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太湖地区水稻土中的β-葡糖苷酶活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(1):118-124
The electrical conductivity (EC) of 1:5 soil-water extract (EC1:5) was studied utilizing path coefficient analysis. The study focused on revealing the main chemical factors contributing to EC of soil extracts and their relative importance. Results showed that the most important factors influencing the EC1:5 of coastal salt-affected soils were the concentration of salt in 1:5 soil-water extract (So), Cl^-, and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), while effects of pH, CO3^2-, HCO3^, soluble sodium percentage (SSP), and sodium dianion ratio (SDR) were very weak. Though the direct path coefficients between EC1:5 and SO4^2- , Ca^2+, Mg^2+, K^+, or Na^+ were not high, influence of other chemical factors caused the coefficients to increase, making the summation of their direct and indirect path coefficients relatively high. Evidences showed that multiple regression relations between EC1:5 and most of the primary factors (So, Cl^-, and SAR) had sound reliability and very good accuracy.  相似文献   


Measuring and mapping apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) is a potentially useful tool for delineating soil variability. The “Old Rotation,” the world's oldest continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) experiment (ca. 1896), provides a valuable resource for evaluating soil spatial variability. The objectives of this study were to determine the relationship between soil chemical and physical properties and ECa in the Old Rotation, to determine spatial differences in these properties, and to relate differences in these properties to long‐term management effects. Soils at the site classified as fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults. Soil ECa was measured at 0–30‐ and 0–90‐cm depths (ECa‐30 and ECa‐90) using a Veris® 3100 direct contact sensor with georeferencing. Soils were grid sampled (288 points) at close intervals (1.5×3.0 m) for chemical properties and grid sampled (65 cells, 7.5×6.9 m) for soil texture. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total nitrogen (N), extractable phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), pH, buffer pH, and estimated cation exchange capacity (CECest) were measured at two depths (0–5‐ and 5–15‐cm). Soil ECa was highly spatially correlated. The ECa‐30 was more highly correlated with clay content (r=0.58, P≤0.01) and P(r=0.43, P≤0.01) than other soil properties. Total nitrogen and SOC had little or no relationship with ECa‐30. Cropping systems affected chemical properties in the Old Rotation, indicating crop rotation and cover crops are beneficial for soil productivity. The relatively poor relationship between soil chemical parameters and ECa suggest that mapping plant nutrients and SOC using ECa is problematic because of strong dependence on clay content.  相似文献   

土壤含水量和电导率对芦苇生长和种群分布的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在对芦苇小区调查取样的基础上,利用Pearson关联分析法研究了土壤水、电导率与芦苇生长和种群分布的关系。结果表明土壤电导率空间变率明显,最大值是最小值的2倍。芦苇小区土壤电导率超过110mS/m,且pH值大于10时,芦苇由单一种群落转变成伴生种群落(芦苇+碱茅)。并随着电导率和pH值的增加,碱茅所占的比例增加。土壤电导率与芦苇生长指标(覆盖度、平均株高、生物量干重、鲜重)呈显著性相关(P〈0.01),说明土壤盐分是影响芦苇种群特征的重要因素。表层土壤含水量(10cm剖面)与芦苇生长指标中的覆盖度、生物量呈显著性相关(户〈0.05)。深层含水量(100cm剖面)与芦苇生长指标均呈显著性相关(P〈0.05),因此表层水和深层水对芦苇的生长具有重要作用。  相似文献   

渭北地区农田土壤物理性质对土壤剖面盐分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过网格布点法对渭北地区农田土壤进行采样分析,研究了土壤团聚体、土壤容重、土壤质地对土壤剖面盐分的影响。结果表明:(1)研究区轻度盐渍化面积占46.56%,中度盐渍化占23.01%,渭北地区农田土壤盐渍化程度总体不严重但存在较大潜在风险。(2)各层土壤水稳性团聚体与含盐量呈负相关,容重与含盐量的关系因盐渍化程度不同而在各土层表现出不同的正负效应,土壤质地与含盐量仅在0—20cm土层存在显著相关性。(3)土壤物理性质对含盐量的异位影响与含盐量水平有关。当土壤含盐量1g/kg时,40—60cm容重与20—40cm含盐量为幂函数关系,且呈递增趋势;土壤含盐量在2~4g/kg时,20—40cm容重与0—20cm含盐量为一次函数关系,且呈递增趋势;当含盐量2g/kg时,0—20cm容重与20—40cm含盐量为一次函数关系,且呈递减趋势;含盐量2g/kg时,水稳性团聚体与含盐量呈显著线性负相关。  相似文献   

不同土水比土壤浸提液与饱和泥浆电导率的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭新送  宋付朋  鞠正山 《土壤》2015,47(4):812-818
针对饱和泥浆调制时饱和点的不确定性及其电导率测定的不稳定性等问题,为了统一和准确地表征暗管改碱的盐碱土盐渍化程度,采用室内化验与统计分析的方法,系统比较研究了饱和泥浆所需水量与饱和土壤溶液所需水量及其电导率和全盐与土水比1︰5、1︰2.5、1︰1、1︰0.5系列的相关和换算关系。研究结果表明:在黄河三角洲盐碱土(氯化物类型)区,可采用通过计算土壤孔隙度得到的饱和土壤溶液含水量来定量确定原来定性判定饱和点的饱和泥浆含水量,以饱和土壤溶液电导率可完全代替饱和泥浆电导率;饱和泥浆电导率数值和全盐含量均不是土水比1︰5、1︰2.5、1︰1、1︰0.5系列中的最高值,但均与其存在极显著的相关关系,饱和泥浆电导率与土水比1︰5土壤浸提液的电导率、饱和泥浆全盐含量与土水比1︰0.5全盐含量相关性最高,可分别用最佳拟合回归函数模型进行换算:一元线性函数模型Ece=2.042 8×EC1︰5+0.089 5、一元二次函数模型Tse=0.064 1×(TS1︰0.5)2?0.059×TS1︰0.5+0.397 9。  相似文献   

张丽  雷玉平  郑力  付玉芹 《土壤通报》2006,37(5):847-851
探索将厚包气带直压式测量土壤电导率(EC)用于绘制土壤岩性剖面的方法。研究区位于太行山山前平原,由于浅层地下水大幅度下降,该区已经形成了厚包气带。我们利用Geoprobe(r)直压式钻机和温纳排列(W enner Array)电极组测得EC剖面并钻取相应的土样。土样分析结果显示,深层土壤水分含量受岩性控制。由于研究区土壤为非盐渍土,因此土壤岩性是EC变化的主要控制因素,而土壤EC的空间变化也能表达岩性的分布。比较土样颗粒组成和EC值发现,EC值与土壤砂粒含量成负相关,与土壤粘粒含量成正相关。当土壤中砂粒含量由12%增加到100%时,EC由100 mS m-1减少到20 mS m-1;而粘粒含量由3%增加到26%时,EC由30 mS m-1增加到100 mS m-1。研究结果表明,厚包气带直压式测量EC资料可以推断土壤岩性。  相似文献   

洛惠渠灌区水土化学特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了深入了解洛惠渠灌区土壤盐碱化程度,分别测试了2004年实地采集的63个土壤样品和71个地下水样品,测定项目分别为土壤含盐量、碱化度、阴阳离子含量和地下水化学成分,并分析了该灌区土壤盐碱化现状以及地下水水质状况.结果表明,洛惠渠灌区土壤盐碱化较明显,盐渍化土壤分成盐土和碱土两类,主体成分为钠(钾)、钙的硫酸盐和碳酸盐;而地下水化学类型基本属于氯化钠-硫化钠型.通过计算其钠吸附比和镁系数可以推知该灌区地下水大部分对灌溉作物有不利影响,并且对土壤有进一步碱化的威胁.因此,有效控制该灌区地下水位是治理土壤盐碱化的重要措施,还要考虑不同区域土壤易溶盐含量,作物耐盐碱性等因素.应当综合工程、生物、化学等方法来改良利用盐碱土地,方能起到事半功倍的治理效果.  相似文献   

Since 1954, the electrical conductivity of the saturated paste extract (ECe) has been the preferred index for soil salinity. Based on this value, remediation strategies were developed and widely used but this approach is time consuming and not routinely offered by many soil testing facilities. However, many laboratories determine the EC1:1 value of a 1:1 soil to solution ratio extract. The objective of this study was to identify the relationship between ECe and EC1:1 and determine if EC1:1 can be used as a proxy in the northern Great Plains for ECe. Samples were collected across five studies and from AGVISE Laboratory. The samples were analyzed for EC1:1 and ECe. The relationship between the ECe and EC1:1 showed that soil parent materials need to be considered in the conversion of EC1:1 values to ECe values. A failure to consider parent materials in this conversion may have short and long-term sustainability ramifications.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) accumulation is a common phenomenon in greenhouse soil for vegetables. Excessive P accumulation in soil usually decreases the yield and quality of vegetables as well as potentially polluting water environments. Ninety-eight tomato and 48 cucumber greenhouses were investigated in the eight main vegetable production areas of Hebei Province, China. Soil Olsen-P, the electrical conductivity (EC), the pH value, the organic matter of the soil, and the cropping years of these greenhouses were investigated and analyzed in order to better understand the status of soil P accumulation and positively find effective ways to solve the excessive phosphate accumulation problem. The investigation showed that the ratio was above 70% for all of the greenhouses where the soil Olsen-P exceeded 90 mg·kg?1 (upper bound of soil Olsen-P optimum value in greenhouse) in the 0–20 cm surface soil in the investigated greenhouses. There was a significant positive correlation between the soil Olsen-P content and the soil EC, between the soil Olsen-P and the cropping years, and the Olsen-P had a significant negative correlation with the soil pH value. It is concluded that supplying phosphate fertilizer excessively induced the soil EC to ascend and the pH value to descend, which increases the possibility of the soil secondary salinization and soil degeneration. The significant positive correlation between the soil organic content and the soil Olsen-P contents suggests that supplying organic fertilizer might mobilize soil residual phosphate. This also provides a good way to solve the problem of soil P accumulation. In order to further explore the threshold content of soil Olsen-P demanded by tomato and cucumber under the high soil Olsen-P condition, two tomato greenhouses (T1, T2) in Dingzhou and two cucumber greenhouses (C1, C2) in Wuqiang were researched. All of the greenhouses had ranges of soil Olsen-P content that were between 150 and 300 mg·kg?1, which far exceeded the 90 mg·kg?1 ideal. The P fertilizer application rates showed positive correlations with the soil Olsen-P contents and EC values in cucumber and tomato greenhouses in the current season. Analyzing T1 and T2 results showed that tomato was sensitive to the high soil Olsen-P contents ranging from 230.64 to 729.42 mg kg?1 at the seedling stage (15 days after transplanting; DAT) and from 199.41 to 531.42 mg kg?1 at the fruiting stage (90 DAT), because the yields correlated negatively with soil Olsen-P contents at each growth stage. It is suggested that the maximum soil Olsen-P threshold content for tomato should be lower than 230 mg·kg?1 at the seedling stage and lower than 199 mg·kg?1 at the fruiting stage. But cucumber yield did not change significantly as soil Olsen-P content rose from 248.75 to 927.62 mg kg?1, 212.40 to 554.07 mg kg?1, 184.48 to 455.90 mg kg?1, and 128.42 to 400.96 mg kg?1 at the seedling stage (15 DAT), early fruiting stage (50 DAT), middle fruiting stage (140 DAT), and late fruiting stage (235 DAT), respectively, suggesting that the maximal soil Olsen-P threshold content was lower than 249, 212, 185, and 128 mg·kg?1 at each growth stage, respectively. The relationship between fruit qualities and soil Olsen-P contents at each growth stage was not evident. Activities of soil alkaline phosphatase (ALP) decreased as soil Olsen-P supply was raised in T1, T2, and C1 at the seedling stage. It is concluded that in an excess soil Olsen-P condition tomato yield decreases strongly as soil ALP activity decreases, whereas ALP activity has little direct effect on cucumber yield.  相似文献   

通过在中国科学院长武黄土高原农业生态试验站半覆膜种植春玉米大田试验,研究了减氮及秸秆深埋对土壤电导率、土壤硝态氮淋溶和玉米产量的影响,旨在为提高氮肥利用效率和保护环境提供理论依据。试验设5个处理3个重复,处理包括不施氮(CK)、常规施氮(CON1,N 250kg/hm2)、常规施氮加秸秆(CON2,N 250kg/hm2+秸秆)、减量施氮(CR1,N 200kg/hm2)和减量施氮加秸秆(CR2,N 200kg/hm2+秸秆)。测量了春玉米各生育期土层剖面土壤电导率、收获期土壤硝态氮含量和春玉米产量。结果表明:土壤电导率在分蘖期、拔节期40—150cm土层出现峰值,在抽穗期、成熟期40—200cm土层出现峰值,峰值范围下移。在0—150cm土层范围内,土壤电导率整体呈现CON2CON1,CR2CR1。在0—150cm土层范围内,常规施氮土壤电导率高于减量施氮。与常规施氮相比,减量施氮减少了土壤剖面硝态氮含量,同时,采取秸秆深埋措施也能减少土壤剖面硝态氮含量,并延缓硝态氮的淋溶下移。与常规施氮相比,减量20%施氮增产9.59%。施氮条件下,秸秆深埋时,有利于提高作物产量,提高氮肥增产潜力。秸秆深埋有利于提高土壤电导率,减少土壤硝态氮含量,阻控土壤硝态氮向下淋溶,提高玉米产量。  相似文献   

基于光谱指数与机器学习算法的土壤电导率估算研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤盐分是干旱区土壤盐渍化评价的重要指标。以新疆维吾尔自治区渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,基于土壤电导率 (Electrical conductivity,EC) 及可见光-近红外 (Visible and near infrared, VIS-NIR) 光谱数据,通过蒙特卡洛交叉验证 (Monte Carlo cross validation, MCCV) 确定364个有效样本。采用原始光谱 (Raw reflectance, R) 及其经过微分、吸光度 (Absorbance, Abs)、连续统去除 (Continuum removal, CR) 等6种预处理后的数据构建光谱指数。基于遴选出的21个最优指数,采用BP神经网络 (Back propagation neural network, BPNN)、支持向量机 (Support vector machine, SVM)、极限学习机 (Extreme learning machine, ELM) 三种算法对EC进行估算,并引入偏最小二乘回归 (Partial least squares regression, PLSR) 进行比较。结果表明:在基于R与6种光谱预处理数据构建的21个最优光谱指数之中,R_FD_RSI (R1913,R2142) 表现最佳 (r = 0.649) ;与PLSR相比,机器学习算法能够显著提高模型的估算精度,R2提高了34.55%。三种机器学习算法模型中,ELM表现最优 (R2 = 0.884, RMSE = 3.071 mS?cm-1, RPIQ = 2.535) 。本研究中所构建的光谱指数在兼顾遥感机理的同时能深度挖掘更多的隐含信息,并且基于机器学习算法的土壤EC估算模型精度显著提高,为干旱区土壤盐分定量估算提供了科学参考。  相似文献   

The integrated effect of irrigation and agricultural practices on soil salinity in the Jordan Valley (JV), where over 60% of Jordan’s agricultural produce is grown, was investigated in this study during 2009-2010. Due to the differences in agricultural operations, cropping patterns, irrigation management, and weather conditions, 206 top- and sub-soil samples were taken every 1 to 3 km from representative farms along a north-south (N-S) transect with 1 to 2 km lateral extents. Soil electrical conductivity of saturated extract (ECse), Ca, Mg, K, Na, Cl, and Na adsorption ratio (SAR) were determined in saturated paste extracts. Results indicated that about 63% of soils in the JV are indeed saline, out of which almost 46% are moderately to strongly saline. Along the N-S transect of the JV, ECse increased from 4.5 to 14.1 dS m-1 in top-soil samples. Similar increase was observed for the sub-soil samples. The major chemical components of soil salinity; i.e., Ca, Mg, and Cl, also showed a similar increase along the N-S transect of the valley. Moreover, compared to previous field sampling, results showed that changes in soil salinity in the JV were dramatic. In addition, it was found that Cl imposed an existing and potential threat to sensitive crops in 60% of the soils in the JV, where Cl concentrations were greater than 710 mg L-1. Under the prevalent arid Mediterranean conditions, improving the management of irrigation water, crops, and nutrient inputs and increasing water and fertilizer use efficiencies should be indispensable to conserve and sustain the already fragile agricultural soils in the JV.  相似文献   

不同林分类型土壤理化特征及其对土壤入渗过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用双环入渗法对黄土残塬沟壑区主要林分类型(刺槐林、油松林、刺槐×油松混交林、山杨栎类天然次生林)进行土壤入渗试验,分析4种林分类型土壤理化特征及其对土壤入渗过程的影响。结果表明:(1)研究区不同林分类型土壤理化特征存在一定差异,山杨栎类天然次生林的土壤理化性质总体最好,刺槐×油松混交林优于刺槐林和油松林;(2)0~90 min测试时间内,不同林分类型的土壤入渗速率随时间的变化规律均表现为迅速递减(0~5 min)、逐渐递减(5~60 min)和趋于稳定(60~90 min)的过程;4种林分的土壤初始入渗速率、稳定入渗速率和平均入渗速率由大到小依次为山杨栎类天然次生林、刺槐×油松混交林、刺槐林、油松林;(3)4种常见土壤入渗模型(Kostiakov模型、Horton模型、Philip模型和通用经验模型)中,通用经验模型对研究区不同林分类型土壤入渗过程拟合效果最好,拟合精度均在0.990以上;(4)相关性分析结果表明,不同林分类型的土壤入渗指标与土壤容重呈现极显著负相关(P<0.01),与非毛管孔隙度、> 0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量、砂粒含量以及有机质含量呈现极显著正相关(P<0.01);通过通径分析并计算主要影响因子的决定系数表明,对土壤初始入渗速率影响程度最大的因子是土壤容重(0.309),对土壤稳定入渗速率影响程度最大的因子是>0.25 mm水稳性团聚体含量(0.251),对土壤平均入渗速率影响程度最大的因子是有机质(0.408)。研究结果为研究区营造水土保持林树种的选择与水土保持功能评价提供一定参考。  相似文献   

洛惠渠灌区典型样区地下水位与电导率关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
洛惠渠灌区位于陕西省关中平原东部,由于不同区域的积盐过程不完全相同,针对洛惠渠灌区地下水的盐分变化情况,采用Morlet小波分析了灌区76#井的电导率和水位周期变化规律。结果表明,电导率变化和水位变化有很好的相关关系。小尺度上,水位变化周期和电导率的基本相同;大尺度上,水位约为电导率变化周期的2倍。两者变化存在明显的逆向位。该地区含有大量可溶性盐层,地下水电导率本底值较高。由于大气降水补给,电导率值随水位变化在一定的范围内波动。研究结果可为该灌区地表生态环境的改善提供依据。  相似文献   

西藏土壤磷素和钾素养分状况及其影响因素   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
探讨西藏土壤磷钾养分状况及其影响因素.结果表明西藏土壤全磷和全钾主要决定于母质.此外,土壤全磷与有机质呈正相关,故表层全磷高于底层,表现磷的生物表聚作用;而全钾与有机质呈负相关,故表层全钾低于底层,表现为有机质对钾的"稀释效应".表层速效磷(Olsen-P)<10 mg/kg 的缺磷土壤面积约占78%,表明下层速效磷更低.土壤速效磷与全磷、有机质的关系复杂,而与pH的关系密切,一般在pH 6.4~7.3的土壤中含量较高.西藏土壤表层速效钾100~150 mg/kg 和>150 mg/kg 的面积分别占17%和66%;并且速效钾主要决定于CEC,进而决定于有机质,而与粘粒关系不明显,与全钾无关.  相似文献   

不同土地利用方式土壤化学性状与酶学指标分析   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
孙启祥  张建锋 《水土保持学报》2006,20(4):98-101,159
在黄河三角洲地区,由于河水携带大量泥沙在人海口淤积,每年形成一定面积的陆地。新生陆地一般营养丰富,适宜耕作.常常被开垦为耕地。由于干旱,天然降雨少,土壤蒸发量大,导致深层土壤水分沿毛细管上升,可溶性盐分离子随之上升到土壤表层,水分蒸发后,盐分离子在土壤表层积累,从而发生土壤盐渍化。进行农业耕作20年后,土壤返盐严重,不再适宜继续耕种。除此之外,还有不同的土地利用方式。本研究选择了5种利用方式,分别测定了土壤溶液电导率、N、P、K、有机质含量等营养状况以及几种土壤酶活性,结果表明:耕地(E)的土壤含盐量最低,营养水平最高,土壤酶活性也最高。草地(G)的土壤含盐量比较高,而营养水平、土壤酶活性也比较高。灌木林地(S)的土壤含盐量比较高,而营养水平、土壤酶活性却比较低,属于立地条件较差的地块。与盐碱荒地(U)相比,它的含盐量降低不少,而营养水平、土壤酶活性也有所改善,说明通过栽植耐盐树木,提高植被覆盖率来改良盐碱荒地是可行的。林地(F和MF)的土壤含盐量比较低,营养水平、土壤酶活性比较高。另外,刺槐与紫穗槐混交林的效果很好,一方面它们都有一定的耐盐性,另一方面都是固氮植物,能够自我积累营养。  相似文献   

以西南喀斯特典型石漠化生态系统土壤为研究对象,采用空间替代时间的方法,研究石漠化演替过程中土壤表面电化学特征演变规律及其与土壤理化性质的相关性。采用物质表面联合分析法对不同石漠化等级土壤表面电化学属性及进行测定。结果表明,土壤表面电荷密度、表面电场强度、比表面、表面电荷数量随石漠化强度的增加而下降,其变化范围分别为0.34 C·m-2~0.42 C·m-2、4.85×108 V·m-1~5.86×108 V·m-1、47.11 m2·g-1~53.16 m2·g-1、16.86 cmol·kg-1~22.82 cmol·kg-1,土壤表面电位随石漠化强度的增加而上升,其变化范围为-113.74 mV~ -115.10 mV;研究区黏土矿物组成为伊利石、高岭石、绿泥石、伊蒙混层、绿蒙混层,且以绿蒙混层为主;土壤黏粒、砂粒、非晶质氧化铝、胡敏酸是影响喀斯特石漠化地区土壤表面电化学属性变化的主要因素,解释率分别为48.3%、38.1%、13.0%、12.0%;土壤粒径组成、有机质组分和金属氧化物对土壤表面电化学特征影响由强到弱依次分别为:土壤黏粒>砂粒>粉粒,胡敏酸>有机碳>富里酸,非晶质氧化铝>游离氧化铁>非晶质氧化铁。本研究对中国西南喀斯特石漠化土壤管理与调控、退化植被恢复重建具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为阐明准东地区土壤风蚀现状及影响因子,通过实地采样,结合气象、土地利用数据、DEM、遥感影像,从气候因子、地形因子、土壤因子以及植被盖度4个方面进行分析,利用GIS平台结合WEQ经验模型对各因子叠加计算的土壤风蚀状况进行分级,并对各侵蚀等级进行评价分析。结果表明:气候、土壤及植被盖度共同影响该区域的土壤风蚀状况。受各因子的影响,准东地区风蚀分级状况比较明显,侵蚀强度由南向北呈增强趋势,主要表现为重度侵蚀,占研究区面积的43.02%。该区域平均侵蚀模数为4 470.64t/(km2·a),风蚀量达9 969.53万t。为验证模型的准确性,利用137 Cs示踪法推算的风蚀模数与模型值进行对比,结果表明模型计算值与137 Cs示踪法估算值间的平均相对误差7.78%,证明该模型在研究区具有很好的适用性。  相似文献   

王战  李向全  王振兴  韩双平 《土壤》2015,47(4):819-822
通过野外调查、采样与室内分析,采用相关分析和因子分析法研究鱼卡-大柴旦盆地土壤盐分特征。结果表明:土壤盐分组成中,阴离子以Cl–和SO42–为主,阳离子以Na+和Ca2+为主;土壤全盐量与Cl–和SO42–的含量分别呈显著、极显著正相关关系;0~20 cm土层土壤全盐量约占剖面土壤全盐量的53%,土壤盐分呈现表聚性;土壤全盐量及各离子变异系数超过100%,土壤盐分含量空间变异大;因子分析结果表明Cl-、SO42-、K++Na+和Mg2+可作为研究区土壤盐渍化状况的特征因子;土壤盐分的物质来源是地下水中的化学物质,土壤盐渍化程度的主导因素是地下水位埋深,同时受到历史积盐影响。  相似文献   

以秸秆焚烧后覆盖的耕层土壤为对象,研究秸秆焚烧对不同耕层土壤酶(过氧化氢酶,磷酸酶,脲酶和多酚氧化酶)活性、微生物数量的影响,并探讨土壤有机质含量、含水量、速效养分、微生物数量的增减程度与土壤酶活性增减程度的相关性。结果表明:过氧化氢酶、磷酸酶、脲酶和多酚氧化酶活性在焚烧秸秆后有不同程度的降低,其中耕层0-2cm,2-5cm土壤酶活性在焚烧前后都形成极显著性差异,5-13cm耕层的酶活性变化较小,13-20cm耕层的酶活性没变化。在微生物数量方面,焚烧秸秆导致0-2cm耕层的微生物数量大幅度减少,减少程度在80%左右,2-5cm耕层的微生物数量也有43%~52%的减少,5-13cm和13-20cm耕层的微生物数量没有变化。相关性分析表明,只有脲酶活性的降低程度与速效磷含量的增加程度达到显著相关,相关系数是0.959*。多酚氧化酶活性的降低程度与细菌、放线菌、真菌数量的降低程度均呈极显著相关性,相关系数分别是0.998**,0.999**,0.998**。同时脲酶活性的降低程度与细菌、放线菌、真菌数量的降低程度均呈显著相关性,相关系数分别是0.977*,0.974*,0.954*。  相似文献   

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