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为了保障细河流域沿岸居民的生活用水安全,采集细河流域9个地下水样品并分析了其中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,根据毒性当量因子方法和荷兰公共卫生和环境国家研究院提出的土壤地下水污染现场暴露评价模型(CSOIL模型)对多环芳烃的健康风险进行了初步评价。结果表明,细河流域各采样点地下水中∑PAHs含量为159.1~483.7 ng.L-1,低于生活饮用水卫生标准(GB 5749—2006)的浓度限值,表现出规模较大的城镇或乡镇处∑PAHs含量高于其他位置的规律性。作物食入、饮水等经口摄入途径是地下水环境健康风险评价中最主要的暴露途径,各采样点地下水中PAHs在作物食入、饮水、洗澡过程中呼吸吸入和皮肤接触等4种暴露途径产生的总的平均个人年健康风险值为1.19×10-6~3.10×10-5,其健康风险排序为翟家〉前庙〉富官〉前余〉双树〉土西〉大潘〉黄蜡坨〉大兀拉。虽然该风险值低于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受值,基本属于可接受范围,但其健康危害已不容忽视。  相似文献   

江苏省典型生态示范区土壤中多环芳烃的含量与风险评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采集了江苏省某典型生态示范区内58个监测单元的土壤样品,并对样品中的多环芳烃(PAHs)进行了定量分析。结果表明,生态示范区土壤中的PAHs平均含量较低,但不同土壤样品之间PAHs的变异系数较大,以二苯[a,h]并蒽、苯并[a]蒽、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽为主要组成成分。从8个生态类型区分析,工矿企业搬迁区PAHs含量最高,达49.196μg/kg,其次是化工区周边,农业科技园土壤中的PAHs含量最低。工业区的PAHs多来源于石油输入,而以农业为主的生产基地、科技园等,PAHs主要来源于化石燃料的不完全燃烧。生态风险评价结果显示生态示范区内的PAHs处于较低毒性水平,尚未对生物造成不利的影响。  相似文献   

我国北方地区多环芳烃(PAHs)污染严重,为了定量研究PAHs对人群的健康风险,以北京地区人群为研究对象,以美国国家环境保护局(USEPA)的多途径一多介质暴露模型为框架,计算各年龄亚群通过14种暴露途径对PAHs的暴露量。结果表明,儿童、青少年和成人对15种PAH化合物(PAH15)的日均暴露量分别为1.83、1.44、1.20μg·kg^-1·d^-1。暴露途径中食物暴露为主导(占88.7%),其次是呼吸暴露(6.3%)和皮肤暴露(4.9%)。终身暴露量的81%来自成人阶段。3环、4环、5环和6环化合物对总暴露谱的贡献依次减少。不确定分析结果表明,至少50%人群对PAH15暴露量在2~4μg·kg^-1·d^-1范围内,暴露量极高和极低的人均很少。健康风险评价结果表明,北京人群由于PAHs暴露引起的平均致癌风险为3.1×10^-5a^-1,根据动态预期寿命损失方法来估算健康风险,北京地区人群由于PAH15终生暴露所导致的预期寿命损失为193min。PAHs对北京人群健康的影响不容忽略。  相似文献   

土壤样品中多环芳烃分析方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
平立凤  李振  赵华  胡秀卿  吴珉 《土壤通报》2007,38(1):179-184
概述了国内外土壤样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)测定方法的研究状况,其中提取方法包括加速溶剂萃取方法、固相微萃取方法、超临界流体萃取方法、亚临界水萃取方法和流化床提取方法等,测定方法有HPLC法、GC法和免疫分析法等。重点介绍了PAHs的提取过程,同时总结了各种方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

温度对土壤中多环芳烃消失速率的影响BarbaraMaliszewska-Kordybach多环芳烃(PAHs)是一组具有很强毒性、致癌性和基因诱变性的有机化合物(Si ̄-m&Overcash,1983)。它们产生于各种工业过程,并不断地排放到大气、水...  相似文献   

【目的】为贵阳市主城区绿化带土壤中16种多环芳烃(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)环境评价与健康风险评估提供参考数据。【方法】采用气相色谱三重四级杆质谱仪,选择离子模式对贵阳市6个主城区,共计30个绿化带土壤样品进行PAHs含量检测。【结果】主城区绿化带土壤中PAHs主要源于外源性污染。其中6种PAHs符合国家建设用地风险筛选值标准,但土壤整体受到污染程度比例较高;夜市功能区中,因烧烤与油炸2种主要方式产生大量PAHs,使邻近绿化带土壤富集量明显高于其他功能区。特征比值法评价结果显示,燃煤等生物质燃料燃烧在家居小区的排放贡献源中占有一定比例,学校功能区主要排放贡献源为机动车排放的石油燃烧尾气。评估结果表明,其健康风险以皮肤接触致癌风险为主。【结论】贵阳市主城区绿化带土壤受PAHs污染比例较高,且4~6环高分子量PAHs含量均高于2~3环低分子量PAHs。土壤中PAHs对儿童与成人均有潜在致癌风险。因此,应采取相应措施,减少污染源,降低主城区绿化带土壤污染程度。  相似文献   

多环芳烃污染土壤的生物修复   总被引:43,自引:7,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
丁克强  骆永明 《土壤》2001,33(4):169-178
综述了土壤环境中多环芳烃的来源、归宿、生物转化机理、影响因素及生物修复技术研究进展,提出了利用生物技术治理土壤环境中多环芳烃的思路及方法。  相似文献   

郑曦  韩宝平 《农业环境保护》2010,(11):2185-2191
采用现场采样及室内高效液相色谱分析测试的方法,探讨了微山湖表层沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)的分布,并进行了风险评价。结果表明,微山湖表层沉积物中16种优控PAHs的总量范围在324.93~1576.65ng.g-(1干重)之间,平均值为699.01ng.g-1,属中等污染水平,沉积物中的多环芳烃主要来源于煤炭、木材及石油的不完全燃烧。利用沉积物质量基准法(SQGs)、沉积物质量标准法分别对微山湖沉积物中多环芳烃的风险评价表明,严重的多环芳烃生态风险在微山湖沉积物中不存在,负面生物毒性效应则会偶尔发生,风险主要来源于低环的多环芳烃,以芴(Flu)和苊(Ace)为主。  相似文献   

多环芳烃长期污染土壤的微生物强化修复初步研究   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
本研究通过室内模拟试验,以急性毒性较强的菲(Phe)和遗传毒性较强的苯并[a]芘(B[a]P)为代表性多环芳烃(PAHs)污染物,以不同C源、通气状况和水分条件为调控因子,对PAHs长期污染土壤的土著微生物强化修复进行初步研究。结果表明,搅动处理使污染土壤中Phe和B[a]P的降解率分别达59.44%和26.14%,而淹水处理使两者降解率分别达46.48%和13.27%。添加C源(淀粉和葡萄糖)处理提高了土壤中PAHs的降解率,且随着C源的施用量而增加。同时也发现污染土壤中PAHs降解菌和微生物总量呈正相关,并随着PAHs降解菌数量的增加,土壤中PAHs降解率也随之提高。可见,土壤中PAHs降解速率主要决定于PAHs的降解菌数量。  相似文献   

为研究污染物随再生水进入地下环境后其迁移衰减情况及对地下水的潜在危害性,以Multi-cell模型为基础,结合污染物质量守恒、在水土中吸附再分配、生物降解等机理,针对地下水污染风险评估构建了计算污染物随水在土壤剖面的垂向迁移衰减一维模型,并以北京通州大兴再生水灌区为研究区域,以再生水中持久性有机污染物多环芳烃萘和菲为研究对象,根据当地钻孔资料及灌溉水水质、地下水水质资料,应用该模型进行试算。结果表明,经过多年连续灌溉后,通州大兴大部分地区进入潜水含水层的萘、菲浓度较低,整体污染风险较低,仅在通州区潞城镇等个别地区萘、菲浓度较高,应引起重视;由于大兴区整体包气带较厚,其污染风险低于通州区。土壤粘土层是萘、菲积累的主要层位,其吸附容量远大于细砂等粗颗粒介质,在土壤表层低环多环芳烃迁移性更强。应用这一模型,能够较为宏观地掌握通州大兴再生水灌区不同区域地下水中多环芳烃萘和菲的污染风险差异。  相似文献   

土壤环境中多环芳烃的微生物降解及联合生物修复   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
邹德勋  骆永明  徐凤花  滕应  李振高 《土壤》2007,39(3):334-340
研究土壤环境中持久性有机污染物的生物降解及其生物修复技术是当今国际环境修复科学技术前沿领域的重要课题。本文重点论述了土壤环境中持久性有机污染物多环芳烃的微生物降解机理及其在生物修复中的应用等,并结合当前研究进展,展望了基于多种修复措施相结合的多环芳烃污染土壤联合生物修复工程技术的开发与应用前景。  相似文献   

中国南亚热带农业土壤中的多环芳烃   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The contributions of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the subtropical regions of China to pollution of the global environment have been paid great attention; however, little is known about the state of POPs in agricultural ecosystems within these regions of China. This study primarily revealed the state of the contamination and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in agricultural soils in the subtropical regions. 115 surface soils (0-20 cm) were sampled in the breadbaskets of these regions. The concentrations and types of PAH were determined using gas chromatography linked to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The total PAH concentrations ranged from 22.1 to 1 256.9 ng g^-1 with a mean of 318.2 ± 148.2 ng g^-1. In general terms, the current PAH concentrations were lower than most PAH levels reported in a number of investigations from different countries and regions. PAH isomer ratios indicated that pyrolytic origins, such as fossil fuel combustion related to vehicle tail gas and industrial emissions, were the dominant sources of PAH in the southern subtropical areas of China. Although PAH concentrations decreased with decreasing pollution, population, and traffic density, to a great extent PAH compositions were similar throughout subtropical soils, with naphthalene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and benzo(b)fluoranthene being dominant.  相似文献   

近年来黄河兰州段的多环芳烃污染日渐严重。为研究黄河兰州段水体中多环芳烃类有机污染物对人体产生的潜在健康危害风险,根据黄河兰州段2004年11个采样点水质监测数据,应用美国环境保护局(USEPA)的健康风险评价方法对黄河兰州段多环芳烃类有机污染物通过饮水和皮肤接触途径进入人体的健康风险进行了初步评价。结果表明:黄河兰州段多环芳烃类有机污染物的非致癌风险指数值均小于1,其中萘的非致癌风险指数值在10^-3数量级,偏高于其他污染物。苯并(a)芘的致癌风险指数值在10^-4数量级以下。从位于西固八盘峡的1号采样点(S1)采集的水样中萘的非致癌风险指数值偏高。在所有采样点中,西固八盘峡的1号采样点(S1)污染较重,具有较高的健康风险。与国内其他地区相比,黄河兰州段萘的非致癌风险亦较高。常规的自来水处理工艺不能有效地去除源水中微量PAHs等有机污染物,因此地面水特别是饮用源水PAHs污染具有较大的健康风险。  相似文献   

利用气相色谱法分析了南充市10个不同功能区表层土壤中美国环保署规定的16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量和组分特征,运用同分异构体比率揭示了其污染来源。研究表明,该区土壤中PAHs的含量在9.1~2269.1μg·kg-1之间,而且工业区的残留量大于农业区和居民区的残留量。按PAHs的环数来分,在工业污染区PAHs的含量总的趋势是四环〉二环〉三环〉五环〉六环;农业和居民区二环〉三环〉五环〉四环〉六环。该污染状况与国内外相关研究比较,处于中等污染水平。煤、木材和化石的燃烧是该地区土壤中PAHs污染的主要来源,苯并(a)蒽和菲是主要的超标化合物。  相似文献   

PAHs are mainly produced by combustion processes and consist of a number of toxic compounds. While the concentrations of individual PAHs in soil produced by natural processes (e.g., vegetation fires, volcanic exhalations) are estimated to be around 1—10 μg kg−1, recently measured lowest concentrations are frequently 10 times higher. Organic horizons of forest soils and urban soils may even reach individual PAH concentrations of several 100 μg kg−1. The PAH mixture in temperate soils is often dominated by benzofluoranthenes, chrysene, and fluoranthene. The few existing studies on tropical soils indicate that the PAH concentrations are relatively lower than in temperate soils for most compounds except for naphthalene, phenanthrene, and perylene suggesting the presence of unidentified PAH sources. PAHs accumulate in C‐rich topsoils, in the stemfoot area, at aggregate surfaces, and in the fine‐textured particle fractions, particularly the silt fraction. PAHs are mainly associated with soil organic matter (SOM) and soot‐like C. Although the water‐solubility of PAHs is low, they are encountered in the subsoil suggesting that they are transported in association with dissolved organic matter (DOM). The uptake of PAHs by plants is small. Most PAHs detected in plant tissue are from atmospheric deposition. However, earthworms bioaccumulate considerable amounts of PAHs in short periods. The reviewed work illustrates that there is a paucity of data on the global distribution of PAHs, particularly with respect to tropical and southern hemispheric regions. Reliable methods to characterize bioavailable PAH pools in soil still need to be developed.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are formed as a result of incomplete combustion and are among the most frequently occurring contaminants in soils and sediments. PAHs are of great environmental concern due to their ubiquitous nature and toxicological properties. Consequently, extensive research has been conducted into the development of methods to remediate soils contaminated with PAHs. Fenton's reagent or ozone is the most commonly studied chemical oxidation methods. However, the majority of remediation studies use soils that have been artificially contaminated with either one or a limited number of PAH compounds in the laboratory. Hence, it is essential to extend such studies to soils contaminated with multiple PAHs under field conditions. Objectives   The objective of this study is to investigate the capacity of Fenton's reagent and ozone to degrade PAHs in soils. The soils have been collected from a number of different industrial sites and, therefore, will have been exposed to different PAH compounds in varying concentrations over a range of time periods. The capacity of Fenton's reagent and ozone to degrade PAHs in industrially contaminated soils is compared to results obtained in studies using soils artificially contaminated with PAHs in the laboratory. Materials and Methods: Nine soil samples, contaminated with PAHs, were collected from five different industrial sites in Sweden. For the Fenton's reagent procedure, the pH of the soil slurry samples was adjusted to pH 3 and they were kept at a constant temperature of 70oC whilst H2O2 was added. For the ozone procedure, soil samples were mixed with 50% water and 50% ethanol and kept at a constant temperature of 45 oC. Ozone was then continually introduced to each soil sample over a period of four hours. Following the Fenton's reagent and ozone oxidation procedures, the samples were filtered to isolate the solid phase, which was then extracted using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). The sample extracts were cleaned up using open columns and then analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results: The relative abundance of the detected PAHs varied between soils, associated with different industries. For example, low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs were more abundant in soil samples collected from wood impregnation sites and high overall PAH degradation efficiencies were observed in soils originating from these sites. In the contaminated soils studied, PAHs were more effectively degraded using Fenton's reagent (PAH degradation efficiency of 40-86%) as opposed to ozone (PAH degradation efficiency of 10-70%). LMW PAHs were more efficiently degraded, using ozone as the oxidizing agent, whereas the use of Fenton's reagent resulted in a more even degradation pattern for PAHs with two through six fused aromatic rings. Discussion: The degradation efficiency for both methods was largely dependent on the initial PAH concentration in the soil sample, with higher degradation observed in highly polluted soils. LMW PAHs are more susceptible to degradation than high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs. As a result of this the relative abundance of large (often carcinogenic) PAHs increased after chemical oxidation treatment, particularly after ozone treatment. Repeated Fenton's reagent treatment did not result in any further degradation of soil PAHs, indicating that residual soil PAHs are strongly sorbed. The effectiveness of the two oxidation treatment approaches differed between industrial sites, thus highlighting the importance of further research into the influence of soil properties on the sorption capacity of PAHs. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the degree to which chemical oxidation techniques can degrade soil bound PAHs chemical degradation is highly dependent on both the concentration of PAHs in the soils and the compounds present, i.e. the various PAH profiles. Therefore, similarities in the PAH degradation efficiencies in the nine soil samples studied were observed with the two chemical oxidation methods used. However, the degradation performance of Fenton's reagent and ozone differed between the two methods. Overall, Fenton's reagent achieved the highest total PAH degradation due to stronger oxidation conditions. LMW PAHs showed higher susceptibility to oxidation, whereas high molecular weight (HMW) PAHs appear to be strongly sorbed to the soils and therefore less chemically available for oxidation. This study highlights the importance of including soils collected from a range of contaminated sites in remediation studies. Such soil samples will contain PAH contaminants of varying concentrations, chemical and physical properties, and have been aged under field conditions. In addition to the chemical and physical properties of the soils, these factors will all influence the chemical availability of PAHs to oxidation. Recommendations and Perspectives: We recommend including aged contaminated soils in chemical degradation studies. In future chemical remediation work, we intend to investigate the potential influence of the chemical and physical properties of PAHs and soil parameters potential influence on the chemical oxidation efficiency in aged contaminated soils. Due to the vast number of contaminated sites there is a great need of efficient remediation methods throughout the world. This study shows the difficulties which may be experienced when applying remediation methods to a variation of contaminated sites.  相似文献   

South Chattanooga has been home to foundries, coke furnaces, chemical, wood preserving, tanning, and textile plants for over 100?years. Most of the industries were in place before any significant development of residential property in the area. During the 1950s and 1960s, however, the government purchased inexpensive property and constructed public housing projects in South Chattanooga. Many neighborhoods that surround the Chattanooga Creek were previous dumping grounds for industry. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) comprised the largest component of the dumping and airborne industrial emissions. To address human exposure to these PAHs, a broad study of South Chattanooga soil contaminant concentrations was conducted on 20 sites across the city. Sixteen priority pollutant PAHs were quantified at two depths (0?C10 and 10?C20?cm) and compared against reference site soils, as well as to soils from industrially impacted areas in Germany, China, and the USA. From these data, the probability that people would encounter levels exceeding the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) residential preliminary remediation goals (PRG) was calculated. Results indicate that South Chattanooga soils have relatively high concentrations of total PAHs, specifically benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P). These high concentrations of B[a]P were somewhat ubiquitous in South Chattanooga. Indeed, there is a high probability (88?%) of encountering soil in South Chattanooga that exceeds the USEPA PRG for B[a]P. However, there is a low probability (15?%) of encountering a site with ??PAHs exceeding USEPA PRG guidelines.  相似文献   

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