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掌握不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下的不同深度土壤盐分空间分布规律,对土壤盐渍化防治具有重要意义。该研究以黄河三角洲入海口为研究区,在分析不同深度土壤全盐量、盐基离子(Ca2+、Mg2+、Na+、SO42-、HCO3-、Cl-)空间变异特征的基础上,通过单因素方差分析不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下该区土壤盐分的差异,并通过地理探测器分析地表覆被类型、微地貌对土壤盐分的交互影响。结果表明:1)表层土壤Mg2+变异系数达到1.010 8,为强变异性,其余盐基离子均为中等变异性,且均有强烈的空间相关性,全盐量与盐基离子均呈现沿海向内陆降低的趋势,约有42.57%的地区为轻度盐化土;2)不同地表覆被类型间土壤全盐量与Na+、Cl-具有显著差异;3)不同微地貌类型间Na+、Cl-具有显著差异;不同海拔的深层土壤Na+具有显著差异;4)海拔对土壤全盐量与Na+的解释力最强,地表覆被类型对土壤Cl-的解释力最强;5)坡向和海拔对土壤盐分的交互作用最强烈,q值在0.545~0.708之间,其次是地表覆被类型与坡向,q值在0.521~0.613之间。氯化钠主导该区域土壤盐分空间变异,不同地表覆被类型和微地貌特征下均呈显著差异,表层土壤盐分明显高于深层,坡向与海拔之间的交互作用能够较好地解释该地区土壤盐分空间分布。  相似文献   

黄淮海平原土壤盐渍化状况的数值分类   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过GPS定位的网格取样和Q型聚类等方法,研究了整个黄淮海平原土壤盐分的剖面特征与水平分布.结果表明:根据黄淮海平原土壤盐分的剖面构型,可将整个黄淮海平原的剖面特征分为4大类,即表聚型、 底聚型、中聚型和平衡型.从其占聚类剖面的数量而言,它们分别占总聚类剖面数的约30%、5%、13%和52%.黄淮海平原各种土壤盐分剖面类型都具有明显的空间集聚性,其中表聚性剖面主要分布在徐淮及滨海地区,底聚剖面主要分布在原来盐渍化严重的豫东黄泛平原,中聚剖面主要分布在黑龙港下游地区.其它为平衡型剖面.这类剖面根据其特点,可分为山前平原土壤盐分淋溶区、鲁西南土壤盐分通体积聚区和浅层咸水影响下的土壤盐分平衡区.整个黄淮海平原土壤剖面中脱盐与积盐比例约为2∶1.所以土壤盐分以脱盐为主.  相似文献   

鄂宇迪  徐雅婧  冯君 《土壤通报》2021,52(3):535-543
利用野外调查和理化分析方法,选取松嫩平原盐碱化草原一个典型洼地不同微地貌单元5个土壤剖面,研究了该区域苏打盐渍土土壤剖面发生学形态特征,分析了可溶盐组成及其分布特点。结果表明:不同微地貌上土壤剖面发生层次的碱化度与可溶盐总量的分布趋势相近,显示出苏打盐碱土积盐和碱化呈同步的特征;可溶盐离子组成以K+和Na+及HCO3?和CO32?为主;P1剖面0 ~ 60 cm和P3剖面0 ~ 40 cm盐分数量多且集中分布,盐分表聚作用显著;其它剖面盐分数量均呈现中部高且向下减少的趋势;洼地由西至东,盐碱土土壤类型依次为苏打浅位盐化碱土、苏打白盖盐化碱土、苏打轻盐弱碱化草甸土、苏打弱碱化盐土。微域内苏打盐碱土呈复区分布。  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地人工绿地对沙地盐分时空分布的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
对塔里木沙漠公路防护林地进行实地观测和试验 ,研究咸水灌溉条件下沙地盐分淋溶后在土壤中重新分配和运移的规律。结果表明 ,沙地可溶性盐灌溉淋溶与蒸发积累过程交替发生 ,时空分布上表现为年内根际各层土壤盐分含量逐渐降低 ,但随着土壤深度的增加 ,2 m以下土壤盐分增加。年际土壤各层盐分含量逐年减少 ,盐分被淋溶到地下水或下层土壤。土壤盐分分布状况是多种因素综合作用的结果 ,灌溉量、灌溉周期、灌溉方式、土壤质地和地形条件是影响防护林地盐分分布的主要因素  相似文献   

针对宁夏盐碱土壤盐分在土体迁移的特点,不同造林树木对盐碱土水盐空间分布特征有差异的实际问题,采用野外调查与室内检测相结合的方法,进行不同造林树木对宁夏盐碱土水盐空间分布及土壤盐碱性质的影响研究。结果表明:(1)盐柳小区地表土壤水分离树干越远土壤含水率越高,盐分在远离树干20~60 cm土壤剖面累积;柽柳小区在60~100 cm土层处的土壤含水率明显低于其他土层,9901柳小区40~80 cm土层处土壤含水率最低,柽柳、9901柳小区土壤盐分累积在60 cm以下土层;(2)3种造林树木条件下表层土壤水分属中等变异,其他土层属弱变异,盐柳、9901柳小区土壤盐分属中等变异,柽柳小区0~40 cm土壤盐分属中等变异,40cm以下土层属弱变异;(3)种植树木降低土壤pH、容重,越靠近树干效果越明显,3种树木土壤的pH、容重属弱变异,空间分布较均匀。研究结果揭示了不同造林树木对土壤水盐分布的影响,对盐碱地植被恢复具有指导意义。  相似文献   

黑龙港流域微地貌与地下水埋深对土壤潜在盐渍化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的]对近年河北省曲周县土壤潜在盐渍化进行多方位评价,为预防土壤盐渍化提供科学依据。[方法]通过微咸水灌溉试验、土壤剖面观测和土样分析,从海拔高度、土层深度、地下水埋深、土壤质地几个方面对黑龙港流域土壤盐分运移以及其对土壤潜在盐渍化的影响进行探讨。[结果]从区域角度分析,降雨和用微咸水灌溉加剧了表层盐分向下层淋洗的可能性,从而使土壤盐分多在40—100cm土层聚集。质地较为黏重的土层阻止了土壤盐分的运移而聚积在该土层之上,为土壤潜在盐渍化创造了条件。土壤盐分含量与海拔高度呈现出很好的相关性,其复相关指数R2=0.76。HCO_3~-的表聚现象比较明显,各土层土壤SO_4~(2-)离子和Ca~(2+)离子与全盐含量之间达到了显著和极显著相关(0.88*~1.00**,0.89*~0.97**),Ca~(2+)离子与SO_4~(2-)离子之间达到了显著和极显著相关(0.86*~0.97**)。[结论]微地貌和土体构型的变化将会影响到土壤盐分的重新分配,进而对土壤潜在盐渍化有重要影响。  相似文献   

应用改进遗传算法,优化人工神经网络模型的权值,对盐分存在下的冬小麦根系分布进行定量预报,将获得的根系分布参数与根系吸水模型以及水盐运移模型相结合,进行了水分、盐分分布的数值模拟。结果表明,应用改进遗传算法可以为根系吸水模型提供所需的根系参数,并且可以较好地对土壤中水分、盐分的运移分布情况进行模拟;该方法建模简单、实用,模型对于土壤次生盐渍化的防治与微咸水的灌溉利用等具有参考价值。  相似文献   

干旱区咸水滴灌土壤盐分的分布与积累特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过三年咸水灌溉田间试验,探讨了新疆干旱区膜下滴灌条件下,咸水灌溉后土壤中盐分的分布及积累特征。研究结果表明:膜下滴灌棉田持续利用咸水进行灌溉,土壤中盐分逐年增加,积盐程度随灌溉水盐度的增加而加重。地表滴灌土壤盐分的表聚明显;而地下滴灌在滴灌管上部土层盐分含量较高。与地表滴灌相比,地下滴灌的盐分会被淋洗到更深的土层。两种滴灌方式下,0 ̄100cm土壤平均盐度均逐年增加,且积累程度随灌溉水盐度增加而加重。在干旱区连续进行咸水灌溉,盐分的累积效应非常明显,如果不采取必要的洗盐措施,土壤中盐分最终会累积到危害作物生长的程度。  相似文献   

南疆膜下滴灌棉花花铃期土壤盐分分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓明  杨劲松  刘梅先  余世鹏 《土壤》2011,43(2):289-292
膜下滴灌在节水灌溉同时,会增加了土壤次生盐渍化风险,不利于农业生产。本文选取南疆棉花花铃期典型膜下滴灌地,分别在滴头下,棉花窄行间,背行3个位置分层取样,测定土壤盐分含量,分析其盐分在水平方向和垂直方向上的分布规律,发现膜下滴灌的土壤盐分分布规律会因不同的滴灌模式等差异而与一般性规律有所不同。结合当地实际生产条件,分析盐分分布对于指导当地农业生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究再生水纯灌、轮灌、重要时期灌清水等不同灌溉策略对西红柿和黄瓜地块土壤主要盐分离子的分布特征及盐碱化的影响。结果表明:对于西红柿地块,除Cl-和HCO3-在表土中的发生积累外,其他主要盐分离子均强烈受到灌溉水淋溶作用的影响,表现出向土壤深层迁移的特征,但是再生水灌溉未引起土壤剖面盐分的累积。对于黄瓜地块,土壤盐分分布对不同再生水灌溉策略的响应不同于西红柿地块,强烈的蒸发作用造成了主要盐分离子(除HCO3-外)在土壤表层中出现积累,但是未监测到盐分在深层土壤中累积。再生水灌溉对西红柿和黄瓜地块土壤的pH值和SAR值均未产生显著影响,但是较高的pH值(>8.0)说明长期灌溉再生水可能引起土壤的碱化。研究认为重要时期灌清水处理在控制土壤盐分累积方面效果明显,且未引起土壤发生碱化,可作为短期再生水灌溉果蔬菜(西红柿、黄瓜)的有益尝试。  相似文献   

Data on clayey swelling soils with gilgai microtopography are systematized. Classifications of gilgai microtopography representing regularly alternating microhighs and microlows are discussed, and its geometric parameters under different landscape conditions are considered. Gilgai microtopography is developed within flat or slightly inclined elements of the mesorelief composed of swelling clays of different geneses. These materials are characterized by the high swelling–shrinking capacity upon wetting–drying cycles owing to the predominance of clay minerals of smectitic group. These processes are especially pronounced under conditions of the impeded surface drainage and contrasting of the wet seasons with strong soil moistening by atmospheric precipitation or surface water and the seasons with deep soil drying under the impact of physical evaporation and transpiration. The areas with gilgai microtopography have complex soil cover patterns composed of Vertisols and vertic soils. Their formation is related to lateral movements of solid material in the soil profiles and along the curved soil surface. The morphological types of soil complexes in such area are systematized.  相似文献   

Relative elevations of different elements of the microtopography and the soil bulk density values within the 2-m-deep layer have been measured at the same points, and the relationship between these characteristics has been analyzed. It is shown that the heights (depths) of the elements of the microtopography calculated from the data on the soil bulk density agree with their actual heights (depths). The range of calculated heights (depths) is almost equal to the actual range (34 and 40 cm, respectively). A regression analysis shows that there is a close correlation between the factual heights (depths) of microhighs and microlows and the soil bulk density values (r = 0.957). The regression curve showing the dependence of the factual heights of the elements of the microtopography on the soil bulk density is very close to the regression curve showing the same dependence for the calculated heights. A change in the average bulk density of the of the 2-m-thick soil layer by 0.10 g/cm3 is accompanied by a change in the factual and calculated height of the soil surface by 12 cm. It is argued that the dynamics of the surface microtopography in the study area are controlled by changes in the soil bulk density.  相似文献   

This paper considers regularities governing the formation of automorphic tundra soils on glacial loamy deposits containing relict organic matter mainly represented by very fine plant detritus. Drainage, microtopography, and cryoturbation activity are the major controls of the development of these soils. With an increase in drainage, the following pedogenetic trend is observed on the surface of yedoma (Ice Сomplex) areas: gleyzem–cryozem–cryometamorphic soil. The climate change in the Holocene induced quick transformation of topography and general landscape situation and promoted formation and development of cryogenic soil complexes in the considered territory. Upon the low intensity of pedogenesis, the features and properties of previous soil formation stages are often preserved in the soil profiles; these are: gleyzation, peat accumulation, and cryoturbation.  相似文献   

A pedogenetic stratification of the physicochemical and biological properties has been studied in the profiles of chernozemic soils on different elements of the paleocryogenic microtopography under a shelterbelt within the Kamennaya Steppe Reserve. The biological activity of soil samples was determined in laboratory from the amount of CO2 produced by the soil upon its incubation. It is shown that the soil properties vary considerably both in the vertical (along the soil profile) and horizontal (along the elements of the microtopography) directions. The methods of correlation and factor analyses have been applied to group the soil properties according to the three major factors and to study the relationships between these groups. A quantitative assessment of the particular factors of soil formation under given pedoclimatic conditions is suggested. The dominant role belongs to the biological factor (50% of the total factor load). This factor is reflected in the soil properties with the maximum degree of differentiation in the soil profile. The paleocryogenic microtopography (17% of the total factor load) specifies the differentiation of soil acidity and the content of carbonates.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同微地形下坡面土壤水分的时空分布及其变异规律,以北京土石山区人工林坡面为研究对象,在40 m×50 m坡面共布设30个土壤水分观测点,分10 cm间隔观测,观测深度为50~70 cm。2015年4—10月使用Diviner 2000共监测土壤水分20次。结果表明:(1)坡地土壤水分含量时间变化趋势一致,大体随着降雨波动的变化而变化。(2)土壤水分随坡位变化而变化,水平阶上坡位<中坡位,缓坡中坡位<下坡位。(3)坡面土壤水分整体随深度的增加而增加,水土保持工程措施可有效改善土壤水分状况,微地形主要影响>30 cm的土层,不同微地形土壤水分含量表现为水平阶>缓坡>陡坡>陡坎,水平阶土壤水分显著高于其他微地形(P<0.05)。(4)冗余分析结果显示,微地形是影响坡面土壤水分异质性的主控因素,相对贡献率达81.2%,微地形因素减弱了海拔和坡位对土壤水分含量的影响。该研究可为土石山区生态恢复对水文水资源影响评估提供科学依据。  相似文献   

煤矿区土壤有机碳含量测算与影响因素研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李博  王金满  王洪丹  白中科 《土壤》2016,48(3):434-441
研究矿区土壤有机碳的储量、影响因素以及时空变异规律,不仅对认识矿区土壤质量变化规律,而且对排土场覆土工艺和植被类型的选择具有重要的指导意义。植被、土壤质量等自然因素以及复垦管理措施、复垦模式等人为干扰会对矿区土壤有机碳的积累和转化造成重要影响。目前,对于矿区土壤有机碳的变化过程和转化机理的研究不够深入,尤其是土壤有机碳对复垦措施的响应规律鲜见报道。本文系统梳理了国内外学者对矿区土壤样品有机碳含量的测量和区域土壤有机碳储量的估算,自然因素、人为干扰对矿区土壤有机碳积累的影响。在此基础上,提出了深入研究的方向:1加强矿区土壤有机碳剖面结构的变化及其转化机制的研究;2加强对影响土壤有机碳积累的不确定因素的探讨研究;3应加强复垦模式及覆土工艺以及排土场微地形对土壤有机碳积累机理的研究。  相似文献   

地表微地形测量及定量化方法研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地表微地形测量是地表粗糙度定量化的基础,对地表形态动态监测、水文过程模拟以及土壤侵蚀过程模型的构建具有重要意义。目前,微地形测量方法主要分为接触式和非接触式2大类,前者包括测针法、链条法、差分GPS法等,后者包括超声波测距法、红外线传感器法、结构光激光扫描法、激光测距扫描法、三维激光扫描仪法、近景摄影测量法等。在全面回顾各方法原理、优缺点及其应用的基础上,分析地表粗糙度定量化常用方法:统计方法指数、地统计学指数和分形及多重分形模型。认为:1)差分GPS法、结构光激光扫描法、三维激光扫描仪法和近景摄影测量法将在亚毫米一,厘米级地表微地形测量及地表粗糙度多尺度特征研究中发挥重要作用,同时简单、方便的测针法可能在野外测量中依然占据主导地位;2)以地表微地形测量技术为基础,在土壤侵蚀过程模型中亟需形成一套完整的“测量一定量化一模型应用”范式,同时应加强对地表微地形空间异质性和各向异性的研究,发展新的统一的地表粗糙度定量化方法。  相似文献   

Carbonate nodules and soft masses were studied in a gilgai soil complex in the North Caucasus, South Russia. Microrelief with an amplitude about 30 cm resulted in a wetter environment with stronger leaching in the microlow and a drier pedoenvironment with carbonate accumulation in the microhigh. Various macroforms of carbonate nodules and soft masses were identified in soil pits and sampled for micromorphology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and microprobe analyses to better characterize them and elucidate their pedogenesis. Common and unique attributes were described for carbonate pedofeatures depending on loci in gilgai soil complex. The most probable hypothesis for their formation is as follows. Nodules represent early pedogenic products that were initiated before gilgai formation. Modern hydrology resulted in variability of dissolution/recrystallization of the nodules along the gilgai microtopography. The variability in degree of impregnation, aggregation into pellets, and presence of hard nodular cores reflects several generations of soft masses.  相似文献   

Different hypotheses about the genesis of gilgai microtopography and corresponding soil complexes with clayey swelling soils are considered in this review. Their diversity is stipulated by specificities of the objects themselves and by the history of studies of the composition, properties, regimes, and landscape conditions of the areas with Vertisols in different countries. Most of the hypotheses about the genesis of Vertisols with the gilgai microtopography suggest that strong swelling–shrinking processes take place in these soils in the course of moistening–drying cycles; the origin of shear stress in the soils, its spatial patterns, and the particular ways of translocation of the soil material are discussed. At the early stage of Vertisol studies, a hypothesis about the leading role of the process of “self-swallowing” of the soils as a result of filling of open cracks with the material from the upper soil horizons was popular. However, numerous facts suggest that the intensity of this process is relatively low, so that it cannot play the major role in the gilgai formation and cyclic changes in the thickness and properties of the soil horizons in Vertisols. Another important mechanism is the uneven moistening and drying of the whole soil volume resulting in the irregular distribution of inner tensions in the soil with the development of shear stress and plastic deformation of the soil mass. The hypotheses suggested in the recent decades are based on the models of soil mechanics. A number of hypotheses consider possible alternation and duration of evolutionary stages of the development of Vertisols with the gilgai microtopography.  相似文献   

集约化种植条件下典型潮土区土壤氮素的演变特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对集约化种植制度下黄淮海平原7个典型潮土区土壤N素的调查,结合第二次全国土壤普查资料,对20年来潮土N素含量、分布及其演变特征进行了全面的分析和评价.结果表明:土壤N素较20年前有所积累,其中全N含量除个别地区有所下降外,其他地区都呈上升趋势,增幅在0 ~ 56.54% 之间;各地土壤碱解N含量普遍上升,增幅在2.03% ~ 81.52%之间.但总体上典型潮土区N素水平依然较低,其中,92% 以上面积的土壤全N含量低于1 g/kg,90% 以上面积的土壤碱解N含量集中在30 ~ 90 mg/kg之间,都处于偏低及以下水平.  相似文献   

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