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Identification of areas which should be a subject of protection is crucial for safeguarding the marine ecosystems. Amongst the reasons for protecting a region or location, the existence of unique populations or evolutionary significant units for one or more key species is a priority. The North American silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, is currently managed as two stocks (northern and southern) without considering gulf areas separately. Employing microsatellite and mitochondrial markers we have detected significant FST values between hake individuals inhabiting gulfs and those distributed in the open sea, and asymmetric gene flow, higher from the gulf to the open sea than in the opposite direction. These differences can be interpreted as signals of separate populations in gulfs which may act as sources of variability for hake species. Occurrence of similar phenomena in Atlantic waters in both the northern and the southern Hemisphere, for these two pelagic–demersal hake species, suggests that gulfs may constitute a target for designing marine protected areas and confirms the adequacy of gulf-specific management already employed in Argentina.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of selecting umbrella species or groups of species to protect other groups is a key and unresolved issue in conservation planning. We detected areas important to the four groups of terrestrial vertebrates inhabiting Andalusia (southern Spain) according to four conservation-value criteria, i.e., richness, rarity, vulnerability, and endemicity. We calculated coincidences between criteria and taxa by the degree of correlation and fuzzy overlap between the different criteria for the same group (intra-group coincidence) and between the different groups of species for the same criteria (inter-group coincidence). For the groups to be appropriate umbrella species, inter-group coincidence should be high. The results showed that intra-group coincidence was high, but inter-group coincidence was low. Thus, zones of importance to each group of species tended to be located in different places compared to the other groups, and therefore none of them should be used as an indicator or umbrella group to protect the others. This result has implications for conservation policy, as the Andalusian authorities should not assume that protecting a site important to one group of species will also be relevant to conserve the other groups. Nevertheless, we identified the areas of relatively high conjoint importance for all the groups, and the best umbrella group in this region, which proved to be reptiles.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to provide an overview of the current situation of coffee genetic resources that are dwindling at an alarming rate in Ethiopia, the centre of diversity of Coffea arabica. Firstly, we describe the coffee growing systems (forest coffee, semi-forest coffee, garden coffee and plantation coffee) and recent research on the genetic diversity of the coffee planting material associated with those systems. Whilst the maximum genetic diversity revealed by DNA-based markers is found in the forest coffees of the south-western highlands, the natural habitat of C. arabica, the taxonomy of coffee landraces is particularly rich in garden coffee systems located in ancient growing zones such as Harerge in eastern Ethiopia. After reviewing the factors involved in the genetic erosion of the Ethiopian genepool, we give an update on the status of coffee genetic resources conserved ex situ in the field genebank of the Jimma Agricultural Research Centre, with 4,780 accessions spread over 10 research stations located in the main production areas, and in the main genebank of the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation located in Choche (Limu) with 5,196 accessions conserved. Lastly, we mention the in situ conservation operations currently being implemented in Ethiopia. Improving our knowledge of the genetic structure of Ethiopian forest and garden coffee tree populations as well as genetic resources conserved ex situ will help to plan the future conservation strategy for that country. To this end, modern tools as DNA-based markers should be used to increase our understanding of coffee genetic diversity and it is proposed, with the support of the international scientific community and donor organizations, to undertake a concerted effort to rescue highly threatened Arabica coffee genetic resources in Ethiopia.
Jean-Pierre LabouisseEmail:

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Setting priority species for conservation planning in a large and biodiverse country such as Indonesia is crucial. At least 80% of the medicinal plant species...  相似文献   

Conservation prioritization is an important consideration for planning of natural resources management, allowing decison makers to implement management strategies that are more sustainable in the long-term. However, only a current erosion status or a relative index cannot exactly identify priority area for conservation. The objective of this paper is to identify conservation priorities by a specific multicriteria evaluation method. Trends in erosion risk indicate regions of increasing erosion risk and are also chosen as one of the evaluation criteria to identify the priorities based on the instability of soil erosion in the Yongding river basin. In this paper, vegetation cover, land-use, and slope gradient are used to assess erosion risk and trends in erosion risk are obtained by comparing the results of erosion risk between 2000 and 2006. Using this information, the priority conservation areas are graded into six levels. The two highest priority levels cover the regions with severe erosion or a substantial recent increase in erosion risk (4722.56 km2, or 11.82% of the study area), and are recommended as erosion control regions with appropriate conservation strategies. The middle two levels cover the regions with stable erosion status or slight change, needing only minor measures. The method presented is fast and straightforward, showing good potential for successful application in other areas.  相似文献   

Scheduling conservation action is necessary when the available resources for conservation are insufficient to adequately protect all of the natural features (e.g. species, vegetation types, ecosystems) in a region, at least in the short-term. We propose an approach to scheduling conservation action in production landscapes. It is based on two characteristics of potential conservation areas. The first is vulnerability — the likelihood or imminence of destruction or alteration of native vegetation. The second is irreplaceability — the likelihood that an area will be needed to contribute to a set of conservation targets nominated for the region's features. We argue that highest priority for conservation action should go to those areas with both high vulnerability (urgent protection needed to avoid destruction) and high irreplaceability (few or no alternatives if destroyed). To establish the context and rationale for our approach, we review some previous methods for scheduling nature conservation. We then apply our approach to the Western Division of New South Wales, a region of about 325,000 km2, by deriving information on the vulnerability of 248 land systems to two threatening processes (clearing and cropping) and measuring the irreplaceability of potential conservation areas. Our results are maps of areas where conservation action is most urgently needed if regional conservation targets are not to be compromised.  相似文献   

In recent years, much attention has been directed to the ways in which the most important areas for inclusion in reserve networks can be identified, and the most effective ways in which existing networks can be expanded. In contrast, rather little attention has been paid to the present and likely future performance of the approaches that have actually been employed. Using Wetland Bird Survey data, the effectiveness of the current Special Protection Area (SPA) network in the UK was assessed by comparing annual counts for 17 species of migratory waterbird on SPAs with the numbers supported by hypothetical site networks selected by five alternative site-selection methods. These analyses suggest that focusing on complementarity between component sites rather than applying criteria to each site individually improved the level of representation for each species, conserved a greater percentage of the national total across the 17 species and was robust over time.  相似文献   

Resources for achieving better soil protection are limited and need to be effectively targeted. Spatial variability is high for soil types and related quality and for the risk of degradation because of the threats of organic matter decline, erosion, compaction and salinization. A framework is presented for mapping priority areas for soil protection based on assessing where there is greater risk of degradation and evaluating its acceptability. A conceptual model is proposed which links anthropogenic hazards, threats and the risk of degradation with soil functions. It is recommended that a set of test areas is defined according to dominant soil types, and the probabilities of changes to soil properties relevant to soil functions are then estimated. The risk of exceeding a particular degradation threshold within these test areas can then be assessed and assigned to risk categories to provide the basis for the identification of priority areas.  相似文献   

The development and implementation of a population supplementation and restoration plan for any endangered species should involve an understanding of the species’ habitat requirements prior to the release of any captive bred individuals. The freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera, has undergone dramatic declines over the last century and is now globally endangered. In Northern Ireland, the release of captive bred individuals is being used to support wild populations and repatriate the species in areas where it once existed. We employed a combination of maximum entropy modelling (MAXENT) and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) to identify ecological parameters necessary to support wild populations using GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale environmental parameters. The GIS-based landscape scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with altitude and soil characteristics including the carbon, clay, sand, and silt content. Notably, mussels were associated with a relatively narrow band of variance indicating that M. margaritifera has a highly specific landscape niche. The ground-truthed habitat scale model suggested that mussel occurrence was associated with stable consolidated substrates, the extent of bankside trees, presence of indicative macrophyte species and fast flowing water. We propose a three phase conservation strategy for M. margaritifera identifying suitable areas within rivers that (i) have a high conservation value yet needing habitat restoration at a local level, (ii) sites for population supplementation of existing populations and (iii) sites for species reintroduction to rivers where the mussel historically occurred but is now locally extinct. A combined analytical approach including GIS-based landscape scale and ground-truthed habitat scale models provides a robust method by which suitable release sites can be identified for the population supplementation and restoration of an endangered species. Our results will be highly influential in the future management of M. margaritifera in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   

Identifying areas with relevant features of biodiversity is useful to rank priorities for strengthening the design of well-sited natural protected areas and to optimize resource investment in conservation. This study provides decision makers critical tools for highlighting pieces of land worthy of conservation in Spain. We studied four taxa—amphibians, reptiles, nesting birds and mammals—in a 50 × 50 km grid (n=259 cells). We used five criteria for identifying areas of high-value diversity: species richness, rarity, vulnerability, a combined index of biodiversity, and a Standardized Biodiversity Index that measured all four taxa together. As far as we know, the combined index of biodiversity and the Standardized Biodiversity Index are original. Areas of high-value diversity were defined as those cells within the 15% top segment of ranked values for the different criteria. Congruence of areas of high-value diversity for taxa pairs was moderate to low, and averaged 38.5% for areas of high-value diversity based on the combined index of biodiversity. The performance based on the average proportion of threatened species excluded from areas of high-value diversity followed the rank combined index of biodiversity=rarity (0.3%) > vulnerability (9.9%) > species richness (13.8%). The areas of high-value diversity identified according to the Standardized Biodiversity Index included all amphibian and mammal species, all but one reptile species (categorized as rare) and all but six bird species (three of which were categorized as threatened). About 70% of the areas of high-value diversity identified based on the Standardized Biodiversity Index included natural protected areas. However, they average only 274.6 km2, thus occupying a small fraction of the areas of high-value diversity, and there is no guarantee that the species found in an area of high-value diversity site will be present in its protected fraction. Consequently, we urge managers of natural protected areas to conduct diversity surveys. We also urge that additional natural protected areas be established to include the gap of 30% of areas of high-value diversity not currently protected. We took an step for biodiversity conservation planning in the studied region, and discuss the usefulness of maps of areas of high-value diversity for conservation, ecological restoration, and environmental impact assessment and mitigation.  相似文献   

In the past decade, there has been growing concern about the rapid degradation of marine ecosystems due to anthropogenic causes. Consequently, identifying priority areas for the conservation of marine biodiversity has become a crucial conservation issue. Taking into account the influence of human population density, we performed complementarity analyses to identify priority areas for the conservation of all coastal marine vertebrate species in Chile (265 species), and evaluated congruence among the different target groups. The distribution ranges of all species were digitized in a geographic information system and analyses were performed on latitudinal bands of 0.5°. Our results show that 12 latitudinal bands (∼16% of all latitudinal bands) are necessary to conserve at least one population of each species. Ten of these bands are irreplaceable, whereas two are flexible. Many of the irreplaceable sites lie within areas that have high human population density. In order to conserve all threatened and endemic species, six and three latitudinal bands are needed, respectively. Four latitudinal bands are needed to represent all species of fish, reptiles, and mammals, whereas nine bands are needed to protect all bird species. Taking flexible sites into account, reserve networks that meet the minimum representation goal for each taxonomic group, and for threatened and endemic species, represent subsets of the 12 latitudinal band network selected for all species. Spatial congruence among reserve networks selected for each target group was relatively low and only significantly higher than random in 9 out of 21 pairwise comparisons. However, with the exception of reptiles, conservation areas selected for different surrogate groups represented other groups relatively well, compared to randomly selected sites.  相似文献   

Designing conservation strategies that protect wide-ranging marine species is a significant challenge, but integrating regional telemetry datasets and synthesizing modeled movements and behavior offer promise for uncovering distinct at-sea areas that are important habitats for imperiled marine species. Movement paths of 10 satellite-tracked female loggerheads (Caretta caretta) from three separate subpopulations in the Gulf of Mexico, USA, revealed migration to discrete foraging sites in two common areas at-sea in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Foraging sites were 102–904 km away from nesting and tagging sites, and located off southwest Florida and the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Within 3–35 days, turtles migrated to foraging sites where they all displayed high site fidelity over time. Core-use foraging areas were 13.0–335.2 km2 in size, in water <50 m deep, within a mean distance to nearest coastline of 58.5 km, and in areas of relatively high net primary productivity. The existence of shared regional foraging sites highlights an opportunity for marine conservation strategies to protect important at-sea habitats for these imperiled marine turtles, in both USA and international waters. Until now, knowledge of important at-sea foraging areas for adult loggerheads in the Gulf of Mexico has been limited. To better understand the spatial distribution of marine turtles that have complex life-histories, we propose further integration of disparate tracking data-sets at the oceanic scale along with modeling of movements to identify critical at-sea foraging habitats where individuals may be resident during non-nesting periods.  相似文献   

The exceptional biodiversity of Madagascar is threatened by anthropogenic landscape changes that took place during the 2000 years of human colonization. This study focuses on the influence of geographic distance and forest fragmentation on genetic diversity and population differentiation of three rare, nocturnal, arboreal lemur species in northwestern Madagascar. Historic declines in population sizes as a consequence of forest fragmentation are quantified and dated. Eighteen sites were visited, and a total of 205 Microcebus ravelobensis, 45 M. bongolavensis and 78 M. danfossi were genotyped with eight microsatellite loci. Genetic differentiation among the sites, as measured by FST, ranged from 0.01 to 0.19. These values were significant in almost all cases and indicated genetic structure in the samples. Isolation-by-distance was detected in one species and a STRUCTURE analysis indicated that fragmentation further promoted genetic differentiation. Bayesian methods revealed that populations from all three species underwent a major demographic collapse of around two orders of magnitude. This decrease probably began after the arrival of humans, most likely within the last 500 years. This result suggests that anthropogenic changes may have been limited during the first 1500 years of human colonization in all three ranges. Two of the study species (M. danfossi, M. bongolavensis) lack effectively protected areas in their ranges. Consequently, quick conservation actions are now needed in order to secure the remaining genetic diversity of these species.  相似文献   

Eight accessions of swordbean (Canavalia gladiata (Jacq.) DC.) were collected from eight agroclimatic regions of Tamil Nadu, India. A portion of the collected seeds of accessions will be deposited in NBPGR, New Delhi. The most pronounced differences in agrobotanical characters were observed in seed germination percentage, plant height, number of branches per plant, number of leaves (180th day) per plant, leaf area (150th day), early flowering, fertility index and 100-seed-weight. Differences in the contents of crude protein and crude lipid in the seeds of different accessions also appeared to be significant. Performance of Lowerkodiyar and Mundanthurai accessions under test conditions was superior and suggested that breeders might exploit the genome of these accessions in current pulse crop improvement programmes.  相似文献   

Dioscorea trifida L. (Dioscoreaceae) is among the economically most important cultivated Amerindian yam species, whose origin and domestication are still unresolved issues. In order to estimate the genetic diversity maintained by traditional farmers in Brazil, 53 accessions of D. trifida from 11 municipalities in the states of São Paulo, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso and Amazonas were characterized on the basis of eight Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) and 16 Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) markers. The level of polymorphism among the accessions was high, 95 % for SSR and 75.8 % for ISSR. The SSR marker showed higher discrimination power among accessions compared to ISSR, with D parameter values of 0.79 and 0.44, respectively. Although SSR and ISSR markers led to dendrograms with different topologies, both separated the accessions into three main groups: I—Ubatuba-SP; II—Iguape-SP and Santa Catarina; and III—Mato Grosso. The accessions from Amazonas State were classified in group II with SSR and in a separate group with ISSR. Bayesian and principal coordinate analyzes conducted with both molecular markers corroborated the classification into three main groups. Higher variation was found within groups in the AMOVA analysis for both markers (66.5 and 60.6 % for ISSR and SSR, respectively), and higher Shannon diversity index was found for group II with SSR. Significant but low correlations were found between genetic and geographic distances (r = 0.08; p = 0.0007 for SSR and r = 0.16; p = 0.0002 for ISSR). Therefore, results from both markers showed a slight spatially structured genetic diversity in D. trifida accessions maintained by small traditional farmers in Brazil.  相似文献   

As the public becomes more mobile and has more leisure time available, conflicts between conservation and recreation interests can be expected to increase, particularly in areas, such as national parks, that have been set aside to fulfil multiple purposes. Unfortunately, recreational use varies in intensity within any area, and patterns of attendance differ markedly with the season of the year, day of the week, and time of day. The extent of, and reasons for, this variability, and some management implications, are discussed, using the Australian Capital Territory as an example.  相似文献   

Large mammal faunas in tropical forest landscapes are widely affected by habitat fragmentation and hunting, yet the environmental determinants of their patterns of abundance remain poorly understood at large spatial scales. We analysed population abundance and biomass of 31 species of medium to large-bodied mammal species at 38 Atlantic forest sites (including three islands, 26 forest fragments and six continuous forest sites) as related to forest type, level of hunting pressure and forest fragment size using ANCOVAs. We also derived a novel measure of mammal conservation importance for each site based on a “Mammalian Conservation Priority index” (MPi) which incorporates information on species richness, population abundance, body size distribution, conservation status, and forest patch area. Mammal abundance was affected by hunting pressure, whereas mammalian biomass of which was largely driven by ungulates, was significantly influenced by both forest type and hunting pressure. The MPi index, when separated into its two main components (i.e. site forest area and species-based conservation index Ci), ordered sites along a gradient of management priorities that balances species-focused and habitat-focused conservation actions. Areas with the highest conservation priority were located in semi-deciduous forest fragments, followed by lowland forests. Many of these fragments, which are often embedded within large private landholdings including biofuel and citrus or coffee crops, cattle ranches and pulpwood plantations, could be used not only to comply with environmental legislation, but also enhance the prospects for biodiversity conservation, and reduce edge effects and hunting.  相似文献   

American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a native North American medicinal plant that is becoming increasingly vulnerable despite government harvest restrictions. To better understand the genetic diversity and gene flow of American ginseng, we studied RAPD variation in cultivated and wild populations. Classical and Bayesian analogues of genetic diversity statistics were estimated in seven wild and two cultivated populations. The wild populations were more highly structured (G stβ  = 0.41) than the cultivated populations (G stβ  = 0.24). The genetic diversity within populations ranged from H  = 0.05 to 0.38. Based on genetic pairwise distances, six of the wild populations clustered with the locally-derived cultivated population, while one wild population was more similar to the non-local cultivated population than the local populations. This wild population was highly diverse (P = 1.0; U = 1.0) suggesting that it was supplemented from exotic seed. A set of eight RAPD markers was identified that differentiated plants of local and non-local origin. As a conservation strategy, we recommend that regional gene banks be established based on molecular and geographic diversity to preserve the locally adapted germplasm. These regional gene banks would serve as a conservation tool and also provide a source of genes for genetic improvement of cultivated ginseng.  相似文献   

Towards the selection of taxa for plant genetic conservation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The signing and ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity has resulted in increased scientific and public interest in the conservation and utilisation of biological diversity. This has in turn triggered the need to develop more effective methodologies to conserve biological diversity for the benefit of all humanity. One of the first factors to be considered when conserving botanical diversity is the efficient and effective selection of the target taxa. The aim of this paper is not to set detailed priorities for the genetic conservation of the plant genetic resources of any particular crop or species complex, but to draw attention to the factors that should be considered when formulating priorities. The factors that are considered important when selecting plant genetic resource targets are: current conservation status; potential economic use; threat of genetic erosion; genetic distinctiveness; ecogeographic distribution; biological importance; cultural importance; cost, feasibility and sustainability; legislation; ethical and aesthetic considerations; and priorities of the conservation agency undertaking the conservation. Each of these factors is discussed in turn. Although it is not possible to provide a single methodology for the selection of plant genetic resource targets at this time, it is hoped that the consideration the factors discussed will make the selection of target taxa more object, make better use of the limited conservation resources and thus enhance the process of genetic conservation as a whole.  相似文献   

Swordbean, Canavalia ensiformis has been used in Asia and Japan as a vegetable while in the United States sword bean is used as a source of the lectin concanavalin A. The USDA, ARS, PGRCU maintains 27 swordbean accessions. Swordbean accessions were transplanted from approximately 45-day-old seedlings to the field in Griffin, GA around 01 June from 1998 to 2003 (except 2001). After 3–4 months, 21 accessions were characterized for morphological traits and evaluated for regeneration. High quality plants regenerated from all accessions produced 19 to more than 1100 total seeds. Swordbean can be successfully grown and regenerated in Griffin, GA. Swordbean has potential to be used in numerous other ways including nutraceuticals, phytopharmaceuticals, and other agricultural products. Flavonoids such as rutin identified in swordbean seeds may decrease precancerous lesions in the large intestine while the phytochemical, beta-aminopropionitrile inhibits breast adenocarcinoma growth. Canatoxin, the potential pesticide from swordbean seeds showed toxicity to the cotton pest, Dysdercus peruvianus.  相似文献   

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