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长期施肥红壤性水稻土磷素演变特征及对磷盈亏的响应   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
鲁艳红  廖育林  聂军  周兴  谢坚  杨曾平 《土壤学报》2017,54(6):1471-1485
研究双季稻种植制度下长期不同施肥红壤性水稻土磷素含量及磷素有效性演变特征及其对土壤磷盈亏(磷平衡)的响应,为南方双季稻区红壤性水稻土科学施磷提供依据。以35年长期肥料定位试验为平台,研究不同施肥处理土壤全磷、有效磷及磷活化系数(PAC)的演变规律,计算不同处理土壤-作物系统每年磷素盈亏量及累积磷素盈亏量,探讨土壤全磷、有效磷及PAC与累积磷盈亏量的响应关系。结果表明,不施磷肥的CK和NK处理土壤全磷、有效磷和PAC随试验年限呈持平或下降趋势;不施磷肥仅施猪粪的NK+PM处理土壤全磷呈缓慢上升趋势,有效磷和PAC呈下降趋势;施化学磷肥或化学磷肥配施稻草的NP、NPK、NP+RS和NPK+RS处理土壤全磷在试验前10年上升速率较快,之后25年上升速率变缓或随时间变化不显著,土壤有效磷在试验前5年急剧升高,之后随时间变化速率减缓或基本持平。CK、NK和NK+PM处理35年土壤PAC平均值较试验初始值分别下降33.2%、29.7%和16.6%,NP、NPK、NP+RS和NPK+RS土壤PAC较初始值分别提高66.2%、60.6%、65.6%和52.9%。不施磷肥导致红壤性水稻土磷素亏缺,不施化学磷肥仅施猪粪土壤磷素基本持平,施用化肥磷及化肥磷配施稻草土壤磷素盈余。土壤全磷、有效磷及PAC与土壤磷累积盈亏量均呈极显著正相关关系,土壤每盈余磷100 kg hm-2,全磷含量提高0.03 g kg-1,有效磷提高1.20 mg kg-1,土壤PAC上升0.09%。外源磷投入是影响土壤磷素及磷有效性的重要因素,在本试验条件下,长期不施磷或磷投入不足导致土壤磷亏缺,进而导致土壤磷及磷有效性降低,而化肥磷及有机无机磷配施促进了土壤磷盈余及土壤磷素肥力的提高。  相似文献   

通过8年定位试验,研究了不同施肥制度下褐土及其微团聚体磷素肥力变化规律,从各级微团聚体全磷和有效磷储量角度探讨了不同施肥制度下土壤磷素肥力的变化实质。结果表明,不施肥处理主要是由于10~50μm粒级全磷储量和<10μm粒级有效磷储量减少而造成土壤磷素肥力下降;单施常量NPK化肥和增量NPK化肥处理主要通过提高<10μm粒级全磷和有效磷储量增加土壤磷素含量;有机肥(物)料配施常量NPK化肥处理则在提高小粒级微团聚体磷素贮备和供应能力的同时,增强了大粒级特别是10~50μm粒级全磷和有效磷储量,进而使土壤磷素肥力得到提高。采用有机肥(物)料配施常量NPK化肥是改善土壤磷素肥力的有效措施。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥模式红壤性水稻土磷素变化   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
【目的】研究红壤性水稻土长期不同施肥模式下耕层土壤有效磷含量与全磷含量的变化特征,以及有效磷含量与累积磷盈亏的关系,分析不同形态磷肥对土壤磷素有效性影响的差异,找出最有效的红壤性水稻土磷素培肥施肥方式。【方法】供试土壤取自1981~2012年在江西进行的红壤双季稻稻田长期定位试验。试验自始至终保持水分、农药等日常田间管理与当地习惯相同,统一水稻品种并定期更换。试验设5个处理:施氮钾肥(NK);氮磷钾化肥(NPK);两倍氮磷钾化肥(NPK2);早稻氮磷钾化肥配施紫云英,晚稻氮磷钾化肥配施猪粪(NPKM);长期不施肥(CK)。分析了耕层土壤有效磷含量和全磷含量计算了有效磷增量与累积磷盈亏的相互关系。【结果】试验32年后对照土壤磷年均亏缺22.7 kg/hm2,有效磷含量在低水平下维持平衡;NK处理磷素年均亏缺27.9kg/hm2,显著高于不施肥处理,全磷含量缓慢降低32年累计降低了8.6%,有效磷含量呈持平趋势。NPK、NPK2、NPKM处理土壤磷素均有盈余,年均盈余量分别为33.3、39.0、41.0 kg/hm~2,全磷含量分别增加了32.1%、89.4%、165.1%,有效磷含量分别增加了2.2、6.9、15.3倍,年上升速率分别为0.30、1.18、1.79 mg/kg,有效磷增量与累积磷盈余呈显著正相关。NPK化肥配施有机肥处理不仅提高土壤有效磷及全磷的含量,还显著提高磷素有效性。水稻产量增加量随累积磷投入量和有效磷的增加而增加,前期增加较快后期增加较慢,有效磷含量具有明显的拐点,其值超过20 mg/kg后产量就增加缓慢。【结论】红壤性水稻土在双季稻种植模式下,长期不施磷肥处理土壤全磷含量缓慢降低,有效磷含量可维持低水平下的平衡。施磷处理土壤全磷含量,有效磷含量以及磷素有效性均呈上升趋势且无机磷肥与有机磷肥配施处理上升最快。无机磷肥与有机磷肥配合施用在提高土壤全磷含量的同时也提高磷素的有效性。土壤有效磷超过20 mg/kg后相对产量提高缓慢。氮磷钾化肥与有机肥配合施用是提高耕层土壤磷素库容和提高磷素活化能力的有效措施。  相似文献   

由于科学施肥指导工作和生产实际的脱节,过量施用磷肥的现象普遍存在,进而造成大量磷素在土壤中累积。准确评价土壤中磷素的有效性是土壤磷素科学管理的基础。国际上梯度扩散薄膜技术(DGT)和传统方法相比可以更为准确地反映土壤中元素的生物有效性。以黄土高原具有代表性的60个土壤样品为研究对象,采用传统Olsen法和DGT技术评价多年磷肥投入不均条件下黄土高原地区土壤磷储量及其有效性现状,研究了DGT技术测定的DGT-P与全磷、Olsen-P之间的关系,并利用通径分析探究了土壤磷素有效性和土壤相关理化指标之间的关系。结果表明:黄土高原地区土壤磷素分布不均匀,缺磷与富磷现象并存,富磷土壤主要是耕地样品。磷素活化系数(Olsen-PAC)小于2.0%的土壤样品占76.67%,绝大部分土壤样品磷素有效性低。耕地磷肥投入量过高,活化土壤中的无效磷是黄土高原地区磷素科学管理的主要目标。土壤DGT-P与全磷、Olsen-P呈显著相关性(P0.01)。黏粒对土壤磷素有效性的直接影响最大,对Olsen-PAC的影响为正效应,对DGT法测定的磷素活化系数(DGT-PAC)的影响为负效应。土壤黏粒含量越高,有效磷库越大,土壤中供植物吸收利用的磷反而越少。  相似文献   

长期施肥下红壤磷素积累的环境风险分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以长期(始于1988年)施肥的旱地红壤为材料,研究了土壤磷积累与磷吸附的关系,通过分析土壤磷素吸附特征参数及面向环境的土壤磷素表征值的变化,讨论了长期施肥下旱地红壤磷素积累的环境风险。结果表明:长期施磷可显著增加红壤磷素的累积量,降低土壤对外源磷的固持能力,提高土壤的有效磷及易解吸磷的量。供试的7个试验处理,除NK处理及花生秸秆本田还田处理外,土壤有效磷均高于20mg kg-1,已达到丰磷状态,但只有配施厩肥处理的土壤磷素存在环境风险。因此,应在兼顾土壤磷素的农业效应和环境安全的前提下,建立新的施肥制度,使磷素资源的利用更加合理化。  相似文献   

溶磷真菌促进磷素吸收和作物生长的作用研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
在盆栽条件下,利用花生、玉米、油菜在3种不同磷水平的石灰性土壤上,采用土壤耗竭性连续种植的方法,研究了溶磷青霉菌P8对吸收土壤磷素和作物生长的影响。结果表明,3种土壤上接种青霉菌P8菌剂都能提高作物的吸磷量,其生物产量比不接种显著提高,且在有效磷低的土壤上其增产幅度大于有效磷高的土壤;接种青霉菌P8在一定程度上能缓解和改善低温对作物生长和磷素吸收的不良影响。无论在有效磷高还是低的土壤,青霉菌P8都具有活化土壤磷、提高土壤磷素的利用效率和促进作物苗期生长的作用。  相似文献   

长期施肥褐土有效磷对磷盈亏的响应   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
【目的】研究长期施肥条件下土壤磷素供应能力、累积状况与土壤有效磷变化速率,阐明土壤磷素累积与土壤有效磷的响应关系,为黄土高原旱作农业区科学施用磷肥提供理论依据。【方法】以农业部寿阳旱作农业示范区褐土肥力与肥料长期定位试验为研究平台,选择试验中9个处理进行研究分析,分别为不施肥处理(CK)、4个单施无机肥水平处理(N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3、N-4P_4),3个有机无机肥配施水平处理(N_2P_1M_1、N_3P_2M_3、N-4P-2M_2)单施有机肥处理(N_0P_0M-6)。以5年一个周期测定土壤0-20 cm有效磷含量,明确土壤有效磷的变化规律。计算玉米收获后植株生物量以及测定磷含量得出作物携出量与磷素年累积量,分析不同施肥处理下土壤磷素盈亏与土壤有效磷的变化特征。【结果】长期不施用磷肥情况下,土壤磷素一直处于亏缺状态,有效磷年均下降速率为0.02mg/(kg·a)。单施无机肥后,随着磷肥投入量的增加,土壤有效磷随之增加,N_1P_1、N_2P_2、N_3P_3、N_4P_4处理年均增速分别为1.04、1.08、1.70和2.13 mg/(kg·a)。有机无机配施处理土壤有效磷普遍高于单施化学磷肥处理含量,N_2P_1M-1、N_3P_2M-3、N_4P_2M_2处理年均升高速率分别达1.70、3.73和4.72 mg/(kg·a)。单施高量有机肥N_0P_0M_6处理土壤中有效磷增速最高,年均升高5.63 mg/(kg·a)。长期不施肥导致土壤磷素亏欠,土壤中每亏缺P 100 kg/hm~2,土壤中有效磷含量平均降低0.5 mg/kg。施用无机肥条件下,土壤每累积P 100 kg/hm~2,土壤中有效磷含量可以平均提高4.3 mg/kg。有机无机配施有协同作用,其土壤P每累积100 kg/hm~2,土壤有效磷含量平均提高9.1 mg/kg。N_2P_1M_1处理为推荐施肥处理,即每年投入P_2O_5 65 kg/hm~2,后土壤有效磷增加最多,土壤每累积P100 kg/hm2,土壤中有效磷含量平均提高17.1 mg/kg。【结论】土壤有效磷随土壤磷素盈余而变化,同时与磷素投入量密切相关,当P_2O_5;每年投入量为37.5~65 kg/hm~2时基本可以满足作物生长需求磷肥当季利用率较高,磷素在土壤中累积量较少。当P_2O_5;每年投入量达到112 kg/hm~2,后会造成磷素在土壤中大量累积不仅作物产量对磷肥几乎没有响应还会对农田环境产生危害。  相似文献   

未开垦干扰黑土土壤磷素形态垂直分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以典型黑土区未经干扰的天然次生林土壤为研究对象,采用修正的Hedley分级方法,研究了0~190 cm土壤剖面中不同磷素形态的分布特征。结果表明:未开垦干扰黑土土壤剖面有机磷含量高于无机磷,不同形态磷素含量以中活性有机磷Na OH-Po比重较大,占土壤全磷总量的50.78%,而活性磷H2O-Pi、Na HCO3-P含量及分别占土壤全磷总量的比重较低;垂直空间上,土壤各磷素形态含量以0~10 cm土层含量显著高于其他土层(P0.05),并且除Na OH-Po除外,其他磷组分随土壤深度的增加均表现为0~70 cm土层范围内逐渐降低,之后先增加后下降的一致性变化规律;相关分析表明,不同形态磷素与土壤有效磷均呈显著的相关关系,均可以作为植物吸收利用磷素的重要来源,其中Na HCO3-Pi、Na OH-Pi和Na OH-Po对有效磷的贡献较大。研究结果可为黑土区土壤磷素有效性评价提供本底值参考。  相似文献   

长期不同施肥下南方黄泥田有效磷对磷盈亏的响应特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
【目的】黄泥田为南方主要中低产田类型之一。通过研究长期施肥条件下南方黄泥田土壤磷素累积盈亏与有效磷的关系,为黄泥田科学施用磷肥提供理论依据。【方法】基于连续33年水稻长期定位试验,研究了不施肥 (CK)、单施化肥 (NPK)、化肥配施牛粪 (NPKM)、化肥配施秸秆 (NPKS) 四个处理土壤有效磷的变化规律及土壤磷累积盈亏状况,计算有效磷–磷盈亏响应系数。【结果】各施肥处理双季稻年份 (1983~2004年) 土壤有效磷与全磷含量呈年际上升趋势,以NPKM增幅最为明显,改为单季稻后 (2005~2015年) 则呈下降趋势,也以NPKM降幅最为明显。试验至2015年,NPK、NPKS处理有效磷含量分别为9.7 mg/kg、8.7 mg/kg,较试验初期分别下降8.3 mg/kg、9.3 mg/kg,NPKM处理与试验初期持平。CK、NPK、NPKM、NPKS处理的磷素活化系数 (PAC) 总体呈年际下降趋势,其多年平均磷素活化系数值 (PAC) 分别为2.9%、3.5%、4.7%、4.1%,其中NPKM与NPKS处理显著高于NPK与CK处理。除双季稻NPKS处理外,不同施肥模式下双季稻与单季稻年份的土壤有效磷增减与土壤累积磷盈亏均呈显著正相关,其中双季稻年份土壤磷素 (P) 每盈余100 kg/hm2,NPK、NPKM处理有效磷分别增加4.5 mg/kg与11.2 mg/kg,而单季稻年份土壤磷素每亏缺100 kg/hm2,NPK、NPKM、NPKS处理有效磷分别减少14.6 mg/kg、23.9 mg/kg、25.9 mg/kg。双季稻磷肥年施用量 (P) 为26.2 kg/hm2时,土壤磷素呈盈亏持平状态。【结论】有机无机肥配施比单施化肥能够显著提高黄泥田土壤有效磷、全磷含量和磷素活化系数,有效磷含量与磷素累积盈亏密切相关,等磷素盈亏量下,有机无机肥配施的有效磷响应系数要高于单施化肥,而磷累积亏缺下,有效磷降幅响应比磷累积盈余下有效磷增幅响应大。  相似文献   

不同有机培肥方式对红壤性水稻土磷素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于红壤性水稻土有机肥长期定位试验,分析了红壤双季稻种植模式下,不施肥、NPK、紫云英+猪粪+化肥、紫云英+猪粪+秸秆+化肥、紫云英+秸秆+化肥处理耕层土壤全磷、Olsen-P、磷素有效性和磷素利用率35年的变化特征,以及Olsen-P与水稻产量的响应关系。结果表明:不施肥处理土壤全磷含量显著降低,有效磷含量及磷素有效性略微下降。配施猪粪显著提高全磷、Olsen-P含量和磷素有效性,但显著降低磷肥利用率,增加磷的环境污染风险。化肥配合紫云英及稻草还田处理土壤全磷、有效磷含量以及磷素有效性保持稳定,但显著提高磷肥利用率。Olsen-P的产量农学阈值为16.36 mg kg-1。  相似文献   

Manure N dynamics are affected by manure characteristics, soil factors, and environmental conditions. An incubation experiment was conducted to assess the relationship of these factors. The effects of temperature (11, 18, and 25°C), soil texture (three soils, silt loam to sandy loam), and soil water status (constant at 60% water filled pore space, WFPS, and fluctuating between 30% and 60% WFPS) on net mineralization and nitrification of swine manure N were assessed. Swine manure was applied at an equivalent rate of 350 kg total N ha-1 to 250 g air-dry soil in 2-l canning jars. Subsamples were taken from each jar for NO3- and NH4+ determination when fluctuating moisture treatment dried to 30% WFPS, with sampling continuing through four wet-dry cycles at each temperature. Manure NH4+ was rapidly nitrified to NO3-. The relationship between NO3- accumulation and degree days after application (DDAA, 0°C base) could be described across temperatures using a single pool exponential model for each soil. More NO3- accumulated in coarser-textured soils (150-200 mg N kg-1 soil), compared to 130 mg N kg-1 soil in the silt loam soil. Fluctuating soil water status did not alter estimates of rate and extent of NO3- accumulation, but slowed NH4+ disappearance somewhat.  相似文献   

洋葱氮、磷、钾养分吸收与分配规律的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田间试验研究了秋栽洋葱生长特性及对氮、磷、钾的吸收分配规律。结果表明,洋葱幼苗期生长极为缓慢,干物质积累量较少,对氮磷钾的吸收速率较低,吸收量仅占全生育期的4%左右;发棵期植株生长迅速,氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)的吸收速率分别达 22.03、8.60和15.65 mg/(plant·d),吸收量分别占全生育期的 92.74%、91.01%和71.79%;鳞茎膨大期氮、磷吸收速率迅速降低,而钾仍高达 7.23 mg/(plant·d)。洋葱全生育期对氮磷钾的吸收比例为1:0.40:0.92;但随着生长的进行,磷钾吸收比例升高,在鳞茎膨大期达1:0.92:9.04。洋葱幼苗期吸收的氮磷钾主要分配在叶片中,发棵期则以鳞茎和叶片分配率较高,鳞茎膨大期则主要分配在鳞茎中,在这一时期分配率分别达75.88%、87.77%和71.81%。在本试验条件下,每生产1000 kg鳞茎,约分别吸收N、P2O5、K2O为2.93、1.16和2.69 kg。  相似文献   


The amount of sulphur (S), nitrogen (N), and organic carbon (C) in different layers of soils from some Alfisols varied considerably with location. The amount of S extracted by different extractants as a percentage of the total S was in the order of organic (3.5%)>0.05 (N) NH4OAc+0.25 (N) HOAc (1.9%)>0.1 (N) H3PO4 (1.8%)>0.025 (N) CaCl2 (1.8%)>0.03 (N) NaH2PO4 (1.7%)>0.001 (N) HCl (0.6%). In all the soil series SO4 2?‐S mineralization decreased up to the second week after incubation, followed by a slight increase up to the fourth week, a subsequent decline up to the sixth week, and a slight increase up to the eighth week. The C:N, C:S, N:S, and C:N:S ratios averaged 9.4:1, 63.7:1, 6.9:1, and 94:10:2.08, respectively.  相似文献   

膜荚黄芪氮磷钾优化施肥模式研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
采用氮,磷,钾三因素二次D-饱和最优设计,通过田间试验,建立了氮磷钾的施肥量编码值与膜荚黄芪根产量、多糖含量的效应函数。结果表明,氮、磷、钾肥对膜荚黄芪根产量的增产作用大小依次为:氮肥>钾肥>磷肥;氮、磷、钾肥对黄芪多糖含量的作用大小依次为:钾肥>磷肥>氮肥,其中钾肥为负效应,氮肥、磷肥为正效应。寻优结果表明,膜荚黄芪目标产量在6000~7000 kg/hm2之间,95%置信区间的优化施肥量为:N 66.85~102.92 kg/hm2,P2O5 64.64~94.95 kg/hm2,K2O 119.78~166.48 kg/hm2;膜荚黄芪多糖含量在13%~14%之间,95%置信区间的优化施肥量为:N 66.85~102.92 kg/hm2,P2O5 64.64~94.95 kg/hm2,K2O 119.78~166.48 kg/hm2;膜荚黄芪高产优质高效栽培优化施肥量为:N 99.52~102.92 kg/hm2,P2O5 94.20~94.95 kg/hm2,K2O 119.78~166.48 kg/hm2,N、P2O5、K2O的最佳比例为:1: 0.92~0.95:1.16~1.62。  相似文献   

Use of renewable N and C sources such as green manure (GM) and crop residues in rice-wheat cropping systems of South Asia may lead to higher crop productivity and C sequestration. However, information on measurements of gaseous N losses (N2O+N2) via denitrification and environmental problems such as N2O and CO2 production in rice-wheat cropping systems is not available. An acetylene inhibition-intact soil core technique was employed for direct measurement of denitrification losses, N2O and CO2 production, in an irrigated field planted to rice (Oryza sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in an annual rotation. The soil was a coarse-textured Tolewal sandy loam soil (Typic Ustochrept) and the site a semi-arid subtropical Punjab region of India. Wheat residue (WR, C:N=94) was incorporated at 6 t ha-1 and sesbania (Sesbania aculeata L.) was grown as GM crop for 60 days during the pre-rice fallow period. Fresh biomass of GM (C:N.=18) at 20 or 40 t ha-1 was incorporated into the soil 2 days before transplanting rice. Results of this study reveal that (1) denitrification is a significant N loss process under wetland rice amounting to 33% of the prescribed dose of 120 kg N ha-1 applied as fertilizer urea-N (FN); (2) integrated management of 6 t WR ha-1 and 20 t GM ha-1 supplying 88 kg N ha-1 and 32 kg FN ha-1 significantly reduced cumulative gaseous N losses to 51.6 kg N ha-1 as compared with 58.2 kg N ha-1 for 120 kg FN ha-1 alone; (3) application of excessive N and C through applying 40 t GM ha-1 (176 kg N ha-1) resulted in the highest gaseous losses of 70 kg N ha-1; (4) the gaseous N losses under wheat were 0.6% to 2% of the applied 120 kg FN ha-1 and were eight- to tenfold lower (5-8 kg N ha-1) than those preceding rice; (5) an interplay between the availability of NO3- and organic C largely controlled denitrification and N2O flux during summer-grown flooded rice whereas temperature and soil aeration status were the primary regulators of the nitrification-denitrification processes and gaseous N losses during winter-grown upland wheat; (6) the irrigated rice-wheat system is a significant source of N2O as it emits around 15 kg N2O-N ha-1 year-1; (7) incorporation of WR in rice and rice residue (C:N=63) in wheat increased soil respiration, and increased CO2 production in WR- and GM-amended soils under anaerobic wetland rice coincided with enhanced rates of denitrification; and (8) with adequate soil moisture, most of the decomposable C fraction of added residues was mineralized within one crop-growing season and application of FN and GM further accelerated this process.  相似文献   


For Southeastern forest soils amounts of P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn extracted by 0.05 N HCl + 0.025 N H2SO4 (double‐acid) were significantly correlated with amounts extracted by 0.2 N NH4Cl + 0.2 N HOAc + 0.015 N + NH4F + 0.012 N HCl (new‐Mehlich). The new‐Mehlich consistently removed more nutrients than the double acid.

Both P and Mn extracted by the two solutions were significantly correlated with their concentrations in the foliage of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.).  相似文献   

Four soil samples from fields of different land use [US (paddy field), China (paddy field) and Belgium (maize and wheat fields)] were incubated as soil suspension (soil:water ratio 1:4) to study the N2O and CH4 emission under different soil redox potential conditions. The results show that the N2O emission was regulated within a narrow redox potential range of +120 to +250 mV, due to the balance of N2O production and its further reduction to N2. Methane emission occurred below a soil specific redox potential point, and the emission rates were inversely related to soil redox potentials. Both linear and exponential relationships between CH4 emission and the soil redox potential were significant. By extrapolating the linear relationship of CH4 emission against soil redox potential, the critical redox potentials for CH4 production were estimated at about -170 (US paddy soil), -150 (Chinese paddy soil), -215 (Belgian maize soil), and -195 mV (Belgian wheat soil), respectively. In addition, the results indicate that a soil with a lower critical redox potential for CH4 production had a higher CH4 production potential. In this study, N2O and CH4 emissions were found to occur at a distinctly different soil redox potential condition. The range of soil redox potential values where both N2O and CH4 emissions were low was different for different soils, but it was situated between +120 and -170 mV. This is a wide redox potential range enabling field management practices to minimize both N2O and CH4 emissions from wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

氮、磷肥对裸燕麦子粒产量和β-葡聚糖含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以裸燕麦青永久887(Avena nuda L. cv. Qingyongjiu No.887)为材料,研究了施氮和施磷对子粒产量与β-葡聚糖含量的影响;分析了N、P肥对裸燕麦子粒产量构成因素,穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重的影响,并进行了经济效益分析。结果表明,裸燕麦穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重及子粒产量,随施氮量的增加呈先增后降变化趋势;随施磷量的增加而增加。β-葡聚糖含量随施氮或施磷量的增加而增加。在N 90 kg/hm2、P2O5 90 kg/hm2处理下,裸燕麦穗数、穗粒数、穗粒重、千粒重、子粒产量均达最高值;在N 135kg/hm2、P2O5 90 kg/hm2处理,裸燕麦子粒β-葡聚糖含量最高。经济效益分析表明,经济施肥量为:N 90 kg/hm2、P2O5 90 kg/hm2。裸燕麦子粒产量Y (kg/hm2),可用其与N (kg/hm2)和P (P2O5,kg/hm2)肥间的二元二次回归方程估测。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted in an Andosol paddy field in Shizukuishi (Iwate Prefecture, Japan) to determine the effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on biological N2-fixation activity and soil microbial biomass C at three levels of N application. Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Akitakomachi) plants were grown under ambient CO2 or FACE (ambient +200 µmol mol-1 CO2) conditions throughout the growing season with each treatment having four replicated plots. Three levels of N fertilizer (high, standard and low; 15, 9 and 4 g N m-2, respectively) were applied to examine the effect of different N availability under both CO2 conditions. Soil samples were collected at four different times from upper and lower soil layers (0-1-cm and 1-10-cm soil depths, respectively) and analysed for biological N2-fixation (BNF) activity and microbial biomass C (MBC) by the acetylene reduction and chloroform fumigation-extraction methods, respectively. The amounts of chlorophyll-type compounds (Chls), an index of algal growth, and soil available C were also determined. Compared to the ambient CO2 treatment, the FACE treatment had significantly higher BNF activity in both the upper and lower soil layers at ripening only in low-N soil and at harvest at all three levels of N fertilization rates. MBC was significantly increased by FACE in both the upper and lower soil layers from the middle to later period of the growing season compared to the ambient CO2 treatment. The FACE treatment increased the Chls in the upper soil layers at ripening only in low-N soil and at harvest at all three levels of N fertilization rates. The amount of soil available C was not significantly different between FACE and ambient CO2 treatments in both the upper and lower soil layers throughout the cropping season. From these results it can be concluded that the FACE treatment had a significantly positive influence on BNF activity, MBC and Chls at different levels of N fertilization rates in paddy field during the cropping season.  相似文献   

Farmers are applying very high amounts of N fertilizer (sometimes >900 kg N/ha), commonly (NH4)2SO4, to irrigated potato (Solanum tuberosum, L.) grown on sandy textured soils in the Cappadocia region of Turkey. To obtain information on potato yield, N uptake, N fertilizer residue in the soil and the portion of N fertilizer leached below 200 cm soil depth, nine field experiments were conducted at three different locations in 1992, 1993 and 1994. The N rates used in these experiments were 0, 200, 400, 600, 800 and 1,000 kg N/ha within a completely randomized block design with three replicates. N fertilizer was applied in two equal portions; one at planting and one just before the first irrigation. Although all yield data were used to find out the marketable tuber yield, the N rate response curve and the fate of applied fertilizer N was determined only for the 400 and 1,000 kg N/ha rates. Isotope microplots were established where 15N-labelled (NH4)2SO4 was applied at 5.0 atom % and 2.5 atom % excess enrichments for the 400 kg N/ha and 1,000 kg N/ha rates, respectively. At harvest, marketable and dry tuber yield was determined for all N rates. Dry tuber and leaf plus vine yields were determined for the isotope microplots and they were analysed for the % N and 15N atom % excess. The % N derived from fertilizer and N use efficiency (%NUE) were calculated for the plant samples. The 15N-labelled residue left in 0-200 cm soil was also determined. The amount of N fertilizer leached below 200 cm soil depth was also calculated. 15N-labelled NO3- and total NO3- of the groundwater from wells were determined at different dates. Our results show that the optimum marketable tuber yield was obtained with 600 kg N/ha. Tuber N uptake was increased slightly, while leaf plus vine N uptake increased considerably when the N rate was increased from 400 to 1,000 kg N/ha. The %NUE values decreased nearly by half and the amount of N fertilizer in the 0-200 cm soil layer increased more than 3 times when the N rate was increased from 400 to 1,000 kg N/ha. Nearly half of the applied fertilizer N (45.6%) at 400 kg N/ha and more than half of the applied fertilizer N (60.8%) at 1,000 kg N/ha was still in the 0-200 cm soil layer after harvest. Four times more N fertilizer was leached below 200 cm soil depth when 1,000 kg N/ha N was applied instead of 400 kg N/ha. Our results also indicate that there is a potential contamination of groundwater due to leaching of the applied N fertilizer.  相似文献   

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