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应用穆斯堡尔谱和X射线法分析研究红壤性水稻土的氧化铁矿物,研究结果表明,红壤性水稻土的氧化铁矿物组成、特性及其形成转化与起源土壤具有明显的差异。水稻土的成土条件不利于赤铁矿的形成。红壤的粘粒氧化铁矿物以赤铁矿和高铝替代(>20摩尔%)的针铁矿为主。经淹水种稻后,赤铁矿逐渐被转化为低铝替代的针铁矿或其它形态氧化铁。渗育型水稻土P层的赤铁矿含量比相应的母土低,其针铁矿铝替代量较其它水型的水稻土高。而潴育型水稻土W层和潜育型水稻土G层粘粒氧化铁矿物均以针铁矿为主,其铝同晶替代量低(<15摩尔%),且颗粒细小,结晶度较低。这些结果反映了水稻土的成土条件和发生特点,同时对水稻土发生分类具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

张汉辉  韩勇  邢光熹 《土壤学报》1989,26(4):216-323
本文应用穆斯堡尔谱学方法,研究了我国南方地区不同干热条件下形成的燥红土中存在的氧化铁的类型、性质及其Al3+同晶代换作用.我们所研究的4种燥红土表层胶体部分(<2微米),在室温和80K温度下测量了穆新堡尔谱,在室温下谱线出现超顺磁状态,80K温度下观察到明显的磁分裂六线谱.计算机拟合结果表明,氧化铁的类型以赤铁矿和针铁矿为主,并以细颗粒状态存在.反映了热带、亚热带土壤的特点.不同干旱条件下,土壤胶体部分赤铁矿、针铁矿所占的比例也有明显的不同,愈干旱赤铁矿的比例愈高.  相似文献   

邢光熹  张汉辉  韩勇 《土壤学报》1987,24(3):218-225
本文应用穆斯堡尔谱学方法,研究了在不同pH条件下Fe+++,Fe++与胡敏酸结合的性质。计算机拟合的pH3.057Fe-胡敏酸络合物泥浆的穆斯堡尔谱和参数表明,三对四极双峰(图1,AA',BB',CC')是合理的。在pH3.0 Fe+++以高自旋态存在,它和胡敏酸的结合多于一种环境类型。在pH1.0的57Fe-胡敏酸络合物中,观察到了Fe+++的穆斯堡尔谱信号,但没有Fe++的信号,在这个样品离心分离出的液体部分检测到了加入量的59.7%的铁,表明在pH1.0时相当数量的Fe+++被胡敏酸还原成Fe++,Fe++并不与胡敏酸牢固结合。在30伏电析过的57Fe-胡敏酸络合物样品中(pH2.8)出现了Fe+++,Fe++的穆斯堡尔谱,这一结果指示出,在电析过程中由于57Fe+++-胡敏酸络合物悬浮液pH的降低,一部分Fe+++还原成Fe++,在pH2.8相当数量的Fe++与胡敏酸牢固结合。根据在80K记录的穆斯堡尔谱,在pH1—3的范围出现了磁有序成份,但在室温记录的穆斯堡尔谱没有磁分裂。  相似文献   

甘肃景电灌区次生盐化土壤的性质及其发生机理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文对甘肃景电灌区次生盐化土壤的理化性质进行了研究 .该区次生盐渍化土壤主要为硫酸盐氯化物和氯化物硫酸盐型 ,水溶性钠离子在阳离子中占绝对优势 .土壤通体碳酸钙含量很高 ,并有少量的石膏 .钠离子饱和度很高 ,具有钠质特性或钠质化现象 ,盐化与钠质化同时进行 .在此基础上对次生盐渍化的机理和改良进行了讨论  相似文献   

本文应用电导法测定了12种化肥在纯水和三种土壤真溶液中的盐(度)指数。结果表明:①不同化肥的盐指数差别很大,以硝铵为100时,变化在8(ssp)到118(kc);②以实物计量比养分量更能表达不同化肥的盐指数差异;③不同化肥在纯水和土壤真溶液中的盐指数趋势相似。尿素应以土壤真溶液法测定为准;④电导法与渗透压法测得的盐指数值及其排列顺序相似。化肥盐指数是一个重要参数,对土壤持水量和有效水供应有明显影响,是选择种肥、确定复混肥配方、施肥量和施肥技术等的重要依据。  相似文献   

本文应用电导法测定了12种化肥在纯水和三种土壤真溶液中的盐(度)指数。结果表明:①不同化肥的盐指数差别很大,以硝铵为100时,变化在8(ssp)到118(kc);②以实物计量比养分量更能表达不同化肥的盐指数差异;③不同化肥在纯水和土壤真溶液中的盐指数趋势相似。尿素应以土壤真溶液法测定为准;④电导法与渗透压法测得的盐指数值及其排列顺序相似。化肥盐指数是一个重要参数,对土壤持水量和有效水供应有明显影响,是选择种肥、确定复混肥配方、施肥量和施肥技术等的重要依据。  相似文献   

孙丹峰  李红 《土壤通报》2001,32(2):53-56
本文介绍SOTER项目是利用目前已有的信息技术 ,建立一个包含数字化的地图单元和它们属性数据的世界土壤和土地数据库 .该数据库的主要功能是为已完善起来的世界土壤和土地资源变化的制图和监测提供必要的数据 .在此基础上提出我国土地资源多尺度数据库的建库模式 ,SOTER单元概念的发展 ,多尺度数据库的划分和相互之间的衔接方法  相似文献   

范成新 《土壤》1992,24(1):23-28
本文以7种土壤作为吸附剂,用从土壤中分离并被32P放射性标记的纯假单胞菌(Psevdomonas sp·)作为吸附质,研究细菌在土壤上的等温吸附。在所选择的实验条件下(pH=7温度为30℃),发现细菌体在土壤上的吸附属于线性等温吸附:Ns=KBNW,并且还发现吸附常数KB的大小与土壤中有机质含量呈正相关(r=0.992)。  相似文献   

Recent developments in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (n.m.r.) spectroscopy to soil science are reviewed. Progress in 1H, 13C and CP-13C n.m.r. spectroscopy of humic substances is reported. Methods of determining the fraction of aromatic carbon in soil organic matter extracts are discussed, and methods by which structural group analysis can be carried out on in situ organic matter of whole soils are reviewed.  相似文献   

贵州土壤的发生特性及分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邹国础 《土壤学报》1981,18(1):11-23
贵州省在云贵高原的东部,大地构造是滇桂台向斜和鄂黔台向斜的一部分.境内地形地貌复杂,山峦起伏,丘陵盆地,高山峡谷和宽谷盆地交错分布,具有显著的高原岩溶地貌特征.高原面呈阶梯状上升,海拔高度由600米左右逐渐升高到2300米左右.成土母质类型在山区以残积物和坡积残积物为主.  相似文献   

An apparatus, based on an optical microscope system, has been constructed for the subjective observation of cathodoluminescence, and the value of the technique has been determined for the examination of minerals and soils. The use of cathodoluminescence for the specific identification of minerals was found to be limited by the observation of different luminescent colours from the same minerals, and the same luminescent colour from different minerals. However, a sufficient variety of luminescent colours is believed to exist to allow the method to be used in conjunction with others for the identification of mineral grains. An examination of the trace element levels in a small group of mineral separates was found to be uninformative in trying to explain the variations in luminescent colours found.  相似文献   

The magnetic susceptibility of soil minerals is discussed, and in particular that of the ferrimagnetic minerals, maghemite, magnetite, and the titanomagnetites since one or more of these usually dominates soil magnetic properties. The magnetic susceptibility of soil depends on the shape, size, and concentration of these minerals as well as on the method of measurement. Measurements performed in a weak alternating magnetic field are the most reliable. The identification, formation, and occurrence of soil maghemite is considered in detail since it is usually of pedogenic origin and occurs in (magnetically) detectable amounts in most soils. Moderate concentrations (>1 per cent) of magnetite or titanomagnetite in soils may be accurately measured if some of the material is first magnetically separated and its susceptibility determined. An example is given of the use of susceptibility measurements. Pedogenic maghemite may be determined in soils developed from parent materials of low susceptibility. A very rough value of 8.8 × 10?4 m3 kg?1 is suggested for the mass susceptibility of such maghemite (excluding magnetic concretions). Although susceptibility has been suggested as an indicator of soil forming processes, this is only possible within an area containing fairly uniform parent material.  相似文献   

Simple, rapid and non-destructive measurements of magnetic properties (magnetic susceptibility, saturation isothermal remanent magnetization and coercivity of isothermal remanence) coupled with more time consuming and sophisticated analyses such as thermomagnetic and Mössbauer effect studies, provide a basis for identifying forms of iron oxide present in the soil. At two of the sites studied, Caldy Hill, Merseyside, and Llyn Bychan, N. Wales, the secondary ferrimagnetic oxide formed in surface soil as a result of recent forest fires is shown to be non-stoichiometric magnetite approximating to the formula Fe2. 904. No evidence for the presence of maghemite was found in any of the soil samples from these sites or in soils from the Annecy region of S.E. France.  相似文献   

The breakdown of wheat straw in slurries of soil was studied under controlled physical conditions. In the absence of oxygen there was a reduction in the redox potential and pH of the slurries and there were concomitant increases in the concentrations in solution of total carbon compounds, acetic acid, iron and manganese. The temperature coefficients (Q10) for these reactions and processes were between 2.5 and 2.9 but they did not take place in the presence of oxygen nor when nitrate was added. When no straw was mixed with the soil, similar changes took place but were much less pronounced and no acetic acid was formed.  相似文献   

Orientation diagrams are used to show differences in the orientation of birefringent domains in the S-matrix, and in sub-cutanic features of the vo-insepic fabric of two West Indian soils. Such orientation diagrams could prove useful in helping to characterize plasmic fabrics.  相似文献   

The addition of 2.5 mg/l of polyacrylamide to 0.5M NaHCO3 used as an extractant for ‘available’ phosphate overcame most of the analytical difficulties associated with the use of activated carbon which was recommended in the original procedure of Olsen et al. (1954). No significant differences in the amount of P extracted were found between polyacrylamide and carbon and with the former, technical problems were greatly reduced. Consequently, the modification of the original method to incorporate polyacrylamide has been adopted in the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food as a standard method for the determination of available phosphate in soils.  相似文献   

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