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土壤中磷与铅可以通过吸附、溶解/沉淀机制形成难溶性的磷酸铅类化合物,利用不同含磷物质进行铅污染土壤原位修复被认为是最有效的铅污染土壤管理措施,受到国内外广泛关注。论文对目前国内外利用磷进行铅污染修复的现状进行了综述,对该研究领域中的关键问题,如影响磷酸铅类化合物形成的生物作用、p H、土壤化学组成等进行了较深入的探讨,并展望了今后的研究方向,以期为铅污染土壤的修复及其效果评价提供参考。  相似文献   

铅污染土壤的植物修复技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
量大面广的铅污染土壤已成为国内外环境保护与治理中不可忽视的问题,植物修复技术在治理铅污染土壤方面具有多种优势。综述了植物修复技术的特点及类型、目前已发现的铅超富集植物及其筛选方法、植物富集铅能力的影响因素和铅超富集植物耐性和积累机制等方面的研究进展,并指出了目前尚未解决的问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

pH和磷对铅胁迫下芥菜生长和土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验研究不同pH和磷酸盐浓度对铅污染土壤种植的芥菜生物量和铅吸收的影响,及铅浓度与土壤酶活性的关系.结果表明,芥菜地下部分铅含量明显高于芥菜地上部分.土壤酸化有可能导致土壤中铅的溶出释放,在试验中,土壤pH为5.0时,土壤中铅的释放最多,芥菜生长和土壤酶活性受到的影响最大.土壤中铅与磷酸结合成难溶性的磷酸铅,当土壤中施加的磷浓度为300mg/kg时,土壤中铅的释放量最少,芥菜生长和土壤酶活性受到的影响最小;土壤中铅的释放溶出与土壤酶活性相关性较大,同时二者易受土壤pH和磷含量的影响,因此把土壤中铅的释放溶出与土壤酶活性结合起来作为判断土壤铅污染程度指标更合适.  相似文献   

当前铅资源的粗放式开采和使用对环境造成了严重的污染。利用微生物修复铅污染具有费用低、易操作、环境友好等优点,在水体和土壤铅污染治理中具有很好的应用前景。为了了解微生物对铅的吸附特性,本研究从铅锌矿尾矿坝分离到的一株耐铅节杆菌(Arthrobacter sp.)12-1(Gen Bank登录号:KM362724),并研究其对铅的吸附过程和作用机制。研究耐铅节杆菌12-1在含不同Pb2+浓度LB培养基中的生长情况表明,其最高可耐受800 mg/L Pb2+。在水溶液中,经24 h吸附,耐铅节杆菌12-1可将Pb2+浓度从105 mg/L降至2.17 mg/L,吸附率为97.93%。显微成像(原子力显微镜,扫描电镜)观察和能谱分析表明,耐铅节杆菌12-1吸附铅后在细胞表面形成含铅的矿物。傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)分析表明,耐铅节杆菌12-1细胞上的羧基、酰胺和磷酸基团可能参与了铅的吸附和固定过程。以上结果表明,从铅锌矿尾矿坝分离到的耐铅节杆菌12-1对铅具有较好的耐受和吸附能力,显示其在铅污染环境修复中具有潜在的应用前景。本研究为细菌修复铅污染环境的实践提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

土壤—植物体系中的铅   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自70年代以来,关于土壤-植物体系中铅的行为特征研究有了很大进展,本文综述了国内外新近有关文献报道。介绍了造成土壤铅污染的原因,铅在土壤中的化学行为特点和土壤中活性铅的化学浸提方法的选择;重点阐述了植物对铅的吸收积累机理及其影响因素;讨论了土壤-植物体系中铅的迁移规律与动,植物及人体铅危害的可能性,铅的土壤临界值和环境容量制订等问题。  相似文献   

为改善β-环糊精(β-CD)的水溶性及对重金属的配位能力,将β-环糊精和甘氨酸在碱性条件下用环氧氯丙烷连接起来,合成水溶性极好并能跟重金属形成配位作用的甘氨酸-β-环糊精(GCD),研究了GCD对铅的增溶、解吸行为,考察了pH、离子强度、有机质和甘氨酸-β-环糊精初始浓度对铅的解吸影响。结果表明,GCD对碳酸铅的增溶效果显著,当其浓度为30g.L-1时,水溶液中铅离子浓度可接近7000mg.L-1。GCD对铅解吸能力随着土壤中有机质含量的增加而降低,pH值的升高、离子强度的增加和GCD初始浓度增加有利于铅的解吸。GCD对铅污染土壤的解吸符合准二级动力学模式,该静态解吸研究可以为铅污染土壤的修复提供基础信息。  相似文献   

叶绿醇对铅污染土壤酶活性及土壤铅有效态影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用土培盆栽试验,研究了在铅污染土壤中添加叶绿醇对土壤酶活性和土壤铅离子有效态的影响,探讨了不同处理时间下叶绿醇对铅污染土壤的缓解作用。结果表明:短时间内在土壤中添加叶绿醇对土壤过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和碱性磷酸酶活性具有促进作用,对土壤脲酶活性具有抑制作用,且每种酶对叶绿醇的敏感程度不同,其中碱性磷酸酶最为敏感;随着处理时间延长土壤中过氧化氢酶活性、脲酶活性和铅离子有效态降低,蔗糖酶活性和碱性磷酸酶活性显著升高;土壤重金属铅浓度为600 mg/kg时,叶绿醇浓度为50 mg/kg蔗糖酶活性最强,比空白对照组高出122.28%;当土壤中叶绿醇浓度为250 mg/kg时,土壤碱性磷酸酶活性最高,是空白对照组的251.61%。总之,在铅污染的土壤中添加叶绿醇后能改变土壤酶活性,降低土壤中铅的有效态,并且随着培养时间的延长,叶绿醇对铅污染土壤的修复效果逐渐降低。  相似文献   

用土壤培养和化学浸提法研究了不同低分子量有机酸和磷对污染土壤中铅释放的影响。结果表明,随有机酸浓度增加,铅污染红壤、棕壤中可溶出铅量均增加。当供试有机酸浓度≥1mmol·L-1时,相同浓度有机酸溶出铅量为柠檬酸〉乙酸〉草酸;当有机酸浓度≤0.5mmol·L-1时,溶出铅量为草酸〉柠檬酸〉乙酸。将2g·kg-1磷及50mmol·kg-1有机酸与铅污染红壤以不同方式混合后,柠檬酸处理的溶出铅比率(在污染土壤中加入P、有机酸后溶出铅含量与单加有机酸溶出铅含量之比)为66%(先加有机酸再加磷)、58%(有机酸与磷同时加入)、70%(先加磷再加有机酸),草酸处理(方式同上)的溶出铅比率为90%、89%、94%,乙酸处理(方式同上)的为10%、8%、10%。铅污染棕壤上,以上处理的溶出铅比率分别为106.46%、104.43%、105.19%(柠檬酸);43%、48%、58%(草酸);38%、42%、55%(乙酸)。供试条件下,红壤最低溶出铅比率低于棕壤。  相似文献   

铅污染土壤中根表铁膜对宽叶香蒲利用磷的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究铅污染土壤中根表铁膜对宽叶香蒲(Typha latifolia L.)磷利用效率的影响,利用根袋培养方法在两个Fe2+水平(20、100 mg/L)下诱导根表形成铁膜的宽叶香蒲移栽于土壤中,经4个Pb2+浓度(0、100、500、1000 mg/kg)处理后淹水培养4周,分析根表铁膜和植物体内磷含量。结果表明,地上部生物量随着铅污染强度的增加呈降低趋势但差异不显著(P0.05);低铁(20 mg/L)诱导处理的地上部和地下部生物量分别比相应高铁(100 mg/L)诱导的高3.5%~19.6%和7.6%~39.8%,且铁对地上部生物量的影响达到极显著差异(P0.01)。根表铁膜量随铅污染程度的增加而下降;高铁诱导处理宽叶香蒲的新根形成的铁膜量以及其吸附的磷均高于低铁诱导处理的植株。除1000 mg/kg铅处理外,低铁诱导后植株中磷的含量均比高铁诱导的植株高。本试验条件下,铅污染土壤中植物利用磷为低铁膜量大于高铁膜量。  相似文献   

采用添加外源铅和室内培养的方法,研究了黄绵土盆栽小青菜后土壤中铅的形态分布规律及土壤酶活性对铅污染的响应,并分析了土壤铅形态与土壤酶活性的关系。结果表明,未污染黄绵土中铅各形态的比例为:可交换态0.77%,碳酸盐结合态6.27%,铁锰氧化物结合态1.82%,有机结合态13.4%,残渣态77.74%。铅污染后黄绵土中各形态铅的浓度随着外源铅浓度的增加而极显著增加,土壤受到铅污染后,各形态铅的比例发生了显著变化,上列各形态所占比例依次为0.346%、18.464%、0.496%、46.532%、34.168%。铅污染对过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶产生极显著影响([R过氧化氢酶=0.841 1,P过氧化氢酶〈0.001,n=18;R碱性磷酸酶=-0.986 9,P碱性磷酸酶〈0.001,n=18)],二者可以作为土壤铅污染的评价指标;总铅对过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶和脲酶的活性变化没有任何贡献,进一步说明不能采用总铅含量作为土壤铅污染的评价指标。在铅的各化学形态中除有机结合态外,过氧化氢酶与其余各形态铅含量均呈极显著正相关;碱性磷酸酶与各形态铅均呈极显著负相关;碳酸盐结合态对过氧化氢酶和碱性磷酸酶的直接影响最大,而且铅的其他化学形态通过碳酸盐结合态的间接影响亦最大,表明各形态铅中以碳酸盐结合态对两种酶的影响为主,该两种酶与碳酸盐结合态相结合可作为土壤铅污染评价指标。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,土壤重金属污染对粮食安全及人类的身体健康构成了巨大的威胁,而目前对于土壤重金属污染的治理主要以植物修复为主。为了寻找适宜修复Cu、Pb复合污染土壤的牧草,采用盆栽试验法,将试验的植物设置9组处理:1组对照组(CK),不添加任何重金属盐;4组单一污染,即单一Cu低(Cu1,200 mg×kg-1)、高浓度(Cu2 400 mg×kg-1),单一Pb低(Pb1 300 mg×kg-1)、高浓度(Pb2 800 mg×kg-1);4组Cu、Pb复合污染(Cu1Pb1、Cu1Pb2、Cu2Pb1、Cu_2Pb_2)。通过比较紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、狼尾草(Pennisetum alopecuroides)的适应能力和富集特征,研究了这3种常见牧草植物对受Cu、Pb复合污染土壤的修复效果。结果表明:1)紫花苜蓿地上部和根部生物量均在Pb1处理组时最大,显著高于其他处理组;黑麦草地上部生物量在Cu1Pb1处理组最大,根部生物量在Pb1处理组最大;狼尾草地上部生物量在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,根部生物量在Cu2处理组最大。2)Cu单一污染下,狼尾草抗性系数最大;Pb单一污染下,紫花苜蓿抗性系数最大;Cu-Pb复合污染下,狼尾草的抗性系数较大。高浓度Cu处理组3种牧草植物的地上部生物量、根部生物量和抗性系数均呈现:狼尾草黑麦草紫花苜蓿,且狼尾草显著大于黑麦草和紫花苜蓿。3)种植3种牧草植物后,土壤重金属Cu、Pb含量均有所降低。在一定浓度下,土壤Cu-Pb重金属间会相互促进对方在牧草植物中的吸收。4)3种牧草中紫花苜蓿地上部对Cu的富集系数在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,达1.61;黑麦草根部对Cu的富集系数在Cu_2Pb_2处理组最大,达3.80;3种牧草地上部和根部对Pb的富集系数只在黑麦草根部的Cu1Pb1处理组时大于1,达1.46。5)黑麦草对Pb的吸收能力较强,且主要积累在根系;紫花苜蓿对Cu-Pb复合污染综合修复效果最好。紫花苜蓿和黑麦草分别在Cu-Pb复合污染和Pb单一污染土壤中对Pb的转运系数大于1,分别为2.72和2.06,反映其对土壤中的Pb具有富集潜力。综合表明,黑麦草对重金属Pb具有较强的耐性,在Pb单一污染土壤的植物修复及尾矿废弃地的植被重建中,可优先作为选择的材料;紫花苜蓿对重金属Cu、Pb均具有较强的耐性,在重金属Cu单一或Cu-Pb复合污染土壤的植物修复及尾矿废弃地的植被重建中,可优先作为选择的材料。  相似文献   

We analyzed in soils with contrasting cultivation histories the depletion of P following sequential extractions with soil testing solutions. Soil samples were collected in three experiments in eastern Canada (L’Acadie, Lévis, and Normandin) and P was sequentially extracted 16 times, once daily, using Mehlich-3 (M3) or Olsen (Ol) solution. The cumulative amount of P extracted was 252 mg PM3 kg?1 and 77 mg kg?1 POl for L’Acadie, 212 mg PM3 kg?1 and 66 mg POl kg?1 for Lévis, and 424 mg PM3 kg?1 and 83 mg POl kg?1 for Normandin. The depletion of P was described by a logarithmic function (Y = a ln (N+ b) for PM3, and a power function (Y = αNβ) for POl. The inorganic P pool decreased in the three soils. The organic P pool did not decrease possibly because soil testing solutions did not directly extract P from this pool. This study demonstrated that laboratory soil testing analysis using M3 or Ol solution principally target P from the inorganic pool, suggesting that P fertilizer recommendations to mineral soils relying on these methods do not account for the potential of the organic P pool to contribute to soil P availability.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from the soil surface of five different forest types in Thailand were measured using the closed chamber method. Soil samples were also taken to study the N2O production pathways. The monthly average emissions (±SD, n?=?12) of N2O from dry evergreen forest (DEF), hill evergreen forest (HEF), moist evergreen forest (MEF), mixed deciduous forest (MDF) and acacia reforestation (ARF) were 13.0?±?8.2, 5.7?±?7.1, 1.2?±?12.1, 7.3?±?8.5 and 16.7?±?9.2?µg N m?2 h?1, respectively. Large seasonal variations in fluxes were observed. Emission was relatively higher during the wet season than during the dry season, indicating that soil moisture and denitrification were probably the main controlling factors. Net N2O uptake was also observed occasionally. Laboratory studies were conducted to further investigate the influence of moisture and the N2O production pathways. Production rates at 30% water holding capacity (WHC) were 3.9?±?0.2, 0.5?±?0.06 and 0.87?±?0.01?ng N2O-nitrogen (N) g-dw?1day?1 in DEF, HEF and MEF respectively. At 60% WHC, N2O production rates in DEF, HEF and MEF soils increased by factors of 68, 9 and 502, respectively. Denitrification was found to be the main N2O production pathway in these soils except in MEF.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation is an attractive, economical alternative to soil removal and burial methods to remediate contaminated soil. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of adding different rates of Bacillus megaterium on the capacity of Brassica napus plants to take up boron (B), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) from polluted soils under field conditions. Field experiments were conducted using a randomized complete block design with control (without pollution and B. megaterium application) and B, Pb, and Cd in two doses (0 and 100 mg kg?1), B. megaterium with four doses (no application and 108 cfu B. megaterium ml?1 sprayed at 50 ml plot?1, 100 ml plot?1, 150 ml plot?1). Results indicated that soil pollution treatments significantly decreased seed (SDMY), shoot (SHDMY), root (RDMY), and total dry-matter yield (TDMY) of plants at 42.9, 3.8, 62.6, and 23.4% for B-polluted treatment; 25.8, 8.7, 17.6, and 14.2% for Pb-polluted treatment; and 33.2, 7.0, 14.0, and 16.4% for Cd-treatment without B. megaterium application, respectively. However, the application of B. megaterium ameliorated the negative effects of B, Pb, and Cd at 41.4, 52.7, and 10.9% for B; 24.4, 21.6, and 4.9% for Pb; and 22.8, 22.0, and 3.3% for Cd, respectively. The potentially bioavailable and relatively available fraction of soil B, Pb, and Cd increased with increases in the B. megaterium application but total fraction and stable fraction decreased. It is concluded that the seed and shoot parts of B. napus can be used as hyperaccumulators for plant B, Pb, and Cd remediation according to remediation factors but the shoot is the biggest part of the plant, and thus an important portion of the plant to remove B, Pb, and Cd from the B-, Pb-, and Cd-contaminated soils. To decrease desired concentration for 8 mg B kg?1, 4 mg Pb kg?1, and 3 mg Cd kg?1 in the active rooting zone of soil, approximately 2, 6, and 21 years would be necessary with only 150 ml plot?1 B. megaterium–sprayed soil cultivated with B. napus, respectively.  相似文献   

Three pot experiments were set up to determine how efficiently mycorrhizal fungi affect the uptake, translocation, and distribution of labeled phosphorus (32P), phosphorus (P), and heavy metals in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). In experiments 1 and 2, the efficiencies of different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) species including Glomus mosseae, G. etunicatum, G. intraradices and a mixed strain (G. mosseae, Gigaspora hartiga, and G. fasciculatum) on uptake, translocation, and distribution of 32P and P in alfalfa were investigated, respectively. In a third experiment, the efficiency of G. mosseae on uptake and distribution of heavy metals [cadmium (Cd), cobalt (Co), lead (Pb), and combinations] was tested. Results of experiments 1 and 2 suggest that G. mosseae was the most effective at increasing the uptake of 32P and P. Experiment 3 result showed that in the triple-metal-contaminated soil, inoculated plants had greater Co (32.56 mg kg?1) and Pb (289.50 mg kg?1) concentration and G. mosseae enhanced the translocation of heavy metals to shoot. Hence, mycorrhizal alfalfa in symbiosis with G. mosseae can be used for remediation of heavy metals polluted soils with high efficiency.  相似文献   

为了揭示Pb胁迫对间作和单作的超累积植物和作物根系分泌低分子有机酸的影响,研究设置400 mg·L?1Pb胁迫,采用水培曝气法试验,以玉米和小花南芥单作为对照处理,研究Pb胁迫下玉米和小花南芥间作对植物根系形态、根系分泌有机酸及Pb吸收的影响。结果表明:与单作相比,间作小花南芥情况下,玉米根系分泌物检测到乳酸;玉米分根条数、根表面积和根密度与单作相比分别增加60%、15%和42%,地下部和地上部干重生物量分别增加108%和75%,玉米地下部Pb含量下降44%;与单作相比,间作玉米条件下,小花南芥根系分泌物检测到乙酸和乳酸,小花南芥根系分泌物量与单作相比增加103%~1 700%,小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量分别比单作增加49%和75%,转运系数增加22%。相关分析结果表明,单作小花南芥只有地上部Pb累积量与草酸显著相关,而间作小花南芥地下部和地上部Pb累积量与草酸、柠檬酸和苹果酸显著相关。研究表明超富集植物小花南芥与玉米间作体系,根系分泌的有机酸改变了Pb在小花南芥和玉米体内的累积特征,促进超累积植物小花南芥累积Pb,减少农作物玉米植株体内Pb含量。Pb胁迫下超累积植物小花南芥与玉米间作是一种可行的修复模式。  相似文献   

There are many remediation techniques for organic contaminated soils,but relatively few of them are applicable to trace elementcontaminated soils.A field experiment was carried out to investigate assisted natural remediation(ANR) of an acid soil contaminated by As,Cd,Cu,Zn and Pb using one inorganic amendment,sugar beet lime(SL),and two organic amendments,biosolid compost(BC)and leonardeite(LE).The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized block design with four treatments in three replicates:1) a non-amended control(NA);2) SL amended at 30 Mg ha-1 year-1;3) BC amended at 30 Mg ha-1 year-1 and 4) LE amended at 20 Mg ha-1 year-1 plus SL amended at 10 Mg ha-1 year-1(LESL).The amended plots received two doses of each amendment(DO2):one in October 2002 and another in October 2003.The plots were then divided in half into two subpolts and one subplot received another two doses of the same amendments(DO4) in October 2005 and October 2006.In 2011,the pH values of the amended soils were greater than that of the NA soil,with the SL-amended soil showing the highest pH.Total organic carbon(TOC) was also greater in the amended soil,and greater with DO4 than with DO2.Amendments reduced the concentrations of 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2-extractable Cd,Cu and Zn,especially in the SL-amended soil.Plant cover of colonizing vegetation was enhanced by amendments,but was independent of amendment doses.Changes in soil properties from 2003 to 2011 showed that the first amendment application of DO2 caused a high differentiation between all the amendment treatments and the NA treatment.After the second application of DO2,soil pH and TOC continued increasing slowly.Further two applications of amendments(DO4) caused differences only in the organic treatments.Plant cover increased over time in all the treatments including NA.It could be concluded that the slow and steady natural remediation of this soil could be enhanced by amendment application(ANR).  相似文献   

二种钾肥对海泡石钝化修复镉污染土壤效应影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了揭示钾肥对Cd污染土壤钝化修复效果的影响,为土壤钝化修复过程中合理施钾肥提供理论依据。本文选取不同剂量(含量以K2O计算,分别为0.1 g·kg~(-1)、0.2 g·kg~(-1)和0.3 g·kg~(-1))的KCl和K_2SO_4作为典型钾肥,以海泡石(10 g·kg~(-1))作为钝化材料,通过油菜盆栽试验,研究了两种钾肥在海泡石钝化条件下对Cd污染土壤修复效应的影响。结果表明:K_2SO_4显著增加了油菜的生物量,其增幅为6.06%~10.05%。与单施海泡石钝化相比,在海泡石钝化时施用KCl和K_2SO_4两种钾肥,油菜地上部茎叶Cd含量分别增加16.38%~60.73%和15.62%~25.19%;施用KCl和K_2SO_4对土壤p H未产生显著性影响,却显著地增加了土壤有效态Cd含量,其增幅分别为25.51%~34.65%和18.5%~24.96%。添加海泡石可使土壤的Zeta电位向负值方向移动,提高土壤对Cd的负载能力;但添加海泡石下施用KCl和K_2SO_4均能提高土壤的Zeta电位,降低土壤对Cd的负载能力。等温吸附试验同样表明,添加KCl和K_2SO_4均能降低海泡石对Cd的吸附量,在水溶液中海泡石对Cd的最大吸附量为5.30 mg·kg~(-1),添加KCl和K_2SO_4后吸附量分别降低至2.87 mg·g~(-1)和4.92 mg·g~(-1)。KCl和K_2SO_4显著改善了土壤中K、Mn、Cu和Zn等营养元素的有效态含量。从上述结果可以发现,在海泡石钝化修复Cd污染土壤过程中,施K_2SO_4对钝化效果的影响小于施KCl。  相似文献   


Lead arsenate was extensively used to control insects in apple and plum orchards in the 1900s. Continuous use of lead arsenate resulted in elevated soil levels of lead (Pb) and arsenic (As). There are concerns that As and Pb will become solubilized upon a change in land use. In situ chemical stabilization practices, such as the use of phosphate‐phosphorus (P), have been investigated as a possible method for reducing the solubility, mobility, and potential toxicity of Pb and As in these soils. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of calcium carbonate (lime), P, and iron (Fe) amendments in reducing the solubility of As and Pb in lead‐arsenate‐treated soils over time. Under controlled conditions, two orchard soils, Thurmont loam (Hapludults) and Burch loam (Haploxerolls), were amended with reagent‐grade calcium carbonate (CaCO3), iron hydroxide [Fe(OH)3], and potassium phosphate (KH2PO4) and incubated for 16 weeks at 26°C. The experimental results suggested that the inorganic P increased competitive sorption between H2PO4 ? and dihydrogen arsenate (H2AsO4 ?), resulting in greater desorption of As in both Thurmont and Burch soils. Therefore, addition of lime, potassium phosphate, and Fe to lead‐arsenate‐contaminated soils could increase the risk of loss of soluble As and Pb from surface soil and potentially increase these metal species in runoff and movement to groundwater.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(9):1635-1651

Most agricultural soils in Iran are usually low in organic matter (OM). Therefore, increasing OM in these soils is of great concern. Environmental pollution caused by chemical fertilizers has created an interest in the integrated use of organic wastes with inorganic fertilizers. The main purpose of this greenhouse study was to evaluate the impact of two organic wastes and phosphorus (P) on the growth, and elemental composition of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and soil chemical properties. Treatments consisted of four levels of municipal waste compost, MWC (0, 1, 2, and 4%), five rates of poultry manure, PM (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4%), and three P levels (0, 25, and 50 mg kg?1 as KH2PO4). Application of P and MWC alone or in combination significantly increased the top dry weight of spinach. However, spinach growth was markedly increased up to 3% PM and suppressed with the higher rate, probably due to an excess of soluble salts in the soil. Moreover, the enhancing influence of P on spinach seedling growth was more pronounced at lower levels of MWC and PM. Plant P concentration tended to increase with increasing P, MWC, and PM application rates, whereas nitrogen (N) concentration was only affected by the two organic wastes treatment. Manganese (Mn) concentrations decreased, and copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and cadmium (Cd) increased by soil P application. However, P addition significantly decreased zinc (Zn) concentration only in MWC-treated spinach. Spinach plants enriched with either of the two biosolids accumulated more Mn, Zn, Pb, Cd, chloride (Cl), and sodium (Na) than control plants. Furthermore, spinach grown on MWC-amended soil contained higher Mn, Zn, Cu, and Pb and lower N, Cl, and Na than those raised on PM-treated soil. Postharvest soil sampling indicated that application of the two biosolids significantly increased concentration of soluble salts, (ECe), OM, TN, NaHCO3-extractable P, and DTPA-extractable iron (Fe), Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, and Cd.  相似文献   

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