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水分状况对红壤母质中物质移动及稻麦生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨林章  徐琪  熊毅 《土壤学报》1987,24(3):199-209
利用模拟土柱研究了红壤母质在淹水条件下物质的迁移规律及不同水分条件对作物生长的影响。土柱施加有机质淹水后,矿质元素活化,部分迁移出土体。物质的累积淋溶量序列为:Fe>Ca、SiO2>K>Al、P、Mn、Mg,日渗漏量与Eh是影响物质淋溶的主要因素。主组元分析表明,淹水初期主要的土壤发生过程是矿质元素的活化与淋溶,硅铝的相对富集及土壤养分状况的改善。铁、锰的淋淀与水分关系密切。铁、锰在表层淋离,中下层淀积,这同自然状况下铁锰的淋溶淀积特点是一致的。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对芒果生长及土壤的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模拟酸雨田间试验结果表明,pH2.5酸雨处理有明显抑制供试桂香芒秋梢的生长,降低叶绿素含量,加速叶片中的钙、镁、铁、锰、铜、铝等元素淋洗的趋势,同时也能促使供试土壤中钙、镁盐基离子的流失,从而导致土壤pH值下降,促使锰、锌、铜等重金属微量元素及铝的活化,既阻碍了根系对锌、铁、锰3元素的吸收,又影响根对钙、镁、铜、铝4元素向地上部输送。  相似文献   

通过有机肥在不同土壤水分状况下分解产生的有机酸种类和数量检测、各种有机酸对不同磷酸盐的溶磷试验,对有机肥活化土壤磷的机理进行了研究。结果表明,无论在好气或淹水条件下,猪粪、稻草和纤维素均能明显增加土壤中有机酸含量,其作用为猪粪>稻草>纤维素;7种检出的有机酸对不同形态人工合成磷酸盐的溶磷能力为:草酸和乙酸对钙磷的溶磷均有一定效果,多数有机酸对铝磷的溶磷效果均不错,而柠檬酸对铁磷的溶磷效果最好。柠檬酸虽数量不及其它有机酸,但在有机肥活化土壤磷中所起的作用是最大的。铁磷在有机肥活化磷中的贡献较其它形态无机磷大。  相似文献   

通过有机肥在不同土壤水分状况下分解产生的有机酸种类和数量检测、各种有机酸对不同磷酸盐的溶磷试验,对有机肥活化土壤磷的机理进行了研究。结果表明,无论在好气或淹水条件下,猪粪、稻草和纤维素均能明显增加土壤中有机酸含量,其作用为猪粪>稻草>纤维素;7种检出的有机酸对不同形态人工合成磷酸盐的溶磷能力为:草酸和乙酸对钙磷的溶磷均有一定效果,多数有机酸对铝磷的溶磷效果均不错,而柠檬酸对铁磷的溶磷效果最好。柠檬酸虽数量不及其它有机酸,但在有机肥活化土壤磷中所起的作用是最大的。铁磷在有机肥活化磷中的贡献较其它形态无机磷大。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法研究了猪粪对缺锰土壤上水稻旱育秧苗生长的影响及猪粪在淹水后秧苗缺锰症恢复中的作用结果表明,在不施锰肥的条件下旆用高量猪粪处理,旱育秧功仍表现严重缺锰症状,但较不施猪粪自理有所减轻,更没有出现猪粪加重植株缺锰的情况;在施锰和不施锰条件下,随猪粪用量的增加,旱育秧苗的分蘖和地上部干重均明显增加,因此猪粪可促进缺锰土壤上旱育 生长;在淹水后猪粪可以使土训氧化还原电位下除更快,土壤Mn^2  相似文献   

淹水还原条件下红壤中葡萄糖及腐殖酸对铁锰形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过设置不同的葡萄糖/腐殖酸配比模拟还原性土壤体系,考察长期(约74 d)淹水培养过程中铁锰元素在土壤溶液/矿物相中的分布形态演变。结果表明:在淹水培养初期,葡萄糖的添加可以促进铁锰离子的还原溶出,同时土壤中可交换态和酸可提取态铁、以及可交换态锰的含量也会随之增加;而腐殖酸的添加则会促进土壤中可氧化态铁/锰含量的升高。随着培养时间的增加,铁锰离子浓度及各个土壤提取形态的铁锰含量大多呈现降低趋势,铁锰元素逐渐转化成提取性更低的矿物形态。因此,淹水环境中铁锰还原溶出-分布形态演变受到土壤中有机物质种类和含量的显著影响,呈现出不同的金属移动性和生物有效性。  相似文献   

不同土壤调理剂对土壤硒的活化效应研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
促进土壤硒的活化,提高土壤硒肥力水平,对于富硒农产品的生产具有重要意义。采用室内恒温恒湿土壤培养实验,研究了淹水和干旱两种土壤环境条件下石灰石粉、粉煤灰、EDTA、柠檬酸、猪粪、秸秆、聚丙烯酸钠等7种不同添加剂对湖北恩施、江西丰城2种不同富硒土壤硒释放效果的影响。结果表明:7种不同的添加剂在不同程度上均促进了土壤中硒的释放,提高了土壤硒的有效性。在旱地土壤上,猪粪的效果最好。而在淹水土壤上,秸秆的效果最好。施用猪粪和秸秆等措施均可促进农田土壤硒的活化,提高作物对土壤硒的吸收利用。  相似文献   

镁、硫、铁、锌、硼、铜、锰等矿质元素是烟草生长发育所必需的营养元素,在烟株生长发育过程中起着不可替代的作用。这些矿质元素供应不足或过多时,烟叶的正常生长发育受阻,产量和质量降低。为了摸清南阳烟区不同区域植烟土壤中的矿质元素分布状况,从2002年开始对南阳烟区植烟土壤中的镁、硫、铁、锌、硼、铜、锰等矿质元素进行了取样分析研究。  相似文献   

在土壤流失的过程中往往伴随着化学元素的迁移,由此引起元素的分散或富集。元素在土壤中的迁移是由于受了能量作用的结果,其中包括水蚀、风蚀和重力侵蚀。其迁移能力的大小取决于元素的化学性质:有的迁移能力强,如钾、钠、钙、镁、铝和铁;有的迁移能力弱,如钛、锇、铂。由于元素的迁移,土壤化学组成也随之改变,这种变化有时是很微小的。由于分析测试手段的限制,目前人们对因水土流失引起的元素迁移的研究仅限于三个主要的植物营养元素——氮、磷、钾。本文采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法同时测定土壤中9种元素的含量。样品经酸溶解后,不需加任何试剂,即可由仪器进行测定,并由打字机打印出各元素的含量。电感耦合等离子体发射光谱分析技术简称ICP—AES,是用电感耦合等离子体作为激发光  相似文献   

采用逐级去磷的土壤研究在好气与淹水条件下猪粪、稻草和纤维素对土壤中不同形态磷的活化作用。结果表明,在好气条件下,猪粪、稻草和纤维素均能对土壤中各种形态的无机磷起活化作用,其效果为猪粪>稻草>纤维素。在淹水条件下,有机肥则表现为明显增加土壤对磷的固定,这主要是土壤中的铁氧化物强烈吸附磷所致。但当土壤去除Fe-P和O-P后,有机肥则能对土壤磷起明显的活化作用。采用人工合成磷酸铁加入去磷、去铁氧化物土壤的试验表明,有机肥对磷酸铁的活化率可高达30%。由于土壤中存在的铁氧化物对活化的磷起掩盖作用,因此,有机肥对土壤磷,尤其对Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe-P的实际活化作用有可能比测定值还要高。  相似文献   

广西(山弄)岗自然保护区石灰土的地球化学特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
我国碳酸盐岩分布很广,占全国土地总面积的七分之一,而以广西、贵州和云南最为集中[1]。在热带、亚热带地区,由其风化发育的土壤与赤红壤、红壤显著不同,通称为石灰土,归于隐域土中。  相似文献   

Characteristics of the element abundance, material cycling, element budget in tea soils were discussed based on investigations of six tea plantations and the adjacent waste lands in the Three Gorges region. The plantations have different soil-forming parent materials, but similar landforms, and the same tea variety and close ages. The results showed that tea growing could increased the contents of organic matter, total and available N, P, Al and Mn; the elements enriched by tea trees were in the following descending sequence: P>Ca>K>Mn>Mg>Zn>Al>Fe; elements returned through litter of tea were in the sequence of Ca>Mn>P>Zn>Mg>K>Al>Fe; in the nutrient budget of the soil-tea system, P and K were in deficit, whereas Al, Ca, Fe and Mn in surplus.  相似文献   

冀北山地油松蒙古栎混交林水化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对冀北山地油松蒙古栎混交林穿透雨、树干茎流和枯透水中的Ca、Fe、K、Mg、Mn、Zn共6种养分元素进行测定。结果表明:(1)大气降水经过林冠层后化学元素含量均有不同程度增加,化学元素含量排序为Ca>K>Mg>Fe>Mn>Zn,树干茎流各项指标均增长较多,化学元素含量排序为Ca>K>Mg>Fe>Zn>Mn,枯落物水中K和Ca元素浓度增加最大。(2)大气降雨中Zn的变异系数最大,达2.853;K和Ca元素的变异系数最小,分别为0.158,0.163。穿透雨中变异系数最大的为Fe元素,其值为0.692;树干茎流中变异系数最大的为Zn元素,其值为0.594;枯透水中变异系数最大的为Fe元素,其值为1.164。(3)经过淋洗后水样中各元素的浓度均有所增加,穿透水、树干茎流和枯透水中Ca、K增加较多,Fe、Mn、Zn的淋溶量较少。  相似文献   

石柱黄连不同生长期植株营养特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大田调查和室内化学分析方法研究了石柱黄连不同生长期植株养分含量、吸收、比例以及养分含量与土壤有效养分的关系。结果表明,1~5年生黄连生物量、叶片重和根茎重(产量)与生长年份呈极好的二次回归关系,叶片12种营养元素含量和吸收量均以NKSCaMgPFeMnZnCuBMo,根茎养分含量和吸收量的大小序列不一致。黄连叶片和植株养分吸收量与年份呈良好的二次回归关系,根茎养分吸收量的变化可用幂函数(y=axb)表征,叶片养分吸收量成倍(4.29~11.4倍)高于根茎。黄连土壤有机质、有效氮、硫、钙、锌含量丰富,其余8种养分含量低,不同年份黄连叶片(镁、铁、铜除外)和根茎(镁、钼除外)养分含量与土壤有效养分间呈很好的三次回归关系。  相似文献   

Viable microorganisms, soil respiration, and available N, Ca, Mg, Na, K, and P contents were determined in samples of five different forest soils collected in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Viable microorganisms and soil respiration were positively correlated and showed a clear seasonal trend. The soils exhibited high microbial population values in spring and autumn and low values in summer and winter; total respiration values were largely higher in autumn than in the other seasons. Seasonal variations in available Ca, Na, and K contents were much more marked than those found for available N, Mg, and P. Available N and K and the microbial population showed similar seasonal trends whereas available Ca, Mg, Na, and P did not exhibit a distinguishable and uniform seasonal pattern. The quantities of available nutrients in soils followed the order Ca>K=Na>Mg>P>N. Soils developed over basic rocks showed higher values of both microbial density and microbial activity than those in soils developed over acid rocks. All the variables analysed were clearly related to the type of soil but varied with the date of sampling; a significant seasonal effect on the microbial population, microbial activity and available nutrients was detected in all the soils studied.  相似文献   

Empirical field evidence for changing chemical processes in soils caused by atmospheric deposition of pollutants consists of: (1) Long-term water quality data including total dissolved solids, concentrations of specific metals (e.g. Ca), and conductivity; (2) Cation exchange capacity and base saturation values for soils located on precipitation pH gradients; (3) Lysimeter studies; and (4) Chemical analysis of organic soils on precipitation pH and metal gradients. For well-drained organic soils, as precipitation pH decreases, metals are differentially leached at an accelerated rate (Mn>Ca>Mg≥Zn>Cd and Na>Al). Experimental field and laboratory lysimeter studies on soil columns yield similar results, with increases in leaching rates for soil solutions with pH=3 up to 100 × values for soil solutions with pH=5. Nearly 100% of the Pb from precipitation is accumulating in the organic soil layer or sediments. Zn is accumulating in soils and sediments where the pH's of precipitation, soil solutions, and surface waters are generally above 5 to 5.5. At lower pH values Zn and other chemically similar elements are desorbed/leached (net) at an accelerated rate. Chemical analyses of dated sediment cores from high and low altitude lakes, with drainage basins relatively undisturbed for the last 200+ yr, reveal that increased deposition of metals on a regional scale started in the northeastern United States as early as 1880, consistent with increased fossil fuel consumption. This suggests acidified precipitation as early as 1880. Cores from historically acidified lakes (pH<≈5.3 to 5.5) indicate that, as acidification of surface waters occurs (caused by acidic deposition), concentrations of Zn, Mn, and Ca decrease in the sediment. Apparently the metals are leached from the detritus prior to sedimentation. This conclusion results from data from experimental acidification of sediment cores and the general observation that precipitation pH is generally ≥0.5 pH units lower than lake water pH. Accelerated leaching of soil in New England dates to earlier than 1900.  相似文献   

密云水库集水区刺槐水源保护林水化学性质研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了北京密云水库集水区人工刺槐水源保护林水化学性质,结果表明,不同月份大气降水化学元素含量不同,在观测时段内6月份化学元素含量最高,所测定元素加权平均值之和为12.001 mg/L,各元素含量按大小排序为Ca > N > K > Mg > Na > P > Fe > Zn > Cu > Mn;大气降水经过林冠层后,林内穿透降水和树干茎流中各化学元素含量变化不一,但元素总含量增加,林内穿透降水化学元素含量之和为46.192 mg/L,树干茎流为61.586 mg/L,分别高于大气降水34.191 mg/L和49.585 mg/L.  相似文献   

Surveys conducted from 1987 to 1990 of Norway spruce [Picea abies(L.) Karst.] within 12 plantations across 4 northeastern states revealed symptoms of crown discoloration and defoliation on a site-specific basis. Foliar N. K. and Ca concentrations of most of the sampled trees were above deficiency ranges, while foliar Mg concentrations of most of the symptomatic trees were below the deficiency range within the plantations. Soil pH, exchangeable Mg, K, Ca, and their corresponding percent saturations in soils were lower, while soil Al concentrations were higher for most of the symptomatic trees in comparison to the healthy trees. Foliar concentrations of Mg, Ca, K, P, Al, Mn, Pb, and Zn were positively correlated with concentrations of corresponding soil elements. Knowledge of nutrient deficiency ranges may help diagnose foliar symptoms, but their exclusive use may overly simplify relationships between foliar symptoms and foliar elements. Principal component regression analysis of the data provided assessment of interactions and balances among foliar elements, and among soil elements and their possible influences on crown symptoms. Crown symptoms were not only associated with concentrations of individual elements of foliage and soils, but also associated with interactions and balances between these elements. The influences of individual soil elements on discoloration and defoliation may depend upon other elements in soils. Soil Al may induce crown discoloration and defoliation by interfering with Mg, Ca, and K uptake in acidic soils.  相似文献   

为了探明不同磷水平对红壤中土壤溶液主要金属离子变化的影响以及小麦对磷的响应,确定红壤中小麦适宜的施磷水平,采用原位提取土壤溶液和比较生物量的方法,监测了短期内红壤溶液中主要金属离子浓度变化及小麦生物量的变化。结果表明:碳酸钙的加入可以显著升高酸性红壤的p H,土壤溶液中铝、锰和镁浓度显著低于未加碳酸钙处理;800 mg/kg磷处理后铝、锰、镁和钙的浓度要比未加磷处理分别至少降低47%、44%、37%和33%。随着施磷量的增加,小麦在200 mg/kg磷处理时积累的生物量最大,随后磷增加,小麦生物量反而降低。而加碳酸钙处理小麦地下部生物量随着施磷量增加则降低。结果表明碳酸钙不仅可以有效升高土壤p H,降低土壤溶液铝浓度,还降低土壤溶液中锰的浓度。磷的加入同样可以降低锰和铝的浓度,缓解铝和锰毒害。红壤中生长小麦的适宜施磷量为200 mg/kg。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether or not Ca and P in soils from two forested sites at two different stages of acidification were limiting growth of red oak seedlings. The A and E horizons of a Berks soil from Watershed 4 at the Fernow Experimental Forest (cation exchange buffer range) and a Hazelton/Dekalb soil from Pea Vine Hill in Southwestern Pennsylvania (Al buffer range) were placed in pots and utilized as the growth medium for northern red oak seedlings in a greenhouse environment. Soil water NO3-N, Ca, Mg, and K concentrations were significantly higher (α≤0.05) on the Berks soil. Soil exchangeable P and soil solution TP (total phosphorus) were significantly higher (α≤0.10) on the Hazelton/Dekalb soil. Both soils were amended with bone meal (CaPO4) to determine the effects of Ca and P addition on the growth and nutrient uptake of the seedlings. Height growth of the control red oak seedlings was significantly (α≤0.05) greater on the Berks soil after 45 d, but amendment of Hazelton/Dekalb soil with bone meal eliminated this difference. Bone meal addition to the Hazelton/Dekalb soil resulted in significantly greater (α≤0.05) height growth of red oak seedlings when compared to red oak seedlings grown on unamended Hazelton/Dekalb soil, but did not have a similar effect for red oak seedlings grown on Berks soil. Bone meal addition to Hazelton/Dekalb soil resulted in greater (α≤0.05) concentrations of Ca and Mg in red oak leaves. Unfertilized Berks red oak seedling leaves had significantly higher (α≤0.05) concentrations of Ca and K than their Hazelton/Dekalb counterparts. Al/Ca molar ratios were significantly lower on the Berks soil. Red oak height growth was increased significantly by Ca addition to the Hazelton/Dekalb soil.  相似文献   

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