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水稻精量穴直播机电驱式侧深穴施肥系统设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
针对水稻直播施肥过程中存在肥料用量大、化肥利用率低等问题,根据水稻精量穴直播与侧深穴施肥的农艺要求,开发了一套水稻精量穴直播机电驱式侧深穴施肥系统。采用液压自平衡方式设计全方位仿形系统,对机具在作业环境中实时自动调节,保证播种、施肥作业质量;采用圆弧函数曲线优化设计施肥沟开沟器,在距垄台上芽种行水平距离30 mm处开出宽50 mm、沟型平整的施肥沟;采用电力驱动方式设计电动式外槽轮排肥器,根据需要对每个排肥器独立调节,与配套的电动部件相连,将肥料成穴施入施肥沟底。田间试验表明,在机具前进速度为2.48 km/h,排种器、排肥器工作转速均为29 r/min,施肥深度为50 mm的最优工作条件下,穴播种量、穴施肥量合格率分别为86.73%、87.49%,施肥与播种穴距匹配,各行播种、施肥穴距合格率均为100%,播种、施肥穴距变异系数分别为17.2%、16.5%,芽种破损率为0.31%;并对排种器、排肥器在14~36 r/min工作转速范围内进行可行性验证试验,施肥系统可与水稻精量穴直播机配套,同步完成开沟、侧深穴施肥、覆泥、起垄和精量穴直播多项作业工序,各项性能指标均满足水稻直播、施肥的农艺要求。该研究可为水稻精量穴直播机及其施肥关键部件的设计和评价提供参考。  相似文献   

针对水稻直播施肥过程中存在肥料用量大、化肥利用率低等问题,根据水稻精量穴直播与侧深穴施肥的农艺要求,开发了一套水稻精量穴直播机电驱式侧深穴施肥系统。采用液压自平衡方式设计全方位仿形系统,对机具在作业环境中实时自动调节,保证播种、施肥作业质量;采用圆弧函数曲线优化设计施肥沟开沟器,在距垄台上芽种行水平距离30 mm处开出宽50 mm、沟型平整的施肥沟;采用电力驱动方式设计电动式外槽轮排肥器,根据需要对每个排肥器独立调节,与配套的电动部件相连,将肥料成穴施入施肥沟底。田间试验表明,在机具前进速度为2.48 km/h,排种器、排肥器工作转速均为29 r/min,施肥深度为50 mm的最优工作条件下,穴播种量、穴施肥量合格率分别为86.73%、87.49%,施肥与播种穴距匹配,各行播种、施肥穴距合格率均为100%,播种、施肥穴距变异系数分别为17.2%、16.5%,芽种破损率为0.31%;并对排种器、排肥器在14~36 r/min工作转速范围内进行可行性验证试验,施肥系统可与水稻精量穴直播机配套,同步完成开沟、侧深穴施肥、覆泥、起垄和精量穴直播多项作业工序,各项性能指标均满足水稻直播、施肥的农艺要求。该研究可为水稻精量穴直播机及其施肥关键部件的设计和评价提供参考。  相似文献   

2BF-6型稻茬田油菜免耕联合播种机的研究   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
为了充分、合理利用南方土地资源,实现耕地可持续发展,加快种植业向农业机械化、产业化方向发展,设计了一种油菜免耕联合播种机。该播种机不需要开播种沟,种子直接播在板田上,整个作业过程除了开沟筑垅划切土壤外,其它均为板田。介绍了该播种机的工作原理和结构特点,并对播种机的播种性能进行了台架试验和田间试验。试验结果表明,该联合作业机能一次完成在稻茬田中的播种、施肥、开排水沟和对种子覆土作业,播种量和排肥量可根据实际需要分别在1.5~7.5 kg/hm2和225~450 kg/hm2之间可调,播种幅宽在1000~2000 mm可调,排水沟沟深120 mm,沟宽240 mm,各工作过程的协调性符合农艺要求。  相似文献   

同步开沟起垄施肥水稻精量旱穴直播机设计与试验   总被引:22,自引:18,他引:4  
根据水稻旱直播同步施肥播种的农艺要求,研制了一种同步开沟起垄施肥水稻精量旱穴直播机,可同步完成开沟、起垄、施肥、覆盖和播种作业。该机器在2BDH-8型水稻精量旱穴直播机上增加施肥装置改装而成,根据水稻旱穴直播施肥农艺要求设计了排肥动力传动系统、排肥系统和施肥开沟器,排种、排肥动力均来自于拖拉机;采用锐角式施肥沟开沟器,在距种沟水平距离100~120mm处开出宽50mm、深50~70mm的施肥沟;采用外槽轮式排肥器将肥料排入施肥沟底,施肥后由播种机拖板刮土覆盖施肥沟。生产试验结果表明,机械定位深施肥的节肥增产效果明显,同等施肥量条件下,机械施肥播种处理与人工施肥播种处理相比,水稻分蘖能力平均增加6.9穗/蔸,增幅25.2%;相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)平均增加8.9,增幅29.8%;氮素利用效率绝对值提高13.78%,增幅22.3%;氮素偏生产力每千克氮提高20.54kg,增幅46.3%;产量增加1411.5kg/hm2,增幅29.5%。同步开沟起垄施肥水稻精量旱直播机能同时完成开沟、起垄、施肥、覆盖和播种作业,且与人工施肥播种相比增产显著,研究结果可为指导水稻旱直播定位深施肥节氮栽培提供理论依据。  相似文献   

玉米灭茬起垄施肥播种机的设计与试验   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
东北春玉米采用垄上播种,整地与播种过程分开,机器进地次数多、播种对行难度大、播种过程易破坏垄形,为解决此问题,该文研制了玉米灭茬起垄施肥播种机。该文对复式起垄和播种的作业过程进行了理论分析,通过经验设计和理论计算确定了中间连接装置、灭茬机构和播种单体的结构形式和参数,对起垄机构进行了基于受力计算的有限元应力分析,对整机的动力配备和稳定性进行了理论分析。样机田间试验结果表明,该机根茬粉碎率为88.2%,起垄垄形规则,垄高、垄顶宽、垄间距合格率分别达到95%、90%和90%,播种效果较好,粒距合格指数92%,种、肥深平均为56.22和114.36 mm。该机各参数满足农艺要求,为垄上播种的耕播联合作业提供了参考。  相似文献   

正反转组合式水稻宽苗带灭茬播种机设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对稻麦两茬轮作区,小麦收获时间短、水稻插秧费时费力、直播整地要求高的问题,利用反转灭茬技术和主动防拥堵技术,同时借鉴小麦宽幅精播技术,设计了一种正反转组合式水稻宽苗带灭茬播种机,一次完成旋耕、灭茬、防堵、深施肥、宽苗带播种、覆土和镇压功能。在稻麦两熟区进行了试验,结果表明,反转旋耕装置能很好的灭茬,正转清草装置能有效防堵,在正反旋耕的配合作用下,种床土壤细碎,播种覆土均匀,播种深度和施肥深度变异系数分别为4.58%和2.40%,种肥垂直间距变异系数为4.72%;平均苗带宽度为138.4 mm,与理论设计宽度差异不显著;不同苗带宽度上种子分布有差异但不显著,符合设计要求;苗带宽度对水稻生长有影响,苗带两侧有效分蘖和成穗率显著高于苗带中间(P0.05);机具的通过性满足农艺要求。  相似文献   

华中农大研制油菜免耕直播机 华中农业大学新近研制开发出一种新型油菜免耕直播机,实现了旋耕破土、施肥、播种、开沟覆土等多道工序一次性完成,有着省种、省肥、省工等突出优点,解决了在稻茬田进行油菜免耕直播的一些关键性技术难题,在农艺农机配套上取得了明显的突破。该机已于2007年9月首次在湖北沙洋县试验示范基地的稻茬田试用。  相似文献   

2BYF-6型油菜免耕直播联合播种机田间试验研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对2BYF-6型油菜免耕直播联合播种机在洞庭湖区的安乡县、沅江市、鼎城区、澧县等进行了田间播种试验。试验结果表明,采用2BYF-6型油菜免耕直播联合播种机的适宜土壤含水率为20%~40%,能够保证单位面积的基本苗数。与人工直播相比,节省成本32.0%,同育苗移栽相比,节省成本60.3%。试验结果显示采用2BYF-6型油菜免耕直播联合播种机在洞庭湖区的机播油菜试验是成功的。机具性能可靠,具有较高的经济价值和社会效益,通过生产实践,总结了机械技术与农艺科学结合的经验,为大面积推广油菜机械化播种提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   

稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机的设计与试验   总被引:4,自引:14,他引:4  
为解决长江中下游稻麦轮作区稻茬田免耕播种小麦机具堵塞及土壤黏附严重等问题,结合当地稻茬田播种小麦需要开排水沟的农艺要求,提出了"种-肥-种"宽幅精量播种和带状旋耕相结合的防堵思路,设计了双翼铧式开沟器、宽幅精量排种机构、种沟双圆盘开沟器和浮动覆土板等关键部件,研究设计了一种稻茬田小麦宽幅精量少耕播种机。试验结果表明,宽幅播种方式与带状旋耕相结合较好解决了稻茬田播种小麦堵塞的问题,小麦播幅平均为74.6 mm,平均播深为39 mm,播深合格率为86.7%,施肥方式为侧下方深施肥,平均施肥深度为81 mm,施肥深度合格率为93.3%,均满足国家标准。厢沟平均深度为175 mm,沟面宽度为238 mm,满足排水要求。该研究为应用于稻麦轮作区稻茬田小麦少免耕播种机的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

动定刀同轴水稻秸秆切碎还田装置结构设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
针对中国南方稻田留茬高、土壤黏重,油菜栽种复式作业机耕整地作业部件易缠草、壅泥,影响作业质量和油菜出苗的难题,提出了将田间稻秸秆收集切碎并绕过耕作部件后均匀覆盖于播种行行间的种植方法,研发了多功能油菜覆草直播播种机,围绕该机器设计了一种动刀与定刀及风送叶片同轴安装的稻秸秆切碎装置,并分别对稻秸秆的"站秆"和"残茬"进行切碎台架试验。结果表明:喂入压辊转速、动刀转轴转速、动定刀间隙3个影响因素对切碎长度合格率、功耗影响显著;对"站秆"和"残茬"切碎的各因素取值为:喂入压辊转速399.2、401.64 r/min,动刀转轴转速968.12、977.23 r/min,动定刀间隙0.52、0.49 mm时,稻秸秆切碎合格长度率为95.78%、96.98%,功率损耗为3.09、2.68 k W。经整机田间试验,该装置的秸秆田间覆盖效果达到油菜种植农艺要求。该研究为多功能油菜覆草直播播种机产业化提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

Conservation tillage is not yet widely accepted by organic farmers because inversion tillage is considered to be necessary for weed control. Three long-term experiments were established with combinations of reduced and conventional plough tillage and stubble tillage to determine weed infestation levels in organic farming, i.e. herbicide application being excluded. Experiment 1 (with very low stocking density of perennial weeds) showed that in presence of primary tillage by mouldboard ploughing the number of annual weeds was nearly unaffected by the mode of stubble tillage. In experiment 2, however, with Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) being artificially established, thistle density was significantly affected by stubble tillage and by a perennial grass–clover forage crop. Experiment 3 combined two levels of stubble tillage (skimmer plough, no stubble tillage = control) with four implements of primary tillage in the order of decreasing operation depth (deep mouldboard plough, double-layer plough, shallow mouldboard plough or chisel plough). Primary tillage by chisel plough resulted in significantly highest annual weed density compared to all other treatments. The natural C. arvense infestation in experiment 3 showed highest shoot density in the “skimmer plough/chisel plough” treatment compared to the lowest infestation in the “skimmer plough/double-layer plough” treatment. The poor capacity of the chisel plough for weed control was also reflected by the soil seed bank (5500 m−2 C. arvense seeds for chisel plough, <300 seeds for all other primary tillage). A reduced operation depth of the mouldboard plough (“shallow mouldboard plough”) seemed to have an insufficient effect in controlling C. arvense infestation as well. Stubble tillage by the skimmer plough in addition to nearly any primary tillage operation largely reduced both annual weeds and thistle shoots. Most effective in controlling C. arvense was also a biennial grass–clover mixture as part of the crop rotation.Double-layer ploughing is a compromise between soil inversion and soil loosening/cutting and can be regarded as a step towards conservation tillage. In terms of controlling annual weeds and C. arvense, the double-layer plough was not inferior to a deep mouldboard plough and seems to be suitable for weed control in organic farming. Tilling the stubble shallowly after harvest can support weed control in organic farming remarkably, particularly in reducing C. arvense. If no noxious, perennial weeds occur and primary tillage is done by soil inversion, an omission of stubble tillage can be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Environmental as well as economic incentives support the use of integrated weed management (IWM) systems for crop production. In order to reduce the input of agrochemicals for weed control, it may be possible to combine reduced doses of herbicides with appropriate tillage strategies and still maintain acceptable weed population levels. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of different tillage strategies, with and without herbicides at 50% of normal rates, on weed populations and crop yields. The influences of type and time of stubble cultivation, harrowing and mouldboard ploughing were followed in eight long-term field trials in southern Sweden from 1988 until the spring of 1994. The crop rotations were dominated by spring-sown oats (Avena sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum distichon L.). Although significant site-by-year-by-treatment interactions were found, certain trends in influences of tillage on weeds and yields were identified. Weed density and weight often decreased in the order: stubble cultivation without ploughing > solely ploughing > stubble cultivation succeeded by ploughing. Grain yields of oats and barley varied 6–50% among tillage systems and the highest yields were often obtained in plots where ploughing succeeded stubble cultivation. Effects of tillage on weeds or yields were usually not influenced by herbicide application. Although only subnormal herbicide rates were used, weed density and weight were mostly reduced by 70–90%, while yields increased by 10–20%. In the spring of 1994, 1 year after the last herbicide application, densities of annual broad-leaved weeds were 40–65% lower in plots previously treated by herbicides than in non-treated plots, and differences among tillage systems were still significant. This study shows the advantage of combining herbicides at reduced rates with stubble cultivation and ploughing.  相似文献   

The macro-structure of the surface layer of a self-mulching clay was quantified statistically using methods described previously by the senior author. Soil macro-structures were determined at the 10, 20 and 40 mm depths in the 34th year of a long-term trial with two methods of cereal stubble management (burning and incorporation) and in the 1st year of a new trial with two methods of cereal stubble management (burning and retention) and two methods of weed control (herbicide and blade or sweep plough). Stubble management had only small and probably insignificant effects on soil macro-structure but mechanical weed control had a significant positive effect on soil macro-structure as compared to chemical weed control.  相似文献   

The design of integrated weed management (IWM) systems is essential in order to reduce the use of herbicides for crop production. By combining different weed management practices, herbicides may be used at lower doses than normally recommended, while still maintaining acceptable weed population levels. The purpose of this study was to develop tillage strategies, with and without herbicides at reduced rates, appropriate for different weed populations. The influences of type and time of stubble cultivation, harrowing and mouldboard ploughing on the weed flora were followed during 1988–1994 in eight long-term field trials situated in southern Sweden. Spring-sown barley (Hordeum distichon L.) and oats (Avena sativa L.) dominated the crop rotations. Herbicides were either omitted or used at ca. 50% of a full dose. The perennial species Sonchus arvensis L. was favoured by omittance of ploughing but was better controlled by late ploughing not preceded by stubble cultivation; the reduction in the latter treatment being 74%. Stubble cultivation succeeded by ploughing reduced biomass of Elymus repens (L.) Gould. by 90% compared with ploughing solely. Early ploughing reduced the biomass of the species by 50% compared with late ploughing. The species Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. was highly favoured by early ploughing followed by late autumn harrowing, the biomass of the species being six-fold higher than in other treatments. Compared with other treatments, stubble cultivation favoured four annuals but efficiently controlled three others, while omittance of ploughing favoured six annual and two perennial weed species. Late ploughing not preceded by stubble cultivation favoured four annual and one perennial species, while early ploughing was more efficient than late ploughing in controlling two of the annual species. Influences of treatments on weed species were frequently moderated by interspecific competition resulting in inconsistent response at different sites. Herbicides reduced the number of species by three, from 11 to eight species, averaged across sites and tillage systems. Influences of treatments on diversity were not consistent, since weed floras differed between sites and since some of the species responded inconsistently to tillage and herbicides. This study shows that by utilizing appropriate tillage strategies it is possible at many sites to maintain acceptable weed population levels, although herbicides are used at 50% lower doses than is normally recommended. The timing and type of tillage have to be chosen for being as efficient as possible to the most troublesome weed species at a site.  相似文献   


A long-term field experiment was conducted in southern Sweden to evaluate the effect of harvest before crop ripeness on weed infestation. In addition, two stubble heights, 10 cm and 30 cm, were compared. The aim was to determine the potential of the treatments in weed regulation. The harvests were performed on three occasions: milk-ripeness (I), which is the normal harvest time for a green cereal, yellow-ripeness (II) and binder-ripeness (III). In control plots, harvested at full ripeness, herbicides were used in all years. Weed density initially increased exponentially in all treatments except for the control, but had a tendency to level off after 4 years. In all years weed density was higher when harvest was delayed and the stubble was high. Harvest at milk ripeness (I) favoured short-season annuals such as Stellaria media (L) Vill and worked against late-maturing species such as Polygonum tomentosum (Schrank). Weed density differed between the treatment plots during the last year of the experiment. In the treatment harvested at stage I combined with low stubble height, weed density was only slightly higher than in the control. Thus, when harvesting a green cereal, herbicides can be avoided.  相似文献   

A large-scale field experiment was conducted over four seasons on a gleysol (24% clay in topsoil) in Scotland. Conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow rotary or tine cultivation were investigated for the incorporation of straw in winter barley. Straw after harvest was either chopped or removed. Thus the residue treatments were either straw plus stubble or stubble only. Incorporation depths ranged from 0–100 to 0–300 mm.The presence of straw changed soil physical conditions after several seasons in which straw was incorporated. In the ploughed treatments, the presence of straw plus stubble decreased the average soil water content and matric potential in the topsoil in comparison to stubble only, indicating more rapid drainage. This was associated with the presence of buried straw in zones of loose soil just above plough depth and with a long-term increase in soil pore continuity related to the presence of straw residues. The presence of straw plus stubble under conventional ploughing decreased thermal diffusivities in the top 150 mm of soil in comparison with stubble only. Shallow incorporation of straw plus stubble gave higher overall strengths, bulk densities, lower water infiltration rates and poorer drainage in the topsoil than deeper incorporation. However, shallow incorporation caused an accumulation of organic matter over the first three seasons. This accumulation probably contributed to the increased aggregate stability and resistance to compaction of the top 50-mm soil layer, indicating improved resistance to erosion and to further compaction.  相似文献   

Long-term soil cultivation at the same depth affects soil characteristics and crop productivity. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of a long-term different intensity soil tillage methods and deep loosening on weed number, weed agrobiological group and soil seed bank changes in till Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol soil under the climatic conditions of the Western Lithuania (geographical coordinates 55°43′38″N, 21°27′43″E). The study included different soil tillage methods (conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage) and deep loosening. During investigational years, the greatest weed number in crops and the greatest weed seed number in the seed bank were determined in the soil reduced tillage (shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage). The weed number in crops of conventional ploughing soil was 35.8% lover compared to reduced tillage soil. The weed seed number in the seed bank of conventional ploughing was 49.6% lover compared to reduced tillage Decreasing soil tillage intensity resulted in weed seeds concentration in the upper topsoil. A one-time deep loosening had a significant effect during the crop rotation: the weed number in crops and weed seed number in the seed bank were determined to have increased by 26.6% and 51.6% in conventional ploughing soil and by 11.9% and 23.2% shallow ploughless soil respectively. However, after deep loosening, the number of Poa annua in crops decreased 2.9 times in plots of conventional ploughing and 1.7 times – in plots of shallow ploughing soil.  相似文献   

秸秆还田对农田生态系统及作物生长的影响   总被引:145,自引:10,他引:145  
秸秆还用是利用秸秆的一种有效方式.大量试验表明,秸秆还田会对土壤产生多种作用:能改善土壤物理性状,降低土壤容重,增加孔隙度;能增加土壤微生物数量,增强生物和多数酶的活性;增加土壤有机质积累和养分含量;能改变土壤腐殖质组成及特性;影响作物生长发育,促进作物产量提高.其中,秸秆覆盖还田还具有蓄水保墒,调节地温和保持水土,抑制田间杂草等功能.总之,秸秆还田对农田具有良好的生态效应。  相似文献   

在山西临汾、襄汾采用大区对比法研究了土壤质地、耕作方式及茬口对小麦播前土壤贮水量的影响。结果表明:夏闲制不同土壤质地的传统土壤耕作方式,小麦播前0-200cm的各主要土壤层面的贮水量为中粘土〉中壤土〉轻壤土;夏季复播制的土壤质地和复播作物对小麦播前贮水量的影响以土壤质地〉复播作物种类;夏闲制不同土壤耕作方式的小麦播前贮水量以浅旋灭茬〉免耕〉隔行深松〉传统耕作〉全耕层深松。不同春播作物茬口小麦播前的贮水量以地黄茬贮水量最高,其次为丹参茬,棉花茬较差。该项研究为小麦播前土壤贮水量的恢复选择夏季复播制的土壤质地、夏闲制合理的土壤耕作方式和春播作物茬口提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

小麦免耕播种机性能指标的关联度分析与灰色聚类评估   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
免耕播种是保护性耕作技术最重要的作业环节之一。为了在华北旱作区推广保护性耕作技术,选择适宜免耕播种机作业的地表覆盖状况,对当地目前使用的2BMF-9型小麦免耕播种机在8种地表试验处理下进行田间播种试验,得出8种不同地表试验处理下各项性能指标、出苗率和冬前分蘖数。通过灰色关联度分析得出:小麦免耕播种机的播种均匀程度、覆土性能、机具通过性对出苗率和冬前分蘖数影响很大。运用灰色聚类的原理,对被评估的8种试验处理进行类型划分,结果表明:秸秆覆盖量为3?000~3?750?kg/hm2、留茬高度25?cm以下的地块可直接播种,若适当进行粉碎处理,则播种质量更好;秸秆覆盖量为4?500?kg/hm2左右的地块必须进行粉碎处理;秸秆覆盖量大于5?250?kg/hm2的地块,除进行粉碎处理外,还应在播种前进行地表处理(如浅旋、浅耙、浅耕),降低秸秆覆盖率。研究为该地区小麦免耕播种地表处理提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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