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根际促生菌应用于基质对水稻幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
戚秀秀  魏畅  刘晓丹  张林利  姜瑛  张登晓 《土壤》2020,52(5):1025-1032
为了研究根际促生菌对水稻幼苗的促生效果,培育高效优质水稻育苗基质,本研究选用五株根际促生菌(LY5枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis),LY11解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens),X2摩拉维亚假单胞菌(Pseudomonas moraviensis),X3沙芬西芽孢杆菌(Bacillus safensis),X8绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis))分别与本实验室已筛选出的最适配比基质进行混合制作高效水稻育苗基质,以不添加促生菌为对照,在盆栽条件下,研究根际促生菌对水稻幼苗生长和代谢的影响。结果表明:1)解淀粉芽孢杆菌(LY11)应用于育苗基质对水稻幼苗的促生效果及代谢活性最好。2)在育苗基质中添加根际促生菌后,地上部生物量和壮苗指数均比对照显著增加,增幅分别在18.0%-31.5%和11.38%-23.28%之间。3)添加根际促生菌的育苗基质能够促进水稻幼苗根系的生长,根体积、总根长等均比对照显著增加,且改善了根系形态结构,显著提高了根系活力。4)根际促生菌处理显著促进了水稻幼苗对氮磷养分的吸收,且氮、钾的转运系数显著提高。5)水稻幼苗体内谷氨酰胺合成酶和蔗糖磷酸合成酶活性在促生菌处理下均显著提高。因此,根际促生菌应用于水稻育苗基质能够促进秧苗的生长并提高其代谢活性,本研究结果能够为高效优质水稻育苗基质的研发提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

西瓜根际促生菌筛选及生物育苗基质研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过从西瓜根际分离筛选具根际定殖能力的植物根际促生菌,将其保活添加至普通育苗基质研制生物育苗基质,以确保功能菌株能够在苗期定殖根际,进而在移栽后发挥促生功能。结果表明,分离获得一株同时具有产吲哚乙酸(IAA)和NH_3,且对尖孢镰刀菌和茄科劳尔氏菌均有拮抗作用的植物根际促生菌(PGPR)菌株N23;在三季育苗试验中,与普通基质处理(CK)相比,添加菌株N23的生物育苗基质所育种苗,在多项苗期生长指标上均表现出稳定的促生作用;盆栽试验表明,除叶绿素相对含量测量值(SPAD)外,生物基质所育西瓜种苗的其他检测指标均显著高于对照(普通育苗基质所育种苗,下同);田间试验表明,生物基质所育种苗西瓜、黄瓜、辣椒和番茄种苗移苗后,在苗期植株株高和茎粗均显著优于对照,在产量上均增产10%以上。结合形态、生理生化特征和16S rDNA基因序列分析,初步鉴定菌株N23为芽孢杆菌属细菌(Bacillus sp.)。综上,利用芽孢杆菌N23研制的生物育苗基质能够有效促进所育不同作物种苗质量,增强移栽后作物的生长和田间产量。因此,本研究能够为根际有益微生物的应用提供新的思路,为生物育苗基质的研制提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

采用胶质芽胞杆菌(Bacillus mucilaginosus)菌肥均匀拌入苗床育苗基质的方式,研究了不同添加比例对红花大金元(Honghuadajinyuan)和云烟85(Yunyan85)幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:育苗基质添加胶质芽孢杆菌菌肥能够有效促进红花大金元幼苗根系的发育,增加其根系总长、根表面积和根体积,同时促进了侧根的生长,其中5%添加量烟株幼苗根系活力较对照增加90.2%,总生物量较对照增加81.1%,且N、P、K的累积量也显著增加;添加胶质芽孢杆菌菌肥能显著提高云烟85的根系活力,其中5%添加量较对照增加54.8%,随着添加量的增加总生物量较对照呈显著增加趋势,但处理间差异不显著,5%添加量时较对照增加26.2%,N、P、K的累积量也显著增加。可见,苗床添加胶质芽孢杆菌菌肥对烟草幼苗的生长发育及营养物质的吸收累积具有促进作用,其中以苗床5%添加量时效果最优。  相似文献   

文春燕  高琦  张杨  李荣  沈其荣 《土壤》2016,48(2):414-417
根际促生细菌(PGPR)与普通育苗基质联合形成生物育苗基质,能够有效促进PGPR菌株的根际定殖,从而增强菌株促生效果的发挥。本研究以辣椒和番茄两种经济作物为供试材料,采用拌土的方式向基质中添加PGPR菌株LZ-8发酵液形成生物育苗基质,研究了该生物基质对这两种作物苗期的促生效果及种苗移栽后大田产量的增加情况。结果表明:含PGPR菌株的生物育苗基质对辣椒和番茄苗期均具有显著的促生效果,其中苗期辣椒和番茄的株高、茎粗、叶面积、鲜重和干重分别比对照高出22%、15.9%、33.6%、21.84%、31.25%和26.8%、29.4%、62%、72.7%、83.3%;生物基质所育种苗移栽至大田后显著增加了辣椒和番茄的产量,分别比对照增产22%和11%。  相似文献   

植物根际促生菌(Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria,PGPR)可分泌植物生长激素,促进土壤养分循环,是生物肥料重要的种质资源。本文从水稻根际土壤分离纯化根际促生菌,进行菌株鉴定,测定其促生能力。经过16S r DNA测序比对,筛选得到解磷菌4株(Bacillus pumilus LZP02,Bacillus aryabhattai LZP08,Staphylococcus epidermidis LZP10,Bacillus ginsengisoli LZP05),溶磷菌3株(Bacillus megaterium LZP03,Bacillus oryzaecorticis LZP04,Bacillus ginsengisoli LZP07),解钾菌3株(Bacillus aryabhattai LZP01,Bacillus subtilis LZP06,Bacillus licheniformis LZP09)。养分转化能力测试结果表明,Bacillus aryabhattai LZP01和Bacillus subtilis LZP06解钾能力较好;Bacillus pumilus LZP02和Bacillus huizhouensis LZP05解磷能力较强;Bacillus megaterium LZP03和Bacillus ginsengisoli LZP07溶磷能力较好。对养分转化能力较强的菌株进行激素分泌能力测定,结果表明6种菌株均能产生生长素、赤霉素,均具有合成铁载体的能力。综合分析菌株养分转化与激素分泌能力发现,Bacillus megaterium LZP03、Bacillus huizhouensis LZP05和Bacillus subtilis LZP06促生能力较强,具有较强的开发利用潜力。研究成果为水稻微生物肥料的开发与生产提供了理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

【目的】 以穴盘育苗番茄为试材,研究分析了Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Pb-4对植物的促生作用及应用潜力,为该菌在番茄穴盘育苗上的应用提供理论依据。 【方法】 采用穴盘育苗的方法,以Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Pb-4在PYJ培养基中培养48 h的发酵液为接种剂,设置不接种 (CK) 和接种20 (T20)、60 (T60)、100 (T100) 和200 (T200) mL/L 基质5个处理,番茄幼苗四叶一心时取样分析其生理指标。 【结果】 1) Pb-4显著促进了番茄幼苗地上部的生长,其中T100处理的促生作用最强,株高、茎粗、叶面积以及地上部干重较CK处理显著增加了28.5%、23.9%、57.4%和42.4%,而T200处理的促生作用下降;Pb-4促进了番茄幼苗根系的生长,显著增加了根系直径大于0.5 mm的根长占总根长的比重,T20处理的根表面积和根体积最大,较CK处理显著增加了16.9%和34.2%,但与T100处理间差异不显著。2) Pb-4显著增加了番茄幼苗光合色素含量,其中T100处理的总叶绿素含量最高,CK处理最低,T20、T60、T100和T200处理分别较CK处理增加5.8%、9.4%、12.6%和7.6%;Pb-4提高了番茄幼苗茎、叶中IAA和GA3的含量,而对根中IAA和GA3的含量没有影响。3) 相关性分析表明,番茄株高、茎粗、叶面积、地上部干重与叶片光合色素含量、茎中IAA、GA3以及叶片中GA3的含量显著相关,而根系干重与光合色素含量、茎中IAA含量显著相关,根表面积与叶片IAA以及根系中GA3的含量显著相关,根体积与叶片中IAA含量显著相关。 【结论】 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Pb-4可促进番茄幼苗地上部生长,改变根系形态特征,提高番茄叶片光合色素以及不同器官中IAA和GA3含量,其对番茄幼苗的促生作用在施用量为100 mL/L基质时最佳,超过该施用量促生作用降低。   相似文献   

马铃薯内生固氮菌的分离及其促生特性研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
内生固氮菌是一类重要的植物促生菌,占据着植物组织内有利于营养供应和微环境适宜的生态位,能更好的发挥促生功能,促生机制包括固氮、解磷、产植物生长素、产ACC脱氨酶、产铁载体及拮抗病害等。本文从连作3年马铃薯根筛选获得8株内生固氮菌,其中短芽孢杆菌属(Brevibacterium)3株,芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)3株和泛菌属(Pantoea)2株。促生特性研究发现:菌株Brevibacterium sp.GWR4具有较高固氮酶活性[16.206nmol C2H4/(mg蛋白质·h)],与圆褐固氮菌的固氮酶活性具有极显著性差异(P0.01);菌株Pantoea spp.GWR2、GWR3具有极高的产IAA能力,分别为186.07、162.21μg/m L,GWR2兼具产ACC脱氨酶活性[3.74μmol/(mg蛋白质·h)],GWR3兼具溶解无机磷的能力;菌株Brevibacterium sp.GWR5可以拮抗尖孢镰刀菌MLSOF(Fusarium xysporum)和茄病镰刀菌MLS-QB(Fusarium solani),兼具溶解有机磷和产IAA能力;Bacillus spp.GWR7、GWR8兼具固氮和产IAA能力。盆栽试验显示,分别接种Pantoea sp.GWR3,Brevibacterium spp.GWR4、GWR5和Bacillus spp.GWR7、GWR8后小白菜鲜重显著高于未接菌对照处理。可见,这5株菌兼具多种促生特性且对小白菜具有较好的促生效果,有望进一步研究开发成为微生物肥料生产菌种。  相似文献   

土传棉花黄萎病拮抗菌的筛选及其生物效应   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
张慧  杨兴明  冉炜  徐阳春  沈其荣 《土壤学报》2008,45(6):1095-1101
实验采用平板对峙法,从黄萎病发生严重的棉田中的健康植株根际土壤中分离筛选到11株对棉花黄萎病致病菌Verticillium dahliaeKleb(Vd)具有拮抗效果的菌株,抑菌率在51.8%和87.4%之间,经培养滤液抑菌率试验复筛,选择抑菌效果较好的3株菌株进行盆栽试验。结果表明:在施用拮抗菌摇床培养液(VS)、有机肥(VF)和两者结合(VFS)的3个处理中,VFS效果最显著,防病率达57%,植株生理性状显著改善,根际可培养微生物数量发生显著变化,细菌数量增加7.3~13.4倍、放线菌数量增加3.2~5.9倍,病原菌微菌核数量下降34%。结合生理生化和16S rDNA技术鉴定,初步确定供试的2株菌为死谷芽孢杆菌(Ba-cillus vallismortis),1株菌为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。研究表明拮抗菌与有机肥共同施用不仅可以起到防病的作用,而且可以使棉花连作土壤微生物区系向健康、合理的方向发展。本文首次报道了死谷芽孢杆菌对棉花黄萎病有抑制作用。  相似文献   

连续施用生物有机肥对烟草青枯病的防治效果   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
分离获得一株对烟草青枯病病原菌茄科劳尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum,简称RS)具有较强拮抗能力的拮抗菌(SQR11)并制成生物有机肥,研究了连续施用该生物有机肥对烟草青枯病的防治效果。结合生理生化和16SrDNA技术鉴定,菌株SQR11被鉴定为解淀粉芽孢杆菌。施用该生物有机肥后第一季烟草青枯病的生物防治率达到47%以上,第二季为69%以上,第三季达到89%以上。第三批盆栽实验表明,当根际土中病原菌数量达到2×105cfu/g干土时,植株出现发病症状,随着病原菌数量的增加,发病症状加重。当根际土中拮抗菌活菌数量达到2×107cfu/g干土时,病原菌繁殖得到有效抑制,可有效阻止植株染病;若低于107cfu/g干土,则不能有效抑制病原菌增殖,植株表现发病症状。植株各组织内拮抗菌数量检测发现,未发病植株茎部拮抗细菌数量为4×104cfu/g(组织鲜重,下同)左右,而同处理中发病症状的植株茎部拮抗细菌数量仅为6×103cfu/g;相对应的病原菌数量分别为1.5×102cfu/g(健康植株)和3×103cfu/g(发病植株)。SQR11菌株制成的生物有机肥还具有较好的促生作用。总之,利用拮抗菌SQR11菌株制成的生物有机肥对烟草青枯病具有显著的生物防治作用,在根部进行大量定殖后可有效防止病原菌的侵入,能够获得显著的生防效果。  相似文献   

生物有机肥育苗防控烟草青枯病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】烟草青枯病是影响贵州烟叶生产的主要土传病害之一。生物防控方法作为防控烟草青枯病体系的有效措施之一,寻求经济可行的途径势在必行。【方法】利用实验室自主筛选到的烟草青枯菌拮抗菌NJL-14,通过二次固体发酵研制成烟草专用拮抗青枯病型生物有机肥 (BIO),选取K326和红花大金元两个烟草品种分别进行育苗和盆栽试验。育苗床基质分别添加BIO 1%、2%、3%、4%和5%,以确定适宜的BIO育苗添加量。盆栽试验两个品种分别设定五个处理:常规基质育苗 + 植烟健康土壤(CKn+CKp)、常规基质育苗?+?青枯病病土(CKn+Rs)、常规基质育苗?+?青枯病病土?+?有机肥(CKn+OFp)、常规基质育苗?+?青枯病病土?+?BIO(CKn+BIOp)、育苗和盆栽病土中都施入BIO(BIOn+BIOp)。分别采用荧光定量PCR和Biolog-ECO研究育苗基质和盆栽土壤中细菌和真菌数量变化,以及微生物功能多样性,特别是烟草青枯菌及其拮抗菌的消长关系。【结果】当BIO浓度在2%以内时,烟草的发芽率与对照无显著差异;与普通漂浮育苗相比,托盘育苗不但能稳定和延长拮抗菌NJL-14在根际的定殖,而且显著提高烟苗生物量,K326经BIO育苗处理的烟苗地上部和地下部的干重分别比常规基质育苗的处理高17.2%和30.8%,而红花大金元分别高14.9%和20.0%;采用育苗与移栽土壤双重使用BIO模式对烟草青枯病的防控效果明显,防控效果可以达到100%,明显优于只在盆栽中使用BIO模式,并且能够显著抑制土壤中病原菌数量在107 cfu/g土以下,同时有效提高土壤微生物生态多样性。【结论】采用育苗与移栽土壤双重使用烟草专用拮抗青枯病型生物有机肥模式可有效防控烟草青枯病,控制土壤中病原菌数量,改善土壤微生物功能多样性,为有效地生物防控烟草青枯病奠定基础。  相似文献   

生物质炭载体联合有益菌防控番茄土传青枯病的效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土传青枯病是由青枯菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)引起的一种细菌性病害。根际有益细菌在青枯病的防控中发挥着重要作用,其在根际有效定殖是发挥生防作用的前提。以玉米秸秆、木块(松木)和稻壳为原料制成的3种生物质炭为有益菌Bacillus amyloliquefaciens T-5的载体,探究生物质炭对有益菌防控番茄土传青枯病效果的影响,并利用室内模拟试验探究生物质炭对青枯菌的吸附、固持以及对根系分泌物的吸附作用,旨在阐述施用生物质炭提升有益菌T-5抑制病原青枯菌能力的可能机制。温室试验结果表明:单独施用3种生物质炭均显著降低青枯病的发病率和根际青枯菌的数量,其中具有高比表面积的木块生物质炭的防控效率达到60.56%。3种生物质炭作为有益菌T-5的载体均能够显著提升有益菌T-5的根际定殖数量及其防病效率,其中木块生物质炭的提升效果最好。与仅接种青枯菌的对照相比,木块生物质炭与有益菌T-5组合处理的根际青枯菌数量降幅达97.42%;与单独有益菌T-5处理相比,有益菌T-5以木块生物质炭为载体使其根际定殖数量提高了5.71倍。进一步研究发现,木块生物质炭能够有效吸附青枯菌,吸附...  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction activities (ARAs) of soils and rice plants during rice-growing season were monitored in temperate region in northeast China. This activity was significantly higher in rhizosphere soil than that in inter-row soil after rice seedlings were transplanted. The ARA was high for most of growing season, suggesting that the native N2-fixing bacteria responded to rice roots very quickly. Sixteen strains of free-living N2-fixing bacteria were isolated from three different soils. The ARAs of these strains were correlated with the averaged soil ARAs, suggesting that the isolated strains were likely the active flora responsive to rice roots. The strains were inoculated by soaking seedling roots into the liquid culture for 2 h, and the seedlings were transplanted into pots. Most strains tested did not show any growth-promoting effects except Azotobacter armeniacus and Azotobacter nigricans, which showed growth-promoting effects only at late rice growth stage and only when inoculated in combination but not separately. Present data indicated the promising future applications of these two strains in combination in the region, but further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

The soil physicochemical properties, soil denitrification rates (PDR), denitrifiers via nitrite reductases (nirK and nirS) and nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), abundance and community composition of denitrifiers in both the rhizosphere and bulk soil from a long-term (32 year) fertilizer field experiment conducted during late rice season were investigated by using the MiSeq sequencing, quantitative PCR, terminal restriction fragment polymorphism (T-RFLP). The experiment including four treatments: without fertilizer input (CK), chemical fertilizer alone (MF), rice straw residue and chemical fertilizer (RF), and organic manure and chemical fertilizer (OM). The results showed that the application of rice straw residue and organic manure increased soil organic carbon (C), total nitrogen (N), and NH4+-N contents. The nirK, nirS, and nosZ copy numbers with OM and RF treatments were significant higher than that of the MF and CK treatments in the rhizosphere and bulk soil (p < 0.05). The principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) analysis showed that the different parts of root zone are the most important factors for the variation of denitrifying bacteria community, and the different fertilization treatments is the second important factors for the variation of denitrifying bacteria community. The MiSeq sequencing result showed that nirK, nirS and nosZ-type denitrifiers communities within bulk soil had lower species diversity compared with rhizosphere soil, and were dominated by Rhizobiales, Rhodobacterales, Burkholderiales, and Pseudomonadales. As a result, the application of fertilization practices had significant effects on soil N and PDR levels, and affected the abundance and community composition of N-functional microbes.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) were reported to influence the growth, yield, and nutrient uptake by an array of mechanisms. We selected seven different plant growth-promoting traits and antagonistic ability to screen 207 bacteria isolated from composts. Fifty-four percent of PGPB were from farm waste compost (FWC), 56% from rice straw compost (RSC), 64% from Gliricidia vermicompost (GVC), and 41% from macrofauna associated with FWC. Twelve isolates based on different plant growth-promoting traits and seed vigor index were evaluated at glasshouse for plant growth-promoting activity on pearl millet. Seven isolates significantly increased shoot length and ten isolates showed significant increase in leaf area, root length density, and plant weight. Maximum increase in plant weight was by Serratia marcescens EB 67 (56%), Pseudomonas sp. CDB 35 (52%), and Bacillus circulans EB 35 (42%). Plant growth-promoting activity of composts and bacteria (EB 35, EB 67, and CDB 35) was studied together. All the three composts showed significant increase in growth of pearl millet, which was 77% by RSC, 55% by GVC, and 30% by FWC. Application of composts with bacteria improved plant growth up to 88% by RSC with EB 67, 83% with GVC and EB 67. These results show the synergistic effect of selected bacteria applied with composts on growth of pearl millet.  相似文献   

In aerobic rice cultivation systems, compost mulching and incorporation are important to rehabilitate the soil. Microbial-fortified compost is increasingly accepted as a safe approach in agro-waste management to recycling of crop residuals in agriculture soil and also to promote growth and suppress disease. This study aims to examine the stability and viability of the selected plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) in rice straw compost (RSC) over incubation period and its bio-efficacy in promoting rice (Oryza sativa) plant growth, productivity, soil health, and controlling of Pyricularia oryzae in aerobic cultivation conditions. Six selected PGPM: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (UPMP1), Corynebacterium agropyri (UPMP7), Enterobacter gergoviae (UPMP9), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (UPMS3), Trichoderma harzianum (UPMT1), and Trichoderma virens (UPMT2) were used as a consortium of microbial inoculants to develop the microbial-fortified rice straw compost (MRSC). The MRSC was incorporated into mineral soil used for aerobic rice cultivation and its bio-efficacy was evaluated at harvest. The viability of Trichoderma spp. found stabilized at 6.78–6.00 log cfu/g and declined for all the bacterial isolates. At harvest, soil amended with MRSC significantly increased in plant height, leaf area index, 1000 grain weight, and productivity. The MRSC amended plots had significant low in rice blast disease severity with area under disease progress curve (AUDCP) of 748.22 unit/square, as compared to control (1782.67 unit/square). The physicochemical and microbiological properties of soil amended with MRSC were improved at harvest. The application of MRSC has potential to improve plant growth, productivity, rice blast disease management, and soil health of rice under aerobic cultivation systems.  相似文献   

《Applied soil ecology》2006,31(1-2):91-100
Field trials were conducted in Florida on bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) to monitor the population dynamics of two plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains (Bacillus subtilis strain GBO3 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain IN937a) applied in the potting media at seeding and at various times after transplanting to the field during the growing season. In-field drenches of an aqueous bacterial formulation were used for the mid-season applications. The effects of the applied PGPR and application methods on bacterial survival, rhizosphere colonization, plant growth and yield, and selected indigenous rhizosphere microorganisms were assessed. The Gram-positive PGPR applied to the potting media established stable populations in the rhizosphere that persisted throughout the growing season. Additional aqueous applications of PGPR during the growing season did not increase the population size of applied strains compared to treatments only receiving bacteria in the potting media; however, they did increase plant growth compared to the untreated control to varying degrees in both trials. Most treatments also reduced disease incidence in a detached leaf assay, indicating that systemic resistance was induced by the PGPR treatments. However, treatments did not result in increased yield, which was highly variable. Application of the PGPR strains did not adversely affect populations of beneficial indigenous rhizosphere bacteria including fluorescent pseudomonads and siderophore-producing bacterial strains. Treatment with PGPR increased populations of fungi in the rhizosphere but did not result in increased root disease incidence. This fungal response to the PGPR product was likely due to an increase in nonpathogenic chitinolytic fungal strains resulting from the application of chitosan, which is a component of the PGPR formulation applied to the potting media.  相似文献   

Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of soil water regimes on the formation of iron (Fe) plaque on the root surface of rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) and on the microbial functional diversity in a paddy soil. The rice seedlings were subjected to three moisture regimes (submergence, 100%, and 60% water‐holding capacity [WHC]), and were grown for 5 and 11 weeks. Aerobic lithotrophic Fe(II)‐oxidizing (FeOB) and acetate‐utilizing Fe(III)‐reducing bacteria (FeRB) in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil were determined at 5 weeks using the most probable number (MPN) method. The carbon substrate use patterns of the microbial communities in the rhizosphere and non‐rhizosphere soil samples were determined at 11 weeks using Biolog‐GN2 plates. The amount of Fe plaque (per unit dry root weight) was much higher under submerged conditions than at lower soil moisture contents and decreased with plant age. There was a positive correlation between the amount of Fe plaque and phosphorus accumulated in the Fe plaque at both sampling times (r = 0.98 and 0.92, respectively, n = 12). Numbers of FeOB and FeRB in the submerged soil were lower than in aerobic soil, but by two orders of magnitude higher in the rhizosphere than in the bulk soil. On the other hand, the functional diversity of the rhizosphere microbial communities was much higher than that of the non‐rhizosphere soil, irrespective of soil water regimes. We conclude that soil flooding results in a decreased number and diversity of Fe‐oxidizing/reducing bacteria, while increasing the Fe‐plaque formation.  相似文献   

We performed a controlled experiment with rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) growing in Petri dishes on homogeneous nutrient agar containing a simple rhizosphere food web consisting of a diverse bacterial community and a common soil protozoa, Acanthamoeba castellanii, as bacterial grazer. Presence of amoebae increased bacterial activity and significantly changed the community composition and spatial distribution of bacteria in the rhizosphere. In particular, Betaproteobacteria did benefit from protozoan grazing. We hypothesize that the changes in bacterial community composition affected the root architecture of rice plants. These effects on root architecture affect a fundamental aspect of plant productivity. Root systems in presence of protozoa were characterized by high numbers of elongated (L-type) laterals, those laterals that are a prerequisite for the construction of branched root systems. This was in sharp contrast to root system development in absence of protozoa, where high numbers of lateral root primordia and short (S-type) laterals occurred which did not grow out of the rhizosphere region of the axile root. As a consequence of nutrient release from grazed bacteria and changes in root architecture, the nitrogen content of rice shoots increased by 45% in presence of protozoa. Our study illustrates that interactions over three trophic levels, i.e. between plants, bacteria and protozoa significantly modify root architecture and nutrient uptake by plants.  相似文献   

为解决连作旱砂田西瓜植株生长性能、产量品质、根际微生物数量下降的问题,以陇科12号为指示品种,设置常规施肥、常规施肥+西瓜专用菌剂、常规施肥+激活土壤专用菌剂、常规施肥+胶质芽孢杆菌、常规施肥+枯草芽孢杆菌、常规施肥+地衣芽孢杆菌、常规施肥+金宝贝微生物菌剂共7个处理,研究了不同微生物菌剂对旱砂田西瓜出苗与成活率、干物质积累、产量品质和根际微生物区系的影响。结果表明,与对照常规施肥相比,尽管施用微生物菌剂对西瓜果实的含糖量无显著影响,但除常规施肥+激活土壤专用菌剂外,其他微生物菌剂的施用均可以提高西瓜成活率和产量,促进干物质积累,增加西瓜根区微生物数量。其中以常规施肥+地衣芽孢杆菌处理的西瓜出苗率、成活率和产量最高,与对照常规施肥比较,出苗率显著提高7百分点;成活率显著提高了14%;产量显著提高了35.98%。团棵期和开花坐果期的干物质积累量也较对照分别显著增加了28.30%和24.01%,干物质转运量和转运率分别显著增加了3.98倍和3.01倍,根区细菌、真菌和放线菌数量分别显著增加61.07%、84.84%、85.31%。因此,生产上可以常规施肥+地衣芽孢杆菌作为最佳施肥方案,有助于改善旱砂田西瓜根际微生物环境,提高作物产量。  相似文献   

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