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挥发试验结果表明,试验条件下,富里酸能极显著地促进Fe2O3-Hg,MnO2-Hg与高岭土结合汞的挥发,对膨润土结合汞和碳酸钙结合汞的挥发则表现抑制作用。棕色胡敏酸参促进各矿物结合汞的挥发。灰色胡敏酸影响最为微弱。腐殖酸对矿物结合态汞挥发性的影响与其对汞的络合容量与络合稳定性,矿物对汞的吸持特性的以及矿物与腐殖酸的作用特性密切相关。  相似文献   

腐殖酸对矿物结合汞活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
挥发试验结果表明,试验条件下,富里酸能极显著地促进Fe  相似文献   

挥发试验结果表明,试验条件下,富里酸能极显著地促进Fe2O3-Hg,MnO2-Hg与高岭土结合汞的挥发,对膨润土结合汞和碳酸钙结合汞的挥发则表现抑制作用.棕色胡敏酸能促进各矿物结合汞的挥发.灰色胡敏酸影响最为微弱.腐殖酸对矿物结合态汞挥发性的影响与其对汞的络合容量与络合稳定性,矿物对汞的吸持特性,以及矿物与腐殖酸的作用特性密切相关.  相似文献   

汞的挥发动力学表明:腐殖酸对矿物结合汞活性兼具抑制与活化的双重效应,突出表现为对矿物结合汞的挥发具有先期抑制与后期活化最后趋于稳定的动态影响特征,其效应具长期性渐变特点。不同腐殖酸针对不同矿物类型结合汞,其作用速率与强度不同。  相似文献   

汞的挥发动力学表明:腐殖酸对矿物结合汞活性兼具抑制与活化的双重效应,突出表现为矿物结合汞的挥发具有先期抑制与后期活化最后趋于稳定的动态影响特征,其效应具有长期性渐变特点。不同腐殖酸针对不同矿物类型结合汞,其作用速率与强度不同。  相似文献   

腐殖酸结合东的研究现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余贵芬  青长乐 《农业环境保护》2000,19(4):255-256,F003
综述了近20年来国内外对腐殖酸结合汞的研究成果,腐殖酸在土壤中虽然含量不高,但结合汞的容量大,且结合汞后有一定的活性,并指出,人们对腐殖酸结合汞是抑制还是活化土壤东的认识分歧在于腐殖酸组分对东的络合能力和合合物稳定性存在差异。  相似文献   

余贵芬  吴泓涛  蒋新  青长乐 《土壤》2006,38(4):435-440
野外采集广柑树及供其生长的土壤,研究多年生植物对土壤Hg的吸收及与土壤理化性质、腐殖酸结合汞(HS—Hg)的关系。结果表明,在酸性土壤环境中,酸性过强,果树吸收Hg量会更低;果实部分Hg含量与土壤的有机质或腐殖酸含量呈现负相关关系;HS—Hg特别是FA—Hg(富啡酸结合汞)组分是果树吸收、积累Hg的重要来源,其与根Hg的相关系数达到0.700^*-0.759^**,且以表层土壤更能提供有效的HS—Hg。  相似文献   

不同水分下腐殖酸对杨树生理生化特性和生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盆栽试验研究了不同水分条件下腐殖酸对杨树生理生化特性及生长的影响。结果表明:随水分使用量的增加,配施腐殖酸不同程度的提高了杨树根系活力、叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶(NR)活性,但根系活力以常规水分处理的最高。相同水份条件下,配施腐殖酸提高了叶片和根系的生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA)含量,但对玉米素(ZT)影响小。低水条件下,配施腐殖酸可降低气孔导度(Gs)和蒸腾速率(Tr),提高水分利用效率(WUE),提高脱落酸(ABA)含量;在常规和高水分条件下,腐殖酸的施用不同程度的提高了气孔导度(Gs)和光合速率(Pn),显著降低了ABA含量。低水条件下配施腐殖酸对杨树根茎叶重和总生物量影响不大,而在常规和高水分条件下,配施腐殖酸显著提高了杨树根、茎、叶和总生物量,并显著提高了杨树氮、磷、钾养分含量,高水下提高幅度更大。  相似文献   

褐煤腐殖酸对铵的吸附特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了铵浓度、处理时间及介质pH对2种褐煤腐殖酸吸附铵的影响及其规律。结果表明,褐煤腐殖酸对铵的吸附等温式可用Freundlich等温曲线描述,其动力学吸附方程用Elovich方程描述最佳。在pH7.04时,介质pH的升高有利于铵的吸附。当pH4.03时,主要以物理吸附为主;当4.03.  相似文献   

采用吸附等温线的试验方法,研究了平衡溶液中磷浓度、反应时间及介质pH对不同处理的2种褐煤腐殖酸吸附磷的影响及其规律性。结果表明:在试验pH范围内,pH的升高减缓了吸附反应进行的速度,对于未经硝酸处理的样品S1,在pH为4.7时,吸附量和分配系数有一最大值,而样品S2,随着pH的升高,吸附量和分配系数一直减小;经硝酸处理后,样品对磷的吸附能力降低,一定条件下其单位吸附量仅为处理前的5.33%。适宜的固液比例可提高2个不同处理供试样品对磷的单位吸附量,其等温吸附规律可用Langmuir方程来加以描述;其吸附动力学用Elovich方程描述最佳。  相似文献   

土壤矿物对汞的吸持特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吸附热力学与动力学试验研究结果表明 ,5种土壤矿物对Hg的吸附容量与吸附强度均表现为MnO2 >Fe2 O3 >膨润土 >高岭土 >CaCO3 。MnO2 对Hg吸附容量大且固持能力强 ,CaCO3 则与之相反。各土壤矿物结合汞的形态分布特征表明各土壤矿物结合汞在不同环境的稳定性及相应数量比例。挥发试验结果表明各土壤矿物结合汞的环境活性 (挥发活性 )大小受土壤矿物对Hg吸附容量与吸附强度制约 ,并与矿物结合汞的形态分布特征相关 ,水溶交换态和酸溶态比例越高则土壤矿物结合汞挥发活性越强 ,碱溶态和残渣态比例越高则土壤矿物结合汞挥发活性相应越弱  相似文献   

不同培肥方式黑土腐殖质形态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对吉林省黑土区存在的土壤有机质下降、耕地质量退化等问题,利用公主岭国家黑土肥力与肥料效益监测基地连续20年的长期定位试验,采用核磁共振波谱分析法(NMR)、红外光谱分析法(IR)等现代分析方法,研究了不同培肥途径耕层土壤腐殖质的组成、形态结构及动态变化趋势。结果表明:不同培肥途径对耕层土壤腐殖质特征影响明显。施用玉米秸秆处理(S+NPK)和施用有机肥+轮作处理(M+NPK+R)均显著增加了土壤胡敏酸中脂肪族结构成分,单施有机肥处理(M+NPK)显著增加了土壤胡敏酸中羟基含量,S+NPK处理游离羧基含量显著增多。S+NPK、M+NPK及M+NPK+R处理,土壤富啡酸的甲基、亚甲基和次甲基结构成分显著增多,游离羧基含量也显著增多。单施化肥处理,浸提的富啡酸中无机碳酸盐和硅酸盐成分明显增多,化肥长期施用导致土壤中游离富啡酸数量显著减少,土壤的耗竭式利用,导致土壤中铁、铜结合态或络合态的富啡酸增加。不同培肥方式对黑土胡敏酸和富啡酸的元素组成影响有较大的差异,但均可引发胡敏酸C含量降低,N含量增加,富啡酸C、N、H含量增加,O含量降低,可通过不同的培肥方式对土壤腐殖质的元素组成进行调节。  相似文献   

Earthworm casts and digestive tract contents were simultaneously examined, using the same methods, in a recently formed humus profile in a mountain spruce forest. Earthworm species had distinct diets and an earthworm foodweb could be distinguished. Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea icterica were distinct from the other species examined: the former to some extent as a litter consumer, and both species because they excavated mineral material which was deposited within new top layers of the mull humus. Aporrectodea nocturna and Aporrectodea caliginosa both had a non-specific soil feeding mode. Most of the species enriched the humus profile with amorphous organic matter finely incorporated within a mineral matrix. Besides different food selection, a network of burrows was produced as a consequence of the different burrowing behaviour of each earthworm species. Received: 2 January 1997  相似文献   

Differences of collembolan communities within the organo-mineral A layer were studied in relation to physico-chemical changes in humus at nine sites of beech forests (Fagus sylvatica L.) and first generation spruce stands (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), planted on former beech forest 30 years ago (Central Pyrenees, France). Changes in humus form were caused by the spruce plantation and occurred mainly within the fermentation horizon where acidifying litter accumulation increased the horizon depth. The recent replacement of beech by spruce induced a shift from mull towards moder humus forms, which is explained by the decreasing organic matter turnover rate. A significant decrease in the three exchangeable cations and pH under spruce was also observed. Collembolan species diversity within the A horizon was significantly lower under spruce at this early stage of the silvogenetic cycle. Differences between species composition of Collembola between the two forest stands is related to changes in environmental conditions (e.g. nutrient availability, soil porosity, soil moisture). This study shows how forest management practices are susceptible to modify biological activity within the A horizon under exotic conifer plantations.  相似文献   

The morphology of humus profiles, developed on recent sandy coastal dune ecosystems, is studied on macro- and microscale. Humus and soil profiles were described, sampled and analysed. Undisturbed, oriented samples were taken from the surface horizons for micromorphological study. The soils are situated in the National Biological Reserve of the Opal Coast, Merlimont, France and near De Haan, Belgium. On both sites, the parent material consists of aeolian calcareous sand. Surface horizons, however, are decarbonated due to leaching processes.In Merlimont, the sequence consists of two profiles, one under Pinus nigra ssp. laricio and one under Populus nigra ssp. nigra, characterised by a Resimor1/Dysmoder, 2 and Rhizomull, 1/Mesomull , 2 humus type, respectively. At the De Haan site, three profiles under Quercus robur, Populus ssp. and P. nigra var. austriaca are investigated. The humus types are respectively Mullmoder, 1 to Mull/Dysmull , 2, Mull , 1/ Oligomull , 2, Mormoder , 1/Dysmoder , 2.Differences among the humus profiles are related to presence/absence among the L-, F-, H- and A-horizons, structure, rooting, presence of hyphae, sclerotia and excrements.Macromorphologically, the difference between humus profiles under coniferous and deciduous forest/grassland is evident by thicker L-, F and/or H-horizons under coniferous trees. The microstructure of the L- and F-horizons shows a loose packing of subhorizontally oriented needles. The microstructure of the H-horizons varies from intergrain microaggregate to locally weak crumb. The microstructure of the surface mineral horizon of all profiles is mainly intergrain microaggregate, sometimes single grain and exceptionally bridged grain. Intimate mixing and complexation of organic matter to the mineral fraction into aggregates is very limited in the A-horizons. All A-horizons, irrespective of the humus type, are to some degree characterised by a “pepper and salt” appearance. The horizon symbol “H+E” is introduced to label this morphology.The Mull humus forms under deciduous trees are indicative of rather intense mesofauna activities. The absence of a crumb structure in the A-horizon of these soils could be due to the fast disintegration of earthworm casts in these sandy soils with no clay or silt fraction.  相似文献   

曾文號  黄春燕  李真  廖洋  马骏  赵仕林 《土壤》2018,50(5):981-988
风化煤钝化修复土壤主要是其活性官能团与重金属发生络合、鳌合等一系列反应,进而降低重金属在土壤中的可迁移性和生物有效性,以达到修复土壤的目的。本文系统研究了风化煤对重金属汞(Hg)的吸附特性及其对Hg在土壤中径向迁移和生物可利用性的影响。结果显示:风化煤对酸碱有一定的缓冲作用,pH对Hg的平衡吸附量影响不大,最大吸附量为8.19 mg/g,该吸附为吸热反应。风化煤对Hg的吸附作用采用Freundlich方程描述较好,为多分子层吸附,吸附动力可用拟二级速率方程描述。土柱试验中风化煤用量为1、2、4、8 g时,淋溶液中Hg含量分别下降2.62、1.66、1.10、0.70μg/g,风化煤的使用可以降低Hg从土壤向溶液的迁移。盆栽试验进一步验证了风化煤对土壤中Hg迁移的阻控作用,其中添加风化煤黄壤中移栽30 d和70 d收获的白菜叶中Hg含量较未添加风化煤黄壤中下降了0.14μg/kg和0.09μg/kg;添加风化煤和外源Hg黄壤中Hg含量是未添加风化煤黄壤的2.4倍,而收获的30、70d小白菜叶中Hg含量前者分别为0.53、0.82μg/kg,后者分别为0.35、0.48μg/kg,理论上可认为前者较后者分别下降了0.31、0.33g/kg。可见,风化煤实现了对土壤中Hg的吸附、钝化,减缓了其生物可利用性,是一种廉价高效的环境友好型钝化剂。  相似文献   

高黎贡山土壤腐殖质特性与团聚体数量特征研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
采用野外调查与室内分析结合的方法,研究高黎贡山土壤腐殖质特性与团聚体数量特征,对进一步了解高黎贡山生态系统中土壤特征,降低土壤侵蚀,减少水土流失提供科学依据。结果表明:土壤腐殖质的组成具有明显地带性特征,有机质、腐殖酸含量、胡/富(HA/FA)随海拔高度的降低呈先上升后下降的趋势,A1层胡敏酸(HA)、富里酸(FA)含量分布规律为暗棕壤棕壤棕色针叶林土亚高山草甸土黄棕壤黄壤黄红壤。A2层腐殖酸、FA变化趋势为暗棕壤棕壤棕色针叶林土黄棕壤黄壤亚高山草甸土黄红壤。A1层HA、FA分子复杂程度、化学稳定性比A2层强。1~0.5mm和0.25mm粒径的团聚体含量占绝大多数,约占60%~70%。随着海拔高度的降低,粗粒减少,细粒增多。土壤团聚体服从对数正态分布,其几何平均直径与几何标准差、土壤可蚀性K值之间存在负相关关系,土壤可蚀性K值与几何标准差存在正相关关系,同时土壤也具有一定的分形特性。其中亚高山草甸土几何平均直径(Dg)、平均重量直径(MWD)值最大,几何标准差(δg)、可蚀性K值、分形维数(CFD)值最小,土壤结构稳定性和抗蚀能力相对较强。胡敏酸含量是影响土壤可蚀性的重要因素。  相似文献   

侵蚀红壤腐殖酸组分特点及其对水稳性团聚体的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在华中地区采集不同侵蚀程度(轻度、中度、严重)的红壤,利用干湿筛法获得不同粒径的水稳性团聚体(0.25 mm)。通过测定不同粒径水稳性团聚体(0.25 mm)的腐殖酸组分(胡敏酸和富里酸)碳量,以及向不同侵蚀程度的各粒径团聚体(0.25 mm)中添加不同浓度(0.06、0.6 g L-1)的胡敏酸,分析侵蚀红壤腐殖酸组分特点及其对水稳性团聚体的影响。结果表明:随着侵蚀程度的增加,供试红壤和水稳性团聚体(0.25 mm)的腐殖酸组分含量减少;轻度和中度侵蚀红壤中,大粒径(4和2~4 mm)水稳性团聚体的胡敏酸碳量较小粒径(1~2、0.5~1和0.25~0.5 mm)的高;同种侵蚀程度下,除严重侵蚀红壤中2~4 mm团聚体的富里酸碳量与1~2 mm团聚体中的有显著差异外,不同粒径团聚体中富里酸碳量差别不大。3种侵蚀程度红壤的胡富比总体上小于1,其中中度侵蚀红壤和各粒径水稳性团聚体的胡富比均大于其他两种侵蚀程度的。腐殖酸组分与水稳性团聚体(0.25 mm)含量呈极显著正相关,与胡敏酸碳量的相关系数最大(r=0.85**,n=19)。添加不同浓度(0.06和0.6 g L-1)胡敏酸后,3种侵蚀程度红壤各粒径水稳性团聚体(0.25 mm)的含量均增加,且小粒径团聚体(1~2、0.5~1和0.25~0.5 mm)的增加量要高于大团聚体(2~4、4 mm)的。  相似文献   

Thirty sites, encompassing a range of soil and vegetation conditions in the biological reserve of La Tillaie (Fontainebleau Forest, France) were investigated in April 1992. Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) was the dominant tree species, with several developmental phases forming the forest patchwork. Sessile oak [Quercus petraea (Mattus.) Liebl.] was present but only as old relictual individuals. Gaps in the canopy cover were abundant, mostly caused by wind storms 2 years previously. The next most recent storm was 25 years before, resulting in distinct patches of full-grown trees. Humus profiles were classified and compared with the distribution of earthworm communities, canopy cover, and soil types. Geomorphology was responsible for the main part of the observed variation. Absence of lime in the substrate and direct contact with a sandstone stratum near the ground surface was associated with the absence of earthworms and the appearance of an OH horizon (moder humus). Elsewhere, earthworms were present and humus profiles did not display any OH horizon (mull or mull-like moder humus), but species composition was variable and strongly influenced by the thickness of the superficial sand deposit overlying limestone. On a thick (1 m or more) sandy substrate earthworm communities were dominated by epigeic species together with the anecic Lumbricus terrestris L. The species richness was higher on a shallower sandy substrate (50 cm) where lime was more accessible to tree roots and burrowing animals. The influence of the forest cycle of beech was visible in the latter case (covering most of the area), with an increase in the thickness of the OL and OF horizons and a decrease in endogeic earthworm populations during the phase of intense growth of beech. This fall in burrowing activity was apparent in gaps created by wind storms and fungal diseases within mature stands as early as 2 years after the fall of the trees.  相似文献   

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