs与^210Pbex的不同沉降过程,考虑到核素由犁耕层向犁底层的扩散,对农耕地土壤^137Cs与^210Pbex的深度分布过程进行了理论推导,并以杨凌符家庄麦田剖面的实测数据予以验证,同时讨论了实测符家庄麦田剖面^137Cs与^210Pbex深度分布的规律特征及其原因,以此阐明了^137Cs与^210Pbex在农耕地土壤深度分布过程的差异。^137Cs源于大气核试爆,没有持续沉降补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤^137Cs深度分布一直处于随时间变化的非稳定态;而210Pbex是天然核素,存在大气沉降的持续补充,犁耕层和犁底层土壤^210Pbex深度分布最终呈稳定态。农耕地土壤^137Cs与^210Pbex深度分布的实测值曲线与理论值曲线的差异,尤其^210Pbex可能与耕作深度的变化历史或土地利用(覆被)变化有关。  相似文献   

~(137)Cs测定法研究不同坡面土壤侵蚀空间的分布特征   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
通过对短坡长农耕地坡面、沟坡、沟道坡面及复合坡面表层土壤137Cs 含量的测定分析,研究了这几种坡面土壤侵蚀空间分布特征。结果表明,在所有坡面上土壤侵蚀都表面为波动趋势,短坡长农耕地坡面中部侵蚀更为强烈;沟道侵蚀表现为溯源侵蚀强烈的趋势,而沟坡由于地表覆盖等因素的影响,侵蚀特征表现复杂;在复合坡面上及相同坡度、坡长的情况下,由于所处的部位不同,侵蚀量相差极大;在长时间段内,影响侵蚀变化的最主要因素是微地貌的变化。  相似文献   

宁南黄土高原阳洼流域137Cs分布及侵蚀特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用137Cs示踪方法,对宁南黄土高原阳洼流域土壤137Cs分布及土壤侵蚀进行了初步研究。结果表明:流域137Cs基准值为(1 966.99±112.06)Bq/m2。流域内林草地土壤剖面137Cs呈指数型分布,坡耕地137Cs在耕层内呈均一分布。受坡位影响,坡耕地上坡137Cs质量活度为中、下坡的25.14%~27%。流域内坡耕地土壤侵蚀最高,平均为3 889.95 t/km2,自然荒坡最小,仅为坡耕地的17.83%,坡耕地是流域泥沙的主要侵蚀溯源区。阳洼流域土壤侵蚀存在明显的空间格局,不同土地类型下土壤137Cs面积活度、土壤侵蚀模数呈斑块状镶嵌分布,以靠近流域西南边界、中部及东南部区域土壤侵蚀模数最大,平均侵蚀速率在3 405.59~7 080.73 t/(km2.a),沉积与侵蚀明显区域间有过渡区域。坡度是影响该流域土壤侵蚀空间变化的主导因子,但土壤侵蚀速率并不简单随坡度增加而增大,它还受土地利用方式、坡位、降雨等因素影响。  相似文献   

基于~(137)Cs、~(210)Pb和CSLE的三峡库区小流域土壤侵蚀评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综合应用137Cs和210Pb技术和中国土壤流失方程CSLE(Chinese soil loss equation)进行三峡库区腹地工农沟小流域土壤侵蚀的定量评价研究,尝试基于核素示踪技术计算的土壤侵蚀模数评估CSLE在库区林地小流域的估算效果。结果表明:(1)借助210PbexCRS计年模式获得了工农沟塘库沉积柱芯不同质量深度的沉积年代,与137Cs 1963年断代结果相比基本一致,定年结果可靠;(2)基于核素示踪技术(137Cs和210Pb)计算的小流域2002—2014年土壤侵蚀模数为269.09t/(km2·a),侵蚀强度属于微度侵蚀,年土壤侵蚀量为22.87t/a;(3)依据CSLE和考虑沟蚀因子的CSLE估算的小流域2002—2014年土壤侵蚀模数分别为256.07t/(km2·a)和317.53t/(km2·a),年土壤侵蚀量分别为21.77t/a和26.99t/a;(4)与核素计算的结果相比,CSLE和考虑沟蚀因子的CSLE的估算精度均≥80%,说明采用CSLE估算库区林地小流域土壤侵蚀量结果合理。  相似文献   

黄土区退耕草地合理放牧可减少土壤CO2排放和土壤侵蚀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】在退耕草地实施合理放牧,有助于减少土壤CO2排放、 减缓土壤侵蚀。为验证此假设,本研究选择黄土高原渭北旱原坡地,建立退耕草地放牧、 退耕草地不放牧和传统农业耕作三种处理的对比试验小区,定量研究了退耕草地合理放牧相对于退耕草地在减少土壤CO2排放和土壤侵蚀的作用及其影响因素,为探寻在我国西部退耕还草区实施畜牧业生产与环境保护的协调发展模式提供科学依据。【方法】在建立的退耕草地放牧、 退耕草地不放牧和传统农业耕作3种处理的试验小区,利用LI-8100 碳通量自动测量仪原位监测植物生长期(4~8月)和放牧前后土壤CO2排放速率的变化,同时利用时域反射仪(TDR)测定表层0—10 cm土壤含水量,用地温表测定土壤表层2 cm和5 cm的温度。利用环境放射性核素 7Be示踪技术监测较大降雨事件引起的土壤侵蚀速率,同时取样测定侵蚀区土壤有机碳含量,比较不同处理小区侵蚀导致的土壤有机碳流失量。【结果】观测期间,3种处理CO2平均排放速率大小顺序为退耕草地[3.69±0.39 μmol/(m2·s)]退耕草地放牧[3.00±0.44 μmol/(m2·s)]传统农耕地[1.99±0.22 μmol/(m2·s)],坡耕地退耕还草后土壤CO2排放增加了85%,而合理放牧使退耕草地土壤CO2排放量减少了19%。放牧后退耕草地土壤CO2排放速率平均减少了11%,减少值在2% ~ 41%之间。观测期内,退耕草地放牧后土壤侵蚀速率比农耕地和退耕草地分别减少了93% 和77%。坡耕地退耕还草后土壤CO2排放增加主要由于草被植物引起土壤有机碳储量增加和土壤侵蚀强度减小,放牧后退耕草地土壤CO2排放减少主要与动物踩踏引起土壤容重明显增加及草类植被地上部分向土壤中输入的有机碳的减少有关。水分、 温度影响因子无法解释3种处理间土壤CO2排放差异。【结论】合理放牧不仅能显著减少退耕草地土壤CO2排放,而且可以有效控制退耕草地土壤和有机碳侵蚀流失。放牧期间动物的踩踏作用引起草地土壤容重显著增加是退耕草地土壤CO2排放量和土壤侵蚀速率减少的主要原因。本研究结果揭示,在我国黄土高原和类似的退耕还草地区实施合理放牧既可以促进当地畜牧业生产,又能控制土壤侵蚀和减少CO2的排放,是一种值得探究的草地可持续发展管理模式。  相似文献   

分析薄层黑土区流域尺度土壤养分与土壤侵蚀速率之间的空间分布关系,可为土壤侵蚀退化评价提供重要的科学依据。基于土壤样品采集与分析测定,结合~(137)Cs示踪技术,对比了典型薄层黑土区流域侵蚀区和沉积区的土壤养分含量,明确了流域尺度土壤养分含量及其空间分布对侵蚀—沉积速率的响应。结果表明:(1)在流域尺度土壤侵蚀对土壤养分含量有重要影响,侵蚀部位土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)、硝态氮(NO_3—N)和速效磷(AP)含量较之沉积部位分别降低27.4%,21.1%,29.2%和54.1%,SOC和TN含量在侵蚀部位和沉积部位存在极显著差异,AP含量在侵蚀部位和沉积部位存在显著差异,而NO_3—N含量在侵蚀部位和沉积部位无显著差异。(2)土壤SOC、TN和AP含量与土壤侵蚀速率呈极显著负相关关系。(3)流域尺度土壤SOC和TN含量空间分布与土壤侵蚀—沉积速率的空间分布呈相反的变化趋势,表明在研究流域土壤侵蚀是造成土壤质量退化的关键驱动因子。  相似文献   

In order to assess its potential for estimating soil redistribution rates, the naturally occurring fallout radionuclide 210Pbex has been used in parallel with 137Cs, derived from the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapon testing in the 1950s to 1970s, to estimate rates of soil redistribution on a sloping field with traditional erosion control measures located near Jiajia Village, Jianyang County, in the Sichuan Hilly Basin of China. The local 210Pbex reference inventory of 12,860 Bq m− 2 is higher than those reported for many other areas of the world and may reflect the influence of cloudy weather in preventing 210Pb released to the atmosphere across the local region moving up into the upper troposphere, where is would be more widely dispersed. The mean 210Pbex and 137Cs inventories measured in cores collected from the upper part of the field with an average slope of 10° were 8028 Bq m− 2 and 993 Bq m− 2, respectively, and the equivalent values for the lower part of the field, where the slopes are steeper (20°) were 11,388 Bq m− 2 and 1299 Bq m− 2. The pattern of post-fallout 210Pbex and 137Cs redistribution on the sloping field reflects not only the effects of water erosion and redistribution by tillage, but also the local traditional practice of “Tiaoshamiantu”, whereby sediment trapped in the ditches is returned to the fields by the farmer. The estimates of annual rates of soil loss provided by the 210Pbex measurement are closely comparable with those derived from the 137Cs measurements and are consistent with existing knowledge for the study area. The results obtained from this study confirm the potential for using 210Pbex measurement to estimate soil erosion rates over medium-term timescale of 50–100 years. By combining the estimates of erosion rates provided by the 210Pbex and 137Cs measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss was estimated to be 48.7 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the upper subfield and 16.9 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the lower subfield. These rates are considerably lower than the erosion rates obtained from runoff plot measurements in the local area. It is suggested that the traditional erosion control practices and the practice of “Tiaoshamiantu” have a significant effect in reducing soil loss and conserving valuable cultivated soil on sloping fields in the Sichuan Hilly Basin.  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪技术评价东北黑土侵蚀和沉积过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Soil and water losses through erosion have been serious in the black soil region of Northeast China. Therefore, a sloping cultivated land in Songnen Plain was selected as a case study to: 1) determine the ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area; 2) calculate erosion and deposition rates of black soil on different slope locations; 3) conduct a sensitivity analysis of some model parameters; and 4) compare overall outputs using four different models. Three transects were set in the field with five slope locations for each transect, including summit, shoulder-slope, back-slope, foot-slope, and toe-slope. Field measurements and model simulation were used to estimate a bomb-derived ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area. Soil erosion and deposition rates were estimated using four ^137Cs models and percentage of ^137Cs loss/gain. The ^137Cs reference value in the study area was 2 232.8 Bq m^-2 with ^137Cs showing a clear topographic pattern, decreasing from the summit to shoulder-slope, then increasing again at the foot-slope and reaching a maximum at the toe-slope, Predicted soil redistribution rates for different slope locations varied. Among models, the Yang Model (YANG-M) overestimated erosion loss but underestimated deposition. However, the standard mass balance model (MBM1) gave predictions similar to a mass balance model incorporating soil movement by tillage (MBM2). Sensitivity analysis of the proportion factor and distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the surface layer demonstrated the impact of ^137Cs enrichment on calculation of the soil erosion rate. Factors influencing the redistribution of fallout ^137Cs in landscape should be fully considered as calculating soil redistribution rate using ^137Cs technique.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of using the 137Cs technique to assess soil erosion rates of both sloping cultivated land and flat terraces in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China. The study was carried out on eighteen sloping cultivated fields and four flat terrace fields in eight counties and cities over the eastern part of the basin. The 137Cs-reference inventory ranged from 620.5 to 2573.2 Bq/m2. For the 18 sloping cultivated fields, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged from 204.9 to 1847.7 Bq/m2, which accounts for 15–77% of the local 137Cs reference inventory, and the average water erosion rate ranged from 758 to 9854 t/km2 per year, with erosion rates of <1000 t/km2 per year in two fields; 1000–5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields; and >5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields. It is apparent that most of the sloping cultivated fields suffer severe or very severe soil erosion. For the four terrace fields under this study, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged between 915.8 and 2675.4 Bq/m2, which accounts for 97–104% of the local 137Cs reference inventory. However, water erosion is very slight on the terrace fields and little soil is lost from the terraces. The study also indicated that the severity of soil erosion is strongly related to soil texture and slope gradient.  相似文献   

确定137Cs背景值所需的采样点数与采样面积   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
137Cs背景值的确定是利用核示踪技术研究土壤侵蚀的前提和根本,直接关系到侵蚀速率计算的准确与否。而大部分研究对137Cs背景值的确定均采取随机采样,没有统一的采样点数与确定的采样面积。本研究利用网格加密采样法,对未扰动地和长期耕种且未平整的农耕地各两块样地的137Cs背景值空间变异进行了分析,结果表明:在未扰动地与农耕地采样地块,137Cs采样点数与背景值空间变异系数都存在指数回归关系;在未扰动地块137Cs背景值存在较大空间变异性,且随着网格面积的扩大137Cs空间变异系数表现为增加趋势,在0.25m2范围内选取最少11个样点才能满足试验精度;在农耕地采样地块,因长期的耕种作用使得137Cs在耕层中混合相对均匀,137Cs背景值空间变异性显著变小,最少选取7个样点就能满足试验精度,且不受采样面积的影响。  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪技术,研究了宁南黄土高原阳洼流域土壤137Cs的空间分布和侵蚀特征.研究结果表明,流域137Cs背景值为1 966.99 Bq/m2,流域内不同土地利用方式下土壤137Cs比活度不同,且有比较明显的137Cs比活度分异.流域内林草地土壤剖面137Cs呈现指数分布模式,坡耕地剖面的137Cs则呈均匀分布模式.不同土地利用方式下土壤137Cs的面积活度表现为沟台>林草地>农耕坡地,其中农耕坡地、沟台地土壤侵蚀、沉积表现出较大的变异,变异系数达65%以上.阳洼流域土壤侵蚀模数与137Cs比活度呈现出相反的分布趋势,但都明显具有斑块状和条带状分布的特点.流域土壤以中、强度侵蚀为主,中、强度侵蚀面积占流域总面积的46%,在流域土壤侵蚀防治中坡耕地仍是治理的关键.  相似文献   

Purple soils are widely distributed in the Sichuan Hilly Basin and are highly susceptible to erosion, especially on the cultivated slopes. Quantitative assessment of the erosion rates is, however, difficult due to small size of the plots of the manually-tilled land, the complex land use, and steep hillslopes. 137Cs and 210Pbex (excess 210Pb) tracing techniques were used to investigate the spatial pattern of soil erosion rates associated with slope-land under hoe tillage in Neijiang of the Sichuan Hilly Basin. The 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories at the top of the cultivated slope were extremely low, and the highest inventories were found at the bottom of the cultivated slope. By combining the erosion rates estimates provided by both 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss from the study slope was estimated to be 3100 t km-2 year-1, which was significantly less than 6930 t km-2 year-1 reported for runoff plots on a 10°cultivated slope at the Suining Station of soil Erosion. The spatial pattern of soil erosion rates on the steep agricultural land showed that hoe tillage played an important role in soil redistribution along the slope. Also, traditional farming practices had a significant role in reducing soil loss, leading to a lower net erosion rate for the field.  相似文献   

Water erosion in the hilly areas of west China is the main process contributing to the overall sediment of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. The impact of gully erosion in total sediment output has been mostly neglected. Our objective was to assess the sediment production and sediment sources at both the hillslope and catchment scales in the Yangjuangou reservoir catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau, northwest China. Distribution patterns in sediment production caused by water erosion on hills and gully slopes under different land use types were assessed using the fallout 137Cs technique. The total sediment production from the catchment was estimated by using the sediment record in a reservoir. Sediment sources and dominant water erosion processes were determined by comparing 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in surface soils and sub-surface soils with those of sediment deposits from the reservoir at the outlet of the catchment. Results indicated that landscape location had the most significant impact on sediment production for cultivated hillslopes, followed by the terraced hillslope, and the least for the vegetated hillslope. Sediment production increased in the following order: top>upper>lower>middle for the cultivated hillslope, and top>lower>upper>middle for the terraced hillslope. The mean value of sediment production declined by 49% for the terraced hillslope and by 80% for the vegetated hillslope compared with the cultivated hillslope. Vegetated gully slope reduced the sediment production by 38% compared with the cultivated gully slope. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of terracing and perennial vegetation cover in controlling sediment delivery at a hillslope scale. Averaged 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in the 0–5 cm surface soil (2.22–4.70 Bq kg−1 and 20.70–22.07, respectively) and in the 5–30 cm subsoil (2.60 Bq kg−1 and 28.57, respectively) on the cultivated hills and gully slopes were close to those of the deposited sediment in the reservoir (3.37 Bq kg−1 and 29.08, respectively). These results suggest that the main sediment sources in the catchment were from the surface soil and subsoil on the cultivated slopes, and that gully erosion is the dominant water erosion process contributing sediment in the study area. Changes in land use types can greatly affect sediment production from gully erosion. An increase in grassland and forestland by 42%, and a corresponding decrease in farmland by 46%, reduced sediment production by 31% in the catchment.  相似文献   

三峡库区紫色土坡耕地土壤侵蚀的137Cs示踪研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
坡耕地是三峡库区的重点水土流失区和河流泥沙的主要来源地.采用~(137)Cs示踪技术对三峡库区紫色土坡耕地的土壤侵蚀速率进行了定量研究.结果表明,新政小流域的~(137)Cs本底值为1 420.9 Bq/m~2;平均坡度为11.4°的缓坡耕地的~(137)Cs面积活度介于398.5~1 649.6 Bq/m~2之间,坡长加权平均值为816.0Bq/m~2;采用改进的简化质量平衡模型计算了坡耕地的土壤侵蚀速率,结果得出该坡地的土壤侵蚀模数介于-3 358.8~4 937.4 t/(km~2·a),其加权平均值为1 294.6 t/(km~2·a).受犁耕作用的影响,坡耕地两个坡段的土壤侵蚀速率随坡长增加大致都呈下降趋势,并在坡段下方出现了堆积.坡耕地土壤侵蚀速率不高的原因,一方面是由于所研究坡耕地属于缓坡,坡度较小,另一方面则是由于当地农民总结出了一套有效防止水土流失的耕作方式,使得土壤侵蚀强度大大降低.  相似文献   

青海共和盆地土壤风蚀的137Cs法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
严平  董光荣 《土壤学报》2003,40(4):497-503
选择青海共和盆地作为研究区 ,探讨1 37Cs法在土壤风蚀研究中应用的可行性。通过野外考察和大量的1 37Cs取样分析 ,初步查明了共和盆地不同类型地表的1 37Cs含量及其剖面分布 ,确定了区域1 37Cs背景值为 2 691 78± 196 0 8Bqm- 2 ,建立了风蚀速率的1 37Cs评估模型 ,估算出四个样方的土壤风蚀速率 ,并由此转化为区域风蚀速率 ,计算出共和盆地区域土壤风蚀速率为 12 5 5 6thm- 2 a- 1 ,通过蚀积平衡检验 ,其误差水平小于 10 %。  相似文献   

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