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China imports most of its potassium (K) requirements for crop production. The objective of this study was to evaluate indica rice hybrids for K‐use efficiency. Twenty‐eight indica rice hybrids were evaluated in nutrient solution. The K influx rate was greatest in genotype Weiyou 64 (684.9 nmol K+ plant?1 h?1) and least in genotype Xie A/909 (457.2 nmol K+ plant?1 h?1). The K‐use efficiency was greatest in genotype ShanA/909 [81.8 mg dry matter (DM) produced per mg K taken up] and least in genotype Shanyou 64 (55.9 mg mg?1). The maximum biomass was produced by genotype Shan A/4663‐5 (100.8 mg DM per plant), and the least biomass was produced by genotype Xie A/4663‐4 (59.1 mg DM per plant). These results suggest that K shortage for rice production can be alleviated by using K‐efficient rice genotypes.  相似文献   

The great achievement of the development of intensive in agriculture in China can be partly attributed to substantial increases in mineral‐nutrient application. However, whereas farmers tend to apply high levels of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application of potassium (K) has been neglected. A greater understanding of the relationship between maize (Zea mays L.) grain yield and K‐application rate is thus required to provide an improved rationale for K fertilization for farmers in the various agro‐ecological regions of China. In this study, a total of 2765 farmers' survey data and 3124 on‐farm experiments across major maize agro‐ecological regions in China were collected and evaluated for farmers' K‐management status and to determine grain‐yield response to K application. Nationally, the average K‐application rate on farms was 26 kg K ha–1 and varied from 0 to 158 kg K ha–1, with a coefficient of variation of 107%, but the applied K‐fertilizer rates were not related to grain yield. Maize grain yields at recommended K rates increased by 14.0%, 14.7%, 19.4%, and 4.3% in Northeast China, North China Plain, Southwest China, and Northwest China, respectively, compared to zero K fertilization (K0). Increased yield due to K fertilization (IYmax, difference between maximum yield across all treatments and K0‐treatment yield for each experiment) averaged 1.4 t ha–1 but varied widely in different agro‐ecological regions. Soil extractable K (NH4OAc‐K) and intercounty variation resulted in large variation in IYmax in agro‐ecological regions, as did other factors, such as use of particular maize hybrids, soil types, or years in different regions.  相似文献   

Iron toxicity is a syndrome of disorder associated with large concentrations of reduced iron (Fe2+) in the soil solution. It only occurs in flooded soils and hence affects primarily the production of lowland rice. The appearance of iron toxicity symptoms in rice involves an excessive uptake of Fe2+ by the rice roots and its acropetal translocation into the leaves where an elevated production of toxic oxygen radicals can damage cell structural components and impair physiological processes. The typical visual symptom associated with these processes is the “bronzing” of the rice leaves and substantial associated yield losses. The circumstances of iron toxicity are quite well established. Thus, the geochemistry, soil microbial processes, and the physiological effects of Fe2+ within the plant or cell are documented in a number of reviews and book chapters. However, despite our current knowledge of the processes and mechanisms involved, iron toxicity remains an important constraint to rice production, and together with Zn deficiency, it is the most commonly observed micronutrient disorder in wetland rice. Reported yield losses in farmers' fields usually range between 15% and 30%, but can also reach the level of complete crop failure. A range of agronomic management interventions have been advocated to reduce the Fe2+ concentration in the soil or to foster the rice plants' ability to cope with excess iron in either soil or the plant. In addition, the available rice germplasm contains numerous accessions and cultivars which are reportedly tolerant to excess Fe2+. However, none of those options is universally applicable or efficient under the diverse environmental conditions where Fe toxicity is expressed. Based on the available literature, this paper categorizes iron‐toxic environments, the steps involved in toxicity expression in rice, and the current knowledge of crop adaptation mechanisms in view of establishing a conceptual framework for future constraint analysis, research approaches, and the targeting of technical options.  相似文献   

The yield of rice (Oryza sativa L.) has increased substantially with the development of new cultivars, but the role of potassium (K) requirement for the increase in grain yield and the genotypic advance is still unclear. In order to investigate this relationship a database of 1199 on‐farm measurements (harvest index 0.4) comprising > 400 modern rice cultivars was collected during 2005–2010 across major irrigated lowland rice–production regions of China. This was used to evaluate the relationships among K requirement, grain yield, and genetic improvement. Across all the sites and seasons, mean reciprocal internal efficiency of K (RIE‐K, kg K [t grain produced]–1) was 19.8 kg K (t grain)–1 and rice yield averaged 8.7 t ha–1. Considering four levels of grain yield (< 7.5, 7.5–9, 9–10.5, and > 10.5 t ha–1), the respective RIEs were 18.7, 19.4, 20.5, and 21.7 kg K (t grain)–1. The gradual increase in the RIE‐K with yield was attributed mainly to the increase in straw and grain K concentration and the decrease in the K harvest index. The RIE‐K values for ordinary inbred, ordinary hybrid, and “super rice” were 18.5, 20.1, and 19.9 kg K (t grain)–1, respectively. Examining the historical development of rice cultivars, the RIE‐K decreased from 40.9 (Nanjing1, early tall, inbred) in the 1950s to 19.8 (IR24, semi‐dwarf, ordinary inbred) in the 1970s, and then increased to 20.9 (Shanyou63, modern ordinary hybrid) in the 1980s and 20.6 kg K (t grain)–1 (II‐you084, “super” rice) in the 2000s. This variation in RIE‐K among grain‐yield levels and cultivars highlights the importance of information on rice K requirement in calculating K balance and optimal K‐fertilizer rate for rice production.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies are key constraints in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems of Cambodia. Only small amounts of mineral N and P or of organic amendment are annually applied to a single crop of rainfed lowland rice by smallholder farmers. The integration of leguminous crops in the pre‐rice cropping niche can contribute to diversify the production, supply of C and N, and contribute to soil fertility improvement for the subsequent crop of rice. However, the performance of leguminous crops is restricted even more than that of rice by low available soil P. An alternative strategy involves the application of mineral P that is destined to the rice crop already to the legume. This P supply is likely to stimulate legume growth and biological N2 fixation, thus enhancing C and N inputs and recycling N and P upon legume residue incorporation. Rotation experiments were conducted in farmers' fields in 2013–2014 to assess the effects of P management on biomass accumulation and N2 fixation (δ15N) by mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and possible carry‐over effects on rice in two contrasting representative soils (highly infertile and moderately fertile sandy Fluvisol). In the traditional system (no legume), unamended lowland rice (no N, + 10 kg P ha?1) yielded 2.8 and 4.0 t ha?1, which increased to 3.5 and 4.7 t ha?1 with the application of 25 kg ha?1 of urea‐N in the infertile and the moderately fertile soil, respectively. The integration of mungbean as a green manure contributed up to 9 kg of biologically fixed N (17% Nfda), increasing rice yields only moderately to 3.5–4.6 t ha?1. However, applying P to mungbean stimulated legume growth and enhanced the BNF contribution up to 21 kg N ha?1 (36% Nfda). Rice yields resulting from legume residue incorporation (“green manure use”–all residues returned and “grain legume use”–only stover returned) increased to 4.2 and 4.9 t ha?1 in the infertile and moderately fertile soil, respectively. The “forage legume use” (all above‐ground residues removed) provided no yield effect. In general, legume residue incorporation was more beneficial in the infertile than in the moderately fertile soil. We conclude that the inclusion of mungbean into the prevailing low‐input rainfed production systems of Cambodia can increase rice yield, provided that small amounts of P are applied to the legume. Differences in the attributes of the two major soil types in the region require a site‐specific targeting of the suggested legume and P management strategies, with largest benefits likely to accrue on infertile soils.  相似文献   

Specialization within agriculture has been a key factor in increasing farm income. The production systems have become increasingly simple, since farmers only grow a small number of crops which have a favourable market price. However, monocultural systems require increasing use of agrochemicals leading to unsustainable environmental costs. In this work, the soil fertility of two plots in a crop rotation previously grown for 5 years as pasture or maize monoculture was evaluated. In the pasture, the upper 0–20 cm soil layer sequestered 17.4 Mg organic C ha?1 and accumulated 403 kg N ha?1 more than under maize monoculture. Analytical data from pot experiments showed that soil samples from the pasture plot released significantly more mineral N than soil samples from the maize monoculture. Maize dry matter (DM) yields in 2012 and 2013 were 15.3 and 10.0 Mg ha?1 in the pasture plot and 8.8 and 8.4 Mg ha?1 in the maize monoculture plot. Nitrogen recoveries by maize were 175.4 and 68.0 kg ha?1 in the pasture and 78.3 and 50.3 kg ha?1 in the maize monoculture plot. The pool of organic matter accumulated during the pasture phase immobilized important nutrients which benefited the succeeding crop as the organic substrate was mineralized.  相似文献   

The rice‐wheat annual double cropping system occupies some 0.5 million ha in the Himalayan foothills of Nepal. Alternating soil drying and wetting cycles characterize the 6–10 weeks long dry‐to‐wet season transition period (DWT) after wheat harvesting and before wetland rice transplanting. Mineral fertilizer use in the predominant smallholder agriculture is low and crops rely largely on native soil N for their nutrition. Changes in soil aeration status during DWT are likely to stimulate soil N losses. The effect of management options that avoid the nitrate build‐up in soils during DWT by N immobilization in plant or microbial biomass was studied under controlled conditions in a greenhouse (2001/2002) and validated under field conditions in Nepal in 2002. In potted soil in the greenhouse, the gradual increase in soil moisture resulted in a nitrate N peak of 20 mg (kg soil)–1 that rapidly declined as soil moisture levels exceeded 40 % water‐filled pore space (equiv. 75 % field capacity). Similarly, the maximum soil nitrate build‐up of 40 kg N ha–1 under field conditions was followed by its near complete disappearance with soil moisture levels exceeding 46 % water‐filled pore space at the onset of the monsoon rains. Incorporation of wheat straw and/or N uptake by green manure crops reduced nitrate accumulation in the soil to < 5 mg N kg–1 in pots and < 30 kg N ha–1 in the field (temporary N immobilization), thus reducing the risk for N losses to occur. This “saved” N benefited the subsequent crop of lowland rice with increases in N accumulation from 130 mg pot–1 (bare soil) to 185 mg pot–1 (green manure plus wheat straw) and corresponding grain yield increases from 1.7 Mg ha–1 to 3.6 Mg ha–1 in the field. While benefits from improved soil N management on lowland rice are obvious, possible carry‐over effects on wheat and the feasibility of proposed options at the farm level require further studies.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L. cv. 777) plants grown in hydroponic culture were treated with 100 µM NiSO4 (moderate nickel (Ni) excess). In addition to growth parameters, metabolic parameters representative of antioxidant responses in leaves were assessed 24 h and 3, 7, and 14 d after initiating the Ni treatment. Extent of oxidative damage was measured as accumulation of malondialdehyde and hydrogen peroxide in leaves 7 and 14 d after treatment initiation. Apart from increasing membrane‐lipid peroxidation and H2O2 accumulation, excess supply of Ni suppressed plant growth and dry mass of shoots but increased dry mass of roots and decreased the concentrations of chloroplastic pigments. Excess supply of Ni, though inhibited the catalase (EC activity, increased peroxidase (EC, ascorbate peroxidase (EC, and superoxide dismutase (EC activities. Localization of isoforms of these enzymes (peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase) on native gels also revealed increases in the intensities of pre‐existing bands. Enhanced activities of peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, and superoxide dismutase, however, did not appear to be sufficient to ameliorate the effects of excessively generated reactive oxygen species due to excess supply of Ni.  相似文献   

Recent development in canopy optical‐sensing technology provides the opportunity to apply fertilizer variably at the field scale according to spatial variation in plant growth. A field experiment was conducted in Ottawa, Canada, for two consecutive years to determine the effect of fertilizer nitrogen (N) input at variable‐ vs. uniform‐application strategies at the V6–V8 growth stage, on soil mineral N, canopy reflectance, and grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.). The variable N rates were calculated using an algorithm derived from readings of average normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of about 0.8 m × 4.6 m, and N fertilizer was then applied to individual patches of the same size of NDVI readings (0.8 m × 4.6 m) within a plot (2184 m2). Canopy reflectance, expressed as NDVI, was monitored with a hand‐held spectrometer, twice weekly before tasseling and once a week thereafter until physiological maturity. Soil mineral N (0–30 cm depth) was analyzed at the V6 and VT growth stages. Our data show that both variable and uniform‐application strategies for N side‐dressings based on canopy‐reflectance mapping data required less amount of N fertilizer (with an average rate of 80 kg N ha–1 as side‐dressing in addition to 30 kg N ha–1 applied at planting), and produced grain yields similar to and higher nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) than the preplant fully fertilized (180 kg N ha–1) treatment. No difference was observed in either grain yield or NUE between the variable‐ and uniform‐application strategies. Compared to unfertilized or fully fertilized treatments, the enhancements in grain yield and NUE of the variable‐rate strategy originated from the later N input as side‐dressing rather than the variation in N rates. The variable‐rate strategy resulted in less spatial variations in soil mineral N at the VT growth stage and greater spatial variations in grain yield at harvest than the uniform‐rate strategy. Both variable‐ and uniform‐application strategies reduced spatial variations in soil mineral N at the VT stage and grain yield compared to the unfertilized treatment. The variable‐rate strategy resulted in more sampling points with high soil mineral N than the uniform‐rate strategy at the VT stage.  相似文献   

CO2浓度和温度对玉米光合性能及水分利用效率的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用可精准控制CO2浓度的大型人工气候室,探讨提高CO2浓度和温度对玉米生长、气体交换参数、荧光参数及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明,温度显著影响玉米的生长过程,但CO2浓度对玉米的生物量、叶面积和株高的变化均未产生显著影响。另外,在25/19℃和31/25℃温度条件下,净光合速率(Pn)对温度的响应并没有受到CO2浓度的影响,但在37/31℃高温环境下,CO2浓度升高导致玉米的Pn显著提高16.4%(P<0.05),表明在高温条件下,升高CO2浓度能增加玉米的净光合速率。此外,玉米叶片的水分利用效率(water use efficiency,WUE)随温度升高而显著下降,但CO2浓度升高条件下的玉米叶片WUE明显高于自然CO2浓度,表明CO2浓度升高可以降低升温对玉米叶片WUE的影响。但在不同环境温度条件下,CO2浓度升高缓解高温对叶片WUE产生影响的机理存在差异,较低温度时CO2浓度升高通过降低叶片的蒸腾速率提高WUE,而在高温条件下主要是由于CO2浓度升高能有效缓解高温对Pn的伤害,进而促进叶片WUE的提升。研究结果可为深入理解未来气候变化对玉米生长及水分利用效率产生的影响提供参考,为应对气候变化的农田管理策略制定提供数据支撑和理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of lime application with multiple soil management methods and uses on dry matter (DM) yield and crude protein (CP) content of Silage maize cropping in succession with Italian ryegrass (ryegrass) from 2009 to 2014 in a southern Brazilian Oxisol were studied. The experimental design was completely randomized block in split-plot with four replications. The main plot treatments were the four soil management methods: conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), no-tillage (NT) and chiseled no-tillage (CNT). The sub-plots treatments were the three uses of Italian ryegrass (ryegrass): cover crop (CC), silage (S), and grazing dairy heifers as part of integrated crop-livestock system (ICL). In all the years, the maize was sown approximately 30 days after the ryegrass desiccation with herbicide. In the medium-term (5 yrs.) after liming, soil management methods did not change DM yield and CP content in silage maize. The use of ryegrass for S and ICL did not change DM yield, but notably maintained or increased CP content in silage maize after liming. The use of ryegrass only as CC provided less measurable benefits than the combined production system of silage maize with ryegrass.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and weeds are two important factors that influence the productivity of rainfed upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in tropical Asia. A low recovery of applied fertilizer N in rainfed uplands is generally associated with high nitrate leaching losses and weed interferences. Field experiments were conducted during the wet seasons of 2002 and 2003 at the research farm of Central Rainfed Upland Rice Research Station, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, India, to determine the response of upland rice to nitrogen applied at 60 kg N ha–1 as different forms of urea (single pre‐plant application of controlled‐release urea, single pre‐plant application of urea supergranules, and split application of prilled urea with or without basal N) against no N application under three weed‐control regimes (unweeded, pre‐emergence application of butachlor at 1.5 kg a.i. ha–1 supplemented with one single hand weeding or two hand weedings). The response of rice to applied N varied greatly among the three weed‐control regimes. Across the different N treatments, the application of 60 kg N ha–1 resulted in a grain‐yield increase above the unfertilized control of only 0.24 Mg ha–1 in unweeded treatments, whereas yields increased by 1.07 Mg ha–1 when butachlor application was supplemented with a single hand weeding and by 1.28 Mg ha–1 with two hand weedings. Among the weed‐control measures, hand weeding twice produced highest grain yield in both years. The comparison of different forms of urea showed that a single pre‐plant application of controlled‐release urea resulted in average grain yields of 1.57 and 1.87 Mg ha–1 compared to 1.32 and 1.30 Mg ha–1 in the case of the recommended practice of split‐applied prilled urea in the years 2002 and 2003, respectively. The highest agronomic N use efficiency of 15–20 kg grain per kg N applied and the highest apparent N recovery of 39%–45% were attained with controlled‐release urea, suggesting that this N form is particularly beneficial for upland‐rice cultivation under variable rainfall conditions, provided weeds are controlled.  相似文献   

施氮时期对超高产夏玉米产量及氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
选用登海661(DH661)和郑单958(ZD958)为试材,研究了超高产条件下施氮时期对夏玉米子粒产量、氮素利用率以及转运特性的影响。结果表明,拔节期一次性施氮较不施氮增产不显著;随着施氮次数的增加产量显著提高,灌浆期施氮可以显著提高粒重,从而提高产量。拔节期、大口期、花后10d按2:4:4施氮,DH661产量可达14188.9 kg/hm2;基肥、拔节期、大口期、花后10d按1:2:5:2施氮,ZD958产量可达14529.6 kg/hm2。生长期内分次施氮及灌浆期施氮可显著提高植株和子粒中氮素积累,延长氮素积累活跃期;同时可以显著提高氮素收获指数、氮肥农学利用率、氮素表观回收率和氮肥偏生产力。DH661和ZD958在2:4:4和3:5:2施肥方式下开花前和开花后氮素吸收比例分别为51:49和60:40。开花前分次施氮可显著提高氮素转运量和转运效率,灌浆期施氮可显著提高花后子粒氮素同化。DH661和ZD958在2:4:4和3:5:2施肥方式下花后氮素同化量分别占子粒吸氮量63.0%和50.5%。本试验条件下,DH661采用拔节期、大口期、花后10d按2:4:4施入,ZD958基肥、拔节期、大口期、花后10d按1:2:5:2施入或拔节期、大口期、花后10d按3:5:2施入可提高氮素利用率,实现高产高效。  相似文献   

A 2‐year field experiment and a pot experiment were carried out to compare Mn uptake, tillering, and plant growth of lowland rice grown under different soil water conditions in the ground‐cover rice‐production system (GCRPS) in Beijing, North China. The field experiment was conducted in 2001 and 2002, including two treatments: lowland‐rice variety (Oryza sativa L. spp. japonica) grown under thin (14 μm) plastic‐film soil cover (GCRPSplastic) at 80%–90% water‐holding capacity (WHC) and traditional lowland rice (paddy control) grown with 3 cm standing‐water table. The pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with four treatments: (1) traditional lowland rice: paddy control; (2) GCRPS, water‐saturated soil: GCRPSsaturated; (3) GCRPS at 90% water‐holding capacity (WHC): GCRPS90%WHC; and (4) GCRPS at 70% WHC: GCRPS70%WHC. Results of the field experiment showed that dry‐matter production, number of tillers, as well as N and Mn concentrations in rice shoots of GCRPS were significantly lower than in paddy control, while there was no significant difference in shoot Fe, Cu, Zn, and P concentration and nematode populations. In the pot experiment, shoot Mn concentration significantly decreased with decreasing soil water content, while soil redox potential increased. Shoot–dry matter production and tiller number of GCRPSsaturated were significantly higher than in other treatments. Significant correlations were observed between the shoot Mn concentration and tiller number at maximum tillering stage in the field and pot experiment, respectively. We therefore conclude that the limitation of Mn acquisition might contribute to the growth and yield reduction of lowland rice grown in GCRPS. The experiment provides evidence that GCRPSplastic combined with nearly water‐saturated soil conditions helps saving water and achieving optimum crop development without visual or latent Mn deficiency as observed under more aerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments offer promising potential to improve soil fertility, soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yields; however, a limited research has explored these benefits of biochar in the arid and semi‐arid regions. This two‐year field study investigated the effects of Acacia tree biomass‐derived biochar, applied at 0 and 10 t ha?1 rates with farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM) and mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer combinations (100 kg P ha‐1), on maize (Zea mays L.) productivity, P use efficiency (PUE) and farm profitability. The application of biochar with organic–inorganic P fertilizers significantly increased soil P and SOC contents than the sole organic or inorganic P fertilizers. Addition of biochar and PM as 100% P source resulted in the highest soil P (104% increase over control) and SOC contents (203% higher than control). However, maize productivity and PUE were significantly higher under balanced P fertilizer (50% organic + 50% mineral fertilizer) with biochar and the increase was 110%, 94% and 170% than 100%‐FYM, 100%‐PM and 100% mineral fertilizer, respectively. Maize productivity and yield correlated significantly positively with soil P and SOC contents These positive effects were possibly due to the ability of biochar to improve soil properties, P availability from organic–inorganic fertilizers and SOC which resulted in higher PUE and maize productivity. Despite the significant positive relationship of PUE with net economic returns, biochar incorporation with PM and mineral fertilizer combination was economically profitable, whereas FYM along biochar was not profitable due to short duration of the field experiments.  相似文献   

Producing optimal grain yields while reducing adverse environmental impacts of over‐fertilization is essential in intensive, but sustainable, farming systems. We investigated the effects of long‐term (1982–2005) application of chemical nitrogen (N), N + chemical phosphorus (P) and N + P + chemical potassium (K) on grain yield, nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE) and N losses in two rice–wheat sites in subtropical China where pig manure was applied (Suining and Wuchang). Four (Suining) or five (Wuchang) treatments were examined: no‐fertilizer, chemical N plus manure (NM), chemical NP plus manure (NPM), chemical NPK plus manure (NPKM) or chemical NPK plus 1.6 times manure (NPKhM, Wuchang only). Fertilizers resulted in 1.5–2.5 times higher grain yields than no‐fertilizer, which led to a NRE in the range from 21.0 to 58.3%. Grain yields of rice and wheat were significantly increased by 22.6–25.9 and 34.4–37.5%, respectively, under NPM and NPKM (similar to each other) compared to NM at Suining. Yields were similar for NM, NPK, NPKM and NPKhM at Wuchang. The N accumulation and NRE among fertilizers were in the order NM < NPM = NPKM at the low amount of manure‐applied site (Suining), but NM = NPM = NPKM at the high amount of manure‐applied site (Wuchang). The ratio of N losses to total N input was 21.4–49.1% at the studied sites. Soil total N accumulated at a rate of 0.01–0.04 g/kg/yr during 1982–2005 with fertilizers and decreased or was constant in soil without fertilizer. Application of chemical P and K fertilizers could be reduced or eliminated after long‐term manure application at these two sites, while maintaining optimal grain yields and enhancing soil N accumulation.  相似文献   

Polyphosphate‐based fertilizers are worldwide in use, and their effect on crop yield is often reported to be similar to orthophosphate products, although some studies showed higher yields with polyphosphate applications. However, information on how these fertilizers may influence plant P acquisition is very limited. A pot experiment was carried out under controlled conditions with corn (Zea mays L.) growing on a sandy soil (pH 4.9) and a silty‐loam soil (pH 6.9) differing in P‐sorption properties. The objective was to evaluate phosphorus fertilizer–use efficiency (PFUE) of several polyphosphate (poly‐P) compounds (pyrophosphate [PP], tripolyphosphate [TP], and trimetaphosphate [TMP]) using orthophosphate (OP) as a reference. Focus was put on evaluating plant parameters involved in plant P acquisition, i.e., root length and P uptake per unit of root length. Furthermore, soil P availability was characterized by measuring ortho‐P and poly‐P concentrations in soil solution as well as in CAL (calcium‐acetate‐lactate) extracts. The P availability was differentially influenced by the different P sources and the different soils. In the silty‐loam soil, the application of poly‐P resulted in higher ortho‐P concentrations in soil solution. In the same soil, CAL‐extractable ortho‐P was similar for all P sources, whereas in the sandy soil, this parameter was higher after OP application. In the silty‐loam soil, poly‐P concentrations were very low in soil solution or in CAL extracts, whereas in the sandy soil, poly‐P concentrations were significantly higher. Phosphorus fertilizer–use efficiency was significantly higher for poly‐P treatments in the silty‐loam soil and were related to a higher root length since no differences in the P uptake per unit of root length among poly‐P and OP treatments were found. However, in the sandy soil, no differences in PFUE between OP and poly‐P treatments were observed. Therefore, PFUE of poly‐P compounds could be explained by better root growth, thereby improving plant P acquisition.  相似文献   

Corn (Zea mays L.) producers in the rainfed regions sometimes sidedress fertilizer N according to pre‐plant–nitrate test (PPNT) results based on the assumption that there is a linear relationship between pre‐sidedress nitrate test (PSNT) and the PPNT. There has been no report on such relationship in Ontario (Canada) and elsewhere in the nonirrigated corn‐growing regions. A field study was conducted near Ottawa, Canada for 7 y to (1) determine changes in soil available N from pre‐planting to shortly after the sidedress stage (late June) for corn and (2) establish a quantitative relationship between PPNT and PSNT. In each year, soil samples from fields of three to four plot experiments with different cropping histories, soil textures, and management levels, taken at 7 to 10 d intervals, and from on‐farm trials taken at pre‐planting and pre‐sidedress, were extracted with 2 M KCl. The concentrations of NO ‐N were determined colorimetrically. It was found that soil NO ‐N concentration of PSNT was a linear function of PPNT with an average slope of 1.7. However, the slope of the regression equations differed dramatically among cropping sequences, and to a lesser extent, soil textures. The NO ‐N concentration after planting to pre‐sidedress was influenced by air temperature and precipitation during this period of time. Both PPNT and PSNT positively correlated with corn‐grain yield. Our data suggest that cautions must be taken when deciding the rate of fertilizer N for sidedress application to corn based on PPNT test, especially under more humid northern climate conditions.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars differ widely in their susceptibility to zinc (Zn) deficiency. The physiological basis of Zn efficiency (ZE) is not clearly understood. In this study, the effects of Zn‐sufficient and Zn‐deficient pretreatments on the time and concentration‐dependent uptake kinetics of Zn were examined at low (0–160 nM) and high Zn supply levels (0–80 μM) in two contrasting rice genotypes (Zn‐efficient IR36 and Zn‐inefficient IR26). The results show that 65Zn2+ influx rate was over 10 times greater for the Zn‐deficient pretreatment plants than for the Zn‐sufficient pretreatment plants. At low Zn supply, significant higher 65Zn2+ influx rates were found for the Zn‐efficient genotype than for the inefficient genotype, with a greater difference (over three‐fold) at Zn supply > 80 nM in the Zn‐deficient pretreatments. At high Zn supply levels, however, a difference (2.5‐fold) in 65Zn2+ influx rate between the two genotypes was only noted in the Zn‐deficient pretreatments. Similarly, the 65Zn2+ accumulation in the roots and shoots of Zn‐efficient IR36 pretreated with Zn‐deficiency were sharply increased with time and higher than that in the Zn‐inefficient IR26 with an over four‐fold difference at 2 h absorption time. However, with Zn‐deficient pretreatments, the Zn‐efficient genotype showed a higher shoot : root 65Zn ratio at higher Zn supply. Remarkable differences in root and shoot 65Zn2+ accumulation were noted between the two genotypes in the Zn‐deficiency pretreatment, especially at low Zn level (0.05 μM), with 2–3 times higher values for IR36 than for IR26 at an uptake time of 120 min. There appear to be two separate Zn transport systems mediating the low and high‐affinity Zn influx in the efficient genotype. The low‐affinity system showed apparent Michaelis–Menten rate constant (Km) values ranging from 10 to 20 nM, while the high‐affinity uptake system showed apparent Km values ranging from 6 to 20 μM. The Vmax value was significantly elevated in IR36 and was 3–4‐fold greater for IR36 than for IR26 at low Zn levels, indicating that the number of root plasma membrane transporters in low‐affinity uptake systems play an important role for the Zn efficiency of rice.  相似文献   

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