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福建省转基因抗虫稻田节肢动物群落多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究转MH86^CpTI基因抗虫水稻和转MH86^CpTI+Bt双价基因抗虫水稻稻田节肢动物群落的多样性,结果表明:转基因稻田节肢动物群落可分为先锋群落、郁闭未稳定群落和郁闭稳定群落3个阶段;在水稻灌浆期到蜡熟期,转基因水稻稽田中每次采得的节肢动物的物种数为CK〉MH86^CpTI〉MH86^CpTI+Bt,个体数量大小为CK〉MH86^CpTI〉MH86^CpTI+Bt,总体多样性指数与均匀性指数均为CK〉MH86^CpTI〉MH86^CpT+Bt;转基因水稻稻田节肢动物群落的多样性与常规稻相比未见明显差异。在水稻生育前期与后期,转基因抗虫水稻田害虫优势度最高的分别为电光叶蝉和褐飞虱。  相似文献   

直接产生抗除草剂转基因水稻纯系的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种提高转基因杂交后代育种选择效率的新途径,即在花药培养过程中添加抗性筛选物质,直接筛选含有目的基因的纯合体。以转bar基因水稻植株和非转基因植株杂交F1为试格进行花药培养,并对分化的绿苗进行PCR检测和田间抗性检测。结果表明,在愈伤组织诱导培养基和分化培养基中分别添加PPT0.05mg/L与未添加PPT的对照,均产生较多的愈伤组织和绿苗,并有较高比例不抗除草剂的假阳性株。当PPT浓度增至0.1mg/L时,所得花培苗全部抗除草剂,显示很好的筛选作用。PPT浓度继续增加,愈伤组织诱导率和绿苗分化率急剧下降。当PPT的浓度增至5mg/L时,愈伤组织的诱导和幼苗分化完全被抑制。对30个加倍单倍体系作连续两代农艺性状考察,约73%以上的株系在遗传率较高的性状中,变异系数很小(<10%),说明这些株系的基因型已经纯合,证实了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

抗除草剂转基因水稻的安全性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以转基因抗除草剂水稻(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica)为例,对转基因作物进行安全性评价.对转bar基因水稻进行了基因流动实验、小鼠急性毒性实验、致突变实验和Ames实验.结果表明,转bar基因水稻花粉在5 m内有少量的漂移到普通野生稻(O.rufipogon),但没有向其它野生稻(O.officinalis和O.meyeriana)和杂草漂移.小鼠经口急性毒性半数致死量LD50>20 g/kg,属实际无急性毒性物质;经微核实验、精子畸变实验及Ames实验均未发现有致突变作用,初步表明转bar基因水稻对小鼠是安全的.  相似文献   

试验研究了竹炭、凹凸棒石、木炭3 种土壤改良剂在吸附土壤污染物质、改善土壤物理性状时, 对稻田节肢动物群落的影响。结果表明: 3 种土壤改良剂均显著提高了蜘蛛类个体数量, 特别是优势种八斑球腹蛛(Coleosoma octomaculatum)的个体数量, 竹炭、凹凸棒石处理田八斑球腹蛛的个体数量为对照田的5 倍多,木炭处理田为对照田的4 倍多; 3 种土壤改良剂均显著降低了植食类昆虫的个体数量, 竹炭、凹凸棒石和木炭处理田的目标害虫稻褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)数量分别为对照田的15%、10%和20%; 3 种土壤改良剂均显著提高了蜘蛛类的优势度, 显著降低了植食昆虫类的优势度; 竹炭和凹凸棒石处理的第1 年可显著提高节肢动物群落多样性, 第2 年对节肢动物群落多样性无显著影响, 木炭处理的每年都显著提高了稻田节肢动物群落多样性与复杂度, 增加了稻田生态系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

生态管理对茶园节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以广西融水县红水乡元宝山茶业公司茶园为试验基地,研究了生态管理对茶树节肢动物群落结构和多样性的影响。结果表明:与常规管理茶园比较,生态管理茶园节肢动物群落的物种组成增加15科、84种;害虫类群的个体数量减少55.9%,天敌类群的个体数量增加188.4%;生态管理茶园节肢动物群落的丰富度、多样性指数、均匀度显著高于常规管理茶园,优势指数和群落相似性指数等指标显著低于常规管理茶园。生态管理方式能够提高和恢复茶园节肢动物群落的多样性,有助于实现对茶树害虫的生态控制。  相似文献   

我国转基因抗除草剂水稻的生态风险与控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
转基因抗除草剂水稻(Oryza sativa)的生态风险备受业界和公众关注。探讨其生态风险大小和收益多少,对于防范风险、明辨是非、权衡利弊、科学决策具有重要参考价值。以往研究注重单项风险分析,主要采用模拟条件分析,风险和效益的对比少、全局和集成分析不足。本文较全面地分析了转基因抗除草剂水稻的生态风险和收益,提出了控制生态风险的技术措施,对于促进我国转基因抗除草剂水稻的健康稳步发展具有现实意义。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地土地利用变化对大型土壤节肢动物群落影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地利用类型是地球表层系统最突出的景观标志,不仅可以客观地展示地球表面特征空间格局的活动,还反映着地球表面景观的时空动态过程[1-2].由于土地利用变化与人类活动和全球气候变化密切相关,对生物多样性消长、生态环境演变、生态安全水平以及人类可持续性发展有着重要影响,因而其研究已成为当今全球变化研究的前沿和热点课题[1,3].  相似文献   

不同种植年限转基因抗虫棉对土壤中小型节肢动物的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007~2008年,在分别于1999年、2002年和2006年种植Cry1Ac基因抗虫棉的棉田中,于棉花的苗期、蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期采集土壤样品,采用改良的Tullgren法收集土壤中的中小型节肢动物,以监测长期种植转基因抗虫棉对土壤节肢动物群落的影响。2年8次采样共获得12类中小型节肢动物,隶属于节肢动物门中的7纲10目,其中弹尾目、蜱螨目、蜘蛛目为本地区棉田中的优势类群,综合纲、双翅目、半翅目、双尾目、鞘翅目和同翅目为常见类群。广义线性混合模型分析结果表明,随着转基因抗虫棉种植年限的增加,各转基因抗虫棉田中的土壤主要类群中小型节肢动物的个体密度和多样性指数没有产生显著性差异,但是随着采样时期的不同各棉田土壤主要中小型节肢动物的个体密度和群落多样性指数均呈显著性季节变化。主成分分析表明,弹尾目、蜘蛛目、蜱螨目的得分值较高,可作为本地区未来转基因抗虫棉环境影响监测的重要指标生物。  相似文献   

尽管基因工程技术可以增加作物产量, 但转基因作物是否对农田生态产生影响受到广泛关注。本研究通过田间定位试验, 应用群落生态学方法研究了转CryIAb基因抗虫水稻"Mfb"连续2年在传统栽培和半野生条件下对稻田杂草群落组成及多样性的影响。调查结果显示: 转CryIAb基因稻"Mfb"与非转基因稻"明恢86"田间杂草种类没有显著差异。稻田杂草的频度和密度与栽培方式有关, 半野生稻田杂草的频度和密度显著高于传统稻田, 但相同栽培条件下, 转基因稻"Mfb"与非转基因稻"明恢86"田间杂草频度和密度在整个生长期内均无显著差异。半野生稻田物种丰富度(Sr)指数明显大于传统稻田; 相同栽培条件下, 相同生长时期抗虫转基因水稻"Mfb"与其非转基因对照"明恢86"对稻田杂草群落丰富度的影响差异不显著。稻田杂草群落优势度(D)、均匀度(J)以及多样性(H)各处理、各生长时期内转基因稻与非转基因稻相比均没有显著差异。稻田杂草Shannon-Wiener多样性指数变化无明显规律, 相同栽培方式相同生长期的抗虫转基因水稻"Mfb"与其非转基因对照"明恢86"的Shannon-wiener指数差异不显著。综合上述分析, 转CryIAb基因抗虫稻对稻田杂草群落的组成及多样性没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The puddled layer of paddy soils represents a highly dynamic environment regarding the spatio-temporal variability of biogeochemical conditions. To study these effects on the abundance and community structure of microbial populations, a rhizotron experiment was conducted throughout an entire growing season of wetland rice. Soil samples were taken from selected areas of the puddled layer (bulk soil, oxidized layer, rhizosphere) at main plant developmental stages such as (i) the initial stage, (ii) tillering, (iii) panicle initiation, (iv) flowering, and (v) maturity. Cell numbers of archaea, bacteria, and selected phyla were assessed by catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). The structure and diversity of microbial communities was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) along with sequencing of selected bands. Following submergence of the paddy soil, shifts of bacterial community structure were observed in the oxidized layer and the rhizosphere. Members of the β-Proteobacteria became predominant in the rhizosphere at tillering stage and were affiliated with aerobic, iron-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Sideroxydans. Seasonal effects were mainly visible in the rhizosphere, as several phylogenetic subgroups including methanotrophic bacteria showed increased cell numbers at flowering stage. Cell numbers of methanogenic archaea were also highest at flowering stage (bulk soil, rhizosphere) and members of the Methanocellales were identified as predominant archaeal populations in areas of oxic and anoxic conditions. In contrast to bacteria, the communities of archaea in the puddled layer of the studied paddy soil were less influenced by spatio-temporal variations of biogeochemical conditions.  相似文献   

The productivity of upland rice in Japan as well as in the world is low and unstable owing to scarce and unpredictable rainfall. The objective of this study was to examine whether agronomic methods could enhance grain yield of upland rice. Four field experiments were conducted from 2001 to 2003 in Nishitokyo, Japan, under upland conditions with different water supplies, in order to quantify the effects of deep tillage combined with deep placement of manure (50-cm depth), straw mulch (6 t ha−1), or their combinations on the growth and grain yield of rice. Mulch kept surface soil moisture higher than without mulch even at reproductive stage, and it increased yield to the greatest extent under the most favourable conditions with much rainfall before heading (i.e., 2003). Deep tillage with deep placement of manure induced deep root proliferation and higher nitrogen uptake, increasing biomass production, and panicle number, and consequently grain yield was enhanced under the two lowest yielding environments with less rainfall before heading. Rice plants with deep tillage with deep manure application without mulch tended to have lower leaf water potential and higher diffusion resistance during drought, and negative effects on grain filling and harvest index in some experiments compared with the control. When deep tillage with deep placement of manure was combined with mulching in two experiments in 2002 and 2003, grain yield always enhanced compared with the control (P < 0.10, 6.0 t ha−1 versus 5.4 t ha−1 on average), suggesting their synergetic mechanisms for yield increase and stabilization. The results showed that deep tillage or mulching can improve grain yield of rice under drought-prone rainfed upland conditions in a temperate climate on an Andosol, and their combination had more consistent and greater positive effects.  相似文献   

水稻籽粒灌浆的发育遗传与分子生态特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从发育遗传生理和分子生态学角度, 综述了近年来国内外研究水稻籽粒灌浆的现状与存在的问题。提出了水稻籽粒发育与物质充实涉及信号传递与多基因调控及其与环境互作的分子生态学过程。强、弱势粒由于基因时空表达模式和功能蛋白作用方式的不同, 导致不同粒位胚乳细胞发育程序、籽粒灌浆速率和干物质重的明显差异。已有研究结果表明, 强势粒发育灌浆早、充实快, 具有明显的遗传稳定性; 而弱势粒发育灌浆起步晚, 充实度较差, 易受环境调控。通过分子遗传改良和分子生态调节是改善弱势粒胚乳细胞健康顺利发育, 实时启动灌浆充实, 提高结实率和千粒重, 最终实现高产的两条有效途径, 已成为世界各国优先研究的领域。本文认为籽粒灌浆为何存在一个滞育期(stagnant phase), 强弱势粒在这一发育阶段基因表达和功能作用为何存在差异是值得深入研究和回答的科学问题。  相似文献   

再生稻根干物质量及根系活力与产量的相关性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对不同施N水平、不同品种再生稻根干物质量及根系活力与产量的相关性研究结果表明 ,再生稻头季稻产量与根系干物质量及根系活力密切相关 ;再生稻再生分蘖的生长发育依赖于头季稻残留的根系 ,再生季稻穗数及产量与头季稻成熟期和再生季稻齐穗期的根系机能呈极显著线性正相关 ,并与芽肥施用量呈抛物线形相关  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) can enhance the resistance of plants to many abiotic stresses. To explore whether Si ameliorates Fe2+ toxicity, a hydroponic experiment was performed to investigate whether and how Si detoxifies Fe2+ toxicity in rice (Oryza sativa L.) roots. Results indicated that rice cultivar Tianyou 998 (TY998) showed greater sensitivity to Fe2+ toxicity than rice cultivar Peizataifeng (PZTF). Treatment with 0.1 mmol L-1 Fe2+ inhibited TY998 root elongation and root biomass significantly. Reddish iron plaque was formed on root surface of both cultivars. TY998 had a higher amount of iron plaque than PZTF. Addition of Si to the solution of Fe treatment decreased the amount of iron plaque on root surface by 17.6% to 37.1% and iron uptake in rice roots by 37.0% to 40.3%, and subsequently restored root elongation triggered by Fe2+ toxicity by 13.5% in the TY998. Compared with Fe treatment, the addition of 1 mmol L-1 Si to the solution of Fe treatment increased xylem sap flow by 19.3% to 24.8% and root-shoot Fe transportation by 45.0% to 78.6%. Furthermore, Si addition to the solution of Fe treatment induced root cell wall to thicken. These results suggested that Si could detoxify Fe2+ toxicity and Si-mediated amelioration of Fe2+ toxicity in rice roots was associated with less iron plaque on root surface and more Fe transportation from roots to shoots.  相似文献   

为比较入侵植物与本地植物对土壤微生态影响的差异, 探索外来植物入侵的土壤微生物学机制, 本研究通过同质园试验, 比较分析了2种入侵菊科植物(紫茎泽兰、黄顶菊)和2种本地植物(马唐、猪毛菜)对土壤肥力和微生物群落的影响, 并通过盆栽反馈试验验证入侵植物改变后的土壤微生物对本地植物旱稻生长的反馈作用。同质园试验结果表明: 2种入侵植物和2种本地植物分别对土壤微生态产生了不同的影响, 尤其是紫茎泽兰显著提高了土壤有效氮、有效磷和有效钾含量,紫茎泽兰根际土壤中有效氮含量为39.80 mg·kg-1,有效磷含量为48.52 mg·kg-1。磷脂脂肪酸指纹图谱结果表明, 2种入侵植物与2种本地植物相比, 较显著增加了土壤中放线菌数量, 而紫茎泽兰比其他3种植物显著增加了细菌和真菌数量。盆栽结果表明: 黄顶菊生长过的土壤灭菌后比灭菌前旱稻株高增加113%, 紫茎泽兰也使旱稻的株高增加17%。由以上结果可知, 紫茎泽兰和黄顶菊可能通过改变入侵地土壤的微环境, 形成利于其自身生长扩散的微生态环境从而实现其成功入侵。  相似文献   

蒋倩  朱建国  朱春梧  刘钢  张继双  徐习 《土壤》2020,52(3):552-560
在开放式空气CO2浓度升高(free-air CO2 enrichment, FACE)条件下,研究了籼稻IIY084与粳稻WYJ23根际土壤矿质元素(Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn、Ca和Mg)有效态含量及其在水稻各组织中的吸收与分配,结合前期稻米矿质元素含量下降的研究结果,探讨了其下降的机制。结果表明:大气CO2浓度升高,显著增加水稻穗、茎、根和整株生物量,两个品种平均增加19.4%、9.3%、23.4%、16.0%;根际土壤中矿质元素的有效态含量大体呈增加趋势;除Ca吸收量增加外,水稻其他矿质元素总吸收量未发生显著变化;显著促进大部分矿质元素在穗中的吸收与分配,而降低其在茎中的分配比;在穗内有增加大部分矿质元素在壳梗中滞留的趋势,相应地减少其在糙米中的分配比。品种效应分析显示,IIY084的茎和整株生物量,以及穗中Fe、Mn、Cu,叶中Zn、Mg,茎中Cu的吸收量与分配百分数均显著高于WYJ23,而叶中Mn、茎中Fe和根中Cu、Zn则呈相反趋势。可见,大气CO2浓度升高条件下,碳水化合物与矿质元素从植...  相似文献   

The dynamics of meteorological drought and its relationship with block level rice productivity over the Eastern Indian state of Odisha was assessed during the wet season (June to November) using the standardized precipitation index (SPI). The time series of rainfall data (1983–2008) from 168 rain gauge stations was used to derive the 1- and 3-month SPI of different wet season months. The 1- and 3-month SPI data were interpolated to map spatial patterns of meteorological drought and its severity, and the maps of a drought (2008) and normal (2007) year were discussed in detail. Further, the time series of SPI was exploited to assess the drought risk in Odisha. Correlation analysis of 1- and 3-month SPI with rice productivity index (RPI) showed that the SPI of 1-month time scale particularly in July (r = 0.49) and October (r = 0.33) had significantly stronger relationship with RPI than any of the 3-month SPI individually during wet season. The cumulative degree of severity of drought could be better explained by 3-month SPI map when drought events are well spread in the preceding months. Regression models were developed using 1- and 3-month SPI for forecasting rice productivity of blocks with varying proportion of rainfed area in Odisha. Model developed based on 1-month SPI accounted for 27% yield variability in rice and could be used for forecasting rice productivity.  相似文献   

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