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Calcareous grasslands, most of which are man made and therefore depend on some kind of human interference for their maintenance, are among the most species-rich communities on Earth at a small scale. For many centuries, most of these grasslands have been used as extensive pasture. However, after 1900, and particularly from 1940 onwards, livestock grazing has declined throughout Europe leading to the abandonment of low intensity grasslands over large areas. To conserve the remaining grasslands or to restore recently abandoned grasslands, better insights about the effects of grassland management on above and belowground species diversity are needed. Here, we describe the results of an 11-year experiment to investigate the role of grassland management (grazing, mowing and abandonment) in determining species composition and diversity both in the aboveground vegetation and the seed bank of a calcareous grassland in Belgium. Species diversity declined by about 60% 11 years after abandonment, from 29 species m−2 to as few as 12 species m−2. Plots that were grazed remained constant in species richness, whereas mown sites lost about 20% of their original species. Abandoned plots were largely dominated by a few grass species, in particular Festuca rubra. Concomitant with changes in the aboveground vegetation, both the number of species found in the seed bank and seed density (number of seeds m−2) had changed significantly 11 years after abandonment. Species diversity and seed density were significantly lower in abandoned plots than in grazed or mown plots. We conclude that abandonment of calcareous grasslands may lead to rapid decline of plant species diversity both in the aboveground vegetation and in the seed bank. As a result, seed banks probably have a limited role to play in the restoration of recently abandoned grasslands.  相似文献   

The main reason for meadow bird declines is supposed to be the intensification of grassland management with earlier first harvest dates and more frequent harvests, resulting in high nest destruction rates. To increase productivity of meadow bird populations in intensified grassland areas a delay of mowing date and individual nest protection measures have been proposed. However, for ground-nesting songbirds such as the whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) the effectiveness of such measures remains widely unknown. In particular, if nest predation rate is high, measures to protect nests from agricultural destruction alone might be questionable. Here, we quantify whinchat nest survival of (1) unprotected nests situated in early mown meadows, (2) protected nests situated in early mown meadows, and (3) nests situated in late mown meadows. Analyses considered the fact that successful and unsuccessful nests are not found with equal probabilities. Periods of reduced nest survival were associated with mowing periods in the different types of meadows. In early mown meadows nest survival rates were low (S < 0.1), and both conservation measures, individual nest protection and delayed mowing, resulted in significantly increased nest survival rates (S > 0.7). Individual nest protection cannot avoid changes in habitat quality of intensively managed meadows, and therefore is only suitable as small-scale and short-term measure to increase nest success until a high portion of late mown meadows is established. Thus, we suggest that a combination of the two measures applied to intensified grassland fields should be provided to maintain viable sizes of endangered meadow bird populations.  相似文献   

Dramatic declines in the endangered Columbia Basin pygmy rabbit, a genetically unique population of small, burrowing rabbits in Northwestern United States, are likely the combined results of habitat degradation and fragmentation, disease, and predation. A critical component of pygmy rabbit habitat includes big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), which constitutes 82-99% of their winter diet and 10-50% of their summer diet. Sagebrush also forms the bulk of hiding cover around burrow sites. Across the range of pygmy rabbits, sagebrush habitat is grazed extensively by cattle. However, grazing has unknown effects on pygmy rabbits inhabiting the remaining, fragmented shrub-steppe habitat. We evaluated the effects of four grazing treatments on the distribution of pygmy rabbit burrows, diets of pygmy rabbits, and quality and quantity of vegetation at Sagebrush Flat in central Washington. Ungrazed areas contained significantly more burrows per unit area than did grazed areas. Vegetation composition and structure differed little among treatments in early summer before annual grazing by cattle. However, cattle grazing in late summer through winter removed about 50% of the grass cover, and reduced the nutritional quality (e.g., increased fiber and decreased protein) of the remaining grass. Although pygmy rabbits ate <2% grasses in winter, grasses and forbs comprised 53% of late summer diets. Because these endangered rabbits avoided grazed areas, removing cattle grazing from key habitat locations may benefit efforts to restore this rabbit in Washington.  相似文献   

Many upland areas of the British Isles have seen declines in the area and condition of heather (Calluna vulgaris)-dominated heathland vegetation. To reverse this decline, management regimes must be designed to rehabilitate areas that have seen this decline. As most of this heathland vegetation is primarily managed by grazing, such management has to determine what stocking levels can maintain the vegetation in a desired state. This paper describes how to reverse this decline through suitable grazing management.A degraded ‘wet-heath’ system, previously grazed at 2.1 sheep ha−1, was subject to a range of grazing treatments over a 5-year period. Treatments varied in intensity (0-1.4 sheep ha−1) and timing (summer only, winter only, or year round) of grazing. Grazing levels were maintained at 2.1 sheep ha−1 outside the fenced areas. Vegetation composition remained stable outside the fenced treatments. All the fenced treatments showed an increase in the relative frequency of the evergreen Calluna vulgaris, with the greatest increase being in the ungrazed treatment, and the least in the year round 1.4 sheep ha−1 treatment. This increase was in line with a reduction in heather utilisation to relatively low and sustainable levels. Other species that benefited from reduced grazing included Carex nigra, Deschampsia flexuosa and to a lesser extent Galium saxatile and Erica tetralix, whereas a range of moss species including Hypnum jutlandicum and Rhytidiadelphus loreus were more frequent at higher grazing levels. Though the recovery of heather was similar in the two seasonally grazed treatments, the vegetation showed different overall trajectories. Winter only grazed allowed a substantial increase in the cover of the deciduous Molinia caerulea, whereas this species was kept in check by summer only grazing. A stocking level of between 0.7 and 1.4 sheep ha−1 appears to be appropriate to maintain and even enhance the cover of heather on degraded wet heath. Complete removal is not necessary. Grazing restricted to the winter period is inappropriate in areas where M. caerulea occurs. Setting appropriate stocking levels to maintain the condition of the vegetation must take into account site conditions, especially the presence of species that can affect the utilisation of heather.  相似文献   

We examined the occurrence of Dactylorhiza majalis, the most abundant terrestrial orchid species growing in rapidly disappearing wet meadows, at 50 historical sites for 3 years. We aimed to find the most frequent reasons for its recent extinction at many sites. We found that the main reasons for its extinction were absence of mowing, intensive fertilisation and washouts of fertilisers from fields nearby. At extant sites, we studied its biometric characteristics and composition of surrounding vegetation, to determine factors affecting its persistence. Bad performance of persisting populations of this species was associated with prevalence of grasses, low May temperatures and absence of mowing. This confirms, at metapopulation level, what has previously been observed at the level of individual populations. We suggest that the system of agricultural subsidies in the country should change towards more sensitive allocation of funds to those farmers, who will adopt the appropriate management of wet meadows and their surroundings.  相似文献   

The different management regimes on grassland soils were examined to determine the possibilities for improved and/or changed land management of grasslands in Flanders (Belgium), with respect to article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol. Grassland soils were sampled for soil organic carbon (SOC) and for bulk density. For all grasslands under agricultural use, grazing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with mowing, and grazing had higher SOC stocks compared with mowing + grazing. Overall, 15.1 ± 4.9 kg OC m–2 for the clayey texture, 9.8 ± 3.0 kg OC m–2 for the silty texture, and 11.8 ± 3.8 kg OC m–2 for the sandy texture were found for grassland under agricultural use to a depth of 60 cm. For seminatural grasslands, different results were found. For both the clayey and silty texture, mowing and mowing + grazing led to higher SOC stocks compared with grazing. The clayey texture had a mean stock of 15.1 ± 6.6, the silty texture of 10.9 ± 3.0, and the sandy texture of 12.1 ± 3.9 kg OC m–2 (0–60 cm). Lower bulk densities were found under grazed agricultural grassland compared with mown grassland but for seminatural grassland, no clear trends for the bulk density were found. The best management option for maintaining or enhancing SOC stocks in agricultural grassland soils may be permanent grazed grassland. For seminatural grassland, no clear conclusions could be made. The water status of the sampled mown fields was influencing the results for the clayey texture. Overall, the mean SOC stock was decreasing in the order clay > sand > silt. The higher mean SOC concentrations found for the sandy texture, compared to the finer silty texture, may be explained by the historical land use of these soils.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events like the 2003 summer heatwave and inappropriate land management can threaten the existence of rare plants. We studied the response of Eryngium alpinum, a vulnerable species, to this extreme climatic event and different agricultural practices. A demographic study was conducted in seven field sites between 2001 and 2010. Stage-specific vital rates were used to parameterize matrix population models and perform stochastic projections to calculate population growth rates and estimate extinction probabilities. Among management regimes, spring grazing and land abandonment decreased vital rates and population growth, while autumn grazing and late mowing had positive effects on population viability. The 2003 heatwave reduced fecundity rates and survival rates. Only spring grazed sites presented considerable extinction risk. Stochastic projections showed that an increased frequency of 2003-like events may exacerbate extinction risk, but extinction probability depends mainly on land management regimes. To better conserve E. alpinum populations, we recommend conversion of presently spring grazed and abandoned sites to late mowing or autumn grazing.  相似文献   

Grassland birds are declining at a faster rate than any other group of North American bird species. Livestock grazing is the primary economic use of grasslands in the western United States, but the effects of this use on distribution and productivity of grassland birds are unclear. We examined nest density and success of ground-nesting birds on grazed and ungrazed grasslands in western Montana. In comparison to grazed plots, ungrazed plots had reduced forb cover, increased litter cover, increased litter depth, and increased visual obstruction readings (VOR) of vegetation. Nest density among 10 of 11 common bird species was most strongly correlated with VOR of plots, and greatest nest density for each species occured where mean VOR of the plot was similar to mean VOR at nests. Additionally, all bird species were relatively consistent in their choice of VOR at nests despite substantial differences in VOR among plots. We suggest that birds selected plots based in part on availability of suitable nest sites and that variation in nest density relative to grazing reflected the effect of grazing on availability of nest sites. Nest success was similar between grazed plots and ungrazed plots for two species but was lower for nests on grazed plots than on ungrazed plots for two other species because of increased rates of predation, trampling, or parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Other species nested almost exclusively on ungrazed plots (six species) or grazed plots (one species), precluding evaluation of the effects of grazing on nest success. We demonstrate that each species in a diverse suite of ground-nesting birds preferentially used certain habitats for nesting and that grazing altered availability of preferred nesting habitats through changes in vegetation structure and plant species composition. We also show that grazing directly or indirectly predisposed some bird species to increased nesting mortality. Management alternatives that avoid intensive grazing during the breeding season would be expected to benefit many grassland bird species.  相似文献   

Remnants of native vegetation in regions dominated by agriculture are subject to degradation, especially by livestock grazing and weed invasion. Ground-foraging birds are amongst the most threatened bird groups in Australia, and these agents of degradation might be contributing to their decline by causing a reduction in food availability. We studied the foraging behaviour and microhabitat use of seven species of ground-foraging insectivores in south-eastern Australian buloke woodland remnants with native, grazed and weedy ground-layers. If birds must resort to using more energetically expensive prey-attack manoeuvres, or selectively use substrates and microhabitats that are less available in degraded habitats, then such degradation is likely to be negatively impacting on these species. We found evidence of a negative impact of one or both of these types of degradation on five of the seven bird species. Three species that employ a range of foraging manoeuvres to attack prey used potentially more energetically expensive aerial manoeuvres significantly more frequently in weedy remnants than in remnants with a native or grazed ground layer. Red-capped robins Petroica goodenovii and brown treecreepers Climacteris picumnus both selectively foraged near trees in grazed sites, and hooded robins Melanodryas cucullata, red-capped robins and willie wagtails Rhipidura leucophrys avoided foraging in microhabitats with a high percentage cover of exotic grasses in weedy sites. Brown treecreepers were also less likely to be present in weedy sites that had been protected from grazing than in either grazed or native sites. These results suggest that although grazing appears to have a detrimental impact on foraging habitat of ground-foraging birds, the exclusion of livestock grazing from previously disturbed buloke remnants alone is not adequate to restore habitat values for ground-foraging birds. A conservation strategy for this habitat type should consider the exclusion of heavy grazing from sites with an intact cryptogamic crust and the management of weeds in disturbed remnants, potentially through the use of carefully controlled light grazing.  相似文献   

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