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新型化学固沙材料性能的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王银梅  谌文武 《水土保持通报》2007,27(1):108-111,116
SH为新型高分子固沙材料。对SH固沙的强度、抗风蚀能力、耐水性、耐老化性、抗冻融稳定性进行了室内试验,并开展了现场固沙试验研究。研究结果表明,SH固沙效果好,也比较适合化学结合植物固沙,可用于沙漠化治理。  相似文献   

[目的]研究新型固沙材料与5种典型草本植物的相容性影响,为九寨沟景区震后生态恢复重建提供理论依据。[方法]基于改性纤维素类新型固沙材料和典型草本植物,利用基质吸力分析、植被模拟分析和相关统计等方法,探讨不同配比方式的固沙材料与草本植物的相容性机理。[结果]固沙材料基质吸力最终稳定在80 kPa左右,可以给植物根系生长提供稳定的供水环境;灯笼草和唐松草在两种配比的固沙材料中均有出苗,说明这两种植物与固沙材料相容性良好,从出苗率分布看,唐松草灯笼草金线草、茜草、夏枯草,其中唐松草出苗率达到30%;1∶3液固质量比的固沙材料含水率更高,植物株苗存活时间更长;种子出苗区域均位于固沙材料孔隙较大的位置。[结论]新型固沙材料基质吸力最终在80 kPa以内,1:2配比固沙材料的唐松草出苗率为30%,灯笼草平均根径达到2 mm,同时具有一定孔隙的固沙材料更适宜植物幼苗生长。  相似文献   

3种新型化学固沙剂的固沙效益实验研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
以国内外3种新型的化学固沙剂为研究对象,对其固结层的抗风蚀能力、抗压强度、耐水性、保水性以及对植物生长发育的促进作用进行了实验研究,结果表明,美国3D固沙乳胶剂和澳大利亚ZEROSIN化学固沙剂的固沙性能好,而且利于植物生长发育,适宜在风蚀较为严重的沙区推广应用。化学固沙与生物措施相结合是实现沙漠快速治理及植被恢复重建的一条有效途径。  相似文献   

水土保持优良植物─—蔓荆的开发与综合利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蔓荆适生在沙质土壤,耐旱、耐湿、耐瘠薄,根系发达,保土固沙力强,是优良的水土保持植物。蔓荆果实含有17种氨基酸20多种微量元素,丰富的维生素E和不饱和脂肪酸等,可作为营养医疗保健品的开发原料。综合开发利用蔓荆必将推动水土流失区的治理进程和生态环境的改善,促进经济、社会和生态效益的良性循环发展。  相似文献   

河西走廊中部的临泽绿洲位于巴丹吉林沙漠西南缘,在沙漠-绿洲过渡带上生长发育了大量的防风固沙植物。以梭梭、沙拐枣、泡泡刺三种固沙植物根区的土壤为研究对象,探究不同固沙植物根区土壤物理性质指标和持水特性的变化规律及其相互间的关系,旨在为防沙治沙工程实践中固沙植物的选择和空间配置提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)三种固沙植物根区的土壤容重均随土层深度增加而降低,均值表现为:沙拐枣 > 泡泡刺 > 梭梭;土壤孔隙度均随土层深度增加而增大,均值表现为:梭梭 > 泡泡刺 > 沙拐枣;三种固沙植物根区的土壤物理性质指标随土层加深差异性增大。(2)0 ~ 120 cm土层深度范围内,梭梭根区的土壤持水特性最好,泡泡刺次之,沙拐枣最低;0 ~ 40 cm土层深度范围内三种固沙植物根区的土壤持水特性均不存在显著差异;40 ~ 60 cm土层深度范围内梭梭与沙拐枣根区的土壤持水特性存在显著差异;60 ~ 80 cm土层深度范围内三种固沙植物根区的土壤持水特性均存在显著差异。(3)三种固沙植物根区的土壤持水特性均与土壤容重、总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度呈显著相关关系(P < 0.01),但与非毛管孔隙度的相关性却不同,其中梭梭根区的土壤持水特性非与毛管孔隙度呈显著正相关(P < 0.01),而沙拐枣、泡泡刺根区的则呈不显著相关关系。  相似文献   

固沙技术中控释肥与吸水剂联用技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 为解决固沙技术中水与肥的“瓶颈”问题,在模拟沙地中研究添加控释肥与吸水剂对固沙植物甘草生长发育的影响。结果表明:不同的控释肥对吸水剂的吸水率影响不同,各种控释肥料在沙土中分解释放速度远小于尿素;添加一定量的控释肥均可促进甘草的生长发育,表现在株高、根长、侧根数、叶片发育、生物量(干质量)和对营养元素(N、P、K)的吸收等方面。因此,在固沙植物栽培中添加控释肥与吸水剂的技术是可行的,为解决固沙植物的水肥问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

騰格里沙漠地区沙地土壤微生物学特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
張憲武  許光輝 《土壤学报》1962,10(3):227-234
沙漠的严重危害主要是流沙的移动。因此,沙漠改造和治理中的重要工作之一。是采取各种措施固定流沙[1]。一般說来,固定流沙有两种方法:一种是植物固沙,一种是机械固沙。机械固沙是暂时的固沙法,为固定流沙不可缺少的一环;而植物固沙是一种最根本最可靠的永久固沙方法[2,3]流沙一经生长植物,它的基本性质就要改变,形成固定沙丘。这就为进一步改造利用沙漠,创造了先决条件。时的固沙法,为固定流沙不可缺少的一环;而植物固沙是一种最根本最可靠的永久固沙方法[2,3]流沙一经生长植物,它的基本性质就要改变,形成固定沙丘。这就为进一步改造利用沙漠,创造了先决条件。  相似文献   

两种仿真固沙灌木防风效应的野外观测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
仿照沙旱生灌木构型制成无叶和有叶两种仿真固沙灌木,在野外观测了这两种仿真固沙灌木对风速变化的影响。结果表明,当风速为2.2~5.5m/s时,40cm高度的仿真固沙灌木削弱风速率随风速增大而增加。仿真固沙灌木平均风速削减率小于沙蒿,但统计分析差异不显著。无叶仿真固沙灌木平均降低风速率小于有叶仿真固沙灌木。仿真固沙灌木是结合多种植物优势组合而成,是对植物治沙措施的优化,具有显著的防风效应。  相似文献   

GS-3生态固沙剂性能及其浓度对植物生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文研究试验一种高效、环保、较低廉的生态固沙剂,为沙漠化防治和生态修复提供新材料与技术储备。该文对GS-3生态固沙剂理化性能及其对植物生长影响进行试验,结果表明:GS-3生态固沙剂固结层渗透性良好,抗压强度均高于2.0MPa,硬度大于40.0mm,质量变化较为小,抗风蚀性能良好;GS-3生态固沙剂对夏季地表高温有显著的抑制作用,并有效保持土壤水分,4.0%浓度乳液的固结层7月份0~5cm土壤温度比对照组降低8.1℃,降幅达31%,8月份0~5cm土壤含水量比对照组高2.8倍;GS-3生态固沙剂的保温、透气、保湿及隔离地表风沙流等特点,对提高植物出苗和促进植物生长作用显著;4.0%GS-3乳液试验区固沙效果最好,但3.0%浓度区植被盖度和生物量最大(是对照组的2.4倍和4.1倍)。综合成本和实际效果,3.0%浓度GS-3生态固沙剂具有较好的环境适应性,是库布齐沙漠及周边地区沙漠化防治如沙漠公路两侧防护、沙漠中基础设施周边沙害防护等的可选固沙材料之一。  相似文献   

新型YDL-固沙胶的固沙性能及固沙效果试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新型高分子材料YDL-固沙胶为研究对象,对其可喷洒到沙面上时所形成的固结层的抗压强度、抗风蚀能力、耐水性、保水性以及对植物生长发育的影响作用等进行了试验研究,证实了该高性能固沙胶固沙的可行性,当固沙胶采用双遍喷洒、且用量为40~60g/m^2较为适宜,形成的固结层厚度适当,促进了种子的发芽与生长。  相似文献   

A glasshouse study was undertaken to investigate the effects of the copper fungicide Kocide 101 and its residues in soil on the growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). The soil used was a sandy clay loam classified as Typic Rhodustalf. The bean variety SUA 90 was used as test crop. The bean rhizobia strains CIAT 899, PV, and a local isolate were used. Kocide 101 applied at the recommended rate (equivalent to 1.7 mg kg‐1 soil) had no significant negative effects on the growth, nodulation or nitrogen fixation of bean plants. Higher levels of Kocide 101 significantly (P < 0.05) reduced plant growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation. The bean plants inoculated with the “local isolate”; rhizobia had the highest dry matter weights, nodule numbers and nodule dry weights, and also had more N fixation. They were followed by those inoculated with the PV, strain and, lastly, those inoculated with CIAT 899. The growth and nodulation of bean plants were still curtailed by the Kocide 101 residues four months after the fungicide was first applied to the soil. Therefore, occurrence of high levels of Kocide 101 in soils can have long‐term effects on the performance of the bean‐rhizobia symbiosis.  相似文献   

During periods of water depletion the water supply of plants from saline soils is reduced due to the simultaneous decrease of the soil osmotic and the soil matric water potential. Common models on the water uptake from saline soils assume a similar depressing effect of osmotic and matric water potentials on the water uptake by plants. As plants differ in their ability to overcome salt stress and soils differ in their water retention curves there is some doubt for the general validity of this assumption. The paper presents results of an experiment with rape grown in a sandy and a silty soil at three salinity levels. The transpiration rate of the plants was determined during a period of 34 hours and related to the total water potential of the two soils. In case of the silty soil, the transpiration was related to the total soil water potential at all salinity levels. In the sandy soil, however, the transpiration was much more affected by decreasing soil matric potential than by equivalent decreases of the soil osmotic potential. The results show that the effect of both potentials on the water supply of plants is not the same and has to be treated separately.  相似文献   

The influence of different rates of sludge applications to calcareous loamy soils of Saudi Arabia, on nodulation and symbiotic N2?fixation in alfalfa plants (Medicago sativa L.) was studied in a pot experiment. The effect of heavy metals accumulation in soil due to continuous irrigation of the test soil with sewage water was also investigated. Application of up to 80 g sludge per pot enhanced nodulation, nitrogenase activity, dry matter yield and N-contents of alfalfa plants growing in loamy soils either previously irrigated with sewage water or well water. However, sludge applied at the rate of 160–200 g pot?1 inhibited the nodulation, N accumulation and dry matter yield of alfalfa. The response of alfalfa to sludge was dependent on the rhizobial strain used. Our results also showed that accumulation of heavy metals due to continuous irrigation of a calcareous sandy loam soil with sewage water, for more than 10 years, didn't inhibit N2?fixation in alfalfa plants, but enhanced it. Microelements in alfalfa plants increased with increase in the rate of sludge application. Although high rates of sludge application affected nodulation and N2?fixation of alfalfa, dry matter and the nitrogen contents of the plants were not highly affected. Therefore, the inhibitory effect of high rates of sludge was most probably due to the toxic effect of heavy metals on the microsymbiont rather than on the plants.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地羊柴种群点格局分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地,分别在固定沙地和半固定沙地设立一块50 m×50 m典型样地,应用Ripley’s K函数的双变量点格局分析方法,对飞播条件下羊柴种群的点格局进行研究。结果表明:羊柴种群的空间分布格局与植株大小及生境2种因素关系密切,随着羊柴植株形体的增大,其集聚强度加强;对于羊柴种群的空间关联性,随着2个大小级的形体大小差异减小,它们的空间正关联关系将加强;半固定沙地上的羊柴种群及其各大小级与固定沙地相比更趋向于集群分布,同时各大小级之间的空间正关联也更明显;移植羊柴时,应尽量将其栽种成集聚分布形式,以提高植被成活率。  相似文献   

Large quantities of green seaweed, linked probably to eutrophication, are cast ashore every summer on the Puerto Madryn beaches (Patagonia, Argentina, 42°S, 65°W). This algal biomass interferes with recreational uses of the beach, and therefore must be periodically collected and disposed. Part of this algal biomass was composted with the objective to produce an amendment to improve physical and nutritional characteristics of some local soils used in intensive horticulture, and at the same time to find a way to reduce environmental pollution. The compost was then biologically evaluated by determining the growth rate of tomato plants cultivated on various substrata (washed sand, sandy loam soil, and sandy loam soil plus inorganic fertilizers) to which different doses of compost were added. Results showed that in all cases the addition of compost increased water holding capacity and plant growth. The increase of tomato plants (Licopersicum esculentum var. platense) was proportional to the compost doses. Also, plants grown on sustrata containing at least ten percent compost had significant benefits compared to control plants, improving growth and water stress resistance. Although the quality of this seaweed compost was limited by excessive amounts of sand and low nitrogen content, it proved to be a good amendment that improved both physical and nutritional characteristics of local sandy loam soils used in intensive horticulture. According to these results, composting is a useful technology both to solve environmental pollution problems and to produce a valuable organic fertilizer for soils.  相似文献   

The growth responses of maize plants cultivated in sandy soil amended with five different superabsorbent hydrogels were studied. Soil amended by superabsorbent hydrogels could enhance growth of maize and the level of enhancement was concomitant with the rate of the added hydrogel. Morphologically, plants grown in soil with the highest concentration of hydrogel (0.4%) were healthier and taller, and root lengths were longer. Fresh and dry weights were increased. Addition of hydrogel could improve water availability in the soil, so that water contents were higher in plants grown in the amended soil compared with those of control. Although maize growth was enhanced by the addition of any hydrogel, plants showed different responses to different hydrogels. The used hydrogels were beneficial in newly reclaimed deserts that suffered from drought stress conditions.  相似文献   

植物基固沙剂是以植物材料提取物为主成分的环保型固沙剂,为研究其应用于沙质耕地是否具有可行性,以3种植物基固沙剂(刺槐型、亚麻型和向日葵型)和沙土为研究对象,喷施等量清水处理为CK,开展不同用量植物基固沙剂对沙土形成的固结层抗压、抗风蚀及其植物种子萌发、幼苗生长的比较试验研究。结果表明:(1)刺槐型、亚麻型、向日葵型固沙剂喷施于风沙土地表,均可形成1~14 mm厚度固结层,其平均抗压强度较CK分别提高206.21%,147.51%,72.74%。(2)3种植物基固沙剂均具有显著的固沙效果,随用量增加土壤抗风蚀能力均显著增强,在5 g/m2用量下风蚀量最低,较CK分别减少65.92%,58.33%和69.55%。(3)刺槐型、亚麻型固沙剂对小麦种子萌发及芽生长有促进作用,向日葵型固沙剂有抑制作用,且随用量增加抑制效果明显,在3 g/m2用量时种子发芽受到显著抑制,发芽率较CK降低62.50%;在4 g/m2用量时,根系萌蘖受到显著抑制;在2 g/m2用量时,芽生长受到显著抑制。(4)固结层对幼苗破土有一...  相似文献   


The effect of different concentrations of cobalt added to two soil types, a sandy and a sandy loam soil, was studied on growth performance and tissue cobalt concentration of wheat plants. DTPA‐extractable cobalt was significantly higher in the sandy soil than in the sandy loam soil. Plants grown in the sandy soil accumulated significantly higher amount of cobalt in comparison to plants grown in the sandy loam soil. Roots were significantly richer in cobalt than shoots in both the soil types. Lower (1 μg g‐1) administration of cobalt resulted in an enhancement in the growth whereas higher (5–625 μg g‐1) addition inhibited growth. A significant inverse relationship between relative wheat yield and tissue cobalt concentration was observed. The results indicate a possible requirement of cobalt for higher plants.  相似文献   

为了探讨白三叶草生物固氮与土壤水分供应和菌种基因型的关系,采用温室盆栽试验方法,对9个基因型的三叶草根瘤菌固氮效率和与土壤含水量的关系进行了研究。结果发现,根瘤菌接种后,白三叶草叶片含氮量明显增加,有3个基因型的根瘤菌接种植株后叶片氮含量达到对照的3倍以上,据此可根据根瘤菌的基因型来预测其固氮效率,共生固氮效率与根瘤菌基因型的关系较与分离宿主的关系更加密切。在中度干旱胁迫下,白三叶草植株地上部生物量积累所受影响较地下部所受影响更大,在白三叶草与根瘤菌共生体系建立过程中,当根瘤菌固定的氮素可以满足植株生长需要时,干旱胁迫可能成为生长的限制因子。  相似文献   

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