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王丹  李恋卿  刘永卓  潘根兴 《土壤》2012,44(2):290-296
选择太湖地区水稻-油菜轮作的长期肥料试验的水稻田,采集原状土进行团聚体颗粒分离,提取土壤微生物DNA进行PCR-DGGE分析,通过对DGGE结果进行主成分分析和多样性指数的计算,比较秸秆还田和化肥配施与单施化肥两施肥处理对土壤团聚体中微生物群落组成和多样性的影响。结果表明:与单施化肥相比,秸秆还田显著改变了2 000 ~ 200 μm和200 ~ 20 μm两粒组中细菌和真菌的群落组成,说明较大颗粒组中微生物群落组成灵敏响应施肥措施的变化。不同团聚体粒组微生物群落多样性存在差异,细菌的多样性在2 000 ~ 200 μm与<2 μm粒组中较高,真菌则在大粒组中表现出较高的多样性,而且由团聚体粒组本身带来的微生物多样性的变异大于施肥措施引起的变异。  相似文献   

太湖地区典型水稻土大时间尺度下的肥力质量演变   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
2004年通过调查与第2次土壤普查(1982年)相对应地块的土壤性状,对太湖流域江苏省武进地区典型水稻土土壤肥力变化趋势及原因进行分析.结果表明:从1982年到2004年,该研究区主要的6类水稻土共198个取样点的有机质、全氮、速效磷、速效钾显著上升,而pH和CEC显著下降.各亚类水稻土,除小粉土和沙土肥力质量指数有较大幅度提高外,其他类型水稻土肥力质量指数增加不大.各亚类水稻土土壤肥力单因子质量指数变化趋向一致,即1982年各亚类土壤速效钾的单因子质量为最低,其中速效钾单质量指数最小的小粉土为1.48;2004年pH值的质量指数则为最小值,其中pH质量指数最小的白土仅为1.73;同时,各水稻土CEC单质量指数由第2次土壤普查时的2.91~3.0显著下降为2004年的2.14~2.93.因此土壤酸化并伴随盐基离子的淋失是限制研究区水稻土土壤肥力质量的关键因素.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对太湖地区典型土壤酸化的影响   总被引:52,自引:0,他引:52  
以太湖地区典型土壤黄泥土上26年的长期肥料定位试验为例,研究不同施肥处理对研究区耕作层土壤(0~15 cm)酸化特征及酸化速率的影响。试验采用裂区设计,主区为不施有机肥处理(C)和施有机肥处理(M),副区为不同无机肥及秸秆施用处理。研究结果显示,不同施肥处理对土壤pH和土壤酸碱缓冲容量有显著影响,增施有机肥的主区处理pH显著低于不施有机肥处理,但对应的土壤酸碱缓冲容量略有上升;副区单施尿素处理和尿素增施水稻秸秆处理pH较不施尿素对照分别下降了0.45、0.66个单位,酸碱缓冲容量分别下降1.52、0.95 mmol kg-1;各试验处理的酸化速率为H+0.61~1.74 kmol hm-2a-1,单施尿素处理高于不施尿素处理,而尿素增施有机肥或水稻秸秆的大于单施尿素处理,以尿素配施有机肥和水稻秸秆处理最高。相关分析表明,各处理土壤pH与外源氮输入量、土壤全氮及速效氮存在显著的依变关系。尿素对土壤的酸化影响与有机肥及水稻秸秆存在差异,前者在降低土壤pH的同时还导致土壤酸碱缓冲容量的降低,而增施有机肥及水稻秸秆处理土壤缓冲容量保持稳定甚至提升,但其各自对土壤酸化的具体贡献率等还需进一步研究。  相似文献   

Residual heavy metals are commonly considered to be immobile in soils, leading to an underestimation of their environmental risk. This study investigated the distribution and transport of residual heavy metals along soil profiles, using the Xiaoqinling gold mining region in North China as a case study. Soil samples were collected at three depths from three locations near the tailing heap. The speciation of copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) (exchangeable, carbonate-bound, Fe-Mn oxide-bound, organic matter-bound, and residual fractions) was determined using a sequential extraction procedure. The residual fraction’s morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results showed that metal fraction distributions along the soil profiles were influenced by each fraction’s mobility. Residual fraction with high chemical stability cannot be transformed from or into other fractions. This led to the conclusion that the high concentration of residual metals in soils mainly resulted from residual fraction transport.The SEM analysis showed that fine particles (submicrons) were mainly attached to large particles and were likely released and transported by water flow. The more sorptive fractions (non-residual fractions) were mainly retained in the top soil, and the more mobile fractions (residual fraction) were mainly leached to the deep soil. Cu and Pb concentrations in the residual fraction decreased slightly and those in the non-residual fractions decreased significantly with soil depth. These suggest a relatively higher residual metal mobility along the soil pro?les. Therefore, residual metals can be transported in soils and their environmental risk can not be ignored in assessing soil contamination.  相似文献   

24年田间定位试验研究表明,长期不施肥处理和化肥PK配施处理土壤表层N呈下降趋势,而施入化肥N处理(包括化肥N、化肥NP配施、化肥NK配施、化肥NPK配施处理)N增加较缓慢,有机与无机肥结合处理土壤表层N增加迅速。以长期不施肥为对照,长期有机肥 NPK处理水稻增产最多,达35.94%。随着N肥的逐年施入,土壤表层全N含量与产量间由显著正相关关系变为相关性不显著。  相似文献   

不同浓度铜污染对水稻土甲烷氧化菌群落结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着含铜矿产的开采、冶炼和制造等工业“三废”的排放、含铜农药与杀菌剂的长期大量施用以及城市污泥的堆肥利用,农田土壤铜污染日趋严重。土壤含铜量一旦超出其环境承载力,就会对植物、动物和土壤微生物产生危害,严重威胁到生态系统的稳定和人类的健康[1]。我国是水稻生产大国,其种植面积达全国粮食作物栽培面积的1/4,因此,水稻土在我国粮食生产中占有及其重要的地位,是具有重大经济意义的土壤资源[2]。研究表明,过量铜会对水稻根系产生毒害,进而推迟抽穗期,降低产量[3]。铜污染不仅会危害作物地上部分的生长发育,同时也会导致土壤微生物数量、呼吸强度、微生物商、代谢商等的变化,并对微生物的活性和功能产生影  相似文献   

太湖地区水稻土中的β-葡糖苷酶活性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
WANG Xiao-Chang  LU Qin 《土壤圈》2006,16(1):118-124
The electrical conductivity (EC) of 1:5 soil-water extract (EC1:5) was studied utilizing path coefficient analysis. The study focused on revealing the main chemical factors contributing to EC of soil extracts and their relative importance. Results showed that the most important factors influencing the EC1:5 of coastal salt-affected soils were the concentration of salt in 1:5 soil-water extract (So), Cl^-, and the sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), while effects of pH, CO3^2-, HCO3^, soluble sodium percentage (SSP), and sodium dianion ratio (SDR) were very weak. Though the direct path coefficients between EC1:5 and SO4^2- , Ca^2+, Mg^2+, K^+, or Na^+ were not high, influence of other chemical factors caused the coefficients to increase, making the summation of their direct and indirect path coefficients relatively high. Evidences showed that multiple regression relations between EC1:5 and most of the primary factors (So, Cl^-, and SAR) had sound reliability and very good accuracy.  相似文献   

Heavy metals (HMs) and antibiotic resistance have become serious environmental problems affecting soil and human health. Soil microorganisms play key roles in pollutant degradation and biogeochemical cycling processes; however, the interactions among HMs, soil microbial communities, and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in agricultural soils remain unclear. Using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and NovaSeq sequencing, we evaluated heavy metal contents, abundances of ARGs, soil bacterial community structure and functions, and their correlations in paddy soils at 43 sampling sites along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, central and eastern China. Our results showed the co-occurrence of HMs, ARGs, and HM resistance genes across all paddy soils. Additionally, significant positive associations were detected between HMs and resistance genes. Cadmium, czcA, and int1 were positively correlated with bacterial community diversity. The Mantel test showed that bacterial community composition and functions were significantly associated with HMs and resistance genes, such as Cd, Cr, Zn, copA, czcA, int1, and sul1. Moreover, HMs and ARGs were the major factors shaping soil bacterial communities; thus, HMs triggered proliferation of HM and antibiotic resistances by influencing the mobile genetic element (int1) and soil microbial communities. Our study revealed that HMs potentially drive the co-selection of ARGs by shifting soil bacterial community structure and functions, thereby increasing the potential risks to human health as well as ecological environment in the paddy soils along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

施入粉煤灰和污泥对酸性淋溶土镉和铅吸附的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The safe recycling of fly ash (FA) and sewage sludge (SS) in the agricultural processes comprises an important environmental technology on waste management. Soils amended with FA and SS may change their ability to adsorb heavy metals due to either increase of soil pH or decomposition of sludge-borne organic matter. Thus, Cd and Pb sorption was investigated by 1-month incubation under soil moisture content at field capacity and room temperature with an acidic Typic Haploxeroalf from central Greece amended with varying amounts of FA and SS. Batch experiments were conducted by equilibrating the soil samples with CaCl2 solutions containing 0-400 mg Pb L-1 or 0-100 mg Cd L-1. The results showed that the Freundlich equation described well the Cd and Pb sorption. Distribution coefficient (Kd) values of Pb were higher than those of Cd in all the treatments of this study. Application of FA increased Kd values for Cd and Pb to 8.2 and 2.3 times more than the controls, respectively. Simultaneous applications of FA and SS caused a Kd increase of 3.8 and 2.1 times compared to the treatments that received only SS for Cd and Pb, respectively. Treatment of SS alone did not significantly change Cd and Pb sorption compared to the controls. The sorption reactions seemed to be mainly affected by soil pH, which was revealed by the significant correlations of Cd and Pb sorption with soil pH. These suggested that fly ash was very useful as a low-cost adsorbent for Cd and Pb and could be used as an ameliorant for biosolid-amended acidic soils.  相似文献   

太湖水稻土麦季尿素氨挥发损失   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
Ammonia volatilization losses from urea applied as a basal fertilizer and a top dressing at tillering stage in a wheat field of Taihu Region, China, were measured with a micrometeorological technique. Urea as fertilizer was surface broadcast at 81 (low N) and 135 (high N) kg N ha-1 as basal at the 3-leaf stage of the wheat seedling on December 2002, and 54 (low N) and 90 (high N) kg N ha-1 as top dressing on February 2003. Ammonia volatilization losses occurred mainly in the first week after applying N fertilizer and mainly during the period after basal fertilizer application, which accounted for more than 80% of the total ammonia volatilization over the entire wheat growth period. Regression analysis showed that ammonia volatilization was affected mainly by pH and NH4^ -N concentration of the surface soil and air temperature.Ammonia volatilization flux was significantly correlated with pH and NH4^ -N concentration of the surface soil and with daily air average temperature and highest temperature. Thus, application of urea N fertilizer to wheat should consider the characteristics of ammonia volatilization in different periods of N application so as to reduce ammonia losses.  相似文献   

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