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利用15N同位素标记方法,研究在两种水分条件即60%和90% WHC下,添加硝酸盐(NH4NO3, 300mgN kg-1)和亚硝酸盐(NaNO2, 1mgN kg-1)对中亚热带天然森林土壤N2O和NO产生过程及途径的影响。结果表明,在含水量为60% WHC的情况下,高氮输入显著抑制了N2O和NO的产生(p<0.01);但当含水量增为90% WHC后,实验9h内抑制N2O产生,之后转为促进。所有未灭菌处理在添加NO2-后高氮抑制均立即解除并大量产生N2O和NO,与对照成显著差异(p<0.01)。在60% WHC条件下,这种情况维持时间较短(21h),但如果含水量高(90% WHC)这种情况会持续很长时间(2wk以上),说明水分有效性的提高和外源NO2-在高氮抑制解除中起到重要作用。本实验中N2O主要来源于土壤反硝化过程,而且加入未标记NO2-后导致杂合的N2O(14N15NO)分子在实验21h内迅速增加,表明这种森林土壤的反硝化过程可能主要是通过真菌的“共脱氮”来实现,其贡献率可多达80%以上。Spearman等级相关分析表明未灭菌土壤NO的产生速率与N2O产生速率成显著正相关性(p<0.05),土壤含水量越低二者相关性越高。灭菌土壤添加NO2-能比未灭菌土壤产生更多的NO,但却几乎不产生N2O,表明酸性土壤的化学反硝化对NO的贡献要大于N2O。  相似文献   

长白山森林土壤反硝化潜力及产物组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用淹水厌氧密闭培养-乙炔抑制法测定了长白山4种森林土壤的反硝化势以及气态产物N2O、NO和N2的产生量。供试4种森林土壤均呈酸性,pH(H2O)4.5~5.3,有机碳含量24.6~83.0 g kg-1。结果表明,长白山4种典型森林土壤反硝化势及反硝化产物中氮氧化物的比例差异很大。土壤反硝化势强弱顺序依次为:阔叶红松>白桦>红松云杉冷杉>兴安落叶松,与土壤有机碳和全氮含量呈显著的正相关关系(p<0.01),与土壤pH的相关性不显著。比较加乙炔和不加乙炔处理发现,在培养过程中,N2O始终是反硝化的主要产物,占反硝化产物的比例变化于50%~85%之间,不随培养时间而发生显著的变化,与土壤pH呈弱负相关关系(p=0.22)。反硝化产物中,NO仅占0.2%~2.4%,随培养时间也未发生有规律的变化,与土壤有机碳含量呈显著的对数负相关关系(p<0.05)。上述结果表明,长白山森林土壤反硝化过程并不能有效地将活性氮转化为惰性氮,反硝化作用的生态环境意义需要重新评估。  相似文献   

追氮方式对夏玉米土壤N2O和NH3排放的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
【目的】研究氮肥与硝化抑制剂撒施及条施覆土三种追施氮肥方式下土壤N2O和NH3排放规律、 O2浓度及土壤NH4+-N、 NO2--N和NO3--N的时空动态,揭示追氮方式对两种重要环境气体排放的影响及机制。【方法】试验设置3个处理: 1)农民习惯追氮方式撒施(BC); 2)撒施添加10%的硝化抑制剂(BC+DCD); 3) 条施后覆土(Band)。 3个处理均在施肥后均匀灌水20 mm。在夏玉米十叶期追施氮肥后的15天(2014年7月23日至8月8日)进行田间原位连续动态观测,并在玉米成熟期测定产量及吸氮量。采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定土壤N2O排放量,土壤气体平衡管-气相色谱法测定土壤N2O浓度,PVC管-通气法测定土壤NH3挥发,土壤气体平衡管-泵吸式O2浓度测定仪测定土壤O2浓度。【结果】农民习惯追氮方式N2O排放量为N 395 g/hm2,NH3挥发损失为N 22.9 kg/hm2,同时还导致土壤在一定程度上积累了NO2--N。与习惯追氮方式相比,添加硝化抑制剂显著减少N2O排放89.4%,使NH3挥发略有增加,未造成土壤NO2--N的累积。条施覆土使土壤N2O排放量显著增加将近1倍,但使NH3挥发显著减少69.4%,同时造成施肥后土壤局部高NO2--N累积。条施覆土的施肥条带上土壤NO2--N含量与N2O排放通量呈显著正相关。土壤气体的O2和N2O浓度受土壤含水量控制,当土壤WFPS大于60%时,020 cm土层中的O2浓度明显降低,而N2O浓度增加,土壤N2O浓度和土壤O2浓度间呈极显著负相关。各处理地上部产量及总吸氮量差异不显著。【结论】土壤NO2--N的累积与铵态氮肥施肥方式密切相关,NO2--N的累积能够促进土壤N2O的排放,且在条施覆土时达到显著水平(P0.05)。追氮方式对N2O和NH3两种气体的排放存在某种程度的此消彼长,添加硝化抑制剂在减少N2O排放的同时会增加NH3挥发,条施覆土在显著减少NH3挥发的同时会显著增加土壤N2O排放。在条施覆土基础上添加硝化抑制剂,有可能同时降低N2O排放和NH3挥发损失,此推论值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

施肥对夏玉米季紫色土N2O排放及反硝化作用的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用原状土柱-乙炔抑制培养法研究了施肥对紫色土玉米生长季土壤N2O排放通量和反硝化作用的影响.结果表明:玉米季施肥显著增加土壤N2O排放和反硝化损失,同时,各施肥处理间N2O排放与反硝化损失量差异显著.猪厩肥、猪厩肥配施氮磷钾肥、氮肥、氮磷钾肥和秸秆配施氮磷钾肥等处理的土壤N,O排放量分别为3.01、2.86、2.51、2.19和1.88 kg hm-2,分别占当季氮肥施用量的1.63%、1.53%、1.30%、1.09%和0.88%,反硝化损失量分别为6.74、6.11、5.23、4.69和4.12 kg hm-2,分别占当季氮肥施用量的3.97%、3.55%、2.97%、2.61%和2.23%,不施肥土壤的N2O排放量和反硝化损失量仅为0.56和0.78 kg hm-2.施肥是紫色土玉米生长前期(2周内)土壤N2O排放和反硝化速率出现高峰的主要驱动因子,土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量是影响土壤N2O排放、土壤硝化和反硝化作用的限制因子,土壤含水量是重要影响因子,降雨是主要促发因素.土壤N2O排放量与反硝化损失量的比值介于0.45 ~0.72之间,土壤反硝化损失量极显著高于土壤N2O排放量,说明土壤反硝化作用是紫色土玉米生长季氮肥损失的重要途径.  相似文献   

水稻土和菜田添加碳氮后的气态产物排放动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】动态连续监测添加碳氮底物后各气体产物—O2、 NO、 N2O、 CH4和N2的排放,对土壤碳氮转化过程和气体产生过程做更深入的理解,揭示不同土地利用方式典型红壤的温室气体产生机制。【方法】采集长江中游金井小流域不同土地利用方式稻田和菜地土壤为研究对象,利用全自动连续在线培养检测体系(Robot系统),通过两组试验分别研究土壤碳氮转化过程中各气体产物的动态变化。试验1采用菜地和稻田土壤进行好气培养,设置不施氮对照、 添加40 mg/kg铵态氮、 添加40 mg/kg铵态氮+1%硝化抑制剂、 添加40 mg/kg硝态氮、 添加40 mg/kg硝态氮+1%葡萄糖、 缺氧条件下添加40 mg/kg硝态氮+1%葡萄糖6个处理。试验2采用稻田土壤进行淹水培养,设不施氮对照、 添加40 mg/kg铵态氮、 添加40 mg/kg铵态氮+1%硝化抑制剂、 添加40 mg/kg铵态氮+1%秸秆、 缺氧条件下添加40 mg/kg铵态氮+1%的葡萄糖、 添加40 mg/kg硝态氮、 添加40 mg/kg硝态氮+1%葡萄糖、 缺氧条件下添加40 mg/kg硝态氮+1%葡萄糖8个处理。培养温度均为20℃,土壤水分含量为70% WFPS (土壤孔隙含水量),培养周期为15天。【结果】从菜地和稻田土壤不同碳氮添加处理气态产物及无机氮的动态变化可看出: 1)菜地土壤好气培养初期硝化作用产生了大量N2O; 受低碳和低含水量的限制,反硝化作用较弱。当提供充足碳源和厌氧条件,出现N2O和NO的大量排放。2)在好气稻田和淹水稻田培养过程中,反硝化作用是N2O产生的主要途径。3)稻田土壤中,提供充足碳源和厌氧条件,各气态产物出现的顺序依次是NO、 N2O和N2,与三种气体在反硝化链式反应过程中的生成顺序一致。淹水稻田加铵态氮和碳源处理N2为主要产物,添加硝态氮处理后,N2O成为主要气态产物。当土壤碳源充足时,反硝化过程进行彻底,反硝化产物以终产物(N2)为主。4)在稻田土壤出现厌氧或添加碳源条件下,均检测到大量CH4产生; 且在甲烷产生的同时,NO-3几乎消耗殆尽。【结论】金井小流域典型红壤菜地N2O主要来自于硝化作用,好气和淹水稻田N2O主要来源于反硝化作用; 当碳源充足和厌氧时,菜地及稻田反硝化作用增强; 反硝化产物组成、 产物累积量及出峰顺序与碳源和氧气浓度有关。  相似文献   

玉米地土壤反硝化速率与N2O排放通量的动态变化   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
应用乙炔抑制原状土柱培育法测定了4种施肥处理的玉米地N素反硝化损失速率和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放通量,并分析了它们与土壤湿度、土壤温度以及硝态氮(NO3^--N)含量之间的关系,计算了因反硝化和N2O排放造成的N肥损失率。结果表明,玉米生育期内土壤N素的反硝化损失量为0.67-3.85kg/hm^2,N肥的反硝化损失率为0.5%-1.5%;土壤N2O排放总量为0.55-1.42kg/hm^2,N肥的N2O排放系数为0.2%-0.5%。  相似文献   

通过室内培养实验.研究了草甸沼泽土壤N2O排放和反硝化损失对氮输入的响应特征,结果表明,在培养期(23 d)内N2O平均排放速率为0.32(NO).0.87(N1).17.69(N2),28.07(N3)μgN2O-N/(kg±·h),反硝化平均损失速率为0.25(NO),0.81(NI),22.29(N2),30.28(N3)μgN2O--N/(kg±·h).两者都随氮输入量增高而升高.其中,N3处理N2O平均排放速率和反硝化平均损失速率与对照差异显著(p<0.05),N1和N2与对照差异不显著.N2O排放总量占氮输入的比例为0.03%(N1),1.04%(N2).1.76%(N3),反硝化损失总量占氮输入的比例为0.04%(N1),1.29%(N2),1.93%(N3).均表现为随氮输入量的增大而增高.N1处理下有机碳矿化速率低于对照,而N2和N3有机碳矿化速率高于对照,说明低氮输入对有机碳矿化有一定抑制作用,.高氮输入促进有机碳矿化.  相似文献   

森林土壤氧化亚氮排放对大气氮沉降增加的响应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
森林土壤N2O来源于土壤氮素的氧化还原反应,硝化、反硝化、硝化细菌反硝化以及化学反硝化是其产生的四个关键过程。当前,氮素富集条件下森林土壤N2O排放存在硝化和反硝化主导作用之争,对大气氮沉降增加的响应模式以及微生物驱动机制尚不清楚。综述了森林土壤N2O来源的稳定性同位素拆分,森林土壤总氮转化和N2O排放对增氮的响应规律,增氮对N2O产生菌群落活性和组成的影响,并指出研究的薄弱环节与未来的研究重点。总体而言,森林土壤N2O排放对大气氮沉降增加的响应呈现非线性,包括初期无明显响应、中期缓慢增加和后期急剧增加三个阶段,取决于森林生态系统"氮饱和"程度。施氮会引起森林土壤有效氮由贫氮向富氮的转变,相应地改变了土壤硝化细菌和反硝化细菌群落丰度与组成,进而影响土壤N2O排放。由于森林土壤N2O排放监测、土壤总氮转化和N2O产生菌群落动态研究多为独立进行的,难以阐明微生物功能群与N2O排放之间的耦合关系。未来研究应该有机结合15N-18O标记和分子生物学技术,准确量化森林土壤N2O的来源,揭示森林土壤N2O排放对增氮的非线性响应机理。  相似文献   

秸秆还田对灌溉玉米田土壤反硝化及N2O排放的影响   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23  
运用乙炔抑制技术研究了不同施氮水平下秸秆还田对灌溉玉米田土壤反硝化反应和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放的影响。结果表明,土壤反硝化速率及N2O的排放受氮肥施用、秸秆处理方式及其交互作用的显著影响。与秸秆燃烧相比,不施氮或低施氮水平时,秸秆还田可刺激培养初期反硝化反应速率及N2O排放,增加培养期间N2O平均排放通量;高施氮水平时,秸秆还田可降低反硝化反应速率及反硝化过程中的N2O排放。秸秆还田可降低反硝化中N2O/N2的比例。  相似文献   

农田土壤硝化—反硝化作用与N2O的排放   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在北京潮土上研究了冬小麦夏玉米轮作体系下土壤硝化反硝化作用以及N2O排放情况。结果表明,小麦生育期土壤温度及含水量降低,无论是反硝化损失氮量还是土壤的N2O生成排放量均不高。土壤的N2O生成排放量与反硝化氮量相当或低于反硝化氮量。玉米生育期土壤温度升高以及孔隙含水量的较大的改善,反硝化损失氮量、N2O生成排放量有明显上升。通常情况下土壤反硝损失氮量与N2O排放氮量基本处于同一水平。在玉米十叶期追肥后的较短时间内,N2O总排放量明显高于反硝化损失氮量,说明至少在这一阶段中,硝化作用在北方旱地土壤N2O的排放中发挥了主要作用。在评价北方旱地农田土壤氮素硝化反硝化损失中,硝化作用的氮素损失是不可忽视的重要方面。  相似文献   

The contribution of nitrification to the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils may be large, but its regulation is not well understood. The soil pH appears to play a central role for controlling N2O emissions from soil, partly by affecting the N2O product ratios of both denitrification (N2O/(N2+N2O)) and nitrification (N2O/(NO2+NO3). Mechanisms responsible for apparently high N2O product ratios of nitrification in acid soils are uncertain. We have investigated the pH regulation of the N2O product ratio of nitrification in a series of experiments with slurries of soils from long-term liming experiments, spanning a pH range from 4.1 to 7.8. 15N labelled nitrate (NO3) was added to assess nitrification rates by pool dilution and to distinguish between N2O from NO3 reduction and NH3 oxidation. Sterilized soil slurries were used to determine the rates of chemodenitrification (i.e. the production of nitric oxide (NO) and N2O from the chemical decomposition of nitrite (NO2)) as a function of NO2 concentrations. Additions of NO2 to aerobic soil slurries (with 15N labelled NO3 added) were used to assess its potential for inducing denitrification at aerobic conditions. For soils with pH?5, we found that the N2O product ratios for nitrification were low (0.2-0.9‰) and comparable to values found in pure cultures of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. In mineral soils we found only a minor increase in the N2O product ratio with increasing soil pH, but the effect was so weak that it justifies a constant N2O product ratio of nitrification for N2O emission models. For the soils with pH 4.1 and 4.2, the apparent N2O product ratio of nitrification was 2 orders of magnitude higher than above pH 5 (76‰ and 14‰). This could partly be accounted for by the rates of chemodenitrification of NO2. We further found convincing evidence for NO2-induction of aerobic denitrification in acid soils. The study underlines the role of NO2, both for regulating denitrification and for the apparent nitrifier-derived N2O emission.  相似文献   

Molecular nitrogen (N2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) generated by denitrification increase N losses in the soil–plant system. This study aimed to quantify N2 and N2O from potassium nitrate (K15NO3) applied to soils with different textures and moisture contents in the absence and presence of a source of carbon (C) using the 15N tracer method. In the three soils used (sandy texture (ST), sandy clay loam texture (SCLT), and clayey texture (CT)), three moisture contents were evaluated (40%, 60%, and 80% of the water holding capacity (WHC)) with (D+) and without (D?) dextrose added. The treatments received 100 mg N kg?1 (KNO3 with 23.24 atom% 15N). N2 emissions occurred in all of the treatments, but N2O emissions only occurred in the D+ treatment, showing increases with increasing moisture content. SCLT with 80% WHC in the D+ treatment exhibited the highest accumulated N emission (48.26 mg kg?1). The 15N balance suggested trapping of the gases in the soil.  相似文献   

A laboratory investigation was performed to compare the fluxes of dinitrogen (N2), N2O and carbon dioxide (CO2) from no-till (NT) and conventional till (CT) soils under the same water, mineral nitrogen and temperature status. Intact soil cores (0-10 cm) were incubated for 2 weeks at 25 °C at either 75% or 60% water-filled pore space (WFPS) with 15N-labeled fertilizers (100 mg N kg−1 soil). Gas and soil samples were collected at 1-4 day intervals during the incubation period. The N2O and CO2 fluxes were measured by a gas chromatography (GC) system while total N2 and N2O losses and their 15N mole fractions in the soil mineral N pool were determined by a mass spectrometer. The daily accumulative fluxes of N2 and N2O were significantly affected by tillage, N source and soil moisture. We observed higher (P<0.05) fluxes of N2+N2O, N2O and CO2 from the NT soils than from the CT soils. Compared with the addition of nitrate (NO3), the addition of ammonium (NH4+) enhanced the emissions of these N and C gases in the CT and NT soils, but the effect of NH4+ on the N2 and/or N2O fluxes was evident only at 60% WFPS, indicating that nitrification and subsequent denitrification contributed largely to the gaseous N losses and N2O emission under the lower moisture condition. Total and fertilizer-induced emissions of N2 and/or N2O were higher (P<0.05) at 75% WFPS than with 60% WFPS, while CO2 fluxes were not influenced by the two moisture levels. These laboratory results indicate that there is greater potential for N2O loss from NT soils than CT soils. Avoiding wet soil conditions (>60% WFPS) and applying a NO3 form of N fertilizer would reduce potential N2O emissions from arable soils.  相似文献   

Agricultural soils contribute significantly to atmospheric nitrous oxide (N2O). A considerable part of the annual N2O emission may occur during the cold season, possibly supported by high product ratios in denitrification (N2O/(N2+N2O)) and nitrification (N2O-N/(NO3-N+NO2-N)) at low temperatures and/or in response to freeze-thaw perturbation. Water-soluble organic materials released from frost-sensitive catch crops and green manure may further increase winter emissions. We conducted short-term laboratory incubations under standardized moisture and oxygen (O2) conditions, using nitrogen (N) tracers (15N) to determine process rates and sources of emitted N2O after freeze-thaw treatment of soil or after addition of freeze-thaw extract from clover. Soil respiration and N2O production was stimulated by freeze-thaw or addition of plant extract. The N2O emission response was inversely related to O2 concentration, indicating denitrification as the quantitatively prevailing process. Denitrification product ratios in the two studied soils (pH 4.5 and 7.0) remained largely unaltered by freeze-thaw or freeze-thaw-released plant material, refuting the hypothesis that high winter emissions are due to frost damage of N2O reductase activity. Nitrification rates estimated by nitrate (NO3) pool enrichment were 1.5-1.8 μg NO3-N g−1 dw soil d−1 in freeze-thaw-treated soil when incubated at O2 concentrations above 2.3 vol% and one order of magnitude lower at 0.8 vol% O2. Thus, the experiments captured a situation with severely O2-limited nitrification. As expected, the O2 stress at 0.8 vol% resulted in a high nitrification product ratio (0.3 g g−1). Despite this high product ratio, only 4.4% of the measured N2O accumulation originated from nitrification, reaffirming that denitrification was the main N2O source at the various tested O2 concentrations in freeze-thaw-affected soil. N2O emission response to both freeze-thaw and plant extract addition appeared strongly linked to stimulation of carbon (C) respiration, suggesting that freeze-thaw-induced release of decomposable organic C was the major driving force for N2O emissions in our soils, both by fuelling denitrifiers and by depleting O2. The soluble C (applied as plant extract) necessary to induce a CO2 and N2O production rate comparable with that of freeze-thaw was 20-30 μg C g−1 soil dw. This is in the range of estimates for over-winter soluble C loss from catch crops and green manure plots reported in the literature. Thus, freeze-thaw-released organic C from plants may play a significant role in freeze-thaw-related N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Amending vegetable soils with organic materials is increasingly recommended as an agroecosystems management option to improve soil quality. However, the amounts of NO, N2O, and N2 emissions from vegetable soils treated with organic materials and frequent irrigation are not known. In laboratory-based experiments, soil from a NO 3 ? -rich (340 mg N?kg?1) vegetable field was incubated at 30°C for 30 days, with and without 10 % C2H2, at 50, 70, or 90 % water-holding capacity (WHC) and was amended at 1.19 g?C kg?1 (equivalent to 2.5 t?C ha?1) as Chinese milk vetch (CMV), ryegrass (RG), or wheat straw (WS); a soil not amended with organic material was used as a control (CK). At 50 % WHC, cumulative N2 production (398–524 μg N?kg?1) was significantly higher than N2O (84.6–190 μg N?kg?1) and NO (196–224 μg N?kg?1) production, suggesting the occurrence of denitrification under unsaturated conditions. Organic materials and soil water content significantly influenced NO emissions, but the effect was relatively weak since the cumulative NO production ranged from 124 to 261 μg N?kg?1. At 50–90 % WHC, the added organic materials did not affect the accumulated NO 3 ? in vegetable soil but enhanced N2O emissions, and the effect was greater by increasing soil water content. At 90 % WHC, N2O production reached 13,645–45,224 μg N?kg?1 from soil and could be ranked as RG?>?CMV?>?WS?>?CK. These results suggest the importance of preventing excess water in soil while simultaneously taking into account the quality of organic materials applied to vegetable soils.  相似文献   

Soil compaction and soil moisture are important factors influencing denitrification and N2O emission from fertilized soils. We analyzed the combined effects of these factors on the emission of N2O, N2 and CO2 from undisturbed soil cores fertilized with (150 kg N ha−1) in a laboratory experiment. The soil cores were collected from differently compacted areas in a potato field, i.e. the ridges (ρD=1.03 g cm−3), the interrow area (ρD=1.24 g cm−3), and the tractor compacted interrow area (ρD=1.64 g cm−3), and adjusted to constant soil moisture levels between 40 and 98% water-filled pore space (WFPS).High N2O emissions were a result of denitrification and occurred at a WFPS≥70% in all compaction treatments. N2 production occurred only at the highest soil moisture level (≥90% WFPS) but it was considerably smaller than the N2O-N emission in most cases. There was no soil moisture effect on CO2 emission from the differently compacted soils with the exception of the highest soil moisture level (98% WFPS) of the tractor-compacted soil in which soil respiration was significantly reduced. The maximum N2O emission rates from all treatments occurred after rewetting of dry soil. This rewetting effect increased with the amount of water added. The results show the importance of increased carbon availability and associated respiratory O2 consumption induced by soil drying and rewetting for the emissions of N2O.  相似文献   

Denitrification losses from puddled rice soils in the tropics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Although denitrification has long been considered a major loss mechanism for N fertilizer applied to lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) soils, direct field measurements of denitrification losses from puddled rice soils in the tropics have only been made recently. This paper summarizes the results of direct measurement and indirect estimation of denitrification losses from puddled rice fields and reviews the status of research methodology for measurement of denitrification in rice fields. The direct recovery of (N2+N2O)-15N from 15N-enriched urea has recently been measured at sites in the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. In all 12 studies, recoveries of (N2+N2O)-15N ranged from less than 0.1 to 2.2% of the applied N. Total gaseous N losses, estimated by the 15N-balance technique, were much greater, ranging from 10 to 56% of the applied urea-N. Denitrification was limited by the nitrate supply rather than by available C, as indicated by the values for water-soluble soil organic C, floodwater (nitrate+nitrite)-N, and evolved (N2+N2O)-15N from added nitrate. In the absence of runoff and leaching losses, the amount of (N2+N2O)-15N evolved from 15N-labeled nitrate was consistently less than the unrecovered 15N in 15N balances with labeled nitrate, which presumably represented total denitrification losses. This finding indicates that the measured recoveries of (N2+N2O)-15N had underestimated the denitrification losses from urea. Even with a probable two-or threefold underestimation, direct measurements of (N2+N2O)-15N failed to confirm the appreciable denitrification losses often estimated by the indirect difference method. This method, which determines denitrification losses by the difference between total 15N loss and determined ammonia loss, is prone to high variability. Measurements of nitrate disappearance and 15N-balance studies suggest that nitrification-denitrification occurs under alternate soil drying and wetting conditions both during the rice cropping period and between rice crops. Research is needed to determine the magnitude of denitrification losses when soils are flooded and puddled for production of rice.  相似文献   

硝化反应是土壤、特别是干旱半干旱地区农业土壤N2O产生的重要途径之一。但是,目前环境条件对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响研究较少,而在国内外通用的几个模型中均用固定比例估算硝化反应过程中N2O的排放。本文通过砂壤土培养试验,研究了土壤温度、水分和NH4+-N浓度对硝化反应速度及硝化反应中N2O排放的影响,并用数学模型定量表示了各因素对硝化反应的作用,用最小二乘法最优拟合求得该土壤的最大硝化反应速度及N2O最大排放比例。结果表明,随着温度升高,硝化反应速度呈指数增长;水分含量由20%充水孔隙度(WFPS)增加到40%WFPS时,反应速度增加,水分含量增加到60%WFPS时反应速度略有降低;NH4+-N浓度增加对硝化反应速度起抑制作用。用米氏方程描述该土壤的硝化反应过程,其最大硝化反应速度为6.67mg·kg?1·d?1。硝化反应中N2O排放比例随温度升高而降低;随NH4+-N浓度增加而略有增加;20%和40%WFPS水分含量时,硝化反应中N2O排放比例为0.43%~1.50%,最小二乘法求得的最大比例为3.03%,60%WFPS时可能由于反硝化作用,N2O排放比例急剧增加,还需进一步研究水分对硝化反应中N2O排放的影响。  相似文献   

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