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通过探究减氮配施硝化抑制剂DMPP与微生物菌剂及二者联合施用对温室黄瓜土壤氮素各主要途径损失及黄瓜对氮素吸收利用的影响,并结合黄瓜产量和品质,旨在筛选出温室黄瓜生产的适宜氮素损失调控措施。以黄瓜品种"津绿20-10"为试验材料进行田间小区试验,设置6个处理,分别为不施氮对照(CK)、常规施氮(CN)、减氮(RN)、减氮+DMPP(RND)、减氮+微生物菌剂(RNM)、减氮+DMPP+微生物菌剂(RND+M)。监测分析了土壤氧化亚氮(N2O)排放、氨(NH3)挥发和土壤剖面硝态氮(NO3--N)累积量,以及黄瓜对氮素的吸收利用、产量和品质指标。结果表明:(1)与CN相比,RN、RND、RNM和RND+M能够促进黄瓜对氮素的吸收和利用,提高氮素利用率。等氮条件下,RND+M可使黄瓜地上部植株氮素总吸收量增加18.93%,尤其是氮肥表观利用率(REN)和农学效率(AEN),分别达到25.30%和41.16 kg/kg(p<0.05),表现出明显的正协同效应,且优于硝化抑制剂或菌剂单施效果。(2)RN、RND、RNM和RND+M较CN可使土壤N2O排放显著降低26.38%~41.45%、NH3挥发明显减少28.82%~37.70%,0—120 cm土壤剖面NO3--N累积显著降低13.07%~62.32%;等氮条件下,RNM处理对土壤N2O排放和NH3挥发影响不大,但能显著降低90—120 cm土层NO3--N累积量,较RN降低27.35%。RND和RND+M可使N2O排放分别降低20.11%和20.47%,0—120 cm土壤剖面NO3--N累积量分别降低30.06%和24.70%,减少氮素在土壤中的累积和淋失风险,但增加NH3挥发风险(p>0.05),总体表现为RND≈RND+M≥RNM≈RN。(3)RND+M处理产量为70.32 t/hm2,节本增收较RN增加5 150元/hm2,且其在提高黄瓜果实品质方面效果较明显,可溶性蛋白含量较RN及RNM处理分别提高16.36%与4.01%。综合经济效益和环境效益,尤其是土壤可持续发展角度考虑,试验条件下,追施氮素316 kg/hm2,同时配施2%纯氮量的DMPP与75 L/hm2菌剂,是实现温室黄瓜增产提质、绿色高质量发展的适宜氮素损失调控措施。  相似文献   

铅锌矿废弃地尾矿砂对银合欢幼苗定居的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了广东省仁化县韶关凡口铅锌矿废弃地尾矿砂对银合欢(Leucaena glauca)幼苗定居的影响。结果表明,尾矿砂中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd等重金属含量极高,Pb、Zn比对照土壤高100倍左右,Cu、Cd高4~5倍,植物对重金属的吸收、积累量较大,且多集中于根部。尾矿砂中硝态氮(NO-3-N)和铵态氮(NH+4-N)含量很低,仅为对照土壤的13%~23%。银合欢幼苗在尾矿砂中能生长,但其叶片光合色素含量较少,株高、复叶数、植株干物质量等生物量显著降低,这主要是由于重金属含量过高导致根系活力降低,限制了植物对水分和营养物质的吸收,其次是土壤贫瘠的影响。  相似文献   

减量施氮与大豆间作对蔗田土壤温室气体排放的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
采用静态箱 气相色谱法对常规施氮(N2, 525 kg·hm-2)y和减量施氮(N1, 300 kg·hm-2)处理下甘蔗与大豆按行数比1∶1(SB1)和1∶2(SB2)间作、甘蔗单作(MS)、大豆单作(MB)种植模式下蔗田土壤CO2、N2O、CH4排放通量及土地当量比(LER)进行观测和对比分析, 以探讨不同间作模式及施氮水平下甘蔗//大豆间作农田土壤温室气体排放的动态变化规律及对作物产量的影响, 为制定农田温室气体减排措施提供合理的依据。研究结果表明, 减量施氮处理甘蔗//大豆(1∶2)间作模式(SB2-N1)农田土壤CO2排放总量较甘蔗单作(MS)显著降低35.58%, N2O累积排放总量较甘蔗单作降低56.36%, CH4累积排放总量较甘蔗单作升高7.02%; 不同种植模式和施氮处理蔗田土壤均表现为CO2和N2O的排放源, CH4吸收汇, 追施氮肥后土壤对CH4的吸收速率降低, 但CO2和N2O的排放速率增加。MS-N1、SB1-N1、SB2-N1、MS-N2、SB1-N2、SB2-N2和MB处理土壤CO2年累积排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为5 096.89、6 422.69、3 283.20、4 103.29、4 475.84、4 775.31和4 780.35, 土壤N2O年累积排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为4.61、5.11、2.15、3.13、3.72、5.60和3.11, 土壤CH4年累积排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为 13.68、 21.78、 12.72、 5.53、 11.36、 4.77和 9.97。甘蔗//大豆间作系统2009-2012年土地当量比(LER)均大于1, 且减量施氮水平下, 甘蔗//大豆(1∶2)间作模式优势最明显。  相似文献   

陈天祥  杨顺瑛  苏彦华 《土壤》2023,55(6):1176-1186
水稻铵转运蛋白AMT1;1是根系获取土壤氮素(铵态氮)的重要组分,同时参与氮素向地上部的转运。针对稻田施氮过量导致的环境风险和氮素利用效率趋缓的现状,亟需探究既能减少氮肥投入又能维持现有生产水平的调控策略。本研究利用OsAMT1;1过表达水稻材料,设置氮缺乏(LN, 不施氮)、减氮投入(MN, 200 kg hm-2)和过量施氮(HN, 350 kg hm-2)三个处理水平的田间试验,用以评估OsAMT1;1过表达株系在关键生育期的氮素生产特性。结果表明:在LN条件下,OsAMT1;1过表达相比野生型能够明显改善植株和剑叶氮素营养状态,有利于植株生物量的积累和产量形成。在MN条件下,促进植株在齐穗期至完熟期的生长速率和生物量积累;灌浆期,过表达单株和剑叶含氮量相比野生型分别增加22.95%和29.53%,光合效率(Pn)和气孔导度(gs)分别增加40.71%和19.39%,千粒重和产量平均增加10.26%和27.36%,氮肥吸收效率(REN)和氮素干物质生产效率(NUEb)显著提升,对氮素生理效率(PEN)和氮肥农学效率(AEN)有促进作用但并不显著。在HN条件下,该基因过表达在灌浆期的植株含氮量较野生型平均高出22.64%,提升了REN,灌浆阶段植株生物量的增加和Pn趋于饱和,PEN和AEN均显著降低。可见,与过量施氮(当前施氮习惯)相比,OsAMT1;1过表达在减少氮投入时更有利于协同植株高氮的内部环境实现相当的产量水平,提高水稻氮素利用效率。  相似文献   

农田面源污染已成为引起水体富营养化的主要原因之一。为了减少稻田氮素流失、改善稻田局部水体养分负载过重的问题,采用盆栽试验,通过生物炭吸附富营养水中的养分后再利用于盆栽水稻,设置主区为持续淹水灌溉(IF)与干湿交替灌溉(IA),副区为1个对照(常规施氮,N1C0)与4种不同用量的氮肥与氮负载生物炭处理(N3/4C1、N3/4C2、N1/2C1、N1/2C2),其中N3/4、N1/2表示氮肥施入量为当地传统施氮量(N1)的3/4,1/2倍;C1、C2分别为10 t/hm2和20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭。结果表明:(1)减少氮肥施入配施氮负载生物炭显著提高了常规施氮处理田面水的pH;(2)常规施氮肥处理下,干湿交替灌溉(IA)田面水NH4+—N平均浓度较持续淹水灌溉(IF)高8.0%,但是添加20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭后,干湿交替灌溉田面水NH4+—N平均浓度低于持续淹水灌溉处理;(3)水稻生育后期,氮负载生物炭对NH4+—N具有明显的缓释作用,而在干湿交替灌溉中,减施氮肥配合添加氮负载生物炭处理较N1C0处理降低了田面水NO3-—N浓度;(4)减施氮肥配合添加氮负载生物炭可提高水稻分蘖率,而添加20 t/hm2氮负载生物炭在氮肥施用量较少时,有利于提高水稻的有效分蘖率。综上,氮负载生物炭不仅可以降低富营养水中30.8%含氮量,还能显著降低施肥初期水稻田面水中NH4+—N浓度,降低流失风险,延长NH4+—N的释放时间而减少1/4的施氮量和保证水稻生育末期的氮素需求,从而有利于水稻生长。  相似文献   

应用静态明箱-气相色谱法对4 个施氮肥水平N0 [0 kg(N)·hm-2]、N200 [200 kg(N)·hm-2]、N400 [400kg(N)·hm-2]、N600 [600 kg(N)·hm-2]的夏玉米-冬小麦季轮作体系2008~2010 年的土壤温室气体(CH4、CO2 和N2O)排放通量进行研究, 同时观测5 cm 土层土壤温度并记录降水量。结果表明: 太行山前平原冬小麦-夏玉米轮作农田生态系统为CH4 吸收汇, CO2 和N2O 排放源。随着氮肥施入量的增加土壤对CH4 的吸收速率降低, 而CO2 和N2O 的排放速率增加。冬小麦季施氮处理土壤对CH4 的吸收速率显著低于无氮肥的N0 处理, 而N600处理土壤CO2 和N2O 排放速率显著高于N0 处理(P<0.05)。施肥和灌溉会直接导致土壤CO2 和N2O 的排放通量增加, 同时土壤对CH4 的吸收峰值减小。土壤温度升高和降水量增加以及干湿交替加剧均会造成N2O 和CO2排放速率增加。同时在持续干燥和低温条件的冬季不施氮处理观测到土壤对N2O 的吸收现象。N0、N200、N400 和N600 处理土壤CH4 年排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为-1.42、-0.75、-0.82、-0.92(2008~2009 年)和-2.60、-1.47、-1.35、-1.76(2009~2010 年), N0、N200、N400 和N600 处理土壤CO2 年排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为15 597.6、19 345.6、21 455.9、29 012.5(2008~2009 年)和10 317.7、11 474.0、13 983.5、20 639.3(2009~2010年), N0、N200、N400 和N600 处理土壤N2O 年排放总量(kg·hm-2·a-1)分别为1.05、2.16、5.27、6.98(2008~2009年)和1.49、2.31、4.42、5.81(2009~2010 年)。  相似文献   

钦绳武  刘芷宇 《土壤学报》1989,26(2):117-123
本文研究了不同形态氮肥施用后,氮素在作物根际的分布规律,及其与作物种类、土壤水分条件的关系.在淹水条件下的水稻根际土壤中,(NH4)2SO4和(NH2)2CO荨NH4+-N肥,其亏缺率随离根面距离增加呈指数相关的减小.而旱作条件下的玉米、大麦、黑麦草等作物根际NH4+-N肥料在离根面1-3毫米内存在相对累积,然后再出现亏缺梯度.试验证明,NH4+-N在旱作根际的相对累积,部分来源于根系分泌物.然而,NO3--N肥即使在淋失量较大的情况下,无论在淹水水稻还是旱作根际土壤中均未测出亏缺,仅存在累积.  相似文献   

起垄和施肥对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过起垄和施肥试验, 研究不同措施对冷浸田土壤氧化还原状况的影响, 以期为冷浸田改良提供数据参考。结果表明, 冷浸田土壤氧化还原电位介于 48.5~ 198.0 mV之间, 远低于正常稻田(450~700 mV)。起垄使0~5 cm土层氧化还原电位有升高趋势, 但使>5 cm土层土壤氧化还原电位降低。冷浸田还原性物质总量变化范围为5.7~15.6 cmol·kg-1(起垄试验)和7.7~16.0 cmol·kg-1(施肥试验), 起垄在短期内会提高土壤还原性物质总量, 增施钾肥、锌肥和硅肥会降低土壤还原性物质总量, 而磷肥用量对土壤还原性物质基本无影响。0~25 cm和25~50 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量平均为3 388.92 mg·kg-1和3 356.39 mg·kg-1; 起垄60 d后, 土壤Fe2+含量随着起垄高度增加而逐渐降低; 与不施肥(CK)、氮磷钾(NPK)处理相比, 施钾量增加20%(NPK2)、增加硅肥(NPK+Si)和增加锌肥(NPK+Zn)可以大幅度降低土壤Fe2+含量; 0~25 cm土层土壤Fe2+含量高于25~50 cm土层。 起垄和施肥使冷浸田土壤Mn2+含量先降低后升高。  相似文献   

为提高Cd污染土壤植物修复效率, 采用盆栽方法研究了Cd含量为10.0 mg·kg-1的土壤中, 伴随阴离子肥料和间作鹰嘴豆对油菜生长与吸收积累Cd的影响。结果表明: 单作下, 不同肥料处理土壤DTPA提取态Cd含量为Cl->NO3->SO42- >无伴随阴离子; 间作鹰嘴豆提高土壤DTPA提取态Cd含量, 且伴随C1-、SO42- 或NO3- 条件下达显著水平。单作下, 油菜主根长为NO3- >C1- >SO42- >无伴随阴离子, 根系体积为SO42->NO3- >C1- >无伴随阴离子, 根系活力NO3 >SO42 >Cl >无伴随阴离子; 间作鹰嘴豆在无肥处理下可显著提高油菜的主根长与根系体积, 在无肥处理、SO42- 、NO3- 处理下显著提高根系活力。单作下, 油菜地上部Cd含量表现为C1- >SO42- >NO3- >无伴随阴离子, 间作鹰嘴豆可显著降低无肥处理地上部Cd含量, 但显著提高施肥处理地上部的Cd含量。单作下, 施肥可显著增加油菜的Cd积累总量, 以伴随C1-处理最大, 达470.4 μg·plant-1; 间作鹰嘴豆也可提高油菜的Cd积累总量, 且伴随C1- 处理最大, 达783.7 μg·plant-1。除伴随C1- 处理外, 施肥处理均可显著提高油菜的Cd转移系数, 施肥处理的Cd转移系数均大于1; 间作鹰嘴豆也可提高油菜的Cd转移系数, 且施肥条件下达显著水平。因此, 如果把油菜用作Cd污染土壤植物修复作物, 可选择施用含Cl 肥料和间作鹰嘴豆, 以提高修复效率。  相似文献   

为探明盐渍化农田不同施氮水平下向日葵氮素吸收利用规律,采用15N同位素示踪技术进行田间微区试验,以不施氮处理(N0)为对照,设计3种施氮水平(N1=150 kg/hm2、N2=225 kg/hm2、N3=300 kg/hm2),于向日葵成熟期测定植株和0—100 cm土层土壤15N同位素丰度及总氮含量,研究各处理肥料氮素的去向及其利用机制。结果表明:向日葵氮素吸收量随施氮量的增加而增加,成熟期作物氮素吸收量在N2水平较不施氮显著增加38.7%;土壤氮和肥料氮对作物当季氮素吸收的贡献比例为84.9%和15.1%。N2水平下,肥料氮的贡献比例较N1增加35.7%,土壤氮的贡献比例较N1降低4.3%。肥料氮残留量随土层深度增加而减少,土壤中47.4%的残留肥料氮主要集中在0—20 cm土层。不同施氮水平下肥料氮去向均表现为氮肥损失率>氮肥残留率>氮肥利用率,N2施氮水平下氮肥利用率较N1、N3显著提高22.7%和14.6%,土壤残留率较N1、N3减少8.5%和8.6%。综合考虑向日葵氮素吸收利用及土壤中氮素残留情况,225 kg/hm2施氮量下氮肥利用率为27.4%,氮肥残留率为32.3%,氮肥损失率为40.3%,是中度盐渍化农田较适宜的施氮量。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted to determine the effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms and doses on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) on three soils differing in their ammonium (NH4) fixation capacity [high = 161 mg fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil, medium = 31.5 mg fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil and no = nearly no fixed NH4-N kg?1 soil]. On high NH4+ fixing soil, 80 kg N ha?1 Urea+ ammonium nitrate [NH4NO3] or 240 kg N ha?1 ammonium sulfate [(NH4)2SO4]+(NH4)2SO4, was required to obtain the maximum yield. Urea + NH4NO3 generally showed the highest significance in respect to the agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers. In the non NH4+ fixing soil, 80 kg N ha?1 urea+NH4NO3 was enough to obtain high grain yield. The agronomic efficiency of N fertilizers was generally higher in the non NH4+ fixing soil than in the others. Grain protein was highly affected by NH4+ fixation capacities and N doses. Harvest index was affected by the NH4+ fixation capacity at the 1% significance level.  相似文献   

氮肥品种和用量对水稻产量和镉吸收的影响研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用盆栽试验,研究了Cd污染土壤上,不同氮肥品种和用量对水稻产量和Cd吸收的影响。结果表明,与磷钾配施的4个氮肥处理中,施用尿素处理水稻产量最高,其次为施(NH4)2SO4和NH4Cl处理,施NH4NO3处理水稻产量最低。与施(NH4)2SO4、NH4NO3和尿素处理相比,施NH4Cl处理可显著增加水稻对Cd的吸收,并促进Cd由秸秆向籽粒的转移;而其他3种氮肥对水稻秸秆和籽粒中Cd含量的影响效应相当。适量尿素[0.2g(N)·kg-1]处理能显著降低水稻籽粒Cd含量,而不施尿素和高量尿素处理都显著提高了水稻籽粒中的Cd含量。研究表明,在Cd污染的水稻土上,采用抗Cd污染的水稻品种和优化肥、水管理措施,可使稻米中Cd含量低于国家无公害大米的限量指标。  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of four nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms [Urea; calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2; ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4; and organic N] on growth, photosynthesis, and yield of rice under two cadmium (Cd) levels (0 and 100 mg Cd kg?1 soil). Cadmium addition significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, and the reduction varied with N fertilizer form, with ammonium (NH4 +)-N and urea treated plants having more reduction. Nitrogen form had a distinct effect on SPAD value, and the effect was also dependent on Cd level and growth stage. Cadmium-stress significantly reduced flag leaf area, but for the second leaf, only the plants supplied with organic N showed the reduction. There was a significant difference in plant height among four N forms, with NH4 +- and nitrate (NO3 ?)-treated plants having the highest and lowest height, respectively. Cadmium stress caused significant reduction in grains per panicle and total plant weight, and the reduction varied with N form, with organic N treatment showing more reduction. There were significant differences among N forms in N and Cd concentrations of the plants subjected to Cd stress, with NH4 +-N treated plants having highest N and lowest Cd concentrations and NO3 ?-treated plants having lowest N and highest Cd uptake. The results showed that the inhibition of Cd stress on growth and yield formation of rice is closely related to N fertilizer form.  相似文献   

Due to the high levels of crude protein in the achene, sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is one of the main oilseeds grown worldwide, particularly for the oil and meal production for animal feed. Despite these advantages, there are few studies on nutrient use efficiency under tropical conditions, especially nitrogen (N). The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions to evaluate the effects of N sources and rates on sunflower achene yield (AY), yield and physiological components, and nutritional status of sunflower. The five N sources (calcium nitrate (Ca(NO3)2), potassium nitrate (KNO3), ammonium nitrate (NO3NH4), ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), and urea (CO(NH2)2)), and four N rates (0, 50, 100, and 200 mg kg?1) were studied. AY was reduced with the ammonia sources application from the 100 mg N kg?1. Plant height and capitulum dry weight (CDW), capitulum diameter, shoot dry weight (SDW), and chlorophyll content were significantly related with N sources and rates. Except for potassium (K), the N rates changed the N, P, Ca, Mg, and S concentration in the leaves and N concentration in achene. In the comparison of sources, on the average of N rates, urea application was more effective than the other N fertilizers in the AY.  相似文献   


Chemical transformations of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and urea‐nitrogen (N), at different rates of application, were studied in a Candler (Typic Quartzipsamment) and Wabasso (sandy, Alfic Haplaquod) sand by incubating fertilized surface soil (from 0 to 15 cm depth) samples at 10% moisture content (by weight) in the laboratory at 25±1°C. During the 7 d incubation, the percentage of transformation of NH4‐N into NO3‐N was 33 to 41 and 37 to 41% in the Candler fine sand and Wabasso sand, respectively, at application rates of 1.00 g N kg1. In a parallel experiment, 85 to 96% of urea applied (equivalent to 0.25 to 1.00 g N kg‐1soil) was hydrolyzed to NH4‐N within 4 d in the Candler soil, whereas it required 7 d to hydrolyze 90 to 95% of the urea applied in the Wabasso soil. No nitrification was evident for 30 days in the Candler fine sand which received urea application equivalent to ≥ 0.50 g N kg‐1. In the urea‐amended Wabasso sand, the formation of NO3 decreased as the rate of urea‐N increased. Possible loss of N from NH3 volatilization or inhibition of activity of nitrifiers due to elevated soil pH (8.7 to 9.2) during the incubation of urea amended soils may have caused very low nitrification.  相似文献   

模拟土柱条件下黑土中肥料氮素的迁移转化特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确肥料氮素在土壤中的迁移转化动态特征,利用模拟土柱方法,研究了3倍常规施肥量条件下不同肥料处理(尿素、硫铵)黑土的矿质氮变化。结果表明:不同氮肥处理的氮素养分迁移转化特征有明显差异。对照处理(不施肥)土柱内各层次间NH4+-N和NO3--N含量差异不明显;施用尿素或硫铵后,表层0~50mm土层的NH4+-N和NO3--N含量比不施肥对照分别升高100.8~3408.1mg·kg-1、113.4~388.0mg·kg-1和126.7~4671.1mg·kg-1、51.4~63.3mg·kg-1,且在培养前14d内变化最大。在整个培养期内,施用硫铵处理各层次NH4+-N平均含量比尿素处理高2.54~1423.7mg·kg-1,NO3--N平均含量低4.38~335.1mg·kg-1;而尿素处理各层次的硝化率是硫铵处理的0.79~9.12倍。表明肥料氮素的迁移与转化集中在0~50mm土层内,尿素处理的氮素转化速率较硫铵处理高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the sustainability of an agro-industry sludge as a nitrogen (N) fertilizer in perennial crops by assessing its dynamics of release of: 1) N as ammonium (NH4+)- and nitrate (NO3?)-N, and 2) carbon as soil respiration. In incubation assay, application of agro-industry sludge promoted the maximum NH4+-N concentration (50 mg kg?1) 2 h after application, then it decreased with time until day 26. NO3?-N increased, reaching the maximum between day 60 and day 100, according to a second degree function. Agro-industry sludge showed a slower release of NO3?-N compared with urea. Soil basal respiration and cumulative amount of carbon dioxide were higher in sludge from day 71 on. In field, soil NO3?-N increased after fertilization treatments and was higher in Calcari Stagnic Cambisols soil. Sludge showed a potential lower environment impact in terms of mineral N release, than urea.  相似文献   

Phosphorus uptake is often enhanced by ammonium compared to nitrate nitrogen nutrition of plants. A decrease of pH at the soil-root interface is generally assumed as the cause. However, an alteration of root growth and the mobilization of P by processes other than net release of protons induced by the source of nitrogen may also be considered. To study these alternatives a pot experiment was conducted with maize using a fossil Oxisol high in Fe/Al-P with low soil solution P concentration. Three levels of phosphate (0, 50, 200 mg P kg?1) in combination with either ammonium or nitrate nitrogen (100 mg N kg?1) were applied. Plants were harvested 7 and 21 d after sowing, P uptake measured and root and shoot growth determined. To assess the importance of factors involved in the P transfer from soil into plants, calculations were made using a model of Barber and Claassen. In the treatments with no and low P supply NH4-N compared to NO3-N nutrition increased the growth of the plants by 25 % and their shoot P content by 38 % while their root growth increased by 6 % only. The rhizosphere pH decreased in the NH4-N treatments by 0.1 to 0.6 units as compared to the bulk soil while in the NO3-N treatments it increased by 0.1 to 0.5 units. These pH changes had a minor influence on P uptake only, as was demonstrated by artificially altering the soil pH to 4.7 and 6.3 respectively. At the same rhizosphere pH, however, P influx was doubled by the application of NH4-compared to NO3-N. It is concluded that in this soil the enhancement of P uptake of maize plants after ammonium application cannot be attributed to the acidification of the rhizosphere but to effects mobilizing soil phosphate or increasing P uptake efficiency of roots. Model calculation showed that these effects accounted for 53 % of the P influx per unit root length in the NO3-N and 72 % in the NH4-N supplied plants if no P was applied. With high P application the respective figures were only 18 and 19%.  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are effective antimicrobial compounds that are used in a myriad of applications. Soil microorganisms play crucial roles in nitrogen cycling, but there is a lack of comprehensive understanding of the effects of AgNPs on enzymatic activity in the nitrogen cycle, nitrifying bacteria, and nitrogen transformation in soil. Herein, enzyme activities were determined following the addition of different forms of nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen ((NH4)2SO4), nitrate nitrogen (KNO3), and amide nitrogen (urea, CO(NH2)2) at 200 mg N kg-1, into the soil amended with AgNPs at 0, 10, 50, and 100 mg kg-1. After 7 d of incubation with 10 mg kg-1 AgNPs, the activities of urease, nitrite reductase (NiR), nitrate reductase (NaR), and hydroxylamine reductase (HyR) were reduced by 12.5%, 25.0%, 12.2%, and 24.2%, respectively. Of particular note, more than 53.5%, 61.7%, and 34.7% of NaR, NiR, and HyR activities, respectively, were inhibited at 100 mg kg-1AgNPs. The abundance (most probable number) of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (AOB and NOB, respectively) was measured using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and the Cochran method. The abundance of AOB and NOB decreased when AgNPs were present in the soil. The NH4NO3 amendment increased copy numbers of bacterial and archaeal amoA nitrification functional genes, by 38.3% and 12.4%, respectively, but AgNPs at 50 mg kg-1 decreased these values by 70% and 56.4%, respectively. The results of 15N enrichment (atom% excess) of NH4+ and NO3- experiments illustrated the influence of AgNPs on soil nitrogen transformation. According to the 15N atom% excess detected, the conversion of 15N-labeled NH4+ to NO3- was significantly inhibited by the different levels of AgNPs in soil. The reduced gross nitrification rate further confirmed this finding. Overall, this study revealed considerable evidence that AgNPs inhibited nitrogen cycle enzyme activity, the number of nitrifying bacteria, the abundance of the amoA gene, and the gross nitrification rate. Silver nanoparticles inhibited nitrogen transformation, and the rate of nitrification was also negatively correlated with AgNP levels.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted on three soils differing in their ammonium (NH4 +) fixation capacity [high = 161 mg NH4-nitrogen (N) kg?1 soil; medium = 31.5 mg NH4-N kg?1 soil; and no = no NH4-N was additionally fixed], and the effect of N fertilizer forms and doses on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was investigated. Grain yields responded to almost all forms of N fertilizer with 80, 160, and 240 kg N ha?1 in the high, medium, and no NH4 + fixing soil process, respectively. Agronomic efficiency of applied N fertilizers was significantly greater in the no NH4 + fixing soil. Thousand grain weights (TGW) of wheat grown on the high and medium NH4 + fixing soil decreased with increasing N. Grain protein increased with increasing NH4 + fixation capacity. Nitrogen doses and the forms of N fertilizers affected grain protein at a significance level. The combination of urea + ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) was most effective in increasing grain protein content.  相似文献   

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