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猕猴桃树对氮素吸收、利用和贮存的定量研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为了探明猕猴桃树对氮素吸收、利用和贮存规律,为确定合理的施肥量和施肥时期提供依据,以10年生秦美猕猴桃树为试材,采用彻底刨根,分解取样的方法,研究了年周期各器官的生物量、氮含量和氮累积量变化动态。结果表明,猕猴桃整株生物量全年增加了12.14 kg/plant,在果实生长期(5月18到9月8日)增加较快,增加量为7.99 kg/plant。氮素在猕猴桃树的根、茎、叶、果及皮层和木质部的分布为:根、叶、果实>茎;皮层>木质部;冬季氮的贮存部位是根和茎的皮层,并且主要贮存在茎的皮层。年周期猕猴桃树体总吸氮量为216.78 kg/hm2,进入果实收获期以后和结果前共吸收33.75 kg/hm2,整个果实生长期吸收183.03 kg/hm2,分别占总吸氮量的15.57%和84.43%。5月18日到7月9日和7月9日到9月8日两个阶段吸收的氮素量分别占总吸氮量的53.13%和31.30%,据此计算得猕猴桃的合理施氮量为N 412.91 kg/hm2(产量40 t/hm2);推荐在休眠期结束前施基肥 N 64.29 kg/hm2,座果前追施壮果肥 N 219.38 kg/hm2,果实膨大末期追施促稍肥 N 129.24 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

不同降水年型施氮量对冬小麦水氮资源利用效率的调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
  【目的】  研究不同降水年型氮肥用量引起的小麦生育期耗水量、植株氮素积累与运转、产量及效率的变化,为黄土高原旱地冬小麦精准施肥提供理论依据。  【方法】  于2017—2020年在山西农业大学闻喜试验示范基地开展大田试验,种植制度为冬小麦后夏休闲,一年一熟。3个试验年降水量分别属于正常、干旱和湿润年型。试验设施氮量 0、120、150、180、210 kg/hm2 5个处理,分析了小麦耗水量、氮素吸收与利用、产量形成及不同降水年型间的差异。  【结果】  不同降水年型旱地小麦生育期总耗水量均以N 180 kg/hm2最高,且丰水年和欠水年耗水变化率以施N 150~180 kg/hm2最高,平水年则以施N 120~150 kg/hm2最高。与其他施氮处理相比,丰水年施N 180 kg/hm2提高了播种—拔节期植株氮素积累量,显著提高了花前叶片和穗轴+颖壳氮素运转量,平水年和欠水年施N 150 kg/hm2提高了播种—拔节期植株氮素积累量及花前叶片和茎秆+叶鞘氮素运转量。不同降水年型花前植株氮素运转量、成熟期的植株氮素积累量变化率均以N 120~150 kg/hm2最高。与其他施氮处理相比,丰水年施N 180 kg/hm2产量显著提高了8.4%~35.6%,平水年施N 150 kg/hm2产量显著提高8.9%~33.7%,欠水年施N 150 kg/hm2产量显著提高13.4%~48.9%;不同降水年型产量变化率以施N 120~150 kg/hm2最高,且施氮量增加到N 180 kg/hm2时在丰水年仍可增产。丰水年施N 150~180 kg/hm2肥效最高,达14.9 kg/kg,平水年和欠水年均施N 120~150 kg/hm2肥效最高,分别达18.0和15.2 kg/kg;丰水年施N 180 kg/hm2、平水年和欠水年施N 150 kg/hm2均可获得较高的水、氮利用效率和氮肥表观利用率。此外,不同降水年型增加施氮量条件下,产量、水分利用效率均与花前植株氮素运转量呈显著相关关系。  【结论】  综合考虑氮肥用量氮肥变化量对耗水量、氮素运转量及产量等变化率的影响,丰水年施N 180 kg/hm2,平水年和欠水年施N 150 kg/hm2可提高产量、水氮利用效率和氮肥表观利用率,该施氮量为该区域的推荐施肥量。  相似文献   

氮素对大葱产量影响和氮素供应目标值的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在山东省章丘大葱高产地块,设置不同氮肥处理,研究了施肥对章丘长白大葱产量的影响以及该条件下土壤氮素平衡。结果表明,在磷、钾肥供应充足的前提下,随氮肥用量增加大葱的产量逐渐增加,增产率在37.2%~60.1%;当氮肥用量为360.kg/hm2时,产量接近最高。随着氮肥用量的增加,土壤的残留Nmin量增加。6个处理土壤中残留N分别为42.82、55.24、67.62、91.91、123.72和219.22.kg/hm2。在大葱的整个生长季,土壤有机氮表观矿化量为N.35.11.kg/hm2,有机肥净矿化量为N.43.51.kg/hm2。在大葱缓苗越夏期、旺盛生长期和假茎充实期,氮素的供应目标值分别为38.05、196.20和233.22.kg/hm2,表明在本试验条件下大葱氮肥后移,对提高大葱产量和氮肥利用率都具有重要意义。虽然本试验中大葱氮肥利用率较低,仅为12.72%~35.36%,但单位氮素投入所获得的收益很高。施氮量为120.kg/hm2时,每投资1元钱的氮肥可获得23.91元的收益,即使施氮量达到480.kg/hm2时,氮肥的产投比也达到9.05元。  相似文献   

研究稻田不同施氮量下的农学效率和环境效应,对水稻高效优质环境保护型生产和合理施肥具有重要意义。在平湖稻区研究了不同施氮下水稻边际利润、最佳经济施肥量以及不同时期氮素利用率、土壤固定态铵、碱解氮及田面水铵氮浓度的动态变化。结果表明,当地水稻最佳经济施肥量为235kg N/hm2;施氮225kg/hm2时当季氮肥利用率仅为31.2%。土壤固定态铵以及碱解氮含量均在水稻生长时期内逐渐下降,但随施氮量的增加而增加。低氮处理促使土壤固定态铵含量有较大增幅,而高氮处理则使土壤碱解氮含量有较大增幅。在水稻不同生长时期的施肥后一个星期内,高于225kg N/hm2处理田面水NH4+-N急剧上升而后急剧下降;而75,150kg N/hm2处理田面水NH4+-N一直低于2mg/L。可见,浙北地区氮肥施用量保持在225kg/hm2为宜,过量施氮(超过225kg/hm2)将超过水稻的正常生长需求,造成土壤固铵量饱和,引起土壤碱解氮含量急剧上升,并导致田面水NH4+-N含量急剧上升。  相似文献   

  【目的】  秸秆还田是东北寒地水稻种植区培肥土壤的重要措施,研究调整水稻基蘖氮肥与穗氮肥比例,为促进寒地水稻氮肥的合理施用提供科学依据。  【方法】  田间试验于2016、2017年在吉林省进行,供试水稻品种为吉粳511。上一季水稻收获后,秸秆9000 kg/hm2粉碎至10 cm左右,翻压还田。在总施氮 (N) 量200 kg/hm2不变的前提下,设置5个基蘖肥与穗肥比例处理5∶5 (N 5∶5)、6∶4 (N 6∶4)、7∶3 (N 7∶3)、8∶2 (N 8∶2) 和9∶1 (N 9∶1),以不施氮肥 (N0) 为对照。在水稻6个生育期调查植株生物量和氮素含量,成熟期测定产量及产量构成因素。计算了氮素积累与转运特征,以及氮素利用效率。  【结果】  与N0处理相比,施氮提高了水稻穗数、穗粒数和结实率,进而显著提高了产量,以N 8∶2处理的水稻产量最高。水稻返青期至拔节期,氮积累量随基蘖氮肥占总施氮量比例的增加而增加,而齐穗期至成熟期阶段则表现为随基蘖氮肥占总施氮量比例的增加先增后减,氮素积累总量以N 8∶2处理最高。施氮显著提高了氮素转运量和齐穗后积累氮素对籽粒氮积累量贡献率,其中氮素转运量随基蘖氮肥占总施氮量比例的增加而增加,而齐穗后积累氮素对籽粒氮积累量贡献率随基蘖氮肥占总施氮量比例的增加先增后降,以N 8∶2处理最高。随基蘖氮肥占总施氮量比例的提高,氮素回收率、农学利用率、偏生产力和生理利用率均呈现先增后减趋势,均以N 8∶2处理最高。相关分析结果表明,水稻齐穗期前后氮素积累量与水稻产量均呈显著或极显著正相关 (r = 0.8943~0.9476),其中水稻齐穗后氮积累量与产量的相关性高于齐穗前。  【结论】  在秸秆还田条件下,基蘖氮肥与穗氮肥比例为8∶2最有利于提高水稻齐穗期至成熟期氮积累量,促进氮素向籽粒的转运,使水稻产量和氮素利用效率协同提高。因此,在本试验条件下,总施氮量200 kg/hm2,基蘖肥与穗肥比例为8∶2的施氮制度是优化水稻氮素积累特性及获得高产的理想运筹模式。  相似文献   

氮素运筹对两个晚稻品种产量及其主要构成因素的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究采用农民习惯施肥、实地氮素管理、实时氮素管理以及实时氮素管理基础上施用基肥,探讨了集约化农田不同氮素管理对水稻品种赣晚籼30(GWX)和博优141(BY)的产量及产量主要构成因素的影响。结果表明,与农民习惯施肥相比,不同氮素优化管理分别对水稻的产量、地上生物量、吸氮量、收获指数和氮收获指数以及穗数、每株实粒数没有显著影响。每个水稻品种的产量与生物量和吸氮量均呈极显著相关性(P0.01)。施用氮肥处理赣晚籼30平均产量为7.8 t/hm2,平均生物量为16.4 t/hm2,地上部平均吸氮量为N 175.6 kg/hm2,博优141的平均产量为8.9 t/hm2,生物量16.1 t/hm2,吸氮量N为 150.6 kg/hm2。氮肥施用后,博优141的产量、收获指数、氮收获指数、每株总粒数、实粒数显著高于赣晚籼30(P0.05),而博优141的吸氮量、结实率和千粒重都显著低于赣晚籼30(P0.05)。与农民习惯施肥相比,实时氮素管理节肥率最高,实地氮素管理节肥率最小; 基肥施用具有稳产作用。总之,在当前集约化农田管理中,适量减少氮肥施用并不会影响水稻产量及其主要构成因素,但氮肥减施的可持续性有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

稻茬小麦公顷产量9000 kg群体氮素积累、分配与利用特性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
在稻-麦两熟制条件下,以扬麦20为材料,通过基本苗和氮素运筹(氮肥施用量、 施用时期和比例)调控建立不同产量水平群体,研究稻茬小麦籽粒产量高于9000 kg/hm2群体的氮素积累、 分配与利用特性。结果表明,稻茬小麦籽粒产量 9000 kg/hm2以上群体拔节期至开花期、 开花期及成熟期氮素积累量分别在N 104~117 kg/hm2、 197~205 kg/hm2、 234~251 kg/hm2,极显著高于籽粒产量 9000 kg/hm2 以下群体。稻茬小麦不同群体开花期叶片、 茎鞘、 穗及成熟期籽粒氮素积累量与籽粒产量均呈极显著线性正相关,氮素积累量分别为N 89~91 kg/hm2、 74~83 kg/hm2、 32~33 kg/hm2、 177~188 kg/hm2, 有利于实现籽粒产量9000 kg/hm2。花后群体营养器官氮素转运量与籽粒产量均呈极显著线性正相关,叶片、 茎鞘及穗轴+颖壳的氮素转运量分别为N 65~73 kg/hm2、 53~54 kg/hm2、 16~20 kg/hm2, 有利于实现籽粒产量9000 kg/hm2。稻茬小麦籽粒产量9000 kg/hm2以上群体100 kg籽粒吸氮量为N 2.9~3.0 kg, 氮素利用效率32.9~34.5 kg/kg, 氮收获指数0.73~0.77。  相似文献   

采用田间试验结合15 N同位素示踪,研究有机无机肥配施对浙江省杭嘉湖平原稻田氮素利用率及环境效应的影响,结果表明:在施氮量150kg/hm2基础上,加施有机肥3 000kg/hm2,稻谷增产9.8%~17.7%,氮素利用率达到47.9%,比单施化肥提高4.8%。而在施氮量210kg/hm2的基础上增施有机肥,稻谷产量及氮素利用率均呈下降趋势。硝态氮是稻田土壤氮素损失的主要形式,施用有机肥能有效地降低氮素损失率。在施氮量150kg/hm2基础上配施有机肥,氮素通过田间径流的流失率由0.85%降至0.70%,氮素通过渗漏水损失率由1.29%降至0.96%;施氮量达到210kg/hm2后,施用有机肥对减少氮素流失的效果不明显。综合考虑试验点土壤特性、施肥目标产量以及对农田环境污染的潜在风险,建议以每1hm2施用纯氮150kg、配施3 000kg有机肥较为适宜。  相似文献   

扬辐麦4号小麦不同产量群体氮素吸收利用特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】 分析扬辐麦 4 号小麦不同产量群体氮素吸收利用特性,为高产群体氮肥调控提供技术依据。 【方法】 2008~2010 年,在稻麦两熟条件下,采用二因素裂区设计,以施氮量为主区,设 N 187.5、225和262.5 kg/hm2 3 水平,以氮肥运筹比例为裂区,设基肥:壮蘖肥:拔节肥:孕穗肥为 7:1:2:0、5:1:2:2 和 3:1:3:3 三个水平。分析了不同产量群体阶段氮素积累量、花后氮素输出量与氮肥利用率。 【结果】 扬辐麦 4 号小麦高产群体(产量 ≥ 7500 kg/hm2)与中高产群体(7000~7500 kg/hm2)和中低产群体(产量 ≤ 7000 kg/hm2)相比,出苗至越冬期、越冬期至拔节期和拔节期至开花期氮素积累量适宜,开花期至成熟期氮素积累量高;高产群体 100 kg 籽粒吸氮量 2.87~3.01 kg、氮收获指数 0.71~0.80、氮肥吸收利用率为 44%~47%;其氮肥农学效率 (17.69~17.96 kg/kg)和偏生产力(34.70~36.07 kg/kg)较高。 【结论】 扬辐麦 4 号采用基本苗 150 × 104/hm2,施氮量 225 kg/hm2条件下,采用基肥 : 壮蘖肥 : 拔节肥 : 孕穗肥分配比例为 5:1:2:2、3:1:3:3 的氮肥运筹方式,可获得最高的花后氮积累量、氮肥利用率以及氮收获指数,较高的氮肥农学效率和氮素利用效率,实现高产高效。   相似文献   

日光温室秋冬茬番茄氮素供应目标值的研究   总被引:11,自引:5,他引:11  
通过连续两年的田间试验,以寿光当地的传统施肥处理为对照,通过对日光温室秋冬茬番茄主要生育时期土壤无机氮素供应水平的调控,确定番茄在第一穗果膨大期、第二穗果膨大期和第四穗果膨大期合理的无机氮素供应水平(追肥前根层土壤Nmin+追施化肥氮量)分别为N237、173和153kg/hm2。在3次追肥期间土壤有机氮矿化数量分别为N53、13和21kg/hm2;有机肥矿化提供的氮素量分别为N41、8和-17kg/hm2;灌溉水带入氮素量分别为N11、5和5kg/hm2。因此,若考虑土壤Nmin、土壤有机氮矿化、有机肥矿化、化肥氮及灌溉水带入的氮素等来源的氮素供应,则日光温室秋冬茬番茄在第一穗果膨大期、第二穗果膨大期和第四穗果膨大期时的氮素供应目标值分别为N342、199和162kg/hm2。目标产量为73t/hm2的番茄全生育期的氮素供应目标值为N481kg/hm2。  相似文献   

To assess the contribution of organic matter produced in the flood water to the fertility of a rice soil, the primary productivity and the algal biomass therein were examined throughout one crop. Primary productivity was estimated from the diurnal curve of dissolved oxygen.

Just after transplanting, an algal bloom developed due to fert,ilizer or ploughing or both. After submerged weeds occupied the whole paddy no distinct algal growth was found. At the ripening stage, the rice plant canopy suppressed the growth of aquatic plants. Benthic algal biomass did not change much throughout the crop period. The standing crop of algae ranged from 2 to 114 kg/ha by fresh weight, while the maximum standing crop of submerged weeds (Najas sp., Chara sp.) was 400 kg/ha by dry weight.

The primary productivity of the flood water community was high (0.6-3.3 g 0 1 m-2day-l) and equivalent to productivity values in eutrophic lakes. The total gross primary production of the flood water community during the cropping period corresponded to 10% and 15% of that of rice plant in the fertilized plot and non-fertilized plot, respectively.

Considering the movement of CO2 in the flood water, it is suggested that the photosynthesis activity in the flood water prevents surplus CO2 from being lost.  相似文献   

Experiments on nitrogen immobilization in minerally fertilized soils from loess during the growing season of winter wheat The nitrogen regime has been simulated during the growing period of winter wheat 1984/85 on a stagnigleyic cambisol using a simple, functional computer model. The model includes N mineralization from soil organic matter, transport of water and nitrate as well as growth of wheat and N uptake by the crop. Simulation starts at harvest of the previous crop. Simulated and measured N supply (soil mineral nitrogen plus N uptake by the plant) were in good agreement between september and december 1984. On this loess plot as well as on 10 other ones an over-estimation of mineral nitrogen in the soil up to 40 kg/ha was observed with beginning of december/january 1984/85 reflecting a seasonal trend. Experiments with 15N enriched Ca-nitrate 1984/85 on microplots of the same field point to a non-consideration of nitrogen immobilization. Fertilizer-N-immobilization amounted up to 35 kg/ha in the soil and to further 15 kg/ha in the straw material. The pool of fixed ammonium was of no importance with respect to the mobilization-immobilization-turn-over of fertilizer nitrogen. Experiments 1988/89 on microplots of a colluvial loess soil indicate a change of biomass nitrogen being responsible for the seasonal N-immobilization. An increase of biomass-N of about 30 kg/ha was observed under the growing wheat crop. An additional N-immobilization of nearly 40 kg/ha was observed with straw incorporation. A similar increase of microbial biomass nitrogen under winter wheat has been observed during the growing period 1987/88.  相似文献   

Summary Blue-green algal (Nostoc muscorum) or bryophyte (Barbula recurvirostra) growth on the surface of a brown earth silt loam contained in flooded columns significantly increased soil C (+20.9% and ±23.0%, respectively) and soil N (+25.1% and +9.6%, respectively) after 5 weeks in the surface 0.7-cm soil layer. Differences in the lower layers were not significant since there was no movement of C or N metabolites down the profile, even after 21 weeks. The input of C by the inoculated blue-green algae was estimated at 0.48 Mg C 100-1 g soil or 0.45g C ha-1; the bryophyte growth gave 0.5 Mg C ha-1. N fixation by the blue-green algae alone was estimated at 60 kg N ha-1 after 5 weeks of growth. Blue-green algae associated with bryophyte growth had fixed 23 kg N ha-1 after 5 weeks, rising to 40 kg ha-1 after 21 weeks. Decomposition of the bryophyte biomass led to a significant increase in the dry weight (+16.8%) and the N uptake (+27.5%) of spring oil-seed rape planted in homogenised soil. In contrast, soil incorporation of the blue-green algal biomass had no significant effect on yield. The equivalent mineralized N from the blue-green algal and bryophyte incorporation was estimated as 24 and 58 kg N ha-1, respectively.  相似文献   

The effects of annual application of rice straw or cow manure compost for 17–20 y on the dynamics of fertilizer N and soil organic N in Gley paddy fields were investigated by using the 15N tracer technique during the rice cropping season. The chloroform fumigation-extraction method was evaluated to determine the properties of soil microbial biomass under submerged field conditions at the tillering stage before mid-summer drainage, with special reference to the fate of applied NH4 +-15N.

The transfer ratios from applied NH4 +-15N to immobilized N in soil and to uptake N by rice during given periods varied with the rice growth stages and were affected by organic matter application. The accumulated amounts of netmineralized soil organic N (net-Mj ), immobilized N (Ij ), and denitrified N (Dj ) during the cropping season were estimated to be 14.0–22.5, 6.3–11.2, and 3.4–5.3 g N m-2, respectively. Values of net-Mj and Ij were larger in the following order: cow manure compost plot > rice straw plot > plot without organic matter application, and their larger increase by the application of cow manure compost contributed to a decrease of the Dj values, as compared with rice straw application.

Values of E N extra extractable soil total N after fumigation, increased following organic matter application, ranging from 2.1 to 5.4 g N m-2. Small residual ratios of applied 15N in the fraction E N at the end of the given period indicated that re-mineralization of newly-assimilated 15N through the easily decomposable fraction of microbial biomass had almost ended. Thus, the applicability to paddy field soils of the chloroform fumigation-extraction method was confirmed.  相似文献   

双季稻田添加脲酶抑制剂NBPT氮肥的最高减量潜力研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
【目的】添加脲酶抑制剂(Urease inhibitor, UI)是提高肥料利用率的有效途径,在尿素(Urea,U)中添加1%的脲酶抑制剂NBPT(N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺)是目前研究使用证明效果最可靠的添加比例。针对当前稻田氮肥施用水平过高的问题,本文采用田间小区试验研究了目前脲酶抑制剂添加比例下稻田氮肥的减施潜力以及脲酶抑制剂的节肥增效机理。【方法】本试验在我国长江中下游的双季稻田进行,脲酶抑制剂用量NBPT为尿素用量的1%。尿素用量设五个水平为N 90、 112.5、 135、 157.5 和180 kg/hm2,分别依次记为U1、 U2、 U3、 U4和U5, 7个处理为CK(不施氮肥)、 U1+UI、 U2+UI、 U3+UI、 U4+UI、 U5+UI、 U5(U5为传统施氮量, N 180 kg/hm2为农民习惯施氮量),三次重复。U1~U5处理施氮量分别是在农民习惯施氮量的基础上降低50%、 37.5%、 25%、 12.5%、 0%。通过取样分析水稻分蘖期和孕穗期各处理对土壤脲酶活性、 硝酸还原酶活性、 土壤铵态氮含量、 硝态氮含量以及微生物量碳、 氮的含量,研究NBPT对水稻两个主要生育期土壤氮素供应的影响,比较各处理的产量以及氮肥利用率来得出氮肥的减施潜力,在此基础上通过逐步回归分析研究以上各指标对产量的影响,探明脲酶抑制剂(NBPT)在双季稻田的增效机理。【结果】 1) 在双季稻田,添加NBPT后,施氮量为N 135 kg/hm2的籽粒产量达到最高。与传统施氮(单施尿素N 180 kg/hm2)处理相比,早、 晚稻可分别增产8.54%和12.87%,氮肥当季利用率分别提高6.78%和9.46%,可节约氮肥25%; 2)与传统施氮相比,添加NBPT显著降低了水稻分蘖期的土壤脲酶活性和铵态氮含量,显著提高了孕穗期的铵态氮含量,而对此时期的脲酶活性无显著影响,NBPT对两个时期的硝酸还原酶活性、 硝态氮含量及微生物量碳、 氮含量均无明显影响,可见基施的NBPT主要是降低尿素水解速率方面效果显著,并且NBPT具有时效性,其主要是在水稻孕穗期之前起作用,在生态上较为安全; 3) 从各项土壤指标与水稻产量相关性的逐步回归分析结果来看,水稻分蘖期与孕穗期稻田土壤中铵态氮含量对水稻产量影响显著,而且孕穗期的影响大于分蘖期,其余指标则对产量无明显影响。【结论】由于脲酶抑制剂NBPT减缓了分蘖期尿素的水解作用,提高了孕穗期土壤中的铵态氮含量,为水稻后期生长提供充足的氮肥,在双季稻减肥方面具有显著的效果。在本试验土壤条件下,尿素中添加1% 的NBPT,可在提高产量的同时,将传统施氮肥量减少25%,是适于稻田应用的脲酶抑制剂。  相似文献   

【目的】紫云英翻压后在一定程度上可改善土壤理化性状,并提高后作水稻的产量,但是该机理是由于紫云英翻压矿化后提供的氮素还是由于与翻压紫云英后化肥氮素利用率的提高有关尚不清楚,因此,本项目通过连续4年紫云英翻压还田的定位试验与原状土柱模拟及15N示踪,研究了福建单季稻区紫云英压青回田对水稻产量与化肥15N吸收、 分配及残留的影响。【方法】采用单季稻田间定位试验,设5个处理: 1)对照,不翻压紫云英,不施化肥(CK);2)不翻压紫云英,常规化肥施用量(100%H);3)紫云英+常规化肥用量(Z+100%H);4)紫云英+60%的常规化肥(Z+60%H);5)只翻压紫云英,不施化肥(Z)。常规化肥用量(100%H)为施氮量N 135 kg/hm2,N∶P2O5∶K2O=1∶0.4∶0.7,每年紫云英翻压量为18000 kg/hm2。每个处理3次重复,小区面积15 m2,种植水稻为每小区2015丛。于定位试验的第4年,在田间定位试验小区中,采用15N-尿素(丰度10%)示踪法与原状土柱模拟水稻植株的氮素吸收及分配情况。PVC管直径25 cm,长35 cm,其中压入田面下20 cm,每小区埋两个土柱,每个土柱中种植两株水稻。【结果】紫云英年翻压18000 kg/hm2并结合施用100%化肥(Z+100%H),水稻子粒4年平均产量比单施100%化肥(100%H)增产6.5%,同时在18000 kg/hm2 的紫云英翻压量下,主作物水稻化肥减量40%(Z+60%H)的产量与100%H的处理基本相当。Z+100%H处理对提高水稻分蘖期植株氮含量最为明显,尤其是茎叶氮含量较100%H提高7.0%,差异显著。虽然不同施肥处理水稻生育期的化肥氮素利用率无明显变化,但Z+100%H处理分蘖期与成熟期植株氮素吸收量分别较100%H提高23.0%与18.0%,说明绿肥与化肥配施有利于水稻植株吸收外源氮素,且植株吸收氮的差异主要来自于紫云英矿化的氮源。Z+60%H 与100%H处理的分蘖期与成熟期植株氮素吸收量则基本相当。不同施肥处理均有提高土壤全氮含量的趋势;Z+60%H 处理的耕层土壤化肥氮素的残留率最高,并显著高于Z+100%H处理。【结论】连续4年翻压紫云英明显提高了福建单季稻区黄泥田的农田生产力,在减少40%常规化肥用量的情况下仍可维持产量稳定。翻压绿肥减肥增效的主要机制之一是紫云英矿化的养分替代了化肥。  相似文献   

长期稻草还田对紫色水稻土肥力和生产力的影响   总被引:39,自引:5,他引:39  
通过8年淹水条件下一季中稻的田间定位试验,研究了长期稻草还田以及稻草与不同化肥配合施用对紫色水稻土生产力和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明,稻草与N、P、K化肥配合施用能维持或提高紫色水稻土的生产力和土壤肥力;水稻获得了持续高产,土壤有机质和全氮含量提高,土壤磷的有效性增加,速效钾与试验前基本平衡。纯化肥处理尤其是N、NP、NK处理水稻产量、土壤氮和钾含量逐年降低,不能维持系统生产力和土壤肥力。稻草还田对翌年水稻具有显著的增产作用,8年平均稻草还田处理比对照增产39.5%,稻草的增产作用还随着稻草还田时间的延长而逐年升高。稻草还田携入的钾与化学钾肥具有相同的营养功效,稻草可替代部分化学钾肥。  相似文献   

The hilly area of Southwest China is a typical rice production area which is limited by seasonal droughts and low temperature in the early rice growth period. A field experiment was conducted on three typical paddy fields (low-lying paddy field, medium-elevation paddy field, and upland paddy field) in this region. Nitrogen (N) treatment (180 kg N ha-1 year-1) was compared to a control treatment (0 kg N ha-1 year-1) to evaluate the effects of integrated rice management (IRM) on rice growth, grain yield, and N utilization. Integrated rice management integrated raised beds containing plastic mulch, furrow irrigation, and triangular transplanting. In comparison to traditional rice management (TRM), IRM promoted rice tiller development, with 7-13 more tillers per cluster at the maximum tillering stage and 1-6 more tillers per cluster at the end of tillering stage. Integrated rice management significantly increased the rice aboveground biomass by 34.4%-109.0% in different growth periods and the aboveground N uptake by 25.3%-159.0%. Number of productive tillers significantly increased by 33.0%, resulting in a 33.0% increase in grain yield and 8.0% improvement of N use efficiency (NUE). Grain yields were significantly increased in all three paddy fields assessed, with IRM being the most important factor for grain yield and productive tiller development. Effects of paddy field type and N level on N uptake by aboveground plants were reflected in the rice reproductive growth period, with the effects of IRM more striking due to the dry climate conditions. In conclusion, IRM simultaneously improved rice yield and NUE, presenting a valuable rice management technique in the paddy fields assessed.  相似文献   

中国太湖地区稻麦轮作农田硝态氮动态与氮素平衡   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrate-nitrogen (NO 3--N) dynamics and nitrogen (N) budgets in rice (Oryza sativa L.)-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotations in the Taihu Lake region of China were studied to compare the effects of N fertilizer management over a two-year period. The experiment included four N rates for rice and wheat, respectively: N1 (125 and 94 kg N ha-1 ), N2 (225 and 169 kg N ha-1 ), N3 (325 and 244 kg N ha-1 ), and N0 (0 kg N ha-1 ). The results showed that an overlying water layer during the rice growing seasons contributed to moderate concentrations of NO 3--N in sampled waters and the concentrations of NO 3--N only showed a rising trend during the field drying stage. The NO 3--N concentrations in leachates during the wheat seasons were much higher than those during the rice seasons, particularly in the wheat seedling stage. In the wheat seedling stage, the NO 3--N concentrations of leachates were significantly higher in N treatments than in N0 treatment and increased with increasing N rates. As the NO 3--N content (below 2 mg N L-1 ) at a depth of 80 cm during the rice-wheat rotations did not respond to the applied N rates, the high levels of NO 3--N in the groundwater of paddy fields might not be directly related to NO 3--N leaching. Crop growth trends were closely related to variations of NO 3--N in leachates. A reduction in N application rate, especially in the earlier stages of crop growth, and synchronization of the peak of N uptake by the crop with N fertilizer application are key measures to reduce N loss. Above-ground biomass for rice and wheat increased significantly with increasing N rate, but there was no significant difference between N2 and N3. Increasing N rates to the levels greater than N2 not only decreased N use efficiency, but also significantly increased N loss. After two cycles of rice-wheat rotations, the apparent N losses of N1, N2 and N3 amounted to 234, 366 and 579 kg N ha-1 , respectively. With an increase of N rate from N0 to N3, the percentage of N uptake in total N inputs decreased from 63.9% to 46.9%. The apparent N losses during the rice seasons were higher than those during the wheat seasons and were related to precipitation; therefore, the application of fertilizer should take into account climate conditions and avoid application before heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

控释氮肥对双季水稻生长及氮肥利用率的影响   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
为阐明控释氮肥的产量和生态效应,选用N 75和150 kg/hm2两种不同用量的控释氮肥(日本Meister系列)和尿素对比,在南方典型双季稻区第四纪红壤发育的水稻土上进行早稻和晚稻田间试验,观测控释肥氮素田间释放规律及其水稻的生长、产量和氮肥利用率。结果表明,控释氮肥S9和LP70(40%)+LPS100(60%)的氮释放规律分别与早稻、晚稻氮吸收的规律基本一致,且氮累积吸收量与控释肥氮释放率均成显著正相关(相关方程的决定系数R2=0.9764和0.9968)。与N 75kg/hm2用量的尿素相比,早、晚稻施用相同量的控释氮肥分别增产3.6%和9.3%;有效分蘖数和有效穗数明显增加,氮肥利用率分别提高了29.9个百分点和10.4个百分点。施用高氮(N150 kg/hm2)尿素的水稻产量与低氮(N 75 kg/hm2)控释肥相比,差异不显著。控释氮肥N 75kg/hm2用量可以达到尿素N 150kg/hm2的产量水平,氮肥利用率则显著提高,为高产高环境效益的施肥方式。  相似文献   

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