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有机物料输入稻田提高土壤微生物碳氮及可溶性有机碳氮   总被引:27,自引:6,他引:27  
土壤微生物量碳、氮和可溶性有机碳、氮是土壤碳、氮库中最活跃的组分,是反应土壤被干扰程度的重要灵敏性指标,通过设置相同有机碳施用量下不同有机物料处理的田间试验,研究了有机物料添加下土壤微生物量碳(soil microbial biomass carbon,MBC)、氮(soil microbial biomass nitrogen,MBN)和可溶性有机碳(dissolved organic carbon,DOC)、氮(dissolved organic nitrogen,DON)的变化特征及相互关系。结果表明化肥和生物碳、玉米秸秆、鲜牛粪或松针配施下土壤微生物量碳、氮和可溶性有机碳、氮显著大于不施肥处理(no fertilization,CK)和单施化肥处理,分别比不施肥处理和单施化肥平均高23.52%和12.66%(MBC)、42.68%和24.02%(MBN)、14.70%和9.99%(DOC)、22.32%和21.79%(DON)。化肥和有机物料配施处理中,化肥+鲜牛粪处理的微生物量碳、氮和可溶性有机碳、氮最高,比CK高26.20%(MBC)、49.54%(MBN)、19.29%(DOC)和32.81%(DON),其次是化肥+生物碳或化肥+玉米秸秆处理,而化肥+松针处理最低。土壤可溶性有机碳质量分数(308.87 mg/kg)小于微生物量碳(474.71 mg/kg),而可溶性有机氮质量分数(53.07 mg/kg)要大于微生物量氮(34.79 mg/kg)。与不施肥处理相比,化肥和有机物料配施显著降低MBC/MBN和DOC/DON,降低率分别为24.57%和7.71%。MBC和DOC、MBN和DON随着土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)、全氮(total nitrogen,TN)的增加呈显著线性增加。MBC、MBN、DOC、DON、DOC+MBC和DON+MBN之间呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。从相关程度看,DOC+MBC和DON+MBN较MBC、DOC、MBN、DON更能反映土壤中活性有机碳和氮库的变化,成为评价土壤肥力及质量的更有效指标。结果可为提高洱海流域农田土壤肥力,增强土壤固氮效果,减少土壤中氮素流失,保护洱海水质安全提供科学依据。  相似文献   

绿肥和秸秆还田对稻田土壤供氮能力及产量的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
研究了绿肥、秸秆还田及施用无机氮肥对水稻田土壤供氮能力及水稻产量的影响。结果表明在缺乏外源无机氮时,C/N高的有机物更能激发土壤氮的矿化,土壤速效氮含量增加。而在无机氮充足的情况下,C/N低的绿肥腐熟分解,使土壤矿质氮增加。绿肥还田使得施肥对土壤速效氮的影响加大。改变轮作制度,有机无机氮肥结合还田,水稻产量增加,无机氮肥需求量降低。  相似文献   

有机物料及其配施在潮土中的残留特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验采用尼龙布袋埋袋法研究了5种单一物料(玉米秸、稻秸、苜蓿、鸡粪、猪粪)和2种混合物料(玉米秸-猪粪-鸡粪、苜蓿-猪粪-鸡粪)在潮土中的腐解状况,以了解土壤中有机质的积累规律,探讨有机肥料对土壤的培肥效果。研究结果表明,玉米秸、稻秸、苜蓿、鸡粪、猪粪等是增加土壤有机质的较好物料;对C/N比较高的物料,当增加N素(添加猪粪、鸡粪这些氮含量较高的物料)、调节C/N比值时,可以促进混合物料有机碳的分解和向腐殖质的转化。  相似文献   

秸秆的质量,特别是C/N是影响秸秆分解速率和养分释放的重要因素。在秸秆还田条件下,如何科学合理地施用氮肥是秸秆利用和优化施肥研究的关键问题。本研究以秸秆还田施入碳氮的C/N为切入点,于2012—2013年通过田间试验(设秸秆不还田不施肥、秸秆还田不施氮、秸秆还田施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1、16∶1和25∶1以及秸秆还田施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1处理),研究秸秆还田不同氮输入对小麦-玉米轮作田土壤无机氮、土壤微生物量氮、酶活性以及作物产量的影响。结果表明:1)在C/N为25∶1下,施用有机氮肥和无机氮肥对土壤无机氮含量无显著影响;在施用无机氮肥的情况下,C/N越低土壤无机氮含量越高。2)秸秆还田施氮提高了土壤微生物量氮含量,但是各秸秆还田施氮处理之间差异不显著;秸秆还田不同施氮处理对脲酶活性无显著影响;秸秆还田施氮提高了FDA水解酶活性,并随C/N降低呈升高趋势,施用无机氮肥的效果强于施用有机氮肥的。3)秸秆还田施用无机氮肥显著提高了小麦和玉米地上部生物量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为10∶1和16∶1相比于C/N为25∶1提高了小麦和玉米的苗期和成熟期地上部生物量;施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1相比秸秆还田不施氮对地上部生物量无显著影响。秸秆还田施用无机氮肥提高了作物产量,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1产量最高,而施用有机氮肥调节C/N为25∶1有降低作物产量的趋势。综合以上结果来看,施用无机氮肥调节C/N为16∶1较为合理。  相似文献   

For a long time, farmers in the red soil region of southern China have returned crop residues to the soil, but how various crop residues influence nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions is not well understood. We compared the influence of returning different crop residues [rapeseed cake (RC), maize straw, rice straw and wheat straw (WS)] in combination with different levels of nitrogen (N) fertilizer (nil, low and high) on red soil N2O emissions. Results confirmed the inverse relationship between cumulative N2O emissions and residue C:N ratio in red soil under different levels of N fertilizer. However, N‐fertilizer application did not significantly influence N2O emissions in the WS (which had the highest C:N ratio) and corresponding control treatments, while it enhanced N2O emissions in the RC (which had the lowest C:N ratio) treatment and displayed significantly higher cumulative N2O emissions with low N fertilizer application. This phenomenon may be attributed to the poor nutrient content in red soil, which leads to ‘Liebig's Law of the Minimum’ on available C. N fertilizer application provided sufficient available N, while the readily available C, which was mainly dependent on the degradability of the residue, became the crucial factor influencing N2O emissions. Additional experiments, which showed that the addition of glucose and sucrose could increase N2O emissions when N () was sufficient, confirmed this hypothesis. Thus, to reduce N2O emissions when returning residues to red soil, we suggest that both the residue C:N ratio and the quality should be considered when deciding whether to apply N fertilizer.  相似文献   

【目的】研究秸秆还田后不同水温和肥剂管理措施下土壤碳素转化特征。【方法】以华中双季稻区低产水稻土黄泥田为供试材料,模拟早稻和晚稻秸秆还田的田间环境,在实验室控制条件下,开展了两种温度环境中(15℃、35℃)不同水分(40%和100%最大田间持水量,即40%WHC、100%WHC)、配施氮肥类型(尿素、猪粪即U、M)、以及促腐菌剂添加对秸秆腐解效果及其过程中土壤碳素转化影响的研究。对水稻秸秆腐解过程中土壤CO2释放量、以及土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和总有机碳(TOC)含量在105天培养周期内变化特征进行动态监测分析。【结果】两种温度环境中整个培养周期内,各处理的CO2释放速率和释放总量通常表现为100%WHC-M100%WHC-U40%WHC-M40%WHC-U,即猪粪优于尿素的规律,而不论配施何种氮肥都存在100%WHC40%WHC(P0.01)的现象,同时40%WHC条件下辅施菌剂可显著提升CO2释放量;与此相反,两种温度环境下DOC含量都表现为40%WHC-M40%WHC-U100%WHC-M100%WHC-U(后两者差异小),即40%WHC条件下DOC含量显著高于100%WHC(P0.05),且配施猪粪处理优于配施尿素处理,但这两种氮肥处理间差异随培养时间延长而减小;以CO2-C释放量计算0 7 d、0 28 d、0 105 d内物料分解率,结果表明,35℃时100%WHC-U的处理中物料分解最快,15℃时40%WHC-M的处理中物料分解最慢。与之对应,105 d内TOC含量和净增量则在35℃时100%WHC-U的处理中最小(P0.01),而在15℃时40%WHC-M的处理中最大(P0.01);TOC的净增量和净损失量在相同温度条件下,尤其试验前期不同水分(P0.01)、氮素(P0.05)间均存在显著差异,且促腐菌剂添加普遍减小TOC含量;培养周期内所有处理的CO2释放速率与DOC含量间存在显著相关(P0.05)。【结论】水分状况对碳素的转化存在极大影响,其次是氮肥类型,且氮肥的影响作用随秸秆还田时间的延长而减弱;高湿条件更利于促进秸秆腐解,但导致土壤DOC含量较低,TOC的固持量也较少,而配施猪粪则可促进土壤DOC含量的提升及TOC的固持;促腐菌剂添加可促进秸秆腐解,但由于40%WHC条件下显著激发了CO2的释放而不利于土壤固碳。因此在华中低产黄泥田双季轮作稻区,早稻还田时由于气温高周期短,建议保持100%WHC、辅施适量尿素、并配合添加秸秆腐解菌剂,侧重秸秆快腐;而晚稻还田时气温低周期长,建议保持40%WHC并辅施缓效猪粪,侧重土壤固碳。  相似文献   

Mulches can improve soil properties, but little is known about nutrient availability in mulched soil that contains plant residues and the effect of mulching with manures. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of mulching with high or low C/N organic materials, in which low C/N materials differed in decomposability, and the presence of wheat straw in the soil on plant growth and N uptake, soil N availability and microbial biomass N within about four months after mulching. Three organic materials were used: mature wheat straw (W, C/N 80), young faba bean shoots (FB, C/N 7), and sheep manure (SM, C/N 8). There were eight treatments differing in amendment methods (mulching or mixing with W or both) and mulching materials (W, FB or SM). Treatments that were only mulched with W, FB or SM are referred to as m‐treatments. In m/s‐treatments, after W was mixed into the soil, W, FB or SM were placed on the soil surface as mulch. Two other treatments included an unamended control and soil mixed with W. Wheat was planted 0, 35 or 70 days after mulching (referred to as 0, 35, and 70 DAM) and grown for 35 days. Faba bean mulch increased shoot dry weight, shoot N uptake and available N compared to wheat or sheep manure mulch, particularly in the m‐treatments. Shoot dry weight was higher in m‐treatments than corresponding m/s‐treatments with the same mulch type. Shoot N uptake was higher in 70 DAM than in 0 DAM in all treatments and 0.3 to three‐fold higher in m‐treatments than the corresponding m/s‐treatments. Microbial biomass N was higher in 0 DAM than in 35 and 70 DAM in most treatments and up to two‐fold higher in m/s‐treatments than the corresponding m‐treatments. Available N in m/s‐treatments was two to six‐fold higher than m‐treatments in 0 DAM, but differed little in older mulch ages of W and SM. It can be concluded that compared to soil with only mulch, mixing of wheat straw into soil reduced plant growth and N uptake, particularly in the early stages of mulching (0 and 35 DAM). However, the presence of wheat in mulched soil may provide a longer lasting source of N for plants and reduce the risk of N leaching from rapidly decomposing low C/N mulch due to greater microbial biomass N uptake than only soil with mulch.  相似文献   

豆科绿肥对渭北旱塬土壤养分及生态化学计量学特征影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
渭北旱塬是我国重要的农业生态区,但土壤贫瘠、水土流失严重,亟需培肥土壤、改善生态环境。为探究渭北旱塬地区夏闲期种植并翻压豆科绿肥后土壤养分及其生态化学计量学特征的变化规律,采用田间定位试验,分别设置了3种豆科绿肥(绿豆、大豆和长武怀豆)和4个施氮水平,连续6年种植并翻压绿肥后,分析了土壤中养分含量,采用生态化学计量学方法计算了不同条件下的生态化学计量比值。结果表明:与对照(休闲)处理相比,长期种植并翻压豆科绿肥能显著提高土壤有机碳、全氮和碱解氮等养分指标含量,3种养分分别提高了4.47%~15.35%、5.21%~6.25%和11.00%~14.35%,且均以怀豆处理提升效果最佳。翻压绿肥短期内(2周后),土壤全氮含量的提升幅度大于有机碳和碱解氮。怀豆处理的有机碳、全氮、碱解氮、全磷和有效磷含量在短期和长期内均显著升高,培肥效果最为明显。翻压绿肥后,短期内土壤C∶N降低,但从长期效应来看,翻压绿肥提高了土壤C∶N,有利于土壤有机质的积累,能有效改善土壤养分平衡状态。土壤C∶P和N∶P与土壤C、N含量变化关系较为密切。夏闲期长期种植并翻压绿肥明显改善了土壤碳、氮养分状况,是渭北旱塬地区土壤培肥的有效措施。  相似文献   

稻草高茬-紫云英联合还田改善土壤肥力提高作物产量   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
研究旨在探讨稻草留高茬套种绿肥、稻草-绿肥联合还田下的生产及土壤肥力特征,为南方稻区综合利用稻草和绿肥提供理论及技术支撑。2012—2016年设置定位试验,研究高茬稻草-绿肥联合还田下的绿肥和水稻产量、土壤碳氮库活性及其他养分特征。试验包括5个处理:冬闲+稻草不还田(CK),冬闲+稻草全量还田(RS),冬种紫云英+稻草不还田(MV),冬种紫云英+稻草低茬全量还田(MV+LRS),冬种紫云英+稻草高茬全量还田(MV+HRS),各处理施用等量化肥。结果表明:稻草-绿肥联合还田提高绿肥产草量及其含氮量,与MV相比,分别增加了13.1%和6.8%(MV+LRS)、32.2%和5.2%(MV+HRS);增加水稻产量,以MV+HRS处理最高,4 a平均产量较RS、MV增加556.8和412.8 kg/hm2。2013和2015年,MV+HRS处理水稻产量高于MV+LRS。稻草-绿肥联合还田培肥地力效果明显,土壤有机质、全氮含量均比CK、RS和MV增加;且联合还田下有效养分提升更为全面。与稻草和绿肥单独应用相比,稻草-绿肥联合还田还能提升土壤微生物量氮及可溶性有机碳氮含量。可见,稻草-绿肥联合还田能够改善绿肥生长、提高水稻产量、提升土壤肥力;其中,高茬稻草与绿肥联合还田下的紫云英和水稻产量最高,土壤肥力也优于低茬处理,是综合利用稻草和绿肥资源的较好方式。  相似文献   

A long-term experiment on combined inorganic fertilizers and organic matter in paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation began in May 1982 in Yamagata, northeastern Japan. In 2012, after the 31st harvest, soil samples were collected from five fertilizer treatments [(1) PK, (2) NPK, (3) NPK + 6 Mg ha?1 rice straw (RS), (4) NPK + 10 Mg ha?1 rice straw compost (CM1), and (5) NPK + 30 Mg ha?1 rice straw compost (CM3)], at five soil depths (0–5, 5–10, 10–15, 15–20 and 20–25 cm), to assess the changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) content and carbon (C) decomposition potential, total nitrogen (TN) content and nitrogen (N) mineralization potential resulting from long-term organic matter addition. The C decomposition potential was assessed based on the methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) produced, while the N mineralization potential was determined from the potassium chloride (KCl)-extractable ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N), after 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of anaerobic incubation at 30°C in the laboratory. Compared to NPK treatment, SOC in the total 0–25 cm layer increased by 67.3, 21.0 and10.8%, and TN increased by 64.2, 19.7 and 10.6%, in CM3, RS and CM1, respectively, and SOC and TN showed a slight reduction in the PK treatment by 5.2 and 5.7%, respectively. Applying rice straw compost (10 Mg ha?1) instead of rice straw (6 Mg ha?1) to rice paddies reduced methane production by about 19% after the soils were measured under 8 weeks of anaerobic incubation at 30°C. Soil carbon decomposition potential (Co) and nitrogen mineralization potential (No) were highly correlated with the SOC and TN contents. The mean ratio of Co/No was 4.49, lower than the mean ratio of SOC/TN (13.49) for all treatments, which indicated that the easily decomposed organic matter was from soil microbial biomass and soil proteins.  相似文献   

S. PAL  P. MARSCHNER 《土壤圈》2016,26(5):643-651
Crop yields in sandy soils can be increased by addition of clay-rich soil, but little is known about the effect of clay addition on nutrient availability after addition of plant residues with different C/N ratios. A loamy sandy soil(7% clay) was amended with a clay-rich subsoil(73% clay) at low to high rates to achieve soil mixtures of 12%, 22%, and 30% clay, as compared to a control(sandy soil alone) with no clay addition. The sandy-clay soil mixtures were amended with finely ground plant residues at 10 g kg~(-1): mature wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) straw with a C/N ratio of 68, mature faba bean(Vicia faba L.) straw with a C/N ratio of 39, or their mixtures with different proportions(0%–100%, weight percentage) of each straw. Soil respiration was measured over days 0–45 and microbial biomass C(MBC), available N, and p H on days 0, 15, 30, and 45. Cumulative respiration was not clearly related to the C/N ratio of the residues or their mixtures, but C use efficiency(cumulative respiration per unit of MBC on day 15) was greater with faba bean than with wheat and the differences among the residue mixtures were smaller at the highest clay addition rate. The MBC concentration was lowest in sole wheat and higher in residue mixtures with 50% of wheat and faba bean in the mixture or more faba bean. Soil N availability and soil p H were lower for the soil mixtures of 22% and 30% clay compared to the sandy soil alone. It could be concluded that soil cumulative respiration and MBC concentration were mainly influenced by residue addition, whereas available N and p H were influenced by clay addition to the sandy soil studied.  相似文献   

稻秸还田提高我国南方典型稻田冬绿肥产量和养分积累   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  【目的】  提高冬绿肥的产量和养分积累量有利于轮作系统中主作物的高产稳产和光、温、养分资源的高效循环利用。研究稻秸还田对冬季豆科绿肥生长和养分积累及土壤性状的影响,为稻田豆科绿肥的高产栽培及稻秸资源化利用提供指导。  【方法】  在广西、四川和安徽,分别以盐渍水稻土、紫色土和黄棕壤为供试土壤,进行相同处理的豆科绿肥盆栽试验,供试品种均为当地主栽品种。稻秸添加量设 3个水平:0、3000、6000 kg/hm2 (S0、S1、S2),每个稻秸添加水平下设两个施氮水平:0和45 kg/hm2 (N0、N45),共包括6个处理。于豆科绿肥盛花期采集植株和土壤样品,测定鲜草产量和土壤理化性状。  【结果】  与稻秸不还田且不施氮肥处理(RS0N0)相比,盐渍水稻土、紫色土和黄棕壤上稻秸还田与氮肥配施处理的绿肥鲜草产量分别提高了63.0%~66.0%、35.2%~53.8%和103.6%~117.1%,植株氮累积量分别提高了19.1%~41.5%、43.7%~67.2%和65.1%~70.5%,磷累积量分别提高了12.1%~68.9%、31.4%~57.3%和37.9%~45.3%,钾累积量分别提高了22.0%~58.7%、30.7%~35.0%和89.2%~102.9%。在盐渍水稻土、紫色土,稻秸还田(S1、S2)均可提高绿肥鲜草产量和氮磷钾养分积累量,配合施氮没有进一步提高鲜草产量和氮磷钾养分积累量;而在黄棕壤与秸秆半量还田相比,稻秸全量还田降低了绿肥产量,但在一定程度上增加了绿肥地上部养分积累量,稻秸还田配合施用氮肥则显著增加了绿肥的产量和地上部养分积累量。盐渍水稻土稻秸还田与氮肥配施处理(RS1N45和RS2N45)提高了土壤有效磷含量;黄棕壤土壤有效磷含量、土壤速效钾含量随稻秸添加量增加先下降后上升,与不施肥对照相比,3种土壤上稻秸与氮肥配施处理均显著提高了土壤无机氮含量。偏最小二乘法路径模型分析表明,稻秸还田及土壤类型对豆科绿肥鲜草产量和地上部氮、磷、钾的累积量均有极显著正影响(P < 0.01),氮肥处理仅对豆科绿肥鲜草产量有极显著正影响(P < 0.01)。  【结论】  稻秸还田不同程度地促进了豆科绿肥对土壤速效养分的吸收,提高了豆科绿肥鲜草产量和地上部氮磷钾累积量。在肥力较高的盐渍水稻土和紫色土上,稻秸全量还田可显著增加豆科绿肥的鲜草产量,维持土壤有效养分,无需配合施用氮肥。在肥力较低的黄棕壤上,全量还田(6000 kg/hm2)需配施氮肥才可充分发挥稻秸还田的增产效果,缓解土壤中有效养分含量的下降。  相似文献   

 Short-term changes in N availability in a sandy soil in response to the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from a poultry manure (application rate equivalent to approximately 250 kg N ha–1) were evaluated in a 44-day aerobic incubation experiment. The treatments included poultry manure alone and two treatments in which an extra source of C, of low water solubility, was added with the poultry manure in the form of a low (1.05 g kg–1) and a high (4.22 g kg–1) amount of cellulose. All treatments were fertilised with the equivalent of 60 kg N ha–1 of (15NH4)2SO4 in solution. A control treatment consisted of sieved field-moist soil plus 60 kg N ha–1 of (15NH4)2SO4 in solution. Measurements were made of N2O and CO2 emissions, inorganic N, DOC, biomass N, biomass C and labelled N contained in the inorganic N and biomass N pools. The dynamics of N turnover in this study were driven mainly by processes of mineralisation–immobilisation with little significant loss of N by volatilisation or denitrification. The DOC supplied with the poultry manure played a more important role in N2O emissions than differences in C/N ratio. Changes in DOC and cumulative CO2-C production during the first 11 days were also highly correlated (R 2=0.88–0.66, P<0.01). An initial net immobilisation of N, with significant increases in biomass C and biomass N (P<0.05) for all treatments over the control at day 11, indicated a high availability of C from the DOC fraction. The presence of additional C from the applied cellulose did not enable a massive N immobilisation. Total inorganic N and unlabelled inorganic N concentrations were highest in soils treated with poultry manure alone (P<0.05), indicating that an active gross mineralisation of the added poultry manure and a possible positive priming effect were taking place during the incubation. Received: 29 May 1998  相似文献   

  【目的】  研究青海高原麦秸和豆科绿肥混合添加下土壤温室气体排放规律及其碳氮转化机制,为该地区农田系统秸秆和绿肥科学利用提供依据。  【方法】  采用室内模拟试验,设无添加对照(CK)、单独添加毛叶苕子(VS)、单独添加麦秸(WS)、麦秸与毛叶苕子混合添加(VWS),共4个处理。测定了温室气体排放速率、土壤活性碳氮组分、土壤酶活性、细菌、古菌、真菌、amoA、nirK和narG基因丰度。  【结果】  VWS处理与VS处理相比,CO2和N2O的累积排放量分别减少24.8%和74.6%,CH4累积吸收量增加9.1%,综合增温潜势(global warming potential, GWP)显著降低76.1% (P<0.05);与WS处理相比,CO2累积排放量增加33.7%,CH4累积吸收量与N2O累积排放量分别降低12.0%和43.1%,GWP降低49.4%。有机物料添加可调节土壤pH,增加土壤碳氮含量。VWS处理的土壤pH显著高于CK和VS处理;土壤水溶性有机碳(DOC)和微生物量碳(SMBC)含量较VS处理分别增加了21.6%和4.9%,无机氮(Nmin)、土壤水溶性有机氮(DON)和微生物量氮(SMBN)含量分别降低了77.3%、59.5%和6.3%;土壤Nmin、DOC、DON、SMBC和SMBN含量较WS处理分别增加64.0%、22.5%、56.5%、23.2%和27.8%。VWS处理较其他处理,α-葡萄糖苷酶(AG)和β-葡萄糖苷酶(BG)活性显著提高,亚硝酸还原酶(NIR)活性显著降低。VWS处理的真菌和古菌群落丰度较WS处理分别提高83.8%和69.8%,较VS处理分别降低62.6%和20.3%;VWS处理细菌群落丰度较VS处理降低33.4%。VWS处理下,AOB amoA、nirK和narG基因丰度较VS处理分别降低56.6%、41.4%和16.3%,较WS处理分别降低30.3%、25.9%和12.0%。相关分析结果表明,CO2和CH4排放与土壤有机碳、全氮、DOC、SMBC和SMBN含量,AG、NAG和NR活性,真菌、细菌、nirK和narG基因丰度呈显著正相关;N2O排放与土壤全氮、DON、SMBC和SMBN含量、真菌、AOB amoA和nirK基因丰度呈显著正相关,与土壤pH和BG活性呈显著负相关。偏最小二乘路径模型分析(PLS-PM)表明,AOB amoA是调控土壤N2O排放的主要功能菌群。  【结论】  麦秸、毛叶苕子单独添加以及二者混合添加均可促进土壤CO2排放,减少CH4吸收。相较于二者单独添加,混合添加可通过降低土壤AOB群落丰度等途径,实现N2O减排和综合增温潜势下降,可作为青海高原旱地土壤温室气体减排的一项有效措施。  相似文献   


Contribution of sesbania green manure, rice straw, and FYM (farm yard manure) was studied along with that of urea and A/SO4 (ammonium sulphate) for the cultivation of lowland rice and for the residual soil fertility. The results revealed that A/SO4 application resulted in a larger number of productive tillers, higher straw production, and higher grain yield compared to urea. Among the organic manures, sesbania green manure and FYM exerted almost similar effects on the number of productive tillers and paddy yield while the yield increase compared to the incorporation of rice straw. A similar affect of these organic manures on nitrogen uptake by rice straw, grain, and straw + grain was observed. Additional uptake of N due to the application of sesbania green manure, FYM and rice straw amounted to 15, 13, and 2.85 kg ha?1, respectively. Residual N fertility was the highest when of sesbania green manure was applied followed by FYM and rice straw. Residual P fertility was higher in the case of FYM than other treatments whereas the residual K fertility was the highest in the case of rice straw incorporation.  相似文献   

添加尿素和秸秆对三熟制水旱轮作土壤各形态氮素的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张丽  张磊  鲁剑巍  李小坤  任涛  丛日环 《土壤》2017,49(1):13-18
添加不同外源氮对土壤中不同形态氮素的转化具有十分重要的影响。选取长期耕作土壤,设置对照、添加尿素N 150 kg/hm~2(U150)、添加秸秆(相当于添加N 38 kg/hm~2,Straw)、添加尿素N 150 kg/hm~2+秸秆(相当于添加N188 kg/hm~2,U150+Straw)和添加尿素N 188 kg/hm~2(U188)5个处理进行室内培养试验,研究了添加不同外源氮对土壤铵态氮、硝态氮、可溶性有机氮、微生物生物量氮含量的影响。结果表明,土壤铵态氮随着培养时间的延长表现为先增后减的趋势,添加尿素的两个处理其土壤铵态氮较Straw、U150+Straw处理能够更快地达到峰值;而土壤硝态氮则表现为逐步增加的趋势。添加尿素处理能够显著提高土壤矿质氮的含量,在添加等量氮素的条件下,U188处理矿质氮含量在培养期间始终高于U150+Straw处理;此外,U150+Straw处理矿质氮含量在培养前期均低于U150处理,至培养30天后其含量略高于U150处理。与对照相比,培养结束时添加不同外源氮素处理的土壤矿质氮含量能够提高169.61%~496.75%。对于微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮而言,添加不同外源氮素分别在培养10天和30天达到峰值,此后逐渐降低。不同处理而言,添加秸秆+尿素、添加秸秆处理的微生物生物量氮和可溶性有机氮含量在培养前期明显高于仅添加尿素的两个处理,说明添加有机物料氮源主要有益于提高土壤有机态的氮素含量。  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deficiencies are key constraints in rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) production systems of Cambodia. Only small amounts of mineral N and P or of organic amendment are annually applied to a single crop of rainfed lowland rice by smallholder farmers. The integration of leguminous crops in the pre‐rice cropping niche can contribute to diversify the production, supply of C and N, and contribute to soil fertility improvement for the subsequent crop of rice. However, the performance of leguminous crops is restricted even more than that of rice by low available soil P. An alternative strategy involves the application of mineral P that is destined to the rice crop already to the legume. This P supply is likely to stimulate legume growth and biological N2 fixation, thus enhancing C and N inputs and recycling N and P upon legume residue incorporation. Rotation experiments were conducted in farmers' fields in 2013–2014 to assess the effects of P management on biomass accumulation and N2 fixation (δ15N) by mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and possible carry‐over effects on rice in two contrasting representative soils (highly infertile and moderately fertile sandy Fluvisol). In the traditional system (no legume), unamended lowland rice (no N, + 10 kg P ha?1) yielded 2.8 and 4.0 t ha?1, which increased to 3.5 and 4.7 t ha?1 with the application of 25 kg ha?1 of urea‐N in the infertile and the moderately fertile soil, respectively. The integration of mungbean as a green manure contributed up to 9 kg of biologically fixed N (17% Nfda), increasing rice yields only moderately to 3.5–4.6 t ha?1. However, applying P to mungbean stimulated legume growth and enhanced the BNF contribution up to 21 kg N ha?1 (36% Nfda). Rice yields resulting from legume residue incorporation (“green manure use”–all residues returned and “grain legume use”–only stover returned) increased to 4.2 and 4.9 t ha?1 in the infertile and moderately fertile soil, respectively. The “forage legume use” (all above‐ground residues removed) provided no yield effect. In general, legume residue incorporation was more beneficial in the infertile than in the moderately fertile soil. We conclude that the inclusion of mungbean into the prevailing low‐input rainfed production systems of Cambodia can increase rice yield, provided that small amounts of P are applied to the legume. Differences in the attributes of the two major soil types in the region require a site‐specific targeting of the suggested legume and P management strategies, with largest benefits likely to accrue on infertile soils.  相似文献   


Green manure is an efficient nitrogen (N) source when used as an alternative to chemical fertilizer. However, the N taken up by rice derived from green manure, chemical fertilizers or soil native N in complex nutrient systems is unclear. A pot experiment with partial substitution of urea with Chinese milk vetch (a green manure) implemented with 15N-labeled urea and Chinese milk vetch was set up to study the sources of N in rice and the fate of the fertilizers. The dry weights, N contents, N uptake, and urea N use efficiency were notably higher (by 15–16%, 4–13%, 22–30% and 182%-203%, respectively) in the Chinese milk vetch applied with urea treatment than in the urea alone treatment. The uptake of N from Chinese milk vetch and the use efficiency of Chinese milk vetch N were increased with reductions in the urea input amount. The application of Chinese milk vetch substantially changed the fate of urea: higher amounts of urea N were taken up by rice (approximately 29%) and remained as residue in the soil (approximately 15%) in the related treatments than in the treatment with urea alone (10% and 9%). More urea N than Chinese milk vetch N was taken up by rice (29% vs 20%, respectively) and lost (56% vs 14%, respectively), but less urea N than Chinese milk vetch N remained as residue in the soil (15% vs 66%, respectively). The partial substitution of chemical fertilizer with green manure is an effective method of promoting rice growth by supplying N for rice uptake and promoting more efficient N use.  相似文献   

为探明稻秸(稻草)及其不同组分(腐解稻秸、可溶性有机物和去活稻秸)对红黄泥水稻土微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)和可溶性有机碳、氮(DOC、DON)含量的影响。通过室内恒温培养试验,研究了长期淹水条件下,添加稻秸及其组分对MBC、MBN、DOC和DON的影响。结果表明,与对照(S处理)相比,添加稻秸(RS+S处理)、腐解稻秸(DRS+S处理)和去活稻秸(NARS+S处理)均提高了MBC,提高幅度分别为11.17%(p0.01),1.83%和6.25%(p0.05),添加可溶性有机物(DOM+S处理)处理降低了MBC,降低幅度为2.67%;RS+S处理提高了MBN,提高幅度为15.29%,DRS+S、DOM+S和NARS+S处理均降低了MBN,降低幅度分别为15.19%,3.09%和15.92%。与S处理相比,RS+S、DRS+S、DOM+S和NARS+S处理均极显著提高了红黄泥DOC(p0.01),提高幅度依次分别为13.33%,10.88%,6.81%和11.41%;RS+S、DRS+S和DOM+S处理均显著提高了红黄泥DON(p0.05),NARS+S处理极显著提高了红黄泥DON(p0.01),提高幅度依次分别为6.96%,10.84%,10.12%和13.41%。与S处理相比,DRS+S和NARS+S处理极显著提高了MBC/MBN,RS+S处理显著降低了MBC/MBN,DOM+S处理对MBC/MBN几乎没有影响;各处理对DOC/DON没有显著影响。稻秸及其不同组分对红黄泥水稻土MBC、MBN、DOC和DON含量的影响基本一致,但影响程度存在差异,稻秸和去活稻秸影响较大。结果可为稻秸及其不同组分对MBC、MBN、DOC和DON的影响机理提供基础数据,进一步揭示稻田土壤速效养分的来源与转化关系,为农业生产中秸秆的科学利用和稻田土壤肥力定向培育提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A long-term experiment (LTE) on a rice-wheat system was initiated in 1963 at the Kyushu National Agricultural Experiment Station, in Fukuoka, Japan, to determine the effects of continuous application of rye grass/wheat straw, rice straw and rice straw compost, alone or in combination with inorganic N on crop yields. Increase in rice yields and enhancement of total soil C and N contents with the application of organic residues in this LTE have been reported earlier. However, evaluation of the changes in the soil microbiological properties and the decomposable C fraction of soil organic matter that is needed for soil quality assessment is still lacking. Soil samples were collected after rice harvest in 2003 from the organic residue treatments and unfertilized control, air-dried and incubated for 1 month under aerobic [50% water-filled pore space (WFPS)] and flooded conditions prior to the analysis of the amount of microbial biomass C (MBC), soil respiration and the amount of potential mineralizable N (PMN). The contents of total C (TC), total N (TN), organic C (OC), hot water-extractable C (HWEC) and permanganate-oxidizable C (POC) were determined from air-dried soils. Organic residue incorporation brought about significant increases in the contents of TC, TN, OC, POC, HWEC and PMN. The largest accumulation of total C (23%) and N (72%) in the soil was from rice straw compost, compared with that from rice straw (C, 7% and N, 33%) and rye grass/wheat straw (C, 9% and N, 29%). Incorporation of rice straw compost also increased the amount of MBC under both aerobic and flooded conditions and basal soil respiration under aerobic conditions only. An efficient utilization of C by microorganisms was indicated by a significantly lower metabolic quotient (qCO2) in the composted and uncomposted rice straw treatments compared with the control in the “-” N treatment under aerobic conditions. Similarly, the flush of CO2 after rewetting of dry soil per unit of HWEC was lower in the organic matter treatments, indicating a more efficient C utilization and lower C losses per unit of available C. The content of HWEC was significantly correlated with the basal soil respiration (at 50% WFPS), the amounts of MBC, PMN and with the increase in the content of soil organic C in the residuetreated soils. In the treatments without inorganic N fertilizer, grain yield was significantly correlated with the amounts of total organic C, HWEC, MBC (at 50% WFPS), basal soil respiration (at 50% WFPS) and the amount of PMN.  相似文献   

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