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随着21海洋世纪的来临,开发利用海洋,已成为当今人类获取新资源、扩大生存空间、推动经济和社会发展的战略重点。也已成为新经济革命的前沿领域。世界上3/4的大城市、70%的工业资本和人口集中在距海岸100km的海岸带地区.沿海各国开发利用海洋的规模日益扩大。那么如何对海洋资源进行有效的管理和开发,已成为沿海各国越来越热衷讨论的话题。  相似文献   

我就保护海洋环境和资源的问题,谈一些情况,提几点建议。一、随着我国海洋开发、沿海城市建设和工业的发展,海洋污染将会日趋严重,应当引起高度重视第二次世界大战以后,世界海洋开发的规模愈来愈大,传统的渔业、盐业和航运业有了新的发展,以新兴的海洋石油工业为代表的现代海洋开发,已经成为重要的产业部门。世界海洋经济发展十分迅速,近10年间海洋产值增长了近20倍。但是,由于大规模地开发海洋,造成了海洋生态平衡的破坏。因此,国际社会从现代开发海洋的实践活动中总结出:合理开发海洋资源和保护海  相似文献   

山东省作为沿海城市,现已加大力度着重发展海洋经济。海洋渔业是当前我国经济的重要组成部分,因而如何正确引导海洋渔业发展已成为当前的热点问题。基于此,通过对我国海洋渔业管理现状的总结,切实分析实行总可捕捞量、限额、配额制度的必要性与困难,以期为我国海洋渔业资源的保护提供切实有效的方案。  相似文献   

以河北省海洋可持续发展为研究对象,采用国内外主流的指标体系评价法,在构建由1个总系统、2个分系统、5个子系统、9个亚子系统和27个指标构成的指标体系基础上,采用由指标层评价法、赋权和系统综合评价法、可持续发展水平判别准则和协调度评价法构成的评价方法体系,开展了1995-2008年河北省海洋可持续发展动态评价。结果表明,评价期内经济发展水平快速提升,结构进一步优化,海洋资源利用效率各项指标持续改善,资源利用的经济效率普遍提高。海洋生物资源密度和滩涂资源密度等重要海洋资源质量状况持续退化。海洋生态除了生物健康指数和风暴潮损失两项指标呈波动性改善外,其他各项指标整体恶化,单位岸线人海水量和赤潮发生频次恶化速率最快,滨海湿地森林覆盖率和单位岸线海水入侵面积恶化速率次之,侵蚀岸线比例恶化速率最慢。总之,评价期内河北省海洋开发处在以资源环境为代价获得经济增长的弱不可持续发展状态,但环境与发展的协调度持续好转,即单位经济发展的环境代价持续减小。  相似文献   

信息化作为新兴的技术手段,已经陆续应用到各个行业中,并取得了较好的效果。目前,海洋经济正逐渐成为全球经济新的增长点,如何将信息化的高新技术应用到海洋经济的发展中去,为海洋经济发展提供综合、准确、快速的信息服务,切实促进海洋经济的快速发展,是一项亟需解决的问题。本研究论述了海洋信息化在我国海洋经济发展中的应用现状,分析存在的问题,并结合我国海洋经济发展的实际情况,提出了海洋信息化应用于海洋经济发展的新思路。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济的时代.作为知识形态存在的特殊资源--无形资产在经济发展中的比例日益增大,已成为科教兴国的主体.高新科技产业无不重视无形资产的投入,特别是研究与开发领域尤其突出.……  相似文献   

21世纪我国人口、资源与环境问题之研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长期以来,由于忽视了人口、土地、资源与环境系统内各因素的相互协调,人类的生存与发展基本问题越来越多地摆在我们面前,致使在人口增长过快情况下,产生了土地资源减退、农业生产徘徊不前、环境持续恶化等危害国计民生的社会问题。在进入21世纪人民奔小康的关键时期,如何采取有效措施解决上述问题,已成为现阶段的重要任务。针对中国国情,分析了人口、资源、环境相互间的关系,进而提出了相应的发展对策。  相似文献   

我国丰富的海洋池塘资源为我国水产养殖行业的蓬勃发展奠定了坚实良好的基础,其中在海水池塘中养殖的青石斑鱼更是因其肉质鲜美、营养丰富而广受人们的欢迎和喜爱。随着近些年来我国在养殖青石斑鱼方面的科学技术水平不断提升,为了有效提高海洋池塘资源的利用率,人们开始尝试运用网箱养殖技术在海水池塘中养殖青石斑鱼。基于此,以青石斑鱼为例,简单介绍网箱养殖技术的优势作用,对海水池塘网箱养殖技术进行简要分析研究。  相似文献   

长江流域水土流失历史发展过程探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
长江流域水土流失的发生、发展和加剧 ,经历了长期的历史过程。据历史资料分析 ,长江流域在公元 10世纪前植被茂密 ,水土流失轻微 ;公元 10— 17世纪 ,水土流失有所发展 ;特别是 17世纪中叶以来 ,人口剧增 ,山丘过度开发 ,水土流失不断加剧 ,逐渐成为重大环境问题。人类对土地资源的不合理开发利用是导致水土流失的主导因素。  相似文献   

加拿大对造成资源衰减的农业活动进行了一项短期的、辅助性的试验研究。近一百年来, 加拿大农业用地少,气候又不稳定,致使资源衰减成为一个较为严重的问题。在20世纪30年代,发生了严重的干旱,加上不合理的农业耕作活动,发生了严重的侵蚀现象。到80年代再次发生了严重的干旱。影响资源衰减的因素不断增加,它们与有机物的消耗、风蚀、水蚀和盐浓度增大有关。  相似文献   

根据1983-2010年江苏省褐飞虱灯诱资料及1982-2010年全球海温场资料和美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)气象再分析资料,对江苏稻区代表站高邮、通州和宜兴的褐飞虱迁入量与前一年1月-当年6月太平洋海温场、前一年12月-当年6月中南半岛近地表气温场和前一年7月-当年6月北半球大气环流特征量的相关关系进行分析,并运用逐步回归方法建立一系列褐飞虱年总迁入量的预测预报方程。结果表明:(1)高邮、通州和宜兴3站的褐飞虱迁入量在不同时空阈限内与太平洋海温场、中南半岛气温场和北半球大气环流特征量之间存在不同程度的相关性。3站褐飞虱迁入量的对数值与前一年海温场呈负相关,其中与通州和宜兴站褐飞虱迁入量对数值相关显著的海温区主要分布在北、中太平洋,高邮站则在南太平洋;高邮站褐飞虱迁入量的对数值与前一年12月和当年4月中南半岛西南部的近地表气温场呈正相关,通州站与前一年12月和当年2、3月中南半岛北部的近地表气温场呈负相关,宜兴站与当年1、3月中南半岛西南部的近地表气温场呈正相关、与当年4月中南半岛大部的近地表气温场呈负相关;3站褐飞虱迁入量的对数值主要与前一年7月-当年6月的各副高指数、各极涡指数、大西洋欧洲环流型、亚洲纬向环流指数、东亚槽强度、冷空气强度、西太平洋编号台风强度、南方涛动指数等相关显著。(2)从上述海温场、气温场和环流特征量中筛选出显著相关(P<0.05)的因子作为预测因子,建立褐飞虱年迁入量的预测模型,并筛选出回检正确率70%以上、预检正确率66.7%以上模型17个,适用性评估表明,各模型的预报结果与实测值基本吻合,表明模型可应用于单站褐飞虱年迁入量的预测。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the breeding distribution and numerical status of selected species of seabirds at 23 oceanic island groups in the Southern Ocean (between latitudes 35 and 70°S), based on census data and population estimates which have become available through increased scientific endeavour in the region during the last 15 years or so. The paper focuses on the avifauna of the Prince Edward islands, in the southern Indian Ocean, and points to the importance of these islands as a breeding station and sanctuary for seabirds. Only one oceanic island group, the Crozets, contains more species of breeding seabirds than the Prince Edward islands. Substantial segements (about 10% and greater) of the world breeding populations of the king and macaroni penguins, and the wandering, grey-headed, yellow-nosed and sooty albatrosses are based at the Prince Edward group. We recommend that Prince Edward Island (sensu stricto) should be a wilderness area, and that development at Marion Island should be kept to an absolute minimum.  相似文献   

秦抱元  刘鹰 《农业工程学报》2020,36(11):318-326
海洋渔业经济是海洋经济中重要的组成部分,而海洋渔业工程则是未来海洋渔业经济中极具潜力且可持续发展性较强的领域。中国、澳大利亚两国同为海洋资源、海洋渔业资源大国,未来如何更好利用本国丰富的海洋资源,进一步发展海洋渔业经济是两国面临的共同课题。该研究通过对澳大利亚海洋渔业工程的发展现状及特点进行分析,采用文献档案整理、大数据统计、具体案例分析等方法,梳理澳大利亚海洋渔业工程的优劣势,分析中澳海洋渔业经济合作的基础、优势、困难与挑战,并展望中、澳两国在海洋渔业领域尤其是水产养殖业开展深度合作、实现互利共赢的前景。得出结论,中国与澳大利亚展开海洋渔业经济合作,打通蓝色经济走廊是对中国"一带一路"倡议的重要组成部分,既符合两国的根本利益,互为各自经济的有益补充,又可以一定程度上化解澳大利亚对中国"一带一路"倡议的误解。  相似文献   

Vital to our understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of Hg and the origin of the enhanced monomethylmercury (MMHg) concentrations in biota is knowledge of the sources, behavior and fate of methylated Hg species in natural waters. Methylated Hg species, dissolved gaseous and reactive mercury were measured in the equatorial Pacific Ocean in early 1990. Both dimethylmercury (DMHg) and MMHg were found in the subthermocline waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Maxima in alkylmercury species in the O2 minimum region coincided with a decrease in reactive mercury. A significant inverse correlation between DMHg, and MMHg, concentration and O2 content was observed. A maximum in reactive mercury was observed in the region of the thermocline, with similar concentrations in the surface and deeper waters. Atmospheric deposition is not a significant source of MMHg to this region. The data suggest formation of alkylmercury species in the low oxygen zone, with Hg(II) being the most likely substrate. A model for the cycling of Hg species in the equatorial Pacific Ocean is presented. These results are the first direct evidence of a significant open ocean source of methylated Hg species and suggest a pathway for mercury accumulation in pelagic fish.  相似文献   

The current worldwide degradation of coral reefs constitutes an international problem that calls for immediate attention. A multitude of conservation hotspots scattered over the circumtropical seas have been identified, but there has been no general agreement as to how to attack the problem. The major difficulty seems to be the lack of a priority system. Are some reefs more important than others? If so, where are they located and what needs to be done? Some reefs are located in areas where the biodiversity (species, genera, families) is exceptionally high and where there is evidence of past and present evolutionary production. These areas are called centres of origin and one is located in the Indo-Pacific Ocean and the other in the Atlantic. The Indo-Pacific centre, located in the East Indies Triangle, is considered to be the primary tropical center due to its broad geographic influence. The Atlantic centre, located in the southern Caribbean Sea, is considered a secondary centre because its influence is restricted to the tropical Atlantic. These centres, although occupying relatively small geographic areas, are evidently the source of dominant species that have played the major role in assembling coral reef communities across each ocean. The existence of the two centres permits one to realize that, in the coral reef environment, there is a geographical separation between process and pattern. Recognition of the separation will allow significant improvements in conservation planning. The evolutionary process in the centres must be protected in order to maintain the outlying diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - New Caledonia, a French island located in the south-west Pacific Ocean, has vast nickel resources. Open-cast mining has strongly increased soil erosion and the...  相似文献   

导读是图书馆读者工作的重要环节,是体现图书馆教育职能的有效手段。以大连海洋大学图书馆为例,就数字化图书馆的导读方法、意义及发展趋势进行了探讨。  相似文献   

High phosphorus (P) in surface drainage water from agricultural and urban runoff is the main cause of eutrophication within aquatic systems in South Florida, including the Everglades. While primary sources of P in drainage canals in the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) are from land use application of agricultural chemicals and oxidation of the organic soils, internal sources from canal sediments can also affect overall P status in the water column. In this paper, we evaluate P release and equilibrium dynamics from three conveyance canals within the EAA. Incubation and flux experiments were conducted on intact sediment cores collected from four locations within the Miami, West Palm Beach (WPB), and Ocean canal. After three continuous exchanges, Miami canal sediments reported the highest P release (66?±?37 mg m?2) compared to WPB (13?±?10 mg m?2) and Ocean (17?±?11 mg m?2) canal over 84 days. Overall, the P flux from all three canal sediments was highest during the first exchange. Miami canal sediments showed the highest P flux (2.4?±?1.3 mg m?2 day?1) compared to WPB (0.83?±?0.39 mg m?2?d?1) and Ocean canal sediments (0.98?±?0.38 mg m?2 day?1). Low P release from WPB canal sediments despite having high TP content could be due to carbonate layers distributed throughout the sediment column inhibiting P release. Equilibrium P concentrations estimated from the sediment core experiment corresponded to 0.12?±?0.04 mg L?1, 0.06?±?0.03 mg L?1, and 0.08?±?0.03 mg L?1 for Miami, WPB, and Ocean canal sediments, respectively, indicating Miami canal sediments behave as a source of P, while Ocean and WPB canal sediments are in equilibrium with the water column. Overall, the sediments showed a significant positive correlation between P release and total P (r?=?0.42), Feox (r?=?0.65), and Alox (r?=?0.64) content of sediments. The contribution of P from the three main canals sediments within the EAA boundary corresponded to a very small portion of the total P load exiting the EAA. These estimates, however, only take into consideration diffusive fluxes from sediments and no other factors such as canal flow, bioturbation, resuspension, and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

针对广东海洋大学图书馆在现刊分类与排架上的不科学做法,提出现刊和过刊都采用分类加种次号法排架的观点,并阐述这种做法的优点。  相似文献   

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